THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 6, 1917. :ven. T v3 A. K.: Ill E DAY JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE EOT SELLING CESIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY TEE2I FOR RESULTS ciAsarnxa ADVEansrsa sates fUta per word JJew Today: Each insertion - 1 ne week (6 insertions) ., 5e Ob month (28 insertion 17 The Capital Journal will not b r- srjos:bI for mor than one insertion, fat error ia Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement ths first day it appear tad aotify u immediately if vrr oeeart. Minimum charge, HARLEY PAVIDHOM Ureyel for SB lo. mone 1303. BIO fir wood for sale. Phone 41W. tf fl ANTED Girl for housework; as cooking. Phona 1627, 461 X. High. tf CANNING strawberries for sale. Phone 373 tf WAINTHO Pure Airedale pup. State ago. Adores 91so car Journal. 6 7 WANTHP 5 or 6 room modora house, Phone 351K. o FUB 8ALE-Xearly new furniture. '293 H. 20th. 0 7 I'8 6 ALE One ton clover hay. Fred Durbin, Phone loeo. 6 7 6BWBNO machine worth $0 for sale thia week for $10. 1272 State St. 6-6 WILL keep children day times. 825 S. Slst fit. Xrs. How. 6 6 WANTED Job driving truck or trac tor, h. E. Dunn, Oervais, Or. 6 6 32il4 TENT for gal at 843 Union St. 68 POTATOES for sale. Cherry City Peed barn. 69 EN81SLAOB cutter for sale cheap. Ad dress 899 8. 20th St. 6 7 CALVESI want 8 or 4 day old calves U. U. BusseU, phone SiT3. tf WANTED All klnda of ehlekens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf W. BEAVER well driller, phone 827 J, 1165 N. 19th St., Salem. Or. 6 6 WAlNTED Cattle and calves, any kind. Phone 1570W. 6 27 WANTBD All kind of eattle. Phone 4155. 619 J AS. LYONS practical painter. Phone 794. tf W ANT HT Strawberry pickora. Phone 83F15. - JS 8TAWBRlHtrfc for sale. Phone 111 rti. tf sTRAMH year photographs, 5ft eenta an). Bursa's, Com. fit. 610 WANTED 15 or 20 goats. Rt. 8, boi 135. Phone 59F4. . 6 7 WANTWV-Olull, will pasture for ser vice; have eight cows. Rt. 1, box SOB. 86 WANTED Top blurry, horse and har- scss. Boply by mail. Agent, 475 a. ' FOR SALE 762K. 1918 Chevrolet. Phon 7 H tOKENS for Mile, nine Whit Log bora hens, all laving; price tea dol lars. 504 Belmont St. .66 WANTED Good second sand furni ture by private party. A B care Jour nal. "6-7 WOOD cutter wanted for about 40 cords, pay 2.50 per cord. P. A . Legg Phone IHX1W. 6 6 FOR SALE A too and one half Ford truck, chain drive at 345 8. 14th St. 67 WANTED Some one to plow 10 acres 3Vi mile from city. Phone 6t6. Seaaiater. 6-7 FOR SALE ILot in fine business loca tion in Amity, Or. Enquire of Oscar Taylor, Amity, Or. 8 9 FOR SALE oailster; good machine for a buz. I'an bo seen 725 B. Com. Phone 1510. 6 9 WANTED Bright, keen salesgirls. H. W. and M. L. Meyers. Apply supt. after 9 a. m. 8 7 FOR SALE Maxwell touring car, 1917 model, in good condition. Oil a. com St. 65 HIGHEST cash price for forty pounds rtwju miry muer. VOiuiaoia oi. corner N. (Front. 8 6 FOR RENT 3 niee modern houses, one 4 room and one 5 room. H, E. Bolinger. 328 Hubbard bldg. tf 5 MEN wanted for factory work( long jiio, gooa wages. Appiy immediately at U. S. employment service, 128 8. Liberty . tf FOR SAILE-Or exchange iby owner, IW acre uhi county valley farm, terms to suit. Address or call 642 N. Liberty St. Salem, Or. 6 7 FOR RENT Three burnished rooms for light housekeeping in pleasant lo cality, 10 per n.ontb; no children. OaU 600 8. Church. Phone 1870M. 6 6 WOOD choppers wanted, $2.50 to $3 per cord ifor fir and ash. Good eamp, long job. Phone 314.R call at Bless ing cigar store, A. J. Anderson, tf ONLY noted, 30 rooms in live country town, with big payroll, to sell for $6000, cash, balance 8 percent. Esquire of Mrs. Yaenke, 655 Chn m ok eta Bt 6 6 FOR BAIiB Aclimatcd tobacco plants wiu ripea sure, s block south from 12 street car line. Box 31, Phone 85SM. fl-7 Cowuurcuil 6t. Salem. tf FOR 8ALF Two boilers, 1 eight horse horizontal Call at Capital City Co operative Creamery. tf THE HAZLKWOOD doo shoe repair ing, neatly done. 321 N. Com. St. 6-1C 1R SALBOr trade 1600 lb. horse, 7 year eld, tor smaller team. Phone 1207M. ' 6-6 TRAILERS for sale and made to or der. Woodry'f Auction Market, Fer ry and Liberty. 