Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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.Page of 77ie Capit
Jane 6, 1019
QlJoUYJltzl f
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Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon,
Address 111 Communications T
tlfc W
13S B. Commercial St.
VJI-r. t) Carriar. fr resr IS.OO Per Month-
Dwtiy by Mail, per year 43.09
The attitude taken by many Americans toward the
assumption of mandatory duties by the United States is
cowardly and inconsistent.
The American people went into the war with the de
clared intention of making the world safe and free for all
nations, large or small. The first step necessary was the
military defeat of the Central rowers, who were in a
Per Month..
sst i conspiracy to uphold and extend the tyranny of big mil-;phinatorr-
W. D. "Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Bloekweil, Chicago, People'! Oaa B adding
The Daily Capital Journal earner boyi are instructed to pot the papers on the
porch. If the carrier daes not do this, wines yoo, or aegleets getting the paper
M yoa on time, kindly phone the eirculation uisnsger, n thii if the only way
... inrm!n whether or not the carrier! in following instructions. Phone
tl before 7:80 o'clock and a paper will be eent job by ipecial meeeenger if the"
arrier hai mined yoo.
If tfc only aewepaper la Salem whoae eireulation li guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
An island all their own is the proud possession of
the Boy Scouts of Philadelphia. Situated in the beautiful
Delaware river, surrounded by mountainous country well
adapted to camping and trapping, it bids fair to become
the Boys' Own Paradise.
The property has been given to tne tsoy bcout umn-
til lo be neiu in perpetuity xor me ahsuuauuu. me uuj
have already renamed the island, calling it after "Treas
ure Island," after Robert Louis Stevenson's immortal
story. There generations of boys will learn the delights
ti life in tne open, wnue tnose not laminar wun one 01 me
i . it 1 J ...111 1L1.. U
greatest aaventure stories m me worm wm pruuauiy vv
come so. as thev learn the reason for the island's name.
The week from June 6 to 14 is set aside for national
observance of Boy Scout Week, with the especial end in
view of showmjr recognition of the taithtul services ot tne
boys during wartime, and to extend the membership and
work of the boys everywhere.
The community making such a gift as Treasure
Island, shows its appreciation of the Boy Scout movement
and its understanding of boyish hearts and will profit
more than the boys will, which is saying a good deal.
Just now there are many ragged vacant lots irt Salem
and the grass and weeds in the parkings need cutting
badly in many places. If there is an ordinance by wnicn
(he clearing up of such property can be enforced the city
officials should see that it is enforced. If there is no such
ordinance, one should be enacted at once. Neatly kept
grounds enhance the value of every piece of city property.
The German peace situation is annoying, but it might
be worse. Fortunately there has been no crop of German
Hamlet's soliloquies beginning "To Sign or Not to Sign."
fessions, and remain honest and sincere in their profes- turnd or at least au outfit bearing their j now
ions thev must !PP it thrniip-h name did and I know that they wire J 'N A gas
..lUIli, Uiey mubl fcee It UirOUgll. fake and not tho original. Why I Well 'N NOW '.
By Walt Mason
A wife's not worth the sock she's knitting, she lacks
cil dignity and charm, who goes around the town admit
ting her husband is a false alarm. But yesterday I heard
a lady complaining of her wedded state; she sat beneath
an elm tree shady, and railed and grumbled at her fate.
She said, "Alas, when I was married I left my mascot in
the lurch; I picked a lemon when I carried my veil and
bridal wreath to church. I cuss my luck in Greek'and
Latin; I might have had a better man, who would have
knight me silk and satin, equipped mc with a fine sedan.
I kit I was young and Fate was yellow, I'd only lived thru
eighteen Junes; and so I gathered in a fellow who barely
earns enough for prunes." She grumbles as she does her
luuninin,' she grouches as she kicks the cat; it was the
husband drew the lemon her line of talk is proof of that.
The wife who's worth the rags she's wearing won't call
her hub an also ran; though he is punk, she still is swear
ing she harvested the finest man. He may be trifling as
a poet, as worthless as a can of soup; but she won't let the
neighbors know it, won't let the news leak from her coop.
She may pull out his whiskers hoary, and press hot flat
irons on his head; but ere she'd tell her friends the story,
f he'd see herself among the dead.
