Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 24, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10

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It's different than any other car made m Amer
ica. It has the same style of engine that the British
tanks carried in the war. :
Instead of clashing poppet-valves, raised by
blows from steel cams and slapped back by strong
springs, the Willys-Knight motor has SLIDING
valves. Two cylinder sleeves, one within the other,
glide silently up and down between the piston and
cylinder wall . Long ports, or openings, in these
sleeves register with each other and with cylinder
ports at proper intervals, forming large and DI
RECT passages for intake and exhaust ga-es..
It is MORE FLEXIBLE. Uniform compression
in all cylinders, and at all speeds, makes it possible
to throttl" down to a walking pace on high gear.
'Gear shifting is reduced to a minimum.
no grinding of valves in the Knight motor-no weak
ening of springs' to require re-timing. It has fewer
oarts, and these parts are MECHANICALLY COR
RECT. It is QUIET IN OPERATION-and stays so.
There is no clashing of metal against metal.
Besides the Willys-Knight, we also have ' on
hand, an OVERLAND delivery car and a few of
the "90" touring cars, for immediate delivery. But
we won't guarantee that they will be here very long."
You'll have to hurry to get one.
(Continued from page one)
- " i 6- ' - r I i
(Continued from Page 1)
self, with, its own road equipment tnd
, i i jr.mwl
to CVar Liiki frmn the cast side on
Juur 10, and across the mountains about
June ?0. . IlM
Crescent Citv GoldbeartL
paving plants, and about SO per eent of Plumbus and Water Svstems Instilled1 Ifn uld ia P'1 cm'lin" between
the tost of road improveuieat eoea to b- ORASEa BROS in Knnth i.ihrt : Crwwent City and Brooking. Koucn
ilhn . . . .11 t - 1 . . - I 1 a 1 -....1.1.. I . . . ,
....,., , ,, ,,,,, al rnmrsr mors 660. aim agent Jor I air-1
but opi n, bet ween Brook-
I too, merely ia -haneed hand, ao that
, ! jmrion eoumy win actually nave the
' roads and the moner too.
banlcs-Morsa Oaa Engine.
ings and Goldlnacb.
' Grants Fast-Crescent City. - j
a...! ..i. . .1,.,....-., ... i. CWn entire leneth. In eood eondi-
It in gererr.llr estimated that there ',. ,n ;,i ru. w.t itinn. Kranta Pass to east fork Illinois:
.... . - ... i-utatt. .i.iit will fltln-u. lie nil". ' " .. . f
is a diff,w:iee of from one to two een1'i.n.tte V8u).y u th( anira home of! river; bad condition from c&st fork tot
a m.lc ,n the cost of auto traffie be? th. Wnuberrv.-r,,horrT and black-i Waldo and fnr ""lea " Oregon !
tween paved roads and ordinary eouB :b,y and th, dfmMj tot thesa amall Mountain. Remainder of road ia good
try road, but when one consider, the f ruitis that the world, ia going eondition. '- i
deprecation ,u the value of earn due to ..drT ,J ,),. f the I'midi
ail roads, the difference in cost is real- S(at;., haTe iPanicd through the treat Open and in fair eondition between;
iv n..n f, in ravor or paved rotdsjwar thll, tat,re is nutriment anu!Cottase Grove and Ihsston.
and apunst the bad ones. Many a earjnrtl,h in a poUBj of iam or joUv tll Three Rivers.
ia ran.a and ruined in two year'. ........j e mM. -,,, , i
throui h tniveliiii? over roiifh and muililv tc I
roa.n, mat would mil proer care, Ir.st vannT;. .,! 1),v,lrt1 .1,.,1. ,. .!.. i: .1. tj...,.i l,,inn ep.orvi.tinn!
