Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 28, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Bate pet word Jfew Today:
Each insertion , lc
One week (6 Insertion) 5c
month (26 insertion 17
The Capital Journal will not b re
ar) alible for mora than ona insertion,
(or errors in Classified Advertisement
Bead jour advertisement the first day
appears ana, nouiy ui immediately tf
rror oeeors.
Minim 11 a charge, 15c.
WOOD for sale. Phone 093 M.
CALVBS I want 3 or 4 day-old calves
C. U. Kusseli, phoce 31-3. tf
WANTED All kinda of shieken. Will
pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf
TOR plowing or orchard work with
traotor, caU 17F14. 5-28
W. BEAVER well driller, phone 827
J, 1163 N. lth St., Salem. Or. 64
FRAME your photographs,
ap. Buren's, Com, St.
JTOR BALE 9x12 fluffy rug, new. 523
N. 20th. Phone 2026W. 5-26
."WANTED All kinda of cattle. Thone
1155. 6-19
JAS. LTOXS practical painter. Phone
704. tf
TILLAMOOK farm for sale, will run
30 cow. Bo 521 Tillamook, Or. 5 23
FOR SALE Freeh Jersey cow. Kt. 7,
boi 17. 5 28
FOR RENT Small house, partly furn
ished. Call 193t.M. 5-28
Jil FRESH milk
cow for sale.
WANTED 3 or 4 men at the Quaker
Nurseries. Phone 25O0J2. , 5-31
FOR SALE iBy owner 7 room house,
close in, furnished or unfurnished.
592 If. Commercial fct, 5 31
THE AAZLEAVOOD does shoe repair
ing, neatly done. 321 tV. Com. St.
XUGS cleaned 35 eta, after June 1st
SOe per rug. Phone 16, Buckner.
10 ACRES close in, all in cultivation,
with or without crop, $3500. 8993
care Journal. 5-81
FOR 8ALE-U)ne Studobaker car,' re
painted and in good condition, good
tires, cheap. 863 X. Com 1. tf
FOR SAiLB-Or trade 1916 Reo 6, r
pasaongor car, or will trade for road
ster. Phone 483. 5-28
tX)R fiAMS Seven room cottage at
$fyo crenk. Jl bargain if taken at
once. Write box M 26 Journal. 5 28
Ol RL wanted for general housework.
Inquire at Will's Music stose. Phone
159 or 2080W. 5 30
BERRT pickers wanted, 8 acres goose
berries, 6 acres strawberries. Phone
1207M. -62
TOH KENT Modern fumished home
at 145 N. 14th; furnace, fireijluce,
piano and garage. 5-28
lv"ANTni 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms
with water; permanent; no children,
cheap. J-4 care Journal. 5 2'J
TRAILERS for sale and made to or
der. Woodry's Auction Market, Fer
ry and liberty. 6 15
FOR SALE Touiato plants, earliest
strain, fine heavy plants. Phone "JW
W. 529
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
pward. Buren's Furniture Store,
179 Commercial. tf
WANTED Leaky radiators to repair,
Salem Auto Radiator shop, 198 S.
X2th. 66
DAVE your roof repaired, cleaned and
tarred. For particulars phone 1446.
.WANTED Loan of $500 on real es
tnto, good security. CaU at 247 N.
Commercial. tf
rEEB BOOKLET' Care Baby Chiekj'
- 544 Btato Bt. Telephone 400
Headquarters for baby chicks, tf
BAROAJ N in 160 acres near rhuo
uiath if taken soon; paitly cultivat
ed; house and barn. Part cash, bal
ance terms. Write Turner Kt. 2, bcx
f i '
rmn V r a T rrMlTT3ir T7T
if r. Z . . . ,
I LfUW YUU TU rAI 1UU.W Uli MULilil USU Wll ; ibuJdinga. Well feneed and wll wa
'.l till ULAiOli UUft UUAilU
mi tou
WANTED Good driving horse ws-ight
bout Call 24FS1. ' 5-29
VACANT 4 room apartment at The
Miller, 633 Kerry. . tf
WANTED Cattle and calves, anv
kind. Phone J576W, 6-27
TOCXa man wanted at Gray Belle.