Editor's Kote: The following letter, Big ..League 'n Everything,
from Hobert E. Jlowery, company 1), SOMETIMES I wish I was
18th V. 8. infantry, now with the army A BIO leaguer like '
of occupation, as well as the Terse ALEXANDER, AND could huve some
which were inclosed in it nre se.f e- one
GET libi out of here aad get hone
IL'UPUn Irimir
!j. i nr... .r . .-r.. i nnr-nx, inci n&va
uary nations over weaner nations, with their mmtary Dear Editor: Am ending you a few apple ties, 'n everything
supremacy crushed, the smaller nations are set free. But pwm!' taken ,from our tmZ P': ,"" BUT maybe thaf. what i get
.u , , , our divisional paiier, The Bruise Head FOB VOLUNTEERING, instead jf
they can neither remain free nor make profitable use of seHtima o..t of the poem, i would waiting to be drafted,
their political and economic development until they are lad to h,re yott BOlect the bMi 0(1 (thank god i did)
oamhlp nf Hkincr rirp of thprn?plvpc jpuhlwh them. They are cowpoaed by; S I wasut no
CapaDie 01 taKing Care 01 tnemSdVeS. !men of 1he division who have been OAS N. C. O., 'a didn't have so
If we stop, now, our work of liberation is but half ,l,ruu1' ' tU ov' her nd know wb dog bobbin job.
,-ln Tf fln A,.;n r1 : i . they are writing about. I HAD to drill
uuiic. i.i mc niucutaii icuuic wcie III LllCil UI U- T !. .v.... ri, k k.. v vmurn it..
. r l muvTf .im vitEirn (hjj, u,i, , 11 flUUl Him mMUl'tUiliir UC91UL 5 Illy
mask, 'a everything.
It will nut ue a JJteasai;!, UUiy lO iOOK alter Armenia perhaput unot kuowu by the people of NOT TO amuse somebody
or Constantinople or any other remote place which rep-i"1 tlMK' 'T0 f0,"ny :u wa8i"'1.,?'" p of .
, ij , , . 1 . ' VF split up shortly after arriving in 1 ruuee BLEACHER SEAT in his pocket,
resents century-old iueds and entanglements, and in! ami eut to the First American Division 'but fob me
which American people have little interest. But some
body has got to do it, if the fruits of victory are not
thrown away. The United States can engage in such
work with better hope of success than any of the other
powers, because of the very fact that this country is dis
interested and is recognized as such by all the world.
As for the objections that Americans do not want to
mix in European affairs, it probably is well to point out
that we have already been doing that for some time now,
drawn by the resistless logic of world events, and there
is little prospect of getting back to our old isolation.
Moreover, the only new thing about "mandatories"
is the name. The United States has been acting for years
ks mandory for several Central American countries, and
has made a very good job of it.
and we ure all proud of it, but at the
same time we do not like to ece some
other fellows, who never heard a khell
roar or dodged a machine gun bullet,
trying to pose under our old regiments
name. So for the love of Pete, folks
of the Cherry City, wuke up from your
slumber cud remember that there are a
few of us left who weathered the itorm
of war and that we would be darned WE ALL thank them,
glad to get hold of a Journal now and'l THANK OU,
Only two articles that we
sell are lower in price than
they were during the wac
One of them being mattres
ses. We have now in stock
the most select line we have
ever offered and at very at
tractive prices.
Cotton top wood fiber fill-
N A girl I know of
HIT THEN', if I was a
REAL Bia leaguer, maybe I'd
HAVE A lot of sprunk 1
n stick uround tin it r.ii oer, over Cotton top and bottom fiber
hero, I
N PA Powere.
The seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of
Willamette University will be celebrated with a pageant
depicting the growth and development of the Oregon
country from the pioneer days in which this, the oldest
University west of the Rocky Mountains, was founded.
The occasion, marking three-fourths of a century of stir
ring history, is memorable, and the spectacle which will
depict will be pretentious, carefully arranged as to
detail and carried out with historical fidelity. "Old Wil
lamette" is in truth an old institution, as we view things
in this new country, and it has stamped its impress upon
the hearts and minds of several generations since its
door swung open to receive students, when the future
capital of Oregon was a mere outpost of civilization, and
Oregon an almost trackless widnerness. And in so early
an opening of such an institution those Methodist pioneers
;aid the foundation well and wisely upon which the Pa
cific Northwest has grown to greatness, not only in
wealth' and population, but in the intelligence and char
acter of the people who planted their homes here and
were permanent factors in that growth and development.
The history of Willamette University is rich in accom
plishment and the romance and traditions of things that
reach back to pioneer days make the celebration of its
anniversary an event of peculiar interest and appeal.
Bad manners are contagious. Carranza refused
to recognize the League of Nations, and now just when
he thought he had his government firmly established,
Mexico seems inclined not to recognize him.
We boys think it very strange to havo
to remain over here while other Na
tional Army aad National Guard divis
ions are going home, but wlmt can we
do! Nothing! Only griiv und bear it.
Can't yon do something for ust
I myself am proud to be ablo to etatd
tlmt I lumlcd in a division that has
won so much fame and am also sure
that other boyi are too, but then this I
does not get us home. Home, yes home
is what wo crave but if we are doomed
to remain hero with the regular army
I am suro that we can stand it.
