PAGE FOUR THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 2 J, LOW PiliCED CARS NOT ! ! ' :i i in. CHEAPEST IS CLAIM Gldsmohife Dealer Stales fishing Information. h i ra Tb Sport Moel & A MWim(i( Tariaj tartry-Dc9Jm A powerful, swift, quiet, vibrationless, solo mount with the sweetest running, cleanest engine ever built into a motorcycle. That's what those who have ridden it say. You, too, will experience a new thrill and delight when you try it. You will marvel at its ease of handling and splendid riding balance, due to low center of gravity and low saddle position. A Few of itt Features I 'nit pear plant arith tivtltonttl Of ! -v r.. !00iwnd,lirhtr than tha avaraf twin. Supar-haatad, twin-cmat pAiu (old. DrWa chain an- cloaad. Truaaad auahlon fork. Automatic lubri cation of molur, tranamiaaion and clutch. Multlpla dlae atl plat clutch runntnf lit oil 3-apaad alldinf f itf iranamla. aion. Spiral iaf y- lem of undar f earinf . Its smooth, glide-away ac tion, its g?t-away, its pep on the hills all are due to its perfectly balanced opposed twin motor. We know you will say it is the greatest achievement in motorcycle engineering. Co to the nearest Hurley-Davidson dealer and sic for a demonstration. Then, and then only, will you know whut the Hurley-Davidson Sport Model really is. Harley-Davidson Motor Co.i Milwaukee, Wia, Better GradeJJotors Grow Popular. These .bulletin are Nued weekly br j the furt-at service an. I report the fish ing condition fur stream in aud near ! ;he national forets of Oregon and ; Wa.ihiimton. Tbeoe reports are based ' an data famished bv the firld men. i Western Oregon laying Creek Water i - still too high and cold for good fivhiug. ' Bow Kitrer iud catches of trout ; are reported at Dorena. Wildwood anil , Uiston. iieached bv auto toad bv star 1 of t'ottaiie Drove. Fih are taking spin-! ner and brown hackle ft v. j Sharp Creek A few fish are beina i taken. The water is too kiub and cold ' for good fUliing. The stream is reached j by auto and railroad by wav of t ut tag drove. North Umuqua Hirer (iood catches of salmon are .beinj made at Winchc-1 ter. Benched ty auto by way of Kose burjr. Fish are not biting above Hose-! burg. ,' L 1 The di'veliiment of the Mitouiobilt' industry and the attitude of the pur rhnsinc publie toward the product has iH-en nuuh reptition of other indus tries that have grown from infancy in i the history of the I nited states, ae (cording to George Hvlvorsen, local Olds ! mobile agent. j "In the early days t,f the industry," sum Mr. tialvorsen, "the popular car iwith the American eop!p was the ear I which was financially w ithin the reach or those or moderate means and in : those days the 'low price' ear sold for n limit the figne that now buya what we call 'high' machines. But that .situation is now ehangiug and the buy jiug public is fust coming to tiip realiza ! tiim that 'first cost' dues not determine the 'price' of an automobile. The thou sand dollar-car is usually more expensive in the end than the machine scm. ir two, or even three times tlir.t amount. "Not only is the upkeep on the aver age high price car fur less than on the cheap ear, due to better workmanship mid the use of higher grade materials in manufacture, but its term of life is much longer. Few owners ever wear out a 'good' machine. They will tire of it and dispose of it t(J get a later model with added eouvenieivres, but they do not 'junk it' unless they are forced to by accident. "The life of the modern high prico automobile is interesting in this respect, when we stun to consider Hint nnW a i few years tigo tw and three season, of ,,rm" " r'rt.l at various points on ine stream, neacnou nv auto ronu or East Umpqua Eirer No catches have iieen