Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 23, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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- (Capital Journal Social Service.)
Ioiuil.l Or., May 23. M. W. Johnson
and ('. E..favos attended the retuik-M
.,...:.,.:..,. ;,. n t- i I
us.ii'itnn in Woodliurn on Wednes-
day lift 01 noon,
They report en inter-
trig mooting with a good attendance.
Mrs. Frames Mercer went to l'ortland
.... t.. . .i.... ... ii .
mi 1 itesuay afternoon. Her wise against
the l'ortland street car company was
., , , .,:
entered during the week and will coiue
u.f ju Julv.
Tlie eighth irrudb examination mi
held at the Donald school on Friday. an??
....i,. .....i I,.. t t l -i
. !. 1 1 , .i ither, returned from Chiro, Cal., tnc lat
piipers were creditable considering theL ' , , . . , ,
I ... ,. . ,. . ... , ter part uf last week. He has been
lctina, c a a ii ue of teacherg three times,
width the pupils have had to contend
with during the year.
Carl Ilnrkn was thrown from his mo
torcvcl.. nn Tnesilnw vi i n.l l.o.llvl
hurt. Ho is now at the home of George i1' rf fmm Port.
binipsoii. who is aeruig for him. , . , .
Mr. and Mrs. Davfou Valker took,lnll,,, " Vw aftcr a Btay W
the 9 n .... train to Baton Thursday ?er. M,omllin wi,h Tlcl.
IV ?I'I1U till- UHJ nuu llf Ulllini IUU
. oculist, at least pr.rt of the time.
0. M. Herrie of WoOdburn, agent for
the Standard Oil company,-was a Don-
ti 1 1 visitor on Tuesday.
Mrs. W. W. Walker entertained the
f ,,i i j .1 : H.. u i . tLfm
.ULIvnilJK IUI UlllllCf VII nyilllUUT. IU1,
and Mrs Henry Goode and three chll -
dren and Mr. and Mrs. D, Walker.
. :.
vtnitwi (in n t tiiifou, I
. ui . . . ' j - . I
fni i
ti,u '.ion. wii..".. iiu..Ft r.iii n.
Doesn't hurt a bit and costs on!
a few cents
Magic! Just iliop a little Freer.one
oa that touchy corn, instantly it stops
ac hing, then you lift the eorn off with
the finger. Truly! Xo humbug!
lry I recZone: Tour druggist si lls a
i.M.i i.oinc ror a u'V. cents, larticient i inK was a Uonald mull for a short time.
to rid your feet of every hf.rd eorn, lst spring but the place he was in was: Mi Florence Chinn of San Fran,
-.ft corn, or corn- JHvWa the toes,' H(,,. ! elv. in thc tint rhin(.s(1 iH , (om.
ind calluses without one -particle oft ir. and Mrs. J. I). Couhill of Saloni plot ethe regular course at Mills eol
paiii soreneM or irnlatioti. rVery.onel rt Pre registered a the liiiiigulow on j logo. She was graduated wit h her class
'V xovrry of a noted Cincinnati Wednesday. Tuesday and took a prominent part in
Dr. Omilette of Wnoilbnrii was n Don-' Hie graduation exercises.
. . . . ."" ... .
Rebekahs and the L 0.0. F.
The more you will see of Salem and its environs, the more you will want to
live here
In the Pacific Northwest
Why Not Make Your Home Here?
I have the largest and most exclusive list of city and suburban property in Sa
lem and would be happy to show you around .
C. W. Niemeyer
215-216 Masonic Building
tip xvm
j Saturday evening bv the women of the
tJIucabees proved to bo 'mi enjoyable
jaf,'M'1' - Ma".v "' P'wt from out of
', fo" " Musil' wc fllrn'8lllHl by Hubbard
' ,,,usitinns-
Mrs. Heiulorson, Miss Henderson, Mr,
i i ui L n. i ,
i Froclaiid of Saleru, Mrs. Baiuey, Miss
"" Mr- l",J J!hnS?" f 1,I"bbrd
Buinov of l'ortland, Miss Kuiiffman,
t iiiHiie up a panv woo aiieuucu uurinif
t'v,'ninK- ,
i Mr. and Mrs. . A. Robinson and
, , . it i u
I daughter, Norman Bradford and Waiter
'. . . ..
iiiiiogcr oi tfliiuv were nio iu aucuu-
Dawttou. Mrs. H. B. Evans' fa-
(spending the time there since last No
vember with old time friends.
