Y PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAYJUNE 6. 1917. REEL IIR'S OF REEL PEOPLE " If i ' Doritbe N JeftoutoftliinsL. will help your skin There's many a girl who gne through the piiig.l of lasiausy and envy when ci'" sees her fiit.' il, the g'rl with the miaul completion, enjoying tilings. If vmurp a sufferer fn .in skin trouble jnd know the embarrassment and pain tiicy bring, viasie mi further time f.fttin about y..ur ailment but ruin !ti"nce iimiiedatr ly the Resinol Oint ment treatment. Pimples, blackheads, liktliy patchei bn the face, rough red skin", snerdiiv respond tothesHiiliiiiJ!. Iie.tli:-? medication this ointment om- UilK. K veil quicker results maybe obtained by joint use of Resinol Soap with Real--not Ointment. Apply the ointment it night. Wash the face with tha bm, by day. Solid by all druggists. A curpnri.tion kuotvu ait r.n.nii' Aut tiurn Pictures, Inc., Inn bean forme l.c !(. Hench and Samuel Loidwyn. Kuril noted writers u Mury Robert Kliiuohsrt, lliiiiil King, tfiiuv HPiifr Mor ris, Hupert Hughes, Oortrude Aut hcrtoii nud LcKov Scott will be foutured. Th name of tli author will bo attynpcil ou i ii' ti' individual film. ;!P01fS WANT TO BUY II 111 NORM 4 - TALMADGE 1 "The I V SAFETY . CDPTAIN - f mm jmhi iimw hiiiiihs There are ... number of young aetor who are at tHiiiin u the pinnacles .1 suc cess ct such a dizzy rHte of speed Hint the breath of an ordinary "movie fau" i fairly taken away at their a..eend- nry. One who has already "arrived" and who, according to nil indications li arrived to stay, ia that mo.sl popular ot idl Thomas It. Inco stars diaries ' Hhv. There ia perhaps no other attir in iiimaom wno nna met with .viicu ui:i- The interesting events that fi.llows in rapid sequence, ean only be fully appre ciated by witnessing this luteal trmmpi of the whimsical actress in her luiuer- sunatiun of the little dance hall fa.orite OVERALLS I Keep Kids Kleen !x . $1.50 K 4 J 1 ztl lit. the Suit A New Suit FREE if they rip BWnof Imitation i.a.u.s.Mi.urr. j Look (or th Red Woven Label MmJm m, Lmrl Straus CaSan Franciico STATE Or OEEOON Propoaala for Supplies T'ie Orrgiin State lli-ard of Control wilt receive siitled bids on June 12, I :'!', at a p in., fur f uniisliing aup !i"..i tu tlic Miiimu utalo liistituliuiu, cm of 1 1 r r giwds, clothing, furn- lain. Krweries, ahoen, liai'dwaie, bi mills, diujs, nluliulii'iy, crockery, I'lu-iibiuj, otr., fr the semi annual period eudiug DcccmUui ill, IU1U. Spue ifirittloiw ami whcdulen will h fmn-iili.-d upiin application to the secre inn, at .Nutein, (McjjDii, ulw from the lud'istriea and M auufnet tires lSiircau, ( liaiubcr of t (iiniiterec, I'ortluud, OlO ji'iu. I'.ach bid I" le accompanied by a certified cheek re piTpntiim ID per cent of the whole amount of bid, pay able hi the Oii'guil K;ttte Hoard of t ontrul, which lmll be held gi a guar ants- of the fit'thfu! ierforinanep of the cuiitrnct. The b(ord reserves the r ''.lit to re,jiet any er nil bids or to ae li p' nnv part of K bid, H. B. (i(K)ll, Secretary, fi 1 Oicinu .state liiuird of Cuntrol. Negotiations Started With United States for Pur chase of Arms. By Don . Chamberlain London (By Mail) Auiericuii shells and bullets, fired by American uuj and "American stomachs" may be used to fi(ht bolsheviks inciincing l'ulttmi, ai eonliiin to Uem-ral Chevulicr Johu l)c Kemer, who is in London to buy mum tiinis and food for the 1'oJish army, 'l lie possessors of the ''American stomach" will bo I'ollsh aobliera, fed with food purchased from America. !e Kemer is in l.oudoii us an author ized ag-cut for the J'oliHh itovcriiim iit to apuul between thirty and fort) million dollars for nuns, shells and bullets and to buy all the food in licj"- De Kemer told the t'uiteil I'nss he hua already started