Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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z:mm welcomes
4 IKA.WUKI5 mm
j Fliei rompituy, U the iuuip;i
quest the f-jlliwuig:
V.i.iht thuu-sind ni-.i hun
'seventy five pounds uf cherries at j1
pouuii; 414S pouud uf ijpber
7Vi tents a pound; Jtiv pwukds!
kwliefrie at i cents a pound;
993,1111 pounds of Loganberries st 3. ,
Long Term Lease Taken fa' tr T.'-ioma, PMpria, Yon Steu-jS
Forcer Scencer Hardware lrre ?f !!: V,,U6 of ts:j"-;44- H ben And Maaawaska
mat tne I nei compsuy agrrcu ii
I ft'!1!!nV MQrC ,for same upon delivery,
That uf the amount due tut
, . . , j . i company ha ouly paid o2.4S0.ii anil .
. f"fT Bros have just closed I lone lhat iemtui ma(je f(i, h ,,,..
lime it'ose lur hip nu;un uunum.
Reach Port
anee due.
JTew York, June 6. Four troop kips
. entered New l'ork harbor today.
The Panuouia brought the 31 ill field
meri ocuwea DT the ftpeneer iiarawart , .,-.... .v. ..: .i,.,j.i
eomDanr. ad wiuini the Oregon theatre. ,, , '. . t',simial battalion, 67th company trans-
According to the term, of the leaae, 7.m """""" w Portation eorps, G8th eompany truu-or-
;WU will BJHMli in iTJiiuuriiuK iuu
Probe Of State fish And .
Game Commission Opened; i3G'hhndlvi80ht
building and making it iu every respect
modern and adapted to a modem dry
jroodj (tore.
Thi will Include plate g1te fionts
fur the 40 feet faring on Mate street,
11 hardwood floors, rent rooms, .team:
fceat. drinking fountain, special fitting
rooms and a special room for the shoe;
i . .t. .!., ,...., ;k
. ii ,u t nn ,. investigation of the state fish anil gamt
foot frontage and depth of 11U iect, ... , . , ,
moi irnriiai.r r, commission u under war here today,
there w. be . lm.se.ncnt under the BportsouV. Leae and
tire bu.lihng Around three des of elulj , ue iu.
IT".! '.?B of the probe, having etarged
VIU1 tlt'l'B! l' " " (a,
tUtlVU .UIHVa PO ilium VWi' caiaj
i The Pretoria brought Texas ani
i Oklahoma netionul guard trops of t h
, ft l.nu rit Ik, Uai tvoB,, hA l ,,h An
ifiVPmfir lllfff KrPlnf cineers, headuuurtera and niedical de-
,ratuuieni9 ana cuiupaiuea a iiiu r ui
,, , . , ' ' a . . j the 343rd machine cun battalion; JSSth L.
Portland, Or., June 6. Yuth Oovcia' ,;. (?IA
(IWt nr.i,lin th. !., herul.leJ '""'." I'"'"" -"'" '"V, ' " -u
0 tillerT briaado headquarters; 31oth mo-
nit iua aim ijHit ... - . T
fcile veterinary section. :
The Von. Steuben brought the lljth
engineer service battalion; machine gun '
eompany and company F, 114th iufan-
... ... - i irv. illin BHIIUUIIIUUU oam. lumcaii, ,x
Kafoury Bros, intend to greatly eft-,'"" "', : ,,.,.. ,K. C, 522nd engineers, 20th company, First
, v Thra w I lm Miueia v""J'i.' i.u.,w ....... v.., . . .,, ,.. nrr.r
l,os AneJea, '!., June S.
Tnlav jot lanniii(. 4e
Patrolman Kn.lotpU rounded
the corner of Kijhlh and Hill
sirceta, Thea he rublwd his eyea.4
Silhouetted ataiiKt ine uu-
rise, he saw the tigure uf a man
A pink silk something Koiuen
4lreen silk stocking.
Four lonjf pink ribbon
streaming from around his
And he was shimmy ' shaking
"I'm .laming the dance of
the hours," the man exclaimed
as the cop approached.
"Hire a' kail," advised Rn-
The man. turned nd fled.
After a three idoek chase
through the streets, the strong
arm of the officer connected
with one of the flowing pink
ribbons and the man went to
jail. . .
He told the police he- was Joe
'oyne, a scenario writer and al-
way acted out the parts of
each of his plays before put-
ting the scenario together. $
Jt " "IIIIL '""i I I hi nT' ' " - -
w u y y ywvuvw w w w w w v w wv y A My
f 4-
1 A
f suggestion
" for the hostess
irciui nuiiii iiuvicow, '..!. :1 . ..,.1 fi. Ilr! ' i v . v- v.. i.u
Huge lueil mo.... v -r . 'i. -;,. iIia nnrtsinn arn lirnnreil KIM"-'" T kiiih suuno luu Uliuiv Ui uiuo nuo lull iiciu
fitting foma, alteration de partnieut . .nd ttortfb) f t h 7 i Carles J. Bailey, commanding the 81st thetitle. including Charles Evu03, Jr.,
' u. nhivti tiirt mui'h nolilii'si.
