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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1919. BLACK VEVET COATS WORTH REGULAR $3150 TO $37.50 . SALE PRICE $24.75 White Corner Building! Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store 4 Gi?A TJUNESALEl Of Suits, Coats, Capes and Dolmans Friday and Saturday Only Not odd lots or models that didn't take and were then reduced in price to be push ed out. No indeed, but the newest and best suits. COATS, CAPES and DOL MANS made every detail as perfect as skilled makers can accomplish, at ONE THIUD to ONE-HALF, and in some instances less than one-half their regular prices. , " From America's best makers in a var iety of smart styles. This season's mod els for street and dress occasions. Some at half price and less: Reg. values $20.00 to $25.00, sale $10.50 Reg. values $:I0.00 to $:!2.50, sale $18.75 Regular values $:?5.00, sale price $22.50 Reg. values $37.50 to $10.00, sale $25.00 Reg. values $45.00 to $17.00, sale $28.50 Reg.' values $50.00 to $55.00, sale $31.75 Reg. values $00.00 to $65.00, sale $35.75 Reg. values $70.00 to $75.00, sale $37.50 ; $25.00 To $32.50 Suits $18.75 Special group of Misses' and Women's new Spring Suits, Serges, Gabardines, Tricotines, Wool Poplin, etc. All new and desirable styles including box coat and blouse effects. Sale Price Your Choice $25.00 Suits $27.50 Suite $::0.00 Suits.! $:15.00 Suits.. $;S2.50 Suits. Capes, Coats And Dolmans Regular values $16.50, sale price $11.50 Regular values $25.50, sale price.. ..,..$17.50 Regular values $32.50, sale price $24.75 Regular values $37.50, sale price.. $27.50 Regular, values $10.00, sale price $29.50 Regular values $42.50, sale price.. $32.75 Regular values $15.00, sale price $31.75 Regular values $27.50, sale price $18.75 Regular values $29 to $31.50, sale price $23.50 Regular values $15.00, sale price $24.75 Regular values $37.50, sale price.. ,..$25.50 Regular values $39.50, sale price ...$27.50 Regular values $42.00, sale price $31.75 Sale Of Summer Blouses Every previous price record eclipsed. Soft, pretty .voiles, batistes, tub silks, crepe de chine and Georgette blouses latest models, round, square or "V" shape necks. Reg. value $1.50, now $1.15 Reg. value $3.50, now $2.95 J Keg. value $5.00, now $3.98 Reg. value $6.50, now $4.75 Reg. value $7.50, now $5.25 t MAYOR HANSON HALTS SALE OFHOONEYTAGSj Executive Says Movement Sponsored By "Reds"-And Bolshevists. Seattle, Vadi', June .. .Xo "Tom" Mooucr t(( " be on 'he streets of bcattlj'. Thi was the verdict an nounced hiTl- yesterday by Mayor Ole Hanson, in iiswcrinx a etition of the Mooney defense committee of the Ccn-' tn.l lilwir Cntiuril tor wrmission to toll taks June 7 to raise funds for their icfense work'. in m-ritinfr hi refusal til Secretary James A. Duncan of the council, the mayor mid: "I refuse to grairt tins permission for th following- reasons: :f irsrt. l)e- ntiw the affair is to e eandlej bj ...... j. tne t eotrai Ijdoor vounru, wmcn twur, in my judgment, is alwilutcly under the control of the 'reds' the J. W. W. j and the bolshevists controlling its delib erntions and its affairs. ( "Seeoud, because it is neither for i a charitable nor patriotic purpose, but i i, I am credibly informed, for the purpose of I'ayiiiK I. w- W. organizers; tii an tlirmivKiiiit tlie land and foment I disorder and strife, with the objeet in ' view of overthrowing the government ! or the I nited Mates. , Biir5?vcn5'Sivf5r Nou can looh a man;m 4t evehenelKnbitra K P'yJ5 The mush hound "Steve" and "Bill Spivvens" al ways tell the truth. NUFF CED -. - .8- 4nst.H"-: i I erop, Mr. Chopin says that jut now it feeds a good rain and needs it soon. o Misa Grace Presby of 1141 Chernelce tn street, notwithftaudinjf the fact that she is a Willamette university student, was found traveling a little too fatt in ner automobile yesterday afternoon on State street. She was ex tended au invitation ty the speed eup to attend a reception to be (iiven at 10 o'elix'k ill the city hall this niorniiii; by Recorder Karl Race. After the pre liminary social conversation and pass ing the time of day, it was dcriiled that to adjust matter, Mi.