lit NEW TODAY JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELUKG CEDIUa IN HARM COUNTY-TRY THEE! FOR RESULTS classified asvistiszko satis Bat per word iNew Today: Each insert ion 1 5c Qa week (6 insertions) Ob month (26 insertion , 17 Th Capital Journal will Bat be rs- ponsible for mors thai on insertion, for error ia Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first day It appear and notify ui kssr diately if rror oectiri. Minim iim charge, loe. WOOD for sale. Phone 2093M. tf CALVESI want S or 4 day old calves C. 0. Russell, phone 3F3. tf .WANTED All kiad of kickaa. Will pa top price. Fdob 1339J. tf W. BEAVEB well driller, phone 827 J, 116S N. 19th. St., Balem. Or. 6 ITJAMH your photographs, 50 eent p. Burea't, Com. St. 0-10 WANTED A woman to care for in valid. 8090 Ferry St. 5 30 1XR SALE Good spring wagon with top. 1254 Mission. 5 31 WANTED All kinds of cattle. Phone 2155. . 619 J AS. LYON'S practical painter. Phone 704. tf A 1 FltlBH milk cow for aale. 19S6 Chemekota. 15 31 WANTED 3 or 4 men at the Quaker Nurseries, Phone 25O0J2. 5 31 FOR SALr By owner T room house, close in, furnished or untfurnSwhcd. 5S N. Oommercial St. 5 31 THE HAZLBWOOD doe ahoe repair ins, neatly done. 321 N. Com. St. - 819 BUGS cleaned 33 eta, after June 1st fiOc per tag. Phone 16, Buckner. 6-31 10 ACRES close in, all ia cultivation, with or without crop. $3500. 8993 care Journal. 5 31 TOR SALE Ono Studebaker car, re painted and in good condition, good tire, cheap. 263 N. Cora 'I. tf GIRL wanted for general housework. Inquire at Will's Music (tore. Phone 159 or 2080 W. 6 30 BRRRT pickers wanted, 8 acre goose berries, 6 acres srawiberrios. Phone 1207M. ... , 13 WANTED 8 or 3 unfurnished room with water; permanent; no children, cheap. J-4 care Journal. 5 29 TRAILERS for aale and made to or der. Woodry' Auction Market, Fer ry and Liberty. 6-15 FOR SALE-Tomato plants, earliest strain, Din heavy plant. Phone 798 W. . 6 29 WALL PAPER 15 cents per doable roll apward. Bu'ren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WANTED Leaky radiators to repair, Salem Auto Radiator shop, 198 S. 12th. 8-6 HAVE your roof repaired, cleaned and tarred. For particular phon 1446. WANTED Loan of $500 on real es tate, good security. Call at 247 N. Oommercial. tf FREE BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chick' 644 Btats St. Telephone 400 Headquarter for baby chick, tf POR 6ALB40 acre farm in crop, some of best land in Oregon. For particulars write owner, Rt. 1, box 42, Soio, Or. 6 19 (ni SALE Cheap if taken this week 5 pamengAr automobile, come and nee for rourself. 1308 'North Com. St. " 5-29 FOR RENT Xe&tlv furnished cot tage, city warter, yard, .Nye beach. Reduction 5f taken for lu-eson. Phone I Mrs. Thoa. Burrows, 121W. tf FOR rvALE 50 acre of land U in eul Uvsliou, uo builtlius, 2 niiltm from state fcoase, first ehwa lngantierry land. For particulars e W. A. Lis ton, agent, 44 Conrt. 5 31 WANTED Lady assistant bookkeeper Addraea us in own handwriting stat ing ag, experiejnc and reference. Valley Motor company. 260 High St. 5-29 rw rnnM WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL- LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. MWmSA!D I S14 Masonic Bldg. WANTED Good driving horse weight about 1100. Call 2ATSL a 2a VACANT 4 roam apartment at The Miller, 633 Perty. tf WANTED Cattle and calves, any kind. Phone J376W. 6-27 TO TRADB Modern S room bungalow for Pord and ome cash, balance term. Phone 159SM. tf ftft Money la rabbit. jfT: Phone 1296 Cherry City f Kalbitry. tf FOB SALE One Jersey eow, fresh, 3 gallon per day. 2015 2i. Com '1 St. - 5 29 WANTED To rent house with five or six rooms, electric lights, city wa ter, bath. J H care Journal. 5-30 WAXTEID Borne lady to take eare of 2 year old fcoy. tstate charges. Ad dress A A care Journal.. 