6 15 WALL PAPER 15 cents per doable roll spward. liuren's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. tf WANTED Leaky radiators to repair, Salem Auto Radiator shop, 198 8. 12th. 66 jPOR BALE 40 acre farm in crop, some of best land in Oregon, for particulars writ owner, Kt. 1, box 42, Soio, Or. 6-19 FOR SALE S room nous, two 1 ota, good garden, all kinds fruit, $0. iocuajLrauce. Phon owner 1393. 6-29 WILL k '3W) raid) for ur equity of $5 IT ia 5 rooms of dasy new fur niture, piano, sowing machine, etc. Tf yea are looking for something mica and have good eredit, or can pay balanmi off, address box K J journal office. 63 FOR SALE Strictly modern 6 room Bungalow, beautifully finished, very eonveniently planned, east front, at only 13500. Strictly modern 7 room reidinco, fine grounds, paved street, if sold t once, $3600. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf WANTKJD To ensage cherry pickers for tlio Thomas orchard situateil one piflith mile south of Odd FpDiiws SMnetery on Salnm Hwifhts carline. Uoed crop. J'icking will betrin he twoen June 25th and July 1st. Chil dren under 18 years of ago not de sired. Telephone 84731 or inquire at 81 Mill 6 9 FOR SALE 23 acre of choieest land in Willamette valley, 1-3 mile to street "Jtr line on rock road. All in crop, aim cherries, apples, prunes and Derriea. (rood modern 9 room houae withjbath, hot and cold water. Any one interested in a good buy phone 2505W2. tf WOOD SPrXTAJ, 10 days 75 onis big body fir wood at $7 per cord; 60 eordj 2d growth fir wood at i.30 per eord. O. H. Tracy Wood Co. Phone 520. 617 WETS WANTED AT WEST LINN PA TEB 1CLLS, 42e HOCB, I HOCB DAY. SEE M3.n. A. 6W AFFORD AT VnLL OFFICE ACROnd RIVER PROM OREOOX CITY. GOOD HO TEL PTW TIDES CLEAN BEDS ?0c; BTWT MEATfl S.1. tf WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. LMME3 AD RCZERTS S14 Masonic Bldg. WANTED blaohisf daa fee $3.59 per day. It-cm eiri. 6-7 B""Y wanted, over sixteen, at Clev Factory, 155 Oak u 7 WANTED .Woman cook. State erheol for deaf. Phone 64i. It WANT To buy eight cords el fir er aa wood. Phoae 2154J. ft W. BRAVER, well driller, phoa IC7J 1165 X. 19th St., Salem, Or. T-7 LOST Alpha Chi Omega pin, shape f lyre set with pearls. ReweraV ele phone 281R. 7 U'.tary torn tn the city are elated 'over the ansetincc meat that the rrgi jment of the national guard of Oreai has been offieil!y mnired by tat The tt-ii-grsm received yesterday af teraoea by Major A. A. Hall in Port land stated that the official inspection and murter by fulrral authorities must be held br June 30. Thi means that Vfor that date. Company M in Salem will receive an entirely new equipment similar ia every particular to that i rati to the V. 6. steading army. Alw that the company will receive new uni forms, the latest Enfield rifles, new haversack and ia fact complete new equipment. FOR KENT -Large kitchen aa keep ing rooms close in; no children. Phone 1525. Of FOR SALE Thoroughbred Whit Leg horn cockerels, 3 months old. 2iv$ Fsirgrounds road. $ WANTED Woman to do a few oar housework mornings, (iood wage. Phcne 1204. 012 25 HEAD of ewes to let on shjures to responsible party. Phone 1204. 