Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 04, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    c. o W ? a . a 77 ff aw'.,Jf If
Editor nJ Pablither
Quoriai rage
3, 1919
r i ne il
Ft' Ushcd Every Evening' Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communications To
Sbe Saila!?iltpl Journal.
138 S. (.'om mere ill St.
ivn hr rrrir. tier rear $.5.00 Per Month..
ti: by Mail, per ycar-
Per Month-
W. D. Ward, Kew Tork, Tribune Building.
W. H. Btoekwell, Chicago, People'! On Building
(Continued on pw two)
Iinperator Collides With
FreMcr This Morning
Damage Slight
1 t t ..; itAva m infrnitp(f n Tint tha naiiers on the
ajrea. If the carrier doel not do this, siwi yon, or neglects getting the paper xuiu IS,
I you on lime, sinaiy pnuaw mo ciremmiuu - - --v
we ca determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone
1 before 7:30 o'clock and paper will be ent yoa by special messenger if the
carrier has missed yon. -
Ii tb only newspaper ia Salem whose circulation Is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
Everv American has thrilled with pride at the cross
ing of the Atlantic by an aircraft absolutely an American
product and handled by an all-American crew. This is
recognized as more than a personal triumph for the fliers
and builders of that craft. It is even more than a triumph
for the American navy, which organized and managed
the enterprise and gave it such helpful support as no pri
vate agency could possibly have given. It is a national
triumph, the achievement of 100,000,000 people concen
trating on something and backing it with all their re
sources of money, brains and machinery.
It is the first time that the United States government
ltas gone into any undertaking comparable with this.
And it should not be the last.
The big war has got the Americans into the habit of
working together for a common purpose. The trans
Atlantic flight shows what can be accomplished in peace
time by a similar spirit and purpose, at a cost which,
though beyond a private purse, is insignificant when com
pared with war costs. If the expense oT that expedition
19 $1,000,000, as somebody has estimated, that is about
one cent apiece for every American. Who would 'not give
another cent for another such thrill? v
The world is full of big things to' do, some of which
require big sums of money, but most of which merely re
quire brains, courage and co-operation. Let Uncle, Sam
keep on doing them.
If there remained any doubt as to the undue severity
of military sentences imposed on American soldiers dur
ing the war, it has been removed by the recent action of
thp Army Clemency Hoard. In two months that body has
reviewed 2,R57 cases, totally remitting punishment in 018
and making total or partial remission of 91 per cent of
all the cases considered. The average sentences were, re
duced from seven years and six months to one year and
eight monthsa reduction of nearly 80 per cent.
This record is tacit confession that about one-third 'J?" tpamBt decided t0 fciiow
of the men sentenced to terms of imprisonment by courts- trmmo
martial ought never to have been sentenced at all, and. """" .
that on the average offenses were awarded punishment jZTfteV
more than four times as heavy as they deserved. iain at work today, pending further
It is well that machinery exists to remedy such eyi-. S J" J
dent injustice, and that there IS a Willingness tO USe the I The railwaymea were ordered by ths1 Newport News, V, June 4. Bring-!
machinery. But surely it would be far better if the in-fi "k i"frr.e JEVThJ.-! "Z
justice were never committed in the first place; There is Most of the metal trades employee reiN,,,rla,,,,''r "'ved hero tola? from
radical ' work, said J. 0. Hart, eccretary lar louowmg unire, tuomi;
v,, I"1 tne Aietui Trades fcmploven asso-, "" '.
army Liation, it BiKht, Th ,trike 313th supply tram detachment, field
tion bs fur as this association was eon- veterinary unit detachment division
' - ' al ntA.lw.al tt.mi.ltf unit .mta iik
ceriu'd was pretty easy, and the. organ-1 ,. .. ,'
ospital numbers 349, ooO,
totalling 29 officers anil
achment 313th engineers,
It is a meritorious project because thousands of Oregon' punts, 'nd not two per ent of this 5m ,f',n"-, ,",',d,l"ar.t"', ""!
