THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919. PAGE NINE SI L 4of ? f r ? ?,f it Itasca To Head Backers tDECORATIOM ill Memorial Day Reminds us that it is fitting and proper to suspend business, dress in our very best and Do Honor to our Fallen Heroes. Never in the world's history was this more true than now. f Ail-any, Or., Mar JS.t-H. Hirwhberg !of Independence was elected rhairaan of group No. 2 of the Oregon Stan Bankers' asMH-iatioa i its minimi con- 1 veution hero Tuesday afternoon. Forty seven bankers attended the toirroution uf this group, which includes the 43 banks of Linn, Marion. Polk, Bentoi. ami Lincol v counties. D. Eyre of Salem was elected v'tce ehairman and other officers named an follows: 8ocretary, J. XV. Mayo of Rtav- , ton; treasurer, Alexander Power of Leb anon; executive committee, K. D. Cusiek HAD SUFFERED FOR 30 M BE SAID Denver Man Declares Tanlac Has Helped Em Ksre Than Anj Oilier Me& "Ever sine I took that course of of Albany. J. H. Albert of Salem a J!?' ?V TU 4!1,-T nd H. Kvler of Corvallis. 7 ,h?" 1 h4v i" Dun 7Mt nd U And never was it more true that nice black Ox fords will finish off your suit better than an thing else. We'll be glad to show you some beau tiful ones, ranging in price from $10.50 di)wn to $3.83.' Principal sneaker at the convention were E. G. Crawford of Portland, prcs , hlont of the Oregon State Rankers -sociation, who 8oko on "The Dawn of '& New Kra"; C. E. Pox of Albany, who discussed the safe keeping of wcuritics, aud George K. Khaw of the internal revenue office in Portland, who explain ed troublesome features of the income tax law. E. B. Williamson- vice presi dent of the Albany State bank, wel- AY uW else 1 have ever taken," said J. V. Patterson of 1359 Tliirteeinh street, Denver, Colo. "For thirty yeans," he routtuued, "I suffered from catarrh of the nose aud throat, and although 1 was oper ated oa by a New York specialist at great ewpeuaa I jot only temporary re lief. 1 just roiitdu't rest at all we'll at night aud would get up in the morn ings almost choking with mucus which lined the visitors to Albany, aud Geo. i nauseated we so 1 would often have to 'A Pumps Too Are good and the Brown Kids and Calf costs from $10.50, $9.50, $8.00 and as - - -low as $6.00. , WHITE SHOES, PUMPS and OXFORDS In many different kinds and grades that costs from the Kids at $12.50 and $11 " on down to canvas at $2.95. I A jiSoss " ' . X I J. Wilhelm of Harrisburg, ehairiuan of , the group during the past yecr and wu presided Tuesday, resHmded. The session o'ned with a luncheon in the banquet room, of the Knights of Pythias buildi'g, where the eonvrution : was held. Kullowiug -the jiroyram of I addresses many matters of interest to : the banker wero discussed informally, j Portland bankers who attended the 'meeting were: Koy B. B. Nelson, cuAier I of the Northwestern National; E. t. i Craw ford and K. W. SchnuHr, both vice ! presidents of the Vnited States Nation al; T. H. West, assijitant cashier of the Lndd & Tilton bank, and 8; A. Anner Ison, president of the Portland State ,bnnk. Deals In Real Estate Anna' White to AV. L. Taylor, 53.80 'ucrca in E. half of KG. quarter section 6 l W.; l.'i00. i Anna White to W. L. Taylor, fruit lots 11, 12 and 13, Friends Oregon Luc iony in section 36 6-1 K.; SK)00. I j. C, Green to J. ! Green, 3'4 aeros in J.'B. Duchanno claim 51 V. W, B. Cliue to Flossie Houston, lot 3, Alen's addition to Bilvertonj 300. Kmil Jorv to J. H Rhodes, 12.88 acres in section 33 and 34-3 W. j C. F. DeGurre to A. I.. Cottrin, putt of block 4, Davenport addition to Hit ivertora; 1200. C. W. Peters to John Mi Leod, lot 9, block IP, Nob Hill addition. John Mcl.eod to C. W. Peters, 7 acres in section 36-8-3 W. W. E. May to W. S. Pembcrton, lots 13 and 14, Hunnyside Fruit Farm No, 9. Chns. Mnxwell to J. 8. Marshall, 6 acres in I. N. Gilbert claim 7-2 W.; $2000. i.r . 