Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    lAGE TWO.
Watch the little Pimples;
They are Natures Warning
Unsightly DkSgurtng SLg
dU cf d SAooi.
Don't cloe yonr ryr to the win-
tinf which nEure gives, when un
!is!u'y pimple appear on jour Let
i and othtr psulj of the body.
: Not only ar these pimples and
Jtpbtchtt diflarfc:g, bat they lead to
serkmj skin dilates that spread and
'out tht most discomforting irritation
'tai pain. Sometimes they foretell
' IVicraa. boil. bliiters, scaly eruptions
J and other annoyances that barn like
' fUmei of fir, and make you feci that
.'your k!n It ablate,
' Vhen thess tysptomi spotty oa any
part of the body, take prompt tep
to rid the blot d of thrte disorder.
And the one remedy hich ba no
equal a a pun tier n S. S. S,, the
purely tegetabie blood medicine, which
ha been on the market for more
than fifty year. It if told by drug
gists everywhere.
If yoa are afflicted with any form
of (km disease, do not eipect to be
cured by lotions, ointments, salves and
other local remedies, ai they can not
posjibly reach the source of the trouble,
which is in the blood Begin tak
ing S. S. S. today, and write a com
plete history of your cue to onr chief
medical adviser who will give yott
special instructions, without charge,
write at once to Swift Specific Co.
200 Swift Laboratory, Atl-inta, Co. k
'THE UNPARDONABLE SrN" , this alone mean lot. of money. Cut
T SRASniM-a KTrt T.W.tiT . timr into tho escheuuer if Harry liar
' son, the- produeer. l greater extent,
MiKh hat been written about the lowever, were the aalunei of sues peo
r..t uf big .1i..h.Ut produrtion snd pie as Marshall Sedan, blanche fcweet,
1km nut a little of it hat twB i Wallace Beery and other whe ser
i.ure "prow agentry," it is perhaps, vice were enlisted in the screening uf
do l.-nger the best of form to attempt the atory. Mr. Seiian, eone.ed.1 to be
tu .i.;e the merit of a pholoplae pro-(one of the finest director in the tiusi
du. turn l)V the amount of niimev 'which new, eummunda a fancy salary, aa.l
was expended in making it. And yet!Mi "',',t. the "r. secured for
the enKugeine.it ,,f Harry tiarsou ' 1 the production only after extra induce
"The Unpardonable Sin" at Ye Lib-j mem had been olfered her to forsake
ertv theater, beginnius Thursday, the comparatively quiet life, away
June 12, ought not to be made without ! from moving picture and moving pic
tiie perfe etly warranted statement that -lure people, which the lint been lead
tiii. picture' 1 one of the most preten- "g " I'1 f0,1I'1 of year after
tiout and most expensively prndueed naving wiuhuicu
h;eh hut ever been exhibited in 8a
lcm. Th production it in ton reels, mid
lb Msrfu! Ca'i
Whan Cali f Molharbocd It fait.
ternational ar.renn favorite.
Of r.ll the nuit vital Unit In a fi'i
lle Dm enmliif vt Uitiy la fraurlit Hi 'ft
Erwitrt mcnin(T. fare thoiihl :epicia
Iriiorn thnt the ermta la tMHseit bl 1: tirty.
" ApiiictienMiin It troUtJ by t!ie Vzwly
it sloitiei-'a Krtcn'l, a nrrpi.fiimn p-(rn-1r::ttiiar
oil and n.. lklu.il Me.-re.lient
Mth reiitlr: tlm puiiM-les, rirfii, tenduru
J I'xaaien.t auajie, aiol l it Icmi m m
.V.VtTZd Kli At her home, 15-13 Broad
wiv, Monday June 2, 1UI9. Mrt. Kf-
fie Naftzger, at the ago of 34 years.
She it survived toy her aunband,
Chn.i. V. NatUger, and three children,
William, Erneat and Huth.
Tan body la at tint undertaking par
lor of Webb ft Clough, At yet, 110 fu
neral arrangements have beea announced.
WHITE At hit home, KHI9 Broadway,
May 31, IU19, Jame F. While, at the
age of i)t yeura.
IteHuloa Ihm wtilow. he U survived hr
11,0 iwuwa. (llri,p phii,iren, Mrs. Phillip Painter of
to an.l tt-rfchlii-s-iit.a are c,un- it, , .. , 1 ... .f ... v .... 1..
oaieiu, urn. 4v. a. iajoiii'v ui uvnua
and Herbert. White of California.