B, eix officers and 481 men; 338th ma
olovod on v two of them had obevod the '''".'""' "" I
strike call and this was more "or lea llce; 8Mh vmon millttr
,j,,.v. wi uv villus ituatiVD.. a1IM With ArH,1lA
New York, June,' 4. The V. S. S.
hope that the present congress will see that
change is made in the make-up and method.
ization was taking no action I i rcjpm.
The Roosevelt highway proposition has received a' to the question. There are between ' "f
splendid vote in Marion county, and we are glad of it.ZrZ'ZS:
It IS it IIieiKUIIUUS piUJCCl uecctu&e UlUUSiUlUS 01 UregOIl plants, and not two pe
cpfUprs Vinvp livprl in vnrinns eppf Inns ftf rmi- rnnf fmintipQ ! number had walked out.
14.1'iajj? j.v i. 1 one 8,'P where 50 men are era-
lur years cuuipieieiy lsuiaieu uvui uieir own couniyi
seats, as well as from communication with the interior t
of the state. They have worked long and faithfully to
develop that region and deserve some consideration from
the people of other more fortunately situated parts of
the state. Besides this highway should cause much de
velopment in those coast counties, providing homes for
many new settlers and materially increasing the total
value of our taxable property, why we are especially
glad that Salem and Marion county has cast a good vote
for this project is because it refutes the charge that our
people are extremely narrow and self-centered and op
pose everything that costs a dollar, if the money is spent
outside or the capital city or Marion county. Our people
have in this instance shown their appreciation of the
needs of a part of the state in which they are not directly
interested and in doing so will stand higher in the es
teem of the people of Oregon.
Von Hindenburg has applied for a permit to become
a resident citizen of Switzerland. The Swiss are much
embarrassed at the proposal and hesitate to consent. They
don't quite relish having the Hindenburg line perman
ently established in their country.
The people apparently do not want a lieutenant gov
ernor, probably thinking of the experience they have had
with some governors in the past and not waning to annex
more troubles by creating a vice-governor. ' v ? :
Disarmament alone "will save Germany enough to
pay a large part of the war indemnity. And yet the Ger
mans kick about disarmament!
In some shops not a single man had
ni L.
t . . . . . . Jinperator, sister ship of the I.evia
lii other manufacturing plant, in the th ' -ret'urni t0 V.t after her
Mty, while ome few union men ma, first , ,he Vuited gu.t wih
have been liableto the call, no Incon
venience has been caused, and as far as
That agricultural agent proposal is probably buried
for good. - .
I was bathing my face, so that Neil
miht not know 1 hail been C0''E
when I heard a scream, then my boy
CUAI'TKIi CVU. calling fur me. 1 rushed from th
.!ii!.t after Mr, Frederick had bh'uI he room, and down the stairs. While play
irid do mitlnnu for Neil milesH heiiiix in front of the house Robert had
hiniHcIf wanted to help, others came ' fa lien in mich a way as to break his
mi. I c hnil rn further npimrttinitv to arm. We carried him up to his room.
talk together, i tirijed him to remain j then called a doctor. I was almost mad
In dinner, but he had an engagement, with pity tor the poor child until he
I hoped Neil would come home and that came; then faint when Hubert screnin
if we both talked to him he might li !ed as it was set. Fortunately Neil DID
ten. I knew from Frederick a iimnner ; come home, and although he went out
ad reached some sort of
that thinj
ft CHMS.
Mis W'Non cam
erick was leating,
to wut until nil.
in just as Frde
Inter, he remained with us until Hub
ert fell anlcep, worn out with the pain. "J
I eat besido my boy until IhmI enmc
t he persuaded him in little after midnight. W hen be in
had a cup nt tea.'sisted I go to bed I hail no strength to
Said Old Bill Jinx, "I'm poor, I wean, and so I'm al
ways slighted; I think my neighbors pretty moan; they
luiu r..u tw a fc.iM.uiir, uu u am ma imnfu, li )m,lWltl )o ,,, him Rt his hotel If! resist, gave up mv place to him
I hey would say, Bill, come and ride, enjoy a little outing, he would. nurse, but both idoiued our
then inv wniifil in tm :niil nhirta nnl-irrro nv luni-t ov "I be a new Bolls lioyce. I should -boy and would not have dreamed of
men joj youiu in m soui awae, eniaige m nea t, ex- likfi vmi to ., ,, plif lmil ,Bi(l with icaving him all)U0 with her UBd), the
rand my hide I would not sit here pouting. Said I, At sn aVeh i..ok at him. ah the w,l.n;cirrun.tanes.