Mrs. Dave l'endloton was a visitor to
iWoodburn ou Wednesday.
I i r v . :n'
'". ! ")
Bros, wa, intere.'ting m of the farm-j
on Wednesday. Mr. Gerbor is a Into
coiner from Detroit, Mich., but express
es himself well pleased with Oregon.
AV. J. Kbev of Mackshurg was c tisi
, i.l T-v 1 J .1
i,,,r to 0 0wn 1,0",p dur,n tllc
j ;b ., M fc
incri's of Innd near Buttovillp and taken
. , , -, ,
un Iiih roniaoiicc upon the nmo,
Fro l O Ton nor of 0 Connor null was
n Tortlund vihitor on Thursilay.
I'ortlr.nd on Friday.
U'llm and Hazel Cone and
Mole Lamb attended the state Sunday
school convention at t'orvallis on Kri-
jday a id Pnturilav
Linn I'arquetto spent the ween eiul m
I'ortlniid, gniug up Friday evening.
Mr, Qiiinn of Eugene, who has been
. .... , tr-, ,i
visiting the Owen aid Kite families
loft for home on rnday accompanied ,
as far ns Corvnllis by Mr. and Mrs,
Owens. While there they attended the
state Sunday school convention, return
ing Saturday evening.
A runaway occurred in Donald Wed-
M 1 safrit'wstop M ;''' W Johnson. .tUMiiled the road
i r . x. ii i- - ...n..imr 'meeting at Aurora on Monday evening,
by truest Feller in his auto by r, nning
hem into a fence The team belonged I
to Mr. I.aJess and as frightened by! ,:.,:
the firing of a tov gun in the hands of i',0"n '"-,l,clr taJ' ... ... .,
.I. i i i r i . After t ie regular meeting of the Mae
n niM-.ll bov. It is feared some serious ' . , ' . .. . ..
.. a. . a . .1
results mav vet Occur from thcsei guns,,
which are becoming far too plentiful ou
the streets. I
J. Hoffstettor of Tonipiin was in(
Donalil ou lliiirsiiay loaning over tne
cherry orchard they have just nought. ; ve,ow ,hwk jve if, ut.
jit is their plan to have it cultivated , t(. tU'te for ,-. ths
this year and will move on it after 1)nn,t hmrt -(jst tak(J Uoliate,.,
j a while to mnke their permanent home.; Rocky Mountain Tea helps to make
Omor li. Golding of Portlr.nd was aV011 attractive and fair. Don't delay,
Diumlil visitor nil oftnesiliiv. Mr. (iold- 4nJ.. 11 T x.
. - . - -- - -
of the
"Just Real Estate"
d Gentl
cKl visitor on Tues-lay.
ilrs. Lamb snd Mrs. ijirl Cone motui
od to New berg on Sunday visiting rela
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danisoa and twe
rkildrvu of Snloui spent Suuuay with
their old Nebraska friends, Mr. aud
Mrs. I. usee.
Miss Aw Keunsting and Mr. George
Morten were married at the St. l'uul
Catholic church Wednesday at 0 a. m.,
after which, with a large congregation
of friends they repaired to the home of
MUs Keunsting, where a bountiful wed
diug brvakfast was served ou the lawa.
Many bountiful presents were reeciveu.
The happy couple left oa the evening
train for Portland and other points.
They will make their home in St. l'uul.
Beit wishes of their many friends go
with this worthy couple starting on
life's journey together.
O. O. Freeman spent several days at
the C. J. F.spey's country home last
week, doing carpoutery work, remodel
ing the house.
Kennedy Sibley Wood Co.'s trutk
arrived from Tortlaud on Wednesday
Mid began hauling woud ou Thurauuy.
