Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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..An You
(Continued from page one)
Burleson promises," said Konenkamp
"today, "lie never keep his fremiti-
Carlton Bays "Fatlura"
New York, Juno 6. (United Press)
iNowconJb Carlton, president of the
Western Union, today declared tho
trkie of tolegraph operators in the
southeastern state was "a flat fail
ure. '
' "Not a man who leaves the Western
(Painless Parker)
Statistic proTt that 80 Pf
cnt of the people do without
needed dental work anil n1or.
1 their h. The B. B. Parker
fl Bysteaa was orKajiired to enable
Q those In need of reliable dental
errlc to have their teeth treat
ed at the least cost possible
with food workman ahip.
State and Commercial Street
. r.v - ' .
Orchid Underwear
for Women
Tfce Garment And tk Fwwer Daintiest
la Their Class
1 We are again showing a very complete line
ii of this truly famous underwear, in the most
1 it J- 1 at
popular styles. Orchid
oughly Good.
New treys,
iSrown, Navy,
li'aek and
White pure
Silk Hom f
splendid quality
at pair
fi.ro to 12.00
We are prepared for Canning Season with a Big
of all kinds. Supply your needs now while the stock
is complete. You'll find the prices right
This is a good place to buy
DisheS'Grani teware, Aluminumware
The stock is complete and the prices lower than
Other Stores
Friday and Saturday
Cups and saucers, per set - ."...$1.25
Bread and pie platters, per set ... 50c
Dinner plates, per set 75c
Regular 30c Nappies , 25c
Soup dishes, per set 50c
Regular 30c oblong dishes .20c
152 North Commercial Street
I'll inn in this attemnt to embarrass I
the company will ever be permitted to
return," Carlton said.
"The strike is a flat failure. We
have not felt the effect of the walk
out. We will control the eituation and
deliver our business."
Carlton said he had received niese
S'v' from various points indicating1
the a'.rike la a very feeble effort. Ilia
figures showed, he said, that more than
U percent of the normal working force
remained on duty nt New Orleans. He
aJdcd t but in Atlanta more men are
available for- duty than there are po
sitions to fill.
Striken Claim Support
Atlunta, On., Juuo 0 (United Press)
Strike leaders early today claimed
that at least 85 per cent of Western
I'nion telegraph workora in the south
east have already responded to Presi
dent M. J. Konenkainp' strike order
issued luto yesterday.
Kailrond operators also are refusing
to handle Western I'nion business at
the way stations, union leaders assert
ed. "Complete reH)rts probably will not
be received for a -few hours." said
t'harle F. Mann, international third
vieo president, directing the strike.
"Howover, all indication point to a
complete Inndsliila."
General .innager H. C. Worthen of
the Weaterrf Cuion declared at 9:30 a.
m it w imimasoblo to compile anv
definite atutoinent regarding the strike
effeet before this afternoon.
Many striking telegrapher are re
ported being employed by tho Postal
i iciegrnpn company to nandln telegrams
j directed to that company toy business
i concern and individiiali,
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
fSilvorton, Or., June tf. Announce
ments of the marriage of Mia Myrtle
;Aikin and Mr, Jialph Horviee are being
I received hv their many hilverton
limid. They wore married at the
bride ' homo in California. Mr. Service
' ia well and favorably known, having
spent a- number of year In Hilverton
and the bride has made many close
; friends while visiting here.
I Mr. Thorn Smith of Portland and
; her sister, Mr. Unison of California
visited relntive her Sumluv. Mrs.
Hanson at on time lived in Hilverton
Her daughter is Mis Juanita Hansen, a
populnr movie atar.
Miles Adamson, wife and littlo liuugh-
Underwear is thor
Tubular Top
Silk Bodice, Kleh and White
White Opera
Vests snd I'nion Suits
Athlottc Suit
Foe Comfort Pink and
White. Hhort KU'eves,
Wlec voles
Tight and lioose Knee
Union Suits
50c to $1.73
Two-Piece Garment
10c to 95c
Carry fc?!cte Iht Tfcscas
teri, acocnipanied by Miaa Nettie War-
nock motored to Philomath Hunduy to
visit the Cliarles Mulkey home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Staplcton of
Vancouver visited tho hitter's parents.
Mr. and Mra. Hay, the first of tht week.
Miss Blanche Hteveuson visited iu ha
1cm 8unduy and Mundiiy.
Bilvertun is to celebrate the fourth
of July this year. Committea are now
being appointed to look after the cele
bration. Miss Borniro Smith of San Frnniesco
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Smith.
Miss Inn- and Mia Blancho Hubhs
expect to leave for Belinghnm, Wash.,
about the middle of Juno. They wr
spend the summer attending school and
visiting in -Washington. Miss Mina
Hubhs and her mother, Mrs. Laura
Hubhs, will spend the stunner visiting
in tho east.