neuiitiatiiin.i with the Amerlciin noveruinent with n view to buying American fin lit urtilicry and rifles, He expects to make hu(e loud purchsHes of Anierier.na. ' "Poland is a great ndinirer of Amer ica. It will never forget its fcencrositv in helping to feed the 1'olish popula tion, The work done by the Ameiieitus was wonderful. Just now what J'olttml wants is food and guns for its army to fight the bolsheviks. It also w.mta to build up the nucleus of a l'nlish urlrl Icty force. "It is for this ror.NOn we wish to buy American light gin if possible. I un derstand America is agreeable to sell ing some of them to us rather than go to llie tumble- ami expense of shipping them buck to America. . We may niso buy many of their rifles. "We r.ro not interested in buvii, heavy guns owing to the fact thai mads in. l'oliuid are very bad. "Hut the unrchiise of guns, for which I am prepared to spend between ihirty and forty millions dnlnrs, is nt the onlv tiling hi want, rohiud needs tru., mti-; ehinery and many other things. Much of this we expect to buy in Amenca." of SUMMONS No. 14-101 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT the State of Oregon for Marion County, Department No. i ,1 .dm M. ilulmun, plaintiff, va Ci.ro l n II. Myer, ilefendnnt. piniiiitiona, l-i I atotvn If, M.ver, defendant: l,i the name of the stato of Oreg,m you nre lien by required to appear anil ensner the ron.plMiit tiled oum.st roil in the above entitled action, wtthiii a x wcelis from the ibite of the lirst pii'-'ieslii'ii Ihic"'', luvvit: w'lhin six weii-i fruiu In- HilU Jay of May, 1311', and if vou tail o to neifer lor w-int t!ic ? .f t'.io plu'uitiff will t ike jud,; meat eiiainit jou for the sum of $!ul, t' aether with Intere.-f tlnteon at the Ta.e of 7 pe'ieyt per aiinum from th" '. I day of A piil, I le-s tim nnt f . i t;s. together with the costs and dis-bii.-enients of thi aelion, and for an oid.-i of siile of the property attached in Hid ec'ion, ton it ' All yftur right, tillj; nud interest in n-id to the south mm half if lot ix in blink tliree ( 5) ill the eity of hi ,1 -iii. 4reg--in, and for a further or iter iiii'i ting Theod re Ruth, arn-sliee, t.i p-,v oier to the sheriff if Marion cm! iiv. Bin! of Oregon, the um of ',4 v.i lield l j said Theodore Koth in tin t for you. S',,,1 sre further notified that tlii" n i.iiiiins is sei veil i. pon you by pub J,, -ition thereof hy virtue of an order Hire made Slid entered by lion. W. M . Itiiiher, comity judge fo Marion I-,, i, , iv. Kiiiie of I'm k H, on the :'.th li'lu, huh said order re the aiimuions ui tins eau 1o lie ed nine tail) week fur six eon ,i ticks in the Ibily (npital I ncwicipcr of general fir- .1 -Led at ..f (' . ,i t:,;.t t aielll, Marion and you are ,c tr nf the ,f is the loth taut the dale i i r. ..f will be I . Three popolar Vitagraph star, have the featured roles in "One Thousand Hollars," the Blue Kibbou feature which will be sen in the Lligh Theatre bn.ln.. II 1... PI.L .. 1 vor.nl nnm.ii.rii. ... i... w..i,: ..,.... ... mu.H.a.i. x ney are tuvrara tho first of his recent a,icce i. ?rlc ,AM.'' V. ' . f lorenco Do j........ mi siieuiiiaiy east in mis spara.- A VT 'it?BV, Mexico May Get Makers cf Wine From Wl When Prohibition Stops Jobs Mexico City, (By inaiO As a re suit of the prohibition aiueiidnient to the national const it lit ion of the Unit ed Mtales, there promises to be aome thing in the nature of wholesale em igration of vine growers and wine inak ers from !nliforiiia to Mexico. I illinium inn has been received from lliHt stale that there am in the neigh' lioihuod of one hundred thousand per sons, engaged ill that industry who aie looking toward Mexico as affording the onlv possible relief from the ruin with which they are threatened, by the piohibilioa laws. They