6 12 A FEW extra fine heavy laying strain Barred Rock pullets and cockerels for sale. Write Ernest Bmnk, Kalem, Rt. 2, box 145. Phone 8F3. 6 9 FOR SALE Monarch tractor, 12 20 or trade for smaller tractor; three bottom John Deere plow $2000. Fred Durbin, Phone 10SO. 6-7 FOR 6ALE Red Durham milk, cow, 4 years old. $65. Bugiy with long body $30; single harness $10. 1373 N. Coral St. 6-9 FOR SALE 4 room bungalow and acreage-, S miles south of Salem on O. E. Ry. Cash or terms. White 512 5th Ave., Aberdeen, Wn. 6-7 FOR 8 ALE A ultman-Tay lor threshing . outfit, with' clover huller attachment. A genuine barguin. Inquire of Rnv Farris, Rt 2, box 23, Turner, Or. 6 10 LOST From auto enroute from Port land to Salem, Tuesday, Jane t, child's green coat. Reward. 69T Thttr nian street. Broadway 3557. 6-7 WANT To rent soon, strictly modern 7 or 8 room house, well loeated. Call at 305 State street, near Commer cial, tf CENSUS CLERKS 4000 needed. $92 month. Age, 13 upward. Experieaee unnecessary. For free particular of examinations, write J Leonard (for mer government examiner,) 1382 Equitable bldg., Washington. 6-6 NEEDED few camping logan picker, yara and camping facilities anex celled. If yon 're dependable aad agreeable, I need you and promise you courteous and square treatment. If you overlook this, w both loss. Call 51F22 morning, noon, evening. : -9 , s WESTERN JUNK 8ALVAOB COMPANY We bay all kind of junk, hardware, furniture, tools, ma- ehinery. 'There i hardly aa item we da not buy. Phone 706 402 N. Com! Irrigation for 1919 The system of dividing the eity into two districts which proved so satisfactory last yesr will be continued for the season of 1919. The bouses which bear even numbers on tlio streets will irrigate only on Monday, Wednesdsy, Friday and Sun day, and the houses which bear odd numbers on the streets Irrigate only on Tnesdiy, Thursday, Satnrdny and Sun doy. This plnn will permit every house to irrigate four days out of each week. By stTretly following this rule we are sblo to supply our patrons with the uiual amount of water under more eatisfactory conditions. Season irriga tion bills will be discounted 10 per cent if paid on or before June 10th. Salem Water, Light Power Co. 6 10 100 acres In fine prune district where a erop is assured as proven by this year, when erop is light elsewhere; 70 acres ia cultivation, plenty tim ber for drier, fine springs for irri gation and water power, water filed oa. Evergreen berries in pasture will yield $GU0 this year. 4 miles to mark et. Will take some property on the deal and give turm to suit. O. F Booth, 1985 Chemckets 6-4 FOR SALE 115 acres of good land 9 miles from Rulera on good road; 50 a'rea of new land, 1iir improvements, tu3 per sxre. ."ihh) fcilance long time at 6 percent. 15 acres, strictly modern up to date buildings, electric lighte and high pres sure water plant; good family orchard and ISO walnnt tree; a real conntry home Joining the eity; all ander culti vation, priced right for quick sale. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard building PACIFIC EL'PLOTUENTCS. "Always at Tom surser Help of all kind Furniskee! FrM to Employer tamoou, SBJASU. it. so-est u atrast. FOR BALE 20 acre tract located on the main Pacifi highway, 10 acres ia orchard, good saodera housebarn. 4 miles front Salem. Price $500. W. H. Grsbeaherst 4 Co. 275 Mate St. 7 Sales, Ore. , FARHLAKBS. 