Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 04, 1919, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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Bully Summer Wraps For Summer Nights
Are the Spanish Shawls now coming into the
rashton SpotlightHuge Shell Combs, Too.
Written for the United Press by MARGARET ROHE
Allele 't becoaeso Spanish - -
She My s "si, si" for "yens; "
Haatiltas, shawls and Bugs shell combs
Compose ae daily dree.
But whea large Spanish onions
She dines an right laoag
1 really think she 'a going it
A little bit too strong.
New York, Job 4 That insidious
Spanish influence is saia swaying as
ea-rterially. We ars ensemblcd ior the
cobweb stitches of the filmy lace niaa,
til -a, all wrapped np in the gorgeously
embroidered silk fringed shawl that
and have bowed oar beads beneath the
earvea glories of ths huge shell eomb.
Though the recent Spanish opera com
pa y at the rark Theatra hes closed its
season, owing to the musicians' strike
for a weekly wage, it is yet the opru
season for Spanish dressing that prom
iines even French dressing a bitter race
for popular favor.
Those gaudilygorgeous aud hectically
' hu.ful embroidered Sptnish shaw.t,
whose long fringed edges wrap the fem
iuinevlite of Spain on gala bullfight
days, make perfeetly bully summer
evening wraps, to be worm at the end !
of a torrid day instead of at the end '
ef toreador. Don't by any chance,
make the mistake of wearing a Chinese
embroidered shawl and fancying your
self cspugnola, however. To be sure ;
there is little difference in the bran'
at a digereetdiatanee. but a cIosa nn
will reveal a subtle dif fering. of tcx-!
tore and design. The greatest diffi
culty of all, of course. Is that the trim
Kpaoiah shawl never saw Spain at all,
but ia manufactured in the Philtpmo
Islands. Converted into negligees,
these brilliant coverings ars simply
stunning and bring out the Carmen in
eveat the demurest of the species. It
only steeds a sliced Spanish enioa for
atmosphere and guitar and eastnet
duct on the Victrola, to make the A il
lusion quit complete.
Then there's ths characteristic Span
ish mantilla, black or white, of exquis
itely fine and silky handmade Spanish
1 aee some of filmy delicate design
and others more strikingly ornate and
of a larger mesh. These we are flaunt
ing, not as the Castile beauties over
Heir high combed eoiffures and Ivory
throats and bosoms, but over our shim
mying, shimmering snoulders, in the
form of scarves, so imperative now as
an accessory to the fluffy summer frock
of sheerest weave. It 'a really quite a
pleasant surprise to find that them
lovely lengths of Spanish lace actuslly
come from the Iberian peninsula, for
anent that other Spanish accessory that
is rushing s persistently to our heads
the high shell comb, I have my doubts
as to its Spanish, habitat . At least
judging from my own experience for I
simply .combed all the Madrid shops,
both large and small, for real honest
to goodness Spanish, comb and had to
catch a train to Paris, says the article.
Since returing home, however, I have
made good the deficiency for the other
day I bought a stunning one in Brook
lyn. In handcarved tortois, blonde or dnrk,
in amber or in jet, these combs are as
expensive as they are large, beautiful
and fragile. Fortunately imitation shell
ones carved or plain, aro mostly as im
mune from detection as a well niado
pearl. They are also one fourth as de
fensive and four times as durable as
Ihe. real tortoise shell combs. Worn in
the floosely waved high coiffures of
the evening mode, thrust is at most
piquant angles, they make an artistic'
adjunct to the smartest toilette and are j
often it'a crowning glory.
The long, graceful cape 'nullities of
black satin, fringe-edged, smack of the
Spanish influence and a revival of those
charming handpainted evory mounted
Spanish: fans ia also at hand.
To bo truly smart yon must wear
something characteristic of sunny Spain.
