Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 24, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Editor aal Futdishiw
use or 1 he
Mav -i. 1019
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address ill Commonitationi To
13S S. Commetcisl St
DI!t. ht Carrier. per year $3.00 Per Month-
Xfeily by Mail, per year
Per Month-
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. fctockwell, Chicago, People'! Oaa Building
I j ........ v tvitiMMi.iu nrij nii, nau ii it t'll
saient ana iook wise; out the moment you let him speak,;""1"0" u"d0r ,h un 1 ,0l,Kl m,t navc there i should not be o afraid, or so
hf RPPrer i nnt nrl tho u-nvirl L-nnu-c t hot fl lhrouh wlt w,,t n," alone.
I - " " VW.V, W . V. ' V V V . . T O VliUt lit JO
in ny life. I knew Blanche Orion's Xeilf I thought it was time Tour wife with it. or farl to make his citizenship
' I.- .1 u . : :t- , i e v.... . .1. . ;
mmmtmmmm ' i"i urr rAt(ui!nw u, tuu.cn us anu iookcu aner jwu. xv ruuni a an riccior lit protest against
., , . (sometime bitarre taste. 1 would look! might get too fond of me you know." , the traffi ' eoutiuuanre. To do any ona
While Oil thlS dlSCUSSlOn has been COlntl On reCardine ' -U possible. 1 allowed .uyself'Her voire sounded a bit strained; her of these thing is to betrav his eitixea-
the principle of free speech, and the proper limits for iOJ XJ??k ffV ?T 0'eW " bored. rather unlike her ship, the religion he wfr. ,.d the
an UltereSting Contribution On the SUDjeCt has been made ! did not take the car, but walked tOjsconied to notice, and sltho NeU ttoked What say vcmt
UV r resident WllSOn in a SPeeCh at Paris i eo,,,'r n u"'a a passing taxi, i absolutely dumbfounded he answered in i Hespectfully.
J have always been among those." he said "wholfeur into ur eonddenee. -. ten her who the .oi are xeii.! n-... .k ;.. r;;-". T
IT - iL i ,1 . , 1 .. .. . . i .i i ii i . i . . ,1 . . . . ran aunaiin m Rill II
; oeueve mai me greatest ireeaom 01 speech is the greatest! ,. K, v ...J'""". " iSne '",,,,1v tnow Mr- rctl,"f,t you over t.-u wwk ago and i ur.entiv
'safetV because if a man i? a fool th W tn An i to or a"Tu 7 "Vu l ,t lC """l ,Mnk " I hal t notieed him until she desire tBl, ryjhffuJIr elaim . speedy
5e:"llel'' uetaube U a man IS a IOOl me DeSt 10 HO lS-tO en-opened the door the aouud of laugnrr,!,p,lkf. i fai.t the room and everyone ropiT iU vou kiudlv give the latter
-330; COUrage him tO advertise that fact by Speaking. It Can- "d vor"s frl-v D,e ,u turu ,n,1 " ve Neil was a blur. But as the "prompt attention it, imrunee de-
not be SO easily discovered if VOU allow him tn romain i''.i h.a."J ,0r-K: ?Ur: e -""nld Frederick's nnme a wave mndsr
. . . . . r v lo Brip eu. na ll m vii mr injr oma ,of ,, ,, ru5hfrt Ovor me. If he were n..f.,1l
Inf v. ...e ,n.irw ' . ..... -.11 t. :.i Baivm, Oregon, mjv
'So it is with the exposure of folly. And in this free' "t right up stairs pu-aw aud iar off
vprv low as he immotliatelv crossed to
r. r.!(.t .tm., u iB,tn,.tea . nnt ,fc. ,ra e. the i 01 iree Speecn men get into tnat SOrt Of Communication 'r iT ;.! "L":.:, I',!'"l'mu'a 10 "u,'n y CasUe Chapel TMUd Brethren Chureh.
swt, lf'the carrier does not do this, aaisses too, or negietti getting the paper i with one another which constitutes the basis of all worthy : thought me oue of the invited guests, i An, Vou came beeause you knew I"'
to yoa oa time, kindly phoae the eireulatioe manager, as thu Is tte enly way ; achievement. walked slowly up the stairs. 1 laid t ,t(,Pped short for two reasons. One
e eaa determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. honej ,,. , , I saide my cloak, then walked even more' ()iat j wng taking a good deal for grant-
1 before 7:30 o'clock ud a iper will be ent you by special messenger if the i hlS IS WOrth remembering, at a time when the rant-j slowly down again. Blanche Ortou cams ed RntX Bim jt. The other
.rrier has missed yoa. inST of false leaders temDtS the DUblic to arts of Stem rP-ii"to ,he 1,8,1 jus.t 8 Ieached it, and Iimw ;ei hKd jiM(.d u tnri wa8
ti. r ii. i. . immediately spoke to hr: lK.I,ii,i0 Mr Tenrle. then Mr. Connor.
