on m Tift! HAL WANT AD DEPARTlim IS TEE BEST SELLING IUM IN MARION COUNTY rMOTED ADVESTISISO BATES 3!ASE!rlraVw Today: ! gat P" . ' T-,k issertioa : i. it insertions! . - 5 ITe Cat wees t '' .). feti insertion nToStii Journal iU mot "j, for mora t" one !at cUaAfied Advertisements advisement tha 'irst day Jani and notify u immediately if occurs. jtiaina charge, 153. 1T)D ff rhone 2093M. tf 7iA trips Nill 22Q9J. 8 8 FOR SALE Loganberry tips. rhone CALVBJ-I want 3 or 4 day-eld calves c 0. Buss!, phone SF3. tt y'KNlHHKl apartment for rent, at jiO S. 14th. Phone ll10. 5-2t iY muted at the Glove factory, M Oak St. 5 L'3 WANTED All kinds of ehiekena. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf FOB Rawing or orchard work with tractor, call P7F14. 528 W BEAVER well driller, phone 827 j, 1165 N. lth St., Salem. Or. 66 F2AMB yoar photographs, 50 tents up. Burea a, Cora. Bt. o iu YO& SAiB 4'ord tourinj ear, in good tonilition. rhone Ml wurai 1 ave. VANTBI-lirl for (reneral housework Bust be gaoi cook, good wage 4 l'hone 6r)K, eall 7B8 State St. 5 24 WANTED All kinda of cattle. I 2155. Phone 619 WANTED Strawberry pickers, , tin. Phone 5 24 ' THE HAZLEWOOD does shoe repair int aeatly done. 321 N, Com. St. I 619 IX SALE At sacrifice for short 1 tiac, 7 room modern house, large lot . 1740 Court St. 3-23 FOB SALE Now Iowa cream sepaxa- tor, 500 lb. capacity. Phone i-'-- 5-23 l SALE Seven heed of fresh Jor , try cows, caa be eeea three blocks - wet 25th streot oft north aide of ; farner road. Owner will be at pat tvre (rem 6:30 to 8:30 morning stiff evening. 5-29 FOB SALB About 40 corda of soeoadi growth fir wood, on ground; also a gsoa light wagon. Phone SSiFS. & 24 IAST Strayed or stolea, lver Johnson I biccle, roturn to Journal ofCoe, rs i ward. tf WANTED A woman to cook for six i or eight people. Phone 3F11. Ad i dress box 45, lit. 2, Gervais, Or. tf TrUILRIS for sale and made to or e dr. Woodry Auction Market, Fer- ry and Liberty. 6 15 - WANTHD Hauling contracts, nave sw Day Elder trucks. Thone 302. Marion Garage, tf VKUj PAPER 15 conta per double roll t etiwsril. Buren's Furniture Store, s 17 Commercial, tf WANTED-Lcaky radiators te repair, Sslera Auto Radiator ah op, 198 8. 12th. 6-6 HAVE your roof repaired, cleaned and , tarred. For particulars phone 1446. 'ANTED Loan of $500 on real I tats, good security. Call at 247 N. OoauiBrcial. tf WANTED To buy m Tannery, 25th ohair. Enat 8a Ht. and Oak raoae 210UM It KB BOOKLET 'Care Baby ChieJta' ntatw tn. Telephone 400 Headquarters for, baby ehieks. tf SALE Three quarter tea truck. . frat cka, ihapo, $200. Highwsy - vje. U NTra-To hear from owner who m l.wcn 35 and 40 acres of land sale. Must have from 5 to 10 J" b.ring prunes oa the place, a 8 room heuse and tiftrn; on good fae! or rock roe.d and mail rout. L0B 2374B or write ta. 733 North 'rot St. Sali-m, Or. 5 24 gUY IN SALEM ALWAYS ftm LOAiJS-61 LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW VHTT Tn TJAV 1 fVi AA OR MULTIPLE ON JHE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. I WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PR0MITLY. Mm;3A!3)RC:ETS 314 Masonic Bid- Salem, Ore. TKE - TRY THEM FOR RESULTS FOE 8ALE-9sl2 flnffv rag, . 5l3 31 HKMW. 5-, JA8. LYONS practical painter. 704. Phone tf WANTED Experieueed machine oper ator, uu at 4i lourt St. 5 ;3 TOR SALE I ton good hay. Phone 170 CORD of wood for sale on ground. J. E. FntzieT, Pratum. u-23 KVGS cleaned 35 eta, after June 1st 50e per rug. Phone 10, Buckner. 