TO TRADE Modern 5 room bungalow
for rird and some cash, balance
terms. Phone 159M. tf
Money in rabbit.
RaUbitry. tf
FOR SALE 6 room house, modern er
wp neat, good location, paved
street, 3 blocks north of state house,
$3000. Cash or tonus. Phone 1435J
FOB SALE Team, weight 2800 Ifcs.,
oarnoss ana wagon for $150, or will
trade for stock. Address Bt. 3, box
5, Turner, Ore. or call 1140 a 15th
St. J.ojj
TRAVELING man and wife want furn
ishott fcousekecinng' rooms, in good
diutriat, close in. W. B. Peairs, Bligh
hotel. . g.jjjj
FOR SALE One Jersey eow, fresh,
3Vi gallons per day. 2015 X. Com 'I
St. 5.09
FOR SAXE-Studobaker, first class
mechanical condition, new battery, 2
uw ures, just overtrauied, newly
painted, -400. Phone 1415. 5 28
FOR SALE -40 acre farm in crop,
aome of best land in Oregon. For
particulars write owner, Bt. X, box
42, Scio, Or. . 8-19
WANTED Strawberry and loganber
ry pickers, 10 acres good picking,
pay seats per box. B O Zeilinski,
Kt. 9, box ILIA. 529
FOR 8A.LE Two boilers, 1 eight horse
nonionau, tu at Capital City Co
operative Creamery. tf
MECHANICS opportunity, etabli1ied
uumness, ,)ncii BuUUiug. 1'hone 1135
W or write C. F. Barnell, 2923 Oaks
Ave, Everett, Wash. 6-3
FOR SAXiEBeiven head of fresh J
sey owa, can be eecn three blocks
west of 25th street on south side of
Turner read. Owner will be at pas
ture from 6:30 to 8:30 morning and
evening.- Phone 2290J. 5 29
Ona 1917 Velie six, ran but 3000
miles, looks like new, price 12.ri0.
On 1918 Chevrolet almoet now 750.
.One Ch&lmera rebuilt and in perfect
condition $350. See those buys at Sa
lem VeKe company, 162 North Com
mercial street. - 6 29
FOR SALE Sly owner at a. sacrifice,
8 room house in A-l condition built
, only aliort time, large lot, improved
street, e!om to new packing plant
now building, also school and car;
will take good young team and out
fit or late model ear in good condi
tion, on dual. Look this up if you
want a fine home at a bargain; no
'agent. Aaarese s care Journal. 6 2
SOME good first mortgages On farm
lunds for sale. Interest 6 percent
Money to loan on city property and
for ibuilding loans. Kates reasonable.
Prompt service.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
MORE of those splendid bargains
that we advertised have been taken.
We have some more consisting of
residence from a few hundred dol
lars on tho installment plan, up to
tbe best homes in Salem. Aim from 5
aeses up to large farms. We also
have some unimproved land for sale
very cheap; also some splendid tim
ber 5 miles ont; drop in and talk it
over. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404
LU'uWd ibid. tf
JOe; BEST MEALS 35e. tf
n nn -irrTT .rinr -n nT it
1 uvwj it is
. ' f I
Ore. f
f t
SALBSMAV4 WAE-CTOR w i n t c dj
wita car. SA. Slate M., b&lein, Or. 6-4
WASTE! A range, Bust ! in good
condition yy v care Journal. 5-31
W1IJ pasture row far milk, good paa-
WANTED To rent a pasture; also
have berry wagon for sale cheap.
Kt. 7, box 4a. 8-23
FOR RENT Modern 6 room house
with growing garden. Phone 1231B
5 PASSENGER Ford for sale cheap,
good condition, 9375. Salem Velie
company, 13 X. Commercial 8t 5-2S
WAATED 4U300 on new tractor out
fit and aext years ernp, pay 8 per
cent. Kt. 2, box 40, itictreaU, Or.
FOB SALE Furnished apartment
hoose; income $iH) per moati. Phone
or c-s. M
MASTODON' pansv plants in bloom;
fine cabbage plants, etc. 22W Will
St. Phone ViJ. B 29
FOR SUE-A fine young full blood
iartndfie cock, i'faoae 2j4 or 622.