-,s J'nsby sliouM cifutrtbiito $3 to the city treas ury. 4Sho did. She said her speedometer was showing only 24 miles an hour. LIBERTY THEATRE 3 DAYS STARTING THURSDAY, JUNE 12 GU News . J OooMbarric and ftrtwberriei, w are in tliA market. Brinft them lo our hg plant oposite S. I. t!u. pasKeiifjer station. 1'he Compaajr. tf Ifunmocka, porrh airing's, refrigera tor i and porch shades at ltnmilton 'a. - Ther la a big "grease spot" on the jiaveimiit at the iutersrs'tion of Htatc nd t'ommercial streets. It docn 't rep resent a tragedy. A lug tin gallon bar-it-1 of utuuii oil, ou (In buy to the Val ley Motor enmpany, tumbled off from a truck at that corner, crackiug the barrel stnrea ao that a larro part of the contents escaped into th (rotter Wfore "first aid'' arrived, As motor oil is sow about the samp price as Houribou whiskey it was an expensive drop. Rufa, ruga, ruga, our atock is wall selected and our prices are the lowest You cau save money if you buy your rua at Hamilton's. Summer furniture, porch ttudss, islei pinji porch cots, etc, C. S. Hamilton j At the meeting of the high acbool I student body this morning there was ith" foiNisl jircsfiitatioa to Imtll St'-jtr-rid bae bail veterans nf the letter cf honor, showing that they had played ft ri A photoplay offering of the "Worth While" Sort JAMES KEANE'S THE SPREADING EVIL In Seven Parts It opens eyes "too long shut by tolerant prudery". First it thrills and entertains and then IT LEAVES A THOUGHT BEHIND The HON. JOSEPHUS DANIELS Secretary of the navy and a score more men prominent in public life HEARTILY ENDORSE IT STARTS NEXT TUESDAY . H THEATRE up to a certain atandard during the season. TUoso reeeiviiiK the letters were 4'aptaiu (!lenn Qrfgg, Amnion Urice, ilteriiard UNnttiog, Kugene Gill, Amory dill, Iluxh Latham, Carl Fisher, Vsa. Ash by, Thoo. l'urvine, Fenimore HaRKVtt uiul frank Lynch. Of this group, WreKjf and the two Gill have taken -the letter for three season, Urice and Nutting for two seasons. Oregg hss served during the past tea son as both captain and manager and aiso played with the team; consequent ly hns teen giving some. At the next meeting of the team new captain will bo elected, as UrcS, together with 1 jnhnin, .Nutting and Lynch will not be with the team next season. The team lias one or two more names to nfcir in order to complete the senKin's work, one of I belli to be ilh the Coivulli team neit Katurdnv afternoon. Later they expect to play one of the Cortland teams for the high school champion ship. Scandinavian Ladle Aid auction aale in the church. I.'ith and Mill streets, the city as-hools at Klnber, Washing ton, and ono tif the well known educa tors of that' region, ws a guest this week at the Boiue of his brother, 1 ror. Matthews, of Willamette university. He left this morning on his return. Scandinavian Ladle Aid auction aale in the church.' 15th and -Mill streets, Saturdmy evening at S o'clock. You know the rest. 6-6 Saturday evening at o'clock. snuw the rest. Von hoy and in the sixth grade, two girls. 66 Scandinavian Ladle Aid auction aale ia the s-hiiivh, l"th and Mill streets Saturday evening at S o'clock. You know the rest. 6 6 The polk are warning dentists ia the city to keep their spare gold se curely locked up. Yesterday there was a stranger in town going from office to office offering to buy aernp gold. It was about one year aan that an expert In the dental line appeared and not so long afterwards someone broke into Several dental offices and stole gold as weft aa gold filings. J, William Chambers, senior member of the furniture firm of hambers and Chambers on Court street, has taken out a building permit for the erection of a house nn ISrtS Court street to cost :llKiO. The work will le done by day labor. Idanha achool near Detroit ha Just; closed for the school your. As the lawi requires, there was eight months of schoo.1, even if there :is but seveu j pupils. And to cure for these seven, i the teacher was paid V$ a month. ! When the second grade was called to, reeite, One fcoy responded. The third! grade recited when another small xy said his lessons. Tlieu the fourth grade, was called, there apteared one boy and 1 one girl. In the fifth grnile was one Three marriage licenses were issued yesterday. Last .Saturday the number! was