Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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T 9
kin: -v. r
1 Wf OTIIING that we could say would so thoroughly
I il convince you of the value of Chamberlain's
Tablets as a personal trial We can tell you
of thousands who have been permanently cured of
chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick
headache and disorders of the stomach and liver,
but this will have little weight with you as compared
I to a personal trial. That always convinces.
(t 1 in w i i t it&Vi a a m 1 ays
"N'AL bi1 complete arrangements
have been made for the m-venrr
ifta eeaameniement of Willamette
university, which will take place June
7 to 11. "
B. J. Irvine, of the Oregoa Journal,
an 1S77 graduate of the university will
deliver the coninienceiuent ditreM
frNSdc-esTj loiKyiriU giye tke
baccalaureate sermon to the senior
next Similar and Professor Jarae T.
Matthews will speak at the farewell
yesi-er service.
t'tunmcncemcut activities will begin
Saturday evening, June Tth with the
stunenjuus historic pageant. The senior
tireakfast will he served Xloadiiv morn
ing, June fth, and the en me afternoon
at 3 o'clock the second performance
of the pageant will he presented ia the
hn-je stailium which ia beng erected on
the caov)nis for tue occasion. Monday
evening will witness the president ' re
ception to the alumni, seniors and
Euests, faculty, trustees, students aud
friends in Eaton hall. Commencement
lexercisea pwer will take place at the
properties will unreasonably suffer byj'W Methodist r.iseoal church, Wed-
i-tnte regulBtion is premature, nnwar- nesdar morning. ,
ranted r.nd pot in accord with fiicts."
p A party eonioed of Mr. aud Mrs.
The state text book commission, com- Robert 8. Gill and Mr. and Mrs. George
posed of Miss Margaret Cosper of this M. Post, all well known former Salem
eitv, Alfred C. Schmidt of Albany, V. A.!1""1 Bro ine eiiy, nav-
Th public service commi-sio-i has Tiejrden of Marshf iold, Mrs. A. E. Ivan- eom. "P for the lance and eard
added the weight of Its iaflusus to the hoc of I-a Grande and Harrison O. Plait T ' - P
been in session today ai "
State House Notes
last night.
noiiular demand that the telephone and chairman, has been In session today
ti-U'irtHiih wires be restored to private the state houje for the purpose of niak-
control in the immediate future, on th ing up the list of text books to be usod (
i ...... i ji..i .v.- i n - ..k,.t. ,i,,.i,. k u,t l" Balem
grounu iiini oug raugu uucvuvu vi iutj hi mp.virj("ii ' "' . - mothers will
greaj untitles is uouuu 10 piwo jvas mix jrma.
unit of American war
The commission has wide '" oaruraay ar
aat.sfactory to the general public tha,range of book, to select from, as rep-,, "Knf 922 fcmth High street,
contrcJ through the state commission, resentative, of various book concerns u honor of fhe wf mother(Bof Sul(jm'
which is in position to know and to have been almost daily visitors at IM ,mi tl. i. .:ii : (hn ,
state house during the pnst few weeks. ()f g ,.gPt together" meeting with an
informal projrram and the serving of
light refreshments. A very cordial in
Sunny Side Auxiliary
Entertains For Yeterass
act upon all problems of rate adjust
ment advisedly and immediately. An
urgent request hits just been forwarded
liy wire to Senator Mi-Nary that his in
fluence be used toward the return of the
wires, a purgraph reading as follows:
"After due consideration and with
full knowledge of conditions as affect
ing these utilities we unhesitatingly ,
urge, the prompt return of the wires to
private owners without attempting has
tily constructed remedial measures,
which in our present opinion can only
result in further involving an already
Tterdlesnly complicated situation and
prove uctrimemul to tho general wel
"Thn fillvaina nf fhA alula ar
tainlv ntitle.l to have a direct voice in '"'rt Chm,r. Kmmet Pickson, Ihi.lley
, naming tlu.se who are called upon to Tvl,,r- ,"orK,, F,,ll,,r. Buv H'ldrcbrandt
pa-a upon questions directly affectin X"r'"n Hililebraiult.
their business and stH iaI welfare. Any nTTV TXI . T n.. i T W A VC
conclusion that telephone or telegraph bill III OALlliM ALVVAIS
vitiition ia extended to all muthera of
soldiers, sailors, marines or nurses, to
S I f i1 n 1 1 at-hnth.iv li . I 1
is issuing
The Hunny Bide Auxiliary of the Bed j
Oiosi gave an entertuinuient Saturday rr. rh.in. it r-i.