11. W. Libby to '1. J.1 Myers, 55.19 actes in sections 5 itirfl 610-2 W. ' ! RICKEY NEWS. and relatives in eastern Oregon. Tho young people spent a very plena ut informal -evening at the C. Grimm home Thursday evening. The honor guests were MisaMeryle Whitney, who is down from Portland and Miw Mur ine JSehnller, whose school closes Tues day. Those present were IMisa 'Merylo Whitnev, Miss Minnie Schaller, Miss i(i!d!i Wheeler, Messrs. 'Fred Oickman, (C'spital Journal fripeciul Service) Kickey, May 26.-lr. and Mrs. V. Iicwis and daughter of Lyons spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Atifrance were fttlem visitors M oh da v. The Tlmndorn club met at the home it'rven Frvslie, Howard Grimm of Mrs. Tony Dciuitis Wednesday. J . School clustw Tuesday with a picnic Mr. and Mrs. L. IMckman motored j i the Jchn Caplinger woods. This tr S-iletn Thursday. I closes the ttiird siiccewiful term ir K. Matten, the assessor, visited our: Miss Schaller in our district, ni'i'ihliorhood this week. Word has been received from D. A. Howard Grimm conducted the eighth Hnrris, who is traveling in the east, gnide examination in our district. j that he is in the ibest of health and Bobbie Lewis, who had his tonsils 'enjoying himself. removed, is able to be out again. Mrs. T. Wallace spent Thursday in Snlem. Miss Meiyle Whitney of Portland is down for an extended visit with her I'oreuN, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Whitney O. .I'oimlil was a Salem visitor Mon day. Irvin Caplinger is visiting friend AUMSVII1ENEWS NOTES (Cupi4:il Journal Speciul .Sttrtice) Aumsville, May Mrs. C. F. Hein hns returned from a months visit nt linis', Idtiho, where she was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dean Wright Quicker, Cheaper, Better Hot Water All over the house plenty for the toilet and bath ample quantities for the kitchen and laundry, and all with very little attention and at a low cost for fact You simply cossect a RUUD Tank W ater Heater to your rang boiler, light match and turn on the ga In a few minute you have an abundant aup ply of piping hot water. FuVninaia thato IbT and drudaary of the eoal lira. Sava time, labor and money. Uaa heated water. This Uttla healer doa a wondarful work aad will (Ira yrm many year of aranofn-li-al. retiabla scr Ttca. On display at our showroom. f jU t t m r ,. ,.. ' I tJZJ 9 PortTaad Raikaj Ligat And Power Company and family. ; - Mrs. W. C. Anderson entertained a party of .friends at her liome Satur duy evening in honor of her father, A. K. Clark of Aberdeen, Vv'n. The eve nluu was sient playing cards, n.t'ter which refreshments were aerved. Hoy illaynard of Portland spent the week end witli frfends in the city. Mr. Baynaid was a farmer well known res ilient here. Friends of Miss Beatrice Crano will be grieved to learn of her death which occurred at RidRowuy, Texas, Mav 1H. of vtyphoid fever. Mrs. W. B. Chance hns as her gucat her aunt, Mrs. Ada Pearl of Oregon City. Mr. aud Miw. W. : Anderson will leave the first of the month for .Ne braska io tko up their residence. Mr. Anderson has other interests which re quire his attention and has disposed of liia bank holdings here to K. T. Pierce f A'bany, who hits taken charge of .the 'business and will move his family here this week. The Aumsville contingent of the Vic toria clpter O. E. 8., wero entertain od at a social meeting at the Masons hall in Turner Hntunlay evening. A delightful evening was spent in game music, reailingis, etc. after which a do- Iicioiis luncheon wns served. EIONMOUTH NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service) Monmouth Mav 2S polk eoimtv Pomona grange met r-sturiiay in the I. O. O, V. hull as scheduled with a yen- good attendance. The muni good din ner whs enjoyed by the "family" at noon, after which a short but interest ing program was rendered. The prin cipal hiisinewi to