THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY Z 1P19. i i u.i $ ra A T? TT i Sw gj f f,.,..'..ligy.J at .. --.-s.- LM ' 1 1111111 1111,11 i For the People's Benefit at the People's Cash Store 186-194 N. Commercial St. W Begin Saturday and Continue Monday, May 26 i DON'T DEMONSTRATE WITH OUR MANY STOKES BUT WE DO MONSTEATE WITH OUR GOOD QUALITY OF GOODS, LOWEST PRICES 5 EXCELLENT SERVICE. WE HAVE NOW ANOTHEE DELIVERY S WHICH WILL GIVE US THREE IN ALL. THIS ENABLES US TO -DLE. AND WITH SATISFACTION, OUR ENORMOUS SATURDAY 3) EVERY DAY'S TRADE. WE WILL GUARANTEE TO EVERY CUS iiZR GOOD SERVICE AND PROMPT DELIVERY. OUR SACRIHCE i MEANS EVERYTHING IN OUR DEPARTMENTS OP GROCERIES, T GOODS, CLOTHING, MEN'S TURNISHINGS, HATS AND SHOES. Tie St. Rcy. Robert L. Paddock. D IX bishop of eastern Oregon, will be B .the citr and vk in St Paul's ehnrch Sunday evening. The bishop hat! just returned from France where he ! has beea serving as chaplain for aiar j than year. He had souie thrilling ex- jperieaces participating in rescue work , jt the from and received distinguish-j ted service citations therefor. Hia We-! ture Sunday evening will describe the condition oveer sea and hisexperieee-! f in the great war. The rector of hfJ Panl's was formerly in Bishop Fad dock! diocese for eight years and nu therefor able to secure the bishop's j coming to Ssem for Sunday evening : ! after an address in Trinity church. Portland, in the morning. The general puolid will be welcome. Eggs are now retailing at 50 cents a dozen and one of the old time groe-: era here saes that the ehaacet are they ; will not be cheaer this year. He sug gests that those who intend to put up eggs in mater -lass might as well be gin now at this f igsre. The bij; stor ing houses are buying on the the pres ent market. With an additions charge of six cents a doien I' r packim; and expense and the profits of the retail man, he chances are that even stor age ceis will be retailing at 75 cents a dozen next winter. This same author ity on eggs says that by next August XTRA 10c v Palace Cai Fruit Jar Rubbers Saturday Price 4 for 23c XTRA Crystal White Laundry Soap 5c Cake Limit 5 to the customer ONE DAY SALE ONLY Saturday Is Bargain Day AT The Remnant Store 254 North Commercial Street, Salem. EXTRA 8-ounee Toilet Paper Saturday Trice 4 for 23c KXTRA tO Latlies Dress Skirts Saturday Price $1.93 For a Real Bargain Go to the Remnant Sto re Few Items of the Many Thousands of BARGAINS jar, per sack, for Saturday only..9.0 t, 11. Sugar J1-00 t!rrr Coffee, per lb .... 34t U fur J R Coffee, ner II) 460 ',twe, very boat, per lb... ...2c ..SL25 27c .....480 .....12C ..J2.85 65c 63C 660 .......9c 15C 6C i m bulk 4 (iimnowder Tea J...... iili Breakfast Tea - 'una in bulk 4crs Hardwheat Flour.... aake Flour ..... Viiaia Flour !!'. Oatmeal 1 Rice jken Rice, 2 lbs. '. Beana 1 Mexican, pink nnd vcllow.....'. a. a Bns, 2 lbs .230 ff.'l Wheat and Rice 13c snakes 9C 3:rnni, Ksglietti, Vermicelli 8c Macnroni . . 8C -TN'ED GOODS tatiiin, Ronlens, Libbvg, Armours HC , c .14C 17C 10C 19C 12C lie 13c 60C 60c f t t'uin. Nutnr Peas .' Standard Tomatoes t I'ack Tomntoea '-' T'ltk and Keiins -''iliplei .s Hut Sauce trknnt ; '.'i lVa. hej - !,) Apple Italian Prunes 1'int Catsup Jar Mustard Cotnoiind Veg.