30 ACRES of clover for tale, standing.
fclvin Herr. Kt. 2, Biiverton-feelivn
road. . 528
HEMSTITCttaXG nd pieo edge work
guaranteed. tiner bowing .Machine
Co., 337 State St. 6-4
FOR SALE Ton and a half Ford
truck, chain drive at 345 South 14th
St. "5 31
WANTED Work, man and 2 boys, age
17 and 18 years any kind, i hone
432J. 529
30 acres, rich as beaverdam, 6 acres
in string Deans, 2 acres potatoes, a
corn, some garden and berries, 1 acre
peaches, 1 apples, 8 acrea hay; fair im
provements. 1'nis choice property if
taken now can be had with crop at
$3500. the vrop will net $1000. The
best buy on the toiarkef; liberal terms.
404 Hubbard bldg.
FURNITURE for sale, 1 oak extension
dining room talble, 1 large oak dres
ser, 1 fine oak writing desk, Whito
sewing machine (tittle used), iron
bedstead with springs and mattress,
3 rocking chairs, Victrola, sabrly
aew; Voaa A Son piano, nearly new.
Also quantity of canned fruit. Fruit
jars and vacuum awet"per. Call ait
1453 Court tit or phone 2394R. 5-28
7 room modern bungalow, large light
rooms, largo closets, (bath, fireplace, ce
ment ibasament, close to eapitol, for
quick silo $3200, M, cash.
7 Rooms
lTp to he minute in every particular
chj-ico 'looatiom fjvj'nntly (furnished,
hot water heat, good garage; one of
Salem's ideal homes, $5500.
Lot us sliow U
404 Hubbard building
OAN locate a few repoiiit)le parties
on R. R, grant government land in
Iiinouln county, school vlose, good
land, plenty wood and water and out
range. Leave Sat. a. m. Address city
gen. Del., T. W. Mctiinnia. 5-30
NOTICE To prune growers, If yon in
tend to build or remodel your drier
it will pay you to see my patented
improved hot ir,hcating system at
my place, route 1, &haw, Or, on any
dny rr at Theo M. Barr's plumbing
and boating shop Salem, Or., a''er
liny KDth, where they are boing con
structed. For further particulars
writo or call on J. W. Feilier, Bt. 1,
Shaw, Or. 5 31
White gns, perfect condition, $600
Ford 'i ton truck, thoroughly ov
erhauled, $500
Reo 6 cylinder, 7 pafwengor $600
IVj ton Locomotiile truck, $450
in 17 Chevrolet $500
Fianders "20", perfect condition,
. now tirns, $205 .
1918 Maxwell, almost new, $800
2 ton lumber truck at a bargain
We wreck autos for thoir parts, this
en awes you to get old ear parts at a
bargain. Cash price paid for jank
Vj ton Ford truck, thoroughly ever
hauled $475
5 pasasngur Studobaker $180
J 916 Chevrolet $475
1I7 Ford $400
349N.ComlSt Phone 666
K9 tate Ctreot
We boy your ear or eell ea eeatatia
on. Overland, model 90, r,o
1917 Hudson aurmrix $1704
1917 Urunoa i75
Fine Little roadster cheap
1917 Dort $575
Maxwell, good as aew, $654
Vj-ton new delivery ear, $!7J
First class auto lanadry aad m titl
Onod 3'K acre I'miMioa valleT raoch
nearly all in cultivation and all good
mm. bhmIIv hnltroa lanii tinnA t.rv.
.house, large bra and aU kinds of out
V miles from Bosriiurg. $:X)00
jmariiinery f'fwls, crop, all for $10,000.
Will sell on good terms or will take
gond small acreage of 49 to 60 acres to
j$l0.00; $25t0 cash and long time oo
i balance,
Sports asi Kasic to Play E!g
Part in -Grsduaiica
Inritatioaa ha been issued for the
annual oomBwnHmit exercises of the
Salem LutUan school at Chemewa from
Juae 1 to June 6.
The baceaknreate sermon will be
preached Sunday evening at e'SVlock,
June 1, to be delivered by the Rev.
Thomae b. Anderson of the First t re
bytorian church, Salem. At 2:30 o'clock
Sunday afternoon there will be given
a sacred concert ruUowed by a dress
parade at 4:30 'cluck.