Mr. White ia an old resident of Sa-
w.iio.woov. cti.i si-prrm,, li-m.s r eun
IvruiUU an J tie pcrtutl li c..u it u'... rt-
'1 La t..o;,J. Cat aUImnlfKtl i.iilrs rlsx
i in mi li km m,l 1u.11 mui iii:-r 1. 1 1 and hn a been an invulid lor a
Ilsniwimlt cf womca f.ir f.x'.l c-ntnry
! H thu) nenotriitln eat mat noi.iici
I en. f cinin rt cspci lolly toe riiieelant i.K.tli-
r. iiirt every vioinan a vnltl:. th5 'iuU
fuiilil the imliire a lirlplnr luiin(.
Write til llraitAtlil Krfillatiir l'w,.ny,
Ieiit. r, l.amar Hulldlnn, Atlnnta. tienrnt,
fur their slothmutHHl IhKili, 0 areit vniua
In all wmnrn, ami tihlaln a bottl of
ai'ftlo-r'a frlvud froui the ilniaalvt anil Iw.
U aiHiliiatlou rculrly nl(0t and
miniber of year. The funeral services
will bo hold at thu chn.el of Wtrlib A
Plough Tuesilay afternoon at 2 o'clock
and will be conducted by the Rev, (!.
li. Novell. Burial will bo In tho (hid
Kellowi cemet"ry.
Mr. Hnehel Waltera, a pioneer of
1H-I7, died a few day ago at Alpine,
niifod 7rt reKra,
Useful Oxford
Not at all Devoid of Style, but With
the AdJcd Advantage cf Sensible,
Wearable Construction.
who will appear at the Oregon theater
Wednesday and Thursday In a pro
am ta Hon of. Indian pantonine, por
traying the tongs and legend of a
dying race.
MISS RUTH .HXIINS daughter of
JuHtiee Charles A. Johns of the
supremo court has been chosen
as soloist for the second concert of the
AiMillo club, which aill be given Fii-
diiy evening in the opera aoue. ilim
John will be greeted with the heart-
lent approval liy Sulem munie lovers, as
all are cngnuiUnt with -Ilia remarkable
ability which 1H0 possesses, havinst
read of her aueeewful apwaranecs as
wiloiitt for the Orpheus and AlcDowoll
i-luht of J ortlunil. She hot studied un
der some of America's most npted
teachers, both in the east and on the
'Pacific collar, nnit poiieseg a dra
matic soprano voice of unusual beauty.
Sulcm lolk. particularly graduates
and present student of Willamette
university will be interested in the
wedding of Corimral Varl F. Sutton and
Winnie K. JaXoiistland, which occur
red recently. Mr. button wa promi
nent in 1'ortland musical irelva be
fore hi enlistment In the army .two
years ago. The bride is the niece of
Rear Admiral Cromwell and the erand
daughter of one of the founders of the
medical department of Willamette imi
vcisily, lr. J. W. McAfee. .
.Mr. Ralph While cloned her junior
lancing classea with a merry party at
Cotillion hall. Hand painted butterflies
rioatert from the ceiling or perched on
the huge baskets of row that formed
the decorations. Mrs. T. A. LivealcT.
Mr. John 'Roberts, Mrs. William HimD
ton ami Mr. I): W. Kyre acted as pat
ronesses for the affair.
Addition! guests for th narty were
Betty and James Terry of l'o'rtland,
Hertha Andres, Virginia Dorcas, Helen
Heeler, IJorelle Anderson, Ariel and
Flurene (iillM-rt, Harriet Austin, l'au
line .Nolan, Pauline Cupper, Bertha
Hansen, Koberta Jlarlev, Jna tvelvn
Saundert of J'ortland, - Lorena Oeer,
Ka Ciimmings and Kosali Jones.
Miss Hazel Btnke left this morning
for month 'a adjourn ia California.
I While there she will visit her sister,
Mrs. Chnrle A. Butx of Modes, and
will be the guest of relative and
friends in 1'asadcna. Mia llluke wa
accompanied by her father, William
mane, who will make an extensive
study of the latest method of drying
Kiigiisli walnuts, of which he has
Inrge orvhard on hla beautiful place.
Willow Lake.
a a a
The little (telle and beaux who com
pose Mr. White' junior classes are
Junior Holey, Klaine Jtrown, Henrietta
liishop, t handler Brown, Bertha B6
eock, Oeucvleve .Harbour, Robert Bish
op, Jamea Campbell, Genevieve CauBp-
bell, IJoyd Claggott, Charh'a Clagget,
ivj'phiiie Cornoyer, Mary Imager, Cya
thia lielsnfl. I,ann tviin, Uurj-neeth
Kd wards, David Kyre, Kovan V.rrv,
Catherine iulcy, Iona Oeer, Itoae
ttllstoil. larei,M ltannll..n lWI,
Hick, dark Hanliison, John' Hughe.
