Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 29, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. Ckstraaiion
IERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain's
Tablets for constipation. When the proper
cose 13 taken their action is so agreeable and so
natural that you do not realize that it is the effect
of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper
ties that aid in establishing a natural and regular
action cf the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets have
cured many cases of chronic constipation.
Nazimoxa is coming to the Oregon, Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday in "Out of the Fog" from the famous
stage success "Ception Shoals."
Mrs. Cli arlea H. Castner, presi dest
of the Oregon federatioa of women's
clutos, and also chairman of" tha
mi'i commute for Mat retoastniA
lion meaiures, has just rvturned from
tour of the eastern part of tha stat
and reports that the womea ia those
sections are resncmiimr eagerly t the
call for help to put over the Doadlnf
nnsurea is the state reconstruction
ieaterdar she wsj St Corvallia and
today ia speaking in Med ford, address
ing the southern Oregon federation of
women 'a club.
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson was guest
of honor at a renretitioa yesterday, at
tha homo of Mrs. John Keating, re
Kent of the Multnomah chapter, Itaugh
ters of the American Revolution at the
letter's home on Montgomery drive in
Portland. Almost the entire personnel
of the chapter was present to greet the
new vice president general.
rsntain Allan Jtrnon- will return to
Sao iYancisco tomorrow where he will '
ri'port for further treatment at the
M'tternmn military hospital, t aptaiu
Hvnon has been e njoving? a thirty day
furlough, part of the time ibeing spent
with relatives in Sulem, and part at
Newport Beach. Mrs. Bynon (Florence
Hufer) who accompanied her husband
from California, will remain in Kalein
until the captain receives his discharge
m m 9
A ureal deal of interest ia being tak
en in the dance and card party to be
given iu the Alasuuio hull next Monday
eveninir by members of St. Agnes
guild of Kt. Paul's church. Some of the
most prominent women of the city are
acting as patronesses for the affair.
Tickets may bo obtained from any
member of the guild.
frs. William (Tiristy De fricluv
(Ktliel Brunk) of Wan Diego, Califor
nia .will arrive tomorrow evening to
Biiend the summer with her parents,
Air. and Mrs. K. Jtrtnik of Kola. Mrs.
De Helm who is well known here, will
bo accompanied by her small sou, Wil
liam Clifford le Behu.
Hazel !. Mshwood, instructor
in hngliah in the local high school, is
entertaining as her guest, Mrs, Howard
Uramlirh of the) home science depart
ment of the I'uivcrsity of 'Nebraska.
lluuoriiig her guest. Miua Fishorwood
entertHined with dinner party at the
Marion Inst evening. The guests, all
of whom are graduates of the Vniver
sity of Nebraska, were Mrs. Cirnmlieh,
Mine Kthel K. Iliiiuinell of the J.atin
department and Miss Gertrude .Turing
ton of t ho home economics of the high
I - i i I ; r s -.
Appear At Your
Best Initantfy.
V yoa rccrlvs a twMe"
utta or a unetptctnl m-
vitatloa you can led con
fident ef always sppenrtn
r ynm bct. hi bul a few
mtmcnt It render to yotir
ski a wundrthitty pure.
soft cutiwhfjoon that
beyond crnnpurtwrn.
Pel CcurJy Farmers Will
Hold Annual Rcnic June 7
(Capital Journal Special Mervicc.)
Dallas, Ore., May 29. The big nnnual
farmers picnic will be held thia year
on Haturday, June 7, at the big Ilurch
Ornve at Riekreall, five miles en at of
PalLui. Preparations are being madfl
for ens of the biggest and best titnei
ever had 'by the Fnrmera Unions and
not only are the fanners invited to at'
Countless Waleni friends me looking
forward eagerly to tlio appearance of
Mrs. Oscar (iinriih at the Oregon
theater next Wednesday and Thurs
day. Mrs. Gingrich ha. become locally
Tiiinnua 'bv her benutifnl portrayal and
artistic interpretation of Indian songs
unit logenils and ia greatly in demand
at all important cluili and social gath
erings. Owing to the fact that numer
ous friends hare not had the oppor
tunity of seeing her, Mrs. Gingrich has
consented to nppenr at the Oregon the
ater next week. Her presentation will
consist of the Indian pantomime work
for which she has become noted. Liue
parlies are already 'being arranged
tend, but evominn uImi In the conn... i,,,,,,- v personal friends and by art
as the Bfnfir'la not for the fnrmer. , luv,l'r , wh, ui'wiate the strength
song and legend. 1
Miss Hut h Bedford, the talented
young musician who appeared in recit
al lunt Tui's.l.iy evening will act as
accompanist fur Mrs. Gingrich
So handy on camping trips
Breakfast's ready in a jiffy when you have Aunt Jemima.
Pancake Flour in the'eamp larder. A little flour, a little water,
a little mixing and in half a minute the cakes are done!
Hot, tender cakes that taste more delicious than ever in the
cool morning air!
Everything to make rich-flavored pancakes is already mixed
in Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour even powdered sweet milk.
A simple recipe for luscious muffins is on the package, too.