a family from ten to twenty years 0. being estabiijlu-d iu. Marion and other j pruetieably imiassjible for several days
Kiuooth rnadt. ! counties so that a rood readv market 'after heavv rains. Two construction
Ferjianeut Koads CSeapesl is assured. Frnit juices and fruit pulp crews are at work. Construction work
The reasons why the county instead are no longer perishable products, butlj, j procr. w between Polnh and Hcbo.
of the road districts should do the work can ,e kept in perfect condition fori ,,,, ,,y WBV (lf tittle Xestueea
are clearly let forth by Judge Buthey, y0Rrs M fnat ,hm js no risk t0 the Uill be open for travel about May 23.
m the following paragraph written by Erow,,r that score. j Eoseburg Peel. "
linn: 'Marion county wug one of the There U but one
Upon an in gmpu ruuuinu "i"1""
Oien between Willainina and Tilla-
' mook. VerT rouah for six milea throuB
tirst eountiea in tliv stnte to begin the r,l,t? the chain ui prosritv that nature ','' KA lwi
inmrovement of its hivhwavs. h!....i . .... Kuscbnrg aim 1 1 ci.
. w. ... .... a;1Al ciuf-riM h iiuvp in iiitiiii unu are
.: .i.: . - , .. ' i ui wc.
ue mis ueginnillg was made IOC eoun-.nnw fnrviiitf tn viH-ircIn Marion rnnntT - . ...... ..-i u. vlla , ,1
ty court, worked the roads through the'and thai i. the link of market roadsj.rakri'i rk lJndnr" "d in fair
road districts and supervisors. The ys-1 which are at the present time within our V AMvZ rtoi Ia bv m.ow inside paik.
r."r,'lrr7..r.fih.,,f Mr.!! . . . Ilto-r poasibW: -rrobaW, will 1
.v ""'I uu uivj Mian wc grasp tho grand opportunity' . . i,v jv firt
j traffic was liKht. The demand for great r shall we side step f 1 1 To this wln moU Cia
er r.d improvement ierease,l from tioa therc tan only K 0De answ),r , condition between
year to year, going ro.n $37.L'19.01 in ,, is, 0n the 3rd day of June vote: k.T", "1 rniuu Creek. Closed be-
he year, 1UU3, t, :M,1U13 in the 31 8 X Yes, This i, the Marion county ttTtt S.nd Crater Lake
annuui aiuount expended on our roads 318 X Yes. The Pierce
-Mt4M ---
Removal Notice
Tires, Parts and Supplies
loyd L Ramsden
Heavy Service Bikes
has remcined about stationary. I'd to
jliM i a well constructed macadam road
or gravel road anitwered every practical
j purpose. Owing to the greatly increased
nuto and truck traffic, roads built since
1913 begin to fail in a few mouths, are
so full of holes and very rough by the
end of the year, auto require repaiiing.
This answers but a hurt time and has
Id be repented frequently, making ;ni-
upkeep very expcu.iive and leaving us
poor mails at. the nest. I'ntil a
for stnte market roads.
l. i... i detour possiiuc.
bill prov.mnc ' , , i, iiv first.
f?nyuiu ic ui'v" .t
(Continued from page, tne)
stand that roads must in suitable
few ! condition for automobiles, or the wrvtce
r- e -I'M - f
tym -f S ' -''' V.itZ 2 ' ".' fn- '.'
I A 1 r It - - -A
i A U If
A Winning Battle
jffii Every Day In The
tiT Year!
From tK moment you drive out of your
garage, your tires must ttraia and battle with
the rough and bruiting roads.
tst o
4r VV
Gilbert Walks
in Mystic Haz;e
There' sReason
yeurs ago n well const nu ted macadum
or gravel road would render good serv-,
ice fur many yenrs with very little ex
pense for upkeep. At present it is im
possible to in 11 i 11 1 1 1 i 11 a gravel or ma
cadam r:id in fair condition where traf
fic is heavy more than a few months un
til repairs are necessary.
Initial Cost Greater.