Will write again but munt close now
as it is nenring chow time and a good
soldier nevor misses that.
(With apologies.)
filling $7.50 to $9.50
All cotton....$11.50 to $13.75
and Java silk,
Maybe the public is wrong about it, and the peace
treaty is a party issue. But the public is still unconvinc
Senator Hiram Johnson's opposition is the best en
dorsement the League of Nations has yet received.
NEIL SENDS BARBARA FROM THE husband's business mid (hut it .. i.ll a
ROOM WHILE THE REPOKfLR j li,., a muu.tinu lie. But I knew t,b.o
TALKS TO 1UM. Ilutetr nothing, yet I must show my
r fith in Neil iveu though I felt there
When the reporter announced er- j u some fouiulst ion for the aafin vnn
niiid Neil turned H bit more iinstly, ' diil.
and 1 trembled so 1 could sc.aireiyj "As Mr. Forbes wishes."
aland.. It s mv introduction nines-j "Nn go, Harbm-n."
IHipct luetics, and 1 was frightened aj There wis nothing for me to do but
wel as mniiMw. In leave them together. But I diilu 't go
"You are Is.lkiug of ihix scurrilous beyond the reach of their voices. 1 ant
aitu lef" Neil pointed In the .nrt-r Iv
ing on the floor, 1he lo( haidlines star
We Did.
They said we couldn't get here,
But we did.
Yes, we landed on the old Rhine with a
Sure we did.
They sivid we couldn't cross, thut the
river wns the boss,
But we did,
Aud WE said we'd march through Ber
lin And we did.
Then we saw a little German fraulein
mile, .
Katie did,
And we winked at her and bowed.
Ho we did.
But an M. P. passing by, caug'it the
flicker of our eye,
Yes, he did.
And he took ui to the Provost then
the Hrigg,
Sure he did. j
W'e could sleep in German beds,
And we did;
Drink light wines, white and red,
Oh, we did.
But if you chanced to peak. to our
li.nillord on the street.
And sonic did.
You'll get run in by a Gendarme beau
coup suite;
Thnt's no kid.
We must be natty put on lugs,
And we did,
Simp salutes at Doodlebugs,
Bet we did. .
We could auto in onr town, without,
musing 'ficiiil frown.
And we did.
Hut we couldn't ride without a b'd.
Though some did.
E. C. IRiOX.
I'll Say Sol ,, ,, ",,
I waited twelve months, for a cap that r Cited DUllt-Up COtton $15.75
would fit -
Bv 7 dome, and not simply sit x -sorri'
On top of my bean, inviting each gust, 0 ;S18.7i
To blow it into tho mud or the dutt.
My blouse is too big, no tuilor tonld ilk FloSS
T,,", 'makef ,Ui"e' ' dther in 0 tWO part
It nugly fit my chest and my back, .
And destroy the suggestion of a mau in $18.75 to . Jb"1 K&
sack. ptO.J&
They teli us a soldier should always Ask to see our mattresses
look neat,
Present a smart appearance fioni his
head to his feet;
But how in the name of the seven ngly .
witches, i
Could a man look sn itrt in tlioac new
issue breeches
T, . t41i . , ' . This is the time to buy that
I'm down at the heel, and through at. J
the sole,
And I long for shoes that are solid and Camping Outfit. Then WheR
whole; i
I tell the Supply 8ergenrrt my size Is T),
ne snys, "Be content with a io-EE." you are ready to go you will
The Q. M. dont worry because we are
he tixed and not be told "we
Whv not change the "supply" to the ,
Medicnl Corps! . i , , ,
The raps they would Issue, would not are SOld OUt, and yOU WlD
merely sit;
Wasn't that Inoculation a pi rfeet t,,,,.-
Hoseburg, Or., June 6. A meeting
couple of
weeks before you can get
was held here today and addressed by whuf vmi uonr '
ulern looking forward , ww " alli"
them in vour circulars." Ae he tiuisli
ei I heard the rustle of paper, Then
after u moment he added: "I'ulcsa you
are fnuik and tell your side of the story
iiiick1v you nee Mr. Forbes I am sup
IHwing von can contradict Soft's
charge it, will give the yellow sheets
a chance for a lot of sob stuff dows
mid orphans deluded, etc.''
"Where did you get that eirculor?"
"I sju afraid 1 can't tell you. Hut
ynu may be sure that my pnper isn 't
flie only one with t copy, in fact Mr.
Fmhes wo have planned to print this
in the morning unless 1 hear something
from you that prevents."
A groan, stifled, was his answer.
