Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 04, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Sre History of Willamette
Chapter of the Red Cross is
a Record of Achievements
The Perfect Tobacco For Pipe and Cigarette
XJ -
Finest Burley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till perfect
plus a dash of Chocolate
- Present membership, 13, 09H.
Auxiliaries to Chapter, 1m.
Number of Articles Shipped since organization, L'09,-5.
lSntia relief work during list influenza epidemic, in r-alem. $2'00.
How N-rvira Meetion spent in relief work since January 1 1919,
II. 14(1.00. "
Amount of money handled since orgnnizatiua ef chapter $103,344.00.
t ' -OTP "
The New "TEA-FOIL" Package
It's soft and pliable -decreases in size at
the tobacco it uaed tobacco does not
cake in the package no digging it
out with the linger. Neept me
tobacco in even better condition
it a! Naiu Ann't vml nw if"
illA II 1.111a IWI j - jr
it to yourself to buy a J
package and give Tuxedo ff
trial? Not auite a ,x r
much tobacco as in
tin, 6uf-r
ii r a
' LA Wheat Straw " the lightest, tl.ii
nest. h:iet, atronge.it cigsrette paper in all
tlx world. Roll a Tel cigarette with
lo packed in the
famous green tins
as heretofore.
Guaranteed by'
Tie history of the Red Cross aaeve
ment in falein ikites hark to-the time
when a formal petition was signed aid
forwarded., asking that Willamette
hanler, Aineriean Kel Cros, be Mtao-
lihed in Balem.
This ietiiioii na signed bv the fol-
lowing: (iovernnr Jaim'a Withveomtte,
Mrs. li. . Wallace, Carl Abram-s J. H.
Albert. 'Richard X. Aviwm, Cornelia
Marvin, arl O. Doney. John W. Todd,
.ell vhiii and Anna K. 'iserg.
The petitam was forwarded to Sun
h'mm'i.Hi'ii and wonl was received
March 22, 1917, aivinif formal author
ity for the orjrnnixation of Willamette
chapter. Immediately aftermarrk, a
meeting was called of those who fore
saw the Been or (tea t to worn ami
the following officers were elected:
Chairman, (leoro K. Rodger: 1st vice
presnh'iit, Airs. v. ariton Mintn; :a
vice president, llenrv W. Movers;
tr.ca'tiirer, D. , Kyre; arendary, Alis
Anna K. wrgj ehnirmnn of the mem
bership committee, Mrs. K h. Fisher,
Metj-eri Active Leader
Henrv W. Meyers became chairman
on October (1, 191", upon the resigna
tion of Mr. Uodjjers. lie was the unan
imous choice of all Rod Cross workers
at that time, and has continue. 1 so,
having been re-elected at the annual
mectiiiK held November 20, 191S. At
this lust election, August Huckestein
was re-elected vice chairman.
Since his election as chairman of
Willamette chapter in October of 1917,
Mr. Meyers has" devoted much of his
time to furthering the interests of the
Red s'rosa work and among tnose who
are closely connected with the welfare
of the loeal Red Cross chapter, it is
felt that the high record of efficiency
of Willamette chapter has been due
laruelv to the personal attention giv
en the work by Mr. Meyers.
Immediately after the Kcu ( ross was
organized in the spring of 1!I7 and af
ter the declaration of war, it was felt
Hint aurgical .dressings were of the
first consideration. Kor a short time
the work was under the personal su
pervision of Mrs. Harry K. Clay. Up
on her resignation, the heavy duties
of the surgical dressing department
were taken "over by Mrs. Henry W.
Meyers, rihe carried along the work
with her able assistants as long as her
health would permit, when the burden
was taken up by Mrs iMilton L. Mey
ers. Mis. M. Ij. Meyers remained In
charge of the surgical dressing work
until October of 1918 when, due to ill
health, and too close attention giv
en to the work, gtie resigned, and nas
succeeded by Mrs. J. A. hlliott, who
has been in charge of the work.
Work Is Divided
In the beifinning the supply de
partment was awociated with the V
gical department but it was soon found
that the work ef aupplying 100 or
more auiiliaries required a separate
department. It was then thet Mrs. Kol
liu K. i'age assumed the duties in
charge of all the supply work, with
offices in the V. S. National bank
Mrs. B. O. $eh nc king for a time as
sumed the increasing duties of sitpcr
intemlin'i the supply deimrtinaiit and
t J !
a-v-ikca'S SHOE poush h
Cleaos all white
shoea quickly and
easily. Leaves the
fabric or leather
natural looking.