Eugene Votes City Tax To
Aid Woman's Building Fund
Eugene, Or., June 6. The city mea
lire providing for tho raising of .r000
for tho women building of the Uni
versify of Oregon passed with a sweep
ing majority of neurly four to one,
Nineteen of tho "I city precincts gave
a vote of 1029 for to 314 again3t the
proposition. Tho results obtained In
precincts No, 5 and No. 18 will not be
obtainable until next Monday when the
official count ia made, due to tho fact
that the temporary tallies were lost.
Tobacco Habit
Thousand of men suffering from
fatal diseases would be "in perfect
health today were it not for ths dead
ly drug nicotine. Stop the habit bow
before it' too late. It' a aim pie pro-
wets to rul yourself of the tobacco
habit in any form. Just go to any up
to date drug store and get some Nico
tol tablets; take them as directed and
lo! the pernicious habit quickly van
ishes. Druggist refund th money if
they fail, lie sure to read large and in
teresting announcement soon to appear
in tin paper. It tolls of the dangers
of nicotine poisoning and how to avoid
it. Ia the meantime trv Nicolol tablet:
Ton will (be surprised at the remit.
"Cove Flttr Ccrscts
ADISTTXCrnWU:r visitor ia Sa
lem today m Major I.ee iforc
hoose, the lamtu Iudian expert
who has become renowned all over the
United States bc-ause of his narvelons
Indian portrait. Major Morehouse
ihere upon the invitation o Wiliam-
,ette university to auperintend the In
tisr. exhibit at the etupendon hister
'u) -rmycant He ireoght with him hie
I entire Indian Mlleotion, the best and
most complete ia the Vnited Mates
and will fit out t.h Indians of ( he-
mawa who are to take part.iu the pro
duction a trapper aad h'inter f the
early perioa
The securing of Major M irehouse'
servwe is a fair example of the ear
and study that i being used to obtain
(perfection in erery detail of the great
j undertaking and make the pageant a
glorious success.
' . ,
I Mr. and Mra V. W. Tory of 35
South 17th street, arrived at the thir
jty second anniverary of their wedding
one 'lay thi week, and fearing they
imigbt overlook the' vent a group f
their friend gathered at the homo of
their daughter, Mrs. F. H. Vance, and
made a little surprise celebration,
which was made very enjoyable for
all concerned. Those present were Rev.
and Mra. H. C. Stover, Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. (Benton, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carr,
Mr. and Mr E, N. McKee and daugh
ter Charlotte, and Mra Edward Tol
man. Ice cream and cake were served
by way of refreshments.
Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, tho Sa
lem unit of American War Mothers
will meet at tho home of Mrs. John
Carson, 922 South Hith street. All
mothers of soldiers, sailors, marines
and nurses are most cordially invited
to attend, whether they are registered
or not. It will Ibe a ''get together"
meeting and an informal program will
be presented and light refreshments
At her home at lt!75 Snuinaw. M
T. K. Hatch was hostess at a bride's
shower honoring Miss'Zo Olmstend,
recently. The rooms were a bower of
lovely pink rose 4d and sweet briar.
Pink favors and tiny pink candles
arked each gnest'a place and the col
or scheme of pink was; carritd out in
tne ret re u merits.
Mrs. Hatch was assisted in the serv
ing by Mrs. Ii J. Huffman of Jeffer
son and Mis Laura Grant. The guests
auuuoerea twelve,
Mr. and Mrs. F.. D. Howe (Bernice
Roid) of Portland are being congratu
lated upon the arrival of a daughter,
Elizabeth Jane. Mr). Howe ia a former
Salem girl and the daughtei of Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Koid of South 17th
vMrst Harvey L. tNewv-omb (.Ueotriee
Oawford) of Cleveland, Ohio, will ar
rive in Salem this evening for a isit
Iwita her parent, Mrs' 'add Mrs. J. II.
Friend of Mrs. C. (Vfniniiiiond will
be pleased to hear that her sister. Mrs.
W. V, Albricht has received word of
her arrival in Hem York. Mr. lrum
mond has served as a missionary of
the Christian church for nineteen year
in India and thi is her first visit to
the states in three years. She is accom
panied by her daughter and is plan
ning a visit to Halem in the near fu
ture. Mr. and Mrs. Josnph Shult have re
ceived word from their son Raymond,
who is stationed with the V. 8. 8. Wis
consin at Fortress Mouroo, Virginia,
that he will leave June first on a mid
shipman's eruise to nifca and various
islands belonging to the states. He ex
pects to be home by September.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Carrier who have
been visiting relatives and friends In
Pennsylvania and West Virginia for
the past two months, have returned to
tnetr borne in Palem.
Mim Vera Perkins is entcirtaininir as
her guest, Mis Marjorie Mackea of
J. A. Church ill ia reentered at on
of th Portland hotels.
