Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Thcrf'i bo m suffering fritn tht
wful agony of lame back. Don't wait
toil it iurt oil." It onlr comet back,
tied the cause and stop it. Diseased
eaurfitioaa of kidney art inii'il; indi
cated by stiff lame backs and other
wrewtuiic paint, which art nature's sil
atala fur bclpl
Here's the remedy. When you feel
tW first twinge of pais or expert
nre any of the symptoms, get oust
at ouee. Go to jour druggist and g-t
hot of the pure, original UOLD
MKOAL Haarlem Oil Capsule. in-
Cirted fresh every mors Ik from tlie
boratorit'S in Haarlem, Holland.
Fkeaunt and easy to take, the? instant
ly attack the poisonous genus dogging
jMr system and bring quick reiief.
h or over two hundred yers they
Bare been helping the sick. Why not
try them? Sola every where by re
liable druggists in sealed packages.
Three sites. Money back If they do
aot help you. Ask for ItiOI.l)
MEDAL and bs sura the asms
-OLD MEDAL" is oa the box.
Cut News
Says 8 lata tf Hat Wstsr With
Phosphite Btfara Breakfast
. Wash Out Palseia,
Bffi FOR Sill
Slocker Trial Develops Inter
esting Testimony Regard
ing Defecdant and Business
Los Angeles, Cal., May 27. Walter
T. McGiuley, manager for Mrs. Clara
Baldwin Stocker, was pictured todsjr by
Mrs. Albert E. 8nyder of San Franeisco,
divorced wife of Mrs. Blocker's son, as
an artful flatterer. He had worked his
wiles, Mrs. buydor claimed, with sue
cess on Mrs. Storker. Mrs. Blocker's at
torney, however, sought to soften tht
picture, with the statement that Mctiiu- jterward relieved by Fisher. McKittriek
C. A. Campbell, proprietor of Marion
garage, has opened up an auto repair
shop in connection with his busiuesa
He has a large and well equipped shop
and has employed competent mechanics
who will do rel;able work. The Marion
garage and shop is open night and day
and is proving a great convenience to
the traveling public.
There was a fast six inning ball
State Labor Commissioner Giani is in 1 1
Medford today looking; after (he mat-!
ter cf safety appliance,! a manufac
turing plant at that point.
Among other matters to be taken up i
at the meeting of the highway commis-1
sinners in Portland today Is that of the
prooosed post road between this eity
and Pallas. It is understood that the
commission favors the plan of tdvertis
game yesterday afternoon between theiim for- bids for this unit of grading
Sale mhigh school team and the Wil-jat the meeting of June, tile bids to be
ktmc-tte team, in which the latter were
winners with a score of 6 to 2. Salem
failed to get a man pa second until
the fifth inning, when two runs were
scored, one on a hit by Gregg, sending
rusher home; while the second was
scored fcv Gregg on errors. Willamette
put men on almost at will, scoring by
hit or by use- of "squeeze play."
Ashbv pitched for the high school in
'the fore part of the gam ,but was af
' , i a I.-. -kf ..v;.;-.lt
Tt the tins of healthy bloom la
wor faoe, to set your skia get clearer
had dearer, te wake up without a head-
fcc&e, backache, coated tongue er a nasty
ftreafh, la fact to feel your heat, day in
had day out, just try Insids-bathing
trery moraine; for eae week.
Before breakfast each day, drink I
kiaas of real hot water with a teaspoon
Ad of limestone phosphate la It as a
harmless means of washing from the
rtomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day's Indigestible waste, sour
Je and toxins; thus cleansing, sweeten
ing and purifying the entire alimentary
kaaal before putting more food into tht
Moatach. is wonderfully Invigorating. It
clean out all the sour fermentations,
tTises aad acidity and gives one a splen
did appetite for breakfast,
A quarter pound of limestone phot
paste will cost very little st the drug
Store bat It sufficient to demonstrate
that Just as soap aid hot water cleanses,
western and freshens tht tkln, ho
water and limestone phosphate act oij
tho blood and internal organs. Thost'
jerho are subject to constipation, bilious
attacks, said stomach, rheumatic,
twiners, also those whose skin is sallow
and complexion pallid, are assured that
ge week of inside-bnthing will have
est both looking and feeling better ia'
ley had transformed Mrs. Stocker r
a "hrd drinker" to a "moderate user
of intoxicants."