The J ro gram for the remainder of
tie week is as follows:
Baseball game 2:30 p. m.
Band concert, bandstand, 6:45 p. ni.
Declainatioa content s p. m.
Inter-clasa iField Siwrts 9:30 a. m.
Baseball game 2:30 p. m.
Girls' mandolin and guitar club re
cital p. ni.
Aealemic and industrial departments
open to inspection 'by visitors 9:30 a. m
Dress parado a p. m.
1'hvaicai culture exhibition gymna
sium 2:45 p. m.
Band concert, bandstand 6:43 p. m.
Entertainment 8 p. ni.
Competitive military drill and pa-
rade 9:30 a. m.
Orauntion exercises and presenta
tion of diplomas 2:JU p. m.
Band concert, bandstand 6:4o p. ni
Opereita Windmills of Holland, 8
p. m.
"Jollv ip" and presentation of priz
es 9:30 a. ni.
I'seball game, Brewer hall vs Mitch
ell baU 2:30 p. m.
Social students and employes 7:Jt)
p. m.
Zowie! Look What The T.B.
E Warhles For Recreation
Besides some speech making, mem
bcrs of the Commercial elub who mot
this noon at the Marion hotel, attempted
a little singing on the side. Words of
some of the popular songs were run off
on the Commercial club mimeograph.
Here is one of the song that the over-
worked business men attempted to ting:
' How 'ya gonna keep em, down on the
farm, after they're seen rareeT
How 'ya gonwa keep 'cm, sway from
Broadway; raisin' aroun , and
paintin' the town!
How 'ya gonna keep 'cm away from
harm, that a a mystery;
They'll never want to see a rake or
plow, aad who the deuce eaa parley
vout a cowl
How ya gonna keep "em down on the
farm, after they've seen Faroe I"
Second Cousin Of Former
Kaiser Dies la Seattle
Seattle, Wash., May 26. Mis Elsa
Von Kalow, second cousin to William
Hohcnzollern, former emperor, of tier
many and grand daughter of Prince
Albert of Primaia, died Sunday after
noon at the home of her sixter, Mrs.
John Mountain, fol owing an illiieHS of
two years.
Counten Anna Pauline Fredcricko
Von Oorst, daughter of Prince Albert
of Prueiiia, who became famous in F,u
rope and America as a singer under the
name of Madame V'arina, and who (lied
in Seattle on January 1, 1918, was the
mother of Min Von KhIow.
Mibs Von Kalow was 37 years old, Her
mother and father, Ir. Von Kalow,
were both naturalized citizens and nhe
had been a Ktuumh American citizen
all her life, notwithstanding her blood
relationship to the cx-kaiser.
Funera services will be held Tues
day afternoon.
Morris and Joe Pass Seattle brothers
convicted on charges f seditious con
spiracy, havo been taken to McNeil's
Island to serve the two years given
FOR SALE Cheap if taken"' this week
5 passenger automobile, come and
see for yourself. 1308 North Com.
St. 529
FOR BENT Xentlr fnrnihed ft
toge, city wter, yard, Nye bench.
Reduction if taken for aeswin. Phone
Mrs. Thoa Burrows, 1201W. tf
FOB EALE 50 acrrs cf Inhd nil in cnl
Uvation, no tiiubiings, 2' miles from
state house, first eUum logniHberry
land. For particulars oee W. A. Lie
ton, agent, 484 Court. 5 31
WANTED Lady a sextant bookkeeper
Addreos ns in own handwriting stat
ing age, oxptrionee and references.
Valley Motor company. 2S0 High St.
Good fotiena are sow open
ta taa sew V. S. Merrhant Ma
rina. W aesd 50$ atsa for im
mediate aervMS aboard oar new
Mesa earners, food pay. Travel"
to all fiarta of the world. Mea
but wee a the are of XI to 35 ia
slusive ars eligible. Too most
fee ea Aaterieaa citizen. For full
informaUoa apply at
115 8. Commercial fit.
miiffl Dim
Lcca! Soldiers Frcm Every
Branch Of Scnice Re-
f -T ft I'iftna
The bovs are gradually coming home,
John W. Holu"iu of 344 Front street
arrived last evening f rent Cumo XHla
biid, Msfyland, where he had hecn kta
tioe4 for 16 months. His. work as
mostly in handling freight, following
the same Use of work he did while ia
the Southern Pacific f.eight Clfice be
fore coins; into the service.