Thera i notling worse than bad,
foul smelling breath: get rid of it for
your friend aak anyway. Hollister'a
noesy Mountain Tea will clean and
purify your stomach and bowel; your
breath will be sweet, your disposition
improved, vour friends t
To or Tablet. D. J.
LLLL To Celebrate Ia
Essese 0a Fourth Cf July
To discus plan for raining I kiCG for
the biggest Fourth of July celebration
tnat has ever beta staged is Ktine,
to U put on July 4th and 5(h under
the auspices of the Loval lx-sion of
Logger aad Lumbermen, an executive
committee appointed hv K. C Nmimons.
J president of the chamber of commerce,
jwill meet at the kcamber of commerce
I rooms tonight. Thi ran of ecu brtt-
I ing the wi aiing of the war was decided
upon last night at a meeting o." the
i business men of Eugene, in the eh.vnher
,of commerce, aad a resolution tnwtiug
i the members of the L. U I. L. and
1 their families and friends to Eugene
for the demonstration was pas-wd. Re
turning ssUiisrp and sailors will shtre
i honors with the Loyal I-egion as gnet
jof the ftiy. Eacene Guard.
I Yon can t cover titsrVh'SiN, pim-
piest red spots oa the face with pow
der; thr're bound to Te seesj dont
; worry or spoil ynor temper, take Hol
lister's Kneky Mountain Tea es'h
jweek 'twill 'Hnish them thru the
: blood, the only mir war. S.V. P. J.
I Pecauee th company refused to eon
tiaue whst it eslbd a smr bonus, be
I twees 1 10 aad 1200 coal miners are
j oa strike at the Northwesters Improve
wer.t company nines at le Slum
aad Otosivs.
Deafer FJaa Takes Tanlac
Is ReHered After Two
Years' Suffering.
"For tha first time in two years I
am feeling strong and well again, and
it was nothing but Tanlac that fixed
me up," said Oeerge M. Dell of 1357
Thirteenth street, Denver, -Colo.
"I don't know what was the matter
with me," he continued, "but I had
lost my appetite and the little I forc
ed down failed to digest aad I suffer
ed terribly with gas on my stomach.
There was a constant pain in my back,
and any legs and feet would swell so
at tunes that I eouuln t put on my
shoes. My kidneys worried me so much
I never could get a good nirfht 'a rest,
i Iclt tirert and worn out all the time.
the medicine 1 took did me no good
and I got into such an awful fix that
1 had to lay off from work as much
as three days at a time, and when I
did go to work it was all I could do
to get through the day.
"Tanlac was recommended to me so
strongly that T decided to try it and
y first tiottle brought my appetite
back. 1 have been entirely relieved of
that pain and bloating, mr kidneys
dont tother me any more, X sleep like
a log and can do as food a day s work
as anybody, in fact I never felt better
ih my life than I do right row."
Tanlac is sold in Salem by Dr. B.C.
Stone, in Hubbard ity Hubbard Drug
t o., ia Alt. Angel by Ben Qooch, in
Gervaia by John Kelly, in Turner' by
H, r. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly
man H. Shorey, in Silverton by Oeo.
a, weelbammer, in Untes tv .Mr. J.
P. MeCurdy, in Stayton by C. A.
Beauehamp, ia Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, ia St . Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co., in Donald by M. W, Johnson, in
Jefferson by Foshav ft Mason, and in
Mill City by Marketeria Gro. Co.
Committees Named To Carry
Work Icto Rural Centers
This Year.
The diretcors of the Y. M. C. A. held
a meeting at the rooms yesterday aft
ernoon, with Sttte Secretary I. B.
Rhodes present for conference with re
gard to the eonnty and state budget.
The canvass for this fund .wt com
menced yesterday and several hundred
dollars secured. No action was taken
at this meeting with regard to locat
ing a nian for the office of secretary
to take the place of Mr. Compton, who
ha presented his resignation, to take
effeet July 1. In accepting this resig
nation the board exprcKsed it appre
ciation of the work of Secretary Comp
ton. Tbo camapign for the establishment
of the Y. M. C. A. branches ia rural
centers is going forward with every
prospect of co-operation from both city
and county. .This work ia in tho nan (Is
of the following county emmittee: H-
lent Paul Wallace, Jos. U. Albert, m.
tlalhdorf, Dr. F. E. Brown, W. M. hmith
chairman; Anmsville Charles Hanson;
Aurora J. W. Haddler; Brooks J. P.
Aspinwall; Donald H. N. (loodc; Hub
bard Bahn Paulson; Murleay Uenry
Young; Jefferson E. I). Hmith; Mar
ion Eli Davidson: Silverton Pr.
Keene; Stnytonr J. W. Mnyoj Wood
burn J. M. Poorman.
