Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 24, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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This is the kind of Bread, Ties, Cakes, Doughnuts,
etc., you want. That's the kind Peerless makes.
Philip Winters, Prop.
170 North Commercial Street.
Phone 247
(Continued from ps?e one)
The Battery Shop
2G3 North Commercial Street
Phone 413
For battery repairing or recharging or for any in
formation we might be able to give you concerning
your electrical system. All BATTERIES tested
FREE. At the same time we would be pleased to tell
you about the Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery,
it costs no more than other good ones.
firers anil ncventy one ea,-.ii.'.l.
! Mobile Ilre-.t to New York, due May
"9 mi:h: Si'i'lh infantry 11th machine
gun battalion, llith infantry brigad.
headquarters and veterinary units, m'tli
division, 7'1 police company and medical
detachment, t-aie commissary unit SI 6
0J casual officers and '.'.'S cas-ial.
Brig, (ion. I.loyd M. Brett, command -
in ltiilia infantry brigade i a j-as-'
I Pastarcs, St. Naire, due New York
May with ZVMh niachiue (run bat I
I tali.-u, headquarters medical aud ord !
' nance detachment-- and companyiea A !
to I), inclusive; 31'Ub ammunition train, j
beadiituirter. motor battalion, head j
quarters horse battalion ami medical
detachment and companies A to U.i
31th field aiirnal battalion, medical de-
tai hniont and comaiii.-8 A aud R, sales I
com in iMa iv unit 301. 3:17th machine gmij
, battalion, battalion headquarter, nied-j
i.-a and ordnance deartment and;
companies A and B; clothing unit .'10?
detachment base h. pi ImI fit and Mi:
detachment .'totth engineers; detachment (
20!h engineers; medical detachment and
two casual. , .
Mercury, St. Nazjiire to owxirt
News, due May 31 with li i;i li ; .i i tern
Kiith i ii t u n ry brigade, Hoist infantry
headquarter..; fir.sf, second and third
battalion headquarters, niedical anil
ordnance detachment, supply, machine
jjuii mid hcailqimrters .company and
companies A to M, inclusive; detach
ments SXth division headquarters, con
valescent -detachments 2l't and 21 i; one
casual officer and two casuals. llrig.
(ien. William It. Huch, commanding the
lTlith infantry brigade, is a passenger.
Continuous Show
Tomorrow. Starts 2:15
(Utpilnl Journal Special JService)
Slai-ton, May 21. Mrs. W Tate re
tained Wcdne-'iiny from a visit of .lev
cm (lavs with I'lii'lliiiid friend.
Mr. and Mrs. (is'orgo .Nichols, -on the
linker farm west of town, entertained
n party of frieml Tuesday evening.
Mrs. r'raiiees Parry am) Mis Mar
van Alcxnnderisili'd Huletii Wednes
day, Mm. (!, V. Kminek arrived Thurs
day from J'ortlniiil for ait extended
visit nt the bourn of her pine ills, Mr.
ami Mm. II. .It, Alexander.
.Mia. I'earl Hull of Portland j visit
ing nt the ,f. P, Wilbur home.
TmHI.iy morning at line fulholio
chiiii-li in Sublimity occurred the mar
ringe of Misa Helen, daughter (if Mr.
ami Mis. I. ('. Freres and John W,
Klel the knot lining tied by KeV.
l-'rlhc-r l.nincli. The ibridesmaid was
Mvss (Irnce llottinger and the groonis
miiil vi.ia Theodore Freres. Holh these
young people are pnpulnr resident of
I'i-i ii lliilge, the groom being a aon
of leo, A. Kt.cl. After the ceremony
tli- goe-ds went to the home of the
bride 'a parents, w here a splendid wed
ilm dinner was furnished d b em. They
have mini) fii.-niU who will wish for
llmiii happiness nml prosperity. They
left the day following the wedding for
a liort wed'linjj visit t Portlnnif and
oilier placet.
I.'ov. Warren will deliver a memorial
Mermen In the hi,f!i sehnnl auilltoriuni
.Hiimlay, the a.'ith, at II a. m. May 3Uth
ciiireim of itown and vicinity are re
quested to meet nt the opera, house aud
maich in iprmiessiuu lo the cemetery,
where mi addres will be delivered by
(mvi. Keech, and the giavcs w ill be dee
in n ted.
.-sun Warren came from Vortlnnd th
first of the week and is visiting his
pareuta for a while,
Thn llainman auto ataze now leaves
Hiayton fifnr Isaleiu at V.i'i a. tu. and
return! at 5;3tl p. m. Tliia K'v' people
from here Jiuiie limo in the capital
cite than the f'oiiuer achediile.
