THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4. 1919. PAGE SEVEN. v n n Ffir tttttti l ' Ui ,1 V i ii II' iu ru 1 3 I ! U M 1 i ; t M Mil ! Many people are subject to impulse that some times leads them away from real buys for home-and comfortWe can guarantee you satisfaction in either stoves or furniture and at a saving that is worth your while see us while you are testing others out. How about that refrigerator or porch shades for the comfort of those that stay at home? ' Wood, Coal and Gas Range Also Stoves of Standard Makes YOU ET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT id v Cit? News J Postmaster August Huckeetetn baa received notice from the postoffuo de partment iu Washington that if a pack age is invuied for $" a "J niuilid, in case of loss, this anion 'it cannot be col lected miles it i actually of the value of the amount insured. For instance, if a 1.23 phonograph record is insured for the usual and it is broken i transit, there will be no nerd of putting; in a claim 'for the total amount of the insurance. The renl value only will lit eonsidcred. ISuggestinn is also made that in mniling clothing, in esse of loss the real value as used clothing will be considered, rather than the first cost. Once every six years there Is aa op portiiiiitv to change the tost - books used in the public schools of Oregon. The six years expires this summer and now when pupils attend school next full, thev will find N-eral new books are required. The greatest improvement H lral educator said, is ia bonks on histories am civics. The text bonk com mission has discovered that American historv is worth while and the coming generation will kiiow more about tho hitorv of this country. The lMmer system of writing still prevails. This is the one with a slant and entirely different from the stylish vertical va lietv in vp'MC few years ago. The little tots will not learn their A B (.", as tliU went' out of style years and rears ago. dint there will be a change lind there will not be so many mouth gvmnaMics necessary before the little ouo is permitted to look a re-tvn let t' and pronounce such Jiivsterious Special Prices Tires on OKLX A TEW LEFT ..1....: .io.3o ?m.; .imn 1X30 ;;s Ms 4 ". 23.93 .. .2.'. 4 ; ;i.i3 CLARK'S Tire House 319 N. Coal St. I f M f " i MM 3 I i r I I Whether o n words as "cat," "dog" and "apple" They will still struggle with phonetics, but it will bo a 50-50 thuncc between words and phoeneitics. For the benefit of the. parent who buys school books, it may bo -said that those to be dis carded may too turned iu on tho pur chase prices of the new ones. In the reading contest at Kimball Stohonl of Theology yesterday Rev, Al fred Bates ulis awarded the Fisher prine of for excellence n reading scripture ni hymns, winning from four other contestants Sidney V. Hall Hnrver O. t'ooper, .loseph Miller and Fred B. Rorston. The judges in the contest were Hev. V. C. Kantner, Rev. t'. H. Powell and llev Inland PorKr. This evening occurs the recep tiou for the graduates ieo. K. Abbott and J. W. Warrell the faculty mid students. The final game in the Willamette university series was pulled oft on the local grounds yesterday afternoon, Ihmi the "Bearcats" fooght out a dose game with the Corvallis freshmen, losing to the visitors with score of 3 to 0. With this game the team is de mobilized. Wioking bacK npon what may be termed a fairly good season of ball work, under the direction of Coach Mathews. A number of public and eoclal event are before the public this evening, but among them iplaice should be mini for the graduating reeitnl of aus ve ivita Mc Kinney, one of the most prom ising pupil of the Willamette school of music, who will be heard et the First Methodist ehiinh nt 8 o'clock. The vocal selections will lie