PAGE EIGHT aljcjQmln.rA"falIfouniaI frip' m mrnn hint SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919. ovn I jwjpfa Beu-ans Memorial Day , ' HOT waTer Sure Relief thttt) BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Try Northern Flour, It Bear, very sack guaranteed. At your gro ears. tf I TiTiTTiiiir i i ii iiiiiiiiiiiaBKBHHSaSSHS I MM 1 1 1 1 1 I v 1 lit A II A m B mi fi a l Store Closed All Day Incorporated .... - -i-f-ririna n am r f " n COHXNO EVENTS May 31 Concert by Univer- lity Girls' Glee Club. June 2 Graduation Recital Willamette School of Music. June 2 Monday Oood roads rally in Salem. Job 3 Special itata alec tioa. June 4 Dr. Wheeler at Ar mory, auspice Elk lodge. Tree, Juna High School senior class play, "Tbs Fortune Hunt er." June 5 Thursday " Wind mills of Holland" at Chemaw auditorium. June 0 Apollo Concert, Opera House. June 1' Saturday Historic al pageant Willamette univer sity campus. June IS School election, one director. Emmett A Whits will ship lamb, hogs and ewttW serf Saturday. Phone 14J5M. 5.30 Sr. Carl B. Millar has opened his deatal effice at 510 511 U. 8. bank bids. Fhoae 341. - tf 'The First Oregon Peas A large shipment due today from The Dalles. Order Early. 15c per pound x RIVERBY ASPARAGUS-The finest Asparagus Grown Anywhere. 20c per lb. Woodburn Long Green Asparagus, 15c per lb. Dodges Home Grown Lettuce, Home Grown Spinach Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers and String Beans Strawberries A large Supply at 2 for 25c; Clark's Seedlings, 15c DON'T WAIT! v While They Last, Canning Berries, $2.50 Ter Crate Gooseberries for Canning, 7c Per Pound A Business Proposition We can sell Staple Groceries at ridiculously low prices, because of our Large Volume of business. Our cost of doing business is less than any store in - Salem and our purchaing power the gre ,tst. Crteco 1 1-2 lb. 50c; 3 lb. ; 6 lb. $2; 9 lb. $2.85 C. and II. BERRY SUGAR $9.50 CASH IT'S A BEAR NORTHERN FOLUR, per sack $3.00 White Flyer Soap, 100 bars, $1.75 Bob White Soap, 100 bars $5.50 Crystal White Soap, 1C0 bars $3.50 Sea Foam Naptha Powder, 25c Standard Corn and Tomatoes, 15c each Fancy Corn and Tomatoes, 15c each Roth Gi'oceiy Co WALLACE BEJD "nf 'THE EOARINO BO AO' Fatty Arbuckl In one of His Late Picture Ylattox are always welcome at our baby chick store, 544 State Street opposite county court bouse. 824 ca week. Circuit court In Judge Percy Kelly's department will open Monday morn ing. Tomorrow will fee given to hear ing of motions and the setting of eas e. Several important cases are dock eted for this term of court. o Price on fish lowers. Ling cod or red eod sliced 15c, Whole fish 12e a pound. Fitta Market. tf I buy Junk of all kinds, rags and bottles, metal, iron, broken down autos and parts of autos. Oive us a trial. Steinbock Junk Co. 326 N. Com. Bt. Phone 305. tf The county court ha closed but one mart and that is the one running from ulcni h Aurora. The greater pa rt of this road is undergoing the usual road work preparatory to hnrd surfacing. Those who wiiih to travel north from Salem should 1nke the river road and then follow the red signs. Artificl'1! teeth, nave expert plat man, with over 35 years experience, at jut offiff, Dr. D. X. Boechler, den tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. bank bldg. tf o Ladle of the Q. A. B. U. 8. Grant Circle, will hold their annual wiramp inent this year at The Dulles June 17 18 and 19. Arrangements have been made for a number of tlio, local circle to attend the annual event. Faoc 77 Oregon Taxi and Trnsfer Co. for quick service. tf Or. L, B. Springer, dentist, Moore bldg. corner Court and Liberty. Pkos 114. tf NOTICE W hars opened a first ehBM re.rttir Jthon and will viva th nui. toring public the very best of service. Open night and day and Sunilays. Ma rion Garage. Phone 362. tf Sereral prominent fruit men of the valley were in Salem yesterday looking over conditions. Among those in the party were Prof. J 1. Lewis of the O. A. C, Jr. W. Allinger, J. 8. Wein nrd of California, 8. K. Varma and X. Justo of South America. Dane at M. B. A. hall every Bat night; four piece orchestra. 