MeOiuley took particular pains to tell
ilrs. blocker bow young she looked, ac
cording to Mrs. Snyder. Once in a- Los
j Angeles cafe, Mrs. Knydvr said, suo
heard McGiuley tell Mrs. rJlocker ho had
'carried her picture next to his heart
for twenty-five years.
I Says He "Winked."
I "And" you look just as young as ev
er," he is alleged to have added.
On another occasion iu au Ocean Park
e. fc, Mrs. Snyder said McGiuley placed
his arm around Mrs. Stocker and said:
"C'lnru, you look as youthful as you
did 20 years ago."
Hut, Mrs. Buy dor suid, Mctiinley
winked as he said it.
McGiuley oft on reminded Mrs. Stock
er of the "good times we us-.'d to have"
and called her his "old swectheuTt,"
Mis. Snyder u'd.
She added sho was always a tit sus
picious of McGiuley.
"McGiuley once suid to me," Mrs.
Snyder testified, " '-you stick to me and
you'll bo all right. You can put your
shoes under my bed.' "
She suid she immediately had a talk
with Mrs. Stocker and advised her to
''drop him."
Los Angeles, Cal., May 27. (United
Press) Mrs. Stella Snyder, pretty di
vorcee continued her version of the af
fairs of Mrs. Clara Baldwin Stocker iu
court today.
Mrs. Snyder was called at a witness
at last niirht 's session of Albert E. Sny-;
did the Ditching for the "Bearcats"
with Powers 'behind the bat.
B. II. Morrison of Portland, adjust
er of the Travelers Insurance company
was in the city yesterday for the pur
pose; of taking up the claim of David
Samuel, who was injured some months
ago by stepping '",0 nule an ecV(,r9"
ly wrenching his ankle. He was in
sured with the Bohmstedt ageney.
The committee in charge of the war
camp community service. for this coun
ty will hofa their first meeting this af
ternoon in conference with Siipt. John
Todd. At this meeting tic first steps
in carrying out the program and prop
aganda" will be taken. A large quantity
of literature and blanks are on hand
at the high school 'building awaiting
distribution. Among these is an illus
trated booklet dealing with all phas
es of tho community work, containing
a letter from President Wilson. There
ia also a community song sheet contain
ing a collection of 42 popular eongs, in
cluding melodic of the past and pres
ent war. This city has been apportion
.i th amount of HH)0 from the na
tional headquarters for the work, and
Supt, Todd, as secretary oi me orji.iii.
zation here has just recoivod therst
installment of -00.
There Is significance in the fact that
people come from a distance of from
100 ito 200 miles to secure medical ser
vice in Salem. Recently L. F. Brunc, a
prominent rancher from the vicinity of
Tho Dalles, was a patient at the Dea
coness hospital, for the removal of ton
sils. Another visitor from a distance
vi. w v. cnishoim. oi viviu
received with the proviso that the Polk ;
county taxpayers endorse the proposed
bond measure. Should this be done, op-!
erations ran begin on this line at once.
Contracts aggregating 129.80 miles of .
road work are to be passed upon by the '
meeting today, 36 miles of which is luvrv
surface a-d the balance either grading
or macadam. i
At this meeting also the question of
the paving on the Siskiyou unit of the,
Pacifie highway will be threshed out. I
It is known that Commissioner R. A. ;
Booth is in favor of a 12-foot roadway i
over the mountains on the ground that j
there may not be funds enough to car-1
ry a 16-foot highway. On the other!
hand the road boosters of Southern Ore- j
eon are loud in their desire for a lo-1
foot road, to match the California high-1
way which will be built to that width
up to tho Oregon line. j
State Game Warden Shoemaker is in !
receipt of numerous communications
from the east with regard to hunting.
fishing and camping facilities in Ore
gon, "as well as the Oregon fish aim
game laws, and the indications are that
the tourist influx this year will be
greater than ia any past season.
der's petition to have hi. i mother oe- " g lem to JeceUt
:,.nn.r..w.ont fiFrnf Mrl Mt i1r If OF l" "
had concluded her evidence in a burst
of repartee and after Snyder had brief
ly testified.
