Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1919, Image 1

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tl 1
(85.000 BEADEE3 DAILY)
Only Cirtuistioa in Salem Qaw
anteed by tha Audit B ureal of
' III' 3 T i 'v
ylwij J 1L U Lily) o Mm
NC-4 Reaches
Big Navy Plane
Miles From Azores With
out Single Mishap.
Ponta Delada, Azores, May 27. (United Press.)
The American seaplane NC-4 has arrived at Lisbon, wire
less reports to the naval of f lciab here stated late today.
New York, Mar 27. The Atlantic
ha been bridged tir ln aircraft.
A dispatch from Ponta Delgada tats
today, filed by W.R. Hargravw, Unit-
ed l reas Btatf correspondent, stated JVoni that point Lieutennmt Com
tliat the. American seaplane NC-4 bad mander Read sent a radio to Admiral
resetted J.idbon, Portugal, on the Luro-
i-uu mainland after flight from Pon
ta Delgada on the next to final leg of
her flight ts England.
The INC-4 left Trepossy, Newfound
land, more than week ago. She was
the only one of three American naval
senplanes which attempted the feet to
rench Kerapcau shores. "
The NO-4 is commanded by Lieuten
ant Commander Head, V. S. N. In ad
dition She carried a crew of four men.
Mie left Ponta Delgada at 6:18
o'clock' thin morning, New York time,
the (flash, reportiiux consummation g io m dispatch from Admiral Jack
of the pioneer venture showed today mn the navy department.
SS(M) mile. lf from Ponta Delgada to
!L-'lKn had been covered in alout ten
hmiTs and at the rate of approximately
Ml) nautical miles, or t3 land miles an
By W. A. Hargravea
. 'United J'ress staff correspondent).
Ponta Del Gada, May 27. The NC-4
took the air bound for Wsibon at 10:20
a. m. Greenwich time today. v
Lieutenant Coonmander Read an! hi
onginai crew were m tne greai aea-
puuup cucK;pii warn auu .urgim ucr
final liijr of her flight to the European
A tremendous cheer went up from
the crowds on the shore when the NC-4
taxied to the jumpoff and loft tho
Cuns boomed on the shore and bells
were ringing in the little Portuguese
Weather Favorable
Weather conditions were excellent.
The sky was cloud flecked and a fav
oi able breeze prevailed.
.Report from destroyers fftnyonea Be
tween Ponta Del Gada aud Lisbon indi-
rated perfect weather conditions all j
elng the route.
The start was made after Read and)
hi crew had carefully overhauled the
euifines for more than an hour.
The '.NlC-4 headed eastward at once ,
Austrians Receive
Peace Terms Friday
By Fred.S. Ferguson
Hlnited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, May 27. The peace terms will be submitted
to the Austrian delegates at a formal session at St. Ger
main Friday noon, it was officially stated today.
By Fred 8. Ferguson
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, May -2.-.The big four today
continued consideration of the Aus
trinn peace treaty, including the fi
nancial sections. The treaty, it was
learned, still hag many Incomplete pro
visions. Because of this and because it
is neepsnary to devote much time to
iiinsideratioa of the notes emanating
from the German delegates, it is not
believed likely that the treaty can be
handed to the Austrians before the end
of this wek. and that action may pos
sibly be deferred until next week.
Congressional Medal Is
Proposed For NC-4 Crew
Washington, May 7. (Unit
ed J'rew) Awarding of the
congressional medal of honor to
Lieutenant omniandcr Read
and the crew of the XC-4 in
the event of .their uceesful
completion of a ' trans-Atlantic
flight, i proposed in a house
resolution ir1irid by Repre
sentative Britten, Illinois.
Chairman Butler has promis
ed s)iecdy action on the reso
lution in' the naval committee
and mar take it to the hoiwe
floor as soon a thc flyers reach
Covers 800
and hud .passed from eight four min
utes later.
