Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 04, 1919, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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Clews Sees Reasons Fo r
Caution and Hope In Post
War Finan cial Situation
y v
Piedmont Peanut Oil
lias the genuine nature flavor
unimpaired by chemical treatment,
blending or adulteration.
Made by the cold-pressed process,
it is easy of digestion and keeps
fresh a long, long time.
"v The food oil with y '
New Xotk, May 31. One of our fore-'another year will consequently be aiia
omst bankera returned from Europe ply tremendous ,ud the enly impedi
with very discouraging views regarding moot to widening mercantile activity at
economic conditions over there. Such thia moment is ft produent hesitation of
views are but natural to those who distributors to atoek tip freely at cur-
have been forced te endure prolonged rent high price. But A great oa
t mi a. All the' belligerent have auf-'aumptire demand ia in prospect after-
fered beyond word, and their people 'the lew. thu onlv check urjoa whica -m
are more or lea. under the influenee of l bt h . .
nsr.'nita urbmintinn an that t thia i i mu t . ' . .
. , , . . ' . : . ' , nateiy High pnves that are lrcdv t-
hopefulness aot to be expected. But : j Ba rer,int " b
thia atate of anind ia only transitory, j - J
The recuperative abilities of the three j rha Railroads and Conxrexs.
greatest :Pr nations are not fu..w The icullura, !titu,tio is tl(M) ,
roamed. Who. i pwe has been signed, important facto, in the railed
when unrest aubaides, when industry re- lOMtIook whil.h othetwis. wouid be very
yives. drooping ap.r.ts will vanish; idi8CouraKi It to crediWr italed that
the hopes of a new and better era will th r,ilro,dll will rim MM to the
stimulate men into fresh energy and am(MJnt of ,U50)00o,ooO before return
to their owners; a sum which eongress
may be asked to appropriate in fulfill
ment of its promise to restore the roatis
to their owners in as good condition as
enterprise. The surest euro for pott
war maladies will be work. The world
is weary of bloodshed and waste; It
hungers for productivity, and this coun
try can devote itself to no more te-when ,akeIl over. Thili promise alone
" ,u.a bh..,.k resum.va IKVcd ,he from frnancja. disaster,
(Cupital .rournal Hpeciul Service)
There vta a Jiig dance In the new I.
O, it. F. hall Saturday night and every
bmly had a good time.
Mrs. Ida ftaffeay of Purtlund was
un iver friunday with .Mrs. R. W. Hall,
reti'i ning Momlnv morning on the train
Mr. and Mrs. II. 1.. Knnilom and two
ilii'.lren left Miuiday fur Sacramento,
t'al.f., to visit with their daughter,
Mi. Lyons, 11 ud expect t" bo j(uue for
three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Less Dike nrc moving
kw-iv; Mrs. Hike is going to Albany
and lrt Is going to his mines ifor
Till Haines went to Salem Monday
to te oh the jury far two weeks.
Jnke Hester left this morning on
tln train, hut e?ill return to Gates
soon, as be euu't stay away long,
Anderson hotel went on a strike
willi llio boys from the (lutes .Mill Co.
ami whs not going to send out din
ners, but thitini were fixed up by the
raise, of board.
Tne .Nit. Iloreu grange will meet, at
their hull Friday niht, May the Oth,
and hop every body will be out.
Mrs. H. Hesenman and .daughter re
turned from Fortland Sunday after i
two weeks visit with her grandmother
and aunt.
Mr. Edward and wife have moved
in Mrs. tRandon's house, while they
are away.
Mrs. -MeCurdy is in I'ortlaud for a
visit for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ilassett were up
over Sunday with Mrs. Bnssett'a par
ents, (ieo. Stafford.
roo roKCEs aiemen down
Chicago, June 4. Harry Johnson,
an aviator of Denver, left Ashburne
field, Chicago, this morning, in an air
plane with the intention of flying to
Denver. He purchased the machine here
yesterday. Ho expects to arrive in
lVnver about noon tomorrow.
Johnson carried two Passengers and
expects to make the trip with one atop
Denver, Juno 4. Harry Johnson,
flying to Denver ifrom Chicago, were
forced to alight at 'real on, la., accord
ing to a message received by hi futh
with all the financial and industrial
support that we can safely put forth.
Iir helping Europe on sound and gener
ous lines we shall be helping ourselves.
We have an abundance of all the food
and raw material needed across the At
lantic, and if we lend wisely and lib
orally Kurope will lie able to pay lis the
inure promptly.
Our Place In the World.
The United State is today beyond
question the atrongest nation in the
world. We have rest' he'd our maturity,
though far from our full development.
We need a freer intercourse with our
fellow-men throughout the world. We
want more of the fruits of civilization;
and if we are to possess these things,
as, we should, we must be prepared to
tuke our proper plane in the forefront
of the family of nation, ready for the
resionsil)illties that such legitimate
ends imply. We must sustain, the weak;
doing our part for maintaining interna
tional order,, and giving tho helping
hand to those about to embark upon the
stormy seas of self government and de
mocracy. Ueorjje Washington's memor
able advice about avoiding foreign en
tanglements applied very closely when
wo first began to walk in paths of free
dom; but they do not apply in the same
degree under modern circumstances. Bo-,
spoiiHibllities of this character have too
and, when to thia ia added the prospect
of good business next fall, it ia seen that
their future is much better than appears
on the surface: hence their reeent
strength. The next important eonsidera
tion in connection with security values
is the attitude of the new Congress to
ward business, which is more reason
able and capable than its predecessor.
The necessary appropriations will cer
tainlv be mude: the railroad problem
I of course will be tackled, and some Inv
provemcnt in the method of taxation
will be accomplished, even if no reduc
tion in amount is effected. Tariff b'R
islation is possible, but it will be" dif
ficult to devise any increase 111 rates
that will add toneceSRniy revenues,
when imports are already tbnorinally
light and not likely to show much in
crease this yenr. The fewer the chang
es in the tariff the better, until moro
settled conditions are reached.
Feeding Europe.
Foreign trade returns in detail show
somo very striking changes. . Dunn
the lust ten months exporta or menu
stuffs reached 7a9,000,(Wu, an increase
of t221.000.0U0; nnd meats totaled fwu-
000,000,a gain of t410,000,000. Here is
a total increase of 631,000.000 in food
stuffs, to which might bo added nnomcr
item, 7),000,000 gain' in cotlou oil
shipments. While a portion or tue m
- . ft
GAMEL Cigarettes meet your taste in many new
and unusual ways. You quickly become fond of
them they re so refreshing and cool and fragrant
You see, Camels are an expert blend of choice Turk
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos which guarantees
the most delightful cigarette qualities that have ever
been put into a cigarette. Your test will prove that
you prefer the expert Camel blend to either kind of
tobacco smoked straight.
Camels blend not only frees the cigarettes from
any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleas
ant cigaretty odor but it assures that remarkable
mellow-mild-body 1 And, you'll be interested to
know that no matter how liberally you smoke
Camels they will not tire your taste!
Camels are a cigarette revelation! Prove that
yourself 1 We suggest right here that you compare
Camels with any cigarettes in the world at any
price for quality and for satisfaction!
Cfnttticmllr aM4 pa4
of JO rirfrtt r stn 0mck
(200 or.fl) in t
4 ,n-p.pr-rovrvrfrrf on.
W Urvntly Mxmm4 tfs
esrton for th ttmm
tupply or tfroL
wisrtM-hka, H. C
18 cents a package
Safe fflffCkAmmtzimww
ft tonight. A. heavy fog caused the lunil long fallen upon a single uatiou; Ureat m,aBl. ls , t0 higher prices, it is very
Brituiu already Having a mucn ncavicr ievi(lpnt ,),, our efforts to teea Biurv
burden of tha character than she can l. V,i,,. liv caused an expunsion of
be expected to carry without incurring I . .. 7ooooO,00(i in our food exports
. . .a I j . i tlTI . ...II , ..
jeulousy U sue auneu to u. ny suoumfor ,,19 , m0nths ending April.
ass ron
TU Original -
; ICS-..jMk. . i
Digest IbU
Fji-Iiifwiis.InvaliJssnaarovvlngChlldren.jRIthMllk.MaltsdQraIn Extract In Powder
Tfca OrWlmd Food-Drink For All Airea. OTHERS arc IMITATIONS
r; - - ,vt - q
t ... : t.
