THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1010. page tithe: r :f K Ye Liberty.' Theatre SUNDAY-MONDAY Ccsrt H sPresents J. Stuart Blackton's Master Production "LIFE'S GREATEST PROBLEM" with MITCHELL LEWIS NOT The Most Talked-of Picture of The Day Intensely Dramatic with Abundance of Comedy POWERFUL! THRILLING ! ! No War No Vice A PREACHMENT , 1 la the suit of Dura Wkitcinaii, who is ' ; iuiag the state industrial accident torn- j I aiisMoa to iucrss the of her 1 tour children from 6 a mum a to $15' a luoinn. tue commission Has demurred to the eompiaiut, alleging that the writ does not state fact sufficient to consti tute a cause for action. Should tho suit come to trial, it is understood that the legal question will come up as to wheth er, whera the father and mother are di vorced, the children are orphans or whether they are not. If the four chil dren are orphans, they are entitled to $13 a month. If sot, $0 a month is the . legal amount. The commission is al ready allowing $8 a mouth o i the sup position they are not orphans, although the father and mother were divorced at the time the father was accidentally killed. l . SOCIETY. j (Continued from page two) toeea were used for pretty decorations and music and games formed the di version after the supper. Following a time honored custom. delegates from the' CI. A. R. and W fi. L'. visited the various schools in the eity yontnly. Daniel Webster rep iwienttyl fhe Grand Army, at Sacred Heart academy while the Womau'a Ho- aef t!onx was represented by. Mary ttook, NbzMboth Kenung.ton, ilyra Dot aon, Mary Davis and Hose Ilagedorn. lAfU-r reception, a delightful lunch ton mu acrved in the library to the visitors. The program for the after Boon follows: Vocal duet O That We Two were Maying, Koumania Maillaux, A'iola (Rnney. Hesitation Decoration Hymn, Mnry Hri'nan. Highland1 Fling Junior . physical en'ture claws. solo Send Me a Rose from Homeland, Viols Finney. Keeitntion One Flag, Buth Cum Biiiu;. I'm no solo iLena Huckestcin, May Via. (orua When Blue Stare Turn to Sold, academic vocal class. Addxtwa Lily Make. Star Si9ngled JJanner. ?lr. and Mrs. Milton I Meyers, are Fir t land visitors, having gone flown or the MeCormaek concert, and re named for few daya visit "with friend a. 3Tr. and Mrs. J. H. Richmond of Portland arc quests at the Milton L. Meyers home on Court street. The eights, annual convention of tho P. E. O. Sisterhood will be held at Ku gene from May 7 to May 29th. Offi cers of the state chapters are: President, Mrs. Kmma Meliaw, Port land; vice president, Mrs. Lena Udell Portland; Mrs. Mary L. Logan, Al bany; recording eecrttary, Mrs. Edna (J. Urownton, ija uranile; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Blanche L. Murphy, t ortlaua; treasurer, Airs. Arlette Law rence. Woodburn; organist, Miss Mar garet Copeland, 'Poitland. Tho program for the convention is as follows: Tuesday Afternoon v 2:30 Executive board meeting. Tuesday Evening 7:30 Enrollment of delegate 8:30 Convention called to order. A)H)intmout of guards, pianist and re porters. Appointment of committee on credentials and dispensation. Opening ode. Devotionals, led iby Mrs. Mary K. Logan, second v. p. O. O. C. Music. Address of welcome, president of chapter H. KesMnse, Mrs. Lena Odell, first vice president O. G. 1. .Formal opening of con vent ion. Report of credentials committee. Introduction of officers and guests of honor. Appointment of committees Minutes of last convention Report of committee on dispensations Secret work, by Miss Margaret Cope- land, orgnnzer O. O. O. Boll call, Mrs. Bluncha Murphy, cor responding secretary O. G. C. Musio Papare Informal reception to delegates and visitors Wednesday Morning 8:30 Committee work 9 Opening ode Devotionals Roll call Music Minutes of previous session , Report of committee on credentials Correspondence and greetings Secret work Report of state officers Report of educational fund, Mrs. Lena Odell Address, Miss Margaret Durward, su premo president Adjournment Luncheon to delegates