531 WANTED A position ia dentist of fis business girl; reference. 66 A eare Journal. . 5.27 FOR SALE diay team and harness, weight 2S00, 7 and 8 years old. Spaulding'a yard. 5 27 FOB SALE Team, weight 2SO0 lbs. harness ami wagon for 1150 or will trade for stock. Address Rt. 3, box 5, Turaer, Or. 5 23 FOR SALE Choice 40 acre tract near ly all in crop, tO per acre, or will exchange for resilience. F. L. Wood Bayne bldg. 5 23 FOR SALE jSced potatoes, Burhsnk and Hold Coin. Mr. V Al Jonci, Gvrrais Rt. 2, Phono 3F12. 514 LOST Lady 'a handbf containing purse with money, pohl wuU'h and checkbook on AumsvUle bauk. Find er leave at -Journal office and re ceive reward. 5 24 GOOD, well improved farm for sale or trade; will take some good Salem property. Addresa 950 8. 12th St. Salem, Or. 5 24 MEN WANTED (For factory work, long job good waget. Apply imme diately at U. S. employment Ser vice. 128 S. Liberty. 5 24 FOB SALE Modern S room house t 1393 North 5th street, large corner lot, barn, fruit trees, paved street; no incumbrance, for (1500. Inquire Gilbert Grocery. 6-22 FOB 8 ALB Or trade for Salem prop- . am . M . . I . I erxy, ov acre iarm o awrei id cul tivation. No build'inea. iddreas O cars Journal. tf BUY Tour tomato plants from the greenhouse, all standard varieties, large lot a specialty. Phone 71F5. C5O0D rooming '0 partly furnished; will lease very reasonaoie. inquire ovo a, ww St. or phone 1549M. tf FOB BENT Till Oct. 1 12 acres direct ry oast of fair grounds, in fruit, planted to beans; modern house and barn. This would make an iileal home for the summer and the rent is right. Phone 72F4. 3 23 BARGAIN 200 acres, well improved Howell Prairie farm for 10 days only; all in cultiva. an, 4 miles east of Salem. Price 25,0()0. Terms. Thos. A. Roberts, 314 Sd,me bldg. 524 IFOR SALTS All or paTt of 120 BtrM' 1 mile from Marion, good buildings; would take good house in Salem as n.r nr. Vine dairy farm. Wm. HnlL Marion, Or. 5 24 FOR SALE Five passenger, light four Studebaker, in fine coadition, do' monntol'le rims, now tires, a snap at $350. Will take liberty bonds, or motorcycle s part payment, H7 S. Com'l St. Phone 68. GOOD BUYS m USED CARS One 6 passenger Chevrolet, 1917 model One roadster, Chevrolet, 1616 model These ears are in fine condition. We are in position to do your auto repairing by an experienced workman. All work guaranteed. Oive ns a trial. AMEBICAN AUTOMOBILE CO. 197 8. Com'l St. HV.S WANTED AT WEST LINN PA TES HILLS, 4Ce HOFR, 8 HOCK DAY. 8EE MJLH. A. BW AFFORD AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS BIYEB FROM OBEGCX CITY. GOOD HO- TEL rBOYIDES CLEAN Bbua 20c; BEST MEALS 35e. tf DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 2:1 1019. FUR ALE 2 mm. 1 Ggcr, has. Call 4.S Coart St. 1 Dur 5-i3 FOR SAl.K 11 Maxwell Mel eew. Phone rKUi LOcT Cold wrist watch betwe Lib erty and K g on K'ate St. Xrmnl Ketura to Juurail effice. 5 26 jFOrND Lady, (M Owner r'l at Journal olfire and p for 1 ft 34 J WHITE LBOHORX bbv thick for sale Saturday, 544 State St. ltow . 5 33 VANTFJV8trabrry ttvd lojaaW ry pickers, la ar-a gwd pwainj, Jy 3 ce.nr pet box. B O 2etliakt. Rt. 9, bos lltA. . 5-a 5 ROOM fcoa ! lota, fin eard.a. fruit and weU; clear titl, a 2S4 street. Write owner, boa 40 or paon I .i :'.i, -3 WANTED Young nian for vaudeville act, must be good at piano and be able to act "straight" man's part. eare Journal. 