alternated with clastic piano selections. Every body is invited. Tb esbinrt en4 ftntshlnj work on the high school "practice house" which has been in prncress of remodel ing at the hands of the clnst In car pentering, is practically finished to day with the exception of the iron work, "which will be held over until fall, when the interior painting will all be done. The final touches will then be nut on by the class and the Imilding formally turned over to the domestic Menf departments Dr. Carl O. Doney returned yester- dav from lwiton, Idaho, where he delivered the commencement address before the state normal school grsdu atinar 'las of 40 members. This i less than half the number graduated last year and not a male student among them, demonstrating that the problem of a teaching force is quite as serious in Idaho as in Oregon. "A Day in Flowerdom" tg the name of the piny to l.e given Thursday eve ning by the chil.lren at the state insti tution for the feebleminded. Before ; the Jieginning of the play, those inter ; eted are asked to injiect the work done tr the children the past winter. i Tee body of John Browninj. who , died in Taoma, will arrive in the city Thiirclay afternoon. The funeral stv ! ires will be held Friday morning at 1n ioVlok from the r h a ; t of Webb t ("l'iii-h. liufial will be in the Odd IYI low cemefcrr. K J i I in P. W. Eeyleta, stock W, baa pur chased a five room bungalow in Salem Heights -from Mrs. Jennie Lick of Portland. The consideration wa $1300 o W."W, Harry, fruit mail, living south nf the city, has juirchascd a five acre tract -of unimproved, land in Graben horst fruit farniB. Ho will plant it in loganberries. Mr. Barry own an ad joining tract with home. Another five aero tract was also sold in the Ora benhorst fruit farms to Mrs. Ida M. Vadertseher. The land is unimproved. The consideration was tMiO. It will be planted in fruits. These sales were made by W. H. tirabenhnrst Co. o In the endeavor to find some mean of busting what is alleged to be a com bine of handling sunil and gravel in Portland, Commissioner Harbour of that city has ap"!ed. lo Attorney (ieneral Brown with the. query as to whether the stnte land (board has not the authority to assume tontrol of the bed of the Willamette river, o tic leas ed on to operators on the same basis as other state lands. The attorney gen eral citing the federal statutes, gives the opinion that he law makes no pro vision for he lease or sale of lands ly ing in the bed of, navigable streams. TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE NATIONAL. r. ir. e. Philadelphia H 12 0 New Vork 2 8 2 Jacobs, Cheney and Adams; Perritt and Gonzales. First Game: Brooklyn a Boston .. Mur'niard anil K. H. K. n i.-i o 3 1 1 3 Kreuger; Fillingim, James and Gowdy. Second Game: R. 11. K. Brooklyn 3 6 1 Boston B 9 1 Mammstix and Miller; tscott and Wilson. Pittsburgh Chicago - Hamilton and Lee; Vauglian and Kil lifer. Cincinnati 3 St. Louis 4 End of 7th inning. ' Hallee nd Wingo; Goodwin Clemens. and AMERICAN. R. ... Ht .... 5 H. E. New York Philadelphia - Knd of 8th inning. Nelson and llannah; Bogcr, XyW and McAvor. R II E. Boston .. - M If Washington 3 8 Ij James and fchang; Koliertsoa, j Thomfson and Pi-inich, Agnew, (:har-j rityi J No other games scheduled. i ' ! JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY! OR JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY PART "BIG IMW PLAYS l;l C0VEE1ANT would umm League Opponents Make Ef fort To Discover Source Of finances. -Sy 1.0. Martin iVuited Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, June 4. league of na tions opponents are anxious to detox mine what, if any, part "big busiuess" is playing in financing and nling prop aganda for ratification of the cove nant. . . . They predicted that allegations in senate yesterday by Senators Borah nd Lodge that tho full text of the pear treaty, thus far not given to the coll ate or the publie, is in the hand, of international bankers in JNew ork, will prove the prelude to an attempt to show: ' 1 What, if any, was the influence of "big business" iu framing the treaty ami lepguo covenant. 