We built two miles of aspiiaitie con-j
crcio man in i:u.) mm naa worn Has i sevice:
cost tlie eoiiutv prnctii iilly nothing I "Tliev should be notified thr.t unless
since to niaintuiii. This has demon-1 they will keen these roads in fit co'idi
stinted very clearly that the main trnv- 1 rnvel innil service wjll be with
eled road can be paved ami malntiiined drawn." 'if t.
rur ies money I nun to build and main
tnin. the old style of roads. To pave
the roads, however, requires a greater
initial outlay of money and an euuie
change in our rond working system. Ma
chinery and tools eo.it more and for each
district to attempt to own its own pav
ing equipment would bankrupt the
con u(y.
However, tha districts could not ob
tain tho help required as the supervis
ors havo to depend on the farmers for
help in working the rouds and they can
not leave their farms for the entire
working season. In order to obtain a
good return for the money i-ivested In
paving, It is necessary to proaeeute the
work vigorously during the entire sea
son. Experience hns proven to us that
the county is the smallest unit than cftu
build the permanent roads to ndvanUgo,
so as to get a fair return for the money.
Invested. By pursuing this course, the
roads of the county will be standardise
;'.nd the work done ia the most approved
milliner at the least possible expense to
tho tnxpnver.
New Conditions raced.
Inasmuch ns the mud traffic hns al
most entirely changed, the county courts
of the Willninete vnlley have learned
that the system of road construction
must be changed to meet the new con
ditious mid we have lonim-d that a sub
tanliallv built rond is the
in the long run. Where the
comparatively light, it is still good pol
icy to build gravel or macadam roadn,
provided the grr.de and diniuage are so
constructed that" the roadbed can b
used as a bnse for paving later on when
the increase of traffic demands it, there
being no better bnse for paving than
an old macadaiu or gravel road.
It is estimated that the Vnited State
government and the state of Oregon
will fur the coming three years have a
VBst fund of over 1 12,000,000 applicable
to post ami forest mails, chiefly the
former. This sum will be disbursed
through the state hiirhwtiv commission
aino ig the counties with approved post
roads projects that have voted bonda to
match the state and federal fund.
Federal Aid at Hand.
lu all likc'ihuod, this sum will be
Open between Eugene and Mapleton,
but quite rough. Closed over -North
Fork mountain. Will be open aliout
June first. Koad is narrow, with sleep
grades and sharp turns, and should be
attempted onlv bv exiiericnced drivers.
Alsea Elver.
Ope:i between Corvnlia ami Wuldport.
In fair condition, Corvallis to Missouri
Bend. Passable between Mioun llend
and Waldport. Koad hu not been worn
ed around Missouri Bend and over Tide.
" R. J. Stokes, before he discovered Crolide, as
serted that tire making by methods, then in use, had
reached perfection and that only new and BETTER,
METHODS could produce a BETTER TIRE.
And so he struck out on ORIGINAL lines, study
ing tire faults, weaknesses, making hundreds, of
laboratory experiments and road tests in search of
new light
He found that for which he sought and the re
sult is
Which has withstood two years of severe road tests.
Crolide Compounds are far tougher, more resilient,
and more resistant to attacks of oil and water than
any other rubber compounds in use.
6,000 miles guarantee (in Ford sizes 7,500 miles)
291 North Commercial St. Phone 787
also taken the .stand that '! ,.-, Uin' i very rough and should
long bad roads will not make' t,,,pf,;(i 0iv by experienced driv-
ulniiil Inlnpiial In oili. tlifil vi.n.l ' . .
will be discontinued.
It hns also taken the .stand that
putrona a
il mcir sprriiu inieresi 10 sec vmil roiuio ... . ciirS,
are passable at all times lor nntos, the WUlamtU.
service will be discontinued. . . , f.lir comititm between
in tne renort or tne inspectors ns 101.. ,, i,,mi,i,.r Orndc. Closed By
rond conditions and the continuance of j8n0Rw bctwwn Boulder Grade and the
1 1 ' . i Hill niiTiir. im; ji-uit rruua,; .
referring tt)thosc who enjoy rural niaili8U1 ' Rati tl am Wagon Boad.