. ..... ... , , . ' ..... 1 . ui t UJIiltl
night at the school nouse in nonor oi , final snnonl h. an,r f .h.
the boys from "over there." "After the clb women of the state in voting for
mo greai reconstruction program. Bhe
has just completed a tour of the tate
pnigmm lee cream ana cane were
erved. A good crowd was out to wel
come the boys home. Molvin 8. Clin tid
ied nf company M, 102ml infantry, gave
a talk, also Kmmct Diokson. The fol-
I lowing are the hoys who have returned
. from France: Melvin H. Chandler, Al-
day in and day out-
"always fresh"
Serve It With All Your Salad
Nineteen Nineteen Pressing
Sold Everywhere
The Superiority of ElectricToast
to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made
tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively the samr
f upenonty ot grilled steaSc to Incd steak.
For one-tenth of a cent a slice the General
Electric Radiant Toacter makes Perfect Toast faster
than you can eat it. It is Perfect Toast because the
radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change
in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast that
airly mchs in your mouth. '
YoM can operate tK Cnteral D ft trie RaJUnl Totstef oa the
f dmatl. tatiie ckui. Ill neat porcelain bast) smJ cbealii
riowi'S add ra and disnn to any taUs.
in the interests of tho reconstruction
measures and tho iRoosevelt highway
bill, and says that every club The has
vUited has promised to vote solidly for
the measures. 8he considers it the duty
of every eligible woman to use her
right to vote in support of these wor
thy measures.
Eugene, Or., June 2. (Special)
The annual convention of the- western
district of the Neighbors of Woodcraft
opened here this afternoon with tho
calling to order nf the meeting by Dis
trict Onardian Ora X. Maury of Co
luille. The convention is to lat-t two
-Inys and nearly one hundred delegates
are expected.
-Today 'a Jirograut inclmled 'the suit
ing of the officers, flag eeremmny, ad
dceii..,of wclcomo 4iy l)r, .William
Kitykendiill, grnnd physician; oollec
tinn or credentials and musical
lira in.
Election of district officers will be
held Tuomlay afternoon, with their in
stallation in the evening. Grand Gnnr
diun. Mrs. . C. Van Orsdall of Pcndlo
ton will deliver ati address tonight.
There will b a spocial meeting of
the Altar society of St. Joseph's
church tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock
at the resi.lence of Heverend Father
Buck. 8oni8 especially important mat
ters will come up before the assembly
and every. lady in the parish is iirjent
Ij" requcaU'd to lie premsut.
Tobacco Habit
ayi itXntor Cesnor formerly of Johns
Hvpkine hospiual. Tlu-ufamls of men
suffering from fatal diseases would be
ia perfect health today nere it not lor
the deadly drug Ju-otir.c. the
hntiit now fcefur it's too late, it 's a
simple process to rid yourself of the
tubscce haliit ia any form. Just go to
any up to date drug store and get some
-Ncotul tablets; take, then as directed
and lo; the pernicious habit quickly
vanishes. lruggists refund tne money
if they fail. He sore to read large and
interesting announcement by lVctor
Connor soon to apar is this paper.
It tells of the danger of aicotine pois
oning and how to avoid it. la the moan
time try .Vicotol tablets; you will be
surprised at the result.
Carnations, Mary Prager
Zither solo (s) Kwiss March; fb)
One Evening at Truratun (Sea, W. Wu
menberg Hypatia (Doushtery) 1sriee Ritchie
Anitras Pnce (Grieg) Jennie Thomp
Muie Box (DiebU-h) Mrs. J. W.
Midsummer Nii-ht'e Dream (Mendel
ssohn) Alta Zinn
Dance of the Demons (Hoist) Alene
Girtird Gavotte (FVindey) Mrs. Clif
ton Koss, Miss Margucrit Bahnsen,
Mrs. Hendry,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell of Wood
burn were among the out of town
guests mho attended the dance given
by St. Agnes1 guild at the Masonic hull
last night.
Miss Lora Purviue is entertainin? as
her guest, Miss 'elestia lfraee of i'ort-
land, who is here for a few days vaca
Miss May Mickey -will be presented
in her graduation recital at the 1'irst
Christian church this evenini at 8
o'clock, br Frank E. Churchill of the
western Lonservatory of Music. Tho
public is cordially invited.
(Continued from page one)
u'aeed in the reception hall partially
wrecked a tviofumily house hire early
this morning. No one was seheusiy
The girl
cheeks. 1 am sallow
rith the poor rompleiioa
1 have to touch up my !
and a sight, and .
erty damage estimated at 23,000 done
here early today by bomb explosion
nt the home of Judge Charles C. N'utt,
Patrolman William Boehner was kill
ed .the police believe, when he seized a
tchel containing the explosive and
tried to prevent the blast.
Bits of his body were found scattered
over a radius of 100 vards.
Persons living across tho street from
the Nott home told the police they had
ealv wr ssakeiui saves me.
