"AGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY .TO, 1919. I'MDfflSIEM PAROLE 6ITICER ASK n 1776 1812 n l i i Today May Thirtieth A Great Nation Pays It's Tribute to those Who Sacrificed For It's Safety 1918 Breathes tliore ft rnaa with soul so dead, Who sever to himself hath bald This Is my own, my native land; Whose heart has nere wtiltin htw burred As home his footsteps he bath turned, From wandering ou ft foreigu strand. If such there breathe, go mark him well; For htm no minstrel raptures swell; High though his titles, proud his name Boundless his wealth as wish can claim; Despite those titles, power and pelf, The wretch, concentrated all in self, living shall forfeit fair renown, ! And doubly dying shall go down To the vile dust from when he sprung, Uuwtpt, nnhonored arid unsung. Closed All Day SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE 1865 1898 S 1 1 ' Dsnzld School Closes Successful Year Of Work ii'npitnt Journal fyn'i'liil Perviie.) ImhiiiWI, Or., Alny 30. - Wednesday, M m y yx, closed tin' siliool year in the I t 1 t wlionl. As s rinsing scene the emitting class gate a il iiHJiit i ii I imii ou Wi'tluvmiuv al'leinuuu, A demonstration tium eimipnseil of Wildu 1'uwes, Vira l:ies ami Alary Sibley demonstrated iilte sm in o. Tin' team a a whole anil in'lividiifilly were very efficient. Kvcry thing (liine by them seemed just r ijjlit to the judges, Mrs, Joaes and Mrs. Kulker mm (if hnlern, rath till of the fin, thirteen in number, liml a rake on exhibit, which was judged by Mrs. Jones, while all were ereiV.tiiblc but the firt prize wis awarded 'Mis Alice I'emllcton ; seeoiui, Kclio Dt Sart: third, Zun floodo. In the sewing content Alice rencfle ton ag:iin ennied off the blue ribbon; l-M i lli Ktaio. the red and Vira Dawes and Mnrv Wilder tied on third, im following comprise the class: Muni'H Alice lViiilli'tiui, Kilitli Kliimie, Alice liieh, Dorothy Kynn, Zoc Ooodc, liulti Yeruen, Kilith Kvans, Km her I. usee. Mary Sibley, Wilda and Vira Duwes, hi ho m-Nnrt ami r.ihei tiixci. The following pupil took the c!i(Mri grade etnminntion and passed very I'leditably ; Hal IVSnrt, Norman Yer (ten, Melvin Kvnns, Harry Cimio, Kettii r l.oseo , Wilda and Vira I hi wen. MSB. ALTER GEOROE OF MARION DIES SATUBDAY (fajiiUl Jourmtl Special Service) Marion, May 30, Mrs. Walter Ueorge, -tiauuttcr of Marcus Miller, of this city, died here Saturday at the age of 20 years. Mrs. Oeorajn war an active member of the (Friends church of Marion. Besides her father and hus band, she leaves nine brothers anil sis ters, s'htrden, Alva, Iteulah, Albert, Stanley, lHna, (lertrude, Cccile and (lladvs. After 21 yeam continuous nerviee with the lied Onwn r'Unir.ing mills at Albany, A. W. Jtowersos has resigned tint iKinitiim oif manager. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS Saturday Economy Shopping Black River molasses, can..i 12c Krinklc Corn flakes, pkg ....9c Eidcway's Tea, small tin can 10c Icing Sugar, er lb 11c Jellos, per pkg : 10c Sweetheart .Toilet soap, bar, 8c Assorted Toilet soaps, bar 5c Oranges, dozen 2."c Post Toasties, 2 pkgs 25c Light Brown Sugar, while it lasts, 3 lbs. for 23c We just received a large shipment of IVlger's Coffees and Teas. Our prices are right. c u 3 no c V at E CO Swift's Cotosuet, 2 lb. pails 70c Snowdrift, pure vegetable shortening, 2 lb. can 65c Red Mexican beans, per lb 6c Macaroni, per lb 7 l-2c American Lye, per can 8c Pink Beans, per lb 7c Ivory soap, 4 lbs for 23c Premium Brand Tomatoes 2 for 23c Assorted Cookies, per lb 20c Our stock of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits is Complete Milk and Cream Always On Hand 1' 7 i EEMPEI, WORKING No-Vary Grocers ! (Continued f rora page oae) I entire time to them. Parole Offieer Keller for a number of weeks has been arranging the new record system at the prisoa which, will replace the old one now ia vogue. The record system has received