THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 21. 1910. --t-t --- ? T f f t f f? DR. C B. O'NEILL Optometrist Optician Complete Grinding Plant on the Premises Bush Bank BIdg. Phone 625 XX 4 Salem Gliclies aad! 1 &ek Activities I ft 4tt4T4 PAGE SIX 1 : " " i " " First M. E. Church Siate sad Chunh street. Class Bieet in 1. in; -Sunday p hool 9:45 a. m; morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon efire the Orand Army of, the Repub lic the pator. Dr. K. . Avison, vn "The educational value of the Me morial." 3 p. m. service at the Old People Home. 7 J. m. the Kpworth fleague devotional meetings. Dr. Avi tt will install the officers of the sen ior chapter. 8 p. m sermon by the pa tor on "The unread vision." Music t iioih services by the chorus choir di luted by Prof. John 1!. iSites. Mid week ervii e Thursilny evening " at eis.'ht o'clock, led by K. F Bergman. itover; 3: 15 p. m. tubrrruluai hospit al. ir A. Wells. ' Leslie Methodist orner South Comiiit'rcitil ami Myors streets. Horace X. Aldrich, tor. 9:4."i a. hi. JSunduy school, K. A. Khoten, -eriiitndeiit; II a. m. public worship, with sermon by the pastor. Theme, "In M. 'murium." " devotional incetiig of the Kpworth League. Leslie Springer, president. 8 p. III. s:iiif s-rviee, led by the girls rli or us, an I an address by the pastor. State Institution! ' Service at the institutions Sunday First Presbyterian Church Thomas Anderson, minister. Theme of morning sermon, Building the house of Kd. Text: "Except the Iord build the house, they lator in vain who build it." Sabbath school at :". pub lic worship at II o'clock. Y. I". 8. C. E. at 7 and evening worship at 8 o'clock. Theme, "Saving from death, and cov eriitg sin " Everybody welcrme. First United Brethren Yew Turk. Ii.blo school at 10 a. m.r preaching at 11 a. m. by Bev. Ella Mc Klroyt yo'm,T n,,w mooting at 7:10 p. m. Wanda Wiikizer leader, Etta Burns president. Mid week prayer ser vices Thursday at 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation to all who desire to cme and worship with us. ('. W. Corby, pas-tor. First Congregational Church Liberty and Center St. Dr W. C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. in. .Snr..fuy school with classes for all ages, W. I. Staley, superintendent 11 a. m. "As the Jew. " 7 p. ni. Christian Kudenv or. H n. m. "If Jems Christ came to Kill be held as follows: 9 a. ni. state Salem." Following tins address aome lio'ptiul, It.v Charles II. I'owell; 2:15 p. interesting motion pictures iiSaiing tn. mute s'hiiol, by T. S. Amlerson; 3 .with the work of .the f . S7. ('. A. In p. ui. girls training school, by H. C. its over sens war service. A curd.! 'n- vitation is friended to th public to come aud seev these pictures and te tend the service. The church ehoir quartet will furnish the music for all. services. 3- Quicker, Cheaper, Better Hot Water All over the house plenty for the toilet and bath ample quantities for the kitchen and laundry, and all with very little attention and at a low coat for fueL You simply connect a RUUD Tank Water Heater to your rantfo bollar, light match and t urn on the da -In a few minute you have an abundant sup ply of piping hot water. Flllmlnate tb de lay and ttrudgry of tlio mat Are. Save time, lalmr end money. Use fas hemedwater. This little heeler does a womierful work and will give you many years of eeonom l. al, reliable ser vice. On display at our showroom. OU-,. .... l-Ezv f 1 if "JLj- 4"" " t Central Congregational Church Corner Houth lsth and Ferry streets, H. C. ijtover, minister. A joint Sunday school and morning service at 10 a. ni. Mrs. Burton K. .Kdwards siierin,tead- ent. Morning address r Wie pastor, t'hristiaa Kndeavor at 7:15 f. ni. Eve ning service at 8 J. m. Music bv the girls chorus, Thursday evening service at S o'clock. First Christian Church Center and High atreeta. Leland W. I'orter, pastor. Bible school at 9:5 a. Sermon, A memory of Battles won. at II. Y. P. S. V. K. at 7 p. m., eVen;ng seniKiii at X, Mjaking i rieiuls with Christ. S. S and Y. P. Societies Lessons tor May 2oih. . M. lesson, Keeiitanee, Jonah S::l 10; I.uke 13: l-r: Acts 2:S7 :iH. II. Y. I. I. Strength