Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 28, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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TTbe reason there arc so many Fords in use
cyery day is because the "Ford" car is the
most useful utility in tow activity today.
svaaj E
Cure are coming through reg
ularly car of 10 received yes
terday another to arrive in
few days; all due to the fact
we hae sent in our signed
We want your order today as
our allotment actually depends
on our signed order. Place
your order today and we can
assure you prompt delivery.
REMEMBER-That after you buy a Ford
' car you have the assurance of unequalled
"after service".
Old Guard Whs Out In Ratifi
cation Of Fsauce Commit
tee Chairman.
Washington, May 27, (United Press;
By vote of 34 to fight, senate Re
publicans in caucus today reaffirmed
the clectioa in bi'nator Penrose a chair
man of the finance committee. The cau
cus n public. The 8 who voted against
Penrose were Senator Borah, Capper,
Cummins, Johnson, California; Kenyon,
Lenroot, McCormick and McXarv.
klley Motor Co.
Ford Sales
and Service
Vick Bros.
High St.
Opp. City Hall
(Capital. Journal Special Service)
Mt. Angel, May 27. Mia Anna Oli
voiti and jirl friend from I'ortlau't
spent flip week end at the former'
Mr. and Mr. Frank Alhurs of Cot
tonwood, Idaho, are on their honey
moon trip, visiting friends and rela
tives, Mrs. Atbers ((lertruiln Schnech
er) formerly lived in this place.
T(ti Mime tlertruiie and Bertha
Schwab and Mr. and Mrs. Ledeaux are
visiting at home.
Arrived at the home of Joe Walker,
a baby boy. f
Mr. Keller has sold hi home to Mr.
Miimlier of Dakota. Mr, and Mr. Rol
ler have left for their former home In
Akbent Weasel left lust Monday lor
hi home near Cottonwood, idiiho,
where he and hi brother have a farm.
Mrs. Weasel ia visiting her daughter
in eastern Oregon,
Peter Dieriueyer ha purchased the
Rome place.
Corporal John Frison ha Ttdurned
from overseas, where he saw duty for
eighteen months.
John Esch, Bill Terhnnr and Ou
Schueo havu recently been disehargod
from the army and are now at homo.
Th eneighlmri gave a surprise party
fur Joe Fatilhnber Sunday evening.
The roud meeting held Innt Thursday
night was well attended. .
A mimical recital, consisting of in-
that will take from those who make
big profits and enjoy huge income the
bulk of the country ' prosperity," (aid
r "Wo will oppose to the limit of our
powreer any tax mcfisire which do not
recognize this principle, or which keek
to make those least able to pay, and
who are Indirectly taxed ii other ways,
the bearers of an undue elm re of the
tax burden."
laii r - . -J i a rzzzro -I-
flf s - sc (
U V- . ) , VJL8JLJL.V
---I r1 , , , .
till I 1 frwwmn'j
L 1 II I'i1 il l Sll?M l
,i ml
, liefest) u-
fill) w '
good service and low" cost of fuel. See the special
Gas Saving Burners. More heat and less gas.'
Your Old Stove Taken In Exchange
310 Court Street
(By L. C. Martin)
(I'nited Press Staff Corresioiideut.)
Washington, Mar 27 Semite progres
sives tod&y began their 'oik-o air"
fitikt on Senator l'enrose as chairman of
the finance committee. -
Having forced an opea Republican
caucus the first in congressional his
tory to get their" auti-l'enrose views
before the country, "progressive"
ured that the Bepublican committee
lists, agreed upon and announced yes-
tnrduy lie amended by striking out Pen
rose nr.nie as finance chairman.
They have agreed, Senator Borah said,
to abide by the decision of the open
caucus, ami not carry their fight against
Penrose personally to the floor.
The fight on Warren as chairmen of
appropriations was abandoned some
days ago, on the ground that there
were 'enough men on the committee to
see that an economy program is ob
served. The coiitinniiiK fight on "Penrose
ism" will iniike clear to the conntry,
Senator Borah said today, that it is a
system and nut man the progressives
il l Til B!f) TEXAN
oris Writer Says Wizard
Underestimates Pimdi
Of Challenger.