me tho owners of hundreds of ihininauit of acres of sine grapes, which will become of lit tie value with the enforcement of the amendment, since the varieties of fruit adapted to wine making are not suit able for oilier puipoMs, except tu limited extent. There at extensive areas, espifiab ly In the northern portion of Mexico whit h posses nil the requisites of soil and cliiiinlic conditions fur the growth of griija's and the making of wine to fully as greit an extent and of fully as high a character a California. This hns been demonstrated notably in Coa huiln, as well as in some of the other states, and the national government has for some time been encoiirauing the cultivation of the grape and im porting millions of ruttings of vines adnptc-d to this country. Th Mexican consul general in Nan Krni.ic.co, Hainon 1". IV Negri, U tnk ing an active interest in the pnqo"d em',gratia of Califmria wine growers to Metim and has notified Ins P"V eminent I tint at less eighty thousand Mrsnt, largely of foreign anciwtry. nre now preparing to leave their adopt cd state and intend ruining to Mexico. 1'rfsidfiit t'arranM ha sonified his livelv interest in the movement and p'ans are new be-eg prepared ty the 'b-i'sn-iienl of agriculture fur weleotn- "Greased Lightning," his new Para mount photoplay Hint will be ahown ut the Oregon Theatre for three days, com niencing Sunday. 't.'erasod Lightning is the lume of the racer which Mr. Kay, as the village Inventor, has built and cnteis in it big raee meet. The day was set for "alioot iug'' the big race seeiie and Mr. .Buy appealed At-the atudio. He refuel d to go to work nntil a horseshoe was solder edto the water tu k capv of tho machine. He said nothing as jest r.fter jc; vras hurled at his head. - He didn't even take his director into hi secret, but when the scene waa shot he executed one of the cleverest pieces of business with tho horseshoe that he has evet acted. He but that would be spoiling the surprise. Vou must see the pieture as a whole to appreciate it. Tho photoplay is one of the most thrilling in which Mr. Kny ever has been aveiu Ho is excellently at.puited, hia leading women being Wumla Haw ley. Others in the eat include Hubert McKim, Willis Marks, Bert Woournff, John I. Lockuey and Otto lloflina,,. Jerome Storm directed. The world, according to 8hnkeapeare, ia all a stage and men and women but the actora on it. It was left tor a mud ern novelist to complete tho metaphor and prove that when the world-stage has become a fire trap and danger pit, there ia always a safety curtain to lower, if the actor will keep hit. wits about him. Norma Tuliuadgo, piesenled uy Jo seph M. bchenck, will be seen hoe . the Liberty Tkeatro atsrting ia her latest Select picture, "The Kaiety Cur tain," adapted by S. A. Franklin anil I'nul West from tho story of tiic sanui ling 0. Henry comedy drama of the young Broadway speeder who is cut off in his uncle a will with $1000 t.nii the troubles he encounters trying to spend it. "I doubt," suys Charles Bay, Thoa. H. luce star, who will appear at the Oregon fur a three-day run, commencing Sunday, "that the people who pay their good money ia at the boxoflice of a motion picture theatre are awaio of the part they unconsciously play ia the making of subjects for the screen. It is, nevertheless, a fact that they do have a great deal to do with the stars and the pictures made today. "Who make the starsf The pioduc erat Mo, It is no one else than the film funs themselves. A star cannot be I'orced on tho public, for the simple reason that if they do not care for that particular star they will not pay their good imn to see them ou the screen, and as it means a poor house to the theatre man ager, he does not book the pieture in which the unpopular star apper.i'9. "The