THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919. PAGF FIVE it JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING KEBIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY TEEI FOR RESULTS yff.AKTT-rrn ADVESTIHEfQ iATES Kite per word 2s ew Today: stack insertion . - 1 Dae week (6 insertion) 5 Oka month (29 insertions .. ITc The Oepital Journal will not be re apoasibi far mora hsa ons insertion, (or errors in Classified Advertisements Scad your advertisement th first day it appear and notify ui immediately it rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15e. WOOD for sale. Phoue 2093M. tf CALVES I want J or 4 day-old calves 0. C. Bussell, phon 3F3. tf WANTEDA! kinds at chicken. Will pay top price, Phon 1339J. tf IN. BEAVER well driller, phone 827 J, 1165 N. 19th St., Salem. Or. 66 "WANTED Cattle and calves, any kind. Thone 1376W. 6 27 FRAME year photographs, 50 cent up. Buren'i, Com. 8t. -HQ WANTED A woman to tare for in valid. 2090 rry St. a 30 IX)R SALE flood spring wagon with top. 1251 Mission. 5-31 "WANTED All kind of cattle. Thone 8135. 8-19 J AS. LYONS practical painter. Thone 704. tf A 1 FRESH milk cow for talc 1986 Cberaekota. 5 31 "WANTED 3 or 4 men at the Quaker Nurauriee, Thone 2300J2." 5 31 FOR 8ALE By owner T room house, close in, furnished or Bntfurniished. 592 N. Commercial St. 5 31 THE flAZLEWOOD doe shoe repair ing, neatly doue. 321 N. Com. St. ' M9 EUG3 cleaned 35 cts, after June 1st 50c per rug. Thn 16, Buckner. 5-31 10 ACRES close in, all In cultivation, with or without crop. $3500. 8993 care Journal. 5-31 FOR BALE One Studobakorr ear, re painted and in good condition, good tires, cheap. 263 N. Com'l. tf GIRL wanted for general housework. Inquire at Will's Musie ftore. hone 159 or 2080W. - ' 5 30 BERRY picker wanted, 8 acres goose berries, 0 acre strawberries. Thone 12(T7M. 6-2 TRAILERS for sale and made to or der. Woodry'g Auction Markot, Fer ry nd Liberty. 6 15 "WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll op ward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WANTED Leaky radiators to repair, Salens Auto Radiator shop, 19S 8. 12th. 6 HAVE your roof repaired, cleaned and tarred. For particular phone 1446. .WANTED Loan of $"00 on real es tate, good security. Call at 247 N. Commercial. tf FREE BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chick' 644 BUte St. Telephone 400 - Headquarters for baby ehicks. tf FOR SALE 40 sere farm in crop, some of best Innd in Oregon. For particulars write owner, Bt. 1, boi 48, 8oio, Or. 6-19 FOR BENT Neatly furnished cot tage, city waiter, yard, Nye beach. Reduction if taken for season. Thone Mrs. Tho. Burrows, 1261W. tf FOR SALE 50 sere of land all in cul tivation, no buildings, 2Vi miles from elate house, first class loganberry land. For particulars see W. A. Lis ten, agent, 484 Court. 5 31 RIVE BOTTOM FARM 30 seres, rich as beaverdani, 6 acre ia string beans, 2 acres potatoes, 2 eorn, some garden and berries, 1 acre peaches, 1 apples, 8 acre hay; fair im provements. This choice property if taken now can be bad with crop at $3,100. he erop will net $1W0. The best boy oa the market; liberal terms. H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard bldg. wvwrwrrwr 5K-FU WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AND j 314 Masonic Bldg. EV TODAY LtJCT Hold bar breast pin. Beward. Return toJournal office. $ 30 FOR SALE Kale plant, 1.50 per thousand, i'bone 5 31 WANTED Strawberry picker. Thone E3F15. - 729 SAI, M AX-OQIJJ5CTOR med, with car. 337 State St., Salem, Or. 6 4 WANTED A range, must be in good condition M W ear Journal. 5-31 WILL pasturo row for milk, good pas ture. Call 8K23. tf WANTED A 4 or 5 room furnished house. Apply Mrs. A h, 1790 Lee St. 531 house; income $90 per month. Thone 2431W or 628. 