page snvr:; 19 Ck THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY. MAY 24. 1919. Stripping the veil from tlie face of the oriental 'woman and the bandage from the feet of tha Chinese, Is plank ta the new program of rccoo- structkm. : ' - j Slave girls, held in the incense-blurred shadows af Hindu temples as victims of the rituals of anci iawt creeds, are to find the temple doors thrown fjca for their escape. Young brides, wedded by strange rites ta grotesque Asiatic gods, are to be delivered from their stone masters. Women in many landi millioiis of women who re beasU of burden, slaves of cruel custom, play things and property are to be made free. The program of their deliverance is a1 Amer ican program. The will of millions of Aneriean men and women has created it. The pwer ol $1 10,000,000 now being raised by the two brunches of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America is being put behind it And the name of it is the world reconstruction program of the Methodist Episcopal Centenary. Inspiring this program is a profound conviction that only free women can bear generations capable of fulfilling the promise of universal democracy that is in the political reconstruction of today. In narrow, winding streets and suu-drenched market places from Algiers to Teheran and from Bombay to Peking, white-dr.iped women may be seen gliding by. And their ryes look out like the eyes of a prisoner, above the "purdah" the while 'veil of Islam. Where They Bandage Feet and Sell Babies All the light of occidental civilization, stream ing In upon China, not completely fljodcd out j the shadow of the binding ol women's feet Still among the Chinese, despite the efforts of their now more intelligent classes to end a tradition of suffer ing, are women whose going and comings amid life re limited to mincing steps upon contorted ex tremities. In Slinnpiini, upon the Y.ingtse-Kiang, not long go, a country woman shuffled along, unsteady 'nuder the hamW jn';e from which hung two "ViVe of ike od KMnoba Swaying baskets. Over the side of each peeped the Immobile face of Chinese child. They were the (woman's children. She had brought them to the tity to offer them for sale. Up the steep Incline of road In Northern Imlia, under a merciless sun, twenty women trained at the traces of a heavy roller. Their bare feet, cut and Mislrrrd, scrambled painfully to the grvel of the new roadbed. Ai their head an over eer a man argrd them on. j As a trans-Pariiic liner slipped Into the harbor is( Nagasaki, Innumerable flat-bottomed boats laden fwi'ih soft foal made fast alongside. Scores of little Japanese women, heads bound for protection from eoal dust, and same with babies bonnd to tbelr "lacks, scrambled np the hastily erected scaffolding. Hour after hoar they stood, catching the baskets of ton tossed to them by men In the boats. Night b id fallen when the coaling was done. The little women took their day's wage, fifteen or twenty evts, and went home, ilre these the mothers of nnlvemal democracy? They re types, living illustrations of the sub jection of women in oriental countries, whether co der the yoke of custom, of hnorance or of poverty. Slranjjc Wrongs to Be flighted in Every Country ) Lifting the yoke is tb objective of the eew t'-nary program. The small army already being j recruited to apply Hist program will undertake not : M!y to belp make them free, but to help make j them better mothers, better home makers, greater I Influences in the lives of their men and of heir entries. trsrt J c 1 t, V-,- J in 4 'v. There are strange wrongs to be righted (a T" vrur country. There are millions of women who Biwi be given their heritage. India's women number 180,000,000. Tbeir yoke, despite all the British government has done to U them, Is still heavy. CcLrtcsar.s, Sanctioned by Religion and Custom Tbey are bowed under the institution of child marriage which disposes of their lives before they re old enough to know what life means. And the cufttom is 800 years older than the Christian era. They suffer under the contempt of widowhood. More than 20,000,000 of them, widowed la girl hood, or even childhood, live lives of outcasts, with shaved beads as badge ! their widowhood, nd practically prohibited from remarriage. Young girls are devoted to idols in Infancy and early childhood by their parents In some parts of India. About their neck Is placed the necklace of tli seven cowries. They are wedded to the dagger of trhandoba. Tbeir lives are devoted it singing obscene songs In praise of the god, performing night worship and song services, selling them- selves. These are tie muralls. Akin to them are the deraJwIa, or slaves of He gods, and the eauich gfrLi 0f Southern India. Tbey are taken fa cMd- hood to sing and dance before the temple gods and fa the pr-teesflor.s. TcMwgn. centuHea taey j " ' "r 4? is . Xvi f ' ei' s t v . . v X? - . ( j, - ? i . ' ' ;V ' t --"VI " ' . ' 'V . N , V : 1 lit " K h ' 4. wn f-f-s '' ill 1 I - :t':-"V.:4 l i v - w v - . .