TKS DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4, G-1UL. wanted. The Spa. IL NEW I OUT JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING IIEDIUM LN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS nUPTTITED ADYESTISTNG KATES Bat per word wv'ew Today: Each insertion , le Ou week (S insertions) be Ob Booth (26 insertion 17c The Capital Journal will not be re aoonsibl for mora than on Insertion. tt error in Classified Advertisement Send jour advertisement the first day it appear and notify as immediately if i i 01 occurs. - Minimum charge, 13. SIG fir wood for sale. Phone 841W. tf WANTED Girl for housework; ne cooking. Phone 1627, 461 M. High, tf CAJNXliNG strawberries for sale. Phone 373 tf LOST Small1 bliK-k: Tig. Reward. Phone 6iv21. -5 FOR SALE Good milk cow. 564 8. 17 St. Phone 890M. 6 4 fXl4 FOE SALE at 813 Union St. 69 POTATOES for sale. Cherry City Feed barn. 6 9 WAJiTHD Experienced cook at Wil lamette ganitorium, 754 Perry St. 6 4 EXailAGE cutter for sale cheap. Ad dress 896 S. 20th St. 6 7 CALVES I want 3 or 4 day-old calves C. C. Bussell, phone 8F3. . tf WANTED All kinds of bieken. Will pay top price. Phone 133W. tf W. BEAVEB well driller, phone 827 J, 1165 V. 19th St., Salem. Or. 6 6 WANTED Cattle and calves, any kind. Phone 1576W. 6 27 WANTED All kind of cattle. Phone 2155. 619 J AS. LYONS practical painter. Phone 704. tf W A XTHD Strawberry pickers. Phone 23F15. 729 SALESMAN-COLLECTOR wanted, with car. 337 State St., Salem, Or. 6-4 STRAWBERRIES for sale. Phone 111 HI. tf 1 AND 2 room housekeeping apartment at the Miller, 633 Perry St. - 6 5 FOR SALE Furnished apartment noose; income fw per montn. none 2454W or 628. 64 FRAMH your photographs, 50 eent p. Buren's, Com. fit. 6-10 IXHJAMBEIUIY pickers wanted, stoves and tents furnished. Phone 88F11. 64 HEMSTITOHXNO and pieo edjre work guaranteed. Binder Sewing Machine Co., 337 State St. 6 4 WANTED At Oregon state hospital 5 teamsters. Apply L. M. Lane, Cot tag farm. Tel 3tF8. 6 4 WAN T ED Alan at Tile worke near fairgrounds. Salem Tile k Mercantile Co. tf PAST CUE to let for cattle, 6 mile east of baJem on 4ardea road. Phone ami 6 4 FOR KENT Bedroom with private bath. Mrs. Peek above Vick gar ge. 6 4 FOB SALE One pair of mulca for or chard work, weight 1500; wagon and harness. Phone 32S. 6-4 SALESMAN With top notch record wishes to locate in Salem or vicinity. What hava yout 8 J care Journal. 6-5 FOB SALE One 8-16 Mogul tractor . in good running order. 197 S. Com. St. 65 FOR SALE llaxwell touring ear, 1913 model, in good condition. ls7 IS. Ooni. St. 6-5 FOB SALE Maxwell touring car, 1917 model, in good condition. Iw S. Com St. 65 WAXTEiD 'Young man to take charge of stock room, experience unneces sary. F. W. Woolworth k Co. tf WANTED A second hand trailer for Ford; mint be good and cheap. Phone otiFll. 6 4 FOR SALE Team, weight 3000 lbs. harness and wagon, good condition, right price. Phone 107F13. 6-3 FOR RENT 2 nice modern houses, one 4 room and one 5 room. U. E. Bolinger. 328 Hubbard bldg. tf FOB RENT Completely furnished house V rooms, i'hone 1532J or call 629 ?. Winter, tf WOOD choppers wanted, 2.50 to 3 per cord for fir ana ash. Good camp, long job. Phone 314R call at Bless ings cigar store, A. J. Anderson, tf ONLY hotel, 30 rooms in liv country town, witn tig payroll, to sell for 16000, cash, balance 6 percent. Enquire of Airs. Yaenke 555 Che meketa Bt. ' 6 6 FOCND Pure containing money 5tr. M aney, Phone 33. S WANTED Tw kitchen helper. J: psv good wages. Apply chef Matron hotel.. ' 6 FOK SALE Young raly good fry 2355. & Com"!. 