Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 28, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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i ..ii. ,
CA- nun
i. s r t
rauM'S ucss shoe polish i
Keeps your shoes good-looking
Makes them last longer
Black - Tan White - Red - Brown
. r 1 1 i "0
Tsuight danea t Mooa hall.
"" ' That our facilities for ex-
" " amining eyes and fitting
glasses, pius our experience
. T enable us to make and adjust
; those glasses best suited to
your individual needs.
DR. A JcCULLOCH, Optometrist
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building
". ' if
Have been very largely due to ignorance and neg
ligence; ignorance of the principles of Constructive
business methods, and Negligence in the application
of knowledge possessed of these principles. -
We can Doint out Your Errnra nf tIia Pacr
Show you how to Avoid them in the Future, and help' f
you Auain success.
Auditors & Business Analysists
Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Ore.
large Audience Greets
i , Talented Young Women
K; In Recital Last Night
T The" First Congregational church was
iillcd almoatt o "standing room only"
last ltiht by frionds and music lovers
drawn by the vocal and piano recital of
ill isa Joanna James and Ming Ruth Bed
ford, two Salem students or mr-huu
3bility. Both younjr, ladies displayed a
finished technique and a charm of rcir
dition that is seldom wet with. The
program was one of very wide range,
selected with a view to show to the. best
advantage the power of expression on
the purt of the two musicinns, who
opened the program with a two piano se
lection from Grieg. Miss Bedford was
especially pleasing in her brilliant inter
pretations of Chopin, Chaininade and
jiubenstein, and was repeatedly encored.
Hiss James, who has a mezzo-soprano
of great promise and has frequently de
lighted Palem audiences with her vocal
selections, was never more effective
than, ia hor renditions last evening, the
selection varying from the spiritual
passion of Kevin ' "My Desire" to the
rollicking Scotch love song "The Like
o' Him." Probbaly no singer, profes
sional or otherwise, in flnlcui hns e
surpassed her rendition of the old fav
orite "Sweet nnd Low" with which she
closed the program. Several of the pi
ano and vocal selections of tho program
were made doubly effective with the or
gan, plnyed by Prof. Roberts ,and the
violin by Miss Lillian Stege.
New York, May 29. Liberty bonds
were quoted heret oduy as follows:
3 '.,. 99.4(1. off .04: first 4-s. BS.fin:
last caanco to fcr Major Jack
Hamilton and his famous le-eture at Ye
Liberty tonJjjht. . v
Notwitbstaodinc ta fact that Ore
gon is umbered inwn; the bone drv
states, Harvey Welt, will take wit
him exactly 56.7UO dnnks when he
itarta for Indianapolis tomoirow. It
just happens that Mr. . Wells is head-
tag east to attend the national con
vention of bhriners and to one a head
quarters for the Oregon Shrincrs who
will leave Portland on a ccial earlr
next week. Representing the potentate
nd general committee of Al Kader
Temple, Mr. Wells w,n disuse gome
of his .Vi.TOtV drinks to the weary
Shrinerg who hayp.'a to be curious as
to the contents of o many caws at the
Oregon headquarters. Indiana is a dry
state along with Oreon. The real ob
ject of introducing so many drinks in
tne way ol Oregon s oest loiantierrT
juice ia Wo convince tho noble of the
mystic, ohrine that Portland is the prop
er place for tho national convention of
Shriners in 19J0. The main competi-
ior ot rortinnd is .ew Orleans.
Tonight dance at Moose hall.
! Notice. The Model Shaving Parlors
will lie closed' all day Decoration day
land remain opeu until 9 p. .m. Thurs
day eve. 5.09
Tne Oregon prophetic conference
eji-ns in Salem Monday June at. the
First Congregational church. Dr. John
M. r"nrlein will be in the west in the
interest of tho conference and has
mmte arrangements to speak in Salem
at 2 o'clock, Monday June 2. It is un
derstood that deputations from differ
ent 'parts of the slate will attend tho
conference. Rev. Walter Duff, confer
euce leader, will illustrate his talk
1 with his famous diagrams. The confer
jence is interdenominational nnd (ortho
dox. Dr. A. F. Hutchinson of the Pied
mont Presbyterian church will speak
on "Jerusalem and tho Jews." The
sessions of the day will begin at 2:.10
0 clock in the afternoon and close with
the wening nes-ion beginning at 7:30
u ciuvn.