Order some Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour from your grocer
today and try it out you'll never be without it aguinthis
summer. Aunt Jemima Mills Company, St Joseph, Missouri.
aio. o. a r.. orr.
"I'm in town, Honey J"
nt J em I'm a Paw caiie Floor
in the
Sour stomach (heartburn),, Belching,
Swelling and Full Feeling, so frequent
ly complained of after meals relieved
in Two Minutes. Almost instant relief
from I'm in in the Slonuioh caused by
umugested food
Send 10c for Postnge nnd War Tax,
name and address, and we will rend
you on approval.' eur stomach prepara
tion, Jo-to, for 3ts days, at which time
you are to seufjtni $1 or return ,t he
unused portion if 'not perfectly sati
ned "i
Address: :Bellinghaia Chemical Co.,
Bellingbam, Wash.
(Continued from page one)
i In observing the day we commemorate her or rubbers, for It is believed ttini the opinion of .Sheriff John W.'Orr (list
uot only the reunion of our own country more than ono person did the trick, gi.lu the robbery wus committed by at lenct
but also now the liberation of the world ed entrance to the building by forcing one of the parties that entered the Bee
from ono of the moct serious dangers to 0pen a window, in the second story. Aft- j Hive More and the Kllis confectionery
which free government nnd the free life cr helping himself to the contents of storo here several weeks ago. One of
of men were exposed. two enuli registers the thief went thut purty vnis caught, and in now erv-
" We have buried the gallnnt and now I through the gun eaw and took away a ing time i;t the state reformatory. Hio
immortal men who died in this great IB gunge shotgun anil several hundred other member of the party was seen
wr of liberation with a new sense, of shells. Other nrticles were iilso tnkei about McMiniiviMe, Monday nnd efforts
consecration. Our thoughts and our pur- from the hnrdwm-c department. It is made to rapture liim were unvailing.
poees now are consecrated to tlio main
tenance of the liberty of the world and
of the union of its people in a single
comradeship of liberty and right. It
wits for this that our men conscientious
ly offered their lives. They came to
the field of battle with the high spirit
and pure heart of crusaders.
"We must never forgef the duty thi.t
their sacrifice has laid upon us of ful
filling their hopes and their purposes to
the utmost. This, it seems to me, Is
the impressive lesson and the inspiring
mandate of the day."
ool slippeiy spjndles
alone but for the general public.
Two prominent speakers, II. K. Cut
ting of Duirtlee and 1'rofessor NetibacK
of CorvuilU have been secured to talk
on subject of interest to ovoryone. The
Hherldmi Ladies band, the only organ
ization of its kind In the Mate, has
been secured to furnish music for the
The morning program which will hi.
gin nt Id o'clock will consist of mtiau.
speaking and readings. A big baseball
giuno will be held during the afternoon.
Other sport contests will ulao be -staged
after the ball gaiuo.
The committee in charge of the picnic
have Issued inventions to the ffenerni
public to bring Ibeir dinner anj enjoy
the day with them.
You expect tha local mer
chants to take your produce,
Hlp thorn do it with your pat
ronage Uuild np Marion county-
Recent articles on the war tax just
levied on soft drinks, confections, etc.,
havo given rise to some misunderstand
ing and tho Wm. Wrigley, Jr., com-
ous American and Fretwh pilgrim, will '."7 " "'. ' "
ii . r.i.... m : t - , ' ha,t the 3 percent tax on chewing gum
does -NOT affect the retail dealer or
ed at BonVillcrs and other villages in;
I'ieardy where the Cf.ntigny fighters
made their supreme sacrifice, burner-
I,nrt 8ntuntav afternoon Mrs. Frank
t'ory. assisted ibv Mrs. Mary Davis aad
Mrs. (lenrge Hinith, entertained the la-
lies of the O. A. H. at her homo on
MiMiott street. A very enjoyable time
was 8)ent. According to custom, the
ladies will, as usual, be hostess! at
dinner fur the (I. A. R. in their rooms
in the armory, on iN-corntion day.
. i .
Kdward .Nelson Bvnon, who has re
cently returned from fMieria where h
saw active service with the Cfcmwtian
expeditionary forces, haa stopped off
for a brief visit with his cousin. Can-
tain Allan livnon. Mr. Bvnoa has
walk from Chateau-Thierry to tenia
teries in the Mnrne region.
Little plots of graves are on the yery
edge of Bellean Wood, whose jagged
rocks and bare trees mutely tell the
story of what happened there. Kar up
in Lorraine, beyond- Ton I, beyond Lune
villo .about Menil, I.itnont and Beau
mont rest the men, among the first to
fall when our troops first entered the
On both sides of Soissons, where
heavy stillnesa reigns now, graves mark
the place where the Firs and Thirty
second division threw back the Ger
mans, and all will be remembered.
the consumer. Mr. Wrigley explains
that the manufacturers stand this tux,
and there should be HO CIIAMIE in
tho price, charged yon for your package
of Wrigley ' Spearmint, lioublemiiit or
Juicy Fruit. Iu other words, the jitney
still .jits. Thanks. Mr. Wrigley.