6-4 HEMSTITOUINO and plco edee work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 337 State !t. 6-4 FOR SALE Ton nd a half Ford truck, ehain drive at 345 South 14th St. 5-31 FOB KENT 9 room house, will be ready in a week or so. See Ander son, 112 -V. Com. St. or phone 9iu. 5-30 TO TRADE Modern 5 room bungalow for Ford end eomo cash, balance terms. Thone 1598M. tf WANTED To" rent house with five or six rooms, eJeetrio lights, city wa ter, bath. J 11 care Journal. 5-30 wivum Ti v ., 1. 1. na;iiuu uvwuuu us uuujvjvvcin-r, ti- perienced in garage work. Aduress i 1 1 T 1 r n i FOB SALE Hop sacks and baskets in good condition, some never used. Fraud A Jul man Gcrvais, Or. 6-4 FOR SALE Cabbage, tomato and kale plants, 3 doz. Soc. 154 Columbia St. cor. 'N. front. 5-30 LOST Ounnysack containing suit of overalls, shoe and cap, south of cm lem. Return to Journal office. 5-30 FOR SALE Two boiler, 1 eight horse horizontal. Call at Capital City Co operative Creamery. tf MECHANICS opportunity, established W or write C. F. Burneil, 2923 Oaks n vi an n itnnir nm Hinn I'hnna I 4t Ave, jsverett, Wash. j 6-3 WANTED Dining room girl for em ployes dining room at Oregon state tuberculosis hospital, pay $40 per month with 'board, room and laun dry furnished. Thone 433. 5-81 FOR TRADE 320 acre farm, Klicki tat county, Wash., to exchange for mall -farm or acreage; 150 acres in wheat, balance pasture. W. H. Gra benhorst k Co., 275 State St. 5-30 FOR SALE Hy owner at a sacrifice, 8 room house in A-l condition built only short time, largo lot, improved street, close to now parking plant now building, also school and car; will tuko good young team and out fit or lets model ear in good condi tion, on deal. Look this up if you want a fine home at a bargain; no agents. A ad rem 9 care Journal. 6 2 SOME good first mortgages on farm lands for sale. Interest 6 percent. i Money to loan on city property and for building loans. Rates reasonable. Prompt service. A. O. BOHRNSTEDT, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon MORE of those splendid bargains that we advertised have been taken. "We have some more consisting of residences from a few hundred dol lars on tho installment plan, up to the best homes in Salem. Also from 5 acres up to large farms. We also have some unimproved land for sale very cheap-; also some splendid tim ber 5 miles out; drop in and talk it over. John H. Scott Bealty Co., 404 Hubbard bldg. tf MEN' WANTED AT WEST LINN TA PER MILLS, 42e UOUB, 8 HULK DAY. SEE ilR.H. A. 8WAFFOBD AT MILL OFFICE ACEOS3 BIVEB FROM OREGON CITY. GOOD HO TEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20c; BEST MEALS 35c. tf Lll ROBERTS Salem, Ore. STRAWBERRIES for sale. Thone 111 F21. tt WANTED Borrv hauling wish thre quarter ton truck. Phone 1313. 8-S WANTED To rent oa shares, good farm, Kt. 7, box 17. 3 31 1 AND 2 roam housekeeping apartment at the MiHer, 633 Ferry St. 6-5 r)R SALE Large eollaflsibl go-cart in fine shape Mrs. Johasea. 1167 Court St. Tel 1517. ' S- WANTED To rent a T or 8 room house with Ju'ara.'e and chicken yard. 374 N. lh St 5 31 STRAYED JPersiaa male cat, black and grey, large eyes. Walter IVar mine, phone 98F2. 5-30 FOR SALE I room bungalow and acreage, 3 miles south of tmlea on O. E. By. CasWr terms. Writ 512 5th Ave.. Aberdeen. Wn. 5-31 FOR KALE Mare 8 years old, weight 14W, soun.l; guaranteed to Work single or double. W. B Farrier, 6 miles south on Tringle road. 6-5 FOR SALE 5 room house, two 1 ota, good garden, all kinds fruit. $600. No incumbrance. Thoue owner 1393. 