5 30 PattOn Plumhtntr Mmmnv &r una able to take ear of your plumbing wania in tneir new location, 220 J Commercial street. Phone 1808. tf Just a few day left to buy baby chicks. Call tomorrow, 544 State St. 531 5? Bora i r. 0. L. Scott, chiropractic spinol oglst, wilt not return from Portland this week. His offices in the U. 8. National bank building are open, how ever, for making appointments. tf o .. "The Funeral Beautiful." Webb ft Clough Co. tf Phone 1885, 1886, 1887 N. Liberty Lactone Buttermilk. Th Spa. 6 2 Dance at Tumor Saturday evening, Hay 31. tMilein orchestra, (icntleiiien 50 tent. St-bool district throughout the coun tv will turn receive statements from Vtm V. West, roitutv .assessor, showing the tntal astcmciitsof lnit year Tins is dime in order that ditrict directors HI know the amount of property as es.l in H h district mid at the .tune aseeting make a proiier lovy fur s h.xil Jnimom-s. This i lUtie in the smaller districts a here it is mmaible. to esli- mute exactly the expenses of the school for the sinning school year. In large I school districts, the imidget ii not Hindi) out until Kite in the full. J Safe Milk For Infant v & Invalid A fi'ylritioua Diet for Afl Arc. C s L'rch; Home or Oilice, Bepreeoutative Janie S. Stewart rs- Ipiirla 1hst the meeting for good roads jlnst night at Jefferson weut over big. Which means that the people in that part of tho county arc lining up to jvote for the bonds of Marion county jiii'ieiy fur the coiiittrticliuu of U' j miles of hard surfaced road, and 50 miles of graveled roud, so cinstiuet e,l that these graveled roads may be j hardsitrfarv d biiv time funda aro avail fHule, Ed D, tinilh, eailiier of lite Alre Igen NiiiIp t.nnk at .lefferwm presided j and lavii If. Iiiiiiey. who voted for i good rtwds duNiig hte lat term of the !leilatiire whenever he had a chance, J u hl on hand to greet his friend "Jim" Hlewart. The campaign in the county will close with a rally at Lib erty mmirday evening and tug doings in Snlem art the armory nent Monday mtlH. Simon llcnann of Portlau.l, rhair nmn of the state highway commission, aeit T. It, Kay are on tlio program for the Monday evening rally. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS j At the meeting of tb executive board of the Red Cross to be held next ' Tuesday afternoon, an address will be 'given by Jiiss May . Loomis, head of the nursing -bureau of the northwest division of tho Ked Cross, fche will e- plain to the committee, plans for gen eml public health nursing and what will lie expected of the Ked Cross to maintain this work in ,'Mmrion and 1'olk counties Salem Oigar Factory 1 now maMng "La Coroua" and "Little. 8alem" ci gars exactly as they were made before tlhe war. Smoking them reminds you of old times. tf Wher the crowd go, M. B. A. hall Sat. night; four piece. orchestra. 5-31 A marriage license was Issued yes terday to Herman Julius Humbert, 24, of Snlem, a mechanic, and Hazel Fran ces .a in pel, 20, of Salem. We bny liberty bonds. 311 Masonic bldg. tf o Or. L. B. Springer, dentist, Moore bldg. corner Court and Liberty. Phone 114. tf o- It i now more expensive than in the past to drive an automobile or motor ear of any kind or a motorcycle while under the influence of liquor. One of the laws passed by the late legslature and which became effective yesterday provide a fine of $100 for the con viction of any one driving any kind of a motor behicle while drunk. Cut flowers for Memorial day, 10 cent a bouquet and up. 801 Loeuiit street. 