Then to my disappointment one nt them
Hobert I'aulus of Halem looking i
to a merger of all fruit growers' organ
izations in the county and state. -.particularly strong on fold-
(irowers from all sections of the coun-j J v"
ty were in attendance, and a commit-'
tee was .tppointed consisting or W. E. mg COtS and Stools. See US
St. John of Rutherlin, E. P. Slack and
U t! I k... HI,-,, I.. Crnalr i'Prn.ll
Wollen'berg, J. II. Booth. Hugh KiUhie I f irst !
ami R. S. Hutton of Koseburg, to at
tend a meeting of state growers at Tort
land Mondav. The plan is to eliminate
all possible overhead expenses in dis
tribution of oreliard products.
(Irowers here nre enthusiastic ovn the
iimsncct and believe the orsrcm.iition
will be a great factor In marketing an
sorts of fruits.
ot the stomach has upsat man a
night's rest. U your stomach is acid
disturbed, dissolve two or three;
on the tongue before retiring and en
joy refreshing sleep. The purity and
goodness of Ki-moU guaranteed by
ing uu at us.
"Yes. Our paper wishes to s'r.U the
facts. Scott has given us his vi isimi.
now we want yours."
"Yu have been to Scolt."
"Of course. He claims lo be the as
on the stairs where thev curved upward closed the heavy door tightly and I
and so out of sight should the door of heard nothing more. I crouched on the
the music room tica. it was furi.innte J stairs somo time btneer, then I heard
1 did so, as after a few moments they! them come out, and Neil bid him a
came nut into the hall. i hasty goad night I scurried up to my
"I have some papers that ue.haps room so that Neil minht not ki.ow I
jmay interest you," 1 heard Xoi say, j had been listening.
taai same peculiarly sarcastic (0ne 1 sat bv the window, mv mind in s
grieved party, He is oing o tunc it his voice ss thev moved toward ll.e h-
hard for you, Mr. Foibcs. If you ran brnrv. ' Home with Scott 's signsture."
Established 1SG8
General Banking Business
Commencing June ICth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till p.m.
" " "5 ' 'terras
perfect whirl. What In the world did
"sh stuff" meant That renoite had
'clear things up it would be advisable ( Thrv dida't quite clos the library , .aij xht yellow journals would irint
; before he goes any further, lie is very door and an occasional sentence wouHUt, I knew nothing of newspaper terms
vindicative." he finished with a .ma i-j f B to me. Then Ned became excited j af,a , madP mt doiiblr anaious f that'
ing glnme at nie which I rightly judged and talked in hurt angry tones. Lut I reason. Would Ueil never eome nn so I:
to mean that he hail sometiiing to sav;Poul.! not catch the worits save a I
to Neil which he preferred I shoi.lda 't j Mmetimcs caught H.-ott's asme. Thea
hear. Icame a question in the clear o,"i-'t voice
' "Usve us Paibara. Mr. Moore," 0f the gcntlenisulv rcisirter:
tlie young man gave his name.
M.Hirc pro'iabH feels eiubi;rr:i.
d bv
'Scott is the niv man yon feaif
' Yi-s, the squealer! ' '
I an sftaid Mr. Forties you Sie
the stairs. I h.dd mv breath ss he!
taggered into the room, his face white
vour presence, he added, the la .1
ti-iicc so sarcastically I wondeml.
" I Mease let me n-msin." 1 rrpl
i.uidlv. Thea to Mr. M,Mre. I
ail abonl ht the other pst r la:. aid.i "V"hsit others
ihv shouldn't I hear the resi .hat "Men and
er Miu knowi tlw I miiien i m grn ,bl money with Tnu koi.ioe f.'r the YT,.morrnw Veil Tvlts
say ith truth that I knew all Wl my jcnwmoHS profits yo have promised strv ,
w aiiaiu sr. roriH-s i .ir n, "What can we do. .eil7 Oil. vnn
facing this as von should. Ihe.c are 1 hm-i " x rirclairoecl roing to him.
u; others waav of th-m who are nra , to Dnf Take mv mediirn. I
cotilit q ut st ion himT 1 asiieil Biyseir.t
just as I heard his heavr dmjrg'ng tps:s)
Unlike his nsual qims rlinitiing of(
, and set, a dogged l..ok in his eve.
, "What can we do. Xeilf Oh.
Und with that he flung himself i-ito
en who have invested nl hard, rt'v anha broke ffom him.
PrVrj Tli
CHARITY" begiss at home we
ssy. How about Prosperity f
rihall we build sp prosper
ity in the east by buying esst
ern products, or shall we "birr
home prodm-ts" because we
want , pAi;erity, like
chanty. " ,ciu at home?"
Those Congoleum Tugs
are just the thing for kit
chen or dining room. Where
small expense' is desired,
nothing on the market to
equal them at the price.
Sizes 9x10.6 and 9x12.
Those rice grass and wool
fiber rugs for living .or bed
rooms, at small cost, certain
ly furnish nicely. Ask to see
them. Price $12.90 to $18.75.
487 Ccsrt Street