and visitors Wednesday Afternoon Convention called to order Music " Roll call Minutes of previous meeting Hecrct work Memorial hour in charge of Mrs. Kate Polders, chapter H. Eugene Model meeting and exemplification Report of patriotic service commit tee Mra Lydia Leabo, chapter E Adjournment Wednesday Evening , Guest of chapter H , Thursday Morning 8:30 Committee work 9 Convention called Opening ode Devotionals M usie Minutes of previous session Roll call Secret work Report of committees Local president's report Miscellaneous business Election of officers and delegates to supreme convention Ouostion box, Miss Durward, su preme president . Thursday Afternoon 1:30 Convention called Opening ode JJoll call lit tho ruse of C. E. Mcllwaine aud wife against the estate of N. 0. Listou for $j0i for care given Mr. Listen dur ing his illness, was recently brought to trial in the circuit court. The conclu sion of the law was and a decree en tered that Mr. Mellwaine aud wife had performed services ,to the value of lSti.50 prior to October 18, 1018, mid that from October 17, 15)18, to Novem ber 1, 11 IS, the services rendered Mr. I.i.-ton had a value of $1"0. Instead of the $'KHI0 as claimed ajjainst the estate, the court allowed the plaintiffs $330.30 and that each party iu the suit should pay their own costs. I. F. Burt died at bis home six miles etst of the eity Wednesday aftcrnoou. Yesterday his niece, Mrs. Jennie Hicks, of Fruitlund petitioned the court - letter of administration for her appoint ment us administratrix, wtiicu -ns granted. In her petition Mrs. Hicks stated that the only heirs known were a brother, Dr. Z. F. Burt, 83 years of ago, living at Phillipsburg, Pa., a nephew Luther Burt whose residence is unknown, and herself, Jennie Hicks, a niece; that so far as known, the niece and nephew, children of a brother, W. O. Burt, and the brother. Dr. Z. F. Burt, were tho only living heirs. Tho estate is valued at $1000 in real estate and $250 in per sonal property. A. J. Mutthis, Chris Stcnback and Paul Silko wero appolntea appraisers. Tho funeral services of Mr. Burt will bo held Saturday. 'ROUND COAST LEAGUE EASES (By United Press.) Yesterday's winners: Hun FrnntiM, Los Angeles, Oakland, Vernon. Home runs: Kenworthy, Angels; Mill er, Oaks; Krug, Borton, It looked like a roao festival when Portland put two across in the first In- nincr forelnff flre.n! mm ihtk lnt Hut Response, "One thing you have goi- Kantlehncr took the Seal mound and the Grahamitcs won, 4 to 2. n IV. !UI IPPODROIV1E il VAUDEVILLE HAS NO EQUAL SUNDAY The Big Eastern Broadway Scream nson-Dean mw 3 Joh ten from the convention to take home to your chapter." Secret work ' . Paper Music Supplementary report of tscasuMr Miscellaneous and unfinished busi ness Installation of officers Minutes of closing session Closing ode Adjournment m Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K.imm of Port land motored to Hnlem Thursday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Knmin are prominent in the younger social seT of Portland and well known in ISiilem. Mr. Kunun is a cousin of Mrs. Dyer. . D. II. MOSI1ER DOBS HIGH CLASS LADIES TAILORING 6 People evue 6 People SINGING, PLANTATION DANCING PRIZE CAKE WALKING SPECIAL SCENERY M GWIN JACQUE and ISILLY CLARK In "OM listen Red" JIMMY GALLON and His Lunatic Sb'cks ALL PRAISt DUE YANKS (Continued from page one) Roosevelt. Too bad he was not sent to Russia, instead of Mr. Root. He could have performed wonders of reorganiza tion. They would have rallied around him, millions of them. "The revolutionary spirit, resulting from oppression and increasing knowl edge of American freedom and higher tJ standard of living, is rumpant in Jupan. By scattering their hits the Ralulers lost to the Angels, 9 to 1. The Bcuttle ites hit Curly Brown for 11 binglcs but eould only cross the plate once. It took ten innings- for the Onks to down the Bees. The final score S to Six tallies by the Tigers in the first stanza drove Vance to the showers and aided the disciples of Roscoe to