They expect to ship out a carload or
more a day.
Mrs. Chadima of l'ortland stopped
over In'tween trains to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Scxsmith, on Monday. She
was on her way to Salem to attend
grand lodge.
Mrs. Mark Brown of Portland visited
licr daughter, Mrs. Dayin Walker, from
Wednesday until Friday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Johnson were
guests at the Bungalow hotel for Sun
day dinner. .
The funeral of Mr. Dental of Buttc
vill will be hold at the home on Satur-
dav at 2 p. m. interment iu Buttevillej
J. Hyan uf Rutteville was a visitor to
l'ortland on Wednesday.
Mis. C. J. Moore -was Portlund vis
itor on Wednesday.
Miss Juanit Mayes caine out trom
Portland to atend the Maccalioe dance
on Saturday evening.
Robert Carver left for his Montana
home ou Sunday aftor an. extended stay
iu Donald.
Herbert Davis, brother-in-law of C. J.
Kspev, has had charge of the baak for
several davs this week while Mr. Esiey
was engaged in helping iu the remodel-
'" , PortUlBd sho,,pCr
MrB. Laura Ernst attended the funer
al of Mrs. Henry Long in Silverton on
last Suiiduv.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marty are selling
off their household goods preparatory
to breaking up housekeeping bocause of
Mrs. Marty's ill health, hoing a change
niav be beneficial to her.
Mrs. Milan returned from Portland
Monday evening after several days stay
with her sons there,
Mrs. Charles Hoskin, Miss Helen
Hoskins and Vorn came out from Port
land Hatnrdny afternoon to attend the
Maccabee dunce Saturday night. They
were joined by Mr. Hoskin on Sunday
and were the guests of the O. O. Free
man's over Sunday.
The Eastern Star of Donald enter
tained Iheir grand worthy matron, Mrs.
U ...I 11 II n..,1
M-1 ueilicir III inwiniiiiiii, miu n 11'
Wooaiwrn chapter on Friday
(,y( hM wgg h(.autiful,v (t.,.
orated for the occasion with cut flow
ers, lieiu io.is rerresliinents were scrvoi,
and a pleasant and profitable evening
was spent bv those present.
Messrs. J. P. Fellers, O. 0. Freeman
.niiee o ikc iiiiirsiiiiy rveiiiiiu im: iDiiien
.i.-si-iii wi-rc liivncu iu 1.1 r. tfoniisun a
rooms and served with ico cream and
cake as a little surnrise for them.
n,,li i;r..i.,. .....
urcin imr. u . o. hi,
Telephone 1000
'Easy To Remember"
Suffered Day And Night For;
Years. Alter Ming Tan
Lac Locks Like Different
OOd. -
''My little daughter Jean, has gain
ed ton pounds an Tanlsc and now she's
the xery picture of health," said Jim
Snell, writ knows poultry and truck
farmer of Raleigh, Tenn.
"When Jean was oulv seven wars
old.'' continued Mr. Snell. "she was
taken with something like nervous
stomach trouble, and there wasn't
day or night ahe didn't suffer, until
we got Tanlao for her, and she a now)sweot presence. Our sympathy goes out
fifteen year old. Her stomach was in !for her family in their bereavement.
suvh a bad condition she had to live,
on toast and cigx and milk, and she . cemetery in Salem.
couldn't oat any kind of mits or ve?- A farewell surprise T1v was given
otablos. 8he complained of pains in if or Kalph Thomas at his home last Fri
her stomach all the time and wtmld day night. A very 'enjoyable evening
spit up nan aigeweu roeu. tne was
nervous and woiiiil tea and roll all
night, complexion was bad, and she
looked pile and iekly all the, t-imo.. W
gave her most every Kuut ot meilicine
we could think of, but nothing helped
After hearing of some of the good
work Tanlae wih doini, wo got some
for Jean, and it has done wonders for
her. She actually looks ami acts like a
different child, and she's taken only
two bottles of the medicine. ilie com
menced picking up as soon as sh6 start
ed Tanlae, and she has gained ten
pound-. She never has indigestion now,
and eats just anything she wants
even siu-h things as beans and ithor
vegetables, and mnnts of all kinds.
