Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Lcngsbrcniea Leave Work FecMe-Kkded Institute Wards
A 77 I
r5 0 H a a - ;i
Range Demonstration 5Til Saturday Wight
Set of aluminumware or one 11-piece set of Pyrox cook
ing ware. We will give away free with every range sold
during demonstration week one of the above sets.
Absolutely no parts to change.
Not even an oven Rack or Spreader to move.
Burns natural or artificial gas and coal and
It is three ranges in one AT ONE PRICE
and so simple and safe that a child can operate it.
Fuel changes are made instantaneously and
automatirnllv hv tha merecr t
A twist of the kev in ona direction elevat-ps f
v - - . .... "
the gas burner from flush with the bottom of the (pokes door
ji ,- ii . . .. v
oven, opens me exu in tne top, turns on the gas
ALL AUTOMATICALLY. A turn of the key in
the opposite direction and the gas is turned off,
the burner lowered, the exit closed and the range
ready for coal or wood. Nothing could be 'more
Make our store your store. We will serve free lunches
during our demonstration. Don't neglect coming in and
sampling some of our eats. You are welcome.
This Moraing.Railway
Men May Follow.
Stage "A Day la Flower-
ooocci in s.SMrR i rSMUkasaC-
Fic r-awn roRr.As
LOArrcoNTRou.CRL- -
roun covrns ro
fc xpf I
m "" "": -al I .-.- !A.-.., B
l f V-y I ftoi t. ws-Kol 1
- .... 1 H
I I.I i Vii T Ix.-iJ:t LAIN 1 I !
J ' , I J I
4 " '
- J . f Stir MASir, Brol 9
-r I y . C. 5 NOMilCoES I H
j fwii'Tl POB-FLAIN) I
1: J r ""L1 - - - ij, ;ca-,t.pob'.w"j B
' til 1IM!U!'K,1 f -fl . MOPmraioHfMovtl H
I IWlL 4 -11 , , COALwOuOCMMi I I
Jf OR moivituAU.Y. . Y. S
Vancouver, B. C June 3. (CuitcJ
iTf) The first wove in the Bierl
striko cl!cd br the Vanoouvfr Trades
and Iabor Cuuaril in aviitimthv with
the Winnipeg atrikera ,iva made at
11 o clotk thia morning. A the clock
oa the ixist offiee pealed out 11
strokus, tho lontrshortMuen Korkiiif. on
the Einnrem of Hiii nut ikr
coats and walkisl ashore. The only oth
er ttoep sea hip in port i8 the Billitoa
Do you plan to go to the
If so your feet need spec-
Tha annual entertaijuaeat of the (tat
institution for foeblo miniL il will I
Rivea tfie the lusutution on Tiursfiar
.vas v iuu wKi ( a o ciock. Tim f
yew it wtU be in the form ef a eater-!ial attention 83 to the DrO
taiKmest entitled ' n i-i v v
dom.; 7 "
Durine the aftetnooa and evening of
Thursday, the work done by tire chil
dren of the institution in lu, !-...!
exhibitjoa with attendants in charge.
A special iitvitatiiin lia ;.....j
- " l M ,KNIIU iur
dis-harsiiiif siar from Java at the all interested to attend thia exhibit in
the afternoon mut in ti... l.
fore 8 o 'clock.
The following is the program for llie
Scene Oue,
Takes place in tho Eose Arbor. The
Flowers are preparinc for tho Vl.,r.
'a reception.
reffinerv and the Eoiii'iiii.r.m.m l.ft
that Tassel also.