sx o'clock I'll come, and take you for a journey; be ready ! h,aJ h,!'!' llk-1 ,h,:" 1 'ilu t ti.."iftfi?2,,irl
., iiit .1 ii i .i blunt friend of mine; thi man who tiino tor hell to go to the cftice. Jte
Ihen, you good old bum; through woodiand scenes we then ..iied thini i.v their names, ami hud snatched a intie ret on mii
shall hum, by meadows lush and ferny." And just at six I"1:;,!: V".'' " !'Tr t','"L,!;:"h. l"7f h!r!.. L''
T . ii i . ii n.m i i i ii- . "That is :ia ladncmeiil. I niosCv , ' "'. out he hnKid white and worn.
I tooled my crock to old Bills lowly dwelling; my prompt-! ri.ie in nuv.i at home." th'-i "a good bath and wme coffee wm
i.jwts nif1 rr fnvn i cVnrl,-' "Tnct wnit tnn niintitae Kv 1 rharactens'l" iii-.vcr. Then M ind W l P," when 1 told him he look-
.. . i i , .i . ....... . . J ih.iii remarkod' I'd tired, and then h aiirnmt away in.
Cnvi, I nOal'U UatS V lillUltl yellUlg. len minUteSI "J haen't seen vou at Mrs. row -i get ready for the day. He looked In
then I waited there; I wailed more' than twenty; and I i,r" '-. mis. Fo.be,. !. had w... d bhhi bye before he went
,v , r T i i i . ) ili-rf nl affair the other niaht. 1 loiH n" n town, but we had n tune for any
was sorer than a war, for I had no cher.p time to spare U for yi)u lld T((ur ,Td feu- tu. even had we hd the inclination.
I thought I'd waited plenty. Old Bill would like to have d," ' ' ! ah day i kept too bU.y u, think.
1 ii. ii. ii i i ,i . i I made ome sort of a reidv. mr " hsrd to take are of a sick per-
a ride, and breathe the evening zephyrs, and see the bab-LWk, blirl,ill?. ,,rtu,,,eiNi ,v. .';". ittr wh.t their age.. Bt
ling streamlets glide across the verdant country side, rre.ieri.-k i.ar.i her. u.- ig.heB an a,rive i.eithy boy u obliged
ii ItA.-n n-..n tV,-. (nn,l ),!.. r,.f i'nored what she had faid, and witlwut ' remain riuiet. one'i wita must be
wheie graze the spangled heifers. But he s too dense to irhiM(f B1, timf , ,,.-T roBnnen(.ol1 10 .sharp indeed if they succeed i eater
realize that f()li;3 Object tO Waiting; and SO he Stands' lk of her new ear. the was iwlm-..-. ' Bom-rt. like all boys, tir
around and sighs, and beefs about us moneyed guys, and,; $?ml:Z ZX ZV.
dOCS a Spell Of hating. So we wcrt. absolutely I'topiied by 'I "'d him stories and whea all else
.lira, rowers, ami oi course i-y wr seLi"'"'1 u" iwwu iv .? ...
Th on, in which 1 had hiM-d to j room nd played for him. Ilo loved
move. It had Ixvn a 'arvre sffair, aitnj , Jic and always kept quiet when 1
we had not been iniltcd. t was vetv played.