Mrs. Stocker matched her wits
against the attorneys to tho last. ,
Sho testified she had a five-year con
tract with Walter T. McGiniey under
which he would manage hcr affairs.
"That's the first I've heard of the
contract," remarked Attorney Edwards
for Snyder.
"Young man there are lots of things
you'll hear of before you die," inter
posed the witness.
I Snyder's testimony had one startling
feature. He admitted a contract with
Pre-Yar Organization of 16 r,10ld ' i1 n"KClt'" wlHi'f.y
IV 1 t V : he "Krcea t0 Pay Arnold a sum, said to
171 YlSIOilS 10 W Mm. ihe 0.00 if Arnold would
IT 1 IT pi I that. Mrs. Stocker favored Snydi
Under New Scheme. win.
mgnDtuis nor vunv,
Washington, May 27 (United Press)
Tentative war department
the peace time national guar
return to the pre-war organization com
prising 16 divisions, it was statod au
thoritatively today.
, Unless unexpected changes occui, this
plnn outlined will be submitted to con
gress for its approval with a request for
au appropriation sufficient to cairy out
the plans.
The first year organization would in
trude 100,000 men 200 for each sena
tor and representative. This is in r.c
Mis. Suydor.'s testimony so far has
plans forfait largely with charges by l.cr that after hour
,d include a Mrs. Blocker drank to excess. J la.
eye treatment from a specialist.
Mrs. William Cromley of Polk coun
tv received news this morning of tho
accidental death of bcr eon-in-law,
Lewi J. Class age 34, in the mechan
ical department of one of the Portland
ship yards. According to the telegram,
tho accident happened at 1 o'clock this
morning. The Ibody will arrive in Sa
lem, this evening and will be taken di
rect to the homo of the wife's mother,
where it will lie in state. Funeral ar
rangwnnta havo not as yrt own an
nounced. V
Beginning June 15, all banks in Sa
lem will close .promptly at 3 o'clock iu
the afternoon. It is nowr the custom to
have an official closing hour of i
o'clock, ibut to conduct an after hour
window for those who wai" j" y""
:.. lot.. Tinn tn the increase of business
and the extra work to toe done, this.
service nu me uiscumuuv
The officials of the Portland Rose
Festival association have received assur-1
ance that Governor Olcott will arrang,.;
to be in Port hind during tho three days
of tho festivities. It is anticipated that j
the ufternoon of Thursday, Juno 12, will !
be proclaimed a half-holiday throughout
the state in order that people at a ;
tance may have better opportunity to i
attend the grand parade of returned sol- j
diers which is expected to bo the great- i
est military pageant ever witnessed in
the northwest. '
The net earnings of the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company still show
a deticit for the yearly period ending
Muy 1, according to a report prepared
by the company. A net balance, howev
er, of $30,774 was shown for the month i
of April,-1919. The gross earnings for)
tho fiscal year wero 24 per cent over
the previous year, but the operating
expenses increased almost 40 per cent
and the net earnings made a gain of
only about 4 per cent. For tho year;
the gross earnings amounted to (8,-1
095,204 and tho deficit amounted to
i:i8,4.)7. Tho earnings for last month i
were $706,244 and the net balanco was
30,774. ,
I think the drinking anected her
mind," Mrs. Snyder told the court.
"She would got up in the night and
telephone all sorts of things to tho hotel
office. She stv' all of my clothes and
then gave me .j0 to come back to her
when I left because I couldn't ktand
living with hcr.
"On one occasion on a trip wo stop
ped at a San Bernardino hotel, rvie
shouted out of the window to the sa
eerdanee with the Hay act, as are the! loon across the street to have highball
proposed 50 percent vearly increases sent up to her."
iI "What did Mrs. Stocker driukP
Mrs. Snyder was asked.
"Bourbon whiskey highballs," was
the answer.