Coast seamen walked aahore from
the V. P. R. temer Prince Itwifrice
and the Viiion (Steamship coimianv's
ssels Ventura, Cussiar and I'hcfoh-
workmen left Dikif nb ,i ik. ' ,
CotiKhlan shipyard and the .Northern! Wuccn
across the iulet the men nt the Wal-LI""6 " ,Il'ra - Knaeiiililc
laco yard, Lvall vaid and Jv'orth iShore L tnsp,lse So1"- Knwinble
Iron Works veased work, At the lutter i,',,R",a Birils" - Chorus
plant tl exception was the moulder Tlla 'J CaterpiHur"
The teamsters, who are understood I ' -Miss Koso and tiiorus
to have voted a jninst a strike, remain-j"A" t Our Qiiee"n Ensemble
ed at work but will hold a special I Finale,
nun'tin touiIit to discuss the itua- Scene Two.
., ,, Takes place i!v the Koso Arbor at Tivl
t onsiderwole inte'i-tt ret nn !..( .. r - - -
.. x,,, llID ymru s enronanon
in? nn- urv-is,(Mi reaenca nv tne
street railway men. It is Kenrraliy un
di'rtool a:ul cmn'ciled thnt tli,v" v,t.
ed against the strike and now the." deep
est interest is in whether they will go
back on tlnir own decision mid lislcu
to tho call of the general strike com
mittee. Tho earn in anv event will op
eruto until midnight and it is almost
:enain mat a further meeting will be
'ailed to decide unon what imiir... ik.
I union is to tuko.
Made in Many Styles
A Coo! ICitctien in Summer
and a Warm One in Winter
i stoves GifmmS !
I ; were
".r The funeral service of Mrs. Effie
jT l.-.Z , ...V -Vaft.ger who died yesterday from au
y ; aj-V atlack of influenza, will be held Wed-
s ,r s4, nesduy afternoon from the ehajiel of
J' ' " ,t4S f Webb & tloiiKh at 2 o'clock.
fc- v mm ' -i I'l I ft i
if ' ;Vi y:V't
H, " .'. , C '"' ' I Iva'uation ell the way up to li..eMi.
; j''.' ' - .ill.! 'There were 37 sales of lots and reri-
'it I j
slio is delightfully surprised by enter
tainment arraiiBed by the Flowers:
"Flora Onr Queen" Ensemble
"Kmble mof Truth" Ml0 Cricket
"Uullnd of tho tittle lied Hen". Paisv
"tullabr" Chorus
"Moon's LullaTTy" Quen and Chorus
"Good NiKht" KnsemMe
per fit and kind of shoe as
to give you the most service
and ease.
Mountain (climbing, with
constant contact with rocks,
water and shrubbery will
soon get the best of shoes
that are not specially adapt
ed to such sports.
Fully 100 Cases Claimed To
uisttality; Nurses Are
Among thoso who H r A fn miliar wilt.
conditions, there is m feelinjr thut Sa
lem may onco atfuin find itself in the
midst of an influenza epidemic and at
the snmo time find itself entirely with
out the proper nursing; facilities.
from tho Clraut school Inst wcok thore
were sent homo about 125 pupili and It
is known that several have been serious
ly ill with the Infl IIPII7.fl 11 r Mil 11) ni Ii ! .in
that is eiiuully dunijerous. Fiom other I
parts of the city comes reports of ill-
ness very similar to the rfifluonza.
It seems that the l,ultt.
i Dr- I'embcrton, knows of but few cases,
! perhaps a dozen lu all. Hut as fur as
can be learned, nothing is being done
iiiiiii ins oirice except posting the usual
quarantine signs.
JJr. F. I,. Utter, ehnirnmn nf tv
... nimi n ui mo cny council, ' 1
any the situation is well in hand and:1" U,B vM:ationals and piuvwni ionn is
Tl 7T.
Philadelphia 7 2
.New York .A 7
Woodward nnrt ('mle. Adanmr Sclmnn
m , .: . ' ' r
inney onu mk arty
Brooklyn 1 7
lioston ..; a II 0
Hmith and Wheat; Ihidolph, Kenliug
ana Uowdy, Wilson. (10 innings)
Second itnuie
T...t, l.. , n j, i
. "rauniin 11 II ; ,
;',"'nn 3 i" 2 are made in the well known
unities Huu iuuierj enr ana nil-son
! I'lttshurg 0 3 2
nicn!0 1 3 0
Miller and illaekwellj ilaitin und
Cincinnati-St. Ixiuia postponed, ruin
, American .