-tnle J.jb Size t'ottolene ' CfK,kiiig Oil . K ri. THIN, FRAIL FOLKS NEED i PHOSPHATE Nothing like Plain Bitro PhcspbaU to Put on Fir:n, Healtay Dean and to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nenro Energy Judging from the countless prepata-j tions and treatments which are eoiititi-j unity being advertised for the purpose1 of making thin people fleshy, develop ing arms, neck nnd bust and repliiig ugly hollows and angles by the so't curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women who keenly fiel their cx ctive tliiiines. Thinness and weakness arc usually lue to starved nerve. Our liodies need more phosphate than la contained in modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supply this deficiency so well aa the orgftuic t'hoa nhate known anion druirzista na bitro- Men's nnd Boys' Clothing with I phosphate, wiich is inexpensive ana speciul reduction of !D r wenx j, ,y most all diuggists under a . . w i. tur. Pot. 15 49 uarantee of aatiafaction or money Men'. Woolen Serge Pants .. i e Mcn'i Work Tanta -,8cjand by supplying the body colU with o6-inch Cotton and Silk mixed crepe de chine Specially Priced at 59c Yard Mostly all shades . axaHaaaMaBMtMaaaaaMaMaaaBBBia(sBaaiaaaMaaaaaaaBBBaaaMa Ladies Silk Coot Hose A 75c quality. Yours for Saturday 39c Tair Millinery Special. Choice of any hat from $5.00 to $6.50 Saturday Price -$3.93 Each 1JOYS SUITS Priced From 98c to $3.00 French serge remnants. This goods comes in black, navy, red and plum. 42 inches wide. 2 1-2 yds. remnants $2.98 3 1-2 yd remnants $3.98 5 yd remnants $3.69 Remnants of white, mo hair, plain or fancy. 1 1-2 vd end at $1.19 2 1-2 end at $1.98 I 5 yd end at $3.98 Remnants of table cloth 11-2 ends at $U9 2 yd ends at $1.39 2 1-2 yd ends at $1.98 40c Sherberg remnants, plain blue or grey the yard 23c 2 1-2 Tub Silk remnants fine for shirts or shirt waists, 2 1-2 yd cut for $2.48 Ladies underskirts $1.50 values, special at 9Sc $1.75 to $2.00 white un derskirts, special $1.19 SILK SAU-. $2.00 and $2.23 silks special at $1.39 Consist of plain and novelty in Crepe do. Chine, Taffetas and ilessalines. 25c curtain goods, spec ial at yd 19c All linen Stevens crash toweling, special yd23c $1.00 Ladies' union suits special at, each 69c Remnants of Turkish toweling, special at, 5 'yd cut for $1.09 40c ;6-ir,eh white out ing flannel special 29c White wool mixed baby flannel at yd 59c $2.1S to $:!.iS Ladies dresses, special $1.98 Each ll.'JS Bungalow Aprons, Sat urday price $1.39 Each Children's Dresses in White or Ginghams Priced from 49c to $5.98 XTRA Ladies' Sample Pocket Book 1-2 PRICE XTRA Special Hope Muslin 18c Yard The Remnant Store 251 North Commercial Street, Salem. A. D. THOMSON, Prop. XTRA Specials 75c Silk Glove 39c Pair XTRA Special 45c Buster Brown Hose 'A Pairs for $1.00 98c 11.19 9Sc 49c light pnr- .49c .a 60c 21C .. 25c . 1.20 $1.35 l.!to $1.90 $1.95 "eductions in Molasses and M Oy,ter Crackers . 17c Crackers in r CiKikin lgc "o tnd XUrP( Biitt'er 34C 't Batter, n,. for 27c ', , h,,k Salt $1.05 tairy Salt 65c J'3 he H)),pi 4 i)ttn 22,. .Naptha Soap, t bar..,. 25c 5c '''O..I.1 :;.lvs';'.j'"ir!7 Men's Kkaki Pants nd V.'a Heavy Black Satin . . Khirts .... f1-19 Men's Khaki Shirts B. V. D. Union Suits Porous Knit Union Suits i Bovs' Canibray Shirts Boys' Dress Shirts in plea Knv' Waists in Sport and Miltiary colors 65c Khnki Work Hats 5c Men 's Dress Huts -9 Men's Genuine Panama lluts...$2.49 Mens and Boys' Caps.. -.49c Ikerchiefs. white and khaki. for 256 Fine Lisle Dress Socks, black, white ond gray, 2 pairs for 46c baseball mukl will be retailing for l0 rents. Hence it j - -ill n nnn.t liuln,.., ! 1 111 ill llllW. HBUOnal. even on tho retail price ut 50 ceiila. j At New lork o Mt. 1,0111s the necessary jihosphonc. rood ele ments, h tro-Phosntiate quickly pro- ducee a welcome transformation in the appearance; the increase in weight fre quently toeing astonishing. This increase in weight also enrnea witk it a general imirovemetit in the health. Nervousness, aleeplesmies and lack Of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, soon ui nppear, dull eves become .bright, and pale cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect health. fii-TinV Althouirlt litro-pho fur relieving ACIDS IN STOMACH CAUSE Create Oas, Bournes and flow to Xieat Tain Medical authorises s'a'e trint nearly uiue tents of the caws of siomuck trou- It H B M e York 1 9 Doak and Snyder; Itenton and Mc it'arty, Diibnc, ' A I nmnklvn 'BrcMiklyn mttslitirgh Wilier and Hweeiiey: Kroeger. , . . aflSf The 'Norwegian mi k Wuperir, re-' eomploled aiotweeit Mwood and hsUte ported lost three month ago, airwed d, wtiiih will bo kimii aa the Ki. k at New York Tuesikr with liwr enptuia ! Mm line. uiiawaio thut his ship hail been given 1 up a lost. 1 ..... r. 1 f Ai me ruin nii-M, i iiM tt , ,- 1 ", .