Fatty ArbucAle and Madge Kennedy
win he the star that shine at Ye Lib
erty Thursday. Fri. and Bat.
Tonight dance at Moose hall.
Returned soldiers will have 1500
spent on them between now nd next
Sopt. 1 1y the War Camp Community
service, according to a recent announce
ment. It is also understood there is an
other loOO coming to itho city for the
samo purpose toy the first of next
year. The iprogrnm of .the war communi
ty service consists in 'giving several
recciptioiMi to the boys up to next hrirtt
mas. Returned soldiers will nl&o Ibe a?t
sisted dn fheir aflfaii 1oth civil and"
military. To attend to the recaptions
and other things, 4he fwar camp com
munitr eervice liopes to aceompUsh,
tho ifollowing committee has been ap
pointed: R. O. Hnelline, chairman;
John W. Todd, executive secretarv:
Paul Wallace, vice chairman! J. H.'
Albert, treasurer; T. M. Kav, Judge
W. M. Bushey, Mavor C. K. Alhln.
Henry IW. Meyers, W. H. Dnnccv. Dr.
R. N. Avison, Mrs. Alice H. J)odd.
Mrs, F. A. Klliott, Misn Cornelia Mar
vin, Mi. J. A. Carson and Mm.. R. J.
Within tea mlcatea after acceptics
a jab as 4rek u for tie hiding read
of tie Silver t ails luaLser co!iv,
Tslivt Honk was crushed betwua lac
tnt of t I..' . causing instatit dea'h
The acrurnt ycterdav wear
Silvmoii. Mr. Hihiss was stan-Hng be
tween two car, ready ronple them,
when logs, ettenihug over the end of
the ears eaugtit kim oa each side of
the head, crntkiag hi skull. .No in
quest waJ kebl as Coroner dough stat
ed the death was entirely accidental.
Mr. Hook w, 3t year oi l and is sur
vived toy a widow and small child. 1I
waa a nephew of W. S. J(k, the Sil
vertoa umlertaker.
secona 4 s, H4.84, oir .1"; lust 4 Vi s.
9.1.92, up .02;" second 4', 's, 95.30, off
.08; third 4 VI 96.02, up .(12; fourth
4V4 's. 9o."4, up .10; Victory 4 's, 99.91,
off .02.
The Remington Arffoloadimr Rifln
let go five one-ton-blow shots vou
jimply press trigger for each shot. '
Simon Benson, chairman of the state
highway commission hns agreed to
come to Salein next Monday evening
nnd sprmk nt the big good roads rally
to be held at the armory June 2. In ad
dition to the addrecs of Mr. Benson.
Representative James 8. Htewart, i on
the ,program for a talk and then sever
al lma lsnenkers will eive five minute
The city aaa officially accepted the
$3000 Oarfurd track and new sgrse
are a thing of the past in the eitv fire
department. Hence any 6ne who would
hke to buy horses might inquire at the
tire department, as the two that have
been in the service are needed no long
v. u. wusoo, wno operates a hi
mill about six miles east ot th citv.
was the low bidder for 30,000 feet of
cress walk lumber, recentlv called for
by tho city council. His bid was I1S.50
per thousand feet for 4,"!,000 feet of
3x12 lumber and 1S a thousand for
.1000 ft of cross walk lumber 6x6,
Harold Cook, the scout executive, re
turned last night from a trip to Oak
Ridge, in the southern part of Lane
couittv, where he went to look after a
camp it to be used by the four troops
of Iboy scouts on their annual hige,
which this year occurs on June 14th.