Now York , 7
Philadelphia .... P
Ollilin. Moirilltfll an. I ltnnnuli- Crai-.
-II y, , .. . . .... .
en, vieary ana J ernins (eighth iiiiiuig)
Hoston 4 l() n
Washington 3 7 t
.'alllwell Slid Hihllllir- llnrnnr uil
t'hicaKO ,! m . 2
Detroit 7 () 2
Lnudermilk, Ulanforth and tSchalk;
Duus and AiiiBinith
Mt. Collin 1112 1
Cleveland .... 8 J 1 4
Wiilmnn. Wriirht Itiv.iiinnri i:,.n;,.
and Billiimsj JHiiiiemni, i'liiilij's, K n.e-
iiian ana nnaninaer.
found on the farms, saw mills',
nnd miner mills 11. ptutVt t. ..r
I... 1. 1 .1 . ,
mini! uiipt-in, carpenters ana even as
$ I night watclnniio. The great domand
jjtii;m- is for loganberry pickers. Xot that
Itney are wnuted now, but the larger
growers fear a fnmino of pickcrg and
ire ready right now to contract for
the season.
there is no need of a tianiikv rWllmr
Mayor C. K. Albin says the cily offi
cials nro willinir to co oiiernto in nvnrv
wuy with tho county and lied Cross to
prevent auolli
. ... inn":", uiiiiy nii'ii nonio plea
From Red Cross headquarters lit tho J 'K and uuiipio feature will lie iatio
poslof f ice comes tho alarming news that I l"ci. This entertainment will bo nn
several families aro all down with t,jo m'p ,n direction of 1. H. f.oo.
flu and in ninny instances, no 0110 to I Tomorrow n,orninlf I)t j.;l0 ni,n
help and no nurses available. demic and lndiiHt rial ile.pnrtuienls
in general it may bo said that with
one nuniireil or
nf tho school. It, was a .n,d name. 11
the elnss rivalry was keen.
This evenhiff'af 8 n'eliiek f)i. .lirt-'
mnti.li.li., n...l ,..,,..- . ..I..1. .1
" """ s'l"" ' ot 1 no
influenza epidemic, in 1 school will entertain rhcmnwii guests
in a conccrr. uininn uhii' i m,.i,i. )..n.
The sophomores and J'miors of the
The records in the office of tha 8a.
Ilem Abstract company show that dur
jing the month of May there were np-
. n,ijk:it uaaiactiuiiM in real
lproprty in Mfirinn enuntv, rfl"in
Iva'uation ell the way up to li,.eMi
I There were 37 sabs of lots and reri
J deuce properties in Salem,
sales of farm and fruit
T. E. McCroskey, manager of the 8a-
iem Vmitnercinl club, tins accepted an
. hi , 1 ui 11,11 jirniii tne .mi. nii'i om
h'mh school met today in an in ten-In :nicrial enniuniiiity club to deliver an
, !. lnil.j..Bd t..... til ll ill 1.
UHIH' l'i IIU Will HpCaK
ou "'onimunity Spirit .' '
In the Dixie Baking Co. 'a contest,
tho standing of the candidates when
the firnt hnx of IbIIi were counted
jn,wcre as follows:: 1 Hazel Ioonen; ii
Vclm Jtartges; 3 Winnifrel Taylor;
1 Mr .U iia Hiiwinan; 3 Wayno h. El-
.id about " J'Clah Haker; 7 Mrs. Dor-
.- 1 (I'll. U ri. Il. r. nt li;.; il.rnn.l ... ,,...,1
lruii ii.'if-is in i-r - ,,..u-i . n upiu
llie enuntv. A hunt 20 sales of property , u"o', every wrapper counting s
jin other towns of the county were'"" V"B- Tni fellers are Mrs. H. U.