pUbMUIl. 11 IS Weil not 10 Carry miS CenSOrsmp tOO lar, "Vou aril! forgive me for intruding ,t wniT,,, ,h(.re. but Thompson came
lest men be taken for martyred Solomons when thev are10"'1 vwu lrs- Orton,r' 1 in in later. These with two women, over-
t 1 T. : kUl a il.i iJ t I most gracious tows. "But I know Xei . . n-,y.n women who seined ill
often comes to you for help in his bust- at Ulltu aft.,r . winc .... g,irVed.
were very talkative and very
ver had met women of their
Ii ... j 1 I'" l lull Hill II w3 tin itcvtti.
OUt. have Intruded upon social aftair, I de- ... . . k . .
lermiiieu 10 come sun as you iu
mc a lgsMin in helping my husband. You
General Pershing assumes responsibility for the or- 1 fwlish- 1 di,,. DOt care. 'or
der to continue firing right up to the minute the armis- TtomZ"ZXSZ
tlCe tOOk effect. He SaVS it Was absolutely necessary in them. 1 am sorry now. Will you help
la the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation i guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
Nearly everybody recognizes the absurdity of a sys
tem which postpones the assembling of congress until
thirteen months after election, and which therefore makes
it necessary to call an "extra session" at a time like this,
when there is a legislative emergency. There has long
been a demand for a change that would enable the nation
to get quicker action on an election and setting a new
congress to work before the impetus that chose it has
died cut.
There is a measure now proposed to arcomplish this
reform. It would provide for the first meeting of a new
congress on March 5, following its election, instead of
waiting until the first Monday in December. Congress lt
fcflf has power to make the change, and it k expected that
it will be taken up soon in the special session that has just
It might be well to go still further. Why should any
congressman who is defeated early in November costinue
in office longer than the end of the year? And why
t-hould not the congressmen-elect assume their duties im
mediately after the Christmas holidays? The date of
the presidential inauguration might be changed likewise,
making everything start the first of the year. State gov
ernments have found this a good system why would it
not be equally good for the national government?
only fools. It is probably true that the best wav to dis
pose of a lot of radical orators and writers is to let them '"fSS- 1 do "nl ,0 J"-'1" him als0- "'when thev
show this folly. The public is no fool. It will find them
me retrieve my errori it was not ai
all what I had intended to nay; not at
all what 1 wr.'mted to nay. Bat tho
words seined' to come of their own voli
anil Connor. But I hud come to help
I Noil, so while refusing to tukp any
,wine, I chatted with each of them in
itiirn until the conversation turned uion
some miaiHg proposition. Then I lis
tened. j (Tomorrow Neil Suggests That Bar
bara Ler.ve Earlv.1
order to enforce acceptance of the terms and that Fcch
issued similar orders to his armies. The editors' and pol
iticians' council in this country was not consulted about
it, however, and that is where he made his mistake. That
great Y. M. C. A. general, Governor Allen of Kansas, vet
eran of a hundred hard-fought political campaigns, is one
i.f trio lnnrtaef -mntifrioH TollnX7G tirVin ic?cjifo n, V,?c.
w vnv IIIVH o, "111) OOOVIM UU1 UUJO IIT.1 A t ..Ml knli. vn,i all I
should have stopped fighting at the earliest possible you are very brave to acknowledge your
mompnr. As a mntipr of fact Allpn apoma tn trunk that mistake. Don't let anyone know 1 did
tho f.rrhtinr, moo oil nnnQoco, nnA not invite you. I will say I telephoned president of the bonrd of temperas
i..v, iifcuuug " ait uum-vvMoiji anu iuhic, CAtcpi mai you to join us." prohibition, and public imnals of
Corner Seventeenth and Nebraska
streets. The Bible school meets at 10
a. m. .for worship and the study of the
word. The topical lessons now being
studied are of great interest and Im
portance . We invite all r.;r to coma
with us in this study.
At 11 a. m., W. W. Bosvliraosh wtt.
preach on the subject, ''The Howards of
the Christian Life."
The leader of the Young People's
meeting at 7 p. m. is Miss Xoaiua Phelps
subject, "Gixl's Promises."
At 8 p. in.. Rev. Guy Fitch l'hclps will
speak on the subject, '"llns tht Y. M. C.