Aha Burleson, former member of
Curupaty M, ltt2ud iafaatry, is home.
He saw hi share of real fightrng.
Shortly before the arniisti-e was signcA
he was transferred from the front to tbe
central postoffiee at Tours, France,
where he was assigned to special duty.
Breyman Boise will reach New York
City Thursday of this week, according
to word received yesterday by fats fath
er, R. P. Boise. He satied from Bor
deaux May 18 after having seen active
service for 18 mouths in France. Just
before returning, he wr.s with the army
of occupation iu Germany. At one time
much fear was felt regarding his safe
ty as no word had been received from
him for several months.
William Bone is home, having served
in France with the 2utk Engineer. Be
fore enlisting, he was mailing clerk m
the state printing office. He has a
family of & wife and two children.
Their home is on South l9th street.1
Otto Kubin, another stale employe re
turned te Bill cm yesterday. He arrived
in Fiance in August of 1917 and was in
the air service serving at the front.
Glenn Day, direct from the famous
German city of Coblenx, ij home again.
He was with the medical corps. Mrs.
D&y, during his absence has been em
ployed in the city recorder's office. Bo
left a few days ago to meet her husband
in Portland.
Allan Kafoury, former high school
student is home. Ho was with the mo
tor transport service in Franco and was
in on the big stuff In the Argon ne
forests and at Chateau Thierry. He is
a nephew of the Kafoury brothers dry
goods merchants of this city.
Bodney Alden, son of Dean and Mrs.
George H. Alden is home. He was a
member of Company M and left with
the company ia the spring of 1917. Af
ter his arrival in France he was trans
ferred to the 35th infantry and was In
the Argonne Forest drive. Ho received
his discharge at Camp Lewis.
Comssencement Program Of
Kimball SchoII Announced
The commencement calendar of the
Kimball Bchool of Theology beginning
next Sunday is as follows;
Sunday June 1 At 11 a. ra. in the
First Methodist .Episcopal church, bac
calaureate sermon by Bev. William Wal
lace Toungson, D. I)., superintendent of
the Portland district of the Oregon eon-
His Latest
J )
y ...... f
1 1
I.:.. .... :. i
I 7
Theatre I
You should most certainly float a flag on "DEC
ORATION DAY." The Day given over in sacrcl
memory of those brave hearts who made the su
preme sacrifice for LIBERTY and FREEDOM.
Every American should own the "Stars and Stripes."
We carry them in all sizes.
You Can Always Do Better At
l t !V J I
ference, Methodist Episcopal church.
Tuesday June 3 At 3:30 t. m . in
the hall of assembly, competitive read
ing of scripture, hymns and ritual, un
tae ruher prie.
Wednesday, June 4 At 8 p. in., in
the hall of assembly, reception by Pros,
ident aiml Mrs. 11. J. Tnlliott to the
trustees, faculty, students and frieitw.
of Kimball School 0f Theology, in hon
or of the graduating class.
Thursday. June 5 At 4 n. m.. in the
hall of assembly, the annual communion
j Friday, June 6 At 2:30 p. m in tbe
j hall of assembly, graduating exercise
k'ommeneeinent address bv Rev. K. H.
.Scbiiett, S. T. B., D. D., minister of the
jFirst Methodist Episcopal church, Ta
I coma, Washington. Clianro tn the irrad-
luates nd presentation of diplomas by
ITesulent 11. J. Tnlbott. At 4:30 p. m.,
in the library, annual meeting of the
alumni. At 6 p. m., alumni bennuet, at
Leslie Methodist Episcopal church.
Inventory Of Withycombe
Estate Filed With Gcrk
An inventory of the. estate of for
mer governor James Withycombe ws
filed today in the office of the eeanty
clerk. Th appraisers of the estate were
Mark Me.t'ullister, Frank A. Ward snd
('. E. ALbin.
The appnaisement hos a total of
22,151.22, which includes irives'mens
in liberty bonds amounting to 2.20V and
$55 in war savin? ,,tamr.