Win. hcattik, who recently arrived
li.uiie from tei ice iu France, left Thura
day fur Haco, Mont., where be will
again enter the butcher busiuesji with
h s irnther, lmii,
Her come the Victory Gardener!.1
Fall into thig line urges the National
War Garden Commiiaioll, .. .J
Cregon Pioneers To Hold
Reunion In Portland Scon
The 47th reunion of the Oregon Pion
eer association will be hcd in Port
land Thursdiy, June 10. All persons
coming to, or born in the original ter
ritory of Oregon i-p to 1-S."!, without
regard to I heir present residence are
eligiTile for membership. All who cniue
to any port of the Pacific coast tip to
1S.10 and are now living in Oregon are
also eligible member's of the Ore
gon Tioneer association. Pioneer head
quartera wi)l bo In room V of the
auditorium in Portland. The program
for the afternoon of the reunion will
include- patriotic music on the great
municipal organ and an hdilrens of
welcome from Mayor Baker. The an
nual address will bo given by Judge
(leorgo W. Kiddle, pioneer of lH.1i;.
There will be a apecinl -service of greet
ing to Mis. Uebecta J. Burger, pioneer
of l,H7, now 9i veal's of age. The
I'RIoshe Muck a Muck" will be held
in the auditorium in the afternoon of
I the reunion, This will be In charge of
the organ i zed woman a auxiliary of the
Oregon Pioneer association. The social
hour, "hi yu wa-wa, hi yu he-he" will
follow the ltlosehe muck a iiuick. The
annual camp fire will begin at 8
o'clock in the evening. The govern
incut is In eoiitrn of the railroads and
as n result, there will be no reduced
Complete Change of Songs and
Accordianist and Singers
"The Forbidden City"
A thrilling story of old China, showing Norma Tal
madge as San San and Toy. .
Comic Novelty Act
Western Oregon Girls'
Conference In Session
Oregon girlshood, as fresh as the ap
ple blossoms and exuberant as the
spring, have thn center of the aUgo in
Hulem today, mingling fun and aocinbil
ity with discussion of the graver prob
lems of their'lives. Notwithstanding
other attraction in the city last tiight.l
there was a good crowd of the youngl
I .ii lw, !,, f. , i ,.,.. '
V" ,
Indies present nt ,the informal
tion and social meeting at the
connection with the work of fai.s anil number to whom the club is a benefit
exhibits. From 1IH.1 i HHil si,0 wHjaud a pleasure. From all I enn learn
seerelurr and niannger of the Polk I fr'"" tl01 "'rmn in ih l,rn,.v trnn-
County IM.iltry axsociulion, conducting i r"rt """''V .. . 0 r' m ' l,oslti'"1 ,0
s ever' nave regoii men reiuru-
ing until the last unit arrives. However
the ibullt of the nen will have return-
vrn,. ... ,,: ,i ,, . ,l,l August, and the first of Keptem
furtlier reporting upon the excellent , i.. .m ... ... ,,' . ,-.
.iik beim. iIiiiii. I.v iho ii w..i ,".v,r-, '".-'f w"i I,r?.""-'".r "
some of the best poultry
held south of Portland.
wei- u.. I mi ,.:u .1
.n, , . ., , , w .iic iin-ii inn nr. inrrc mi 1 uic ih v
come commission, New oik City, Miss ,,, f ,.,,.,'.
aecretarv and member nf ' I v.: .. ' ',1.. . ...
thnl n,f,.l..l... I... ...:..... .. I'"'-' ""'" awuu mr uieu ill var
H..-I.UHI, linn l It'll III lillV
(Continued from l'ugo 1.)
uner hlji due were the Otsego,
liii I inVit'ciM Miid men fiuiu Itoi-b-iiu;
the Onkoisn, linti officers and nien
fn.ro. St. iNaiairc; JtuiiU PniiUi,' iHit
iiH-fm and men frmii Itordcnux, and
the f-i.'in'a Hurbara, 1-17.1 men trnm Hor-'.n-a'"s.
The S:intn Terc-H'i .i!cd from fst.
X a. wire oa May I.I. Itea.dea sclera! eas
lial ci.!i!(i!i, stie tirritilit ten tM. Xa
yr.ire c.m. alcwcni nVm hini-nts, eoti-s-si-iH
of .11 officers an. I l.ISt! men.
Hiv luopital o to m, uImi on boaul
On the li .duor were the ,7U!h aero
! t.idion: tlfh e.inipany tianmrt
t t'.n corps; Third liatinlum and supply
i i.ii puny of the nilh infiinrv add the
With company transportutton corps.