audiences arc also responsible for the tvpo of stories that are being made, and when these tastes take a chnnge the productions from the studios do likewise This is tho dny of the film fan. He or she is the big durk in the puddle. So, if you don't like a certain type of story or anything connected wtih it, just mention it to the thcatt manager, becuuse, after nil, this is tilt only way the producers and starj have of finding out your likes and dislikea." "The " Unpardonable Mn," niiiioun ced as the attraction at the Liberty theutrc for u three day engagement, bo ginning June 12, is a photoplay othe legitimate production tyie. It is being shown in the important threat res of the name by Kthel M. Dell and di.tcted bnrH'U States ns a spccuii auiucuon, by M. A. Krankltn. ranking with the regular traveling dra- Miss Tstmadire nb.vs the ir.rl f lnek ' matie and musical offerings, r.nd will a yaung dancer of a-' London music hull, available for patrons of tho -s who husband, Vulciin, the strung man, iouue luunm p ", cruelly mistreats her for receiving, "nv months, ine piiotoiiay is in ion though against her will, the attentions , ,',. d provides an entire afton.oon-s of Mylveater ,a dissipated young Eng- r evening's entertainment. A q'rjal lishnian whom she has vainlv been try musical score tins neen provi.n-.i mi u.r ing to avoid. Ituring her act at the theatre a flic breaks out and the safety curtain, drop- jiing behind her to shut out the nre ling tho production. from the audience, rut off her n treat through tho stage, while an explosion under the orchestra prevents her escape through the house. Captain Merryon, a young officer, on leave from service in India, sees her i.liulit and leans from his box to thj Unusual lociil importance is atiached stage. Together they make their way to the engagement of "The Hpretniii." to an unused stairway which buds into Evil - at the Hligh theatre next uies a small alley, unseen by any of the cast, I day, Wednesday and Thursday, because who think that I'uck has perished in the 'of tlje interest which has been aln Wn in fjre. I the photodramn by the Hon. Josephus L The Mission of Swift 8l Company Swift & Company has become one of the large businesses of the world through continuing to meet the growing needs of a nation and a world. Society has a right to ask how the increasing responsibilities and opportu nities for usefulness which go with such growth are being used by the men who1 direct its affairs and the men have the ' right to answer: To promote the production of live stock and perishables and increase the food supply; To reach more people with more and be,tter meat; ' To make a fair competitive profit, in order to reimburse the 25,000 shareholders for the use of their capital, and to provide for the future development of the business; To reduce to a minimum the costs of preparing and distributing meat and to divide the benefits of efficiency with producer and consumer; To live and let live, winning greater business only through greater usefulness, with injury to nothing but incompetency, inefficiency, and waste; to deal justly, fairly, and frankly with all mankind." . These are the purposes and motives of the men who direct the policies and practices of Swift & Company. Swift & Company, U. S. A. ' feF7 m : 1 1 picture. Klr.iiche Sweet is starred in the picture, which was niiido bv Harry (liirson, with Marshall .Neiluii ilirect- The storv ia by Major Rupert Hughes and created a sensation among the rend ing public when it ran as n .sorlnl one of the lending inagiuinos Ot the country. , t hee re cs. il.li "ill. giants nu.t aidmo t!ien ing th'ir industry. All snti - Hmi'ra, Hu t' !..!, chihuahua, 'iahui!a, .Ni itvi.. l,o v t I 'ir;it !, ere, - - i,.te-Mi i .ii-iiw.r ;,i nnnm that arc