Alicia uant, imrotliy Kezar, Jtorothy
l.ivesley, Tommy l.ivesley, ilarjorie
Mel)iiugl, I-ooise McHeugal, Maxlne
Myers, Un Miller, IViiuld Moore, Har-
oara Aiooerf, Janet rtimpton, Sherman
I'liaipton, Florence Tower Mildred
Shield Mrrtelle Shiup, Mildred Kob-
ert, Kuth Kobliu. .Nancy Thielwn. He
ry Thielsen, Jeanette Skea, ranlu
Mi afar, ar i.n, Kare WoU, Eleaa
Woodcock and Kern Winckell.
a a a
Member of Ft. Agues Guild of St.
Paul' rhiina will ajwnaor a daoce and
card artt- t the Maaonie hail this eve
ning. Katrnmive prertittOB have
been made for the occasion aad a large
crowd ia expected. Tatrons and patron
esses of the affair are llovemor and
J I Mr Ben W. tllcntt. Reterend aad Mrs.
a jCharles H. Powell. Major and Mr. Carl
;tin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. I'. . Shipley,
TiMr. and Mr Sumner Merrick. .t"r.
ll'i - .mils riears, -Mr. SflO Mr.
V. (I. lifrkaba a, Mr and Mr. J
Varaigartner, Mr. and Mrs, Rollin K.
I'aiie, Mr, and Mrs, Kredrriek Ik
tions. Our Prices on Lilly Hand Bars and Cascr i - ,r,rf 7;."".fc- r , A.?'r, , u'r:
:snd Mrs ar.y Martin, Mr. and Mrs.
A vwy pretty )rford of dark,
reddish brown kid, five eyelet
Htil. Cuban heel and imitation
toe cap, good stock put together
for camtort and aerviee but tho
real surprise is the price 16.63
Vor those wooiea who prefer
to atiik to Iduek in footwear,
hero 1 smart Kid Oxford
with military heel and imi
tation wing tip that appeal
to en mm oa sense. A five eye
let Pal. that should sell for
fully a third more than tS.33
But the greatest surprise of
all this Whit) Cautaa
Spert Oxford with rubber
he and ol. Tho very thing
fur grow girls aad womea
who must b on their feet
aiurh uf the day. They are
frdling, and why ahouUn't
they ,t 11.75
Is a sort of circumstantial evidence of one's pecun
iary standing but good luggage need not be exorbi
tantly high priced to put one in the class of vaca
tionists. All leathers are high, and, that's the very
thin; that provides great latitude for price varia-
Stop Itching Eczema S-i
tc iTtin.-! kr niua m iiave tried
and tided, yoa can atop btming. itching 1
eczema quickly by apyiyag a mue kto ,
tumisite-a ry any oru! r.si iur - ,
Im WtftlaL SI CA ilealina- besin the
moment no ia applied. Inn abort time
usually every trace 01 eocma, inm,
pimpiea, rasft. blackheads aad similar
. ' . 1. ,duM will twi ranwHred.
tot clearing tne Km ana tnuing n.
vigorously healthy, s.Uar us temo, the
penetrating: antiaeptic liquid. It is not a ;
greasy saive ana k aoe) ou -'" "
ethers f ad it is th on dependable treat
ment for skin rrrwbles ot ail kind a.
) ThtvW.KoCft.aevchuiiia
a :
Henry Coraeyer, Mr. and ilrs. B. E.
Miaa Eva la Villa Love became the
brjde of Harold II. Miller at the home
of the bride 'a parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charlea W. Love, Monday at 10:30 a.
I in.. Kev. U. iVoweraox officiatinz, using
the beautiful ring eeremony ia the
presence of 30 relatives and 'friends
The bride, a former student of Will
amette university, wa attended by
Muse Helen Moore, now a senior at the.
university, with C. R. Miller, brother
of the bridegroom, as best man. Little
Luis C'ate, a cousin ot the bride, as
flower girl, l'receding the eeremony
Mrs. Frank Love and -Mrs. Bert Hand
sang " Were 1 a Birdling." after which
Mrs. Love played the Wedding March
from Lohengrin. The bride wore a gokn
of white crepe de chine and laee, also
a veil f hite tnlle, with wreath of
of orange blossoms. The bridesmaid 1
ore sheer white organdie and large
white lace hat, her bouquet was pink
snap dragons aad maidenhair fern. Mr.
