4 A 5250 CIRCULATION (25.000 SEADE&3 CULT) OixXj Cireuiatioa ii Salem Guar anteed by th Audit Bare of Cireulationa. HE LEASED WEL DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE TAL LEI NEWS SiBVIOa, FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 117. I dull Enemy Rentier Declares Willingness of New Republic to Meet All Obligations l- i. , ; By Henry Wood (United Press Staff Correspondent) St. Germain, June 2. The peace treaty was handed to the Austrian delegates at 12:29 p. m. today. The meeting did not convene until 12:25 owing to the late arrival of President Wilson. He was the last of the delegates to reach the chateau, entering the hall at 12:14. Premier Clenieneouu, la hit Instruc tions to the Austrian delegate iuformed them that no oral discussion would b allowed, and that all written observa tions must be submitted within a maxi mum of 15 duyi. The document was reported to be a mere skeleton of the treaty, with finan cial, economic, repartition!, military and boundary clauses either wholly or par tially lacking. The complete sections consist principally of political aud ter ritorial clauses, together with the lea gue of nations covenant, which is iden; ticttl with that iu the Germany treaty, according to advance information, Clcmcneeau finished speaking at 12:29. Ilis speech was then translated into English, Italian and German, ana the treaty was presented to the Aue tiitins at 12:39. Glaus CaM Bunts. Chancellor Rentier arose aud replied in French. While he was speaking a glass case containing relies of the stone uge (the chateau is used as a national museum) burst and interrupted him mo mentarily, Re:ner argued that all the peoples of tke former Austrollungnry empire should share in the responsibilities and cost of the war. Describing conditions in Austria, he said: "Only by the relief organized by Herbert Hoover have we Avoided abso lute starvation." In conclusion, Beiloer said: "You may rest assured that our fore most wish is co-operation, according to our strength aud wittiiu uncontested boundaries to secure possession of lib erties and civilization. We will ro oper ate to the fullest possible extent in the league of nations for attainment of world peaee. Leniency Is Asked. Following translation of Rentier's speech into English aud Italian, Cieiuen cefiu asked if the Austrian had an; mure to stay. They replied ia the negative. "We trust in your sense of justice aud practical spirit not to demand that we be crushed," mi id Bonner. "We are disposed to recoguize our own responsi bilities and aecept our share in propor tion with the other great powers. "Our revolution was pacific and with out military actiou. It was simply a so cial revolution, as peaceful and reason able as possible and we will not depart froia Hiut life of conduct and policy if you give us the peace and justice and democracy necessary for our economic existence.'' iienner pointed out that the new Aus trian republic, which is aa outgrowth of the old Austrian monarchy, never do tkred war agai.st any of the present allies. Evidently residing that he might have no future opportunity to present Austria's claims, verbally, he took advantage of tl.e occasion to read a lengthy typewritten address setting forth her clainis for clemency. "We realise we are in your hand, Austrian treaty prowdes: Austria muM accept the cove nant of the league of nations and the lalior charter, fibe must re nounce all her extra Furopean rights. .She must demubilire all her naval and aerial forces. Austria must reeonize the com plete indt pendrnce of Hungary. Austrian nationals guilty of vi olating international laws of war to be tried iy alHc. Austria mint accept economic conditions and freedom of trsinit: similar to thoe ia German treaty Sections dealing with sr pn iers and grave are identical w,th t.erman treaty. Gufirate of execution of treaty orrejHii'i to th se in ;ermnii pact. HoHntlaries of Rahenia and Mo ravia to farm boundary between AUSTRIAN TREATY TERMS I'i BRIEF Qwen:Fifteen Days to Answer but we ask in the name of humanity that you accord us the Wilsonian prin ciples, recognized by the allies, to dis pose of ourselves." Boundaries Unsettled. The Austrian delegates appeared in morning dress, while most of the alllea representatives woro business suits. Mrsi Diaz, wife of the Itulinn general, was the only woman present. The meetiuij adjourned at 1:14 p. m. While the treaty indicates generully the territory which Austria loses, the precise boundm-ics will be fixed, later either by f.ie alliea or a mixed commis sion. It provides that Austria shall re tain the northern boundary she had in 1911 with the Czechoslovak boundaries on the northwest, while on the south she will be assigned the boundaries fixed under the treaties of 1816, except the region Ol llarburg and. Ktagenfurt, the allegiance of which will be decided by plebiscite. The treaty holds that the recent plebiscite in Voralberg, whese the population voted to join Switzerland is invalid and provides that Voralberg ' shall remain with Austria and pay her portion of the Austrian war debts and iudenmitv. Treaty is Summarized St. Germain, ..France, June 2. The following is a summary of the Austrian treaty: "The conditions of peace of the al lied and associated powers, with the exception of military reparations, fi nancial and certain boundary clauses, were handed to the Austrian plenipo tmitUrins at (St. Germain today. Those clause which are not yet ready for presentation wui be delivered as soon as fvHile, the Austrian in the mean time having the opportunity to Ibegin work on the greater part of the treaty in an effor to facilitate' a final decis ion. "The Ansrian treaty follows exactly the same outline as the German and in many places is identical with it, ex cept for the change in name. Certain specific clauten which applied only to Germany are of course omitted and certain new clause included, especial ly regards the new states created out of the former Anstro-Hungarian em pire and the protection of the rights of the racial, religions and linguistic minorities in Austria, Tchecho Slovak ia, Jtumania and Serb-Croat -iSluvpe state. Austria Accepts League "Austria is left 'by the treaty a state of from six million or seven mil lion people inhabiting a territory of between 50,009 and GO,OO0 square miles She is rfequired to recognize the com- pkite independence of Hungary, Tthe-eho-!Slovnlua and the HerboX'roat jblovpc state, and to cede other, terri ! lories wh'h'h previously ia union wiLh jher eomposH the empire of Austria- Hungary with its population of over fifty million penple. "Auitria agrees to accept the lea- Austria and Czechoslovakia, with minor ratifications. .Allies later to fix southern boundary (referring to Jngo via.) Pattern boundary leaves - 81a- Mar-.lugo- lniT aid Radkerbnrg to !MVi. Western and northwestern fron tiers faeirijr Itavaria and Hwitzer land unchanged, Austria mnst reeosnir.e inde- pender.ee -of Ocho-Hovakia and jugA-cvavn Anirtria is recognized a an in di-penient republic under the fieme repimhf. of Anria A';sria muit reeognize fronti of KuLjana, Greece, Hiioznrv. Po las t," Kumsoia, Techo Slovakia and J.uro!avia a at present or ultimately determined. CContlauei e page three) I . (Continued on page nine) In 111! ran Odd Fellows Appreciate Hospitality Of Salem Folk On behalf jof Chemeketa Lodge No. 1 of Odd Fellows, bulem Bebekuh Lodge No. 1, Willamette Encampment Ho. 2, Canton Capital No. 11, and Auxiliary Capital No. 3, the executive committee on grand lodgo arrangements takes this opportunity to express their thanks and appreciation of the valuable assistance given them by the citizens of balem and vicinity in the recent meetings of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Ore gon. It ia freely admitted that with public generally, the sessions could not have been the grand success which all acknowledged them to be. Special mention is hereby mado Of those who offered their homes for ac commodations; those who gave the sse of their csrs in the automobile ridea; those who met visitors at the trains and directed them to their quarters: the business firms for the appropriate win duw and other decorations; Governor Olcott aud his efficient corps of assist ances for the use of the state capitol; the Portland Railway, Light 4 1'owiu company for many favors; the oulcss Street Railway company; the Salem mercial club for its invaluable aid; the liusiness Men's league; the Chcrriaus and the Cherrian band; the Apollo club the Klks and the V. M. C. A.; the state and cty libraries; the bote's and res taurants; the Wiley B. Allen company and George U. Wil for the use of pianos the high school cadets and band aud all the citizens of Kalem for the many cour tesies shown the, visitors. K. 0. HENDERSON, ... Chairman. W, A. WIEST, Secretary, FINAL ROAD RALLY TO BE I!EID1!IT Simon Season To Be Principal Speaker At Meeting Ia Ar rmsyf I lutfl I . The finally rally for good roads In Muriou county will be held this evening in the armory, beginning at o'clock The program for the evening will be thnt of entertainment as well as iimtroc- (Oonbiuned on psge two) ; cloom vote K0 317319 ' I . . I' V 4i Jl - ...luiillf SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 2, I -3 Villa and Diaz Revolution Forces Join; Border States Little Concerned Over Turn Laredo, Texas, June S. The union of yiUe-Diaa revolutionary foree in northern Mexico was completed in a meeting this wows, at Parral, near Tor reon, according to report received by Mexican official at Nuevo Laredo, which practically had been confirmed today. Great disappointment is said to exist among the Camnzinta as a result of the atato department's action in refus ing permission for Carranaa forces to pass through the I'nited States, ia their concentration against the revolution ists. It serionsly handicaps the gov ernment in it movement sgaiast the revolutionist, Ctrranza leader at Nuevo Laredo declared, pointing out that transportation of large Carranza forces, to Junrez it possibly