5 26 FOR SALE Two boiler 1 eisht horse horizontal, 1 four horse nnrieht. Call at Capital Hty Cooperative eream cry. tf LOST On the weot side Portland mad, thia i(iK ctf lUnewel one sick of corn. Finder will please no tifl E. L. Stiff and son and receive reward. 5 2. HAVE several hundred corda of fir wood in the timber for sale. 4 mill nut. John 11. Scott, ' 404 Hubbard bldg. tf WANTED Clone in 3 or 4 rooms with bath. Furnished or unfurnishetL Per manent rounj coiU'le Phone 400. 5 24 FOR SALE Remarkable value in slinhtlv used, best quultty lad'ea suits, hats, coats, sweaters, etc. 1 S. 15th. 8-24 FOR SALE Nice team of black Fer c heron mares, 7 and 8 yeara old, wt. about 1500 ti each; also a No. 1 driving bone, gentle and quite speedy. Phone 35P24. 5 23 A BAROAIN in 160 acres nar Philo math if taken ou; paitly cultivat ed; house and barn. Part cash, bal ance terms. Write Turner Rt. 3, bci 40. LOST strayed or stolea from the Gar den road cheese factory, 1 standard bred mare, bay color, weight aout 900: suitable reward. Notify Dr. Morehouae. Phona 8199 or eheese factory. M FOB SALE-fluaa of horses, weight 3200. eevea and nine yeara old; Are sound and true; wagoa and harness dm with them. Rt. 3. box 01. 0 SB FOB SALE Good 7 room hoass, lots, all In ood condition, lota of fruit and barriea, $1350) 6500 down and easy terms. See Cherry City Vd Bara. 2 FOR SALE A nan 5 room modern bimimlow. nrice $1750; 1250 easfc balanee 15 per month. Phone 1208 M 628 HELP WANTED Two men with good trucks to take contract for hauling tioa and lumber full acaaons work, liberal pay by hour or thou sand feet. Apply 12 Xorth Commer cial street. Salem, Or. 5-23 MIDDLE aged man, refined, loving na ture anrl kind, rtemrea to meet some lady that would make home happy. W-ti.i eare Journal. 5 24 FOB SALE Or trade, 43 acres of riv- bnttuiu. I'-i olUcs north ana east of Independence; fine hop or berry Inn,!. Take iiart 111 Salim property Thos. A. Roberta, 314 Masonic bldg 5 24 FOR SALE 40 aero farm in crop, some of best land in Oregon. For lrtwulrs write owner, Kt. 1, box i' H,in. Or. 619 F' R SALE By owner at a sacrifice, 8 mom house in A 1 condition 4oiIt onlv short time, large lot, improved atreot, close to new packing plant new building, also school and ear; will take good young team and out fit or late modid ear in good condi tion, on deal. I-ook this up if you want a fine home at a bargsja; so agents. Address 9 care Journal. 5 26 CLESOIfS AUTO EXCHANGE 1 HI 7 Chevrolet PlnrnW' "20". perfect condition, m-w tins, 2i;3 1!M Maxwell, almost new, 400 2 ton lumber truck st a barrnia We wreck autos fur their parte, this enaiU-a yoa to gt old car rt at a bargain. Cah price paid for jnah cars. 191 S Ford edan, just liks new 723 1314 Overland, just thoroughly aver hauled tO moo Ford truck, thoroughly Tt hauled 173 5 iAxanr 8tuJ.Uxr $H0 114 Frd with 1916 body, $2iJ llOft hevrolet l'Jl7 Ford $t'0 $47S 349 N. Com! St. Phone GCG SALE1 AUTO EXCHANGE CEO. SFICXE, Ugt 129 Riate Btr' We boy your ear or stU on eosusia- sioB. ' SPECIAL Orerlssd. rno-l'l V'9 New HadeoB Bar-' sn, ran 15W mile, at a bsraia jM 4 cvSibOct, first tSaaa oadl- tioa. -'O 1917 Hnsco $'"5 r.ue Little r'dstr !0 1917 iMrt j75 Ms i we!!, 4 as new, A u tern aw d -tvry ear, t-'i TW ETr OTHEKrt TO I I K FBOsI (..t :s auto Uaadry UXST Bukb. cf keys ri t Journal FOB SALE i?;Mker, first el mechanical condition, bw ti;:ery, 4 ww tire, -.rut overhauled, sjvwty painted, 4t"A. Phone 1415 5 2 WIU, very fine 4 piaa just r- aw, at vey tow jncTf ol v team. Call at 518 Coat tt. afternoon fi7 WILL trad wrj fine new piaaa for 1 fned