6-29 FOR TRADE 160 acres of timber in Benton county, for house and lot in Salem. W. H. Grabeuhorst ft Co., 275 State St. 5-30 FOR TRADE 20 acre farm, good buildings, family orchard, 2 miles out on good road will take in exchange Salem residence property up to $4000 W. H. Grnlbenhorst k Co, 275 State St. 630 FOR EXOILANOE 320 acres of tim ber land, cruised at 18,000,000 feet of saw timber, for Salem residence or suburban property. For particu lars call oa Y. A. liiston, 484 Court St. 531 FOR BALE Or exchange for aereage . near Salem, 97 avre farm; 45 acres Italian prune orchard, balance in crop, flair buildings, located on main highway, 2ti miles from town. Trice $12,500. W. H. Grabenhorst Co., Hi a state St. 9-30 2 SWELL HOMES 2 CO 7 room modern bunimlnw Idvoa TivW rooms, mrge closet's, bath, fireplace, es- mcni oeaeanent, close to capital, ler quick shIo $3200, H cash. 7 Boom Up to the minute in every parties tkr rlio-icn -Inemtimv J1n.rant1v ffitraAut hot water heart, good grage; ea f ouiem s laeai noniea, Ijjuv. Let us show U JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY C. 404 Hubbard buildisf ua. locate a lew ruHKmwolo paruoa ,n.) i -wr m on R. R. grant government land ia Lincoln county, school elose, ffood land, plenty wood and water and out range. Leave Sat. a. m. Address ty gen. Del, T. W. MsUinni. 6 30 NOTICE To prune growers, Tt yen In tend to build or remodel your drier it will pay you to see my patentee improved hot air heating system at my place, routo 1, Shaw, Or, on any day or at Theo M. Barr's plumbing and heating shop Salem, Or., ''et May 30th, where they are being eon strncted. For further particulars write or eall en J. W. Feiber, Bt. 1, Shaw, Or. . -31 WE are loekin for a man or a woman at Salem as resident manager, to take charge of collections, renewals, circulation of most all magazines publixhed. Must have some sHlesman ship bility and good references. Our new plan makes everybody a custom er and saves the public inueh money. Position will pay from $1000 te $1000 a year. K. J. Hamilton, 144 First St. Tortlftnd, Or 5 30 OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE White gas, pn-fect condition, $600 1S17 Chovrolet $500 Flandore "20", perfect condition, new tires, $2f5 2 1918 Ford sedans, $700 nd $800, one with self starter 2 ton lunfbcr truck at a bargain We wreck eutos for their parts, this enables you to get old enr parts at a bargain. Cash price paid for junk cars. -ton Ford truck, thoroughly evsr- hatiled $475 5 pnssengor Studebeker $18$ 19in Chevrolet $475 1917 Ford $400 349 N. Com! St. Phone 6C6 SALE,? AUTO EXCIIAiNGS GEO. BHCEtt, Hgl 229 State Street We buy your ear er sell eessai- sion. SPECIALS Overland, model 90, $650 1917 Briscoe $573 Fine Iit tie roadster cheap Maxwell, good as new, $559 1917 Hudson $1500 1917 Briscoe $375 Studehaker, 3 passenger roadster 450 Overln4 rosdter $523 TWENTY OTHERS TO PKK JBOM First class auto lauodrr sad lish- iog. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Good ?0O acre Umpqua valley rss.k nearly all in cultivation and all good soil, mostly bottom land. Good large house, large barn and all kinds of Out buildings. Well fenced and well wa tered by fine cresk and wells; good road, near school, store and chares; about 9 mile from Bosebnrg. $5000 cmp growing on place; stock, ton's, machinery fowls, crop, all for $20,090. Will sell on good terms or will take good small acreage of 40 to 60 acre to 410,000; $2500 eash and long time oa balance. S.W Perrtne k Harster, 306 Hubbard building, Salem, Or tf 11 li ik li. u EUGH THEATRE CHARLIE CHAPIJN The one and only, in Crn1jf lrPc" kuvuiuvl fUUii TODAY AND TODAY n RICH BACHELOR WANTS WIFE "Many people have blamed me for not getting married. Since childhood t have suffered from stomach and liv er trouble, never being able to get suy medicine or doctor to help me. Now that Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has entirely cured me, 1 am anxious to get a wife." It is a simple, harmless prep aration, that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and al lays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. J. C. Perry, Capital Drug Store, and druggists everywhere. COMMITTEE OF IE (Continued from Page 1.) accident commission should be the sub ject of a thorough going probe has gained considerable ground among the friends of the compensation law", stated Governor Olvott today in an nouncing that he will ask for an in vestigation. . "The industrial accident commission inasmuch as rt administers the pro visions of the workmen' compensation act, has one of the most important functions of the commission provided for on the statute book of the state. The proper administration of that law is bigger than any other consideration For sale, mod confectionery business 538 State. WANTED iMan 's bicycle, must bo 1n good condition and reasonable. Ad dress 23 care Journal. 