. I-
Hi . - . n 1 ,
TV i"
s- "J.''
i.atiki- i:i: riov rs fkmi-mnk hkat !Eab by Tin: kkkncii
A,l;li.TH IN TiiK MlldiliN KHV 1.1 N K
;i . . .-.mi
Give Colicky Babies "k
Mrs. Window's Syrup and watch V
tne smiles that follow. This has bcrn
the happy experience of many mothers
after being sorely tried over baby's fret-
fulness, sleepless nights and other disorders
due to stomach and bowel troubles.
yi V r W aP
The MbU' 14 ChilJrea's Rf utator
i3 purely a vrm;tablc preparation that causes Binm.-wh
' to digest food and bowels to move as they
1 thodd thereby overcoming const ipation, diar-
rhoea, fl.aulency, wind colic and similar trou-
w ' During teething time it is especially good.
V, Cwlatn no opiate, narcotics, tlcohoi c other krta
x. I drugs, Abttrfutrty barmlrsa. Formula on every
- ; tattle. AgwaWe ar.d usef ul as a household remedy.
' AtAttDrn
noo witr!t tim co tutu r ,Rt.
ewn(.'i itniii H.wUf llfcteftC.ka,
'" f (t Tumi, CmuIi
J. C. ferry
we not act a disinterested guitlo and
stabilizer to wretched Armenia and dis
organised. Turkey? Ko one will deuy
that o"' aupervision over Cuba and the
Philippines haa been beneficial to all
concerned, despite our mistakes. We
have shirked audi responsibilities too
long. Lot us take our proper place in
world leadership on lines that will ap
pease and not create jealousies. Kuch
a policy would bioaden our vision, at
the same time diverting us from petty
homo politics nd saving us from the
evils of excessive self Introspection.
Psychology a Market Tactor.
Tuvchology ia playing an extraordi
nary In part in the present security mar
ket. It Is a common belief that there
is no sentiment In business; and In
large measure this is true. But confi
dence aud depression are opposing senti
ments, which have had very much In
deed to do with values since war began.
We are jut emerging from the most
stuiMMtdrtiis crisis In history and extreme
reactions are inevitable. In otnei woius,
I lie pendulum must swing backward as
violently K it previously swung for
ward, accelerated by economic slarva
tinii following war. We are already in
a pci'iud ofutu'easoning optimism, a per
fectly natural sequence of the tirribla
depression of tho last few years. Tho
oiid is consequently tthreatene.l with
au cm of speculation and expunsion
that later on may strain banking re
sources to the very limit unless re
I mint is wisely and courageously ap
plied to prevent dangerous excesses.
Fortunately American bankers are much
alive to such possibilities, though with
out co operation of the business com
munity they cannot be entirely averted.
The present inflationary tenicr is the
seqiieuce of past events; a sort of fever
in the blood of our economic system,
nhich must run its course to the point,
of exhaustion, a result not yet iu sight.
Iiespite inflation of credit, commodities
and wages, the business situation in the
foiled Stales is aliil strong; much
stronger thai! that of any other n:.tion
in the world, because for the next If
months at least we stand to lose less
and giiin more than any of tho othc
mu ions involved. There are unuanni
danger spots aheud and great ritk of
aniiiflation that will brum unpleasant
consequences later on, unless checked in
tine. The immediate outlook, however,
us a whole wunauts discriminating con
fidence and a (toady belief in all sound
and well established enterprise.
Stock Market Influences.