reported. Water is too cold. Rogue Elver iood catches of trout are being made at (irnnts 1'ass mid vi-j inity. Reached bv railroad and auto by way of Grants Pass. Trout are tak- j ing fly a little, tint better catches arc; lieing made with small spinners. i South Porb Santiam Eiver (iund 1 matches of trout are repotted at Cava j lia and vicimtv. Reached, bv the il- lumetto valiev and Cascade mountain I wagon road lv war of Ixdianon. So far , catches are being made by bait fishing. SeYOu MUe Creek flood catches of i Mil iiWK; v k J'p i "i 1 1' in,,,! ,, J, . iP e H H i li ' ' T-"-l-;ll.MU,' i liiiliiiiX.injii1 I il'iiihiiil' I 'in. Hll" t ill) i'tw 'II I ,1 I'l II , SAY, youll have a streak of smokeluck thatH put pep-in-your-smokemotor, all right, if youU rir.g-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some Prince Albert for packings- " Just between ourselves, you wear usually ,iw the machine in flic r way of Klamuth 'alls. wrap pile. Today we we high grade cars sold new. used ,nut twn ni tlii-oo1 seasons bv the original purchaser, sold1 McKenzle Eiver (iood catches of! then to the man who is seeking a second r''1 "i'1''" ,lr', "'"'"K "'l'l'rted oil all i hand car and, after being used three ' l'ar,s ot ,Uo ,',a- Keached by auto j or four yenra more, perlm-pa fonverre.i 1 or '- There arc note uceoiiimodHtions at Hlue l(iver,l '1 Mclvetme and llelknup riprin;s. I St i k I ITS HERE NOW COME AND SEE IT. THE NEW Sport Mode! Harley-Davidson Motorcycle HARRY W. SCOTT Distributors For Harley-Davidson 'Motorcycles and Bicycles . 147 S. Commercial St. Phone 68 GODFREY DENTEL PASSES ON tiinlfrev Alfred Deiitel died nt his lioaie at Knst lluttevile Moiidnr. lit the age of 71 years, i'unerul sonic n will be Ui id Mtliiidiiy nflei iiooii hi o 'clin k nt t'e f 1 1 n i ! v resiilei'!", iind biinul will lake place r.t the llutteville ceii.etciy, He has lived on the fiuiii where he died since 1H7D. Mr. I lent el wns u highly respected mini, a u I, mi excellent neigh lor, mid his cominunitv sufl'eis a dls tint I loss in Inn death, ilis t'umilv have tile sincere sv-miiiithv of n!i uln, Itni.u ! him. Aurora Observer. . CaprrlaM llll bt R. J. H.fnolcui ToauaaCa, into a truck. Bv that time it has prob ably oulusted two or three cheap cars. ''Comfort and rcliiihilitv are two nth er things tlmt the buver of toduv isj . HorM Creek (rood catches of red looking for. Ho wants that comfort iill,'s Hn reported at various points which comes from proper construction BmK ti-fm. Reached by auto or throughout, as well r.n the mere exlerior ; ""K'" ' KtiReit comfort of good uphlHter'nig. But first j " of all he wunts the car tlint will take! Eale Creek (iood cat.hi'S of trout him wherever he wants to en and bring llri' reported ulmve the Puneh.bowl, him lmrk without his being the 'gom, j Hunched by i'olunilna river highway for a lot of trouble and expense on the ,,l 'l"1'' Tr"" rood. j "The fact tlint the Oldsmobile meets' Tanner Creek (iood enlcheg of trout ! North Santiam an nt tnese nemnnus ot the purchasiug " 1 x nirme ni ponns oeiow tup ; era Small catches of Dollvvarden are public is, in mv opinion, the reason be-1 "'t"1" " ' oiuumhb river nign hlnd the coiistnntlv griming populnritv j w,,y ur ruili oart by way of Bonneville. of the Oldsmobile that and the excel- leuce of Olilsinobilp service." I Fish, Clear and Big Lakes No re liever will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy until you can call a pipe by its first name, then, to hit the peak-of-pleasure you land square on that two-fistei-man-tobacco, Prince Albert I Well, sir, youH be so all-fired happy you'll want to get a photo graph of yourself breezing up the pike with your smokethrottle wide open ! Talk about smoke-sport! Quality makes Prince Albert so appealing all along the smoke line. Men who never before could smoke a pipe and men who've smoked pipes for years all testify to the delight it hands out! P. A. can't bite or parch! Both axe cut out by our exclusive patented process I Right now while the going's good you get out your, old jimmy pipe or the papers and land on some P. A. for what ails your particular smoke appetite I Km toy fVt'nn Albnt rywhm tohaeca It telj. Tomv tJ k... mtlaiiar 1 Ik-, .