6 3 WANTED 15 or 20 goats. Rt. 8, box 125. Phone 59F4. 6-7 NEW mass breiele for sale. Eaejuir after 6 p. m. at 1311 X. 4th. 5 WANTED-JBull, wiU pasture for vice; have eight cows. Rt. 1, bes 20 B. WANTED Top buggy, horse and har ness. Riiilv bv siaiL Attest, 475 N. Commercial tt. Salem. tf SMAIJj driving hore gentle to werk or drive. 1311 N. 4th after 6 p. m. 6-5 FOR RENT Store room on Stat street suitable for automobile busi ness. J. H. Lauterman, Argo hotel, tf WANTED Bright, keen salesgirls. II. W. and JI. L. Meyers. Apply to Supt after 9 a. m, Thursday morning. 6-4 FOR RHJNT Modern 5 room house ful ly furnished, piano, $25. C. W. JJed nieyer, Masonic bldg- 6-4 WOOD cutters wanted for about 40 cords, par $2.50 per cord. F. A. Lcsg Phone 80OW. 6 6 FOR SALE Good driving horse, 8 vt'ars old, color black, weight 1100 lbs. Phone 30F2. 6 4 THIS WEEK CLOSES onr season for bnbv chicks. Few on hand now. Call at 5l4 State St Phone 400. 64 FOR SALE 1 secondhand power bal er, in good condition; 1 secondhand drag saw, 3 saws. H. Puhle t Sou. 6 5 WANTED Small house north Saloon, between Commercial and Fifth $300 cash, balance good terms. I) care Journal. 6-4 5 MEN wantod for factory work long jtib, good wages. Apply immediately at U. 8. employment crvke, 128 S. Liberty. tf FOR SALE Cheap, 4 room house, bath eloctrie light ,hot water, fin gar den and fruit A ear East eebool, ear and paved street. Lot 80 Iby 160. See owner, 1076 Marion, 6 4 FOR SAL B Mare 8 year old, weight iw, souni; guaranteed to ' work single or double. W. B Farrier, 6 mile south on Pringl road. 6-5 WANTED tA grocery clerk, young ujnrriL'u man wnn some experience preferred Apply in person, C M. Roberts, '456 Court St. 6 4 FOR BALE Aclimated tobacco plants Will ripen sure. 3 block south from 12 street car line. Box 31, Phone 858M. 6-7 FOR BALE Hop sacks and baskets in good condition, some never used. Fraud Adelman. Cervais, Or. 6-4 ICABIttDB lighting plant for sale, extra good fixtures, spark eoil. Reason for soiling, eloetric line coming thru. Phone 37F2, Kt. 4, box 40, Salem. 64 FOR SALE Two boiler, 1 eight horse horizontal Call at Capital City Co operative Creamery; tf THE fTAZLBWOOT) does shoe repair ing, neatly done. 321 N. Com. 8t. 6 IS FOR SAiLB Or trade 1600 lb. horse, T year old, ifor smaller team. Pho'ne 1207M. 6-6 FOB SALE One fitudebaker car, re painted and in good condition, good tires, cheap. 263 N. Com'l. tf TRAILERS for sale and made to or dor. Woodry' Auction Market, Fer ry and Liberty. 6 15 WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. - tf WANTED Leaky radiator to repair, Salem Auto Radiator shop, 198 8. 12th. . . 66 FOR BALE40 acre farm In erop, some of heat land in Oregon. For TtiTtieu!srs write owner, Rt. 1, hit 42, Scio, Or. 6-18 FOR SALE 5 room house, two 1 ots, good garden, all kinds fruit. $000. So incumbrance. Phon owner 1393. 629 WANTED Work by experienced land cap gardener. Best reference. Phone 907. J. O. Drake, P. O. box S)6. Halem. FUELV1TURE for sale 1 Monarch rango W; 1 iron bed and springs $20; 1 walnnt stfind ."; 20 5 6 yards carpet $.'!0; 2 cedar chests $3 and 3 254 N. Cottage St. 6-4 FOR SALE 1 sow and pigs, 2 thor ough bred Berkshire gilts to farrow 1. A-l milk eow, 1 saddle pony, good singlo driver. Call 87F24 eve nings. 65 FOR SALE Strictly .modern 6 room bungalow, beautifully finished, very conveniently planned, east front, at only $351)0. Strictly modern 7 room residence, fine grounds, paved street, if sold at onoe, $3600. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf FOR SALE By owner at a sacrifice, 8 room house in A-l condition built only abort time, large lot, improved street, close to new packing plant now building, also school and car; will take good young team and out flit or lata model ear In good condi tion, en deal. Iook thi np if you want a fine home at a bargain; no agent. Address 9 ear Journal. 6 2 MEN WASTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS, 42e HOUR, I HOUR DAT. SEE MR.H. A. BW AFFORD AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. GOOD HO TEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS ZOe; BEST MEALS 35. . tf t fw -w irarm iwsrt CENSUS CiERKS 4000 needed. 92 month. Age, 18 upward. Expenenoe unneceasnry. For free particulars of examinations, write J Leonard (for mer government examiner,) 1382 Equitable bldg., Washington. 6-6 WESTERN JXTSK k SALVAGE COMPANY We buy all hind of junk, hardware, furniture, tools, m- chinery. There i hardly item we do not buy. I'hone 706 402 N. CoaX Irrigation for 1919 Th systsm of dividing the city into two district which proved o satisfactory last year will be continued for the season of 1919. The houses which bear even numbers on tho streets will irrigate only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Bun day, and the houses which bear odd numbers on the streets irrigate only on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sun day. This plan will permit every house to irrigate four day out of each week. By strictly followinn this rule we are able to supply our patrons with the umi amount of water under more satisfactory conditions. Senvin irriga tion diiib will He discounted 10 per cent if paid on or before June VOth. Salem Water, Light k Power Co. 6 10 LIBERTY BONDS QUOTATIONS New York, June 4. Liberty bonds: iM 99.50; first 4 'a, 95.10, off JO; coad 4 s, 942, off .04; first 4V,'m J5.70, np ,10; second 4n's, up .04 (no luotatioa given); third 4V. 95.60; fourth 44 94.90; Victory 4's, 100, up .02. FARII LANDS. , 88 Acres idjoning, Turner for sale. Will take a residence property in K lent aa high as $3500 and small cash payment down, balance terms to suit. Price $10,000. 9 Aere two miles out on Silvertoa road for sale at t253 per acre. I.ILWESON&CO. Room 8, D'Arcy Bldg. tf IQ YOU WANT A HOME? This is one of the most beautiful bungalows in the city can be bought on easy terms and much len than you can build the house. Let nic, thow you. Six rooms and modern in every way. The material used in the construction of this building was selected by one that knows what hiniber is. Large lot, truit; good location; you wiQ have to see it to appreciate, "it will jell at a bargain. H. 8. Radcliff, room 4 Bayne building. 65 OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE rSED CARS BtWHT TOR CASH OR SOLD ON COMMISSION White gas, perfect condition, $600 Flanders "20", perfect condition, new tiros, $265 1917 Chevrolet $475 Ford sedan $675 1910 Ford, perfect condition, $375 Mollne roadster $375 - 2 ton lumber truck at a bargain We wreck .autos for their parts, this nables you to get old ear parts at a bargain. Cash price paid for junk cars. -ton Ford truck, thoroughly over hauled $475 5 passenger Studobaker $180 1917 Ford $400 349 N. Com'l. St. Phone 666 SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. SPICER, Mgr 229 Btat Btreet W buy your ear or sell oa eommis- oa. SPECIALS Overland, model 90, $650 1917 Briseo $575 Fine Little roadster cheap Maxwell, good as new, $550 1917 Hudson $1000 1917 Briseo $575 Light delivery car $200 Overland roadster $525 TWENTY OTHERS TO PI"K FROM First clas auto laundry and polish ing. 100 acres in fine prune district where crop i assured as proven by this jrear, when crop is light elsewhere; 0 acres in cultivation, plenty tim ber for drier, fine springs for irri gation and water power, water filed on. Evergreen berries in pasture will yield $600 this year. 4 miles to market. Will take some property on the deal and give term to suit. . F Booth, 1985 Chemckcta 6-4 15 ACRES all in cultivation with good family orchard, fair improvements, 6 miles out on good road; a snap at $2700, terms. 