So do alip on something Spanish aftor
your morning tub, even if it's only a
pieee of soap provided you're quite sure
u a pure vasme. . ,
You can't covsr blackheads, pim
ples, red spots on the face with pow
der ;they'ro bound to be seen don 't
worry or spoil your temper, take llol
lister'a Rocky Mountain 'Tea each
week 'twill banish them thru the
blood, the only sure way. I. J. Fry.
Reyiyal Of American Ink
. With Southern RcpciSa
Indicated By Constantly
browing Sq
By Lawrence Haas.
(United! Press staff correspondent)
Bio De Janeiro. (By Mail.) Ameri
cans here and in other Brazilian ports
. . , are awaiting the return of the "good old
There is one place ia Oregon where . .
the strawberry is supreme, and that is dy of the "P101"? Amerl-
Lebanon, where the 10th annual straw- en wfliant marine with a feeling of
berry fair will be held oa Friday and confidence in the resoratioa of their
Saturday. June 6 and 7. This is the commercial standing, mix with spir-
mecca of the people of the valley for it of patriotism.
the early celebrations of the year andj They are hoping to see ia the neat
Lebanon always gives the best for tlio future the stars and stripes floating
money. Come and join as in this great fr0ra at least forty to fifty per cent
effort to mr.ke the strawberry
greatest of all Oregon emblems.
Agricultural Department
Starts Campaign Against
Wasteful Grain Threshing 1BTh.i Brazilian.
tue nf the shins in the hurhnra nf Bin
Santos and Pernambuco, a condition that
has not existed for more than a half
century, since tho decline of America's
merchant marine, following the Civil
war, and the introduction shortly after
wards of the steel vessels by Great
and other South Amer
icana were closer to the United States
Washington, June 4. (United Press.) than any other country in the middle
Tho . department of agriculture has and forepart of the last eentury, tan.
started campaign against the careless contact with Yankee skippers of lanlt
threshermen. It wants only "clean jee trading ships, but theneglect of
straw ricks" left of the greatest grain American's merchant marine, wnlch
crop the nation ever has known, accord- dwindled after the "BO's" to practical
ing to a statement made public today, ly nothing, coupled with the growing ea
So the threshermen will be sided by the terpriae of ths Old World laths diree
government to develop efficiency nnd tion of the southern Continent, distrte
avoid loss In separating the wheat from' ted South America's interest from their
the chaff. 1 powerful sister republic in the Berth,
Records of the department reveal and gave Europe along lead in South
startling losses of grain " through avoid America.
able waste of the threshermen." Tests Only the world war succeeded in m
made in "just ordinary years" show eoniplishing any real results and from
that an average cf 25,000,000 to 27,- the efforts of the United States ahls
000,000 is thus thrown away. What it ping board, the United States chamber
ill bethis yew, unless the waste is elim- of commerce, ths Pan-American union
inatcd, the department believed would
be worth much more than the campaign
of education would cost the govern
ment. Ia Minnesota, where the department
made comprehensive tests covering bjjnt
threshing machines last year, it wV
found that, more thaa 25 per cent of
machines wasted an average of 15 bush
els of grain a day each. This loss,
according to the figures, was largely
through machines being out of repair
Or through lack of adjustment. Some
of the Minnesota threshers wasted as
and other organizations and individuals
the outlook has again taken on rose
ate hue.
In 1811 only three Ameriesn vessels
tonehed.at this port, la comparison)
with 287 ships of American registry
which entered Bio in 1858. From
there was a steady decline. Sines 191),
however, there was a slight though
steady increase, although during the two
year period of 10121913 only sixteem
American vessels entered Rio hr.rbor.
In 1913 the first vessel of the United
States and Brazil Steamship line enter'
nines as 50 bushels per day of theed Rio. In 1914. twenty six American
threshing season. Ths daily average fori vessels entered the port, but during
tne e.auu machines according to me 1915. f0r the first time in many years.
Some cf lis t lmjJsLux
"will Insider lite new
Crepe de Chines
Fine Linens
Washable Satia
Washable Taffeta
Baby's Flannels
Silk Stockings
SUV Underwear
Negligees . .