5 29 WANTED Position as bookkeeper, ex perienced in garage work. AdJress B B ear Journal. - 5 31 FOR SALE Hop sut-ks and baskets in good condition, soma never used. Fraud Adelman. Cervais, Or. 6-4 FOR SALE Cabbage, tomato and kale p'auts; 3 do. 25c. 154 Columbia St. cor. N. front. 5-30 LOST Ounnysack containing suit of overall, shoes and eap, south of Sa lem. iReturn to Journal office. 5-30 WANTED Strawberry and loganber ry picker, 10 acre good picking, pay g cent per box. B C Zeilinski, Rt. 9, box 1UA. 5-29 FOR SALE Two boilora, 1 eight horae horizontal. Call at Capital City Co operative Creamery. tf M.HOHANBCS opportunity, eatablfslied business, brick building. Phone 1133 W or write C. F. Burnoll, 2923 Oaks Ave, Everett, Wash. 6-3 WANTED Dining room girl for em ploye dining room at Oregon state tuberculosis hospital, pay $2t) per month with board, room and laun dry furnished. Phone 433. 5 31 FOR SALE Seven head of frosh Jer sey cow, can be eea three block weet of 25th street on south aid, of Turner rod. Owner will be at pas ture from 6:30 to 8:30 mormnf and evening. Phono 22S0J. 5-29 U811D OAR BARGAINS Ono 1917 Velio si I, run but 3000 miles, look like new, price $1250. One 191 Chevrolet almost new 750, Ono Chalmers rebuilt and in perfect condition $350. See these buys at Sa lem Volio company, 162 North Com mercial afreet. 5 29 FOR SALE iBy owner at a sacrifice. .ft room bouse in A-l condition built oidy ahort time, large lot, improved street, close to new-packing plant now building, also school and car; will take good young team and out . flit or late model cur in good condi tion, on deal. Look this up if you waut a fine home at a bargain; no agonts. Address 9 care Journal. 6-2 SOME good first mortgages on farm lands for sale. Interest 6 percent. Money to loan on city property arid for building loans. Rate reasonable. Prompt service. A. O. DOIIRNSTEDT, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon 2 MORE of those splendid bargains that we advertised have been taken. We hav som more consisting of residence from a few hundred dol lars on tho installment plan, up to the best home in Salem. Aim from 5 acre up to large farms. We also have some unimproved land for sale very eheap; also om splendid tim ber 5 mile out; drop in and talk it over. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Uiibbard bid,?. tf MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS, 42e HOUR, 8 HOTJTl . DAT. SEE MB.H. A. 8W AFFORD AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITT. GOOD HO TEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20e; BEST MEALS 35s. tf innMO oaf ROBERTS Salem, Ore. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, LOST i!d bar breart pin. Reward. itetura to Journal office. 30 F. R t?ALE Kale plants, $1.50 per thouMnd. Phone 45F24, 5 31 WANTED Strawberry pickers. Phone 2SF15. " 79 SlALlSiMAX-COlXEtTOR wanted. wish car. 327 State St., Salem, Or. 6-4 WANTED A range, mast fce aa l condition M W eare Journal. 5-31 WILL pasture eow for milk, good pas ture, (.'all Sr-25. H WANTED To rant pasture; ala have berry wagon for sale cheap. Rt. 7. box 45. iS FOB RENT Modern 6 room ho wi'k growing garden. Pheae 1V3LS WAITED A 4 or 5 room furnished house. Apply Mrs. A L, 1790 Lse St. . 531 5 PASSENGER Ford for sal cheap, gooa eonaiQon, emiein veiie company, 112 N. Commercial St. 5 29 FOR SALE Furnished apartment house; income $90 per month. Phone 2154W or 623. 6 4 MASTODON pansy plants in bloom; tine eaooape plants, etc. ;-srj jhiu St. Phone 2413J. 5 29 HEMBTlTOllilNG and pico edge work guaranteed. SingeT Sewing Machine Co., 337 State St. 04 FOR SALE Ton and a half Ford truck, chain drive at 345 South 14th St. 5-31 FOR RENT 9 room house, will be ready in a week or so. See Ander son, 112 X. Com. St. or phone 975. 