89 Acre adjoainf Turner for sale. Will take a residence property Ml Sa lem aa high aa $3500 and small cash payment down. Balance terms to suit Price $10,000. D. EL WILSON & CO. Boom 8, D'Arcy Bldg. tf OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE t'SET. CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR SOLD ON COMMISSION 1917 Briscot $550 1916 Ford, first class condition, $375 1918 Ford sedan, electrie starter and lights, $S00 White gas, perfect condition, $G0O Flanders "20, perfect condition, new tires, $205 Ford sedan $675 1916 Ford, perfect condition, $375 2 ton lumber truck at a bargain We wreck autos for their parts, this enables yon to get old ear parts at a bargain. Cash pries paid for junk cars. ton Pord truck, thoroughly over hauled $473 5 passenger Studebeker $130 349N.Com'l.St Phone 6G6 SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. 8PICER, Mgr 329 State Street We buy your ear or sell ea commis sion. SPECIALS Overland, model DO, $850 Fine Little roadster cheap Maxwell, good aa new, $550 1917 Hudson $1500 Light delivery ear $200 Overland roadnter $525 TWENTY OTHERS TO PIPK FROM First alas auto laundry and pollih- tnf . UTTER REALTY BUYS Bungalow, strictly modern, 7 rooms, well located. $3500. Good terms. 10 acres with house, barn, ehicksn houses, fenced park. etc. All cultivated $2000. Make your 'own terms. iSi acre beariag proses ia ' fine condition; with strictly modern bun galow. A rare buy, $8750. Good terms. Exchange strictly modern 6 room bungalow as part pay for proa orch ard. .40 acres with 35 ia rop; fair build ings. Complete with implements, team, stock, chickens, etc. $4500. Good terms C W. NIEMEYER 'Just Real Ette" 215-218 Masonie building. Phone 1000 tf GOOD.BUYS Good 7 room modern home, basement, furnace, paved street; braring fruit, east front lot, sightly location. Price 3W0. Good 5 room modern bungalow, pav ed street, good location. Price $22Uu. Good 8 room modern Bouse, located on paved street, corner rot. Price $2,-500. 5 acres, small house; two acres logan berries; 4 miles oat, oodi location. Price $1800.' We have several acre tract just out side of the city limits, all in bearing fruit. Price $300 per acre, easy terms. Goot improved 10 acre tract, good S room plastered bungalow, burn, hen house, 3 acres 4 yenf old prunes, i acres loganberries, family orchard. Price $4000. 63 acre farm, all cultivated, house, barn; 5 miles from Salem. Price $150 per acre. 5 acre tract, all cultivated and In fruit, good bungalow lfot all finished. Price $1400. 50 acre tract all cultivated, 5 room house, barn, orchard, located on main road, best of soil. Price $10,000. 5 room house, bsrn, bearing fruit, Isrge lot, 75 by 150 fcot eaat front, gravel street. Trice ftf?0, $100 down. 14 acres of good land located within the eity limits of tfalcm. Price $L1W0. Terms. Good 7 room modern house located wo blocks from the state house. Price $3S50. Fine 4 fctoek located on Fulrmnunt hill, 130 by 150 feet, sightly location. Price $1200. 98 acre farm located en Howell Prai rie, 50 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and timber; i room house, barn, orchard loratcd on main gravel road. Price $12,500. 6 room modera sense located at 930 South 13th street. Price $1350; $550 down, balance to soit at 6 percent int. W. a GRABDuiORST & CO. 273 Rtate street (-7 IF YOU CANT SAVE HERE IT CANT BE DONE l: r i i c Annrrrvr r i tiA.ii iif-f 1M.y s f l.A nm A. ir . A i 1 VTT.X X-rw- cr It KT1 1 1 f E i r i a l -mm, x IF YOU CAN'T SAVE .HERE IT CAN'T BE DONE m Chiffon ClcLh 40 inches wide All Shades 9fe Lace Insertion Cannot be re placed at ten times this price. 2 yards for 5c Esvclcps CI "Wolf Head" brand, which is a guarantee of quality 93c ' 27 incnes wide Stripes and Checks 18c New Things ia Neckwear The very latest creations. Pleated Organdie trimmed in lace Crepe de Chine neatly trimmed with lace and pearl buttons Collars with Vestees, Pique collars Pleated Crepe de Chine, Tucked and lace trimmed. Put out in two lots 59c asd 89c Co.crcd Embroideries Fine white and colored Voiles, daintily embroidered in beautiful colored designs Ladies Kid Gloves Rial Clean-up, While they last, 49c Washable kid and French kid gloves Retailed at $2.35, special Star Special, Saturday Only $1.29 Embroideries Ladies Vests Model Erassicres Curtains tTV Cotton Ribbed Sold with a guar- . 