2 Sources from allien the Itift cam paign for the league and others 1 ke it have been financed. 3 Whether "big business" nas sought t.i prevent republican senators opposing the league. 4 If, anil why, big business" wants the league ratified. Sortator Borah said today he will eon fer this week with a New York lawyer who, he said, informed him that at a directors' meeting of a big internation al banking concern the full text of the treaty was presented ami nisetisseu. Democrats take the pnatnon that even f some. New York bankers have been abloto get copies of the treaty, that does rot absolve President Wilson from his agreement not to publish the treaty text until it has been signed ny ucr- ? . . PERSONAL .: Beeent arrivnU at the Capital hotel (n C. R. Smith, Hoqiiiam, Wash., Mr. and Mru. R. Murray. Albany, H. Lunde, Kstls City, K. C. Lovelace and Mrs. Have Her," Hoseburg. Mrs. John Hathaway of Grants Pass arrived in the city last night and is a guest with her Ifriend, Mrs. H. 8. Pres offieinl lnndinff Dlace of he seven air- the California Oregon Coast railroad out of Oranta il'ass. Among tho tourist parties registered at the Marion hotel aro Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hteele and .1. H. Steele of Twin Falls, Idaho. I F iayg We Must Keep Feet Dry, Avoid Exposure and E&t Less Meat Stay off tli damn fiouud, avoid z tosnrt, kep feet dry, eat less meat, Irink lot of water nd above U take i spoonful of sain occasionally to keep iown uric aetd. lUieumatism i caused by pulsonou wain, called uric (vid, which i gene rated In the bowel and aUiorbtd int She blood. It is the function of the kid sey to filter this ac'l from the blood wd eat it out In tha uriue. Ths porae tf the akin ar also a mean of freeing A blood of this Impurity. Ia damp md chilly cold weather the skin port ar loicd, thus forcing tb kidney to do iouble work, they become wesk and iluggib and fail to eliminat this urlo n id wbh-h keep accumulating end ctr ulatinf throntyh th system, eventually icttllng in the joint and muscles, caus ing itiffneM, soreness snd pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism gt from any pharmacy about four ounces at Jsd Salt; put a Ublcjspoonful la a (lass of water and drink before break fast eaea morning for week. This ia said to eliminat utIc add by tlmnlating the kidney to norm si action, tha rtddlnf rt blood ef these Imparl Um. Jad Salt la mtipenslTe, tarrslnr asl lo asad from th acid of fiao and temnn juice, oomblntd witb Btbta asd I used srlth eimllent remit bf thon and ef folk who ar edbjoct to Au snatism. Her yon kav piMat, f fervescent lltiia wster drink which rrr eome uric scid and Is bsaefldal to yestf kidneys f welL )K-'V4ISI x h Yon eipect the locel mer chants to take your prodnce. lidip thorn do it with your pat ronage Build up Marion county- $t M GASES 0 lira row JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Oil YAR EXPERIEKCES Tile Prpcpnj lUivvJ uw iivovui vuus , er Oa Diiferent teases Of War. Tonight is the nifcht that the Salem lods;e of Klks present t the people of Salem Pr. O. T. Wheeler of Chicago, leaking on his experiences tse war front. The adjlress is said to be entirelv dif ferent from the usual war addresses troin inc lact mat ne win inn i-nurr-lv nn whiit tlu. Siilvation amir did for the boys not a safe distauce from the firing line, but as close to tho trenihes as army authorities would permit. Aftr thn first declaration of