Wilson Bends Message
Washington, May 9. (United Press)
President Wilson ia a Memorit.1 day
(Capitol Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., May 2fl. The grocery ami
hardware store of C. L. Crider on Main
street in this city was entered some
axle gr;
Mica Axle Grease
spreads evenly and
formsa cool,slippery
coating that clings
to the spindle and
makes pulling eas
ier. The Mica fills
up all roughness fa
the metal, makes'
the grease work
better and last twice as
long. No hot boxes. Ask
your dealer. Buybythel
Hi'iT .el1 r r;yTrih: R- CAMPBELL, Special Agt., Standard Oil Co., Salem.
amount of about 103 taken. The rob-
I uy !!!!!! LtulMu
m.m amm a i j . j i i i
ii s ii aw aut mjr
n n n fi
Mil!! t
t-4 M
7 t t
' 4 1 ' I
U vacuum packed by special
process which preserves its
strength and rich flavor
The most economical
coffea you can buy.
Rtmemher Our Gaarantt
taught the ibolsheviki a much needed v. in,..i..n tut,i. n.in
,...-, wvuuaa,!! w u aiuti "i" wswj
eon himself, and it prepare! to tell deelarl thai th. "imoressive lesson!
the worlit that movement is on a rawti , .l- : :.: i t .v.. .i..
ii ; I:,"; ::rz .r jlu t. uau th. kope. ..a purpose. .
lr,.u. v- , .., , w."u t""t of tha men who aaeriieed
It waa for tha matatanane of the lib
erty of the world and of the union of
its people in a single comradeship of
liberty mid of rinht," that "our men
eomrientiouslv offered their Uvea," the'
president asserted.
The message, rallied to the White
Hovse, reads! j
' lioniuml rlny wears tnis veers an
added significance, aad 1 wish if only
by a message, to take part with you in
its observation and ia exurrssiug the
r nrr
jnnn is en route to hi noma u Cali
fornia, having been released from ser
A. delightful play will be presented
this evening at t. .losepli'i hall by
memtiera of the parish. Some of the
bent liM-al talent in the parish has been
secured, including Mrs. C. W. JS'te-
meyer who has already waik a name
fur herself in social anl irramntie rir
elea. This ia the first of a series of
playa which will be presented nnoVr
llio wide direction of Jteverend J. R.
I'ui'k, me, iirmecu or niiich wnl so
m inc gonerai luml ror the erection
of the new parish hall. Tin publie ia
most Tordiallv invited.
sentiments which it invariably suggests
A reception waa given recent!;
refer ytevens for Mr. Todd and
pupils and their parent. The house was
decorated with huge vases of nmow-
balls, intermingled with rosea. Ilie
inus refreshments were served at a
late hnur. About thirty guest were
AiiKniy iSJ.-iu folk rcgin?Ted at
Portland hotels is It, H. t'orry of the
public service eoaiminion.
Toa raect the local mer
chants to take yeur produce.
Help them do it with yor pat
roas; Build np Msriea cona-
Tha tortsres and discomforts of
weak, lame and aching back, swollen
feet m4 lmbc weakness, diuinesa,
iisea, as a rule have their origin in
kioej trooble, aot "femals cnmplsiBta,"
Jbc general sjrnptoms of kidnet and
kisdder diseas ars well known la
the rented?.
Neit lima toa feel a twtnre et (,niat
la tha back or srs treublrd with hrad
a, tmhjcxioo. Insomnia, irritntion
la tke blsiWer or pain ia the k.ins and
"'"r sr.-hrocn. mu will finit quick ao4
"f in CO,o MKt'Afj H.srlcm
thl Cspsules. This eld aad tried rem
t fr kidney trouble and allied d
rssgeiaesta has stewl the test for him
arro. uf years. t d- the work.
j" 1 " ,rouh' vanisk and new life
t4 brail b will ceo,, ,,. rootiou
tseir as Wliea fwrnpictcls r.tocrd
t lour usual vigor, coatinua taking a
c le or two n,D d. M
J.CI.D MKDAL l!.rlia Ch!9 an
sules are imported fn the bborste
ncs at Hssricm. Uullaatt IV, st sc
ent a anbStltutC la aMM kalac
Our New Summer Dress Goods
The high quality and rich beauty of these fabrics, their irresistible style appeal
and their adaptability to the newest modes insures for this display immediate
interest from every woman in this city. The assortment comprises all the very
S'J andJf st fashionable summer weaves in the most desirable designs and
DFrNnATilp6 3r' cours? vanus qualities represented, but every grade is
Dht hNDABLE, and every price is the lowest obtainable.
.....v.. uiii luui- VC IQ lio
Fancy white voile ! 50c to $1.00
White flaxen . 23c to 65c
Organdie 35c to $Uo
Printed & fancy weave voile, yd 25c to $1.50
Summer wash goods of all kinds, yd. 15c
and t $1.25
For Ladies and Misses. Plain colors and
fancy trimmed. The very newest styles
priced from
$2.00 tOs3.95
1 W
m it
i j I I J
tj aJ