I ho site selec ted is on Salt C reea, a
fine fishing stream, and not far from
tho famous hot springs. Mr. t ook states
that fii it is one of the most, bountiful
spots to bo found in Oregon, and fur
thermore it is so wild that t He country
abounds with same. There will he
about fifty boys in the camp and they
will bo accompanied by Harold and
Fred Cook, Ulcnn Miles and Hugh
tier. R. N. Avison of the First Mirth
cdist church, has decided to ucrept the
invitation of tho president of lLainlin
university, Minnesota, and will attend
tho commencement exercises of that
institution and preach tho university
sermon in connection with them. There
will be mutual pleasure in the event
for ftr, Avison was for ten years con
nected with the institution and will
find many of hit old acquaintances
still on the ground. Hamlin is one of
the older schools -of Minnesota, having
been ibuilt m the early 'i0s, and is lo
cated midway between Minneapolis
and Bt. Paul. Dr. Avison and wifo will
leave 'for the east somo time this week
and after a etay of a few davs at
lkunliu will spend several week vis
iting friends and relatives ia various
parts of the middle west.
Tacoma U extending a genuine west
ern welcome to the Cherrians to visit
the city from June 30 to July 6 to take
part in the northwest iieace jubilee,
Arch i. Brown, general chairman, is
in tho city, to extend personally the in
vitation. Although' be waa informed
that tho OTierrians crhtld not attend on
account of our own homewaung and
celebration, he say the invitation is
good for all other Walemites who hap
pen to be tip that way along about the
middle of the year. Tactoma, ahing with
other Washington cities, intends to
spend its memorial money in the erec
tion of hirgo memorial auditoriums in
order that with the coming of years
when the tourist tiaffie become ex
tensive, visitors may at all times be
properly cared for.
Refreshing flavor and fragrance and. un
usual mellow-mildness make Camel Ciga
rettes instantly and permanently likable!
AMELS are a cigarette revelation I They
vare a smoke delight ! They answer the
cigarette question as it has nvr before been
answered. Your taste will prsv that!
Camels are an expert blend f hoice Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos which you will
greatly prefer to either kind of tobacco smoked
straight. Your test proves that!
This expert blend brings out Camels' wonder
ful cigarette qualities. It eliminates any un
pleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleasant
cigaretty odor I It also makes possible Camels'
enticing mildness while retaining the full
"body" of the tobaccos.
No matter how much you like Camels and
how liberally you smoke them, they will not
tire your taste!
For your own satisfaction compare Camels
with any cigarette in the world at any price !
0 JO c trWf, mt tmm pccA
iJOO .(.i-ff.l in a
W atronlv m rmmmd thtm
carte tut ttm hom mr Ac
ffflj ar Inni
18 cents a package
The Tlllicnm club gave its last dance
of the season last night nt the Masonic
Temple. P. K. Kiillerton, chairman of
thrt eiftertninnwnt committee, is nr
rHiiging for tho club to take a trip
along tlie (Jolumbia highway sometime
in June.
The Elks lodge of Salem will Initiate
about a iki7.cn member Thursday eve
ning this week and vote on a dozen or
mi applications for membership. Among
members (if the lodge it is undcr-Miod
that ns soon ns the membership reach
10110 .the bulge will celebrate the event
1 n a
1 1) n i
i I
' f
WintoB-Sli"i N. C
hr m nrniMii- lu 11 ii. 1 h nit' 11) lll't tl j it IS
Thero will pliiitv of mu- Ji u'-,n
nriuuin tup mt. Anf!'L Mivorton
Optometrist Optician
Complete Grinding Plant on the Premises
Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 625
1 r":z3
Everything in Building Material
Paints and Varnishes.
11c per pound.
Our motto is "Service to our Customers."
ana vlicrrian Halem bauds and also
somo singers. Tho good roads rallv for
jiwomiay eveuing is to especially inter
est Halcm voter in the proposed bond
ing measure Tor the construction of 1.30
miles of good road in the county, 100
of which will be hard surfaced. On two
formep occasions, when there was 'bitt
little interest in good roads, &tWm
went about 50 -.'ill. But with tho chang
ed conditions, there is a feeling among
those posted nn road matters, that Ha
lcm will vole in favor of jfood roads
jurt . strong is the county is expect
ed to vote.
Tor Memorial day services at the
cemeteries fridny morning, a renuest
JitM Ix-en made that automobiles tie
loaned to talic the vclciau out and
that those who feel so disposed, bring
their cars to tho armory from 8;.10 to
9:;l o'clock. The veterans will meet
at the armory about that hour.
ino.ay, decoration oay, will be a
closed day ;for aleni on far a the bus
iness interest are concerned. Announce
ment is made from the "Business ilen's
lc-agne that all stores in town will be
closed that day and this includes all
grocers. The meat market nwy remain
open just a few hours in the'morning
to make the usual meat deliveries bu4
this i not expected to mean inter than
o'clock. .A a national holiday, the
i hanks, postnffiee, offiw's at the court
J house and of course Ihc state hou w ill
ibe Im-kcd up tight. There will be no
business of any kind whatever itvt the
town will give the day to observing the
Judge H. J. Bean bts now lined np
as a good road enthusiast as today be
jrK-cme the owner of one of the latest
Velie model cars.
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink glass of realhot water
befera breakfast to wish
out potaona.
"Everything in Building Material
Phone 813 :
West Salem 414
Attention i called to the fact that
the law rwpiires wncr of xroperty to
i-nre for the narkini? lietween the aidr-
349 S0Uth $ jwalk and the strert. Tliere is an erdj
19tVi Ct t M nance rnvcrin? this but jut at prrs
lZln otreCt fjeHt 4t i nndc1MiMi that the park
j board will notify prnjrty owners wbn
t.v.!ifcjtfcs.sfcajfeAfeft negitgymt and not eniore the law
iiro is not merely t live, but to
live well, cat well, digest well, work
well, sleep wll, look well. What i
glorious condition to attain, and yet
bow very easy it is if one will only
adopt the morning inside bath.
folks who are accustomed in fl
dull and heavy when they arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
can, instead, feel as fresh h a daisy
by opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out' the
whole of the internal pobonous stag
nant matter.
Keryone. whether ailing, sick or well,'
should, each morning, before break
fast, drink a gla of real hot water
with a teaspooiiful of limestone phos
phate in it 1 1 wah from the stomach,
liver, kidneys aM bowels the previous
day' indigestible wafte, sour bile and
poisonous toxins. The action of hot wa
ter on an empty stomach is wonder
fully invigorating. Jt cleans out all the
sour fermentations, gases, wist and
acidity and give one a splendid
tite for breskfast.
The million of people who are both
ered with constipation, bilious sriells.
stomach trouble, rheumatism; others
who hsve sallow skins, Wood disorders
and sickly complexions are urged to
get a quarte-r pound of limestone phos
phate from the drug store which will
cost very little, but is sufficient to
make anyone a pronounced crank on
the subject of internal sanitation.
A K. Jonea of Akbany is among the
recent arrivals in Wnlem.
Ralph (Bobzion of Grants Taw slopped
off in tho city Tuesday to visit with
old friends wh,il0 on his way ia Seat
tle to join his father who is employed
in the shipyards.
President 11. . Oil..
Monday evening attending a meetinir
of itho Manufacturers association.
lieo. Vick, of the Vnllev Motor f 'n .
left Tuesday for Medford where he
wa rallied on business connected with
the agency at that ipoiut.
Mr. and Mr. Spencer of Halem are
visiting here with the latter 's sister,
Miss Florence Akin, and with Mrs. Dec
K. Aiken. Rosburii Heview.
Kvelyn Heigleninn. who hns been
iting with her college chum, Mrs, ti, A.
t'enrcy, returned this afternoon ti, her
home at Untem. Koseiburz News.
Knifst Hoffman, K. t'. Jones ind
.Mike Martell, who conducted several
of the attractions on tho oansivnl
grounds, left 'today for Salem. They
will return in July for the Klk cele
bration, with mnny new attractions.