The ilemiwd list of the istat as
appraised and submitted to the county
court is aa follows.
iKVdnoa no o.vrmvis
loqxAqAttg uoTBspjnoX
tsy t azoqioqoM "Juoi
B331BUI IB19UI 8U.1
'uj 6S3uq3noj jp3 dn
pira 8ipuda am oi
&3ut3 leqi Sujiboo
pini Epnaids
SdTDwasSJsddns rooi
R. II. CAMPBELL, Special
THIBTY TWO ACRES at Luberty with 22 acres in prunes (12 bear
ing); 4 acres young loganberries; good family orchard: balance u
grain and truck; modern bungalow with 7 rooms and bath; fine grav
ity water system; barn, chicken hunes etc. New building"; complete
with all equipment, $10,000. Owner is eompolicd through sickness to
sell. He lull givo good terms.
THE population of hjlem tdsy is around 22,0)O. Every decent house
in (lie city is reuied and the demand for apartment ia incr-ssmg.
Either of the following properties at the piicua offered would be con
sidered snnps at any tim.
rOUB THOUSAND EIOHT HONDEED. Eleven rooms; bathroom
and two toilets; furnace heat. Only four blocks frem the state house
and ost office. This proerty is ideally located on N. Winter street.
The lot alone is worth $2000.
, TWELVE THOUSAND. Apartment bouse of 14 rooms; strictly mod
ern in every detail; four blocks north of the Masonic Temple. Larga
lot. Has a 5 room, modera tenant house at rear. Considerable furnish
ings go wilh the property.
TEN ACRES. For $2000. This is an unusually snappy snap. Small
house and barn in good condition; chicken houses, etc. 5 cows, 2
calves, 7 rigs. 8 h. n. ?bs engine and feed cutter, cultivator, harrow,
spring wagon, small tools, ete etc Everything, $2000. Located only
3 4 mile from a good, little market town.
STOCK FABME3S or dairymen cannot beat this anywhere. 425
seres with 20 acres in crop of whi h 100 acres are in fall grain; 151
acies of choice pasture; 75 acres cf 2.od timber; 4 acres prases and 1
acre good family ortoard. e horses. 4 enws 20 sheep, 147 goals, 11
hogs, large quantity of graia and feed and a wide range cf imple
ments. The buildiuts aro all new and first class. They Include a fully
medern, 12 room luiise and barn (ifljfil with a large e!o.
Everything goes at $; an acre. There is a federal loan sf $9000
Sgsin. Owner wi I give exceptionally good terms en the Italance.
Reed it over i ,'a.n else yea won't believo your own eye
For the Better Realty Buys
Thure is enly one place
V -J 1 V
UJ L. re
25S acres land in Washing
ton county $lS,i0vii
'ash aiu.L'ii
iila. k mine Irtirvtia and cult,
L'nKitilla Maid 00.i.
Bay mare IVgy l,")0.':c
Liberty tionda . 2 ..'Wi.tO
War sw vings stamps 33.')
One promiory note and in
terest sro.co
Survey Of Highway South
Of Monmouth Is Under Way
(Capital Journal Sm'e'ml 8ervne.)
Monmouth, Or., May 28. Engineer
Fletcher and Ilia crew of surveyors have
been busy the post week making a pre
liminary survey of the niiiin line of the.
West Hide highway south of town.
As laid out by tliem the highway en
ters .Monmouth avenue at its north ter
minus, running straight south tlmmtli
town, then turns etst. or southeast, Over
piivuto land and crosses (he Aiiiie rail
road straight south. Three lines have
bei'ii run over the cemetery hill in an
attempt to strike the best grade, on
goiug directly over and o.e skirling tho
hill on eaih side. As the Ml is not n
bad one, -Mr. Fletcher thinks it q,uit
likely that the commission wili decide to
go over it along the straight line of tlio
main rountv road.
You JiTcet the local mer
chants to take your produce.
Help them do it with your pat
ronageBuild up Marion coun
ty. 3SV3UD aixv
Agrt., Standard Oil Co., Salem.
I no aavaNyis
SS i
real es'ate''
ZU Masonic Bldg.
213 21H Masonic Boiidir.g
Tab hne 101
J bnil.iioj, Palewi, Or tf