- yJ ... V 1 & '1 tw "' X barderv bearer of Not h MfciCa bare become coartCMuu, sjuiclio&ui Ly religion and custom. The women coolies of India work from sunrise to sunset Tbey carry upon their beads baskets of concrete for the smooth automobile roads of modem India. They carry earth from excavations, bricks for building, and water. Tbey mil mortar. And often, they steal a moment from their work to look after the little baby they have left under the shadow of busb near their tasks. For the bowed millions of Indie's women, tha Centenary program promises the beginning of t new life. ''Woman," wrote Confucius, "Is mindless, soulless creature." The bound feet, the bound minds, tbt too early marriages of China's women teU the story . of their sufferings under sacb philosophy. Why Chinese Women , Are Carried to Work - Chins bas bound tu women's feet for 1,000 years. Within the last two or three decades many of the women bave unbound their feet. But so old enrtoa eannA be eradicated la few yean. 1 Zrlr i There are thousands of Chinese women who bare sever gone more than 100 yards from their homes unless they were carried. And In tha Interior one may see women of bound feet, compelled to work, dragging at the ropes of boats, along the towpaths of canals. And, In the cotton fields, they work, sit ting, hitching themselves along as they proceed, Tbey are carried to and frou the fields In wheel barrows, China's coolie women labor like beasts of burden. One may see them by hundreds, bowed under heavy yokes. One may watch them, fa the mud of tha rlca paddiM, while wen stand by on dry ground, directing thdr wort China, women are eves more numerous than Indls's. But the program of lie Centenary la lor them as welL The American millions to be spent wQl belp them to a higher place In the new schenv of things that Is In tha making. The Story of ihn Geisha Girls There is work to be dona among the women of Japan, advanced though that country fa. There are tha superannuated women hired oot at a few yea a day to carry babies on their backs for many consecutive boors the EomorL There are tha girls of tha tea bouses, some of then? work for twenty or even twenty-two boon day. And there ere the 10,000 geisba, each Uken is childhood, to become the property of old women who support them, end train them la staging, dancing, playing the samisen and la repartee, After years of the most rigid Instruction, these gfrls may be hired by men for their entertainment s) And the shogl or licensed prostltntes, estimated ' aombn mora than 10,000, endure fate erea x - -i r worse. They are driven lo the Yoahlwaras or vice districts by sheer necessity of making s living They become virtual slaves under the burden ol debt necessarily Incurred to equip them lor their profession. They are openly bought and sold Again, in Japan one finds the coolie woman not only helping to coal ocean liners, but asmtin ih driving piles for the building of bridges, and carrying burdens of every kind. And among tlie factory workers of Japan in soma of the luctnrie shifts are said to be changed once every twelve hours 88 per cent are women. And these women, according to available statistics, sre paid between thirteen and fifteen cents a day. . Japan Is provided for In the program nf the Centenary. Japan's women are to be relieved of their yoke, as welL So are the women of Korea snd Malaysia, of Mexico and South America. Where Neither Childhood Nor Motherhood Is Sacred So are the women of Africa those 40,000,006 wild creatures of the jungle who are the prey of the strong, whipped and worked like beasts; bought and sold and Inherited like property; neither their childhood nor their motherhood held sncrcd. In North Africa, and all through the coun! ries of the orient, millions of Mohammedan w hm-n must be liberated, not only from the purdnh but from the senana and the harem the forbulilm place of women. The senana and the purdnh are ohlig.itory upon all women who recognize tlie Koran. Hoik are symbols of the subservience and Inferiority of woman's position under Mohammedanism, and Urn senana carries always the Implication of polygamy. The veiled women of Islam are innumerable. Tbe secluded number many millions. In India alone there are 40,000,000 of the latter, and In North Africa, It Is estimated, there are 80,000,000 more. The seclusion of tbe harem deprives women of outdoor liberty and recreation. It affect the!, health and tbe health of their children. Many ol these Imprisoned women die of tuberculosis. Limited In their experience, permitted to see only husband, father, brothers and nephews, their knowledge of life Is small, their minds seldom more than child minds. ..-' - What the Freedom of ' Wcscn Will Mcsn '' For the sake of world democracy Mclnodisra in mer1ca beiJevM that thee wrongs must be tg,lted &M woan Wlei out of .objection, & lerv1rude. the contemrt which surrounds all women of the oriental countries. Freedom for the women of the world means to the church tha dispelling of Ignorance throngh education, the substitution of Christian Ideals for superstition snd for creeds that have made pos sible the wrongs of women. Tbe program for attaining these ends Is definite and detailed. Schools, seminaries, colleges aad universities are to be built in many eountrlea. Hospitals are to be founded end equipped, and made tha center of systems of dispensaries. Teach ers, physicians, aursee ere to be sent frees this country. All these will have behind them the major pur pose of the Methodist Centenary movement, the establishment of the Ideals of Christianity in every country, as a foundation upon which women may stand la the work that Is primarily theirs, the :f!ding of the world democracy of the future.