5-31 FOB SALE 1 pure blood, 7 months short horn bull calf, dairy type, for $40. Wm. H Egan,.Gervais, Bt. 2, Phon 3F11. . 8 2 WANTED Two pounds of good eoun- try butter, als 1 gallon of sweet butter milk a week. A. K. Swanson, 1757 Waller St., Salem, Or. 6-80 FOR SALE 6 room house, 1163 South Liberty St, on easy terms or trade. ' Owner, 273 Dixon St. Portland, Or. 5-30 Irrigation for 1919 The system of dividing the city into two districts which proved so satisfactory last year will be continued for the season of 1919. The houses which bear even numbers on tho streots will irrigate only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sun day, and the houses which bear odd numbors on the streets irrigate only on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sun day. This plan will permit every house to irrigate four dnv out of each week. By striHIy following this rule we arc ablo to supply our patrons with tho usual amount of water under more satisfactory conditions. Season irriga tion bills will be discounted 10 per cent if paid on or before June 10th. Salem Water, Light k Tower '. 6-10 PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "Always at You Sirvici" Help of all Lund Furnished Free to Employers tBPMsau ifxuhx nasi wm ot nm j. r. CBXM. Iw Bl-ZU Borniid. Strxt ' Portlsnd, Onfm 80 ACRES near school, churches and Ry. Good house and barn, on good road, fine stream through land; adapted to loganberries and dairy ing; keep cows and chickens nniil ligait!brrie are producing. 100 acres in fine prune district where a crop is assured as proven by this year, when crop is light elsewhere; 70 acre in cultivation, plenty tim ber for uner, iiue airings fur n li gation anil water power, water filed on. Evergreen berries in pasture will yield $fiW this year. 4 mile to mark et. 20 acres adjacent to Jefferson, Or. A-l river bottom sandy loam. These place must be seen to be fully ap preciated. Will take some property on the deal and give terms to suit. G. F Booth, 1985 Chemeketa 64 C4 peaitieas are aow open ia t new TJ. 6. Merchant Ma nas. We seed 500 men for im Bsdiajt service aboard ear new eceaa earners, good pay. Travel ts all parts ef the world. Men bet wee a the age ef II to 35 in clusive are eligible. Yea must be as Americas citizen. For full Informatics apply at TUB EEIALL DBXTQ STOBE 115 S. Commercial 8t. IF . YOU CANT SAVE HERE IT CANT BE DONE I v I 7 a. ' - 1 Middies Model Brassieres Enrelcpe Chemise A Brassiere de- "Wolf Head Plain White signed on correct Brand'' which is Coat Middies nes ace 'rm a Euarantee of med quality 98c SSc 98c House Dresses A broken line of House Dresses, made up in neat and attractive styles from dainty Voiles and Gingham Tissue Selling up to $10.00 2 lots to clean up $2.98 and $4.98 Dress Goods 36-inch, in checks and stripes 59c THESE ARE JUST A FEW ITEMS TO SHOW THE OFFERINGS AND VAL UES IN THESE "STAR" SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING. EVERY DEPARTMENT HAS SPECIALS. Look for the Star Ladies Ready to Wear Section EXTRA SPECIALS ON COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES. This is the SEASON'S CLEAN-UP, the event you have waited for. SPECIAL RACKS in the Aisles and ALL CABINETS DISCOUNTED. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT "Vanity Fair" Silk Underwear The most dainty and pleasing Ladies' Underwear on the American Market. Here .is perfection of luxury without expense; and these soft, pink, dainty, lovely gar ments may be washed at home with the ease of a pocket handkerchief. As an "IN TRODUCTORY SPECIAL" we have marked One of the linos of VESTS at $1 W Think of it, a Silk Undcrvcst of VANITY SILK at : STAR SPECIALS You Can Always Do Better At on sale Tv 7T mayr"v"' vv "'m'" SATURDAY jVt 1 If ii 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Jl v XiOOOlXiGOOiD G involved. Tim work of tho commission lias grown to large proportions and vitally conccdas s great nmjo(y of the workmen and tho employers of tho state, it is efivntinl that the commis sion enjoy the mont complete confi dence of not only employers and em ployes, liut of the general eittTen.hip of the slato as well. If that confidence has in any maimer been shaken it should be restored and a thorough in vestigation should bring out the weak points, if any there are." It will Te recalled that the trouble grew out of an accident to a i'ortland man by the name of Dibbers, who died as the result of it. Although the man was subject to the compensation act, Kcrley persuaded his widow to sign a contract providing 4hat he ehmild re ceiv ea fee of 40 per cent for his ser vices ia snewins a settlement of a I claim for dasia'es to the nmount of 'several thousand diPnrs, it being nn derstood that she was not to make a !eronal attempt to collect from the industrial acci'Ienl commission. This 'ihe signed. Huhseqmntly the eommis 'ion awarded the widow 'the amount of j$0OO. Thereupon Keoiey instituted Unit ia the eirmit court to ollect his 1 40 per cent, or $l0O. WOK FEEKCH BELDB Eugene, Or., May 30. Htrgeant Ils old O. 1'eterson of this city met, wooed and won Miss Amelia Heiement, who i lived in the French Uiwu in which be i wns stationed during the war. When 'ordered to return home, Peterson anked , his ewwetheatr te precede him to this I country. They wero married here yes I terday afternoon. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS fjpifw ftftrfB (PWWJS1 Q"KQ0 0 'P'l'Wrwtgqaa am . . i xy u .- 1 SATURDAY" A ml " -ni if i-t if -irrff Imai fc '4 kM Fancy Silks New shipment, stripes Only 36-inch $1.69 Mens Work Gloves A s-trorig, well made leather Glove 25c IIAZEL GRED. NOTES- (Capital Journal Special Service) f. i, Latham motored tfl Mnlslhl Saturday and wm accompanied home by his dim, liter, Mr Adah Jones, whott tclxinl eloped Fridav. Fred Barnick arrived from ran Frsn- cieeo cAundnv, Mrs, nn Bnrtniff of Middle Grove is visiting her sister near Kugene. A Weiuert fflient Xfotnlav fcnr) Tiie.. day hanging paper for J. ). Looeey. Miss Ivy Forhes of flalem spent fun day with her friend, Msrjorie J'armen- ter. Ferd Jones, who recentlv r!,nrnA from overwns service, came over from Philomath fSunday, where he hs (been BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS TOM MIXc:: n Takes your Breatli Away, Lifts You Out of Your Seat, in Fame and Fortune A Whirlwind of Love and Action r J SUNSHINE COMEDY HERE TODAY IF YOU CAN'T S.WE HERE IT CAN'T BE DONE J Pure Silk I Ladies' pure silk white hose. All Sizes $1.29 New Shipment Neckwear The very latest creations. Pleated Or gandie trimmed in lace Crepe de Chine, neatly trimmed with lace and pearl buttons Collars with Vestees, Pique collars, rieated Crepe de Chine, Tucked and lace trimmed. Put out in two lots 59c and 89c Men's Work Gloves Gauntlet Gloves, leather palms 38c visHing his purenls. Misn Mario Dennett a Portland visifur Intt week. Mrs. W. O. Davis, Mrs. O. O. Looney rii Mi.s Emma F "her attcn.lcit ike Middle drove W.. M. A. at the home of Mm. John liwlruff TucmIht slier tioon. Merle Chapman went to Pnrtln1 lant week to take a course of iimtna; tinn at the V. M. " A. auto arhnot. Mrs. Peter Williamson has been suf ferinjj from a severs e,dd fur several davs. Miss Hilda Williamson had her ton sils removed by Dr. Kobertsnn last week. There viil be held Sunday moruln? the quarterly cmmuninti service at the If. It. ehim h. The Children's day program which is to be a pal not ic ore, will be held j me ririt .MiniJay jn July. r i I i OBLIGE' i 1 1 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS