Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 05, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ou f .
Air A ,
Look for this trrd
mark am your ian.
Millions of American homes and offices
arc cooled with electric fans.
Millions more should be! Is)'ours?
If not make us a visit today. For a small
outlay you can buy a fan that will last a life
time and cost but a trifle to run. Why deny
yourself the comfort your neighbor is enjoying?
Let us send you a C-E fan on trial.
Miiz Of Flyers Advanced;
One Day To Permit Over
kafe Portland.'--:
Frosts Cut Douglas County
Prune Yield, States Jcnks
there niilit be a restricted demniid fur
prunes this season. Ho contends tht.t
the big juicy Oregon prune ia no longer
..I..-: i i: L ti. 1
in uieiuuii, uuurojiig-iiosu iruu. it hub
" " become a part of the menu of tho mil-
Manager W. T. Jenks, of tho Willnm- lionaire, who will have it regardless ef
ctte Valley Pruno association, states ! the price.
hat recent reports from the Douglas-! Between the 1919 contract price on
ounty fruit districts indicate that the prunes and the bin crop of small fruits.
This comes from the Commercial
club. The motto of every person in tja
lcm and vicinity next Monday should
be "Look, np, not down." For it ia
next Monday and not Tuesday as orig
inally announced that the oue biz De
Haviland airplane and the six smaller
ones of the two passenger style will fly
over Salem anil finally land at the
state fair grounds;
The fleet of planes will leave 8ao-
pram en to for tho voyage to Portlnnd to
take part in the Bose festival beginning
Wednesday, Juno II. But in order that
there may be one day for a general go
ing over of tho planes before the Bose
Festival exhibitions, the tiuio was ad
auced on day.
Hence, according to the new schedule,
the planes will arrive in Eugene Sunday
evening and leave that place for Knlem
-Monday morning. A stop is schedule
for V-orvallis and it may be Monday
j nooii before tho fleet will arrive ut tlio
lair Kvumufc
As yet no special arrangements have
been made for a proper reception of
tho seven aviators, but as soon as it can
be learned definitely what hour to ex
pect them, it is probable that a program
of reception will bo arranged for the
fair grounds and acocmomdutious in the
gru ndstand.
K. O. Snelling, director of the clvtc
department of the Commercial club,
with Manager T. E. McCroskey and
Mayor C. E. Albin, aro today out at
their fair grounds. Tho grain ciop in
the landing scapco enclosed by the rnco
track has already been cut and the
ground is now being harrowed and
disced and made suitablo for airplane
On the return of the plitnes to the
south following the Rose Festival, no
stop will be made ot Salem.
crop of prunes and other fruits will be
ven lower than at first estimated.
Estimates made in AprU on certain
linos of fruit placed the yield at 700.0UO
3ouuds for the district, but recent tig--ures,
compiled since tho killing front,
3laee the probable yield at about 450,
J09 pounds.
With regard to prunes, somo fruit
ancn who havo been wnrcliiug conditions
.losely, place thp estimate for the en
tire northwest bt from 25 to 30 per
cent ef last yearns crop. Manager
-Jonks smiled when "it was suggested
to him that sinco it was a case of put
ting a patrician price on a plebian fruit
with a high price on them, he expects
the fruit districts as a whole to pull
through the season in about as Rood
condition as last year.
When yon use" Journal classifi
ed ads get what yon want them
tor they work fast.
(By United Tress.)
Yesterday's winners:- Los Angeles,
Vernon, Portland, Seattle.
Home runs: Sehaug, Rainiers.
Walking two men purposely in the
ninth, Tom Beaton was beaten by the
squeeze play and tho Beals lost to tho
Angels 3 to 2.
The Oaks played to last year's form,
the Tigers walloping them, 20 to S.
Nuff sed. s , '
Oldham's fifth straight win for the
Beavers was a 7 "to 2 victory. The Sen
ators garnered sevtn hits at that. '
Bighee stung the Bees, to the Rain
iers' credit, 7 to 3.
Telegraph And Telephone
Lines Returned To Owners
Brennans brown calf oxford English last $9.25
W. & M. brown side, oak sole oxford, English
last $7.25
Brennans gun metal calf oxford, composite $9.00
Brennan's tony red calf, English lace $18.00
(An elegant shoe for young men)
Fine brown' kid English bals, only $9.50
Splendid brown side English bals, Neolin sole,s $7.00
Brown calf blucher, round toes $9.00
Brennan brown Russian calf blucher, round
toes .: ......$8.00
Brennans brown calf, oil filled with fibre middle
soles, a waterproof shoe at $8.00
Brown-side blucher bull dog toe, Neolin soles....$6.50
Brennan's black, fine light calf, English lace ....$8.00
Brennan's gun metal, lace, English or round
toes -...$7.00
Good black gun metal, lace, English, or round
toes $6.00
Good gun metal, full welted sole, English or
round toes $1.6 )
Can You Equal this?