five and since June the mouth of i weddings was announced by the calen dar, business nt the license bureau in jthe county clerk's office has been imil. The three yesterday were Jesse C. Kmniert, 22, of HuUbaid, a laborer to Laura Ktliel Miller, also of Hubbard. John Antone Gilles, 2lt of Alt. Angel, a farmer, and Helen Bielemayer, also I of M t. AngVl. Karl Johnson Adams, 2,1, of Milverton, ak groftcryman, ami beta Violet Janr. a teacher of hilverton.i In the $5000 damage suit of Jamee kes against Iiert' Maey, Elmer .Man illa and Alorris-W. Welch the plaintiff demurs to the answer of the defend ant Maey and Welch, ou the ground that the answer does not state facts sufficient to constitute a defense. Also thnt. the facts stated in the answer do not constitute a mitigation of the dam age and for the further reason that the pretended facts as alleged do not constitute a defense. 'No date has as yet 'been set for the trial. 0 Dr. , . Schuett, pastor of the First Methodist church of Tacoma will de liver an address Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the assembly hall of Kimbnll college on "The miuistrv for our Times." Or. Srhuctt is regarded by educators as one of the s'holrlv men of the northwest. He received his several degrees in the east, coming from Champaign, 111. t0 Tacaina. Jle was also'piiMor of a church at Port land, Maine. Focd may be sent to Italy through the mail according to recent instruc tions. It may be sent in 11 pound Tack 'aes and not more thau a total of 100 pounds to one person. The rate is 12 i cents a pound. I , j: ' born. : : ; BROWN To Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Jtrown i living on the fairgrounds road, June 4, 1919, a son. Ho lias ibeen named Olenn, Jr. The mother was formerly Miss W'innifred Haber. PERSONALS. C. R. NLiConiirll of Bum was muo4 the visitors nt the state hiuse todii coming in to consult with state bugi eerCuiipcr with regard to an irrigali project in that section. " Miss Young, teacher of inntlienintil at the high school, left this morni J for a visit with relatives at Eugene. I Mrs. J. H. -Nicholson left reeeuti for Portland where she will spend sol ;eral (lav with relatives and friends. I BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS Sun Francisco on Sunday swelter under an 88 -degree temperature, wli a killing frost was reported ut i'cnvi and other Colorado points. t 111 - H tJ hV- MHWi will t-: j AMERICA'S HOME SHOE POLISH U Keeps your shoes good-looking ll BUS . s . Makes them last longer Black - Tn White Red . Brown A . 1 1 i m ' Everywhere V V-i- - , , . .HilOU HOME SEt iliitauZ NOW PLAYING The teacher was Mrs. Uiurcna T. An truss. J Waves .off YE LIBERTY --M-f'-- The 1919 Super Cinema Men L. J. CharMn wnt to fall City Uil morninit in the interest of the JNilem I Kinifs Product Co. He any that the plant is now biisv with spinach and A representative of the Victory Rose 'at from the lnke l-ul'h country, Festival was in the -itv vesterdav f,t.-i farmers are. hrinirinir in from five to a conference with the "Cherrians with li tons from the acre. The prieo is j regard to their particitioo in the liig!- a ton. In rcjjard to the sttaaJierry I parade or June II. As a rc.ut of this it is decided that the Chc-rinn will take part and will have a pos:tion near the hcait of the procession. P. E Ful- lerton has gone to nirtland today to make final rranj,-cmeHts, In anticipa tion of this the Chrrrinni will hold (open air drills o Friday evening of this neck, and on Monday and Tuesday jevcniniis of next week. It is hoped tdat everr mrnihi-r will tnra out for these drills, which will be in charise el S Joe .Ur AlliMer. Featuring FLORENCE REED and Leonard refrigerator are htgn clam and rcnable in price. Sold by C. 8. Hamilton. Trot. W. P. iiUtUirwa, priuctpaj of The lotjical table drink fpr'' hooltK INSTANT POSTUM And the flavor satisfies. Thi big si'ven part master photoplay comes to 8lem direct after its phe nomenal success in Portland and (Se attle where it received the undivided praise of all the newjper critics and the public flocked to sec it day after day. A truly 1(H) pc-r cent pirtnre. Ve I.-bertv TY-nfcr. FRANK MILLS i !i i - j ? , i Fcr Year Benefit at Regular Prices I i