(Kinu 1 lino inn Ki'iir hit lurill.T wi'B .
iiny cial planning I should have been come in, called: ,
laughed nt. my efforts a finliire. Mv' ''We are here in the Hiuic room,
lip quivered a 1 thought of it. I d.-ar. iiiine in." When he did not re
csnghr the pitying look in Mr. Fred l'1 I swung around on the stool to see
'Ti.-k'a eves and pulled myself to- aim standing in the door, a grayaess
gi'lher sufficiently to bid them good bis face, a despair in his eyes that
afternoon in my usual manner. Hut f'ighiencd mo. He motioned me. to say
after everyone had gone I threw mv Jnoihing. Then carried Robert up iinir.
self on my bed and aobhed for half 'd left him with his nure. I bnd fol
sn hour. It wa hsrd to he slighted, i 1 ed lewv, wnndering what dreadful
Established 18G8
General Banking Business
Con.mencinpr June
lGth Banking Houi-s will be
10 a.m. till :i p.m.
harder Ihtshi I knew I had d
notltirig to deserve it. 1 would tell Neil.
It might be a good reawa to urge
more iition his part as t his
nsM-ials1, and his 'business meihodit.
Hut when fiHully Neil came in I had
forgot tea that suck people as thp Vow
it rsted; or that I had ever lad any
soc'a! aspiratiant.
thing had happenei That it WAS
drra.lf jl, I wan sur,.
(Toinornm Hait-ata Mei-tn a Keport
cr For the First Time.)
Approximately S'X"0 tre hsve lieen
planietl to rorn in Ijine county, about
hlf of wbuh will Ij u-l for utage
by dairvnicn.
could be learned none of the wen had 2 o'clock this morning, according
troops, collided with the freighter A?
widale, 4.) miles off Nantucket light at
wireless messages received by the army
mo principal uaaon voting against trnru,rt rmiimn!r.tl... fr;,
the strike were tho street ruilway men. tn(1 y Tiger.
The principal unions for wore the Ion- The' Tiger! which picked ni the S.
shoremen and the inuchiiists ami boiler- o. 8. of the Agwidule, is proceeding
makers organizations which recently to her assistance. The Iinperator, not
broke awuv from the old orsiinizationa. ,.riously damaged, is eontinuinng on
Tin lo igshoremen are reported to have her course.
voted 1400 for tho strike to 300 against, The collision occurred in a heavy
a majority of 1100. tog. The Agwidale, a T'-'HO ton shipping
The men on strike are not receiving board veswl, was bound for New
strike pay, It is Bald. Strike pay is sup- York from Rotterdam. Tlic imperntor
nliod by the international organizations, left Hoboken at noon yesterday, but
but in the case of this sympntlietia was held up several hours by the fog.
strike the internntionala are taking no ' The Agwidale Is1 not believed to be
(Continued from page one)
she probably would be able to
badly damaged and reported
port alone.
State House Notes
Tirs-iiiig from town to town on my
wav to Moscow from the front and
talkinrr with soldiers and civilians who
overcrowded the jerkwater trains, 1 1
had moro than an ordinary opportunity I To secure some actual information
to learn the viewpoint of the peoplo as to the statu of the Ifctttlcship Ore
and oe 'bolshevism operating outside gon and to set under way some defi
the capital. , nitc move for tho preservation of that
Failure to Admitted " historic ship, Governor Olcott has sent
"Tho bolshevik government is bet- the following telegram to Kepresenla
ter thun Nicholas', regime," with the tive in fongross Britten of Illinois
universal shrug of the shoulders, was who has Wen contemplating introduc-
much as most people darod to iay, ing resolution in rongress to urge
though oceaaionally a more intelligent , Oiat the ship he turned over to Orc
mau would watch his opportunity, as 8(n; j
soon as he learned I was an American, I "'Note by press dispatches your in
to admit frankly bolshevik Oppression, 1 'crest in BnttWhip Oregon. Will you
alwav. winding up with th opinion kindly wire collect status of samef
that 4ha tirescnt situation could not. "is n'fie with all people of state
Larpr, in .Moscow, ae-veral prominent
communists admitted not . .publicly
that it was iuisssible to realise the,
entire; bolshevik -platform in prmtiee.
Thev cited conccsions such as the la-,
bor scale by which 17 different gra.les
of wn-:es are paid industrial workers
and bonuses as high as 3000 rubles a
month offered to induce trained pro
fessionals to direct bolshevistic enter
prises. vme 4o!-lieviki even boasted
that the bolshevik- government is swing
ine toward conservatism. Several point
ed out it is practically a constitutional
parliamentary form of government,
through the central soviet congre-,
which is elected bv the local Soviets.