The iNC-4 passed the first destroyer
station to the east of Ponta Del Gada
tat 11:13 a. m. Gneenwich time.
Jackaon at Ponta Del (lada thanking
him ifor his hospitality to the Ameri
can fliers.
Progress Eagerly Watched
Washington, May 27.--(United Press)
Commander Read in the navy sea
plane NC4 lefit Tonta Del Gada at
ti:18 (Washington time) this morning
on the Soft mile flight to LMwn, the
navy dipsrtuient officially announced
The NiC-4 passed station ship number
2 at 7:3s (Washington time), accord
Thi U about 100 miles out. Tho first
station ship was passed at 7:13, the
UMvtsage stated.
Commander Read passed the fourth
station hip at 12:54 G. M. T. (8:5 a.
m. Washington time), according to lat
er word to the navy department. Bta
turn hl number 4 is vejr 200" milts
out. '
The NC-4 passed station ship num
ber fiv at 9:35 (Washington time),
the navy department was advised
M 10.03 the NiM passed station
shin nuimber six, which is approxinmte-
ly 300 miles from Ponta Del Gada.
To InHure the stfety of tho flyers' tne
navy lias distributed 14 destroyers along
the route from Ponta Delgada to Lisob,
approximately 50 nautical miles apart.
Navy officials figure that the NC-4,
if she continues her present rate ui
speed, will reach her continental desti
nttion at 4:14 p. m. (Washington time)
this afternoon.
There was tremendous interest in con
gress at the progress of the flight today.
Announcements of suecesstni passing oi
stations by the JNU-4 en route io lisdou
were greeted with cheers.
' 1
There is a plan afoot at Brownsvill
whereby the city will be bonded to pave
with asphaltic hard, surface material
the two business streets.
lompieuon oi me Ausinau titwij
being delayed because Italy is again
manifesting a stulftwrn attitude re
garding the Adriatic situaion. It Is un
derstr0'l the Italian delegatus are re
peating the tactics they linen Deiore
their recent temporary withdrawal
from the peace conference, intimating
they will retire from the sesions once
more uuless an agreement on Weir
claims to Adriatic territories is roach-
ed soon.
The question of responsibilities is al
so offering difficulties.
The Italians, according to advices re
ceived here, have occupied the town of
Zokin, in Asia Minor, fifty miles south
of Smyrna. Should they occupy the
nearby harbor, they would be m the
position of rivaling Smyrna, it it point
ed out.
German delegates at Versailles have
declared unofficially they will not ask
a further extension of time to discuss
the treatv, and tbst their counter pro
posals wiil be ready ty Thursday, print
ing of their counter proIosaJs is well
under way aboaed the special train
carrying printing equipment, which
was' brought here from Germany for
that purpose.
The actual press work is finished, tt
is nn'lertood, but the binding will take
another day.
'nnt Znraaizeu, nephew of Ciiunt
Brockdorff Rantzau, arrived iMs morn
ing as an extraordinary courier from
Berlin. No announcement of the nature
of hi mis.iun was made, but it if be
lieved proiiable he brought instroe tior.s
from t he government
Left Ponta Del Gada at 6: 18 'a.
m. Washington time.
Passed station ship one at 7:13.
Passed station ship two' at 7:38.
Station ship three, not reported.
Passed station ship four at 8:54.
Passed station ship five at 0:35.
Passed station ship six at 10:05.
Passed st&tion seven at 10:40.
, Passed station eight at 11:16.
Pusscd station ship nine at 12:18
p. m.
Passed station number 10 (no
Passed station number 11,
1:10 p. m.
Passed station 12 at 2:05 p.
Passed station 13 at 2:38 p.
Passed station 14 at 3:16 p.
Arrived Lisbon at 4:20 p. m
Decision Reached In Olcott
fsca Ri.f WitMlflM lmtil
vv, tw , itsuuivra vuiu
.VmnWlPnrarV RnVt fW
Be Presented.