ird or taer light auto 1 sow i brtvcM lu4ta.au 5 27 FOB SALS roan hoo, built ia bocTk cas china cWwrt, fxnphwe, etJ. toce lesea. fVtri ctreet, 3 kw!s frost atsro aoaasw Ios 2w4R, S Uartoa tn. 5 4 LET prov to yoa that w c&a sell yr a pttM teas tkaji yea caa pos sibly bay elaewhere. All h yh grade beautiful puiooa at low fiicea and T terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., Sl Coart St. t-tr op a from 1 to p. av 5 27 FOB SALE ANT EXCHANGE BY H. B. 4W1JNOEB, 328 Hubbard bldg. Phone 101. For ifcJc 4ue of the fiaeet 7 room bungalows ia Salem, strictly modern aud a beetuty, oa car line and paved street. Price .!$. Good aouae of 6 rooms, good baru and chickea house, large K.t. on pav ed street, all clear. Price $1200, easy terms. A snap 6 room modern house, close to car line; will take vacant lot or automobile for equity. Worth much more than the price offered. Several fine wheat farms ia southern Alberta, some well improved; will take acreage near Salem or city prop erty. A large list of vacant lots, priced from almost nuthing up. I write insurance on anything insur able in best old line companies, tf WANTCT-dlarber, steady job, guar antee 25 iter week, 60 percent over Art Barber Shop, North Bend, ifregot. 6-23 M.OBE of those splendid bargains that we advertised have been taken. Wo have some more consisting of residences from a few hundred dl lara on the installment plan, up te the beet homca ia Halem. Also from 5 acres up to large farms. We also have some unimproved land for sale very cheap; also some splendid tim ber S miles out; drop in aud talk it over. John H. Scott Kealtv Co., 404 Hubbard bid tf FOB SALE Bead snaps, 9 acre with now 5 room bungalow, 2 miles out; I woo, 5 seres with new bungalow, all in berriea and fruit, 2 mile from state house, on naved street. 13500. Terms. 4 room cottage and I kite near car line and school. 61200: term. 5 room cottage, modern swept heat) tree paved, I12SO; terms. 6 room eottagc, 3a. 1515 Court St modern. 13750. W. A. Listen. 484 Court St. 3 24 NOTICES flehaol diatriet Mo. 07 of Lyons, Or will tmah bids on the old aciiool and lots antU May 26, 1919 IHreetore reserva right to reject any and aU bids. Tro la cood toeatioa for carage. L. D. WATERMAN, Mrs. Inea King. Ciiairman. Uerk. OK PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "Juwti T tsei $iei" Help of all kind Furnished Frew to Employer mnirwi, laiwii ma. tot tin 1 r. WW, last BS-tU Iwdt atiMt. FwlW. Oihiob FOR SALE Cotsire, 4 rooms, woodshed and barn; 1 acres uf appls an. I mixed fruit. ir'iid gnrden; if wild soon goes fur $!riK); two t lo'ka from street car. 10 acres 3 nnlin out, two actus promt 2 Inans, balance ill Cuhuatiort ex cept '2 an-a if stump vasture; price SS.VlO; fair improvements. 5 room plastere.l hounei close to schmd, good lot, $1000, r.'OO cash bal snc ntonthlv. JOHN li SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 lluld.ard building NOTICE TO CONTBACTOR8 Notice is Iwreby rc that the un iniMl will receive scaled bids 1 nnt-.l 5 o'ebfk p. m. June 2, I HI 9, fr th. n.,lru. tion ol a wood si,li-s!k to hm In ,t a'or.tf the 'Ulh a.de of tuluin- hia alnvl littwcn ' itnirmr'inl and LJx-rty slrcwt adjneent to aud ainttiitif ..r, L., Ni. 14 in Oiora J ni iini-rwip addition to the d'y of rl.m, Man uBty, urc?n. I"l-s srH sM-ificationa way 1 had at tha reonlf a onice. KARL RACE, r. ia City Rreorder. HOMEWARD MOVEMENT r.,i U J3. (L'nited rrea. As a nrcaulionarv mca sar, it was U.rs ed today, b"ine'd