5 29 Hall LlfiaO IitirtJiiAJ With Tt:2 Dswn law Coming of Baby Mark taw Ad treat of a Glorious Futur Upon ttifl FriArkrl tiSu?ic whirl Um iiH.Uwr httppf pi-nntal dipoiHon hni r(ivi t tysqiiti iiimI futur cf itm fmrw tin tit nrm. 11ti ti ft frtlriirttft frrrnrnttfln wm fur ir hnrf rnftiry hi9 npv'M for h irtnrk'i arr)nl( bion m M'thri -'t ind. Thi If a wi trl1, Titrittnf rm?if thmt at nv nrr. mn X'tH- tw myrlml of brwi I, flt ;iomlhi1 sutrlm r-n-1r lh Wn rf th ahriwM. ffv it re umr tm fJurtrtf r'"' ta ?irrv, tr i. ma ani rcrti mrm rrUTt an1 thr la an atace of nani, tvaiiinx-dimn pnlm, fttiaia and tLiwiat dlnitfwrt Of oHa IHir AtWrwrM rxprtK-iHTtl wbca Haturt ifl r tJ f Frrfiid 1fM and Riftmlug h Hiiarti r!tn with Pmm wKrn tmh? etvMfm, tf tHit at th fT!r!ji ta aliorler mi pmiti 9t tar r-nlvrtfl vrW. WrMf tho Drmir.nt.l Btfftilsitr Cfnianr. In" F-, I nmir iHiMtr., Alituta, 0m:i, tnr tbrlr M.rtlrf-rh.Ml Ih.. irM ttHtun n all nmanVftsid fft tnlo ouaJUioa W iutat "The bast'' is U yon can do when dratU comes. Call Webb 4 Clough Co. Phono 120. x ' tt Dr. Mott offlcet moved to Bank of Commerce fcuildnug, roomi 407 8. tf Wanted arood tiOtAttwuL will nnv hlirh. ?ct 4 'riot. IVonles Cash atoru. Lhune 453. To whom it may concern: I, Alice Cook, have paid the county $2."i which they kindly forwarded to me on the burial expenses of my husband, dial me Ok Dee. IS, 191(1. 1 wish to thank them and also ail 'that were kind to me during his sickness and death. Mrs. Alice Cook, Kosedalo, 8alem, Or. Lactone Buttermilk, just what the doctor ordered. The (Spa. 8 2 May 31. $lem orchestra, (ientlemen 50 cents. Dance at Timer Saturday evening, Ben F. WoL roiint-r ajuutmnr. un that half of his deputies have turned in their atmeMuitcnt rolls. So far the valuations in real ewtate are about the BAmft na aiim vpsr nan Attit in fact jhnve nt changed to any extent dur iiug tho past five or six years. Person 'al property shows some itierease over 'IhhI vir. MortKHife notes are nt as-,M-lHe uu and this "till reduce ths t"tnl vnl'.ie of prorrrtr assrwd in the county about iHi,i)ii. Mora good vsiulsvllls at the Oregon Sunday and Monday, Kldridge Strick land, trick violinist ami novelty mu sician, and Powers and Hayes comedy entertainer. New O. E. Khedule, effective Sun day Jun 1st O R. train iNo. 12 will Utivp Halem 12:M noon instead of li:l! and will reach Portland 2:'.'0 in stead f t;V as formerly, 6-3 For your health, drink Lactone But-' termilk The Sj. - 6 8 1 PABST To Mr. and Mrs, Charles Pabst, May 29, 1919. a daughter. ilie haa been named Frances 11a. Mr. and Mrs. Patst live at 13H8 Fer ry tsreet TEXAS OIL MILL MAN JS GRATEFUL McCracken Couldn't Eat Or Sleep To Do Any Good Be fore Taking Tanlac. "Tanlae proved to be the very thing I needed, fur it soon put an end to mv troubles." said D. V. McCracken, 829; Second Ave. Dallas, Tex., night super- j intcnilcnt of the Dallas Oil and Eelin-1 ing Co, I "I bad ibeen tnoublod with indigos- j tion for over two vears," he eontin-1 ued, "and was going down hill fast. I was constantly belching up sour food an( illiln't HiiAat Afinmrh (a bntm lin ! mv strength or do me any good, and I lived almost entirely on cereals. My stomach felt like there was a knot in Ut and hurt me all the time, and I was swollen up with gas tall my near! woulii flutter and 1 would get dizzy. I could banUv slenp when I went to bed and got little rest at all. I ' "I had tho best treatment money' could buy, and kept getting worse all i 73c Vogue Complex. Po. . "3c the tiuie. I was indused Iby a friend to 75c Koylae Po. - - G3 39c 50c Supreme Face To 39c oOc Pages Face Po 39C 25c Crenio De Camelle Po. 19c 77iis Store Closed All Day In Memory of our American Heroes of the Three Great Wars who Sacrificed their Lives for our Glorious Country. GALE & COMPANY Phone 1072 Com'1. & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store W. NIEMEYER Drugs BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS SALEM AUTO BADIATOB SHOP ' Radiators, Fenders and Oa Tank Repaired Tractor Badiators a Specialty All work guaranteed, 198 8. 