The long anticipated opinion in the
iricnuiy suit or uicott vs. wott, regard- ,oon as the necessary streets were va
ing the status of the former as gover- cnted.
nor and secretary of state, did not an-' This will Include the" removal of the
penr at the supreme court this morning,
and the interest and curiosity of an cn-
tire state will be hold up for at least
another week. It is iuowu. however,
that M opinion has been written .
that the court conrnr., h,,t n- f .h.
justices has delayed the oninlon for h
bnef dealing with certain obscure pnZ
ea oi tne issue, ttnouid the decision be
handed down next Tuesday, and as im
generally expected, the contention is
supported that Governor Olcott is en
titled to serve out the entire term of ex-
Govcmor Withycombe, the announce'
nt of .7.
ment of the appointme
of state, will be made without delay
And it is also generally accepted that
creuleu that
Deputv Sam
lidi'te in th
the appointment will fall to
Kozer, the most logical candid
Only a brief list of opinions was pre
sented by thc supreme court this morn-'
ing, the only case of importance beinir
.i.0. v.;.. vi..,i.. -J
v. ummmsiraior
stein k Soils, attorneys, of Portland.
This is appealed from Multnomah coun
ilultnomah conn-
ty, with G. it. Bagley as judge. The
case grows out of tho settlement of the
estate Daniel Kunkel, deceased, who in
bis will left a large share of his estate
of aboui $100,000 to Hamuel Kunnel.
There followed a contest on the part of
other heirs as to the disposition of the
property and the law firm of Bernstein
& Solis were retained by Kunkel. Tuu
matter was finally adjusted and thc
claims of the attorneys accepted. But
following the death of Hamuel Kunkel,
his heirs and executors brought suit
SL'ninst the law firm or the return of
7000 in fees, charging that they hau
not "only been exhorbitant in their
charges, but that they had misadvised
thc tged and feeble testator into ac
tions which would be to their financial
advantage. They caliamcd that l-X'O
would have been ample compensation
for the service rendered.
Justice llarri. ia reviewing the ca
at length, dealt with tU' ethics and
equity of the relations between attor
ney and client, pointing to the fact
that the amount of compensation could
not justly be gauged entirely by the
time required or labor performer!. Ac
count must be taken of the extent of
benefit derived by the client, as well as
the learning and genius on the part of
the attorney. In this esse the entu
legacy of the testator was at sttke
snd therefor i large fee was warranted.
He held that the decree of the lower
court should be reversed and the esse
Other opinions banded down were as
Cora E.'uffer vs. O. V. Badley, cp
pellant. appeal from Multnomah county;
action for money received by the de
fendant for the use of the plaintiff.
Opiniin bv Justice Benson. Judge C. U.
Gantenbein affirmed.
John H. Guntley vs. Northern Pacific
(Continued oa page sevea)
at 4:20
Council Officially Sanctions
Use Of Highway End By
Spading Company, for
Power Plant,
Tho foot of Trade street and the
streets and alleys already occupied by
tho Hpaulding Logging Co., were offi
cially vacated to the company by the
city council, last evonlng, for the pur
pose of orectiug a paper mill. It is es
tiruated that when the mill is completed,
it will represent aa outlay of 1500,000.
An. amendment to the original ordin
ance was voted winch provided that
construction on the mill must begin by
November 1 of this year and that the
mill must be in operation within oue
year. -:
la return for the vacation of the
streets and alleys needed for connecting
the Bpaulding holdings and that uf the
paper mill, the city will be deeded nil
the watet front .extending from the
south side of Court street up to the
larion-Polk county bridge and also the
watcr front nn Bellovuc street.
Work Begins a Once.