Fine Collars and Cuffs
Corsets .
Washable Spats '
Men's SiOt Shirts
Lingerie Dresses
w 1.-.. 11 9
no solid soap-no ru
FINE laces! Exquisite Georgettes I Thin
nest chiffons! Whoever dreamed the time
would come when-you could launder them?
In the old days, laundering meant rubbing soap on
materials, then nibbing again to get the dirt out.
But with Lux, there is no ruinous rubbing of fine
fabrics. No injury to delicate fibres or coarsening of
textures. You simply stir up a bowlful of the richest
lather and toss in your finest, filmiest belongings
without a qualm.
So quick! So easy! There are no suds so wonder
ful as Lux, for dainty things!
Lux won't harm any material pure water
alone won't injure.
Your grocer, druggist or department store has
Lux. Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, Mass.
v Vv-v'oM
- . !
"rirfS jA 5 i
y ',1:. '
r&-" i In-':- J-
bbinf 55
nn 77.
HjOomen scajijfo ether sudr
seem lilg a latlter ncw-a-days f"
recor wah: wheat, 4.69 bushels, and
oats, 9.1 bushels perm acbine.
Wild nijreons are so numerous on the
inlets of Coos Bar that ranches are
destined to suffer heavy losses from
their deprecations. They are protected
by law from slaughter.
the American ship began to come into
its own aguin, when 103 American vea
gels made Rio.
The number of American vessels to
make Rio in 1916 rose to 130. America's
entry in the war naturally took most
of the vessels out nf the Houth Ameri
can trnle, and In 1017, 117 American ve-
the Cli
ilte We!
A mother writes:
u We always use Royal Baking Powder because
we knew when we use it we are not using
anything injurious."
Prudent mothers avoid cheap baking powders because
they frequently contain alum, a mineral acid. No mat
ter how much they are urged to change, they stick to
1 ' A
T ,
' f f P rt
They KNOW it is absolutely pure
Royal contains no slua-Isaves na Miter taste
1 m m
i 1
scls made entry, this (kcliuig to 71 ia
Bailina; vessels strain eaiio into their
own temporarily, due to tho necessity
for usiiiK evosy steamship in the Euro
pean war service. Of the 71 AmcaVan
vessels whirh entered Kio is 1U18, only
17 were steamships.
Hince the United Htutcs sliipping
board ban already made provikion for
considerable tonnage to Houth America
1919 promises to be the hnnner year
since 1800 in the number of American
vessels entering here. Between Jaiumry
1 and March 7, 1919 27 vessels flying
the American flug entered the port of
The reistered tonnege of the ves
sels which entered Rio in 1918 totalled
'2,737,211 toss. Ths skips, by nationali
ties, rouow:
of vessels.
:. 448
French . . ....
Norwegian .... .
Kpanish ..
L'L'rngiiayan ..
Belgian .
Rnrsiun ..
United Htates ...
. 11
. 1
. 1
, 24
, 2
, 4
Chilean ... .
Portuguese .
Brazilian ....
There is nothing worse than bad, foul
smelling breath; gpt rid of it for your
friend's sake anyway, llolli-trr
Rocky Mountain Tea will c!in and
purify your stomach and bowels; your
breath will be sweet, your dis)sitinn
improved, vnur friends inrrenvl. .Tie.
Ten or Tablets D. J. Fry.
Rev. William Moll ("sse, pastor of
Central Presbyterian church of Kugnne
after a year's absence in the service in
France, arrived home Saturday night
and will resume his duties as mstor.
The alfalfa harvest has beguir in the
Vakiuia valley. The reported offered
price at this time is - a ton
Mr,s. W. II, Wilson of Drain, nged.M,
a pioneer of the early forties, died soil
denly at her home Inst Tuesday.
i1 or Headache a
M R"b the forehead ' f-J
and temples with J' " 'j
1 ; Z'i
i A.. A v