Why, she ate corn for dinner yester
day ,and it was the first time in eight
vears she dared taste corn and she eats
boiled bacon thats cooked with vege-
tables. She's not nervous nor bilious
now. and sloops like a baby, and we
never, hear anything out of her from
the time she goes to bed until she gets
up in the mornings. Her skin has clear
ed up and her cheeks look ftesh and
rosy. You can just look at her and tell
she's enjoying good health."
Tanlae is sold in Salem by Dr. 8. C
Stone, in Hubbard by nubbard Orug
Co.. in Mt. Angel 4iy Ben Oooch. in
Gervais by John Kelly, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly
man H. Shorey, in Silverton by Ueo.
A. Steelhainmcr, in Gates hv Mrs. J.
P. McCurdv, in Stayton by C. A.
Beauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora lrt'g
Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
Jefferson by Foshay ft Mason, and In
Mill City by Markcteria Gro. Co.
(Caoital Journal Special Service.')
Doiiuld. Or.. May 23 Dr. Van Winkle
was called out Itu Mjirinn to see Kolierr
Hoblis last Monday. He was quite ill
ut that date but ia feeling better.
Mis. Lola Palmer visited her sister,
Mrs. Pearson in Turner last week.
She is expecting to start for California
Thursday whore she will meet her hus
band. Thev will visit Mr. Palmer's par
ents there and return to Oregon in a
machine. ' s
Mrs. Kthol Wicroev left for Portland
Monday, where she is expecting to get
. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Butler from Spring
brook were visiting Mr. and Mis. Lluinc
Bronner Sunday and Monday, ftirs. Uut
lcr preached in the r'riends church both
Sunday morning and evening.
Miss Loimra Lore! is working for
Mrs. M. A. Harbor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith returned
Sunday from Philomath, where they
have beeii visiting their sou and his
Ralph Thomas left for C.nlton last
Moudiiv whore he expects to work.
F. A. Westerburg tmide a business
trip to Portland Moiulny.
Clyde Hammet is working for E. K,
We arc (Jiiite proud that Marion 1
the home of the Jersey prize row, ann
we are glad to announce that an all day
picnic is being held on Pickard Bros',
place todav in honor of the visiting
Jersey cattle breders.
We are proud of our little fourth
grade girl who won the cold medal at
the Marion couuty spelling content last
Friday. Mary Shipard had thc highest
per cent (98) of any pupils in Marion
Mrs. Shipard is expecting her sister
lawwA 1 wuaAi IVdiMiwii Vti s4li
Sage Aad Su!pkr Darken
So Naturally Nobody
Can Tel
Orandmoth(r kept her hair ben nil
fully darkened, iflos.y and sllrai luc .
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked apierance, this ira
pie mixture wa, applied with wonder
ful effect. By asking at any druu
store for "Wycth'a Sage aud Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large bot-
tie o fthia obi time reoip.( improved '
by the addition of other i'.gredients,
nil reaily to use, at very little cost.
This simple mixture can ba depended
upon to restore natural color and beau
ty to the hair.
A well known downtown druggist
says everybody iw Wycth'a Sage and
Sulphur Compound now because tt
darkens o naturally and en sly that
nobody ran tell it hns be"i applied
it's so tun yto use, too. You simply
dampen a comb or soft brush and draw
if through your hair, taking one strand
at a time. Hy morning the gray hair
disappears; after another application
or two, it i restored to its natural
color and looks g'"v, soft and beautiful.
from Nobis.
Enos ITewtaU fen puivkased a braaa
now Ford. It is taking the place of
the Maxwell which is laid up in the
garage for repairs.
Mrs. J. M. SUder is e.iixvting her son
George SlyJor home from Newport
Mr. aad Mrs, Fred Thoinpon nave
gone to Coutralia
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Molt have moved
into their new home where l.eo's did
A surprise party was given for Mrs.
Henry rcnnnll last fwturdav. Mie was
celebrating her birthday. A very good
ttime was reported. '
H. Fenstvn is visiting at the Kenhart
home this week.