Closed to all except foot truffio be
tween Cascmlia and eastern boundary
National Forest. There are
several dangerous bridges, which should
n..t be used bv vehicles. Will ruooo
be open July 1.
Open and in fair condition between
Itiddle nnd Tiller. Closed bv condemned
bridge between Tillef nd Drew.
Bcottsbivrg Allegany. ?
Ormi' ami in fuir condition, Allegany
to Loon Luke. Closed net ween i.oon
t . .1 . . .
f arc uuiic 10 give vou tne utmost in mile
age -the last inch ta kid prevention and
you get it!
The "Miller Method" of vulcanizing endow
adl Ml!!cr Tires with rugged, brutal strength
to fkht the roads, because it retains intact
all the native strength and stamina in both
eel ton fabric and rubber. All the lusty vigor
tliat nature puts into cotton and rubber is
KEPT THERE In Miller Tires. Let Miller Tires
. fight tha mileage and skid battles for you!
Jonty's Tire Shop
13 f S. Commercial St. .
Phone 428
There hns been E knowing air of mys
tery hovering over Lee L. liilliert,KlKiu
Mix distributor, the past few days thill
hns huff led all but a few of bis triends.
Willi his face adorned by a tntislicd
smile and his hand lovingly fingering a
'mysterious sheet of paper, he has been
hustling here i.r?4J there, buttonholing
this prospect and that and always gestu
luting wildly with the folded paper.
Making a iiiiie like the price in un
Klgiu, a timid news sleuth got u etp
at the sacred document. Here's what
ho "lamped," written on Tinted State
Ni.tioiial bank stationery and bearing
the signature of K. W. Hazard, cashier
of that institution:
'Dear Mr. Uilbert: I take this occa
sion to thank yon most heartily for that
delightful trip to Blue Kiver, on the his-
chcniiest road j tone. McKemie, in that easy ruling and
the traffie ta 'all powerful auto ear known i s the
'hlgin tiix.'
"1 cmigrntulute yon over oui r(.r
i i the agencv of said car and, while I
,im not a prophet, or the son of a pro
phet, I predict an ever Increasing sale
of the Klgin Six aa its merits become
known. I
'.Mcthink that such a trip as the one
above referred to would eonvice the
most skeptical 'prospective that for
hill climbing, ease of movement, com
fort in riding, power nnd spree, max
the ideal car has arrived.
1 'Again 1 thaik yon for the delight
ful experience of riding in an Elgin
Six with such eminent satisfaction and
bodily rum fort through nature's garden
si" of the world, bordered as l wns
wilh towering peak,the light and shad
ors of Brand old woods, scenery so
aut'menlod bv from sit tn nine millions 1 retfnl to the ere nd stimulati"? to
it L o
Busy Days for the Vulcanizer
Men who own and drive
motor cars, who seldom
before had their used
tires ' vulcanized, are
now learning the econ
omy and wisdom of
thus saving their old
casings and tubes. The
war has caused car own
ers to call a halt on new
tire outlays except
"where" absolutely ' neces
sary. Our vulcanizing
process saves that m
most instances.
Commercial Vulcanizing And Welding Shop
Under supervision of Robt. Spoor, Ex-Instructor
J U. S. Army -
;)41 N. Commercial Street Salem, Ore.
more of government appropriations
within the next two years. Counties
that expect to get their share of this
vast fuiid are going to vote road bonds
this year. As the general road building
plans of Oregon are being mapped out
this year by the state and federal offi
cials in charge ,it ia vitnl that the bonds
be voted now and not two years hence,
or after the niuiieva have all been ap
portioned. Msriuit county has several of thr
most feasible post roads projects in thr
state, such as the one from Newberg
bridge to th Pacific hiuhway, for i
stance. f Jit "3
The stnte niaiket roads bill should be
supported as a companion bill to the
Marion county road bond bill. Il pro
vides that a state levy of one mill be
made for market rouds. and that thr
money paid in by each county shall b
tumid to that countv, to b expended
an market rid bv th count court.