Tfcere'i Only One Genuine Corn Peeler
That's "Geta-It"
There's only one happy way to get
rid' of any corn or callus, and that's
the painless peel-off way. Gets-It"
it the only corn remedy in the world
4rt t "Oets-If-Cora u doomed."
that doe it that way effectively,
thoroughly. Why get dowa on the floor
tie yojrsolf up into a knot tnd have
t fool with "packagey" plasters,
frnury ointments that rub off, sticky
tttftpe, digging knives and scissors,
whea you caa peel off your corn or
emllr.s in one complete piece, peaceful
ly and surely, with magic, si:nple, easy
"GoUlf't It takes 2 or 3 seconds to
apply "Gets It"; von ne 2 or 3 drops
and that's alt. ''Gets It" does the
rest! Get rid of that corn pain at
ace, so that yon can work and piny
without corn torinre. Be sure to use
"Gets It". It nevej fails.
"Gets-It", the guaranteed, money
bswk cirn remover, the only sure way
ct but a trifle at any drug tore.
Kasrfartnred by E. Lawrence A Co..
Chicago, III.
Sold in fcslcm and recommended as
tha wwr'd's Mt corn remedy by J- G.
Perrv, D. J. Fry.
Flank S. Ward.
for the four succeeding years
so that the second year there will be 300
guardsmen per congressman, the third
year, 450, tho fourth, 675 and the fifth,
For the first year the divisions win
be organized on a basis of 7,820 men to
a division. There will be 21 coast artil
lery companies. New York's share of
these will bring her total guardsmen to
9,500 the first year.
In the proposed divisional organiza
tion, there are expected to be one ar
tillery and three infantry regiments to
a division, with the fourth to be foimed
later. War department officials ucsire
principally to assure strong organiza
tion so that units can be filled up Inter.
Twenty five states, Hawaii and the
District of Columbia so far iiave been
authorized to organize nationt.1 coard
nnits. Thev include: California, Idaho,
Oregon, Utah, Hawaii, Montana and
Wash i n gton
Police have discovered that the baby
girl left at the entrance of the home
of B. C. Miles, a wealthy bnsiness man
of Salem, on May 7, is the child of a
20 year-old girl of Jefferson.
It at the bottom ol t.ort
digestive ilia.
for tn&gettion afford pleiv
ing and prompt relief from
the distre oi acid-dyspepsia.
makxss or acoTTS tMixsioi; t
Motor boat owners in Salem who
keep their iboats for pleasure only will
he subject to an additional 25 per cent
fine if they do not pay tho "vtMl
revenue tax Wf M by May HI. Thus in
formation comes through a circular is
sued by the internal revenue collector,
said notice toeing posted in the lobby
of the post office.
In the divorcesuit Wed by Edith
Eyre White against Dr. B. II. White, a
record has been filed in the county
clerk's office wherein the plaintiff
asks leave to file an amended com
plaint. This (petition ha toen granted,
lo be filed by May 2. Then the de
fendant is allowed until June 2 to
move or demur to the amended eoin
plaint. A marriage license was issued yester
day to Edward Jaques, 32, a shipwright
of Portland and Miss Dorothy Albus of
Aumsville. AIo to Michael A. Mohr
of Hood River, 28 to Mise Gladys
Kcyo, 21, of Halcm.
The official road report receded at
the Commercial club, giving informa
tion in general to those who are in
tending to travel by automobile, has
following: "The part ol the high
way from Cottage Grove aontherly to
Medford is in bad condition, due to
construrton work through the moun
tainous country and the difficulty be
ing encountered there.
The Standard Oil filling Nation, cor
ner of North Commercial and ( hemeke
U street, will be completed in about
tare weeks. It as the present plant of
the Standard to P'l"t01lretur"
diers on the job of handling the nation.
Psnfir Fleet To Embrace
Half Of TvkfosL Vessels
r..v;-.i Vsv 27. (United Press)
i Pacific fleet is being organized to
include practictlly half the nav, - i f .ght
im, craft. Secretary Daniels told the
i. eommittee thia afternoon.