adipted to the full ol of wine gtR.es, ipi(S)ljf PierJmont Peanut Oil 7 . J ) Daniels, secretary of the iivy, and oih er men prominent in public life. When the picture had been completed Secretary Daniels saw it and not only gave James Keone, the producer, a strong letter of endorsement, but nlso permitted himself to he photographed his office in Washington, in order that the moving picture of his meeting with Mr, Ken no might be used in con junction with Mo? film to emphasize in the strongest possible wav, his enfiorse- ment of the helpful truths set forth In The Spreading Kvil." Monmath Schools Bustle Mary l'iikford is to make u photo play version of "Hop Ol My Thumb," n ono-arj play acted by Maud Adams a doren years ago. Vietiirizntinn rights of the Basil! King noval "The City of Comrades,") which appeared recently in the Satur day Kvening I'osl, have been purchased by Cuildivvn. Tom Moure has been se lected to piny the leading role. Rest." "An Kvening Prayer" waa mm i . . i""K " a iiniu!-i in mini: von in an tlSing ACtlVlteS;1" benediction pronounced by Kcv. , jPace. (Capital Journal Special Service. Final examinations r.re being held Monmouth, Or., June 6-The bacon-tl,is w(,plt Rt hn,h t1"1 'i'Sh ' training I.. .. ; l. .....a .1 , , ' oi-uouis us nun is l nn nisi Sfi'l ac giailu-llllg . . ...., -m. folk held their annual picnic Inst Sat urday on the banks of the Luc.kimuta ubout four miles south of town aloaR the 'west side highway. This ia eerti Iv R beautiful and restful place and favorite one with picnickers and Sun day auto parties. The grade youngster will be given a picnic Friday, tht clon ing day of school. laureate service for the class of the high school was hold Sun day evening in the Evangelical church. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. Peter Conklin, local pastor, the invoca tion by Rev. E. H. lY.cc of the Baptist church. A qanrtet of high school stu dents, consisting of Hugh Bell, Hope McDonald, Beth Ostrom and Paul fayro rendered the beautiful aong "Secure I With Mary Roberts Rinehnrt Tories being featured by the Eminent Authors Pictures. Inc., perhaps we mav hoe to see "The Amazing Interlude" on the screen before long. possesses food values of mucK benefit to children in J convalescents. It is so nutritious, palatable and easily digested tkat it can be freely taken without the slightest dan ger ri upsetting the most delicate stomach. , AV for PIEDMONT r Pram Vrt York ffomc. wonl of the 11 mm mllch-d success of I. W. (iriffith's latest aiiper-proiluction Broken Blos soms, str.rring Lillian lush anil Kirn- ard Kiithclmess. According to critics. it is the most stniiendous motion picture ever produced. "The Birth f a Na tion." and "Hearts of the Worm be ing hopelessly out brassed I it. The storv has a great ileal to no wun Loudon Chlnutown. Richard Hatthel mes taking the part of a Chiais,- boy and Miss (iiph acting in the roie of a white girl. . . EOLDIXRvLAWTER BACK. .vej va- dA The fooel oil whK tTii nut flavor a TU Colonel John M. Williams, pioneer attorney of this city, has resumed hi" orsetice with Attorner U L. Hean afted 19 months of war service. Colonel Williams served ten and half months as adjutant general of the state of Oregon and eight asd a half months in the armorr at t amp Mwis. having recently received hit discharge lie rnd the rank of ms.rr in the ar n,v. Kueeno Keji-ster. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Watch Your Child's Tongue t Constipated Children Gladly Take "California Syrup of Figs" For the Liver and Bowels Tell your tiruffiist you want genuine ,'C""Wn Syrjf of Figs." Full directions and dos for babies and children of all ,age " who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Look for the name "CVZi' tnd accept no other "Fg Syrup." Beware!