The central soviet chooses the central
xeeutive ibo.ry, which names the cabi
Six Men in Control
At present war time measures place
the countrv under control of a supreme
council of six, including. Premier Len
ine, War minister Trotskv, and Foreign
Miniver Tchitcherin who have powers
of dictatorship. The majority of office
holders are professionals nnd agitators,
who forbid opposition undor the pre
text that the country is at war. Anti
bolhevik publications, as well ns meet
ing, are not permitted
1 he most vital problem in the ees of
the bnUhoviki is oblainiug recognition
from the I'mted States and other out
si. h- powers, of which their leaders are
hopeful. They have offered concesnions
inh ns SHmimin-r fn reno!isibiliiv for
KiiKsia's dobts, guaranteeing nut to run
duct propaganda outside Russia, in
fact, almost anything that will enable
them to control Kiiswh without mobs
In lion.
The foreign office is Imsy concocting
notes dailv, appealing to the people ot
all lands to grant Kuxsia peace and con
loss nin g tne enemies ot too notsnev iki.
One member of the foreign office ask
ed me how their wireless messages
were being received in the outside
world. At the reply that they would
"go better" if worded more brief iy
and buiiness like, the bolshevik became
'Vou forget these manifestos are in
tended more for Bus-nan home eonsump
torn thsn for the outside world, he
The pres is filled every dav with
wordy proclamations and manifestos.
The onlv news printed come? shrongh
government owned agencies. F'oreign
ni-ws rp confined to a "hand out"
which the foreign office picks up from
wirelem ill patches and censors before
publication. The outside world is
biiink to the liiisian as Russia is to
the oiitsi le world.
gnatly desire preservation of historic
(Painless Parker)
Clean, wliite teeth are the best
introduction a person can have.
Aro yours an asset or a lfabil
ity? Dentistry as practiced un
der the E. B. Parser System
will put your teeth on a paying
basis at a minimum cost to you.
State and Commercial Streets
ship in Oregon waters. Report again
circulated she is to bo dismantled.
Oregon appreciates your Interest."
Warden R. E. Ie Steiner, Governor
Olcott and Secretary Don H, Upjohn
spent all of Tuesday afternoon nt the
Oregon state penitentiary, with rcgnrd
to it (lovernor Olcott said:
" Wo put in the afternoon with War
den Kleiner inspecting the physical
properties of the .penitentiary. Dr.
Stonier has not much to work on there
as the buildings are so antiquated and
in such a condition of delapidution that ;
they are practically beyond repair. To
expend much money in an attempted
rehabilitation would be, in our opinion,
miihty poor business. Btut as the situ
ation is as we find it and tho meager
tools offered for its accomplishment,
nevertheless I confidently'. look to an
early and decided general improve-''
. '
. Tha Journal Job Department
will print you anything in tha
stationery line do it right and
sav you real money.
George Dubcsb, a prominent fanner
of Josephine county, was killed Satiir
:1.1V while loffjiriif for the biauldme
mill near Kirbr.
ren.llct.ti's s,hool ki.lsjet for the
eoming year calls for !is.,'ioO, about
three fourths of which will have to be
raised !v taxation.
Reliable Automobiles
162 N. Commercial St.
' That Payt Dividend
, There is nothing in business that pays bigger dividends than
aood printing, because, comparatively speaking, there is so
A third of a century of practical printing, publishing and
publicity experience at your service. 'Our Heart is in our Art.'
An efficient, high-class plant, embodying the late and varied
type faces and accessoreis, giving an equipment for all kinds of
general, commercial and uociely printing, office forms, etc.
Good printing It only expensive tothe man who does'nt
use it We do good printing at the prict of the ordinary.
If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your printing
in any of its numerous lines, we invite you to try us out
We are specially equipped to handle hop and berry
tickets in any quantity. We have ten automatic lock up num
bering machines, and can give you a splendid job at a very
reasonable price. Users of this class of work are invited to caU
and see samples and get prices. Now is the time to look after
your ticket wants you will have them when needed.
Let your next order be produced by the
PMONC 2179
301 N. COM L ST.
y-r I