Vici Kid Bals, welt soles, straight last $7 50
Vici Kid bals, welt soles, combination last $8.00
Vici Kid bals, wide comfy toes : $C00
Vici Kid bals, extra wide comfy toes, plain,
no cap $7.00
Washington, June 6. (United
Press.) Postmaster General
Burleson today issued an order
returning the telegraph and tele-
phone wire system to their re-
specttve owners.
Burleson's order reads: .
"All telegraph and telephone
companies, including Individuals....
and partnerships, whose proper-
ties were taken over by the prcsi
ident under authority of a joint
resolution of congress, approved
Jnne 15, 1918, will hereafter op
erate and manage their proper-
ties during the remaining period
of federal control, as under niun-
ber 1783, free from direct fed-
era! operation under the follow-
ing conditions:
"Contracts or awards fixing
just compensation for the one of
telegraph or telephone line or
system shall remain, In effect
until the termination ..of ..said s
period of control"
Immediately upon hearing of
Postmaster General Burleson 'a
order returning the wires to
their owners, President 8. J.
Konenkamp of the Commercial
Commercial Telegraphers Union
of America, sent out message
from Washington authorizing a
strike of Western Union tele-
iraphers throughout the south-
...-..:: "
'If s toasted
WORKING on tlie plans. Ahard jot
you'll enjoy a Lucky Strike cigarette, .
there's nothin";, more delightful than
the famous toasted flavor. It's, toasted.
this way I-;, 1
I, I
i'U U u w
The real Barley cigarette: the flavor
developed and enriched by toasting!
like buttered toast
Do you smoke a
pipe? Then Lucky .
Strike tobacco: same
formula: it's toasted.
O A Guaranteed by
Bill Ja'uies
the infield
i li I kid l,i the
Ui lives field
l l u, i
t uL James, Jiudoiiill ami i.vier were tne
r,l,isf three flingera, J.-imes twH one ef tho?
oue man will be lost through gradua- military events of June 12 in Pott
'tiun and with the return of several old land." stuted tho governor. "The day
man n,l tli c.liliiiim of several srood ia nn nartieularlv fur the men who .... , ... ... . world's serle gumes. Kilui then be
freshmen tho team should leave a long offered their entire serviees to their1. .' . . . , . has dmio nothing Ijei uuse Ins arm was
record of victories behind them. Me- eoimtrr in- the crest conflict and it j' """ W"" o liijers, wno, no- inixirfll fu ,.m.rsgoiiit ia
Kittriek. tho retiring captain, plsved conceived to pay them somo little i,haie lite tut,lr c!ulli n reputation were bis attempt to come back
Veil at first base, having only two er- of the tribute which is their due. May able to reach tin- former chiunpioti speed
rors against him. He lend in runs and they all be there to take pr.it in the ball demon of tho Natinnnl lengiio for
M-nrea and had five stolen bnses te his celehmtlon in the r honor." only six hits, a solitary run roiinniig -
home in the ninth inning. He fan,ied a 1 Toledo, Ohm, .lane !i. (juiet Jire-
eredit The men who have played two
thirds of the games arc Bosler II. Dint
iek, B. Dimiek, Davies, Olson, Mr.Kitt
rick, Austin, Wapato and ItieVman.
Powers substituted in the lost game: for
Wapato, who Is on the sick list.
! .
TATI IV'C I) 1CTD Iff CTADC ''""ide of opponnnts, Tho giimu ft trendy
lUlAI 0 DiUiiDALL CtViVL 'was lost when (ieorgn Ktalliis di-irfcd
I to see if Jnmc'i was any good and he
New York'
I'ittsbe.rg postponed,
Oscar Olson Elected To
Captain 1920 B:
Hopefuls At Wilamelte
The secretary of state's of fire today
approved the forms of initiative peti
tion IWr & BlUUin IP v"nv'iit",iin. .
KiiimiiliiiAiit iniliuLi'd Lv IllU OifkiOn Nl W
Himrln Tv T.nr.mie. The nronosed
amendment of section 1 of article 9 of ,anil Hannah, I?iie.
the consttiution provides "From July 1,
lu:!l, to and until July 1, 1923, all reve
nues necessary for the maintenance of
state, county, municipal and distrirl
government shall be raised by t ti.x on
the value of land irrespective of im
provements in or on it; and thereafter
R. If. K.
Cincinnati 0
St. Louis 0
Mitchcl! and Wingo; Dimlt and (lem
ons, (fifth inning.)
No others scheduled
vailed toiluy with tho Overland autfl
uiiiblW' plant, weuo of Tuesday's riot
ing, still closed. No word regarding the
evidently proved that ho was. Tin ri-! nl''en or siaie troops na oeea ni
val National league clubs are i;t liberty : n'lv,'(l '"'"I An investi-
thev nil out .!"" ; " .
on i nciMiHy nigni iii'ing cuuuneivu
by ''moiier Hurtling.
American '
Chicago " 0
York 1 1 1
(Vntte and irlialk : Shore, Mngridgs
to get all the consolation
of the probability that James dou'ntless
will be taking his regular tu:n now for
the Braves.