defeat the Bolons, 8 to 8. . BeecSiam's Piils will rapidly improve your cproplexionbyarousingthe liver and putting stomach and Hood in good order. Lurnt S.U af Anr MfdiHn. in th Warld, itUmnnkM, la Wut, 10 2S ii ( i pjjTntr"! ill , . j hk -a hi f SMARTLY DRESSED YOUNG MEN You see a good many of them around here; the best dressed of them all are those who have been here to. Buy our waist-seam models in Distep'Sfllorcd There is no doubt that our suits are the best on the market today as we absolutely guaran tee every garment. Bishop's guaranty means that every dol lar and his reputation is behind his goods. OUR V tMarx J Clothes "Are Good" suits, and the back is. as important as the front, so far as your clothes are concerned. You don't see it very , often, but other folks do. Better have it look just right. The line from the shoulder to the waist is a very important one, so far as the looks of the coat are c oncerned. The curve of the lapel ; the placing of the pockets. These are some of the things that make Bishop's famous for their good clothes-MThey have Nothing but good Merchandise." $35 $40 $45 $50 HieHomeof Hart Schaffher "Every family in Marion and rom lounues a rairon. Clothes Salem WoOleSl Mills Store t-inl Ilyiiiene society (iltsyed a prominent pint in thin work and Inn been n pio neer in paving tho way for the prote tio'i of the youui; mmihood and yom , womanhood of both Oreiion and tho country at lurge. The remarkable J STATE HOUSE NEWS' various sizes, and of a total value of mittrc in congress before which the $2U,OU0. These trucks form a part of. question of continuing this work in cl the surplus aud now useless war euiiv j vilinn eonimunitics is now being ngita ment and on the close of hostilities they f ted. The Oregon Social Hygiene society were turned over to the department of .'made a remarkable record in this con agriculture to lie placed where tney I ucetion anil is ulachig all its efforts in would do the most good. These ma- the direction of also securing tlio eon-inchievements aeeomplinhed. the womlc chines aic distributed to the slutes that timianco of the work. The letter boing ful reBiiils obtuined, all show the im have forest and post ronds under con struction, and entail no cost to state, tno oniv siipuiiiuon ueinit inni various meiiioers oi the congresBioual "Civilian communities were mnin'y they are to be used on roads that have committee is a. follow,: - L,,)0lls;i,K, for c(,mljions. found in .' federal aid. "One of the greatest achievements of army pumps early iu the war. Tho dm u . ,our military mobilization was that ac- suffering from 'these diseases, iu II, e The weekly report of the industrial icomplished In, the combat against social! main brought them into the camps. But accident commission shows thr.t there ' diseases. The emergency attack on these I a small percentage of the eases devel were 588 accidents reported throughout j discuses has no parallel in military his-loped in the camps themselves. This the state, threo of them resulting fa-, tory and it resulted in the United Htntes ' fact indicates the vital necessity of coo tally. These were llartln l'aul, Kcll-1 niuititniliino1 the cleanest armv In the i tinning thi wnrk nn. na mnunifii-nn. scale as fxissible. To negleet such an - sent by Governor Olcott a.t. tho reuuest ; nemtive neceasitv of not allowinir tb,a the of the social hygiene society to the' work to Inc. imiiortnnt factor is to jeopardize tho The state highwav commission has re cently received notice from the depnrt- anee; Joseph Hwnrt., Knappd; Louis, word. Oregon is particularly grateful Lnmbert, Neverstil, all of them being fur ,i beeauso her men In the service engaged in logging operations. Out of 'atood in the front rank and arc beinir welfare of not onlv ntip vonnir manhi)(l jthe totul number, iiM wero subject tc'0hsorbeil back into civil life, clean in! but of our innocent women and rhil- tlie provisions of the compensation act, mind, bodv and spirit. The Oregon Bo-:dren I The Oregon str.te textbook commission! Autocracy