5-30 FOR SALE Or exchange for aercage near Salem, 97 acre farm; 45 acres Italian prune orchard, balance in crop, flair buildings, located on main highway, 24 miles from town. Price $12,500. W. H. Urabenhorst k Co., 275 State St. 5-30 RIVER BOTTOM FARM 30 acres, rich as bcaverdam, 6 acre in string beans, 2 acres potatoes, S corn, some garden and berries, 1 acre peaches, 1 apples, 8 acres hay; fair im provement. This choice property if taken now can be bad with crop at $3500. he trop will net $1000. Th best buy on the market; liberal terms. MM 11 SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard bid. 2 SWELL HOMES 2 GO 7 room modern bungalow, large right rooms, largo closets, .bath, fireplace, oe ment bastiroent, close to capital, lei quick aale $3200, cash. 7 Room ' Up to the minute in every particmar choioe 'looatioiUj eleyantly jTumieasd, hot water heat, good garage; aa ar Salem's ideal home, $o500. Let us show U JOHN E SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard buildif UATTwttTT!TewnromJo!TeT an R. R. grant government land in Lincoln county, school close, good land, plenty wood and water and out range. Leave Snt, a. m. Address city gen. Del., T. W. Metiinnia. 5 30 NOTICE To prune grower, li you in tend to build or remodel your drier it will pay you to see my patented improved hot air heating system at my place, ronte 1, Shaw, Or, on any day or at Theo-M. Barr' plumbing and heating shop Salem, Or., 'er Way 30th, where they are being con structed. For further particulars write or call on J. W. Feiber, Rt. 1, Shaw, Or. . 6 31 OLESON S AUTO EXCHANGE White gas, perfect condition, $600 . 1R17 Chevrolet $500 Flanders "20", perfect condition, new tires, $2G5 2 1918 Ford sedans, $700 and $800,. one with self starter 8-ton lumber truck at a bargain We wreck auto for their part, thi enable you to get old ear parts at a bargain. Cash price paid for junk ears. ton Ford truck, thoroughly vr- Lheuled $475 5 passenger Studirboker $180 1916 Chevrolet $175 1917 Ford $400 349 N. Com! St Phone 6G6 SALE! AUTO EXCHAJiGS GEO. SPICES, Mgf 2it State Street We bay your ear or tell ea e nis ei on. BPBOIAU Overlsnrl, model 90, $850 1917 Briscoe $575 Fine Little roadster cheap Maxwell, good a new, $658 1917 Hudsoa $1.VM) 1917 ftriscoe $575 Studebaker, 3 passenger roadster $C0 Overland roadster $525 TWENTY OTHERS TO PICK Fit) at First class aoto laundry aad aelVaV lng. FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE Good ?00 acre Umpqua valley ranch nearly all in cultivation and alt good toil, mostly bottom land. Good large ihonw, large nam and an tind of out building. Well fenceif and well wa Itered by fine ereek and wrlls; good iroad, near school, store aad hurck; jafcout 9 mile frosa Rosebnrff. $5000 crop growing" oa place; stock, tools, I machinery fowls, erop, all fW $20,000. iWiH sell oa good term er will take good small acreage of 40 to 60 Beres t $10,000; $2500 cash aad long time oa balance. Parrlns Kantent, 306 Hubbard building. Solum, Or tf BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS NORTH HOWELL NEWS- (Capital Journal Sperial Service.) Nortk Howell, Or., May 29 The 8th trade play given at the grange hall wa a great success, M:s Romiugcr and Mist Riraes, the teachers, spent a largi amount of time ia drilling the pupils aad desrve much credit. A class of nine took the eighth grade examinatioui this Tear. School elo.d Wcdneadav, the 14th, with a picnic for the children at Ik church grounds Bora, May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kagleson, at the home of lira. C. A. Sawyer, a 9 lb. boy. "Chicken thieve visited the farm el M. A. I)unn one night last week and Btad off with a large number of hit flock of white leghorns. The trae around indicated that they traveled by aato nowadays. A regular procession of gravel haul era ia seea oa the road every day now. Tis road from CentrtJ Honcll church t the Clin bridge will all be gra eled this year. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. CoomWr, May 20, a daughter. S. C. Jefferson left Saturday for Soda Springs, Idaho, he expects to be . all summer. J. 8, Coomler is now driving a Tine new Elgin Six. A jolly crowl of young folks went to the dance at Macleay Saturday evening. Chester Jefferson arrived home M::y 10 and was -Wen a rousing welconii that evening at the cheese ball. Ho served in Fraiwe and was in the four gyat drives of the American units. He brought back many interesting souve nirs. Word has been received here that Isaac Stevens who has been attending school in Portland is very ill with pneu monia. He is at the homo of a daun. ter near Oregon Citv. The Port of Astoria Belt Line rail road wil be continued through the McTachern shipyards to the plant of the Astoria Pulp ft Paper company im mediately. Irrigation for 1919 The system of dividdnir the citv into two districts which proved o satisfactory last year will be continued for the eason of 1919. Tha house which bear even numbers on the street will irrigate oniy on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sun day, and the house which bear odd numbers on the streets irrigate only on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sun day. This plan will permit every house to irrigate four days out of each week. By stTKtly following this rule we are able to supply our patrons with the usual amount of water under more satisfactory conditions. Season irriga tion bill will be discounted 10 per eent if paid on or before June 10th. fSalem Water, Light ft Power Co. 6 10 WANTED Work, man and boys, ge 17 and, 18 year any kind. Phone 432J. ' 5 29 FOR SALE 3 room house, two 1 ots, good garden, all kind fruit. $600. & incumbrance. Phone owner 1393. 6-29 rCSR TRADE 320 acre farm, Klicki tat eounty, Wash., to exchange for mall farm or acreage; 150 acres in wheat, balance pasture. W. H. flra benhorat ft Co., 276 State St. 5-30 FOR TRADE 160 acre of timber in Benton county, for house and lot 'in Salem. W. H. Orabenhorst ft Co., 275 State St. 5-30 FOR TRADE 20 acre farm, good buildings, amily orchard, 2 miles out on good read will take in exchange Salem residence property up to $1000 W. H. UraJbenhnrst ft Co., 275 State St. ' 5-30 FOR EXCHANGE 320 acres of tim ber land, cruised at 18,000,000 feet of saw timber, for Salem residence or suburban property. For particu lars call on W. A. Liston, 484 Court St. 5 31 W are looking for n man or a soman at Salem as resident manager, to tak charge of collection, renewals, circulation of most all magazine published. Must have some salesman fcliip utility and good references. Our new plan makes everybody a custom er and saves the public much money. Position will pay from $1000 t $.1000 a vear. E. J. Hamilton, 144 First St. Portland, Or 6 30 80 ACRES near school, churches and Ry. Good house and darn, on good road, fine stream through land; adapted to logan berries and dairy ing; keep cows and ehkkcns until loganberries are producing. 1'rO acres in fine prune district where a crop ia assured as proven by this year, when crop is light elsewhere; 70 acres in cultivation, plenty tim ber for drier, fine springs for irri gation and water power, watsr filed on. Evergreen berrie in pasture will yield $00O thi year. 4 miles to mark et 20 acre adjaeent to Jefferson, Or. Al river bottom sandy loam. Thenc place must be sees to be fully ap preciated. Will take some property on the deal and give term to suit. G. F Booth, 1985 Chemeketa 04 Cd pesitiso Br now epca ia the sew TJ. 0. Merchant Ma ria. W seed 500 men for im mediate servies aboard onr sew seeas carriers, sped pay. Travel ts all yart of the world. Men between the age of II to 33 ia clusivs ar digrU. Yoa mast be b AmerUaa citizen. For full information apply at TUB BZAXL DRUG STORE 115 & Commercial St. THURSDAY, MAY 29. 