Vera Clark and his giandmothor
were S?wlav visitors at Lee Smith's.
William Oilman sin-nt Sunday with
Mrs. G. W. Brower.
We were saddened by the death of
Mrs. W. J. Piorsoa lat Wednesilnv, May
a.Hth. She had many frieuds in Mario
who loved her dearly and who miss her
She was laid to rest in the 1. 0. O. F.
was spent playing games.
STJMMONS No. 14404
of tha State of Oregon for Marion
County, Department No. 1
J,din B. liolman, plaintiff, v Caro
lyn 11. Myer, defendant. Summons.
To Carolyn H. Myer, defendant:
lu the name f the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed agr.inst you
in the above entitled action within
six weeks from the date of the first
pub'ication thereof, tuwit: within six
works from the lldh dny of May, UU'
and if you. fail so to answer lor want
thereof the plaintiff will tnke judg
ment against you for the sum of $101,
together with interest thereon at the
rare of 7 percent per annum from the
... ..... i "v, icss uir .imi ui
together with the costs and dis-
bursements of this Action, and for an
order of sale of the properly attached
in K1 act inn, tow.t:
All your right, title and interest in
and to the south one half of lot sin
(l) in block three (S) in the city vt
Salem, Oregon, and for a further or-'
lor directing Theodore Both, garn-shee,
to pi.y over to the sheriff tf Marlon
county, State of Oregon, the sum of
$(H.5 held y said Theodore Rotu in
trust fot you.
You are fnflher notified that this
summons ia served upon yon by pub
lication thereof by virtue of an .order
duly made and entered by Hon. W.
M. Bushey, county juilgo for Mnrion
county, state of Oregon, on the Wth
dav of May. 11)19, which said order re
quires the summons in this cause to be
published onco each week for six eon
scent ive weeks in the Daily Capital
Journal, a newspaper of general cir
culation published at Salem, Marion
county, state of Oregon, and you ore
further notified that the date of tho
first publication thereof is the lHth
day of May, f!9, and that the date
of the lat publication thereof will bo
tho 2.th day of June. 11)19.
Residing- at fialem, Oregon, ahiruey
for plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned by order of the county court
of the state of Oregon for Marion
eoiaty heretofore duly made and en
tered' on tho 17th day of April, 101!),
was appoint ed administratrix of the
estate of A, W. Howell, dceea-sed, and
Hint she has duly qualified. All per
sons having claims against Mid estate
are hereby notified to present the
same, duly vorified, to 0, K. Unrnh,
attorney for said estate at 02 Orny
building in the city ef Salem, Marion
county, Oregon, within six month
from the date of this notice.
Dated April 20th. 1019. -(Signed)
MABY S. HOtt'F.lX,
Administratrix of the estate of A.
W. Howell, deceased. 5 30
The Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft white aa.lO
Wheat, lower gradss oa sample
Oata na(unr,t
nay, encav
Hay, oats ,. $21
Barley, ton .TJ
Mill run i3(o)44
Butterfat 59c
Creamery butle, 60(fi6e
run, rM mua Mutton
Pork on foot Ii'fcl84e
Veal fancy ; 17e
Sleera 7(9c
Cows fidlMc
Spring Iambi 12c
Kwes 5c
Sheep, ycurlings 8(u fie
C aad Poultry
Cligs. eash .... 41c
Hens, live
Old rooster! 15c
Stags .
ao 3"
Itadishes, dox
Hliuliorb .
Onions, local
, $1.89
..$.1.75Pi 4.23
New potatoes
Orcen onions dox
Bermuda onions
Cabbage ........
Head lettuce .
Beets ..