- f '"" immrmun rjoan icco in aacA avrraci ranWilraa. ports have been received from any of these lakes which are still snow bound. reported near Detroit. Reached bv rail road. Stream still high Little Rlver-r-duoil entehe of sal- , dishes, coffee, ice -cream, olives an! mm trout are reported between (Hide 1 mm ne Minimi or a ui erceK. over ' u i, .,, .,, i. i. i i t a- still hiirh ami cold for ,.,nii,i ,., I1,.', V.r , "e,1,'d f,,r " meiiL I vtuatllMirn lmleiiendent. HOME-COMINO WELCOME J Tliere are three principal fioints t i .be u ched in the lubrication of the Ford cur the eraukense supply, of Tho U-.,!.,.,.... i u n....: , . .. ..wv.mhc uuu .iuiiiv V'Oiiiiiik ceie- . . .... bration for Conmanv I will be h..l,l ! f'n,rMf; hl' '"V"Ml joint, and the dif- i. .... . ,. . lerentiai geors. the afternoon and evening of Thursdiiv. jJuly 3rd. This will also be for all other 'returned aolitinra anrl iiijl..,. in tl... h... muvia ,i, twui' SITTING UP AND TAKING NOTICE inumty. ttev. ,1. M. Burlier of Korest (iiove will i lut t Hie s.-rvicea. ''he ilccciiscd is sulvivcd by ., m. o, four daughtiTH and line sons. The d'un'Mci-n lire Mrs. Andrew ( ii-sv of IVMii.nd, Mrs. Chris leoler of Barlow. Mif. Will ilcAion ol el'tei'sburg, Aliili-j iu:m I Mrs. Charles Kmlclitf of Ksist ' Jl il leville. The sous are A. 11. Oenlnl, ' Kre. IVi t.l nn.l Viniaill I. lit, 1 1.11 of I .t f!!t.-vi!!i. (I mII'ii V A. I)i ute was li.itn ill Rax-i d I.t tihttnv, llccciiiber 17, 114. i. He enrtie to the I'nited States when 14 yi tvs old, with his parents who died mii jit'tcr their nrriviil in Michigan. Be-1 retibci Sil, Isiio, ,p as married to Klin- 1 al.e.h llurj;y. Kinht rhililicn were Imrn j t thrm. seven of who tire living, Mr.' IViit.'l rr.iu.' t,i Portland Mi.rch 17. 1S77. 1 I The car owner kIio is liuiidy with I tools may find it profitable to replace n Miinilier of grenw cups which liibrl , ciile important- ihiIs of the meclimisiit b no oil resertuir ith b ails lumiing , to t !u't arimis i.urt-i. ,m h fur in stance lis ,the thrust bearing or throw out collar of the clinch, This oiler should be constructed much like n me-lliain.-al oiler with fontiuls for each lead. I I In cms where the headlights lire fns Icued to Hie fenders, loo'cucss in these latter results, ill cxcesiise vibration,! which will account for rapid ruin of 4ui!b. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS X 1 4 f TONIGHT Special Notice After seven o'clock bargains at the Remnant Stoiv. We will sell the following articles Wtween the hours of 7 and 0 only Men's :i."c sox 2."c Eoj-3 Plain Suits SSc Boya hats Hope Muslin yd .... White outing flannel YSe Boys' hats 73c Sl.JiQ Ladies night 9Sc 5c 18c 20c powns at Ladies' 7."c under wear at .49c 5c Crystal White soap at, cake $3.00 silk underskirts at $3.48 "6 inch percale 21c 40c sheeting 25c $1 j0 French serge at 7 o'clock, yd $1.00 Boys' overalls at ' -Jf-'.-V . ;i,m)aii.H.ii.. jrt..A,. ...... ; mmu 1 . i 1 1 mil J. " III . . Ji vM:fMm A:-"VK THE VALUE Oh A S f jri&l pmcmn 'J'"l ' MM CANADA jU'C Clutch s'imiin is ofton due to vxvesh iiivn ;;,, : u aiL . i " We want every soldier in tho . . ' ' " " iV'"? "r""1 ....... Jllli. 