At the time F. W. Ledbettet visited
Sulem, in company' with-the builder of
paper making machinerr, It was posi
liiriilv atfitml wnrlr wnuM hoffln An
,..: .' uba for ti10 nauer mui a
office of the Salt ir Water, Light and
Commf,rciai Bnd Ferry streets.
this corner will, be located the main
plant, extending 80 feet on Commercial
and '200 on Trade. That part of
the old flouring mill known the the ele
tor. w 01 lnc w'" 'Pr
.office, will be moved west to the track
'hc Oregon ElectrU;
The Farmer's warehouse will not lie
moved from its present locr.tion. Be
tween this and the fipaulding plant will
be located the boiler house supplying
power for both mills. The pulp plant
aad other buildings will De erecieo on
Property owned by the paper mill
"Jay Walkers" Spared.
. . t i.
Thc er m,ng machine, which of
iMt wUl ,ort lSi$ 7M
entire length of the 2W foot bmldingjt
e,r0 "'"K"1 01 lne ' 1 T "-"""'""
is manuractiired in vvaieriown, . x.
Resides tskine care of the paper mill,
. : .j .i.. . 40
xne "": "" " J.
walkine ordinance was not necessary for
, " ... .s R.im Thil
is a,,e Councilman Ules p Uinri, to
a vnmge oi me -".iFrance. when reouires rebuilding, nndi
geneiiti .-. - - - - -
wide enough to allow pienry or room i..r,off((r lmrosprv(,(11 tQ tehuiH tll
everybody including cars, and also to
the fact that such an ordinance would
be hard for "the police to enforce. The
committee that turned down the jay
walking ordinance was not opposed vo
A gypsy woman died here t'day at
.v ..i e..i'. .n.ik
w uv vi u tu. HivijK.
iment agin corsets. Ever'thing aets on
I Its own bottom but a itta wherry box,
(Continued on page six)
Abe Martin. I
; wi, 5V
v n
I 1.
V 1 1 A
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n .T M
Mi ' i it
! 1 : '
27. 1919.
Chancellor Scheidemann, Out
lining Coaster Proposals,
Says Needs of Devastated
Land Put First
Germany Agrees to Respect
Claims of Befehini and Ac
cepts Limitation of Army
to 100,000.
(By Carl D. Groat)
(United Press Btaff Correspondent.)
(Copyright 1919 by the United Press.)
Berlin, May 25. Chancellor Scheide
maim informed ths United Press today
that Germany's counter proposals to Jhe
peace terms will demand Immediate ad
missiou of Germany to the league of na
The counter proposals, the chancellor
snid, place the needs of. France fore
most, agree to restoration of doatroyea
French territory and full reparation (oi
ruined coal mines.
Germany also agrees to respect Bol
rium'a claims, Schcidemann declared.
? ilil I
t - v
mm flu pi
mm Mmm
iiuL'd m!
It accepts the limitation of 100,000 fofljujiiijng,.
its army in the future and Is ready foi
complete disarmament on land snd sea
-ovi.ied other nations will agree to do
14 Points Are Basis.
Scheidemaun said Ocrmsny's demnnft
for admission to the league of nutions..
was based oa President Wilson's 14
points, especially the points on self dc-
t termination and tiee nf nrnnnmi- i.
tie, " -
Germany's terms will be handed thc
im.t- iuu, uv Knuvuitucu.
, 4w designated the allies i
unacceptable in their preient
iaiJ Si:nci()oln(lI!ai w we ,
allies soon, ho announced
terms as
said Scheidomann. "Now we must use
our entIr0 gtrcnKta and obm, in u io keep their pinnis ciosen iuu.
v - . , . ... n,, ...I.,,, time ns the workers announced
vu,""ur "ui""",,n- "".r ""I
Inot seek to remove our bard obligations.
T. , . - . . ,
' . . " '"
mcvMoa of
war burdens if it is
;not to become DanKrupt. Therefore, we
stroyed territory of northern France
i . :.r . II a
put of the coal mines which were d -
stroved. We go even farther than It
was assumed we would go. The finan
cial experts of the world will be as
tounded by that.
" As far as our counter proposals con
cern Heigium, tney are in agreement
with President Wilson's program.
Disarmament Accepted.