Will Help Development
It is generally believed that Marion
county is on the rv of a great drvelop
ment. Improved market mads connect
ing the farms nnd fruit lands with the
towns wil hauler cud make more cer
tain that development.
With the aMiriice that r-adi. will
soon he built over which products of
the sail can be transport d vith safety
one's physical and inner being. o
wonder that the world is clamoring for
the tuto car that enables one to eniov
such ights and receive snch benefit
without hardship or inconvenience.
"Yours siiicerelv,
Major F.ugene Moshbergrr of the See
o xl Imttnlirtn, lti2nd regiment, came,
home Mondny nifht from Camp Lewis
on a collide of days' furloiiKh. lie ia
looking the pink oi perfection and ex
pect to be out of service in about a
month, ilaior Mohterger recently ar
rived from UvrrxKwl with most of his
battalion, havinp been stationed ia Kng-la-d
during the wtr. during which time
he visited rranc and also Heotland and
Ireland. He does not arm to much im
pressed with thr Ufr and methods of the
English, bnt savs that is a long story
that he will tell after he is out of tho
service. Wwxlburn Independent.
Ah act fte cemmilted by me Lyr
ists, aha do net realize how scrim,
be tt results, is to l,nve the
switch key turned ia the switch when
the engine is not running. Thia wiil
run dewn half of thr storage battery
nd is 1'sble te injur thr ignitio unit
We handle nothing
trustworthy tires.
Your motor car is exactly!
as good as its tires. It cannot
be better for wiitaut tires it
will not carry you a single
Doubtful tires make even
the best car doubtful.
You must be able to trust
your tires dav or night, rain
or shine, city street or country
Protect vour familvwith
tires such as we sell and Guar
antee. !
Modem equipped renair and
; i retreading plait 250 ton
press Jor solid tires.
United States, and Kelly
Springfield Solid. Fabric and
Cord tires and tubes.
Lake nnd Hcuttsburg by washuuls i;nd of m'v tiinl and recover bv portrnr-.ntcr.n
the rough, step nature of the roadbed. 'contnining n secret packet where I have
It is uusufe fw wiigou travel and should hidden two checks navablo to bearer for
not be attempted bv motorists. ; that sum. At a reward I will iiivo up tu
Bandon-Gold Beach. i v n,c third part, viz.: 10,0im, I ciin-
Open nnd in passable condition for not receive vou answer in the prison.
light cats between llanduii unci l.oia but vou tan send a cablegram to a ter-
Beach. s of .inv confidence, who will deliver
to me, nddressed as follows: I.ouis Ho-
, tern, Huzn dos Mayo it, t'uarto H, Mu-
iliid. Snaiii. 'Kxnain. Trvn.'
W. W. liviu has received a letter ; "Aunitins your answer to entrust
from a Hpaniard at Mailrid, cSpain. who vuu ..M inv ..w-'ret. now I sicn onlv
says he is in jail. " imprisoned by bank-1 "K. de S.
ruptcy." Ilo wents Mr. Irvin to cable; "Hist of all answer by cable not by
him assistance, and offers in reward for letter. " Aurora Olrscrvcr.
aid and to share the sum of JiitiO.Odi)
which he claims to have in America. His
letter savs:
It is necessary to come here to raise
the seizure of my baggage, paying to BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS
the register of the court the expenses'
219 North faercial SL
Pfccne 66.
of battery troubles.
Equip your
car with an
Extoc" Battery
backed by
Exibc" Service
171 S. Comse'rcfe! Strest
' --a-t 1
V 5