I 1.1 I 'I'll iir.l,., II I'i.V. .1 .
rccorocu. "-i"" Mini iinw. r.Micu anu ine
io-k. .V
ThU afternoon the Willamette ball
team is playing a game with the O.
A. ('. frenlimea team on the university
Tomorrow right in the hiirh school
Innditorium the cnior elans will pro
iserrt the briiibt little plnv, "The For
jt'i"" Hunter" a story nf a broken
! p-n. 'thrift, yo u li nhn on the advice of
! t' la'ive. fpiit, the big city and goes
'to a r.iiintry tirwn fur Hie aVowed piir
j !'!" of n.arrying the daiigh'er of a rich
'villager f,,r her ti,oi'p ---and changes
'his mind. It in full f lauehable sites
' and h:n a thread of romance.
era 1 htirston.
demic and fiidust rial
iU i I . - 1
may bo said that with i " 1 "ln T"r '""peetion
morn rases in thn cltv
by visitors. At 2 p. m. Ihcrn will Ixt a
that really is thn fluo or very much ro- i . 7 lmra,io Y the varioun boys mid
sembles it. there ara but half a ! "I.r.l. '1o"PiM. which comtiliile tho
or more houses quarantined bv tho city ', f r TZ k"""'" "''ally as the
health officer and thnt no other effort Lt l ill !' " "V," ft. V1'
in being made by this city office to .12. t I "I P.x,"l'ilio"
prevent another epidemic in tl, city. KTJt lirttlTo
Among Red Cross official, who are r., W. Tlent. The dr... parade and
generally better posted on Mtual con-ph.vsieBl culture exhibition are fea
ditions in tho city than the office of .tures which should prove of more than
the city health officer, there is a foci-1 ordinary interest to visitors. At (113
iug that something should bo done to p. m. there will be a baud concert un
prevent tho spread of influenza End nlfOj'Icr the direction of lUnduimtcr J,oo,
something be done at ance fr families j which also will be a mnil ph uiing fi a-
ho are actually in need. iture of entertainment. iperinteuden
. . ... Hall wislien to cinniiiijiie H. f. ii,i
Ri tl O T II -I i " ' 'elvlmitv
acp'n I I.aTJia Hr.wt A ! visitors win iu,t'
Our line of mountain
climbing shoes for Ladies
Munson last which gives
freedom and ease to the foot
and are made by the well
known ' Buckingham and
Hecht company which as
sures you quality and extra
By Declamation Contest
For ill answer, tho bank fib s n state-
".out uenying sufficient knowledge-
1Urm a ci.f , whether ,llu ptl.m;,wil
are worth (f.'l":,U and further denies any
information ys to whelher certain tmr
ties will sustain damages of $1X
should, tho property bo finally tcipiired
hy condemnation proceedings.
The bank states thnt on Juno CO, lUitt,
It began suit against Carolyn H. Meyer
and JI.O. Afever and th,.t r..i., -i
l!IH, a judgiuent was entered in favor
of thn bunk fur IW-'.Hi, with 70 atttor
niy ' lees and costs of jit. Tho ,....
n No states that there is still due on tho
judgment lieu ;73.33, with 8 per cent
interest Irmn .lune 1J, 11117.
Tho suit was broiiilit bv tKe St1-",!
si-hool district ill order that it miht get
a clear title t the pronerty which
now oerupie. Certain purties
claimed intercut in tho property
inn nuren with tne (imtrict a t.i t
ItnH Hm Iirn,li,.,li,i.rJ n...n I. p.... ..I., .. I
In the suit of tho Kulcin school dis-.' hy the circuit court should enter a
tnrt title to tlm ld.1 llinn urn nor fPPfi mi a ri nrr -itinf l lm f tar at thn
which it piuchased, located just south cinl interest of the several pnrtlcs wh
of the, high si-hoof building, tha enm-' claimed amua titla to tha nnmortv n.,,1
plaint is brought against Cnrolya IL ' t asses this interest In order that tim
Meyer. H. O. Xfeyer. Mark 8. fiklff.