movement cf the fourth sad Fifth divisions of tht army of oeeuwrti'is has been suspend-!, lnl in Amrimioi br the fiermana as t aether thev will sign the rx-ace treaty. (i. ncral Pershir.f hsa a'ao postpoaed bis prorwacd visit to Ent!s,ad. The easpeesiea of hosseward move ment of th fourth aad lif'h littiaioas PRO'.IPT RELIEF fT the K-id-listrs4 atemari). LriMsfssl Oil tty i tare i after aaeals, d.H.hcd c tha tentae-ks atesaathi (tfwt-t7 Kl-sals1 the sww atd U d fealwa. Mir hy atOTT g. E.tura l'1"" U''U"I""L'1' lac,ra " 11 11 Tl1111"1 "" 1,1 1 "'' "T ilk and Cotton 4 06 inclies wide Old Rose, Russian Gi-ecn, Reseda Green Plum, Blue and other leading shades $129 Yard Gowns KV 1 Made up from f yy j XV ' WMte good grade . Co,lt muslin, em- D broidery QK STAR Made f trimmed PSPECMS " j ood Grade Cut full l CJ y Middy $U9 annC.' Sac Ladies' Tailored Suits SERGES, VIGEREAUX rOPUNS, GABARDINES ONE-HALF PRICE Designed on plain tailor lines LADIES GLOVES EXTRA SPECIALS ON BROKEN LINES AND DAMAGED GLOVES EOROIDERED VOILE FLOUNCING 27 AND 40 INCHES WIDE DAINTILY EMBROIDERED IN COL ORED MOTIFS. "STAR SPECIAL 98c ODD ASSORTMENT LADIES COATS VALUES UP TO $15.00 WHILE THEY LAST $7.50 You Can Always Do Better At 1 4 jlAJXJ vaUkW wrf sajs aw7 W . . . .. . (..! TK t ..l.finiui ('minim enmnanv of the army ol occupation is iMiuin-ii uui a. probably ordered for the ...me good reasons. Central Pi-oi-k m, ne Is conuiii iwi the niHHSlioiis of the anli ld.ev,ki Enormous atoinge of W ,n Jk ut afainst the eriiy of Tsaritua, on ' IWpango is held fesp-e.,,. f-r lb. the 'Volga, atiniincs the rapture of i earthquake- in Him lad.. wti" h KJ.Wrtt p,,.i,r and US guns from the'ed 5l people, in.....d many and UoUeviki. 'c. d a proTrty l's of !,itrft,irfm .sT.fcAjT.t K.... l '"Km'W t - i: . ( l: i. -m .vCW1 LATEST PARISIAN MILLINERY. (1) Small hat covered entirely with leaves and trimmed with houquets of cherries. (2) Hat of black and white straw attractively in terwoven with hand of wax cloth. (:) Chapeau of Hack hair trimmed with plumes ar.t! velvet ribbon of the same color. (4) Straw hat covered with black satin and trimmeil U.-Uh a liisHvss iww in front IT, BLick tatin hat with rira tr.tirclv made of black satm I Tf V4I 1MI f.V ' . - - " - ----- Spangled tUsue. A beautiful black tassel ornaments the Poplins Fancy "J , . - . . concluded contra, is with Hnn .am farnr " ' ' .. .. t ftH'lfU Itr IWIA W UH'i;. - aasjsyJea'- ysajaw," -- st) 11 . Fipred Voile 3" CS ir.ches wide New De?;cns bought to retail at C-'c. Saturday Special 29c Yard Wash Dress Skirts N E V E RS 1 1 RI N K S1I R UN K It 1 G I IT THE TWO LEADING LINES IN AMERICA ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED EVERY SKIRT AT SPECIAL PRICE JUST A FEW LEFT IN THE EXTRA SPECIAL $2.93 ailLDREJf S SUILIER HATS A CLEAN UP SPECIAL. 3 LOTS 15c 25c 45s CLEARANCE SALE SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, DOLMANS Selling . Selling Up to Up to , $75 $47.50 J.5.CD $35.G0 SELLING UP TO $15,00 $14.95 ALL OTHER SUITS AND COATS LESS 20 PER CENT BOYS SPORT BLOUSES Made from high grade Percales, Sport Neck, Short Sleeves. Ages 5 to 1:1 years. Clean up Special EJAe has More cat's for eomnsi lubor wwre riM'.itvd than could be l.ilc.l by tint I'ttitrd States em hij incut servu o in Tjroma lart week. ( Hi ,ki:i fiuiu eta L'is couaty in tlilil tii.'ie Iks 1ii tt siiuM iu currcnin of inflii4 in smi f the ocik'tii'tiUood. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS sH.-'i if V: I! f.'-'c. 1 I u