1919. IF YOU CANT SAVE HERE IT CANT BE DONE a. t V fC Plain White Coat Middies 93c Ibase Dresses A broken line of House Dresses, made up in neat and attractive styles from dainty Voiles and Gingham Tissue Selling up to $10.00 2 lots to clean up and $4.93 Dress Goods 36-inch, in checks and stripes 59c THESE ARE JUST A FEW ITEMS TO SHOW THE OFFERINGS AND VAL UES IN THESE "STAR" SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING. EVERY DEPARTMENT HAS SPECIALS. Look for the Star Ladies Ready to Wear Section EXTRA SPECIALS ON COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES. This is the SEASON'S CLEAN-UP, the event you have waited for. SPECIAL RACKS in the Aisles and ALL CABINETS DISCOUNTED. - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT "Vanity Fair" Silk Underwear The most dainty and pleasing Ladies' Underwear cn the American Market. Here is perfection of luxury without expense; and these soft, pink, dainty, lovely gar ments may be washed at home with the ease of a pocket handk3rchief. As an "IN TRODUCTORY SPECIAL" we have marked One of the lines of VESTS at $1.69. Think of it, a Silk Undervest of VANITY SILK at ....$1.69 STAR SPECIALS on sale SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. MILITARY TRAINING (Continued from page one) station for the air service, 'i Wa Hi' wot made use of all mon eys appropriated for 1h emergency," taker sftirt. " We do not propose 10 me ,-ithnt flintier authorization. i.uru - , . Our policy since the armistice has liecn to v on an plans eiecpi wsrr, vj arresting war work, aa economic dis turbance would result." Tha department contemplate eni ployment of five itivisions rn Enrope t,l (trfinito Destee settlement i had, Genital March told the committee. tilled Marine Is VisUtuVsVibM Victim Of Vailejo Rre T7ll. 1 r.1 2! (t'nitcd Press 1 i - j - - ti.. i,.i nf & man. rinrmrt to rrisu. wa fonad todry in the ruins of one of I the two mariae barrack devrtoyed by fire at midnight. Thi discovery and the fact that no one ha been found miming from any of the marine or civilian companies at ! Mar Island, caused officers at the U- l.jid to institute a moat rigorous investi gation. They are at s him to under stand how the stranger could hav been on the island. i The fire dent roved many tents and badly damaged several honored oth ' ers. Eibd Newsies Sacrifice RcEcskrcd Oa Deathbed Baa. Diego, Cal., May 29. Effort of J wQ4n 1 7 I X"4-A w t fiwusj strsn rwhm- jssasB. WaJBlh aJ, ''a'-' Model Brassieres A Brassiere de signed on correct lines, lace trim- med 9Sc Envelope Chemise "WolfHead ' Brand" which is a guarantee of quality SSc Fancy Silks New shipment, stripes only 36-inch $1.69 Ken's Work Gloves A strong, well made leather Glove 25c You Can Always Do Better At Charlie (iardner, blind newsie, to save lowed t submit to a blood transfusion, the life of John D. Kennedy, rancher) Gardner lost n art of blml in tho from Gunnison, Colo., todnv were repaid ;0M",iun. "t Kennedy died. To.!.., hi by a $1.-,,00 logncy. ' ' " r",'r, quaintanpe, was dying, tlnrduer went to his physician and insisted that he be al R. II. CAMPBELL, Special ' I Good Oil Is : - Cheaper Than Parts ! jlMtid Freedom from vnneeessaty r ' 'A. s e.--"' - o p'" ni ,,onfer tf ia ,: ' ' ff t ,e your car result uom correct 5- "JF-?' ;-l'2'is" 'obrct"'B with Zcrolcna. s - f J 4 t f . I rl "I 1 1 " Scientifically refined from e- ' lRaiV)lU P3 a ,r 1 lected Californis trade oil. ' 1 H J 1 I 4 Ci miaai hsbrlcsfion witll In t " y t ; J J ' I i f tstios Chsrt toe M cr. r VBVitl ITADAD OIL CCMPASt V J-ja CalUeraia) Q : PAiiE SEVEN IF YOU CANT SAVE HERE IT CANT BE DONE Pure Silk Hose- Ladies' pure silk white hose. All Sizes . $129 New Shipment Neckwear The very latest creations. Pleated Or gandie trimmed in lace Crepe de Chine, neatly trimmed with lace and pearl buttons Collars with Vestees, Pique collars, Pleated Crepe de Chine, Tucked and lace trimmed. Put out in two lots 59c and 89c Ken's Work Gloves Gauntlet Gloves, leather palms 38c JOUESAL YAJNT ADS FAY Agt, Standard Oil Co., Salem.