't. . , ....
cm School District
U8s To Clear Up Title
JflAN" As tho popularity of the bead is growing constantly among our weil
dred women of today. The shops are shewing this ptring of orient;;! beads
a.!..l .nn-v.:-. :,t. v ... . i 1 i . .. j .l- . .
iuan cjuiuiuvs iatciuijv ft iiu tuia v mutually miiie 11
little turban.
bag and the smart
Cnderwood k t'nderwnod
Canllal JwSisal Tm Ads W2 Get Yea Wtat Yea Was!
; Colonel A. T. Woolpert of the na-
Mi'inal guard of Oregon will attend a
jUaff meeting to be he!,! in Portland
.frriorniw. Maj-.r A. A. Hail, ntil re-'-er'ly
.,f this city, is actii' adjutant
' D-irlre: ihe Boa:a of I!ay ls XJ. S
eiTiji'n;, mcnt bureau in tae itv f-vanil
empliriTcnt .for 179 men ind" 15 wo-Irr-i
n, and the service tx.th to the em
jilovcr and employe were free. Jobs
St. I'mil I. : l!t n,,,.( :,!, T..
P. Hch.iltz on North ITlh street t'e !.
nioir-rw afternoi.n at
.-iecetar,- ;,!;,,. f the b"ard nf
control, is upending t'ie dnv in I'ort-la-id
OH lrl.il, ens e-.lll:e.-tcd with hi,
I. ;e,r:e ai d family have recently
arrived jn ti,e city from IJengiingh,
anada, and are registtred at the Cup
ital hotel.
Yeoierday fifti rnoon as n finture of I
the coinuiencement week exercises' nt j
the 'jiemawa T'ldinn schoid tln-re was
a game of baseball between the Cbema
wa nine and the freshmen nine from
the tnie Agri'-nltiiral colleae at Cor
Viillis. The rrcpli'iicii were victorious in
a more i.f H to 3.
In the evening there was a declama
tion coliti st in w hich rero'esetif r,t i vr
of various clasps participated. This ; John HolmiMi, nnd tho Capital National cure a clear title,
was a most creditable and ini-r..t nn i
along" lines of "highest en-1
and those in nttenifa-ice were
h ho
.f ie.i
The .Tonrral t!airird ids are
("rest favorites with people who
do thirgtj Try oaa.
Ii hted whh the nbilily displayed
the various I :irtieitins. The !;.
ion of the judges was that Klennnr
Hliuk, of the liiackfeet tribe of ,.
t:itia Has first; second .Vine I',. IK- J,.nv
.Mnkah t ri I.f of Washington; third
f'n'herine Wilder, Klamn'h tribe of
California: fonith Julia (iroinoff, Aleut
tniie of Alri-ka.
The judge of the contest were Miss
Krancin l;i. hards, Mis Ldia Johnsnn
and Mi-s i:ii7.al..-!h Brigg, all of Wil
lamette university.
This morning at oVImi n ser
ies of a'hletie events began and the
various cla-inen were pitte.) against
one anotner. Hunio fentiirea of th
sports were of a most enteitnining chr
aeier nutablv the srirints. both in Ion?
and short distances.
In the. afternoon there was a trama
ef ba.ball between teams represent-
0 smM
r I
t """ i'l mi r i.ijpi. j. . mnim m i m jjuhlu ji, j tilj m jjru, i. . Ar-i.mn.- nw ljnm , l9mm,,;ir,m ,, -
1 3 r r m
"See this picture if you have
to stand on your head to do
it. It's a sensation."
t i