Plan will be finished by July 1 and
the newly organized fleot will movei n
to tho Pacific this summer, Daniels add
Creation of two major fleet ba "
impossible I" h ",n' ,n
small size of the navy end war iieer.s. he
explained. Both Atlantic and Pacific
i,.,4. will l. in command of an admiral
A referendum petition he been fil
ed in tho office of secretary of state
requesting that the oleomarginc bill
which made so much etir caused so
much oratory in tho Inst session of the
legislature, be roferred to tho people at
tho general election Sn 1920. The peti
tion bears tho names of 8000 voters,
though the law requires Ibut 6213 veri
fied signatures. It is .promoted by the
Associated Industries f Portland. By
thug action the law, which would have
become operative Mnv 2Hth, is render
ed iiuiociout uutil alter the election of
next year.
There Is going to be "a long dry
spell" at tho iJakmi Kings plant this
season, whatever the weather bureau
snys. Tho machinery baa been et i
operation this week, with ubout 60
people at work, beginning the long job
of cvaoratiiig spinach, which ds the
tirsit thing on the program out. there
lhere is not enough of tho product coin
ing in as yet to keep tho machinery
constantly in operation, but it is ex
pected that by thd first of next week
tho crop will be coming in fast enough
to keep a force at work continuously.
Contracts have been signed up for 250
tons of spinach, 2100 tons of carrots,
2500 tons of squaBh, lOfll) tons of on
ions, 700 tons of calMiage. Jt a antic
ipated that the early vegetable will
h 7 n
lien I on i ravel
L " i ,iV' VsrS-1?
You are judged to a great extent by your
appearance, your Suit Case, or your Hand
bag, as it may be. It should be good, that
doesn't mean "high in price," but high in
quality. '
It always gives you prestage and helps to
smoothe your way through life, we are the
firm that can give you that prestage for a
moderate price and assures you of satisfac
tion Bishop always does that, he isn't sat
isfied with less.
Our Handbags are genuine "Cow. Hide"
and they don't have to be hid, they make
you proud to own one and the service
they give to their owner can't be equaled
elsewhere. They are hand-sewed and are
heavily reinforced throughout, corners
well protected andtwo side pockets inside
and are all leather lined. Steel frame,
for real value they cannot be equaled
$22.50 to $25.00.
Our Suitcases &re- made of the same
grade of leather and of equally good
wormanship and are of the Bishop qual
ity that means much to you as it as
sures you of full value for every dollar
spent. Comes in all lengths and widths,
they have all the latest addition that are
Why do with an inferior article, when
for the same moneyyoumayhave the best
quality that is made in place of the cheap
er article, it soon looks worn, shabby and
old and does not deliver full service value.
Ask to see these real values that we are proud to show and you are
proud to own.
When you think clothes, think Bishop.
We have fiber and the other Suitcases and' Bags that are suitable
for picnics short camping trips, or going to the country for a few
days. .
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
saiem Woolen (VKHs store
crop begins to come in, when tho force I
will iiave to be doubled. As a mutter
of facilitating the handling of cur
shipments, the mnnegement is now in
stalling a big railroad scale which ha'
a ca-pucity of weighing up to lW,0fl
pounds. Ily this means the loaded
freight car will be weighed witti it
contents, thus doing awny with an Im
mense amount of trucking and hand
ling. Dewey C. Bailey, commissioner of
safety and excise, was elected mayor of
Denver Wednesday by a majority of
4000 over al other opponents.
A Coos county rancher made Id last
Sunday pullin? stalled automobiles from
keep the plant going until the fruit '" ' "o enirance to i w.s v ny
in i k -
Some Coffee Drinkers
continue to drink
coffee even -though
it does cause dis
comfort. Of course they re unwise!
There is no discom
fort in POSTUM. It
has a delightful aroma
and a rich coffee-like
If coffee disagree.tr
4t There's a Reason'
The Original and
Only, -in
The greatest comedy
ever made
l : i
C . !
Clutlt. Ptabod Oi., fac. Trap. N. T.
'( r
C 1?wrSi f -.'r;i"
fPHFHii;E P"-'aH
HH'fVt 17
wot o t r.trr ham "irrs '' my h rNvttsi r J"' J
ir r HW rrs t mads or im bnijt km.
AJt V Mr H MTt W AB f""- T
t!",-'"LD W'l'S AT 41
j turri.1 Mil us.
if if f
5. AH tU-Oa AM)
Ui 1-. V:'J .