By H. C. Hamilton
(United lres staff eorrespondejit)
Xew York, Mav 27. In a recent
statement Jess Willard i reported to
have said that when he fought Jack
Johnson he was hit so had that liii
jaw bone was cracked aad that John
son punished him so severely about the
body that three of his ribs' were brok
en. Jess them added, according to this
eeiorted statement, that, since Johnson
had given him such a pjummeling and
still did not win, there was little-
chance that Jack Demrwey would be
able to hurt him.
Xow Jem undoubtedly is wrong
about this. Even if Johnson did break
tht Willardi jaw and ribs he is wrong,
tor lK-mpsry and Johnson a iMincli-
ing cannot be compared. Dempsey hits
vastly harder than the ne;jro and he
nits with deadly precision, straight to
a vital point. If Willard s law ever
stops a full swinging Dempseyy punch
the present champion will next get his
bearings atfter teh scrap is over, for
he certainly will fall for a full count.
The very fact that Johnson hit him
high high enough to break the bone
under the temple is proof that Willard
did not have to take the kind of a
punch that lays boxers unconscious.
Kib breaking isn't any more than heart
breaking for tho boxer who is knocked
out toy those punches.' Many a ooxer
ha gone through a pa title with a
broken rib. Willard is not the first
man who ever did it. The jaw breaking
lis something else, but it occuis to me
that it might make the very cautious
"We stand for s system of taxation Champion even more cautious when he
foresting numbers, was held at the
academy last Wodiiesday afternoon. It
was repeated Monday for the benefit
of the llioys of Mt. Angel college.
Frank Walker has returned from tho
Hilverton hospital where he ha been
confined for a few weeks.
Court House Notes
Katie Cox has brought suit for a
divorce from (llenn K, Cox, They were
married in Bosebiirg, February 23,
1914, and he deserted in April of'lDlH,
nor lis he contributed anything to
wards the support of his wife for the
past year or so, Mrs, Cox asks for
the restoration of her maiden name,
Katio May Savage. No children or
projierty lights are involved in tho
Harold W. Kelly ha been given a
full aud absolute divorce from Kvelyn
Kelly, aeeordingt o he records of the
circuit court. ,
la the suit of tho Hammond Lum
ber company aguiuat tho Pubic Serf
ice commission, a decree has been cjr
tered in .the circuit court that the
lumber company is entitled to the re
lief it sought in the reduction of
freight rates. The decree holds that
I tho rate now charged for the hauling of
I logs by the Columbia ft Nchalem Kiv-
or Itailway company is a reasonable
i rate.
j In the caw of Addle It. Pane versus
II. J. Miles ami IMiiaM y. M:ilc( a
motion lis .Wen filed asking that the
case ibn placed on the docket for trial
at the term of court to Ibegin June li.
In the matter of the four minor chil
dren, Kenneth, Wilbur, Halod and Don
ald Moore, the apiaijors of the prop
erty involved find the total to be
i(H;UI.:i;i. The appra'nemeirt was made
by Miis CaKsta Moore, Mr. Kllda W.
j Moore and Martin Oloson.
New Taxes Levied E;
! Latest Revenue Law
J Collector of cuitoms M. A. Miller,
'gives out the following information
j rt.LH i .It og the new revenue law:
. The leveuiio a. t of 1913 provides in
icressed special taxes upon brokers,
Ipiiwii (broker ship brokers, runloin
; house bcoLers, theaters, public exhibi
tions, bowling alleyts, and Milliard and
steps into the ring with a hard punck
ing, rushing demon like Dcmpsey.
Willard' reported statement that he
could not do any boxing for six months
after his affair with Johnson in Ha
vana was followed by the admission
that he toured the country showing
every one tho Wows with which he won
tho world's championship. Ho boxed
in these exhibition ith Waiter Monn
huu and ho is reported to have said
that Monahan had to ibe very careful
not to injure the broken spots.
Well, Walter undoubtedly was care
ful with the champion. He didn't hit
him any plnce with any more force
than he would have used in breaking
an egg, but at the same time it seems
Jera would have been in too much pain
to have gone through even this much
boxing. Undoubtedly the big chdt-f ion
deserves a great deal of crediit for his
nerve in carrying out the exhibition
tour with three broken rib and a frac
tured jaw. but how he can compare
Johnson's punching, even with the
broken bones, with thnt of Dempsey
passes comprehension. Dempsey is the
greatest punching heavyweight since
the days of FiUaimmons, Kven Should
he lose to Willard, this fact remains.
(Capital Journal ftpoctal Service)
Silverton, May 28. -Mr. and Mrw. T.