"We accept the prescribed reduction
in disarmament to an srmy of 100,000;
and we are prepared for complete dis
armament, on land and sea if thc other
nations will agree to do likewise. We
arc desirous of freeing France from
militaory cares and burdens.
"We can do all these things onlv if
the meat of paying for there through
work are provided. If one reads tie- Washington, May 27. President Wit-jsctting up k general industrial com
inencesu's note, one almost loses hope son has under consideration recommend-1 modeled on principles already tested by
that it Is realized that only he who ed plans for conferences to clesr up; the war labor board,
works can pay-" some of America' domestic problems. President WiNm would appoint pre-
Kegarding Clemenceau's reply to pre-IOne of ihese would involve a cail for a! siding officers of the court who would
vlous German communications. In which j national industrial and economic con--represent thc public. Other members
the French premier declared Germany . fcrenre, at which a " new bill of rights"! would be named by capital and labof.
would not go hungry even if some of lis would be developed by capital and sa- J The second plan for a gathering ef
food producing territories were taken bur. (representatives of the many movement
away, as it would still be possible to j Another would involve a get together ; now agitnting the nation's populace
imiKirt fwdstiiffs from them, the ehan-1 conference of indefinite duration, par-ljg admitted by its author to be a unique)
cellor pointed out that Germany could ' tiripated in by all constructive lcmierslone. but designed to "convert the many
not buy grain snd potatoes with paper' in the country such as capital, labor, jedilles into one current." H has beca
money of no value outside Germany. Hc ; suffragists, "antis," socialists, et-in. submitted to suffrage lenders and 't'
also asserted it would be most difficnlt 'an effort to reach a common ground that J ions "big guns" of the administra
to restore German industries when vastjwill end industrial and dotneslie strise, jtion with various responses, some fa
quantities of coal must be brought in or at least minimize its possibility. vorable. A majority feel that a eenr
fiom outside and when most of thc p- I The first plan is spousored by laborlgrese such aa this plan involves, hsw
ductive territories of the east were torn j of fieials and has been urged by Some I ever, would get a hodgc pfdge of dcle-
awav from the ratnennna witnoui tne,
privilege of self-determination.
Demand Place Id League.
"We must withdraw from this deadly
circle if the entente desires reparation,
ail)i j .jth this puriiosc that ouriindustiinl and economic conference.
. . ... i
tounter proiiosais are pui mrwarn,
J ' (Continued oa page two)
! I
i ;
i t
I !
I i
Washington, May 27. (I'nited
Press) Abandonment of the big
navy program was recommended to
the house naval affairs committee
.today by Secretary of the Navy
The United States should show
its faith in the league of nations
covenant by eliminating the pro
gram submitted to tho last congress,
which would make the American
navy second to none, Daniels said.
Washington, May 27. (United
Press) The house ways and menus
committee today ordered a favor
able report on the resolution repeal
ing the so-called luxury taxes. Na
action was taken on bills repealing
the tax on soft drinks. Both Dem
ocrats and Republicans supported
the proposal to end the luxury tux.
Toronto Out., May 27. - (United
iTetw) Toronto was threatened today
with a general strike,
A special meeting of trades union
ists lost night placed the powfr to call
a genoral strike at 10 o'clock Wednes
day morning, in tho hands nf a com
mittee of 15. A stRtemeirt given out at
ihe close of the meeting declared a W
I or cj'it volo had been cast .'n favor
if a strike.
Letter carrier did not vote. The
vote of the at ret tear nier. as post
poned. Tho threatened strike would tupport
striking metal workers who demand a
44 hour week and full union recc?ni'
t'rm. The metal v.iMcrs yosto. !ny re
jictcd a 48 hour roitipromiso.
Tt Jm T Kolhcrt
(United Press staff correspondent)
Winnioeg. Man.. May 27. No set
tlemcnt had keen reached today in the
general strike that has paralysed this
city for nearly two weens.