Kosebiirg Review.
Mrs. T. T. Wells of Kn.ilb, Wn. is
visiting her ister, Mrs. (.'. K. J'ntler-
son, at L'.ll.) Mouth f'ottnge street.
Their mother Mrs. A. li. Field is dan
gerously ill.
FIKIjD At the honno of her dnugliter,
Mrs. C. Y'. l'atlerson, 2315 Mouth Cot
tage street, AVednediiiy moriiiug,
May 2S, lOifl, Mrs. A, It. Field.
Tho funeral service will bo held
Thursday morning at Hti.'lft o'clock
from the 'Free Methodist church and
will bo conducted by the Reverend
Thompson, Iluriul will iIk in the Jason
lce cenieterv.
Oranges will be featured in thu Lane
comity fuir next September. A priw of
$125 has been listed for the best grange
exhibit and 1(I0 for the scemid" best.
Mysterious Malady SiiO
Baffles Portland Dcctcrs
l'orthuid, Or., May 2H. Tho aid of all
tho buby specialists In Portland lias
been enlisted in an attempt to cuiulut
a mysterious iimliidy that, has reunited
in the dearth of eleven bubies out of 21
afflicted at a local Imby home. , The
other ten sufferers are in great agony.
IiiIck! imil trouble is Hie stin t of tiio ail
ment, None of the victims is morn tlinn
three yenrs old. The malady so fur lias
foinplerelv baffled the doctors.
Mrs. Mary Fuller, alleged to be a
lender of the radical element, at Wpuk
ane, was HNWutuU. Wednesday charged
with violating the t'spiuntige jaw. ,
Court House t
In the divorce suit of Henry M.
noeingneimcr against Ksther Bocdig-
V..:. li.-. "
"ciKi-iy me ueieiuiant rue an answer
denying several nllegi,tioiis, including
"-" u regura to inrting with oilier
men, Hhe alleges in addition that he
nnd not properly provided for her and
that slo had been obliged to work at
time for her own smpport. That he had
net furnished her with a proper home.
luai incy iia.l lived together until
.Miry 4 and that the only home ha pro
vince was in rooming bouses mostly in
intuited by men and an unfit place for
ocr to live, rne alleges that he is woi k
ing in a garage and making from
to 10 day.
In the suit of W. VV. l!al against
M. .V. Lewi k Co., the defendants ans
wer that tho plaintiff was engaged as
a salesmnn for monuments, tmnlxi.n,..
and markers and that lie was to re
ceive i,i per cent commission fur all
good Sold at list price. That between
August 1, 1M17. and May Hi, the
plaintiff took orders amounting to
3."1( and that he earned commission
laniourrting to sr7..i). Al that he did
1 500 other business, 'but that $75 was
dune in selling lcoW the list price,
llli total commission for the time men
tioned was aioj.12, ft,,d that accord
ing to the books of Lewi . Co. there
was only 71.99 due. 1
The executor of the estate of Angie
Kaiser, dereasi'd, reported to the coun
ty court total receipt amounting to
H.HHl.OH and thai there was a balance
On hand of 7." 1 7 . June "M was t as
the date for a. final hearing.
"Maybe nobody has told you,"
says the Good Judge-
Why this good tobac
co costs less to chew.
You get real tobacco '
satisfaction with a '
small chew. It gives
you the good tobacco !
taste. It lasts and lasts. :
You don't need a !
fresh chew so often.
It saves you money.
Put up in two titles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Yon expect the local mer
chant to take your produce.
Hjlp them do It with your pat
ronage Build np Marion coun
To Ford Owners
Insist on getting GENUINE FORD PARTS when
your FORD needs repoiring. DON'T allow BOGUS
or imitation parts to go in your car.
We use only GENUINE FORD PARTS. Our repair
shop is complete and with our large" force of com
petent workmen we are able to give you prompt ser
vice at a minimum cost.
r s
Ford Sales
and Service
Vick Bros.
High St.
Opp. City Hall
(until it becomes necessarv.