oaly by crossing a part of Texas. It is admitted that, the Carranza forcea iu Chihuahua, where the Villa movement is strongest, are badly in need of reinforcements. The movement for the union of the Felicistas, followers of IVlix Iiaz, and Villittoii stnrted with the death of Gen eral iBlanquet, eeeond chief of the Fe licistas, who was killed supposedly by federal troops near Vera CAirz some weeks ago. The Feliciras realized at that time, it ia caid, thpy, lacked pow er to start a success a I movement alone, and immediately sent ermewnries to Vil la, with the resulting I'Srral eonfer otice, where General Felipe Amgcles was named provisional president and the 'bandit Villa his seerotary of war. Refuges here, while afraid to make open statements, are known generally to admire General Amgeles and to fav or hi movement Dalian, Texas, .Tune 2. The Villa Angele proposed Mexican revolution ia enusing little concern ahmg the tiord cr, according to reports here. The) gen eral lielief expressed.br state officials, American consuls in the border towns and department f justice agent who are following the ease,, in that Vills does not .pos-iess sufficient military strength to attempt an extensive oper ation. "iNo excitement over Villa's report ed manifesto, declaring Angele art- vinolnal president of Mexico eit here," American Consul Itloeker at rigle 'Pass, declared. Governor Holby of'Teias said state officials were aot worried over the situation. TAKE YOUR CHOICE TO PROGRESS Aiiot PROSPERITY VOTE i l.l 'Mill!!! HiM ' ' 1 11 ' ' , ' , - cr ' . -X r,. $ V$h III h f5 r ").(.' , Ti m if; .'if I lie. e. If '. 1 rt:)r. J K - ti t-rj-. . - r ,i r t , i 1 1 it i t ii ! ' t. J 1919. 1 -TTl Alleged manifestos of bandit leaders are of no imjxirtance whatsoever, Mex ican lVnral ilores at Fort Worth, as sorted. " Villa has no organised army" Meanwhile, Colonel tario Silva, who first made public the alleged revolu tionary manifesto, said at .his office in Dallas the plans of the revolutionar ies will coutiuue. ailva, .former secre tary to Villa and a colonel on his staff, i the self styled mouthpiece in the United Htatc ifor Villa propaganda. "1 am now and expect to continue to ho the best informed person In the Uuilod IStates albout the new Villa Angeles movement," he declared. " Unless my line of communication is interrupted, I expect to have import ant announcements to make in the near futnre." Army Planes Not To Carry Passengers Oa Exhibition Flight In Salem Next Week When the airplane fleet stops at ba lem on its way to Portland Juno IU, no one will have a chance to taku an ait ride, as the planes are built for two only and in their flying north from Sun Diego to Portland, the extra space will he loaded with mechanics atwi equip ment. But when the planes cone back for an exhibit, there is possibility of some one goiug up. Writing from Han Diego to the Ore gon Aero club of Portland, Lieut. Hurry Watson of the air service writes: "I have your letter suggesting that certain civilian be carried during the trip. Authority for such flights can be obtained only from the director of air service at Washington or higher author ity, I am not very desirous of carrying any civilian passenger while actually traveling. The machines which we us have a capacity of only two passengers and they wiil be pretty well loaded with the necessary mechanics and with bag gage, SMire parts of motors, etc. There will be no objection on our part to earry ing passengers while, visiting the towns. But as I have already stated, antiiorily for suiili flights must be obtained from the director of air service. It is our plan to bring one Dellavilsnd to Port land in addition to the six JN4fT planes. This will make a total of seven pilots ml fiVM tsenpm'. " r7 U.l4 It?, .', ( 7 :y wos UUUl A n i S I il i I 7 " 1 ' f I : 5 s PRICE TWO CENTS V mm ihesh on RECORD DEMANDING FREEDOM OF IRELAi:D Resolutions Oppose League Sot Granting Independence; Hisses Greet Telegram From McNary. Portland, Or., June 2. The Iri.-h con vention unanimously passed resolutions demanding iudependence for the Irish republic at its session here Sundav night. The resolutions, a cony at wh,- wilt be forwarded to President DeVnlera of the Irish republic, declare tha th eon veution ia opposed to any league of na tions thnt doesn't lrunmnte. .tr ,Jtr. mmation for Ireland. Ilisses greeted the readinu of tnno tulegrnm from Senator McNary, in which it was asserted by speakers, the senator was endeavoring to evade the issue. Mown ires from Henresentatl McArthnr and Hinnott. wholly in inn. port of the movement, were received with lovous acclaim, while from Senator Borah of Idaho. such an impression that the big audi ence remained standing during its read ing. Iw. A. O. Smith Presides. Organization of tho unn.iu. pied but a short time, following Invo cation by Hev. W. A. Daly of Portlane. Andrew C. Smith clmson president of the eonvention; """ Aa nearn secretary and P. E. Sullivan vice-president. A committee of five was appointed to