07. -
A dense lfly white
that makes white
shoes look clean and
new. Get a cake
at the nearest store.
premier honors on her day's record of
laving 16 eif'S.
Today J. 11. Benson, chicken fancier,
made affidavit that he personally saw
41.. 1.. nnn Arna flT AHA Silt
1110 IK" I IttV 1UUIUTU KM "" m - mm ft I
caring for the needs of the 100 tuxil jting. Thodea clr.ims the pullet idded VrjgMjQA Im A IlllXtUrC Ul
iaries as secretary. She resigned to
take charge of the home service sec
tion of the Red Cross". I
Mrst Arthur 8. Benson assumed the
duties as secretary of .the chapter Jan
nary 2X, 191S, donating her entire time
to the stiervision of the work. Mrs
Benson, like others who worked for
the Red Cross, remained on duty until
her health demanded her resignation
on (November 4, 19 IN, when she was
succeeded liv Mrs. Oladvs Pitch-ford.
the present secretary.
Women Give Time
. From the time of the first organiza
tion of Willamette chapter. Miss (ieor
gia Pettit has served as stenographer,
and during the times of temporary va
cancies, has also handled the duties of
the secrHarvshrp.
Mrs. W. H. i)ancv became superin-.
tendent of the entire simply depart-'
incut, following the resignation of
Mrs. R. K. Page. She gave her time
fully for three duvs a week earing for
the many details connected with
handling the supplies and accounts
with the many auxiliarina in Murion
and Polk counties.
Mrs. ..Russell ( atlin has been in
charge of the knitting department,
since the organization of the chnpter.
She is still on the job and has an
abundant supply of varn on h and,
enough to keep her department busy
miring the summer.
Mrs. John Carson has served as su
pervisor of the work rooms and giving
personal attention to the .packing and
shipping of all supplies to tSeattle. Joe
Austin has materially assisted in the
work as since the organization, he had
personally seen to the packing and
nailing of all boxes from the supply
Through the efforts of Walter A.
Deinton and P. E. Fullerton, tho month
ly subscriiption to Willniuette rlmpter
was put over. It was t their efforts
in securing the monthly subscriptions
thnt the Red Cross has been supplied
wiih funds at all times, when it would
have been calling for help, had not
Mr. J)enton and Mr. Fillorton secured
the subscriptions. The total amouut
brought into the Hed Cross treasury
through their effort amounted to
more than $10,000.
two more after Benson, had departed,
bringing the dav'a total to 18.
Chicken buyers are now oesicgniKii
Thodea' farm near here, seeking to pur
chase the bird. I
Portland. Or., June 4 (United Pressj
The world's middleweight wrestling
hampiooship ins at stuke here tonight
ii a match between Walter Miller of
I.os Angeles, holder of the title and
Tel Thye, Port hind grappled of consid
erable renown.
Interest In the match is unusually
Sage Tea And Sulphur To
Bring Back Co:or, Gloss
And YoutMulness.
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur added, will tare
gray, streaked and fadtl hair beautiful
ly dark and luxuriant. Just a few ap
plications will prove a rsvelatioa if your
hair Is fading, streaked or gray. Miii
ing the Sage Tei and Sulphur recipe at
home, though, la troublesome. An ess
ier way Is to get a 60-cent kottle of Wy-
lenges awaiting the winner, (irapplers ' h' 8 art Salphar Ceaspewad at
from all over the country are seeking a
crack at the erown.
Lieutenant Ben F. Dorris of Eugene
has received from (ieneral Pershing a
citation for distinguished and excep
tional bravery at Mpeinbrugge on Oc
tober 31, 191 H.
Fred H. C'rowlev, for the past four
years school superintendent of Polk
county, has resigned to. become super
intendent of schools at Prairie City, in
Orant county.
A cablegram from Paris Satnrdny
night informed Mrs. Charles A. Mur
phy of Corvallia that her husband had
been promoted from the rank of cap
tain to that of major.
any drag store all ready for use. This la
the old time recipe improrsd by the ad
dition of oth;r ingredients.
While whlspr, gray, faded hair la not
sinful, -wt all dulre to retain our youth
ful appearance sad attractiveness- By
darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Sags
and Sulphur Coin pound, no one can tell,
because it does it so naturally, so evenly.
Yoa just dampen a sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time; by
morning all gray hairs have disappeared,
land, after another application or two.
your hair heeomea beautifully dark, glee
ay, aoft end luxuriant '
Willis Of Holland, Two j
Act Operetta Set For
Thursday Night.
there will be given an operetta In two
I nets entitlcil "Windmills of Holland."!