there will soon be succeded, in my opinion, by a democratic system more suited to their needs. The need of the Jarancae is tho tome as that of Russia and of all the world, towit: scientific education, our free school in stitutioii and a duplication of our entire governmental system. Imperfect men may not be expected to make our almost perfect system work to perfection, ut with all the faults of inefficient men popularly elected, and with all the hor rors of maladministration, the Ameri can government is the best in the world." Brother Killed in France. Pever is a brother of Captain Tracy Collier Dever, of the Fifth field ar Jltillery, an officer well known in west !ern military circle, who was wounffeft Willie communMing B ouiiery iu iue utst il '. I "We guarantee this to be one of the best and high est priced bills that has ever played Salem. THEATRE V J fighting in IVance and died in a Paris hospital on January 19. Captain Dever wr.n promoted to the rank of colonel during the war period. He had served with Pershing in the Philippines Rod Mexiro. "Another brother and n y son. Jack. 24, privates in the army of w potion on the Rhine, went through a lone period of active service without a wound," said the Seattle man. 'My bnr writes he wouldn't take a million dollars for his experience of the Wi:r and education pained in Europe." BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS rx. . f .... J ft ) ! mnH, . .1 tl'-r: . ..-will miMil in H'ilim nn .Tilnn 9. fu Ihrt oj(i n-.uil UIU Bl flHSIUIIlOU IIISI , ' v " - in the distribution of heavy moto ! adoption of textbooks for use in the trucks for use on post and forest roads i public schools of Oregon for a period of In the Ttrious states. Orcirnn win . six years. Huperintendent J. Ar Church- eelve ft eonslgnment of 88 machines of ill was notified today by the commis-j -.sion that it is their request that no reprepeiitntives appear before the com-1 mission during the session. All of tliej luiKU publishing eoiiipHiiiis have lepro-j sentutives in Portland, Members of thi commission believe that the work of I selecting textbooks cfin be cr.rriod on j more exiH'ditiousl v if the entiie timej can be given to the selection of lext-j books. They are, therefore, making ttio rcoucst thnt none of tho representatives j come to Hnleni during the session of thej commission, but that they be at their J usual places of business in order thatj thev may bo consulted by telephone, if necessary. I hVM: : L ,',4. it' to Avoid Trouble at Teething Time h tf giving baby MRS. WINSLOW'S SYRUP 1W kW hJ CUWt lW.lw By causing the stomach to digest food as it should, keeping the bowels open and by giving baby less food, the first tee tit never cause trouble. Contains no harmful ingredients formula on every buttle. Laeit and note how easy and comfort able baby is when teettj come, At mB Jrmiitt. George T. Oerlinger, of the Willam ette Valley Lumber ponipany of Pallr.s, was today appointed by Governor nri as a member of the state board of for-, estry to success L. H. Hill of Cottage' drove, who has resigned. In submitti ig his resignation Mr. Hill stated thnt hist busiiK'Ss would tnkn hi 10 nway fiom the state a greater part of the summer and! he would be unableto give sttention to, his duties as a member of that board.) Mr. Oerlinger has been actively engnged ; in the lumber industry of the northwest ; for nmnv, years aid Is fully familiar) with with the problems of the industry j us affecting the northwestern states. 1 Trustworthy Clothes That's the kind of clothes we put out. You can t trust them anywhere to look good and trust them o wear well a long time. The 4th of July is coming soon. Are you ready for it? We are taking orders now for early July delivery, so place your order now. J, C. Perry 't. As part of the camtmign to continue the fine work along the lines of social ihvuietie during the war Governor OIco 'has sent letter to members of the com- D. II. Mosher High Class Tailor to Men and Women. 474 Court Street Salem, Oregon. t 4 ,f444.4...4