A. "Miide (iiMid in France f" Having
just returned from France and tiiis wore
he is I'ompetent to discuss this subject
intelligently r.nd at first hand. Come
ii ii tl bring your friends.
I'raver service Thursiluv evening at 8
o'clock. A cordial invitation is extend
cd to all these services.
Mrs. Orton had first looked surprised, ,
then a look of something near chagrin
crossed her face, then, to mr surprise.
mm nf nitr. I was totally unprepared
Open Forum.
Bishop William F. McDowell,
the I
It gave him an Opportunity. tO tOUr LurOPe at the eXOenSe A 1 followed her into the room where Methodist Episcopal church:
nf tho V AT C. A fnnrl TWhlnrr nf Mmn Arr UM? vm "scii,bled, I though Dear Bishop:-Xo man or won.au enn
a woiuuc, vuuioc, ucoci vca f tht, od sii v nor that "there some . .r.... Ph,iuii.. . ,it .,i
SOme CenSUre for not Consulting the Y. M. C. A. Vendors Ko& the worst of us." She hadjthc Kepublicnn. or Democratic, or anji
A a . AA a i n 11 m anA n V nln 1 . I i n t . 4 .
Of ritrnt'PttPa ntlri rhrwintr tnim nn on mnnvtant mottor vn., ... . 11(,.nw parlT ncaer i outicai aciioii,
im 1 ...wv . iu-v. wonderfully. Khe eould muKe any ex- (leiieral Conference 18
like the proper Way tO bring the WOrld'S greatest War tO plnnation she saw fit of my presence. The time has eon
lfllfi. !
proper Way tO bring the WOrld S greatest War tO plnnation she saw fit of my presence. The time has come when the line
ti fittinff Close y neatest fO'W Of embarrassment I should be definitely and shurply drawn
fa ' vras gone that it would be known that, between the supporters and partners of
1 Dud joined them without an invitation, tlua traffic, and those who stand for its
and thuf Noil might think I was spying I abolition. A man ennnot, as a Christian
upon him. citizen, sign a petition for. a liquor Ii-
"Ladies and gentlemen let me Inrre lcenso, rent property to be used for the
duce Mrs. Forbes. Aren't you surprised j purposes of the traffic, vote for Jt or
WK Mir :& !
zUi jrii?A 7tjJA
The Roosevelt highway is one of the largest develop
ment propositions ever submitted to the people of Oregon
for adoption or rejection. 1 It means a permanent road
along the coast from Oregon's northern boundary to the
California line and in its course it will traverse all our
coast counties, opening many valuoble districts to set
tlement and development. The effect of its construction
will be to increase the amount of taxable property in the
state by millions within the next few years, since lack of
roads and transportation facilities are now seriously
checking the advancement of the coast region. This high-1
way proposition should be given serious consideration be
cause of its important bearing upon the future growth of
The war gardeners are in the
movies too. Join their ranks and
write to the National War Garden
Commission, Washington, iar a
garden book.
One of the most curious things about the German
handling of the peace treaty is the presence of Count Von
Hrockdorff-Rantzau at the head of the delegation at
Versailles. '
This crntleman. if he may be so designated, is a
Prussian of the Prussians, a nobleman of the old imperial Oregon and also on account of the proposal of the govern
regime. There is no indication that his opinions have j merit to match, dollar for dollar, the money appropriated
changed. Certainly the arrogant conduct characteristic by the state. It is the best of all the reconstruction meas
of Prussian "vons" in general has not changed. His i ures submitted to the people at the election next month.
first speech at Versailles was impudent and insulting, and
! . i re: 1 1 1 1 1
Spring Sunshine and STURGIS GO-CAHTS
his subsequent behavior, official and personal, has been
tso intolerable that there is talk of the Allies demanding
It's recall.
Apparently Germany might just about as well have
fent Ludendosff or Hindenburg or Tirpitz to Versailles,
or even the)iead of the house of Hohenzollern himself.
And IJrockdorff-Rantzau is there as the representa
tive of a Socialistic government, which bases its appeal f or
leniency on the ground that Germany is now democratic
and has repudiated the spirit and works of Kaiserism.
It is no use the world will never understand those
By Walt Mason
Sargeant York, the Church of God elder from Ten
nessee, who with his squad of seven men killed 00 Ger
mans, captured 122, including a major, along with )G ma
chine guns, was inclined to be a conscientious objector at
the beginning of the war. After thinking over the issues
involved, however, he girded on his armor and went over
the top with his rifle in one hand and an automatic in the
other. Now York says he feels "a heap stronger spirit
ually" which is more than those conscientious objectors
who are in jail can look one in the eye and say without
It's a remarkable thing that the more money the
people of Oregon give to Red Cross and war work activi
ties and loan to the government the more they have left.