K, Preston have rented the John War
nock home for the summer. Mr. War
nock has moved to his farm.
The I'nited- Lutheran church gave
a reception for the returned soldiers
and sailors at the church parlors last
Sunday. A large number of soldiers,
sailor and their friends and relative
were in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Kayinond Bristol are
the proud parent of a baby girl, horn
May at). The baby weighs tt'ii pounds.
Mrs. K. B. MeLendon has been quite
sick at her home on Liberty hill.
fieorge Nteelhaininer is spending a
fow days in Portlund. He expects to
take the Shrineis degree of the Ma
sons while there.
Misn Blanche Hubbs spent the week
end at the home of her brother, Nate,
at Marion.
Mr. Sherlock expect to move his
family to New berg in the very near
future where they will have charge of
a rooming house. The Sherlocks have
resided in Silverton for a number of
years and will be greatly nkissed by
their manv friend.
Miss Alma Pago has been ill during
the past week and unable to attend
school, i
Mrs. J. O. Smith is visiting in Port
land. Miss Vivian Browne was in Salem
one day last week.
The parent of this Bock, Jr.. nrt
Paul Wmy wcie overjoyed last Satur
day when news came that the young
men had arrived from ovorsea and
are stationed at Camp Green. They ex
pect to rojwh Camp Lewis soon.
Ca.pt. Iick Ko visited his bruilicr,
Atorney Custer lto, over the week
lr. Keene has recently received a
commission as captain in the army re-
Have You Tried Tuxedo in theNeialij
It' oft uid pliable-decreaiet in lize M ff a,
the tobacco u ued tobacco does not
cakeinthepackare no diggins; it out f J
i with the finger. Keepi the tobacco fj' ;
in even better condition than tin. g f
Now, don't you owe it to yourself f
to buy a package and gnre '
Tuxedo a trial? Not quite at
much tobacco a in the tin, .'
but . '.'
f Jt ,
$ . .... -
Vl tij aj s
, l aaV f J auo patcu ,
I. tf famoui green tins
FX. XT ! ai heretofore. f
LAV.'heat afraw the Ksl.urt. thin- :
-lejt, incit, s!ront cigarette pspr in all '
the world. Koll a luzedo cnrele syitft
LA CROIX papers. 4 i . . .ftf n '; jl '
Finest Burley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till perfect
plus a dash of Chocolate
: i r --'fit
' '..in
L "Mi
vL rrxO, x f li
$ "YourNosa
n maws
( 4
'ii The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette .
pool tlle. It also provides ieciat tax- .,,.
i . iii.i.M Ih., i.rt.i.r, nf .1... - t. ..ii
leries, riding academies and for hire
i cars. The term broker embrace com
I mission merchants and commercial
brokers in stocks and bonds.
i n iw nx-w Hill incrcn'.oo inxes are i
icftective UMn and after Jan. 1, jtl9,
'and the tax for the ertod of Jan. 1st,
jto June Kit. 1!H!, was, by the law, re
quired to ibe paid on or before March
ii'.'ith. However, on account of the de
May in prewring the regulations and
Itli!' couKistun in the various offices,
jthe time or patmrnt of taicl has been
Intended br the commissioner of in
ternal reveiiue to not later titan May
31, linn, aftr which date, he will be
at the Howard home over Sunday.
(By t'nited Press.)
Yesterday's winners: San Francisco,
Salt Lake, Los Aiarcles.
Home un Sheelv. Bees.
Phil tioei ncr hit to left field in the
th dri'incd the bases of the three
i required it aannas a venalty provided j men thereon naj the Seals buuiiK'd the
tiy law, amounting to .1 percent of theluaks, 6 to 4.
tax. j The Bees stung the Senator. to 3.
The tax on motor boats used fr;stf!lc support of Main won the game
pleasure and of not more than 0 tons.
j was increases! by the same act from
i3 to 10 per aiinum, effective April
j 1, l!lt, and all owner of such boat
iare nnpiired t. pay additional tax from
April 1st t June 3th. Tai tax most
also le paid by May Jl, to avoid any
It is hoped that tx payer affected
br t-h.se section will make pavment
for the Mormon.
Arbuckle' ags;rc(;ation taliied one
lone run, ia the niatu.waich proved to be
insufficent, a the Angels won 4 to 1.
It's a long trip from Los Angcle to
Seattle, so the Kainier couhln't arrive
at their hometown in time to do battle
with th IVaver.