111(1 IU I riMIIPI inipi TflltlTV malum- caX a,,re o fTfS09?'," Pf tlw "-""eel and d, tel. eon. -easuin, and request that he wear his urn- prevent the wmfing surface, from ea- ' w' ... , , tirely elcnrinjr each other. A iben The eomnuttee in charge of the enter- clinch shaft ...iuht i .i.: itainment aud supper desires that ali ble. imay share ia the honor of show in? out: rounir soldiers tne esteem in winch they ir, are new ny tnis eominunity, tind will ; lask from everyone contributions toward! me supper, j $ From the country friends we will ask i for 1311 aprinjr chickens and five KulliinS of sweet cream ,and strawberries if not nut of season. Vrorn tlie town people, 30 eakes, suffi rent snlnd, table linen, silvewnre ami You expect the local mer- 4c chants to take your produce. Help them do it with your pat- ronage auild up .Marion coun- sjf$:J'- THZ IHSTRUMENT OF QUALITY f - ' JB V - v aV . aV. Jk Jk. J fl I E , CLEAR CELL 'aeie A'um.' .Some nrirhhor, by heck! Cartoon from Montreal Star, pair $1.00 II svm lie remnant store 231 N. Commercial Street j . r i -1 , - ,i ' if t . . . ... ! ' nai it imt marvrtiout Kan ail a, our nr.rt-ilocr neighbor and good friend, that it can rome into out markets; war limrt or peace timet, aniibuy from mi at no other nation, population unit for unit, begint to do I Self York Smn. j One of Our Best Customers. lis a better purchaser in American; The balance In our favor on trade Kew Americans realise how (rood a! n,,rkfts than the whole of South! with Canada in the seven montlia 'pa'ron of our markets is our north- j America. !" quarter of a million dollars, !erti neighbor the Dominion of In January of this year Canada! or more than double the balance on ttanada I boupht from us $rJi,7(Hl.u(H) worth of I trade with South America. . think of Canada as vast irlfwwl. whil South America trailed Our Canadian neiehbora are a jie:, nnd s!im in ptipuint ion. So far i w''h $;"j2,(HiO.OOO. j thrifty, propressive people, closely vr ti.o mht i$ accurate enough, lint In the seven months of the fltcnl kin to ns in blood, in pint, in habit's as to Canada's i mportn nee ! year ondins January, 1919. of which i of life. They are a poo:l people tt in the commerce of the United States! a little more than four fell in war do business with. The friendship will co far astrny if it is based on time and a little less than three in i cemented by eomraiieship in war this incomplete conception. I the armistice period, Canada waa, should become a close alliance in Much it said of encouraeinit trade billed by the United Stntes for the peace. It ia to our advantage for relations with South America, and! vast luoi of $4iu'0.iH0 on com-j many reasons other than those ot titirloubtcdly the opportunities for modifies purchased, while the whole trade to promote intercourse be. businoM with the ltin countries' pf South America bought of u only tween the two countries. Topethet promnje excellent returns from wisej 337,300,0(10 worth. In the same, we can shape the destiny of ire (cultivation. period our exports to all Af rica wentern hemisphere for freedom cn I ' In the meantime it ia a fact that amounted to only $ 'H.()(H),m;0; to all democracy and the western hem -the Dominion of Canada, with i Oceania. li23,(hk,0tHI; to ail Asia, ' phere will lead the world. Chi.aec jpipulation one-third that of Brasil,' $475,0,Hi,(KH). i r veninjf Post. With a tone as brilliant as the sparkle of gems and as sweet as the Sabbath church bells' crimes, and as true as the ring of a gong this is Sonora's tone which was awarded the highest score at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. 4 "'''wlWlL i 1 w -I Latest Popular Muic Hits Popular Music Merchandise Myrtle Knowland 415 Court St Phone 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "'"""I I lttttttlMMMaMM-W