Mmons, boi
..... 6W(iit
2 3 4e
"(S 7
California prapc fiuit l"?-4.25
Hlack figt lb. 16(u.t
Whit figs, lb. lik20
Package f.g per li SO pkg $4(a6.tM
Hxey, eit?actd 20t
Seua rrict
Kg3. dor.on
Creamnry butter
ountry butter
4:ift I3
' 6.5c
Quick Reference To Firms That GUz Service On Sliort
Where Buyer And Seller MeeW-We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electrie Co., Masonia Traple,
FOR SALE liO acre of Xo. 1 kad
located 6 miles from Salem, on good
road, ia good location, good house
ad bars aad other buildings, farm
implements, 4 horses, S cws, 5 year
lings, 50 hrad of hogs, round SCO
cords or wood ready tut, all t
bargaia. Writs 11 W ear Journal
FOR SALE A good doubla team kar
ness, will trade for hay or graia,
or will exchange for good dry wood
See Square l'eal Eealty eoaipaB
l'hone 470
10 acres fine fruit land, all eultivnt
ed, 3 milea of Salem, ICUH), easy terms
lu acres all cultivated, houw bain,
2li acres family orchard, on rock
road, I miles from Salem. $;t."x.)0.
14 acres, logans, family fruit, large
house, barn equipped for ehrekens, oa
good road, the best of soil. $-Iihh).
22 aeros .joining city, best of soil,
(well fenced, 7 room hoiuw, barn. $3o0ll
24 acres. Hi cultivated, 5 logansi 5
prunes, fair house, barn, all equipment
and stock iucludiug team, row, 19 hogs,
SO chickens, mile from station, fiuuu.
50 aero all cnlthatod, good'honse,
barn, well drained, best of fruit, grain
lor elover land; 5 miles from Sulem,
u.. ,i ,) , , .... h,,.,
is hold at i0 per acre. MOO cash,
ba'anee 8 percent.
100 acres, 1)0 cultivated, house, 8
barns, spring, 10 arris timber, well
fenced, close to station. $83 per acre.
Hti5 ai res, modern improvements, all
cultivated, well fenced; one of tho fin
est mixed farm ranches in the valley;
3 milea from email town; offered for
a short timo at $73 v'r acre, on very
easy terms. Owner wishes to retire
and does not care to rent it.
For best house or farm buys ice ,
Bayne Building
VOni used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, ns we pay fair prices for
everything. Call tM7
Tl'KK X.
85 N. Coin 1 St.
Sealed proposals addressed to Jef
ferson Myers, secretary of the board
of regents, Slato Agricultural college,
Corvullis, Oregon, will be received by
the anid hoard of regents until ten
o'clock a. lime 2, 1919, for tho
furnishing of all material and the jicr
. formation of nil labor required for the
erection and completion of tho engin
coring laboratory building, for the
Agricultural college, tat of Oregon.
All toil to be enirorsed "Proposals
for engineering laboratory building."
Said proposals to Jic opened upon the
aibove dato by the said board of re
gents. All the work and material must con
form to tho plans and specifications
therefor on file at the office of tho
college, Corvnllis, Oregon, and of the
architect, John V. Bonnes, 1010 Cham
ber of Commerce building, Portland,
Kuch proposal must b accompanied
by certified chock of five per cent of
the amount of the bid as a guarantee
that the aucccssful 'bidder will enter
into a contract according to said V'aas
and specifications. Haul check to He
made payable to the Agricultural col
lege of the state of Oregon. If for any
reason the bidder fails to execute the
proper contract aad hond required with
in ten davs after notification of the
aed-iitance of his told, then certified
chock will become forfeited to the Ag
ricultural college of the state of Ore
gon. Flour, hard whent 3rX3.1S
Portland Market
Portland, Or. May 20. Butter city
crei.aiery fiWtjDc
F.ggs mdected local ex. 4Mi 4.'c
Hen 33:i."e
Broilers .Wn.40e
Oeeee 17(n)20e
Cheese, triplets 37S39c ,
Tone f market eusior
Best, steers 131 ."0
Oood to choice atccre t'Kii 11-50
Mediu.n to good steers 9.00(0 10
Fair t good steers Co 9
Common to fair steers 7.50(SS
Choice cows and heifere 10(o II
Good te choice eewe d heifen
Medium 10 gooa eow ana hush
mr- .. . ...