10 acres; 1 or re logana, 1 prunes, good family orchard sud gnrden, fair improvements, $3250; terms. 5 acre joining town, $2300; a dandy place, fair improvements. Cull in and look our aver for large farms, fruit traet or house. Wo have real buvs. JOILN IL SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard building BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS fi li li II !l : r at 9 WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WEAL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY, HAWX1S AND ROBERTS 311 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore. t- thH,, Good position ar bow ops in th new U. 8. Merchant Ma rine. W seed 500 men for la mediate service aboard our new ocean carriers, good pay. Travel to all part of th world. Me, between th age of 18 to 35 in clusive ar eligible. Ton mast be an American citizen. For full information apply at THE EEIALL DRTJCt BTOEE 115 S. Commercial St. OTTER REALTY BUYS Bungalow, strictly modern, 7 rooms, well located. $3500. Good terms. 10 acre with house, barn, chicken houses, fenced park, ete. All cultivated $2000. Mak your own terms. 8 Mi acre beannjr prunea in fine condition; with strictly modern bun galow. A rare buy, $8750. Good terms. Exchange strictly modern 6 room bungalow a part pay for prune orch ard. 40 acres with 35 In crop; fair build ings, Complete with fcnplemcnts, team, stack, chickens, etc. $4500. Good terms C W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 215 216 Masonic building. Phone 1000 tf July Delineators Have Arrived KEEP COOL and comfortable this summer in gar ments made the sat isfactory Munsing wear way. Many iliffovenr 1 5 ir 4 weight knitted fab- )i f L rics. A right size for ' r -"V ,gg. everybody. The Satisfaction Lasts Pm Cm1)- u CLEAH UP SALE LAluS READY TO WEAR Coats,fSuits, Dresses r w NOTICE TO BUILDING CONTRACT ORS Ores on 0tate Highway Com mission Proposals for Oarage and Warehouse at Salem, Oregon. Sealed bids will be received by the Oregon State Highway Commission at room 5-0 Multnomah county court house, Portland, Oregon, at 2 o'clock p. m., June 10th, 1919, for the con struction of two frame buililingsj One 00 feetxHO feet in siae, 2 tO' , high; the other 70 feetxftO feet, 1 swry hih. 'These structures will be located at the state penitentiary brickyard just east of the city limis of Falem No bid will be considered unless ac companied by cash, bidder's bond or certified check for as amount equal to five (5) percent of the total amount bid. A satisfactory bond will be required for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum eifunl to one half of the total amount bid. Proposal blank and full information for riidders mny be obtained at the of fiee of th Htate Hiphwsy Kneineer, Capital building, Salem. I lans and pc if nations and form of contract may be inspected at the same place or may be obtained upon deposit of $5. I'lans and specificatMms are al so on file at room 1301 icon building. The right i reserved to reject any or all proposal or to accept tho pro posal deemed best for the state of Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY UOM MKftilON, B. BENSON, Chairman. W. L. THOMPSON, Commtssipner. R, A. WXlTH, Commissioner. Attect: Herbert Xunn BtstwLighway Engineer. 