cmne before the meet ing was the discussion of the various ciiiihi itui iuiunl aim-ndinc oik and meas ures to be panned on by the voters at the ?pccil election .lime 3. h. A. Guthrie, half brother ftf Har vey Outline of Monmouth, died in the Dal!as lioMjiital Tuesff.iy, May 19, fol lowing an operation for stomach and bowel -trouble. Jacob Smith and family are planning to leave Monmouth within the next few weeks on account of fniling henlth of his wife and little daughter. They: expect to locate some where in the i out h west or in the mountain slates. Mr. Hmith has resigned hia member- ship in the Commercial clul) and has given up his position as manager of the j Oregon Milling and Warehouse Co.! here. Miss Florence Hefrley rlued her -honl at 4'amas Valley I ant Friday and left the rime day for Kosetiurg to attend the Strawlwrry festival. She was joined there in? her sister, Ger trude. The two will visit for a time in southern Oregon afier which they will return to (mai Valley where they ii:m a summer camping trip. Wiimer Powell is working on a Block ranch in Wyoming. He received his discharge aomctime in Iieccmbcr, vis itel relatives in Miuri for a time and took, a six weeks' course at Ames. I Iowa. Coi eirc. Ihani nn bi tikice. Mre. Margaret Pence who has lieen 1 Carl Wood ia working on (he new with her daughter at Philomath for I'acifie highasy. some time, l:ffls returned to her home south of town. Ray Thomas, recently returned from three, years service overseas, has secur ed work in thchip yards at Vancouv er. ' Last Wednesday a' long trnin of automobiles, of perhnps fiftv enrs. car rying the Jersey cattle breeders of the northwest, pas ed thru town enroute to Corv-allia via the Wmt Side highway. Ivnn liMiMinrv' (ffthe Luckiamute vi cinity assiHted in arranging and mar shaling the trip. Monmouth as tho dis tinction of being the wily town in Ore goo where. the visiting club members found three Jersey farms meriting thoir attention. They' visited the dair ii of J. B. Stump Son, Frank Loughnrv Son and V. O. Hewett, nil of monmonth. Kirehnrd Van lioan: returnod last week from Camp liewis where he re ceived his iHsrhaige. He enlisted-with I'oinimny I, was later transferred to the 151st field artillery, Kainibow di vision, where he servea as orderly io (Lionel Lynch of Minneapolis and for a time acted as messenger on several importnsit front during aome of the fierce! fighting, and for aeverul months served as company clerk. He was one of the unfortunate sufferers from ammonia gas, caused by the ex plosion of a large tank of ammonia nn board the itranaport Huapuehana in the harbor at Brcex, Alfred Hniith and wife will occupy the Jacob Hmith place when the Smith family leave for the south. L. P. (lilmore was a week end yuit- or in Portland. lune filth will in the closing day of Monmouth high school. The bacca laureate service will tie heiil tsunnay June 1st at eight o clock p. m. in the Evangelical church. Kev. Peter lonk lin will deliver the eriiion. Prof. J. B. V. Butler will del ver the commence ment aililn June sixth in the hih school audtroitun. V. L. Kevt, a former citizen of Mon mouth, was over from Salem ono day Inst week renewing old acquaintances. S'oimnl lodge 1. O. O. F. was well represented f the grand lodge in Sa lem last week, as wns akm Agate R- bekskh lodge of Monmouth. Many brothers who were not privileged to attend scsions of the grand lodge were seen in the 1ig parade on Thursday. Dell Tedrow aud Harold price were amonie the speakers at the state bun day echool convention held in Corval lis last week. CLOVERDALE NOTES. (Cgtal Journal Speeiel Service) 'Ir-veritale, May 27 W. H. Wilson received word from his son Floyd, who still is In France, that -he has been promoted to sergeant, but as yet they I do not know when be w ill be home. Word was received fretti John ochif fcrer last week that be had arrived