Fair to meaiam eowe ano aui
Canners tw 4
Bull j.50fii8
Kweifite 3:t"
Stockers tnd feeders (1(3 8.50
Receipts i't
Ton of market cesy
Prime mixed I9.7,V!:0
Medium mixed I9.2.1W I9.7.J
Kough heavies I7.7."( IH
Bulk 19.10
Pigs ll.'urt 10.75
Heceihts 707
Tone of market steady
Prime 1amh U'alS '
Fsir to medium b.nib 13fa 1 3.50
Yearlings llffi'l2
Wcth s tfi II
Ewe p'Ca 10.30
3s to V"
-Mia UP
127 North High
of piano, a sew and logical urtho4
for both pupil and teacher, making
clear all basic principle., nesessary
to a musical education, anr? giving
the "masie teacher" sewething t
teach. 421 Court St. Thoaa 33.
For tarjains in new and secondhaa
gootls for the house, furniture, rar. g
es, heaters and stoves, rues, sewing
machine, graniteware, disbes, aait
cases, trunks and tools. We wan
your old furniture and stoves, wiK
pay you highest cash price. See e
lust, l'eoples Furniture Stjre, 271
N. Commercial St. Fhone 734.
NO CASH REQCi BED Good overeoa
shoes aud suits, all kinds of am sis
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gaa stoves, suit cases ant
1000 other useful articles to sail or
trade. What have yout The tttpit)
Exchange. 337 Court St; Phone 4l3.
if AT BIXK'KI NX. I clean and Mock
ladies' and Men's hats. Just re
ceived hat renovating aiaehioe. it
pets tho dirt, Try it once. 6. H.
Ellsworth, 493 Court St- Salem, On
) o
THE SOLlHtR HOYS Pool and bil
liard parlor ii row open under atw
. aianagement and tt reader you an
the general public a congeuial placa
to pass away a few leisiue hour.
The basement of Oregon F.Ieetrfa
depot, enrner of Stata and High
Phone 629 . VTm. Li rock, prop.
50 yenra experience, Depot National
and American fence.
Si7.es 20 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, ete.
Lofrairborry aad hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stova Works
250 Court street, Then 9 124.
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Bnys, sells and exchanges new aad
2d hand furniture, All kinds Of
- repair work, light grinding, filing,
and brazing a specialty. Right
prices. 247 Nor'.h Commercial BU
l'hone 16.
refuse of all kinds removed on monta
ly contracts at reasonable ratel.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animala re
moved. Office, phone Main 187.
On Oood Real Estate Jtoenrify
Over Ladd & Bmk bank; EjJeia 0rego
eent interest. Prompt twevie. S4S4j
years time. Federal farm lnitn bond
for sale. A. C. Buhrnstrdt, 401 Ma
sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon.
INSUHANCB COU.Vli. For Jree ia-
formatlon about Life Insurance see
J. F. Hutchason, dast. marager for
the Mutual Life of N.. Y., olfiee a
371 Htate St., Halem, Ore. Off tee
phone 99, residence 1396. tf
HOP LEE, -expert laundrytnaa, 4.141
Ferry St. I pay top market price for
chickens and Eggs. Offiee pionw
1339J, residence 1333J.
Our Prices are Bight
W. M. ZANDLEB, Proprieter
I2'5 N. Summer Street, Salem, Orego
just installed a wiachme that will
sharpen lawnmswerg the same as the
factory puts them out new. Bring
all your light repair work te ei. Ai
Vin B. Stewart, 347 Ceart St. Phone
MeCornaek hall on ever- Tuesday
at 8. Walter lenon, C. C, P. J.
Kuntz, K. R. A 8.
BOYAI. Neighbors of America, Ore
gon Orape eamp No. 1360 meet every
Thursday evening in McCerneck hal
Elevator sr"vice. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Bunn, 848 Union St; reeot"-"
dor Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N.
4th' 8t. Phone 1430M.
4ALEM WATER rnzi PANT Office
enrner Coaimereia'. and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly ia advisee.
Paaae 600.
I.nu Hoi Hung, a Chinese youth, whe
was Kduudod three times at Verdun,
has been admitted to eibienship a,t
. i
i i
' I
Bucks (13
I San Francisco,