war. when the government was in seed of speaker to present conditions as they were, lr Wheeler spoke in the central west on "The Kaiser THmuied His lerturcs were given in the ilensidy pop- uiatea iierman uismcrs or isensiu. The invitation is especially extend 'd in mntliern and sister of the men who were in the service, as well as the lioys in the city who saw actual ser vice. Dr. Wheeler is on a sneak iiur tour of the west telling of the needs of the Salvation army. The r.Iks of the state of Oregon have agreed to raise the quota of the state ami the tour of nr. Wheeler is to call attention to this cam paign. However, there will ,be no admission I'hjn'frn ami nn. one mar fear beinif so. Heited for funds or to subscribe for anything. It is just a lecture put on by the Klks lodge, that all may better un- derstind tho Sulvation army work at the front. The lecture will (lie-in at 8 o'clock flip arniurr. Tteidift thn address. there will be several numbers of music by home talent. The Klks band will lead the march nf members of the Klks lodge to the armory from the club house. VANDERLIP RESIOKS TEOSI HEAD OF NATIONAL CITY New York. June 4. The Dow Jones stock ticker today carried a report that Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City bank, had resigned. 40 reason was given. At tho buuk the report was neither denied nor confirmed, but Vanderlip'e secretary auid a statement probably would be mado lator in the day. Vanderlip was attending a uo&ra meeting. At the bnuk later it was announced that Vanderlip had resigned. The five principals, two sniervisors and 21 teacher, ,n the Peudlet, ,n pu h- he schools nave signed csmtracts to teach again next year. .T Y Vi'ness hZTZli to the Fisher - ... - Logging compsny a tract of imber in the upper Youngs river district "r Uatsop county tor wwf.w. t The Capital Journal t t Daily Market Report t Qiaia Wheat, soft white 3.10 Wheat, lower grade oa sample Oats - 8j(oMo tuy, vAeai $-1 Hay, oat Barley, ton Mill run - $4344 Butterfat. Bntterfat "nf- Creamerv butter fi0(ntil fork, Veal and Mutton Pork on foot Veal, fancy 17(?'liVic Btcer '?" Cow 5S Spring luiub 12c Ewes - of. Isheep, yearlings 8(S9c egg ana romiry Eggs, cask " 3"c Hens, live 2 Old rooster P Stags W(jj2Ze Broilers enc . Vegetauio t Strawberrie $L'.73 Kadishe, doz ..'....30c 3e $1.85 ...... 8ra8fce 40e ..... $t,23 ...... iVaC'ioc $2.73 3',4c Khubarb - Potatoes - N'ew Potatoes Green onion dor Bermuda onions, crate Cabbage - Head lettuce Beet inn Ornngcs -- lemons, bo I . $3(C,7 $5(o)6 9t Banana California erP - .2f' Black fig lb l6(q)M Whit figs, lb Wim Package figs pel b 50 pkg $4(a6.a0 lieey, extracted 0f BeUU nice Eggs dozen 43S.V)e Creamery butter 67fe70c Country butter fi0c Flour, hard wheat $3,10(3 3.23 Portland Market Portland. Or., June 4 Butter, city iresmery 0fl!&,57e ffgs selected local ex. 41V.tgl4c Hen 30c Broilers 32f3"e Gee 17(a20e Cheese, triplets 3739 DAILY LIYB STOCK MaEKXT Cttl lieceijds 57 Tone vf market weak Good to choice steers $11(242 Fair to gooil steers $lVu 10.50 ( oiiiinun steers iL'tdi s Choice cows and heifer $8.S0(aH Good to ehoiee cows rd keifert 910 t k ., Medina te giod eow( ead aeifer $7fi 8.50 t , lair to medium ow aad aeueri i$$.."i0(S, inneri $3..i0!3j Bulls $.Vo $ Journal w I Quick Reference To Firms - Where Buer And T...wnmrf Otis. Advert con EVEsrnnsa Salem Electric Co., Masonie Temple, AUTO DIRECTORY Al'TOfc without drivers to hire, 1 dol lar per hour. 1S'7 S. Com. St. Thone REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 120 acres of Xo. I land located fi miles from Salem, on good road, ia good location, good kouse and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses. 5 S year lings, 50 hrad of hogs, roofed 500 cords of wood ready cut. all at bargain. Write M. W care Journal. tf BEST BUYS o rs R room house, cltv water, barn, in Fulls City,. tiWO. Terms. 