Now as a matter of fact, more wo-1
mea spoil their good looks than im
prove them with cosmetics. The prac
tice certainly is linuossary, now that
the virtue of ordinary mercolized wax
aa a fceautifier have become known. It
has been found that the wax has won
derful absorbent powers. It causes the
faded or discolored scarf skin to flake
off in uinuto, almost imperceptible
particles, o gently, graiUial'y, as to
cause no inconvenience at all. In this;
way the old complexion is actually re- j
movetl likewise all fine sines, freck
les, pimples, blotches, moth patches and .
other surface detects. A new complex
ion appears a clear, smooth, youthful,
healthy hued sttin mca at no paint, I
powder or cream can produce. Mercol- I
ized wax, to be had at any drug store
in convenient .ze package, is applied '
like cold cream and alkwtd to remain'
oa over ni:ht.
".'..T- IT T "
in ; '
'HER f
(Continued from Page 1.)
your tru'uuical institutions.
"We are ready to do anything and
everything to suppress the capitalistic
class; just as you are doing everything
to suppress the proletraian revolution.
"What baa beeir done by us so far
is only a warning that there are friends
of popular liberty still living; Only
now we are getting into the fight; and
you will have a rhanee to see what lib
erty loving people can do.
"Do not seek to believe that wc are
the Oerinans or the devils paid agents;
you know well we are class conscious
mea with strong determination and no
vulgar liubility. And never hope that
your cops and your hounds will ever suc
ceed in ridding the country of the an
archistic germ that pulses in our veins.
'We know how we stand with you
and know how to take care of ourselves.
"Besides, you will never get all of us
and we multiply nowaday.
"Just wr.it and resign to your fate,
since privilege aud riches have turned
your heads.
"Long live social revolution! Down
with tyranny I
"The Anarchist Fighters."
"Her Great Chance"
On Wednesday and Thursday
BICH will Interpret Indian
legends and pantomime.
rh J
B ft.'.
. l i r
Hubbard, Or., June 3. The ease of
Marvin Zebner of Hubbard, who disap-
soon two young women sitting on the pegrcd from hi. holnc 0 April 30, still
an lii iatuiiiK iu iiiu uuunv lur nuiuu miiiu
before the explosion.
June 3. (TJnited I
rominent cltleens, '
Philadelphia, Pa.
1 ress.) Homes of prom
churches and public building were un
dor heavy guard today, following explo
sion of two bombs in the West Phila
delphia district late last night.
The first bombto explode was at the
rectory of tho Catholic church of Our
Lady of Victory, The second was at the
home of Louis Jagielky, a jowclor.
Residents seated on their porches near
the parish house told police a package
was thrown from a passing touring ear
and the explosion followed. Two men
were tnken into custody soon after the
explsions, but police refused to rovcal
their identity.--The front of the rectory
was badly damaged.
remains av mystery, his parents having
received no word or clew of him.
Marvin is 15 years old, about 5 feet
3 inches in height and weighs about 113
pounds, lie wore a brown Norfolk coat
brown, corduroy pants, brown enjva
shes and a blue and gray plaid cap.
He has medium dark brown hair, worn
pompadour .and blue eyes.
The boy's parents are much alarmed
and would bo glad to hear from him or
from anyone who has seen him or knows
of his whereabouts. They offer $25 re
ward for information leading to th'c
bid's discovery. Mr. Zehner is a mr.il
rarrier and can be reached by telephone
by calling for S. W. Zehner through the
Hubbard central.
or Headache
Rub the forehead
ami temples with - -
Mr. and Mrs, Burton A. Myers arriv
cd n fcal.-m Hunday from Camp Lewis
where Air. Myers has been awaiting
his discharge, having recently return
ed from service overseas. Mrs. Myers
nas made numerous friends during heriinK hunted today by police to be quea-
"ui.r in mnom. mill thev n I 1, .i 'tin.
Cleveland, Ohio, June 3. (United
Press.) Three radical leaders were he-
uDr imi sue wm remain
in the capital city until the fall. Dur-
-"K ineir residence here Mr. ami M
.wers win make their home
parents Mr. and .Mrs. E. A
on Moirth Liberty street
. tioned in regard to the eiploiion of a-
it her I
shrapnel bomb that partially wrecked
the home of Mayor Herry L. Davis last
The bomb exploded while the mayor,
his wife and several friends were seated
on the lawn in front of the house.
M.. u n . I Two men, seen about the Davis prem-
rs. Yt. 1. Idlnnnn inj C. n. : 1 I . .. . .. ..
Piirtln.l " , ' , lscs some time Derore tne explosion oe
. ... ....,vr ,-,.,, 0, JJnlpm
WOM .llnHAM ... a, . . 1
at the home of Mr. nm M. a if ,0y'
eurred were also being sought by po-
Mrs. I. I.