Hlovk Kxehange activity has contin
ued upon an ratiaordinary scale nearly
H.tHKt.tmO shares daily, although inter
vention of lVcorction iHiy caused some
slowing down. Values as a rub con
tinue to advance, the exceptions beiuu
fc and uiiimtKiitant. Considci lug the
enormous transactions, profit taking
was very moderate in fact, moderate
liquidation is desiiable in some quarters
where the pace has been tw fast and
the rise too uneven. The greatest ad
vances were aino: (tie iniliisli ia.s, unt j
a few of which nre niaUng verv large .
earnings, Thus far, however, the rise
has been simply a natural response to j
unpterctlt tiled conditions, the prime fae- '
tor beiuf the great wave of aricul- j
turat pioMiei t v whii h is sweeping the ,
country. Even should the, weather Dot !
prove all that niiht be desired during
the next few wei-ks, we are assured a
whi st crop of pixi.mmooit Im-heN. Of j
more, at evci-edirgly profitable prie j
The bitting power of the interior fur'
Firm Time Money
The monetary outlook is fairly aut
isfuetory. Our government is issuing
treasury . notes quito freely, and the
banks are taking them without difficul
ty, having aomewhut lessened their
holdlngsof government bouds. In the
early part of June the second install
ment on the Liberty bonds will become
due. Foreign governments are likely
to seek credits in larger Bums; and the
necessity of financing our export trade
on definite lines is ulso becoming more
pressing, in proof of which is the gov
ernment sentiment favorinu the crea
tion of a huge banking organisation
for Ihispurpose. Local applications for
capital are becoming more numerous,
and within I few months the demands
for crop moving will assert themselves;
not to speak of the expected greater
aetKrity in business, and tho effect of
high values which nbsorb banking
funds. The chances, therefore, favor
firm money for several months to come.
Kenctions in the stock market were
slight and a strong undertone slid pre
vails, the upward movement apparently
not having exhausted itself by any
means. Steel issues nn.iiitained their
leadership owing to Improved prospects VANDERLIP RESIGNS FEOM
of the industry itself. Attention is be- HEAD OF NATIONAL CITY
ing gradually turned to securities thus
far neglected and which are more at- fc ticker tod w . fc of 25)921,131,270 at the end of asay,
tro,.ti tk..n n,.,-o l,lv ...lii,,,. of '.w iwuwy isrijeu a report mat i i.-a.. tinnuHin p,,.;...
high figures.
Washington, June 4. Tie nation's
public, ereirt teaehed a new high asarV
The complexion, digestion and al
most the complete personality of wo
man are ik-penrtent upon health. Wo
man 'a ills are her great enemy, as they
cause bad complexion, lmk circles un
der the eyes, headache, backache, nerv
outness, sleeplessness, dragging down
pair.s and the. blues, and often totally
unfit her for a companion. The great
American remedy for such conditions
is Lvitia K. J'inkham 's Vegetable Com
pound, which has been restoring three
generations of ailing women to health,
and may be relied upon with perfect
. vanderlip, president of the the month, resulting from new issues) of
National City bank, had resigned. No 'certificates of indebtedness and pay
reason was given, ments on victory loan subscriptions.
. . ... . ... l uru irr uisunrsrmenra in jhit
At the bank the report was anther Umonnted o (907,48390, ealy (lightly
less than the l,0tifs,iMKl,0V0 in the same-
moiitn jast year. t -
T ?. Watson, widely known amonr
Pacific coast ehiping wean, has bee a
made general c'aiin agent ef the Pa
cific Steamship company, with head
nuartcrs at Tacoma
Givsn Up to Dia by Her Friends, a
Young Lady Recovers Jtsr
Hsalth and Increases
Weight 45 Pounds.
A Powerful Nation Needs
Healthy Women.
A nation Is no
stronger than Its
women. Hence, It
la the duty of ev
ery woman wheth
er young, middle
axe, or In advanced
lite to preserve her
ffenlth. If you aro
sick and suffering
don't wait until to
morrow but seek
relief at oticeto
day. Tomorrow
your Illness may take ft chronlo
There la a remedy for almost
every 111. Thousands have found
Peruna to be that remedy as did
Miss Clara Lohr of 2t N. Oold St,
Grand lUplds. .Mii-hiirnn. She wrltea
ft friend: "I don't need IVruna any
more. I am all well after taking
alt bottles. I weighed ninety
pounda before I started and waa
poor and weakly. I had such
ft couh and spitting- all the tlnia
that I never expected ' recover.
My friends gave me up. I could eat
nothing. Now I ran eat and welsh
13i pounds. I most thankfully rec
ommend IVruna to my friends."