About twenlv jotal employes re
turned to work. The military, police
and royal northwest monnted jiolics
guarded the post office and telephone
The militia and regulars are kept
nn,le.r arms rendv for instant call
There was no disorder snd the usual
calm prevailed.
Afuw a dav of excitement yester
,lav. which cvera! times threatened to
burjtt into a Maze of violence, the
strike settled down to an' apparent
deadlock agnin today.
.Strike leaders announced themselves
determined to ittick it out.
The citizens' league, composed of the
employers, announced a similar policy.
A. j. Andrews, attorney for the lea
gue, sain, me employe
concessions and that tncy were ymr-
.. : .,
'mc" winmgne- "
, 1 "
' '.'..
.. -r-
m TiTniriiw ti r kj ii iiuin a i n irn ssi
Xew York. May 27. (United Tresa)
- ... . )! . fit. "A
.rtv bona QiiniBTiuni. ri . wv.wf;
!' -"i " "8; '"""
. First 4' a, o.80, up. -
second S'i , WJ..i", up '" umu t
5.02, up .04. Fourth 4Vi's, V .4.', up
.0i!. Victory 4 's, 0! M.
President To Call
Economic Congress
(Br Robert S. Bender)
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
industrial rmcnains. .xueuiocrs oi
I war labor board who today began the
first session of what is exix-rtcd to be
j their last meeting, plan to frame a pro
gram for consideration at the pioom'd
....... ti.:. )
its ifmni-iy vu,iiii,-ii, vuto
jwoulil provide voluntary agreement by
iboth sides to a general program elimi -
Oregon: Tonitfht V.--Bbr
fair; cooler east port-WB,
noiuhnesteriy winds.
Ovation Given Hawker seJ
Grieve Along Rout to Lea
den Equal to Greatest Ever
Commander cf Ill-fated Scs
with Describes Details Cf
Flight From Ncwfosdlsd
To Mid-Ocean.
London, Muy 27. (Vniled Tresii
Harry Hawker and Muckeiizio Grieva
ore proceeding toward Iiudon tody,
cheered alt n'oug their route like eoa
queriag heroes.
When the aviators who fell into tk ,
sea whilo attempting to fly is a ctop
with plane from Newfoundland to ltsv
lund, arrive lu London they are assnrc
of a rereptiuu probably the equi.1 of
that ever accorded a national hero en
tering the metropolis.
Dispatches from the north tnld of tit
triumphal progress from Thnrso, thj lit
tle tswn where tho aviators lauded.
There were cheering crowds at all sta
tions ia the highlands.
When their train pulled into Inver
ness, they were greeted by Provost Ma
Donuld. Crowds Cheer Flyers.
"I'm glf.d you have lived to flj
again," he said. "I hope that
needed rest you'll win thc pn-c"
Afkr dmncr with the provost, Haw
ker appeared on the balcony of the Ho
tel and thanked the crowd, which,
blocked the streets, calling for him.
The crowds at Edinburgh, where Haw
ker arrived this morning, were vib
more insistent. When Hawker left tha
train he was seised, elevated to tho
shoulders of a cluster of men and bora
in triumph through the streets to his ho
tel, while people struggled to shako ki
Preparations were started today tot
an aviation carnival at Hcndon air
drome Saturday snd Sunday, In honor
of Hawker and Grieve. Many famous
pilots are expected to do tricks in tho
air. Hawker will be Esked to perform
aerial capers. J
Rescuers purpnsca.
l Tl"
; r Wl t
mo, wliere Itie aviators lunneo.
hem high honors and gave tbesa
(Continued on pafs two)
nating compulsory arbitration. Tha
conference would be akcd to cons.det
in-vgmcs and ideas wun ir ,,.......,
the event becoming ridiculous. The plaa
bus been submitted to the president,
however, sloiig with others.
That he will mark bis return with
run step toward accomplishing a better
- . , , ,
understanding oet-.-rn .., .uu -
lor is felt certain here.
IIiIILlII lit)