ening the rural church Mutt. 9:35-3S. K. 1j. How do men confess Christ and Imtv denv Himf Romans ln:9 and l.nke i2:55-l. V. I. 8 C. K. Cod's week will be aa follows: Communion . Jason Lee Memorial Church mass at 7::"0, high mass at 10:30 with! Corner of Winter and Jefferson Sts. sermon by pastor. Benediction follows ( Thomas Acheson, pastor. Sunday school last dias. May devotions on Weanes- 9:43, classes for all ages under the day and Friday evenings at 7:30. End-J care of capable teachers. Public wo'r intf of May devotions on Sunday eve- sh'vp 11 a. in. Sirbjeet, With God in a ning, June 1st, 'with procession at 7:30 in the evening. Masses on Ascen sion Thursday at 7 .and 9 o'clock, in the church. Masses on First Friday at fi:45 aad 8 o'clock, iu the church also. The 8 o'clock mass will be the memor ial mass for our departed soldiers and sailors. There will ,be no holy hour on Thursday evening owing to the 1'lay which is to bo given in .M. Joseph s hall at 8:15 o'clock. Exposition and holr hour will be during the mass on Friday morning. The plav, "Above the clouds, ' wilt be given on Thursday evening at St. Joseph's hall (U 8:15, bv the dramatic club of tho Catholic church, at which admission will br charged. K. Buck, j pastor. Church of God 1.H6 North Church street, J. J. Oil lespit1, .pastor. The usual hour of Ihc Sunday school is at 10 a. m. followed, bv preaching service at 11. Young peo ples meeting at 7 p. m. .Leader Miss precious promises. I Kings S:'i4-(il and j Amanda Huhn, followed by preaching J reter 1:1 4. .service at 8. Praver meeting wuunes- Portland Railway Light And Power Company f.- - I T 'IB N eimeyer DRUGGIST Drugs, Sundries, . Toilet Preparations PC T m riCMC SUPPLIES ICY HOT BOTTLES GRAPE JUICES LOJU PICNIC SETS II 1 vm. ieimeyei' Successor to Frank S. Ward 411 STATE STREET niONE 1G7 Court Street Ohri&Uan Church Corner Court street and N. Seven teenth. Our Bible chool is growing and that is lino, l-et 's keep it up. The won en and girls are slightly in the lead in our cuntest. Men that means vim will have to iret busy. We are plan ning for Cliildreni day now mid hope i to 1 1 1 the 'program on June nth at 9 p. in. Morning worship 10 a. ni. to 12 in. Bible school begins promptly at 10 a. m. liCt all 'lie oil true, npeeiai na tures: Junioi choir, opening exereises, class period, aniioiin. enicnt ot poinfr contest, sermon for einiuien aim . . . . '..i. i sermon "Tlie i nnsim meuniriai. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. song ser vice and sermon 8 n. m. Sub Kit "The ptuinti line of tlod in the New Tejtn inent." 1'rnyer meeting and teacher training class Thursday 8 p. in. You are . ..." . i.: :,u ... u I. It. welcome to wuiMiip nuu un. v., nam, pastor. St. Faul'f Church Fifth Sunday after Kuster. 7:'"0 a. m. holy coiniiuinion; 1:I5 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. morning prnyer and sermon bv rector: 8 II. m. evening pray er and address by the IU. Uev. Hubert I,. Paddock. I). 1).. bishop l eastern Oregon, who has just returned from wnr work in f ranco, aim wno win re- lute his eiperienees there. Kverybodjr welcome. :iia. 11. I'owell, rector. Liberty St. Evangelical Church Corner Center nd Liberty t. I'r. F. I.ieniug, 1'nstor; Muii'lay whool ot 10 a. m. ill. Maves riupl., preaching ser vices at II a. m. and 7:45 p. in. Young j peoples meeting at 7 p, in. Midweek praver meeting" Thursday evening ..t 8 o'ciiH'li. A cordial Invitation is. extend ed to those who do not worship at any other church or attend Sundiiy school elsewhere. Nazarene Church Nineteenth and Marion streets, one block smith of Center street on iNine teenlh, Chetneketa ear. Sunday school at :15 followed by preaching at 11. I'reachiug at eight o'clock in the eve ning. Mid week prayer meeting Wed nesdny evening at eitfht o'clock. Both preaching sei on Humify will be special. W. B. Hardy, superintendent of Sunday school, Florence Wells deacou es, . Wells, pastor. I'nion meeting in the Commons Mis sion hall, 2U State, Sunday nf ternoon at three o'clock. Kemember the Salvation armv has its sign on the hall but it is the same meeting in the afternoon Monday as wo have been having Picept that tho army joins in w ith us. Come and en.ioy an, hour in a good old fashioned meeting. A. Wells, superintendent. Lutheran East Slate and Eighteeath street, v i- i til a m. Oiviile eer- I vice at 10:30 a. m. Sub ject, Trover. ' Luther league at 7 p. m., Mi f- 0,"r i lor lender. Evening service at 7:45 p. ! ni. Hulijeet. Our Bible. Everybody is j cordially invited. ). Koohler, pantor. I United Evangelical I Cottage and Onter streets. O. l.ovell, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. 