Prior to the war the smaller fowns
and communities, constituting one half
th population, were not receiving any
benefit from the Y. M. C. A. enccpt
hat they have derived inuUrctly
through Boys' Conference and work in
the colleges. The committee feel that
it eta so longer ignore tne many ap
peals that have come to it from ou. lying
districts, aad it proposes to nndcitnVe
a program that will within a few vrnrs
nut some form of association worn with
in reach af 90 per rent of the boys in
th rural enirters. ia line with the work
The cost of getting
common tea from the tea
plant to you is twice the
tea-garden cost of the tea.
Is it worth your while to
pay this heavy cost and
get poor weak tea-flavor
and a lot of tannin ?
Don't you see now why
Schilling Tea costs less
per cup than common tea?
It costs no more to get it
to you than common tea,
znd it has an abundance
of fine tea flavor.
Tr at foor rUvr f .Vhiilmg
TV ttrwn, Ccykm- India, Oolong.
ErgTwh Bnakfa.it. AB om qoaluv. In
pn hmyn liiwd mnimar. proof package.
At pacers everywhere.
A &M;m It Ci San Francisu
ilfiTUW HSI Hi, a &Mn''SM
rw-Vt-v-i' i'yrt V t r f-
omen's Phoenix Silk
Hose Just Received
Seamless silk hose, black, white, Havana brown,
Russian calf and cloud gray --J12S:
Shaped instep silk hose, black, white..'..-.. JjO
Full fashioned silk hose, black, white, Havana '
brown, Russian calf and mouse.......
11 '&. iipiiuj fin.
of the interstate committee for Oregon
and Idaho. To this end the committee
appeals to every loyal citizen to lend
his aid to this movement. -
(Continued from Page 1.
for some legislation, both Senator Cum
mins, nnd Representative Lech, chair
man of the senate and house interstate
commerce committees .agreed.
Cummins said tho continuation of
rates fixed under government eontror
semed to him the principal matter need
ing congressional action.
May Continue Bates.
"We ehnll determine today," salrt
Cummins, "whether to go ahead with
the Kellogg resolution, now on the sen
ate calendar or to withdraw it and in
troduce an .amended measure of narrow
er scope."
Tho Kellogg measure provides that
tho telephone and telegraph- pro(rties
will be returned "forthwith" and that
rate fixed under government control,
shall be continued at least until the
president has signed the measure.
M umbers of the senate committco Paid
in the opinion the Burleson order, by
limiting the relinquishment of federal
control, to "control of operations,"
makes necessary a law actually putting
the physical properties back in the
hands of private owners. They regard
ed Burleson 'a step as preparatory to
give the companies time to adjust their
According to testimony of Now.-omb
Carlton, Western Union president bf fore
A Money Back
If unsatisfactory in any way, goes with the sale of
one or more sacks of
Pendleton Blue Ribbon Flour
In Pendleton, Oregon, of eastern Oregon hardwheat
Trip flntir is matp nnrW
...v. v.- l v.v. ww .
bon was awarded its manufacturers in 1893. Official
Ribbon Trade Mark on each sack
$2.90 Per Sack
Peoples Cash Store I
186-194 N. Commercial St.
JTfl.iHlM "iP f"i W It , IT- T B T-nmifc.
t Hrc - iie4 if- v-a
'house and senate committees, the tron-
nition back to private control will
mean absolutely no change so far as the.
putuic will bo aware, in the conduct or
. i . , n.. -i. - : .1 k n 1 7
I ao Liusiuenn. viujivu daju uq iiuu ikc
permitted to run the business judt as
before the war.
Regulation Big Need.
. Representative Esch, chairman of the
house committee on interstate tnd for
eign commerce, in announcing hii com
mittco would meet today to consider
the needs of tho situation, hinted that
Burleson appeared to "be trying to "get
out from under."
"At first hand it looks like Post
master Goneral Burleson wants to avoid
the difficulties that now confront the
companies," Esch said.
' ' The most important thing to deter
mine is to how the postmaster general's
higher rates will affect efforts of the '
public to obtain lower one through'
their utility commission and legislation '
is needed so that clear authority is giy-'
en the commission to adjust tiites a
soon as tho lino are completely .returned"
so that tho companies cannot MB tho A
decreases in the courts for'jrcaa,. "f
Members of the eomuiittqe ,301 ni to
favor somo- fixed adjustment period..
First Assistant Postmaster General .
Koons suggested a year, Jiut other wit
nesses stated three to si months would .
be sufficient. , The senate bill provides
sixty days. ,
At an open meeting of big?ers and
sawmill workers at 'North Bend Tues
day a local union of timber workers
was formed in opposition to the Loyal
Lesion of Loggers and Lumbermen.
natpnf nnrt tVia nfficinl rJK.
Phone 453
:T -'