Mtss Lohr' a h-tter Is an Inspira
tion, a mess re of hope to sutlering
women. It tells you that you to.)
may be strong and well and vigor
ous. rerun jnr had In either
liquid or tablet form. Ask your
dealer. If you value hal!h, do not
accept a substitute. Ir. Ilartmnn's
World Famous I'erun Took- is
what you want. The IVruna Com
pany. IVpL 7. Columbus. Ohio, also
Publish, IV. Hartman's Health Hook.
The b-x'k la free. Write for 1L
Tour da!er will give you ft Peruu.
Killed in action
Died from wounds
Hied of accident and other causes
l'ied of disease
Wounded severely
Wounileil, degree undetermined
Wounded slightly
Missing in action
.... (i
Killed In Action
Basil Skraba, S Heart X D
Ralph M Thompson, Oneida O
Nantiasto Aguilnr, Wan Miguel X M
Henry R Boner, New Orleans La
-Norinnn M Jteed Long Bottom 0
Died of ' Wounds
Im I, lino. Haverloek la
r'red Randall, Lyndon Kans
Lewis Crosovolt, Houtxdnle l'a
Iiui De Iica, Brooklyn ,
August H Rittmilbr, Baltimore
Died of Accident and Other Causes
Henry K Kberle, I'hilodelphia
William ,f ngent, Cleveland O
llepjrtmin V Zoarjh, Bmbngton V J
Kreileriek K Harrison, liti l lah
Franc's ,T Lange. Peoria III
cgt Joseph C Oismore, Berwyn 111
tgt William L Norris, Noffolk Va
Cecil E Jeffcoat, Model Colo
Willis O Kimball, Indianapolis
Thomas J Allen, Ijiwnside .S J
Fred Griffin, Hillman t)a
Thomas A Taylor Roanoke Va.
Died of Disease
M Lionel A Anderson, Ijiwrence Ks
Sgt .loiin F Clark, Houston Tex
Bugler (leorg J Nelson, 8 I'tovo I't
Wagoner Clement C Bates James
town l'a
Cook (iarnet L lirnv. Mason City Xeb
Im 8 MiMire, Valine Tex
Meshack Raberson, Houston Tex
William R Wright. Whitney S C
Clim Anderson. Hannah Mo
Thomas C Brubaker, Lurav Va
Will T Hamlet. Lurav tenn
rhilip J llojsn, Dougheflr la
WWiiam l Keeff, Alton lit
Frank W Itaber, Pleaant View Tenn
Charles t (leiehter. Curtiie O
Willie M Brvant. Aiibott-tuirz X C
Davis II Durst tdVna O
William Feklei. Bellville Tei
Clarence Jlnrf, Woodville ta
Ikn Turner, Peckerd Tenn
Tom Wells, Oak I'rk l.a
tieorge White, Prentiss Mtss
William Knight, aged NO years, rx
sheriff of Clavkaoias county, has serv
ed the Canby honj district as flerj
for 9 years and is stUl with the jeb
and giving sstifsetion.
denied nor confirmed hut V.n,L.I!.l. i
secretary said statement probably
would be made later in the day.
Vanderlip waa attending board
At the bank later it was announced
that Vanderlip had resigned. ,
Waco, Texas, June 4. Encouraged
by defeat of tho woman suffrage
amendment In the recent eonstitutionr.l
amendment election, anti-suffragists
hero arc organizing a utate-wlde more
nientto prevent women from voting in
any election.
At a mass meeting last night spiakers
urged reiienl of the women's primary
suffrage law allowing women to vote in
T)r. Aurella Reinhart, president "of
Mills college, California, will speak at
the Penrose celebration at Whitman
eolletre on the afternoon of .Tune 9.
When you feel that your
stomach, Kver or Hood is
out of order, renew their
health by taking
.1 Ssl. ol At M-Hdmo to . WM.
&cdt -jvXijuvtiui oakI ScAt"
vuAu. tfds ujijviotral and.
truan to--tvoicL. -it.
Every grocer
sells Kellogg's.
of- . Vw
Hit AuratfiCait
, ' -"it,
-.pot S v .-h Imh ? 4j'f tilWH s.
. ? -'-;.. s5
JH' U, .V.- AW- J'iSS'j-Zr
& vft.
I Vii! tl '(! I ;
Uil . i; .'(' JST k