Ct-i- V
ernor Olcott as fnll.iws
"In regard to the work here, we are
proceeding mi the name line as pre
viously. Kverythlnir is progressing well
and, although many of the mure im
purt.mt units, from our p.iiut f view,
have returned to America and have i
home, there still remain . large j BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS
inns distriels, and matters nf .liwlmrge
nrising, and until the entire work ia
over I believe that such will be. the
case. It in not litcly tht the advent
of warm weather will much affect our
attendance hero nor nffe-.'t the work"
--v .n?i
i:T win
' f
Methodist church lest night. The meet
ing was presided over by Miss Kathorj
Purouidgian, and the address of wcl-j
come was by Cntheryn tiibberd. A vocal
solo was contributed ' by Miss Edna
Ackermnn. One of tha contest features
of t ho evening wus a scripture relay
race between the Portland and Eugene!
delegations, with Kugene ai the winner. 1
There was a real "homey" period of
getting together and making acquain I
tunc.es, and the evening closed with the!
regular "good night" service.
Delegations from various pans of "lr 8
This morning the sessions opened with
a song service led by Miss Ada Miller, I
followed by conference reports for last
year, and the appointment of commit-!
tees for the coming vein'.
Weather Yet Unfavorable
For Last Leg Of Flight
Washington, May 24. (United Press)
Unfavorable weather again blocked
the plana, of Commander Head for the
jumpoff of the NtM for Lisbon.
The naval officials here believe the
jinx bout" will be ablo to start off
on the next lap tomorrow morning.
Mi. M'inti'u: Brai n, of I.tk en-.intr,
ti..w (.cling as aeer.-tarv of The Italics
t'li-imb.r of CiitiHHerce, has been select
i to l.iimiie stale exhibit agent .
,;. ,,;i,ii df Oregon rrodiicta in Port-
i , -t .1 p tei
I l.e r- - -
- i 1 o
j 1 T. .lii'l-f, no hns
ir Oil (lit announced to-
..ii nt Mr. Jii.i.t will
.ti.lv 1. at which time
j, I: lile r. . nr.! !l
TWO ('MAi:f!Nt' SI'MAH'.R lUT A'-.ve, a prcti.-al hat of aoft folds
of l.'ack s:.t:n ritilM.n, facing of geor-Jeti.' w.th t"W on side that di fr
tr.et ear aii-J siKirts, IVbiw, a hat of aial'ne, with an Oriental (ouch, w th
life f-i-;-s i.f b''i! blue and delicate 1 w wth u.wgay of tiny blue
an.J fS.iB. it. , (t) Underwood UnJerwooJ.
"Mat... Llltlt On,, niai, Doaanf '
Tott Bad."
ANOTHER vanti to b Hire ind ;
certain that the medicine she i
flvea her child ia aafe. Bhs
wanla no oplatea or habit forminif i
drug. She wauU uedlclna that !
h knows other mother .hava oe4 ;
with Butldfaotlou aud iiHcem, !
Mother Commend Foler!
fiuch family rough .n! ild
remedy ia Foley a Iloney and Tar ;
Compound. It meeU
iqtiarely and aatlafao
tor'.iy every demand a
mother can make as to
purity and wholesome
nesa. Ii Is cleanly made
cf the Tory beat Ingre
dients which she would
use herself if she could
always get them In a
fresh and .pure condi
tion. When she Insist m
Foley'i Honey aud Tar
ah get at a moderate
price (left than the j
would par If she bought thelngredlenti
t retail' and mixed them heme If) a :
(taadard medicine that has been t'ed j
aueeessfully In thousands of horcea for I
many year a medicine that 'X- j
erierice proves U the best (he can bay. I
Safest For Children '
Mothm who hars a d l kaw Taf't la ,
ssF- sii.1 en asrm will eoaie it aa-otr- (
U" i inri by fco-u-tiU U Ih..'- a t ;
M k injur th m-wt tieltct bmsch. ll ,
pro-iiiy i bflcl. r o-i s-J cr.ir It
t.hne.-t 1 kset la b tsmilf tM?ia cht (
Um rt ruuiU-alwa;s tii mkt i
We wish to thank the public for their patronage and owing to the fact that we
were unable to secure any other place in town that would be suitable to move
our stock to, we were forced to sell, the Salem Hardware Company has pur
chased the stock and will continue the low prices on everything, because they
have secured the stock cheap and can afford to sell cheap. We hope you will
give the Salem Hardware Company the consideration you have given us for
we feel sure they will treat you right.
We will take this opportunity to inform the public of our recent purchase
of the Spencer Hardware Stock owned by Director Brothers, on State street.
We bought this stock at a reasonable figure and will sell cheap. We are in
voicing now, but watch the papers for our big opening of the closing out sale.
J. C. Perry t