safely in New York, and might te ex pn'tcl home in a few weeks now, L. K. He.nnis is putting is a new water system in his reiicne. Walter Waco Is building a new vomit. My stomach became afu'ected so that everything I would eat aottred and bleated me up with gas as tight as a drum. I was bilious, too, had ter rible headaches' and suffered some thing awful. '' 1 tried everything tcould hear of but nothing helped me till 1 began takin Tanbic. It has relieved mo of gas and every sign of indigestion aud my atuumch is in lietter condition than it has been in years. Tanmc hashelped my catarrh wonderfully, it has calm ed my nerves bo 1 can get refreshing sleop at night and I am not troiriiled with that mucus or nausea anymore." Tanlac ia sold in Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch, in flcrvaia by John Kelly, in Turner by II . P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly man II. Shorey, in Silyertoa by Goo. A. Steelhammer, in Gates by Atrs. J. P, MoCurdy, iu Stayton by C A. Beauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora l'rug Store, in St.. Paul by Groceteria Store Co., in Donald by M. W, Johnson in Jefferson by Foshav t Mason, ana in Mill City by Marketeria Gro. Co. JoiaalV ant - A Quick Reference To Firms That G:?2 Service Oa Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEsrnnifO electkicai. 6aleB Electrio Co., Haaoaia T;jcpla, 127 ortk Higtu Tlj.ia -Uaia im REAL ESTATE FOB SALE 120 acres of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, oa food rsad, ia good location, goad kuae and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 enws, S year lings, 50 htad of hogs, round S00 ' cords of wood ready cut, all at a bargain. Writ U V ear Journal. tf DORA DEAN McCVTCHEON. tmet of piano, a new and logical nethod for both pupil and teacher, Easing elear all basic principles Bcwsaary to a musical edueatioa, ant1 giving the 1 ' music teacher" something ta teach. 421 Court St. Phono PEOPLES FURNITURE STO FOR SALE A good doublo team har arss, will trado for hay or grata, or will exchange for good Cry wool See Squaro Deal Realty eompaa. Phone 470 Kay Karris has gone to Florence, Ore, to spend a few doyn. Clifford Hartley ami wife nnd a couple of (friends of. Portland and Mrs. Hartley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of. Washington, are visiting for a few duvs with Mr. W. J. Hartley. : XI. Eliflet .and family and W. J. Hndley and family attended the Dairy picnic in Marion Friday. Mrs. M. Fliflet and Mrs. A. Kunke were visiting with Mrs. I-vl Fliflet in alein Saturday. Oscar Comstock and family of tV lem spent the week end here wilh his annU, Uft. i A. Wood, Mrs. W. H. Wilson and Mrs. J. Thomas. G. W, Farris was a ISalem visitor Friday. Word was received by J. M. Ham ilton that hia son, Norman, employed by Vick Bros, of Salem, broke his arm lust. Fr'nlny. ' Mrs. J. I. 'inig went to Salem last Sunday evening to attend the Ki besuh 'assembly, returning home Friday. Mis. W, Y. Wright and Mis. Delia Blnco went to Portland Friday eve ning to spend the week end with rel atives. Portland Man And Woman Killed When Bus Upsets Portland, Or., May -28. Geoigo C, Held, a motion picture photographer aud Miss Kilim (Inynor, 17, were in stantly killed and several persona were injured this morning when a iurge auto mobile bus overturned as the driver successfully nt tempted to avoid a col lision with a touring cur. . Held and Miss Guvnor wore crushed under the bus. None of the other 14 passengers was futallv hurt. The bus had been hired by the uir nomah Film company to take Id em plovecs to a aiiburb of the city where a movies picture film is in the making BEST BUYS 10 acres fiue fruit land, all cultivat ed, 3 miles of Salem, f UH'O, easy terms 10 acres all cultivated, house, barn S'i acres family orchard, on rock road, 1 miles from Snlem. $3500. 