65 ealem, Oregon, June Z, 1919 Flumbli.f. and Water Byftnms InstaUed by GRAEER BEOH, 141 Sonth Libart I -St Fhorj em Ala agent for rill- J ) A It A vi --i LA for' Summer .CcirifORf JIUNSLNG-UNION SUITS In thin, sheer, sum mer fabrics have in them just a few ounces of weight, but lots of wear. They fit and cover the form perfectly, without gaping or binding. The fit won't wash out Popular bee a u se satisfactory. Coats up to $75 $43.00 f Coats up to $43 $14.93 j ' Coats up to $15 $7.50 fj Suits up to $75 $43.00 Suits up to $45 $14.93 1 AH Coats and Suits Not on Extra Special LESS 20 PER CENT Mite Wash Dress Skirts Every skirt heavily reduced A special lot at $2.93- You Can Always Do Better At I XiCCCuICOODt ' ntr, Tniiw New Arrivals in Silks and Satins sum Austrian Papers Bitter la Ccsnsosting On Terms Vienna, Jan 2. (United I'ruO Austria wsppeir were bitter in comment regarding th peace term. 'The treaty is wr than our worst expectation," said th Neue ireie Presse. "It will lead to complete ruin" " They hav torn th living flesh front stupefied Austria." accordins to the Ajrbeitr Zeitung. The iNeue Weinor Journal declared: It is unatce.pte.ble. ' ' STATIC "JUICE" GENERATED IN CAT'S rUR IONITES OA8 Spokane, Wah., Jus 4. Slali elec tricity, generated from the fur of a eat in the humane burns here eansed a cas explosion last aifht whieh severely burned Humane Officer Fred Eder and killed three cats. Tho explosion took place when Eder lifted the cover of ft gnu filled asphyx iating box to place in the cats. Mayor O. E. Albtn and Manager T. E. McOroske.y went out ito the state fair grouiuls this morning to superin tend the cutting of tho oat crop within the race Ura-ck. This tract is to be the official landinsf place of 1lio seven air planes when they travel north through the Willamette valh'y between Eugene and Portland next Tnesdny, June 10. It is sot certain whether on ctf the biflt Do Uaviland nlxnes will make the trip but there is the assurance that even omcr una will De coming down this way from the outh on. tho after noon of Juno 10. Ther nnect In i;a in Portland late in the evening and oe resrry 10 laa part tn th first my's program of the Rose festival, J on 11. Another Jolt of disappointment come to a state full of interested eit- lien who have been TooWng anxiously for the decision of the supreme court in the friendly suit of Okott vs Hof. This decision was fully exfierted to b forthcoming today, but for som ra son known only to the supreme Justices the opinion was not handed down. .Nor was there tho regular grist of deei ios en appealed eases, eustomarily giv es out on Tuesday morning, tipecula tioa will continu to brew for at least another week. TtMM If You Want Your Shoes Cobbled, go to a Cobbler; If you want up to date Shoe Repairing done, go to N. BRUECK I 16:i South Commercial Street r444t,4H4444Hv444m4vT444M4444 I SUITS ORDERED NOW DRESS WELL m i THE FOURTH Can Be Delivered IN TIBi 7 IE Of course you want to he a well dressed as "The Other Fellow" on the day of Salem's BIG CELEBRATION We have a very large assortment of the finest of aE-wool suitingsmany patterns, weights and shades Made Since the Armistice. LET US SHOW YOU THESE WOOLENS And let us tell you how low a price we can make you on as fine a suit as you ever wore and deliver it before July 4. 4- Scotch Woolen Mills Store SALEM, OREGON. 42G STATE STREET t t t i i i i --i t il if j Basss-sooTH us atngmea. rvrnftrffrMTH 4 f