Miller was just recently returned from
overseas, having been ou the hospital
ship Mercy during the war.
'Anion j those present were:
Mr. and Mra. Thomas L.vey, Mr. and
Mrs Pranke Cate, Ruth. .Jack and Lois
Cate, Mr. and Mrs. F. 1'. Love, Oeorg
Lacey, Miaw Maibel Ijicey, Vie ltve,
John" Love, Mi. and Mrs. C. E. Miller,
Mis Marguerite Milter, Mrs. 1. K.
Wolgamuth, Mis Muhrie Wolgnmuth,
(). Williams, Mr. and Mrt. Bert Hand,
Wesley and Isabel Kami, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Walker, Mrs. C. A. UiniKins,
Miss Vera lavidson and Mrs i'red
Monte. Sunday Oregonian.
Mis Lora Pur vine was hostess at a
breakfast, Friday morning, for the
girl of the Bikilo elas of the Presby
terian church, lied and white roses
bound with blue ninluic centered the
pretty breakfast table and the patriot
ic note was further carried out in the
place cards. The gui'sts were Mildred
n . o.... U'.-A.... I .-.t. ..P-. U.il.,.,
w-jtuil, U81- inicii, wan iiviuii
Corey, Kmnih Hewitt, Mable Marcus,
Erna liemiud, Thelma Eshelinun, Frnu
ee Hodge, Uary ilbert. Vesta Krutz,
Margaret Mulkey, Ihirothy Huehnson,
Frances Oregg aud Freida Young as
sisted the hostess in serving.
The Junior Uuild of St. raid's church
will meet tomorrow with Mrs. Juha
Caughell, 'H0 North Cottage street, at
a. a a
Tho regular uieetiaj of (hadwick
chapter 'No. 37, Order of the Eastern
Star, will be held Tuesday evening,
June 3rd at & o'clock, luitiulion eere-
nioiiuu vt lit be held,
a a
Miss Mary liabeork spent the week
end in talom as the guest of her moth
er, Mrs, Ida Bsbeoek,
Mi.a Vnri. fNiitinbnll. whn tin hwn
spending a few days in Salem as the
guest of friends, has returned to her
home in Portland. ..
a a a
Miss Loetta Xoud. formerly a popu
lar member of the very young social
et, is visiting in Salem from her home
in Klamath Falls.
a a a
Mr. aud Mr. F. A. Baker eutertaiu-
ed as their guests over the week end
Mr and Mr. T. 1L Ailiims anil sons,
Phillip and Junior, of Vancouver
a a a
Mrs Cora Hendricks will present her
junior piano t intent in a recital thia
evening at 8 o'clock in the First Pres-
ovtertan ennren. ner senior pupii wm
appear in recital at the same place to
morrow evening.
Mr. ana Mr. T. 8. Oos and daugh
ter Helen aad grand daughter, Ueea
Hrooke, of Portland spent the week
end at the E. J. Whitney residence,
a a a
Must Marjorie Marvin ha gone to
Portlaad for a brief visit with friends
Yon can't eover blackheads, pim
ples, red spot oa the face with pow
der they're bound to be seen doa't
worry or spoil your temper, taka Hol
lister's .Rocky Mountain Tea ra-h
week 'twill banith them thru the
blood, th only sure way. P. J. Fry.
(By VaiteJ Pre)
Yesterday' results: 8an Franeiaeo,
Oakland, L Angeie, 2; Saeianuato,
2: Portland.
Home tops: Cavaney, Schick, 8eals;
Walter, Senator; F.llis, Angeles; Walk
er. Heaver.
The Seal and Oaks divided the er
ies. four same each br splitting fna-
day' program, tiraham's Biea titok the
morning contest, 13 to 5 and dropped
the afternoon game to the Oaks, 7 te
Two win for the An"e! tied the
series with the Tigers. Scores: 5 to 4;
1 to 4
The Senator won both, T to l aad 5
to 4. The Bees, took the week's aerie
3 to 2.
Five run in tke first inning enabled
the Bever te wia froift the Kainiers,
l to 4. The series went to the lort!an
era, 3 to 2.
1 or-
I if i f
I llllillilllf'-lllll I 1-1 SltoaaiSaU'., fUtoWl--
J i r U if '
v V
..a . X
4. iruht-s your puix
1 ! II. iincr Hntith, Mr. and Mr
XjWiedmey. Mr, and Mr. S. f,
Mr. and Mrs. Willi i -i S V
Mr Harry
ThJ (Wiuv!