I To both the nfteruoon graduating ex
ilic musical event of too.
upei 'intenileul Hull senilis r
liul invitation to tho public
ami i.'ii.ity. Mr. Hull foel. Unit if the i
citizens or Miiem understood turn t tie p,..u.,i,; ,.t n.
ulem Judiuti School was one of tho A,,ir.. ((., i !"
den" D'lluidelut
(feorgo la'liiinof f.
iSnlututorv Florence Hoover
tiirls' Octette "Voices of tiio
Woods" Rubinstein I
Valedictory Julia liroinolf
tiirls' Octette" Pule in the Amber
West" ....c Parks
MDiiun mine
Monte Carlo Described As
"Kindergarten" Beside
German Capital.
jingly had not reached its highest point
yet. During t' last four weeks about!
two hundred new clubs have been li
censed. One of the new rights the rev-
'olntion lias provided for every "fieo
'citizen" seems to be a gambling club
of his own.
To prevent robbery of tho clubs tho !
militnry authorities provide the cii.bs I
with guards ncc'ird '.g to the size jf j
them. In order to draw the customers
the owners give weekly free dinners of
a large number of courses and all the
ehiinipngne you want to dnnk.
( illl i nu ft I i Il.r
most progressive ,,s well as one of the I'rcscntiition of Diploinus Berlin, (By Mail.
Invest Indians schools the country,; Ho,,. Den W. Okott a gambler's' kinder,
n uiiui ue inure locui irueresiy ii.'tteii ,.,
In the week of commencement exer
eiHes at the tsnleiii tn tian school, Thnra-' fonnnl gia.liiHtion eercises of the year.
dy will be one of the busiest d.iy, a The program Is its follows:
o a:..-ial iiinrrnm will be presented In Priicessiinial wrrueai
1e afteriiiiuii an! dining the evculug Vocal Solo "I Know a Lovely
UAMn. a I I rs s M a a
No More Fiery Pain If You
use the Right Treatment
First of all. get it firmly fixed in
y.mr m i iid tnat th" fiery, burning
and itching that causes such pain
ul t.irlui,-. U tint a local skin (lis-
ease. True, the M.in U the scene;
United Press.)
) Monte Curto was
igaiten compared to
cCMSlimill (lreliAMtt-n .r il,i; ' I ln,l,,v Tn Mitnli.
in hi.t the ilepnrtine.it of the interior Ttie class of 1919 presents the " Wind- Carlo Vou could get get gamb'er'-s rx
i. doing for the present generation of mill8 of n0ud" wth some additions 'cite.ue.it with a five franc piece;, in
!1',1""'' . , ,lt 8 Vluik in the evening. There will Berliu the lowest bet is fifty murk.
The progniu. for lli.irsdny afternoon ,,,, 1utth uuh and 'Dutch boys nnd While there was a limit at Monte vou
begins nt .. clock It will bo Aniorieufi girls in the chorus. Tho cast may put fifty thousand marks on a
in the ( hemawa ruditor.ura and is the io (hl, ...,, , f,(iw .:;. ' . ', rli
Mynheer llertogenboseli, a rich Hoi- if you are a stranger in Berlin just
land fi'.iincr (ieorge l.nkanoff Bsli the chnuffeur to drive you to one
Viouw llertngei.bosch, his wife !f the five hundred gamblers' 'clubs'
- Catherine Wilder 1 Berlin hns tmiav. Your looks will tell
Wilhelniina and Hilda, their danh- ifhe ,-hauffeiir the class of club vou
,i r' I had better tnhe. There are nil kinds
J"lin (l.omoff nnd F.lennor Honk fmm ,, 11W ,.K4W ,!,, to the most
Hob Yankee, American snlexmnn fashionable itli icial rooms for the
AsUiin hhepard ,li,.s. .Inncinu halls and dining rooms
nans, a siiiiie.u oi music, in rove wnn
Wilhelmiim.. Lognn Fnnn
Fraim, rich faiiiier'a son, in love with
Hilda - Wade Minthonie
Ah, real American Frmtk Johnson
Katrlnn, rich farmer's daughter
.... Veil ha Frarier
Flossie, American girl Sadie Knowles
Kriss, a sma'l liitchinnn
From Itchins Shin Diseases
of the
ii !;.
o li .'I
lk III.
k. but the
lid u5f 'CH
.. , .... 1.'
skui is fed by
frmii any lin
I i
in I
that the blond Is feeding fresli n -vr
germs all tho time, to keep the skm
irritated, nnd until tins supply of
germs is cut off entirely, you riiiiim!
expect auv real relief.
lint S. S. 8., the fine old blond
remedy, goes directly after the
germs that infest th blood, and
puts them to runt. This remedy is
Miietlv a blood purifier, nnd t taen
ia no disease germ that can with
stand its attacks.