'in. I'nwhing and morning worship at 11 a. ni. "The principles of .lesus as a world power." 4'hrislian Endeavor at 7 p. ni. Evening worship and sermon at 8 p. m. A study in the First Epistle !of John. I'tayer meeting on. Thursday ; evening. South Salem Friends Corner of S. Commercial aud Wash inctoa St. II. E. l'emberton, pastor. Itible -hi..d at 10 a. m. clams for all. Ir. Carl Milter, superintendent. Meet ing for worship with good singing and preaching at II a. i. Ediicatma day. Voung M,le meet in 0. K. meeting at 7 p. iu. Evening worship at 8 p. m. All are welcome. Frayir niei'ting at 8 p. m .Thursday. Evangelical Association I Till and Ch. meketa St. F. W, lea ner .pastor. 10 a. in. Sunday whool, John liipHld, Supt. 11 a. ni. divine 'service and initial aermon by the new ly appointed pastor. 7:15 p. m. young peoples alliance. 8 p. in. seneoa. Scandinavian Chunh l'lh and Milt street. A victory and praise service will Ite held in this church Sunday afternoon at S o'clock ivecaiise of the great blessings and won derful succew eipenenced la the raafr sinnary moveinent of the day the cen tenary. Itev, I.ind will lea the ser vice. The Swedish language will e uej. The Sulthsth -hool will meet, as usual, at 2 oVUvk. i Catholic Church I The servers for Suuday and the day evening 7:45. Cloine and help in the singing. national crisis. Epworth League devo tional meeting 7 a. m. A special wel come is extended to young people. Eve ning service 8 o'clock, subject, dr experiences in Travel," by Burges Ford. Y. V. C. A. Speeial music will be rendered by to choir both morning and evening. Prayer mewing Thursday 8 p. m. We cordially invite the publie to worship with us in these services. Christian and Missionary Alliance Kev. J. E. Fee of Portland will con duct next services on Thursday after noon, May 29, at tt32 South Commer cial street, at 2:b o'clock. Studies in Revelation continued. All most cordial ly welcome First Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday services are held at 440 Che meketa atreet at 11 a. m, subject of tha Jlible lesson. "Soul and Body." Sunday school at 9:45 a. ra. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 p. m. Heading room 209 Masonic Temple, open every day except Sunday and hol idays from 11:45 to 5 p. m. All are in vited to our services and to our read ing room. BAB- MATH 4 ( DO YOU Vi'ANT yor friends to avoid you? They will certainly do so when your breath is bad. There is no excuse for anyone having a bad breath. It is caused by disorders of 'the stomach which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's Tablets.' Many have been permanently cured of stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after years of suffering. Price 25 cents per bottle. .' ixi & ) Jill t-i. s v.. 1 Jiir k;.,r s ;ia wHlitS! ,iiiU:4r,sh,! ll-i'j ilu.i: 'illl!;; V II1 ; it-: 'l! il . '(' M' J ' -v j wil'viii'' : If ,i 1 i ! ::' 1', igt!Ni4iw-ir'-ji- it "n ' Ti, 1 v.rr,:7.: :,rT il ..l-n Ml, . . l' ,,'Jln-l r ;,i 1 li. ., , V ..-.,:.,,' V' ' I'" ; I'! 'it.!' til1'' r tk. H 13' r Y Harry Lauder gaily sings "When I Was Twenty-ne" A rollicking ditty of an old man looking back at hit youth. Presented a no one but Harry could possibly do it. Victor Roid. 70UJ "Don't Cry Frcnchy, Don't Cry" Sung by Charlrj Hart and Elliott Sluir "I Know What It Means To Be Lonesome" Sung by Henry Burr Vktw 4iblt-Ucia lUcora. U5JI Two Marches with an infectious swing Both on one record and both played by the Victor Military Band. "Madelon" One-Step March ' "March Francaise" ' VkoW.-lc( Rof4. 