14 acres, logons, family fruit, large house, bora equipped for chickens, on good roan, the beat of ami. ftwu. 5:3 acres joining city, best of soil well fenced, 7 room house, barn. $3500 4 acres, 16 cultivated, 5 logans S prunes, fair house, barn, all equipment and stock including team, cow, lv hogs, 50 chickens, mile from stution. IiOuO SO acres all cultivated, good house. barn, well drained, best of fruit, stain or clover land; a miles from calem. $160; laud all around it not any batter is held at $-00 per acre. $3000 cash balance 6 percent. 100 acres, 90 cultivated, houe, barns, hiring, 10 acres timber, well fenced, closo to stution. $S5 per acre 303 acres, modem improvements, all cultivated, well fenced; one of the fin est mixed farm ranches in tho valley 3 miles from small town; offered for a short time at $i3 per acre on very easy terms. Owner wishes to retire and does not care to rent it. For best house or farm buys aee BOOOLOFSKY Bayno Building i"VS I i s . For bargains in new and secoudhal jjoods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters aad stoves, rues, sewiaf machines, granitewsre, dishes, suit ases, trunks and tools. We was! your old furniture and stoves, will pay you highest cash price. See us lust. People Furniture St-ire, 871 N. Commercial St. Phone 7.U. WATER (XMIPANY SALEM WATER nnji PANT Of flee eornet Commercial and Trade street Bills parable monthly la advance. Phone 60A, Ttc Capital Journal Daily Market Report - Clrala Wheat, soft white J.10 Wheat, lower grades oa sample - Oats r. 85(u 00c Hay, cheat .. .-. . ti Hay, oats 2i Barley, ton V Mill run 4:i((44 Bntterfat. Butterftt 61c Creamery butler Wui ;6.'tc fork, Ysal aad Mutton Pork on foot K'e Veal fancy 17c Steers 7f0c Cows Cfk'Sc Spring lambs 1-c Kwos ........ oe Hhenp, yearlings , HCi' 9c' (( and rsniury Eggs, cash Hens, live Old roosters fltafM Hroilers '. Veietabias Striiwlierries .... ..- Bsdishrs, doz Itlinliurb Potatoes ... N'ew potatoes Greon onions dor. Ilerninda onions, crate Ctbhage Turnips Head lettuce Beets I nut Oranges , Lemons, hot Bananas California grape fiuit tiisck figs lb. Whito figs, lb, . 41c 30c 15c . 20(q.22c Mr '-,.25 30c 3c $1.63 ,. lWir 40e $1.25 . uhfiific .... 'i He $2.75 i'iC NOTICE Scaled proposals addressed to Jef ferson Myers, secretary of the board of resents, Slato Agricultural college. Corvallis, Oregon, will bo received by tho said board of regonli until tun o'clock a, ni. Juno 2. lit I !, for the furnialiing of nil material and the per formauce of all labor required for tho erection and completion of the engin eering laboratory building, for the Agricultural college, state uf Oregon All bids to be endorsed "Proposuls for engineering laboratory building.' Hnid proposals to be opened upon the wbove date by the saia poara oi re gents. All the work and material must eon form to the plans and specifications therefor on filo at tho office of the oollego, Corvallis, Oregon, and of the architect, John V. Cennes, 1040 Cham ber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon. Each proposal must be accompanied by certified cheek of five per cent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee that the auceonsful bidder will eater into a contract according to suid (lan and specifications. Huid check to be made partible to the Agricultural coi lege of the s'tite of Oregon. If for any reason the bidder fails to execute the proper contract and ind required with in ten days after notification of the acceptance of his bid, then certified check will become forfeited to tne Ag ricultural colleue of the elate of Ore son. 68 : trn 7 $3Si 6 IO-'ii. lot . 