Iat Infant) sitvl litvatlUlal
j- " :v my at l1"-,T . . n .r"V r n jl-.V , "! If
r- ' - .jm. w rs jf V5taf 'sis
.- J tv .. 'VaJ. W. A
Come in and see the wonderfully attract
ive TRANSPARENT Oven-ware we are
giving away also
Watcli Free DeinoHstratioa
of a Remarkable Range!
The greatest convenience ever offered women
--a range that simplifies cooking, eliminates
kitchen drudgery, saves fuel, labor and materials.
And is a wonderful cooker and baker besides.
Don't fail to see it Don't fail to see demon
strated the
im ar ' ir- eo x v T s sT " m
With Every
Universal Ccisil
nation Baxe
sold durint the Free Demo.
atraoon w will iv away an
U-pxce aet of I'yrrx Trana
areat Oven-war. 1 hiawara
I tremendously popular. It
traniparant, clear uBakioe,
Woa'tcratch.chip, eras. tt
or dcait. Improve flavor ot
loodi caajf lo dean.
Sanitary, BeauUfol "
Set conalat ot -piece Caaa.
role, 1 Pie Plate. I Bread Pan,
1 Utility Pan. trUuUun
Every woataa waats a set
Come and get yowrs today
TTnwawwcs aTAw1 TlfAna-1 nnrl tlma '
JLUaAa3 aaay IT UUU auu Vs
- 1
Ki- -U -
M i
A fwirf ftf thm mrUt caaaayj l
tool to gat m4 vace vmru$
With this range you can bunt coal or wood when your gas
supply gives out burn gas when you doo't need coal and bakn
on th top or in the oven separately or together with coal or with
gas or with both fuels combined! Think of it! And
No Parts to Change
when chsnging fuels. All you do Is turn a key. Unheard of slm
pllcltyl Matchless convenience!. Unrivaled economy! Nothing
cls on the market like itt Keeps kitchen cool In summer, warm
In winter saves an endlen amount ot trouble the year around.
Durable dependable trouble-proof.
Betnninf TODAY we ahttt drmonatratc thia range. Includln FREE,
wtthaa eh aal,coplwf ot the PYkbX t ranaoartntOvan-wareaaahown boy.
Thl Pyra ware I fumlahad ua by tha manwfacturara of Universal Ran to
Km quickly Introduce tha 1'm.ttul Combinaiioii Ran ia (hi aamiinry. A
wonderful offer. But food only during ttai demooauauoa. Aad backad by a
wondartul raneat
Univeraala are u ara n trad by a. Sold tor caak or oa way SeroM. So the
daaoaUU jurr Com tit aad avoid tha (uataJ
Trade in your old
Four Stores
Four St
(Continued from Faee 1.)
inf to J'r event the allies from insisting
too strongly on the question of respon
sibilities." V. P. St-oops World
Ti story ef how the Vniteil Press
heat en the summary of th Otrmaa
profOyah, telegrafhed from llerlln,
.-uaed Koreiim Minister Brockdorff
ttiuitzad .to J auilon hi lan to hol'l
thena until the Isat Binute Thnrwlay
and eaused him to transmit everything
then eoaipleted weilneartav n.jht. ha
.rait beyn revealed. The I'nited I'ress
disill fmiu A'rlia ou Wd(lla.v
emTw! two eonrinent. When H-oek-tlorff
Kantian learned of the diHteh
he deenled te band ia immediately the
- . i i
portions of the tounter propa's then
printed. The French foreiiii effiee thin
received the first installment near
midnight Wednesday, instead uf Thurs
day a planned.
A scmi-offieinl dispateh from Ver
sailles said that when Brw-kilnrff
Hantmu learned that a summary of tha
jeounter proposals had been eabled to
tAnicrifiin newspapers Wednesday be
telegrphed immediately to Berlin "a
! grave discourtesy" and thus been eom-
1 milled against the allies.
Berlin replied that the ineident wss
due to a "misunderstanding," the dis
pateh said.
Magnified Results
Try one of Our
Wonderful Little
Want Ads-'and
tr&tch tLs HetuIU
- i Irf g
M I R mt
.IVJU t alio m
, CoTee i
Because of itt superior strength and
richer flavor yoa m lest M. J. B.
per cap than any etler coffee.
Tne mod economical
1 aHaaaMaa.....
dfSSj-'fl ISJ.Ji I!t'(l I ' J ai J( I
and Mr. W. H. I.ytle, Mr, asj Mrs.