This is why H. S. 8. ghe su h
sutisfaet.iry rru!U in f.-mu.i, t--t
ter, boils, piaipbs, or any other
skin eruptions or disorder. Bv
thoroughly purifying the blood, tied
cbaiisiii it of cM'iy trace f il s
case '-rni, H, S. S. r.-moves t!:e
raue of nil skin eruptions, and re
-.tores lis normal, healthy cosliti.in.
If you want relief that is lantimr,
i liec aiuie II pihh to the scat ef the
the li-ast irn,.i.i., ,.,,( , bottle of 8. H. S. to-
lie, nnd take it as direetisl, and
-a'i-fictory results will f--l!-r. It
Is f.-id b all diujf stores. Special
; "i l :..hir gUmt your own e i
::a be I n I without est, by writing
i,i Chief Medical Adviser, 102 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Cia.
"Mascot" Malt
i where dinners, ines, luioois and rot
fees nre served nt halfcostpriee.' The
.visitors come from nil stations in life.
Thifilm star sits beside the butcher
, war grafter; the countess beside a horse
denier; the br.kers wife beside the co
' quel to.
J Kxcepl for some lotteries and raffles,
a. most of i he clubs the iday is "T!nc-
No hot boxes
Mica Axla Grease contain! powdered Mica,
'which fills up all roughness in spindlea and
bearings. Makes the grease work better and
last twice as long. Easier pulling. Forms a
cool slippery coating that resists wear and
pressure. Ask your dealer. Buy by the pail.
ii as
14 I
ii I
'I tl I
LaCrosse, Wis., Juno 3. Introducing ' . ... . ... . i n i
the latest claimant to the title of the R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co., Salem.
"world's greatest hen," Ous Tiiodes, I
owner, bases tne Dua a emim w iuo .
Turner High School Will
. Graduate Six oa Thursday
- snc real, ;
! tl.-.J of lllll. ;
us, or Hiker rem t
!u surface of the
of tiny disease
t till. fll'Hi I keeoi
(Capital Journal Special rvrvice
Turner. Or., June 4 The Turner high
-school coiunienciiiient exerriws Will He
! In Id Thuisdiiv evening, Juno 5, In th
'rhiistmn ti-.bernncle. State Superin-
It. udciil Churchill will give the address nt hands each
Sand ether program is being prepared, .want to have
carat," The club ow-t-rs wa get nve:
jM'r cent of the sums raised from t tie '
j auctioning of "the bank." taking;
jplaccevery hour at least. The "card
: money" or fees, together with the per-j
centime amounts to somewhat between,
'j.i.O'iO and 40.000 marks tr night at
directors get :
till. !'ki
st In
fiMfaie t
I -lied o-.rv
It V"ll (re
ii I. .1 il
t remeetl
the biggest clubs. The
liHl.ono marks per year.
At nn time In history has there beea
so much gambiie at auch high stakes.
At some clubs 5.000,000 marks charg-
night. The gnnih'era
nil the action out of
It. v. J. J. M'ckev preached the bae- their fortunes hefore eitner ine tnx cm-
,-liute , mm i Inst Simdav evenini? lector or the Bolsheviks get them.
and Mitndav evening the senior class But not onlv the wea'thr areiefected ;
, re guests of the juniors. They witl with the bacillus. In the streets eff
be entertained by the alumni 8,-iturdi.y Berlin people may be seen to Wv f fty.
evening. " or more n-.arks at a single turn at " rnu-;
Those who will gradnnte are; Urena btte." One daw a soldier. havir. ltj
Fains, Delbert Witrel. Kenneth Witiel, RflO watka. arrested the baiV.hSl.Vr "'"'
l.lf i MiVr, Perry Baker and Justus 'wing attacked by the tatter's f:if"ls.l
itolnrt-oa. " jtlirew a hand grenade, killing himself
s .and wntinding several otlcs.
The real gambling f.vrr beja-' rfurlrCi
the hist tB-4 yenrs of the war aid sre-n-t
Special Notice
Good things come in small packages
WUALITY, not quantity, counts. The difference
between the size of our Bevo bottle and the beer
bottle used by others is two ounces one swallow.
This slight difference in quantity is their only
talking point.
Many copied our bottle, others tried to imitate
our label and name, but none have succeeded in
producing the quality of
fit j e - - i
I !1
I! it
-wv tJSMMj
Bevo is classified by the U. S.
Government as a soft drink.