C .....!..!; th. building wilil " " ehr!,,d the heari"K t.oaa
o" " - - , . that au insidious lobby caused the death
begm within a eek or i nd ll of th, Malheur Lake fish prese.ve bill
thought that eveoth ut irill be ready ,CKisllvture.
f' Ka;:UryCZs. "oined .n,uU dry i Resident Down. f the Oregon .port,
j . .. .L,.t foil, vears alio on "'B leaK n",d,! the UiKtio today
l&XtUtfi. while farmer, and other, are fish
l.ioeriy i. , la thi. ha(i ing aitd hunting out of season, destroy-
the teUl ,M 3.50. Business gradually ,en and hU deput.ci are building pol.U-
t.,..,....A nut tnitnv the rirm employs v,
ii In o,1 when the buslucs. 1.
moved into new quarter., the number
cf employes will be 18.
Salem Fruit Union Sues
Phez Company For $4,065
Alkged Dae On Contracts
The Ha lent Fruit 1'nion lins brought
suit in the circuit court ngninsl the
Flu . company ft lUtl.l.Ol.
In the complaint tho Snlem Fruit
Vniun alleges that it has been and t
Bctitij agent fr certain growers who
are stoi kluilders in the Haleni Fiuit Un
ion, with power to sell mid collect.
That in Kaleni dining the senson of
J'.IIH, the union sold and delivered to the
State House Notes
novernor Ohott today sent the fol
lowing telegram to Ben F. .loues, aoc
relary of the Kuosevelt Highway asso
ciation: 'j'ongrntulatiniia In yon, to your
able Hsioeiutes ami people of stnte.
geiifrnlly on success of ItoOsevelt high
way measure. If this office may 1;o uf
auy assistiinco in your efforts to sc
ene fiflornl slinre of npprgpi ia)l ion
please advise, Will lie highly pleased
to coiiperute. "
Governor (Mcott today appointed lr.
.Mm Besson of Portland and Dr. K. V.
the present title holder,
-' j J. J. McDormitt, considered oi.e of
Mc.Duuiel of Portland, as members of .the most consistent players, will appear
the tato board of mcilu al exuiuiners. the tournument.
lr. Benson succeeds Dr. Herbert S. Other will known golfers who wil; ap
.Nichols. He is homeopath, it being : pear in lho tournament are Francis urn
required uudr the law that at '"' : met, who ia paired with Jerome D. Trav
sue homeopath ho a mni o' thl, era, both former title holders; Alexander
board. Ur. ilcDnuiel succeeds Dr. Hr-l8mitll Goor(f Sargent, Walter C. Ha
ry F. McKay who died some time ayo. i Fred McLe0(1 alld Aiex Kug,,
Marsten Defeats White.
Bridgeport, Conn, June 6. Muiwell
Marston defeated Gardiner White in the
The weekly report of the industrial
accident commission shows that during
the week there were O'iB accidents re-
. ..1 Al.- I Ik. k,.n f. f
pon.H, , k..u. , 7. ; hardest fought match of the Metropoll
1 . 1 ricl, c-lw I r i ia n, AI iti"r ; fe. K. Kit-1 tat. go.f tournament iere this nf ternooa
triken, painter, Portland; John Shaffer 1 "P- A large gallery followed the play-tres-pashor,
struck bv truin, near Jeffer:'rs to the end of the course, expecting
son. of the total number .").riti were sub- j to two stars wotdd provide a brilliant
ject to the provisions of the conipen- .exhibition. '
nation net.
Nation's Best Golfers To
Be Seen On Links At Bos
ton In Big Tournament
Boslon, Muss., June 6.
golf open championship
-Thi) niiVionnl
Fitzgerald Wou'd Have
Government Assume Loss
Washington, June fi. With the aim
of obtaining lower food prices. Kep
lesentntive Fitzgerald, former mayor,
tod.iv itctrndiicPil a resojntiou in the
here Monday will bring to the lb acini m
link, tho best golfers in the countiy.
Tho list of entrants just made public
which opens! house asking that the government re
duce the price of wheat to the coi.sum
or below the guaranteed price and as
sume the loss.
Madam, if you would win the
approval and applause of your
friends, serve them RAINIER
SPECIAL This is the accepted
guest beverage. Produced by an
exclusive process... Has a flavor
all its own excelling any de
scription. With or without food,
it is always welcome to alL
And, being practically predigesN
ed, you can drink your fill with
none of the usual soft drink dis
tress. Each bottle contains two
glassfuls. Use the phone now to
order for your home a case of
the soft drink that really satis-
Ulnir Products Ctfrnp.?, Seattle, U. S.