Then ia no cdlmmism over J. lines'
successful appenruncn just yet, but turn
vnnr nieninrv Silicic to tlm cbi.iii'r unrk
of the l!Mt season, when three pitchers
j working ill regular turn lifted a club
from liifrtto first p'nee bnrelv before the
season's enrll-ig. Hecull the world's
seri. of tbst venr when this club won
four straight from
i Atliletic.
tho rhilmii Iphia
Herittle, Wash., Juuo 5. Iogan Bill
ingsley, es bootlegger king of tho l'a
eit'ie roant, releiisi-ii Weilnesdajr from
the federal prison at McNeils Island,
nut briinsjtit to Sent tin hist niyht nnd
placed in tho enmity jail fay sheriff
b'liwi'. i l.j servo a tlueo uionllis sca
tene" for violation of s'nte Hjiior lnw
when ho was proprietor of the Day and
Night drug store here two yrnrs ago.
St. Louis
Wcilmanii, Wright, I-eifield and Bill
lings, Mayer; Johnson and Agncw.
! Yesterday Oscar Olson was elected
cantain of the varsity baseball team for' .he fn rental value of land, irresiec
liO. Olson is at present a junior andtjvo 0f improvements shall be taken in
hails front Woodburn, Oregon. During ' icu 0 ,u other taxes for the main
the present season 'Olson has playej tenance of government, and for such
third base in big league style end next, other purposes as the people may direct.
Detroit I
Biiton 2
lyi-otiard and Aiusm it h; Kuth,
and 5 hang. '
v.,. .V.nuht itivolnn tn fine tilaver.
I ' Prospects for a championship team
are gofid fnr the coming season for not
J- " ' -p Ij
cat om
It is unaccr-xp.r for you to crffer
anl similar skin troubles. Zrr,o, ob
tnined et any drf" store for Zoc, or
SliW for extra larr;c bXtie, and prompt
ly applied wilt uiuily fcivc ir.staot rolit-f
from itc'.iins torture It cleanse and
coolies t'.ie &'::.n ar.-l hccJs q-ikkly and
e;ct,vc7 mcst skin dceasea.
'Zem h n T.t!crft:l, penctra.in;
t": Z r:' cr.d ir tarCiinT to
l :-; M'.rdi M;i. I. i 3 not grcjwy, -i
: r M:!y sp-Acd e.-J C-sts litt'c Oct
is Uf 'i-7 e;.1 rT ell i.inhcr tliitrcM.
Ths E. V. fjo-e Co., Cw-Uud, O.
The intent of this amendment is to for-
ever prevent the exploitation of the
individual throngh the monopoly of na
tural or eommunitv made values or opportunities."
I'hibi'Ie'iphiri ,.
I tog by, Knzmnnn, I'hli
maker; Johnson, J'erry,
... rt 13 r,
.. lo 11
aid Niina
Hiehold ami
One Crop Cllen Pays lor the IM
Governor Oleott tinlsv i-ned a pro
clamation setting Thursday, June li, ss
a day to celjjrate the festivities i,r
ranged for in 1'ortliiiid in eonnictiou
witk the military reatures or uie uig
Victory ose Festival.
While the governor stated explicitly
that the day is not to be a legal holiday,
he made a persons! appeal to employ
ers of retained soldiers to give them
fa holiday On that occasion as the day
s primarily one set sirt in their honor.
"In twining the proclamation I also
eipresa the hope that every man who
hr. a returned soldier in his employ
Bill James Stages "Come
Back" After Few Years Of
Shimping; Holds Own Easy1
A if"'.
By H. C. Hamilton
1'nited Press Htaff Correspo ib
New York, June 5. Every oiue
while some one enthuses over the
formanee nf an old timer, a piu-hi
matter or shortstop or somethi.ig.
nt.) j
in a
r or ,
who .
has romn ImI' k with a vigor that fori
shadows again grer.t worth as a star
ball player. Once in a.whilc the thing
will allow hia to pvtieipate ia the big j'. i the case of Larry Doyle or
r , r
: ' f -
'- Til 'Bk
5K A
Large profit ar awired. You cn buy n asy payueiil U'rmf,
Fertile Land 2t515 to 500 per Acre 1
llatwf frmilar to that whirh tmurh tnanr y:i has verfled from 20 to 4!t
1 rHiviM-la) ul whfiit to h merm. (lurMl'iciI t nfa twd w;k( wi vuaini v
JwanaJa inulc crt ha imid th ct M Innti mi I proWtKiion. '1 ti Vi.krn- v,
i ( -I 1 . U n M t.. .. L .,. Uu n ai A A Uwrt a sarisnf
1 the farmer to Druwucr. Wid extend every emjsiMp cuco.trttKC-Dicnt m1 belp to
I prit of traiti cattle, abcrp amlhosa wtll rrniaiii. i - i
1 j Loan for the porhw of ttrxk mny b hi ert hw ptwt: . - ;
f churches; f(Mxld titm'; kw txxiy,n (Vin on itT!m-vTmnrii,
k ? retki.ssjsifw1 rait. tt.. mit W b-yu i iiua,,imMb, vri'.w, r j,
ij 4.1. fu,e. 1st
! fat its, tslue. Was.
r,mil,.rniiiinl Apiil
Jack tuns. .. tJ