15 acre all in cultivation, o room house, iliarii, oiitbuiluiiiKS, it acres .rmlrriH. S pram. 1 potatoes, full equipment, stock, household goods, ean ned fruit, (feed, fiw. 14 acre chicken ranch 9 room bouse, ho,,, .hieken hnusi. eultivuted, 6 mile from riulem, seme lognns, 4000. 24 acres; 16 cultivated, all stock ana ;j.nt nt .5 Inunus. 5 itruncs: 1 nule fmm -itHtinii! n room house, liarn, ehick en house, green house, only 7t0U. 22 acrw all cultivated, an icnceu, i room house, .barn, if sold soon all crop men: mining town. 13300, half cash and hulf at 0 perceat. SO acre all cultivated, an nun-n wire fenced; 3 4 miles from town, $2, 330, half cash, half at6 percent. 50 acres all cultivated, good house, barn, 5 mile from Salem, all the beet of ooil,.o land in vicinity if ir nl for less than i'00 per acre, price of this place 100 per acre; $3000 cash "balance at percent, you state the time. 320 acres, best farm in Polk county, 290 eultlvaUMli best of soil, good im provements, all woven wire icncea; ov acre In clover, fine, lut of growing crop goes, only 1W. per acre. hxehange 10 acres all cultivated, good 7 room house, faintly fruit, Mi niilc from Sa lem, will exchange for south Kalem residence; price $3300 23 acres irrigated, 15 in alfalfa, near Pattemon, CaUtortua, will exennnge for ranch near Balem of about eiual value; iirjce $7300. Hl.UX ai'ies all cmtivaiea, me ram i soil, all stock, equipment and growing harn. well fenced, 5 - - - fenced 5 " , au), miles from town, close to atore gnd ,.!,,.,- fnetorv: will take acreage near M.':m V1"!'.,'.,,'1. 4;) Rt.res so rumvHtru, won . . ' Un 2 mUf, from ,tata 11()nlmi .ehmil; will take Halem resl- Ll,.nn . nart nav: Drice $000. Have for wile at low price two of t in f nest modern house in tno cuj tiitnri each. If vnu want a home in iKalem you are the loser if you don't look t'hcee over, For best buy in uty or farm prop erty ce rKA)ljiii"rivi Boyne building FOR 8ALK Or exchange, 10 acres well improved, 2 sets of building, good water on main road, 8 miles from Aibnn'y near Tangent, good family orchard, will accept outside property ncHr Hnlem. tsqimre icai Realty Co., phono 470. WATER COMTANY 3ALEU WATER. fwjiiPANx Offie orner Commercll'. and Trad street Bill payable monthly ta advene. Phooe 604. NOTICE flanlnjl nrnnnmli addressed to Jef ferson Myers, secretary of the board Hint A irriciiltural college. Corvallis, Oregon, will be received by the said board ol regenis uniu o'clock a. m. June 8, 1919, for the ftrrnUhing of all malertal and the per formance of all labor required for the erection and completion of the engin eering laboratory building, for the Agricultural college, etaie or Oregon. All 4id to be endorsed "Proposal far Dgiuering laboratory building." to be onencd tinon the ikbovc date by the said board of re- 8f",- . . . , , . All the work anil material wo f..., i. ll.u i,lan and SDcdfic8?i"1 " therefor OB file at th offie of the college, Cotvallu, Oregon, ana or in architiM-t, John V. Cenncs, 1040 Cham ber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon. ", , Each proposal musi tie accompuun-u by certified check ef five per teat of the amount of the bid as a gnranl that the successful bidder will enter into a contract according to said plan and specifications. Said check to be made payable to the Agricultural col lege of the elate of Oregon. If for any reason the biituer iii io proper contract snd bond required with ... J,.,, .rtar nntifiration of the ia ton ...... - acceptance of hi bid, then certified check will become rorieiwu i mo t thfl state of Or riv: ui t ui v tv 9 gon. Calve $!tf 13 Hog Receipts 811 Tone of market steady Prime mixed $19fa 19.50 Rough heavies $I7..)0(5 18."0 Bulk $lf..W& 19.73 Pig $l8.30fi 19.50 Cheey lieceipt (i")5 Tone of market slendy Prime l-.unbs $13f14 Fair to medium lambs $12413.30 Yearling 70i 9..10 Wether $;.:,('( 8.50 Ewe $('n'a 7..")0 aire Acs That Giro Serrice Oa Shorl bllIer Sleet e . Tskpao -Main irm eltcthicai. 