"on to a
"iiains, o.,jj rtn i7th ltrwt An
i-i-pniiiw coior aiheme of red, white
and blue was artistically earried Out
in the decorations.
The evening was pleasantly spent ia
motor, ng to Independence, following
the beautiful east side river road, cross
ing the ferrr at Independence and re
tllriunif to 8alem nr, ).. .-t.
U. , --- - w cat auus
The Woman's Relief
ciety w in meet at the .. k' .
Ilennett nrxt Tfc
All those desiring tmasporta
Ind from the n!n na ..t
taiument will l,e,-t at the Oregoa Kll
trie depot at one o 'chick i iri.
found trip mir he made ni- ttt .....
Mrs. Kmilv T.
Salem after an aAAnc ..t n. L
during which time she vi-it.,1 .i.K i
son, llarol.t J. Jorr, it Knterprise, her
daughter Miss t'onstence Jorr ia Tort
land and a daughter-is law, Mrs. Ray
mond Jory at Msunia.
The advanced
Uira Hendry will give a mimical .Hi.
evenin j at the Virst PreAvi(.
Jhnn h at 8 o'clock, assistea by Daa
l-anifcnherr. Hnle HI t 1 lttAll aa V
"'t, with Miss Dorothv P.a
ompanist. Also W. Fi1hb,,a, ai
t'LJT-"1 ,'""'r t0l"K The J'ram
Pink rose
Kl.ie l.irHild
drill (sixteen girls). Miss
1 t-iano.
A rriiiw (Mayer) tkir Homrer
The Mocking llud ( Vk-schasj) Alice
luhRAon ,
PaHinj Waters (Trmux) Helen Peter.
flume K t II
'Ida Kocliler
Tain, mib-arv march
El-loa Johnwa
owe (Kyder) Thnrs
Boston, Mass., Jane 8. Bombs dun
aged the homes of two prominent men in
greater BostoH last night.
An infernal machine placed on the
piazza of the Boxbury home of Justice
Albert F. lluyden, who presided at the
trials of the May Pay riotors here,
wrecked the building. No one wns in
jured. In N'ewtonviiU, the home of State
Representative Leland Powers wns par
tially wrecked and his little daughter
and housekeeper slightly injured when
a bomb exploded in th doorway of a
Faterson Home Wracked.
raterson, N. J.. June 3. A bomb
7 . i7
.The plan of patting on a lyceum
course in Salem for the cowing season
hr beea contemplated by the-student
body f 'Willamette ttirirersity, but af
ter consultation with Jlie faculty it
has not lipen deemed advisable, on ac
count of the great number of other ac
tivities occupying the attention of the
student. However, three enterprising
students Storey, McKittrick and Bar
tholomey have decided to take over
the project on their own responsibili
ty, and have taken the first steps to
ward securing the Menealey System of
lyceum attractions for the coming faT
and winter.
Used for 70 Years
Thru its use Grandmother's
youthful appearance has
remained until youth has . ,
become but a memory, j f.
The soft, refined, pearly a -jf
white appcarsncs It i
renders leaves the iov F.
of Beauty wilh you a
for many
yean J 4
-V- 11- li 1 J -
nnrti la'pta Titian Sunn it tS 1' 'IiA-Avii7iiiT
v: .
A tfV!fj .y,
- - ,MHTtdXll I Ljf.ll I U
fc. r.
1 1 1 1 r-ti 1
I at.
Different and
than other
Titles of
Ask for th on
yoai wantt
National Parks
Crate Lake
Grand Cany 00
Hot Springe
Mesa Verde
Moaat Rainier
Rocky Mountain
SrsjMia Gea. Crtssl
MAKE this a summer of vacation
travel. Glorious out-of-door1
playgrounds beckon you. Heed thci
call. Get away and know the scenic beauties of yourj
own land. Summer excursion fares.
Every American should visit the National Parks, i
They are the nation's playgrounds. Not only do you'
see peaks and canyons, glaciers and geysers, big trees',
and volcanoes, prehistoric ruins and Indians you
here sec the old wilderness places of this country the.
Far West and the Old West practically unchanged. )
In this vast region you can "rough itM--can camp
out, climb high peaks, go fishing and ride horseback.
Around the corner, so to speak, are miles of auto boule
vards, modern resort hotels, and comfortable camps.
Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your trip, or apply to the nearest
Consolidated Ticket Office, or sddret nearest Travel Bureau, United
States Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Bid's., Chicago,
143 Liberty Street, New York City 602 Heaky Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
United -States IvimaM) ADiiNTsmmN
Petrified Foraat I
Ho 1
s?v , w-- y
i ii iiiim tii . w i ayaniia i swiu !J ! I
M-nlitrit nn the 'I -d 1 . , T t.. .
Mable Arlcrn:u