12tb St. Salem, Oregon. 0 12 try Tanlae. and it fixed me up so I can lijiw. j0if Oueen Po. eat and digest anything I want and j 5()c Corona Bice Po. sleep line at mgnt i nave no more gas on my stomach, no palpitations nor di Mines, aud 1 feel so grateful for what Tanlao has done for nie that it is a pleasure to indorse it." Tanlac is sold in Salem by Dr. 8. C. Stone, in Hubbard 'by Hubbard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch, in Oervaie by John Kelly, in Turner' by H. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly man H. Shorey, in Silverton by tleo. A. Steelhammer, in Gates 4v Mrs. J. P. McCurdy, in Stay ton by C A. P.eauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in Jefferson by Foshay ft Mason, and in Mill Oity by Marketcria Oro. Co. JOYFUL EATING Unless your food b digested with out the aftermath of painful acidity, the joy is taken out of both eating and living. ftHlOIQS are wonderful In their help to the stomach troubled with over-acidity. Pleasant to take reliet prompt and definite. MADE BY SCOTT 4 BOVVNE MAKLK3 OF SCOTT'S EMULSION "I1 ! 3 1; Li ONLY " A FEW DAYS LEFT TO BUY BABY CD C. N. NEEDIIAM 544 State St. 21c Mary Stuart Po. 19c 2oc A'ogno Po. , - J8c 40o Corolopsis Po. .. Zc Talcums 25e Pages Talcums I96 60c Suprema Cream ..45c A n T lnniil Drin Boon 45C " A 00c Suprema Shaving Lot 4oCi SOCIETY CLEANERS AND DYEE3 Particular work for partieu- lar people Auto delivery 1272 State St. ' Phone 1684 5 29 . SATURDAY SPECLALS tl.00 Oz. Perfumes ..75C W. T. RIODON ft CO Undertakers . 252- North High 8treet 1 Lb. Epson Salts 15c 3 Oz. Glycerine 25c Lb. Peroxide 10c 15c 1'iilin Olive Sobd 10c $1.00 Nux & Iron Tablets 75c 35c Cnstoria - ...25C 50c Kidney Pills - S5c 40c Hinkle Pills 25c lfl Oz. Parnfine Oil 75c Rit. Tintex and Aladin, Dye 8onps....l0c Cutex 50C, ?1.50 444StateSt. Phone 167 WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON, i 8top at BLIOU HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modem (I Ter Day 100 Rooms of Solid Comfort Only Hotel in Business District WELCH ELECTBIO CO. FOB ELECTEIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTBIO PERCOLATORS rtcme 053 379 State St. Western Junk & Salvage Company CALL 706 We will buy for'epot cash, your old furniture, tools, house hold goods, hardware and junk of all descriptions. There is bnidly an item we do not buy We specialize in this line arc able to pay all your, goods are worth. Give us a trial. Comer Center ft N. Commercial Salem, Oregon. L.M.HUM car of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Ca. Baj medicine which will eure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 A. If. until 8 P. M. 153 South High St. 83 auoiij uo2iu4Q 'muiig E. W. BALLANTYNE PIA0 TONER Player a Specialty With Cherrington Piano House, Oourt St., Salem, Oregon 421 -f-44eeMoM4Te ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT VIA l I .Willamette Valley Transfer Co. t Express Service at Freight Rates j Long Distance Hauling Only PHONE 1400 A A A ft A A A A A A A HP LATEST MUSIC est he -PPCG r viiW wl A A v n m lai n f ya ORCHESTRA OF (L 5 Slide Trombone, Cornet, Violin, Piano, Drums 5 The Big Floor Manager W. L.B ryant