185J4 j Stop in and let ui play you the . New Victor Records for May V. W. Moore r. Yoa Get More for Your Mosey at Moore's LIBERTY STREET ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT VIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Express Service at Freight Rates Long Distance Hauling Only ( PHONE 1400 WE HAVE IT! 31 o Everything in Building Material f Paints arid Varnishes. KALSOMINE at our SPECIAL PRICE of only 11c per pound. ft Our motto is "Service to our Customers." . ma ft : r..:i :.w A. B. KELSAY, Mgr. I Phone 813 349 South fe West Salem 414 12th Street COMINO BACK FROM FRANCE Mr. and Mrs. Oenrge Miller ropi.ivfd a tcli'Rrain Tupsitay from the "Alillcr Twins," stating thtt thivy arrived at Taeoma (Camp LewisJ that day, with Base Hospital No. 48. They expect to be home ini a few duys. They left Camp Merritt lust Thursday. Ben W. Rtoner arrived home the loth from Washington, D. C., huviiiR received his di ni'li urge. Ho was 0 member of the 63rd infantry, which has been stationed at Washington for the past four months. Both of the Htoner boys are now home, Kdwin, a brother having arrived about two week ago. Paul Bluaclike writes Ins lather, M. Blasi'hke here that ho hopes to start homo from 1'ranleo by July 1. Ho is tired of that country and says ho wants to Ret back on good old American soil. Oust Kroderikson and son, Gorily Fiedrikson were here from Needy yes terday. The latter has just returned from France, having arrived home Sun day. He feel fine and aniens in per fect physical condition despite tho fact that he was badly gassed by the Huns. He received a warm welconfe upon his arrival, having always ben one of the popular young men of hia community. (Aurora Observer. - FOURTH AT WOODBUEN . W. T. BIGDON k CO ' , Undertakers 252 North High SOCIETY CLEANERS AND DYERS Particular work for parties- lar people Auto delivery 1272 State Bt. Phone 1684 5 29 SALEM ATJTO RADIATOR SHOP Radiators, Fenders and Oaa Tuaka Repaired -Tractor Radiators a Specialty All work guaranteed, m 8. 12th Ht. Salem, Oregon. 6-12 At Fridr.y night's meeting of the Fourth of July executive committee and chairman of thc various committees, presided over by the president, John P. Hunt, the personnel of the was completed, as follows: Finance W. H. Broyles, chairman; T. ( l'onnnaii, L. H. Shorey. Entertainments Colonel J. M. Poor man, chairman; Blaine McCord, Mrs. O. C. Weller. Reception Mayor James J. Ilall, clir.iriimn. . Publicity II. I, fiill, chairman; H. L. Moore. N. A. H.rffard. (iioiimls K. J. Standard, chairman, D. A. Dayton. Pirnl Mills. Decorations Walter H. Johnson, chairman. Concessions I.. M. Bitney, chairman; C. V. Whitman, J. Y. Pteelhammer. Bssebr.ll Captain Grover Todd, chair man; O. H. Wakefield, Walter School er. Floats George TT. Becker, chairman; E. P. Morrom, J. F. Nathman. Parade Major Kugena Moshberger, chairman. Bports John P. Hunt, chairman; Gait Lansden. W. H. Huddleston. Dance H. M. Austin, chairman; C. B. Richards. Benton Killin. The executive eommittee ronsists of John T. Hunt, chairman; W. H. Broyles, secretary treasurer; Y. X. Beck. E. G. Emmett and H. M. Amtin. Indcpend ent. WELCH ELECTRIC CO. FOB ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS Phone 953 379 StaU Bt WANTED Highest market price paid for logan berries, Royal Anne cherries, red rasp berries, strawberries, gnosciberriea ai BartJett pear. Phone 717 We furnih boxes and crates. MANOIS BROS .'42 Stale St. . Halcm, Ore-.' 5 24 W will par full Tain for Liberty Bonds la trade. PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 156 194 North Commercial St. . Tha Joarnal Job Departntsnt will print yoc anything ia tha 4 stationery line 4o it right aad save Ton rI noaev. - L.M.HUM I car of T Yick So Tcng . i Chinese Medlrrne and Tea Okv, T fias medicine which will cure ay i known disease. X Open Bandavs from 10 A. If. T until 8 P. M. I 153 Soutk High St , T 82 enoqj ui.2rf.i(j 'nioifg T R. W. BALLANTYNE VlAyo TU.NER Players a Bpeelalty With Cherringtoa Piano Honse, 421 Court St., Salem, Oregon ' . WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON, Stop at t BLIOH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern tl Per Day 100 Booms of Solid Comfort Onlr Hotel ia Business District