This is shown by steady growth of bank deposits all over
the state. The bread cast upon the waters seems to be re
truning, even though we have not had to wait many days
for the performance of the biblical miracle. v
The Oregonian simply felt called upon to speak high
ly of General Wood and thought it would be better to do
What will we drink when conies July? We hear the
thirsty people cry, the friends of old John Barleycorn,
who 11 sadly miss the
the babbling stream
in e- i- t m t f ii h J ii ir 4- V n
u:uj.L. i i v,' t i ...i riMdently
r,,oU tn VnifW from tho bnhhliL hrnl-S u on ,1 .ivP!1,0n VVmch VVt flmkly COnf not pOSSCSS.
their works too hard a jolt, and cause interior revolt.
; fcn fini-lv hnfnr tho eiml clutnH nirnli.i itn wne rvitt nn Thin
it mqueni noin. in time tntj u nit,,v , . , f ,. . artnnt- fnm nin
whose waters in the sunlight clean.;! : V" : ' I .: " A " '
j,,;. I, ,,,;ii ,,!,, i a ,i, ..I.Ji11"" iuiiiaiiitt ui. iiuuuimni iiitK'pruut'iii.
' here is one editor who has "inside informa-
The union machinists of the Portland district have
41.... ,1. tv,i f,,.. .;rp ...uti. t,ni i i
linn-au-iiuims iui tin v iuii, n u w uii uiai uiin iii 'J ji,j r p , , ,
rr tv.u.,, u .i u..r l' declared in favor of a six hour day and tocher pay
14 in-1 uii, iuu.imu t.auvt- is iiui unu hoi, utiu iiuii row ,.t, ...i. u ...i u fi i -i
ere hit the spot, remove from weary hearts the care, and W t PflX T wften Reine Bo!sll0Vlkf P"'
K,.,v.ti,,1O0 Lni ..inir ,vh;w t hL ha th J n,aSH is not to work at all and have the government print
divers colored inks which some regard as tempting drinks.
Good writing fluid, blue or black, sends pleasant thrills
slong the back, and makes a man so full of vim he'd tear
a bobcat limb from limb. When I quit Inioze I often yearn
ed for something strong that jarred and burned, and then ,
enough paper money to keep the wages coming right along
all the time?
I'd sip some turpentine, and found its action very fine. I
f u"p!( 1 all the drinks in view, from linseed oil to liquid
r 'lie, m .1 finally was reconciled to lapping up the waters
wild. And now I would not trade my well for ail the
this siue of Hannibal, Mo.
A DISTRESSING INCIDENT ;!,( I should ti ll his tit to r-ru-e
n,v alie nee Uo wht" she knew I wa
T wai. in a perfect fever nf vnrest. im-: nut with him. Hut 1 had m evr;es
ptitienrr. Still aiunething vt-rr like fir t iimkc fortnnali-iy. Aunt devfineit
.' ihe rent nf that dar, and the next, n , khea.is. he and wenttn bed about 4
Neil hai". tn!! n at lireakfal tli.it he oVIock.
would not ditie at home, 1 wondered 1 dnss-J rarefultr a I vcr had
1 tCL, si I f Have
I j m, you
1 (01 . . iM Heard
i Mr I
Go hand in hand to admin
ister health and happiness
to the baby in your home.
These pleasant days
should find the baby outcw
in me open, vvny not call
and see the splendid line
of carriages we are show
ing in all the new colors
of enamel and all the mod
ern conveniences. Then
get the baby out in the
i sun and air.
.4 We have just received
J:a, very complete line of
j porch swings, ham
I mocks, porch chairs,
1 cots, porch shades and
1 prass run's. With these vou can make a nlea;nnt. sum.
4 O O tf 1 " " p
j mer porch and live out of doors. Take advantage of all Sf
j this good weather by being out of doors.
f T
E! J
It's soft, low tones are the sweetest
that can be produced on any make of
phonograph. Or you can adjust the re
producer so as to play the same record
in the full tone of a singers voice. The
tone range is unlimited. You can eas
ily learn to adjust the Brunswick to
produce the tone you like. Free dem
onstration in vour home.
Is the most powerful little suction
cleaner made. It gets all the dust from
under the carpet as well as that which
is in the carpet. The suction is stmntr. Jl
er than on other machines of equal n
kj.tiv anu ttijr UltftUUIllCill pOini IS
made with the idea of saving repair
expense. They are thoroughly guaran
teed and sold on easy terms."
C, S. Hamilton, Home Furnisher