"Martyrs of Yesterday"
ftstoncal Film Story
There is being filmed in Portland,
Oregon, a drama that is certain to be
one of the best and most interesting
that ha ever been presented to the pub
lic. This historic drama is based on
tho Whitman Massacre of 1847. Onu
scene filmed recently included the Lew
is and Clark banquet at St. Louis, show
ing the rich gowns worn by the lady
guests, beautiful table ware in all its
brilliuncy. tinily beaded Net Perce In
dians are alao shown in the back ground.
This instructive picture is being filmed
by Mr. Raymond Wells, the author, and
Mr. Lewis H. Moomaw, head camera
man at the studio of the American
Lifeograph company at 33rd and Hal-
soy streets for the Multnomah Film eom-i
The brave Dr. Ms re us Whitman, who
left New York State in ISIIj and his
honesty and bravery will be most In
terestingly shown in the pray. y;t
ui;. 11. the missionary, was an excellent
physician as well and wes often called
upon to pi form difficult tasks. At
Laramie Dr. Whitman cut from the back
of Capt. Bridgcr an iron arrowhead three
inches in length which a Blackfoot Jn
.linn had plr.nted there.
The part of Mrs. Whitman, the beau
tiful, helpful bride, who left her dear
ones in Plattsburg, New York, to ac
company her husband and assist him in
missionary work in tha unknown west,
will be played by an excellent actroa
It is to be hoped that this instruct
ive play mav be seen all over America.
This drama is entitled "Martyrs of
War Camp Community Plans
For Rest Of Year Outlined
At the meeting of the War Camp
Community Service committee held yes
terday afternoon with Secrelary John
Todd, plans for the balance of the yeai
were outlined. These include a number
of receptions or social affair for the
soldiers and sailors who have retnrneil
home. Efforts will also be made to ren
der material assistance to soldiers in
need of employment Or education. The
budget adopted by the committee pro
vides for the expenditure of 100 dur
ing the next three months. Following
is the general committee in change of
the work for Marion county:
R. O. Snelling, chairman; John W.
Todd, executive secretary; Paul Wallace
vice-chairman; Joseph Albert, treasurer;
Thomas I). Kay, Judge Buehey, C. E. Al-
bin, H. W. Meyer, W. H. Dancey, Mrs.
I Alice H. Dodd, Mrs. F. A. Flliott, Mia
I Cornelia Marvin, Dr. K. N. Avisou,
Arthur Lawrence, Mrs, John A. Carson,
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks.
The executive committee is composed
of K. O. Snelling, Rev, A. N. Avison,
Thomas B. Kay, Mrs. John Carson and
A. N. Lawrence.
Taft To Speak In Defense
Of League At Chicago Today
Chicago, May 28. (I'nited Press.)
The first mid west battle in the defense
jof the league of nations was scheduled
: for Chicago tonight with Former Presi
dent William H. Taft as the speaker.
I Taft will speak tomorrow tt the con
vention of the League to Knforce Peace
at Springfield. III. '
Prfhlbii'Kin and woman saffrai
not later than May 31t, so to avoid were victorious at Satur lav's pencral
the anertioa of any penalties. ejection in Tca.
Roy Cluvton Furgeson and Cora Real
liilhcrt were married May 24, lri!. at
t'J m, in their own tour home at Salens,
Oregon, Rev. 1). C. Bevan officiating.
The riijr ceremony was nsed. There
were fortv guests present, mostly rela
tives. Following the eerc4on they sveie
all taken by auto to the home of the
bridegroom's parents where a sumptu
ous diner was served.
Mi's (Sillvert i one of Marion man
ty's successful teachers, loved by all
who know her. Mr. Kurgeon Is a book
keeper in the state house, is a young
man of clean habit and fine bus!ne
ability. Their friends honored them with
many valuable presents.
i"Mf' VV7
sBHIUUjii 11 haiiiiiiiiiiw"iiMiNiiisW
Dorit toss and turn all night
u-illstoplthat itch '
Fo-jr hocr ol !ecp lost throosb that painful itching mean long
wearisome hour next day tiled oot onht lor work. Tonijht spply
Resinol Ointme.nl jafl before rcrirj. The rcsnlti will lurprije yoo,
All itching and piin niualiy &ityprxrt like magic.
Ml. M i Snsr. 1 9SrHMKia art. S.wsnt, htrnmrrt. Mi.