pass on cre dentials, member of this body being P. E. Sullivan, K. H. Deery, M. J. Drls coll, M. C. Meimmln, Heppner, and Thomas Brown of Balem. Led by Mrs. Winnie Ilannigan, the convention sang the "Star Spangled Banner," after which Judge P. II. I)'. Arcy of Salem delivered an address ad ocating self-determination for Ireland. Judgo D'Arcy brought the eonventi to its feet with cheers as he drew from his pocket a silken banner which he eairt was mat or the land of his father aud no. t her, and airaiii when he unfurled a miniature American flag, emblem of tho world's greatest exponent of free dom and liberty. Irish Martyrs Recalled. While the audience atood with bowod heads, Judge D'Arey read tho names of Id of tho foremost Irish martyrs of ISMfi, and followed this with the decla ration that England's treatment of those men had made Ireland Sinn Petn "from top to bottom." Ho refeired to George Washington as the "Sinn I'einer of America," and reviewed briefly the dark duvs of the revolution and inci dents which served to turn the tide In favor of the colonies. Judge D'Arcy was the unanimous choice of she convention as state dele gates to the national convention to be held June 15 in Washington, D. C. McNary to B Queried. Following the rending of the telegram from Senator McNary, motion was made that the convention telegraph that ol fictlil. askinir him if tie "thinks he in j serving America when he votes for a league of wtion, giving r.ngiaiia five votes and the United States but one." Am an smenilinent. P. K. Sullivuu of fered the suggestion that the convention inform Mr. Mc.Nitry that it is not Ins sympathy, but his vote t hr.t is dcxired. "That's the dope," declared the chair man. Omar Home, representing organized labor, urged the importance of concert ed action to secure desired results. He declared himself heart and soul behind the movement for Irish independence. Thomas Brown, of Salem, called atten tion to the fr.ct that while the proposed league of nations provides for Self-determination for such nations as Poland, Jugo Slavin, a;id the Czechs, there is no mention of Ireland. He said either the outline of the league must be amended, or It must be defeated. "English League" Suggested. T. A. Menamin, of Heppner, said the proper title for the ler.gue of nations might be the "English League of No tions," and called upon voters of Ore gon to do their duty at the polls in ehas fining recreant eonfrrcmionsl delegates. STRATEGY WINS Tracy, "al. 'ity Cheinit Happell could not be found when he was sought as a witness in court. Sounding the fire siren brought out Hppell and every t her resident of the community. HARD OK THE ETE8 ftslilnnd, 4 "a I. Steve ) f orinolly. plainclothes "dick" had '2) taken from his pocket while hs was keeping an eve out for law breakers. And when he aerated John MeCormiek, John Hacked the sleuth's eye. m1 . Oregon! Tonight 4 T . r a- day fsir, twin Tuesday; tie acuta, to west wins li 1 I 'AM fir ilium it MMMMQ OS Tnai.0 3 n P !.li) Wti V 1 j l , ' ! German Counter Prcp:si!s ; Constitute Practically Kcw Pact: Allies To Take Tba For Stsdy. MODIFICATION OF TECS TOPIC FOR SPECULATION French Fitting Bitterly Jo Prevent Ccnutuucs Lightened As Vague Ra-. mors Suggest. By Fred B. rarguwm (United Press stnff corrt'speii!k;nty Paris, June The fnct thai the Oertnnn counter proposals piaetWaily constitute a new treaty led to the be lief tuly that the allies' roply may not be completed before the first of next week. ' Under direction of the big four, ex-" perts have been coministioned te study . every point raised by the Germans, with a view to singling out luiy well, founded ftigisefltioHi. A difference of opinion ruiitiniins to exist in the press and unofficial quar ter ns to whether the allies will Bia! modifjsatious iu the original treaty. The French are unqualifiedly against even the slightest concewuon, hut some J'ari. ncpaH-i's eprM I he be lief thnt some minor a'ttMRlmmi may! b made to permit the Geinian rtVtesm timi to save its face in signing th treaty. French Ire Roused Unofficial information obtained by the United Press last week and eirru lutcd here by the Agence .Radio lo the effect that many of the allied de.fcjfste were inclined tjo 'favor nninport ant modifications for this purpose has1 cre ated a furore in the French press. Many papers emphatically deny that such a situation esists, while others de clare their own information bears this out. "We understand President Wilson will favor certain ronceion te Uer mnny, one being her admittance to th levgiie of nations within a year after the treaty is signed,'' said l'Jctrnn- sigvant. "He ia also anxious for the big four to return to their original decisions re garding the northern boundariiM of Germany. Furthermore, he is endeavor- (OcniiaueJ on page tvn) Abe Martin. We'd entirely ferfrtien th' olo tin county fair sack rac till we sw Fawn Lippiiicutt in her No g hobble salrt X' day. When a homely person does git t th' front ws know It's tltta merit. Ill TIM? TO BE Ig Si