the approval i of officials who have looked it over and contains a number of innovations ! OB the old diia which mi eataMUhcl (when the operation of the parole let were m a purely eiperimeatal stage. To eomplete this the parole offieer has been asked to remain until July I. Warden Stevens assumed the warden ship of the penitentiary Peeember 1 of last year, coining to Oregon from New xora; to talte the position. He was for merly sheriff of Multnomah county for three terms and for many years eon-neeteJ- with Portland banks. Keller Named In 1915. j Tarole Offieer Keler was appointed parole offieer by Governor Withyeombe ...Mareh 8, 191."), and has served contin uously si m-e that-time. Mr. Keller is fontemplatinfc entering other Knes of busineiM whieh will take up his c;itire time. Superintendent Steiner is a native of niuffton, Ohio, born September 26. 1870. Ho raineto Salem in 1HH6 where he en ; caged in the drug business. He setured his medicr.1 degree at Willamete I'ui ; versity in 1897 aud took a poet graduate 'course in the New York Mediral school, 'lie praetieed his profession in Dnlliw, ; Lnkeview and Klamath Fall aud repre i s'uted Wasco. Klamath, Ijiko cud Grant I counties in the 1905 legislature. He f 1 y a E. R. PAEKXa (Painless Parker) SAYS: If your child la backward, either physically or mentally, perhaps Us teeth need attention. Growing children need sound, healthy teeth as much as adult. Consultation ' and examination are free and do not obligate you at an E. K. Parker System office. PAINLESS DA DYED tmw gtuix .SYSTEM DENTIST Htate aud Commercial Streets All H vnor to Closed All Day Q TODAY Ri was appointed superintendent of the! state hospital in September 1907 ana! has served in that capacity steadily i since under Governors Chamberlain, Beu.sou, Bowcrmau, West, Withjeonibe and Oleott. I During his iucumbeney the tate.hos-j pital has developed into one of the best ! in the country. Dr. Steiner has an e ceptional ability for organization and executive administration which he will carry with liini to his new position at the prison. Griffith Well fitted. Dr. L. T. Griffith, who will tempo-1 rarily become tho head of the state hos-1 pital, is a native of Marion county, Ore lion, born in 1808. He attended Villain ette University and received a medical ! degree lit Vanderbilt' University Nash ville Tenn. in 1890. Ho then acted for a year as resident physician at th Nsh ville city hospital. In May, 1891, he was appointed second assistant physi cian at tho Oregon state hospital and continued in that position until appoint ed first assistant in 1903. He has served fn that capacity all during the long regime of Dr. Steiner as head of the ia institution. Dr. Orriftth also took a post gradu ate eaursn in the New York Tost Bradu ate school in 1899. Word is reeelved at Yakima that th Iuilian appropriation bill carrying I'iOO.oOO for the Wapato irrigation pro ject has psssed the house. OIL STOVES Use an oil stove during summer and save your v strength and good nature. Big assortment to choose from. Perfection (Blue Flame) Bon Ami and Puritan, Short and Long Burners. Compare our prices. Frank E. Richter Complete House Furnishings Phone 217 373-377 Court St. Trade in Your Old Furniture Canital Journal Want Ads Wi3 Get You What You Wast it it in . ti , . ill ' MADGE KENNEDY Ul A REGULAR Girl ;f in a Regular Picture U'LL LAUGH AT MThe Quality Store" 1 J in Tatty's RT.ii Wife" Trimmed ' And Untrimmed X 7n AI W " laai!'" '"S'O Ladies' H AT at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Dandy little straw and cloth hats for the Kiddies, including the season's latest designs to keep the sun's rays from scorching their tender skins. Dainty voile shadow hats for Ladies that desire a bit of chick to their head gear. v 4HtHWMtt,HtMTTm4 ' All on display now at ampson Liz ijjideon 152 North Commercial Street , -! ('" ' t Street . Phone 400 LIBERTY!