19'r?0e Package fig) pal It 50 pkf $40.00 H,ey. extracted ZtH Retail meat Egiia dozes TiOc Creamery butter 7oc Country butter "Oe Flour, hard wheat J.iuJ ..'j roruano aum Portland, Or.. May SH. Butter, city creamery, M)(Jf Ble Kggs selected local ei i.iWf.VK Hens 33(0 35c Broilers 3-(i 3'c Oeeae 17(oU'0c Cheese, tiiplcts 37.3'Jc DAILY LTYB STOCK MASEET CttH Receipts 33 Tune of market weak Good to choice steers $12.50 Fair to good steers $IOfi 10.50 Common to fair steers i..i"" " Choice cows and heifers $S,u0(o II Good to choice sows ard heifers $.5(ira 1 1 Medium to good cows bob heifers $S 50to 9.50 Fail to medium cows aad asuen $7( (t.50 anncrs $ . Bulls $-i'-fi S.50 Calves $!)(! U Bogf fteceipts 109 Tone of market steady Tone of market weak Prime mixed $l.5odi 19.75 Hough heavies $!7.75(Yi IS Bulk $19.75 Pigs $l.iU"i 19.30 Bueea Receipts 1270 Tone of market weak Prime IhiilIw $lru'15 T'nir to meil'iim Inmbs $l2(o 1.1.50 Y.Mr!ings 7f U.50 Wethers $7r HM Ewe m Buck $45 MaUoLm Button, who while a f'yitg csdet at Marrh field, Cal suffered a brnkea leg and other injuries, has re turned to his home it Hood biver. SECONDHAND GOODS NO CA8I1 REQLIR E D G ood cvereost hoes and suits, all kinds of mn sis al ins! rumen Is, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gas stoves, auit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have youl The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. WE WANT VOl'R used furniture, stoves, earpell and tools, ae we pay lair prices for everything. Call 847 CAPITAL HARDWARE &, FU&JU Tl'KE OO. ' 285 N. Com '1 St. HATS BLOCKED, REPAIRED HAT BlX,"KINO-I clean and block ladies' and Men's hats. Just re ceived a hat renovating machine.. It gets the dirt, Try It once, O. B, Ellsworth. 493 Court St. Salem, Or. AMUSEMENTS THE SOLDIER BOYS Pool and bil liard parlor it now open under nw management and it renders you and the general public a congenial plaea to pas away few leisuie hour. The basement of Oregon Eleetrio depot, corner of State and High Phone 628. Wm. Livock, prop. STOVE REPAIRING 8TOVBS REBUILT AND SEP AIRED SO years experience, Depot National and American fence. Hires 0 to 58 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, Ola. Loganberry and hop hooks. Bnlem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street, rhone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchange sew aad 2d hand tirniUire. All kind of repair work, light grinding, filing, and brniing a specialty. Right price. 247 North Commercial Bt. Phone 16. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVF.N0 EB Garbage aal refine of all kinds removed oo montt ly contract at reasonable rate. Cess pools cleaned. Dcsd animals re moved. Office phone Main 167. iEYTOLOAN liiViiJUJ On Good Real Estate Becurity TIIOS. K. FORD Over Ladd A Bush bank ; fJalej dragoa FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5H P" cent interest. Prompt service. I4H years time. Federal farm laa bond for sale. A. C. Bohrnstcdt, 401 Ma sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. INSURANCE COUXCiLr-For fraa la- formation about Life Insurance J. F. Hutehason, bst. manager for the Mutual Life of N. Y., offiea at 371 Stale St.. 8alem, Ore. Office phone 99, residence 1396. tf I iTiv-nnvimj LAuniituiinii HOP Lbft, expert laundrvmas, ia Ferry St. 1 psy top market price for chickens snd Eggs. Office phos 133PJ, residence 133.U. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090H Our Prices are Right W. M. ZANDLER, Proprietor - 1253 N. Bummer Street. Salem, Oregol '.. . -.."3 REPAIRING STEWART'S (RKPA1R SSIOP-Hav just installed a machine that will sharpen lawnmowera the in me as ia factory put them out new. Bring all vour light repair work to . Ai vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Phos 403. . 1 J LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PiTinAS MKET AT lleCornaek hall on every Tnetdey at 8. Walter Lcnon, C. C, P. i. KuntJS, K. B. S. ROYAL Neighbors of Amer'ua, Ore gon Grape camp in. M"( meet every Thursday fveni-ig in yCornaek kfcll Elevator sr-vica. Orse.le, Mr. t!i rie E. Bubo, 645 Vnioa M; re-' dr Mr. Melissa Perions, 145 If 4ih'8t. Phone 143CM.