Manufacturer of Rainier Special, Raiaier Bocfel
Malt Rainier, Raiaier Cereal, Syr. aaa
Denture. Alckbai.
i I
1 1" if ii.ei,an--n.iir, ' - Wl"', --y T- - mnan .i.mi.ir--i i
The Rainier Products Company relieves retails and consumers of the necessity
of paying Revenue Taxes on Rainier Beverages to paying all taxes thereon direct
to the Government.
LANG & CO., Distributors, PortlandOregon
,!S1S?i r?!5551te1Se .OQHliaSe
Saturday Special
Beautiful light grey kid,
matched cloth tops, French
heels, today's value $9.50,
Saturday special $7.95
Beautiful dark grey with
cloth top, today's value $8.50
Saturday special $6.85
Lovely black kid bal, French
heels, todays' value $8.50,
Saturday special $6.95
.if h iiiiiiiiifre.it s nv
Saturday Special
Beautiful black kid oxfords in latest designs
$9.50, $8.50, $6.50
' Lovely black kid, light grey or tan cloth tops,
French heels, splendid lasts, today's value $8.00 to Elegant brown oxfords, kid or calf $11.00, $9.00, $8.50, $6.50
$9.00, Saturday special $5.95
Swell patent pump, French heels, today's values
$7.50, Saturday special $5.85
189 pairs patent, gun metal and kid pumps and san
dals, French, Cuban and low heels, today's value $5
to $7.00, Saturday special $3.85
.Extra White Specials
Small lot white Nubuck, lace shoes, French heels, to
day's values $8.00 to $9.00, Saturday special $5.95
White fabric, white welt soles, white French heels,
Saturday special : $1.95
White canvas, white soles and French heels, Satur
day special $3.95
Very rich white kid oxfords, French heels $11.00
Other oxfords in leather or cloth at from $7.00 down to $3.85
PUMPS in all kinds, colors, leather or fabric, priced economically from $10.50, $9.00,
$8.50, $7.50, $7.00 $6.50 and on down to $2.95
One lot patent, gun metal or kid. ankle stran numDs. 11 to 2 $2.95; 8 to 11, ....$2.65
5 to 8 : rr $2.35
Whifp fabric, white wplt soles, military heels. Sat
urday special .. $4.65 ' att Mary Janes child's 5 to 8 .'. $1.50; 1 to 5 $1.25
White canvas lace, fibre soles, rubber military heels hlte canvas-two straP P"P. Saturday only, 11 to 2 $l-6o; 8 to 11 $1.3.
Saturday Special , ...$3.9d Whih mnvns nnn eU-n rmmn Qntnrrinv rtnlv 11 trt 9
$1.80; '.. 8 to 11 $1.45
White canvas one strap pump Saturday only, 5 to 8 $1.25
1 to 5 95c
White duck, brown, leather soles ar.d heels, Saturday
special .7. $2.85
White Reignskin Oxfords, welt soles, Cuban heels,
! Saturday special $5.35
' W?hite canvas Oxfords, French or Cuban heels, Sat
urday special : v $3.15
White canvas Pumps, French or Cuban heels, Sat
urday special $2.S5
Misses' white canvas lace shoes,
11 to 2 $2.95, $2.45 and $2.30
Children's white canvas lace shoes
8 to 11 $2.65, $2.35 and $2.15
Children's white canvas lace shoes,
5 to 8 $1.65; 1 to 5 $1.43
Stetson Corndodger Kid,
now worth $13.75, Satur
day only $11.85
Stetson Corndodger Kid
oxford, now worth $12.00,
Saturday only $10.45
Stetson brown calf Ox
ford, English, now worth
$12.50 Saturday
only .. $10.85
R. & B. 'tony red calf ox
ford English, union made,
special Saturday $9.25
Brown calf oxford, medium English special
Saturday $7.25
Black Artisto kid, foot form last, worth today $8.00,
Saturday only - $6.50
All vici kid, bal, straight last, full dress shoe, worth
today $9.00, Saturday only $7.45
Gun metal English or round toe, Goodyear welt, Sat
urday special $4.45
Gun metal English, Neolin sole, worth $7.50 Satur
day special $5.95
Brown heavy work shoes, worth now $6.00, Satur
day special $5.95
Brown heavy work shoes, worth now $6.00, Satur
day special $4.85
Tan army shoes, Goodyear welt, soft box, Satur-
day special $5.65
, Men's elk outing shoes, elk soles, Saturday
special $2.69
Boys' Excelsior Boy Scout, Neolin soles, worth $4.50
Saturday special : ...$3.80
Boys' gun metal English, Neolin soles, Special Sat-,
urday ,.$39
Boys' gun metal round toe, lace or button, worth $4,
Saturday special 2JB5
Elk barefoot sandals, 5 to 8 $1.95 .
8 to 11, $2.15; 11 to 2, $2.45; 3 to 7, $2.85.
Brown lotus barefoot sandals, 8 to 11 $1.75; 11 to 2
$2.25; Brown side barefoot sandals, 5 to 8 $1.00; 8
to 11, $1.15; 11 to 2...
f , C l 1.V, ,, .fj i lhWS.fA(Shaatal