4-mch First Sleeveless Vests an tee of flawless vV nite and Ecru Quality Cambric t . ' 13c. 2 Yards 25c 1QC $1.19 White Bedspreads Oriental Silk Eddies Purses Crocheted . 36-inch corded" Pkirl White rjtecs and- hand Spreads- -': -sHk, rose, green, - 'riam VVJUie bags. A clean up ' 74x83 white, blue, black Coat Middies on broken nura- - " ' "' , here W $1.19 S8c LESS 1-3 THESE ARE JUST A FEW ITEMS TO SHOW THE OFFERINGS AND VAL UES IN THESE "STAR" SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING. EVERY , 4 DEPARTMENT HAS SPECIALS. Look for the Star Ladies Ready to Wear Section EXTRA SPECIALS ON COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES. THIS IS THE ' SON'S CLEAN-UP, THE EVENT YOU HAVE WAITED FOR. SP RACKS IN THE AISLES. . tf r ?1 You Can Always Do Better At 11 JJxiOOOCOBGk 9 a. m. to 8 p. r SATURDAY on sale STAR SPECIALS Plronbtnf and Watat Systems Installed br C RASES EROS, 141 feats Liberty Bt, Fhooa 550, Also agent for Tais-1 ssa $$$$$$M(M -. s$l sssssa4ta The Joaraal Job Department w will print yea anything la ths t a stationary line do right asd $ save ytra real money. Si VrfunvlUHi WtiuiUini i.VMl IV iivulMlMiW 1.A MiiWVll Hun Francisco, Juns 6. (tailed Press.) HtaU-wide oiRanizatioa to boem Relator Hiram Johnson for pres ident wil be foraisd at a mass meeting of republicans here June 14. A sail for the meeting was sent out today by a committee of men and women .repre senting both factions of ths party. "We believe that the republicans of California should send to the national convention a delegation pledged to the nomination sf Johnson, asd ought to make aa organized effort to convince both tne leader and the rank and file of the republican party throughout the land that Hiram W. Johnson is the fit test and the only nits to lead the party to victory and power In 1020," says the call. ; LIBERTY BONDS QUOTATIONS New York, Jnns 6. Libertv bono quotations: 3 's, 99.62, up .02, first 4's, 95.32, no .02; second 4's, 94.30, off .10; first 414 's. 00, an .10; second 4M's. 94.74, off M; third 44's, J5M, off .04; fourth 4's. 94Jlrj, u"chsnjrrd; Victory 4V, 99J8, sfl M; 100.10, off M. A fas well near IWkersf ield, Cal., prsdueiiK "' 000 isid coble feet daily, caught fir Tsiewlny and m nam a rts ing torch srmoting flames hundreds .' feet into the air. EEPEAL OF DAYLIGHT SAVING BILL IS FAVORABLY POKTD Washington, June 8. (United Press) A resolution to repetl the daylight saving law the last Sunday in October the day the clocks go back to stand ard time, was favorably reported by the house Interstate commerce tee today. William P. Reser, aged 78, one f the net known pioneer farmer of Wal laWall valley, died Tueeday on. the farm where he had resided since 1867. Donald, -year old son of Mr. and Mrs. II. I Fletcher, was drowned Hi Grays river, near Astoria, Tuesday, while playing on a log lying eloso to the river tiank. Norwsv has refuwd to ieie In a ' blovkadn of Germany in case the Oor man delegates refuse to sign tho pcuco trestv. L.M.HUM car of Yick So lzz Chinese Medlelne and Tea Oa. T Bas medicine which will cure any X known disease. Open Sundays from lft A. VL -until 8 P. M. 153 South Bigb 8t. Sulcm, Oregon Fhone 93 A e4aTe4-M ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT VL Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Express Service at Freight Rates Long Distance Hauling Only PHONE 11C0 t av "-l $4444$ i banks-Mors Gas EEftnes,