127 North High.. DORA DEAX McCTJTCHEON. teswhar of piano, a new and logical method for both pupil and teacher, nwkiai elcar all basic principle necsry to a musical education, a no" giving the "musjc teai'hsr" something t teach. siU.Couit St. Phone 362. PEOPLES FURNITURE STO TT For bargains in new and seconaaann goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters and toves, rurs, sewing machine, graniteware, dishes, euit cases, trunks and tools. Wa w your old furaiture and stoei will pay you highest cash price. See t last. Peoples Furniture Store, 271 X. Commercial St. Phone 734. SECONDHAND COODS NO CASH REQUIRED Good overeeat shoes and suits, au Rind or mnsio al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gaa stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to ell or trade. What have yont The Capital Exchange, 337 Ceurt 8t. Phone 493. WE WANT YOl'R used furuiture, stoves, carpet ana ioois, as we pay jatr prices ivr everything. Call 917 UAl'lTAL HARDWARE A PURNI- - TURK CO. 83 N. Com! St. HATS BLOCKED, REPAIRED HAT BIXJCKIXO I clean and block Indies' and Men hats. Just re ceived a hat renovating machiae. It gets the dirt, Try it once. O. B. Ellsworth. 495 Court St. Bulcm, Or. THE SOLDIER BOYS Pool and biV liard parlor it now open under aew management and it render you and the general publie a congenial place) to pa away a fcw'leisuie houre. Tho basement of Oregon Electrie depot, corner of. Stnte and lligk l'hone 628. Win. Livock. prop. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot national and American fence. Hires 20 to 38 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, etc. loganberry and hop hook. ' Palem Fence and Stove Work, 830 Court street, Phone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys; sells and exchange new a 2d hand furniture. All kind of repair work, light grinding, fill?, and a specialty. Bight price. 247 North Commercial M. Thone 16. 8AI.KM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of a'l kinds removed on monw ly contract at reasonable rate.i (ess pools cleaned. Dead animal re moved. Office phone Main 187. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Eitate Security TIIOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Bush bank; Salens Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5'A cer eent interest. Prompt service. 84H year time. Federal farm loaa bord ior salo. A. C. Bohriutedt, 401 ka onie Temple, Snlem, Oregoi. INSUB.VNCE COO'Ciie For fro i formation about Lif Insnrane eee J. F. Hutchaaon, dUt. maegr for the Mutual Life of N. Y., office at 371 Stat St.. Salem, Ore. Offiee phone 99, residence 1390. ti LAUKDRYMAN HOP LEE, espert laundrymas, 4M Ferry H. I pay top market price for chickens and L"gU- .Offie phono 1K9J, residence 1333J. 1 1 . A WOOD SAW PHOKK 1090E Our Prices sre Bight W M. ZANDLER. Pronrietor 12 )3 X. Summer Street, Salem, Oregoi STEWART'S REPAIR SHOP Have just Installed a machine tbal wui sharpen lawnmower th same ta factory puts them out new. Bring; all vour light repair work to . Al vin'B. Stewart, M7 Court 81. Phono 493. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MeX'ornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. J. KuntH, K. S. t 8. EOYAL Neighbors of Amerka, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1M0 meet every Thursday evening ia MeCornaek hU Elevator sc-vice".' Oracle, Mrs. Car rie E. Bonn, 6s linion ht; recor der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th' St. Phone 1130M.