-, (tie Klamsth county high athoot -S pu pils will be Jjruiluuteil. 1 0 II 1 1 The Oregon state limliny etimmis .... 4 10 1 slon bus voted to sp-ml iJKI.iii.l.nil 1111 Pfeiffer and th I'aclfie highway in I.aue comity ... 1 ,1. I'lilladelphia - t 11 1 Chii-aim S T 0 ble, indigealien, toumisa, burning, gas, j A(Knder, llendrlck and Killifer; bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an ex- Soii(ll Bni, x,nnn. ceta of hydrochloric aiid iu the sloin-j , ach and iiot as some believe to a lk M nRton of digestive juices. The delic.-vle .'"' n,,B 4 0 1 ach lining is irritated, digestion la do ci lu. lvn , 1 1.1 1 laved and food "". causing the il's-, iuo, Keatong and Klllin- agreeable svmpto.i wn.en every sio... ,Oi.i 11h n. Allison and Trngessor. ..v.otA i. nnstiroasseu nervousness, aieopiessnen s;-- ,r. w,fforer Knows so wen. weakne, it should not, owing to its rt 1 f i'isl digetents are not needed cih .mIh nronertiea, be ! . , , ,,. i harm. uwd bv nnvone who does not desire to. uvin,, B,i,i u rfiaestive aids and put on flesh. The latest market quotation for wool aj-id cotton is Increasing rapidly, goods of all kinds arc moring up. Buy all your woolen, silks and cot ton goods now at the Peoples Cash Store and you will gain money. W Just received 100 dosen Ladies and Girls' Washable Dresses, Bunga low Aprons and Ladles' Eoreralla. $100 ....75c ..BOC ...35C Oar Sacrifice Prices at as follows: $4.50 Eitra large size Washable Dress 2.96 Waahcble Dress 2-6; $2.60 Bungalow Aprons $1.19, $3.50 Girls' Dress $198 , $2.30 Middie Dress 98c' $3.73 Heavy Khaki KoveralU....$2.25 $3.50 KrcdomaMs l-69( Don't miss the opportunity that j comes verr si ldoin. 1 Special Bargain In aU kinds of White Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps.) Also big bargains In Tennis Slippers. Men &4 Ladies Vim Oxfwdt Boys' and fiirls' Vim Oxfords ... 69c Surprise Rale in Bovs' Oirls' t-nd Children's SamUls BTiC and Up iUl ai T awaaaw w m lllitwt dtnni'h iirn MHO'S Ol i.M.; ie W.IO ' "I"' 1 with no "' I'"" uf '"'f American. Son York 4 (.llHBKO Hhawkev, and Huel: ( leotte S.hulko (eikthth inniiiK), linstend get from any diugg-st a few " loinice of Hi.oniti d Magnesia unt tnc !a tei.onf! in a va' 'er iter right after ei'tna- This sweeten ; the stoiiiU' h, previnis tlio furnmiion i0f exeesa acid ! 'Il"fn ' BO ,M"" 1 ,., e or pui 11. Hi'uratrd .Magnesia (, p.,wi.-r ..r l:.U.'t foi 'n -in ver l i,.id ar mi!kl 1. Iiiirnlens lo the atom 'arh, iwx.eii-i" to mke a.i.l is the efficient 101 111 11 hiki' " ; . 1 , - " " - I ' I 41 will print ynt anything In the i stationary line do It right and and Boston Detroit, polHiiied; rain, rain, . . rain. Philadelphia Cleveland: rnin. n'hiiiiiton M. t,miis; rnin. it 1111 Kill. ifiKPi ur STOalACH TROUBLES liyly ARE DUE TO ACIDITY this yoar. A new tel(-.hiie line hat just been. A dividend of 10 pu cent has lieett lelated oa tlio stock of the Cottnge drove nmnery, which has tin 1 two stc eesslul year. Tb Journal classified ada ar great averite witk people wh do things Tr Me ) 1 A iPimpJes and Skin Eruption, Danger Signs of Bad Blood I save yon ral money. It May Mean Ecietna, Scrofula TVi First Sign ol InJr hd Blood Disease. rtmptei, ic!y Itching ik!n, raphes, tinning jn5iioni anil Scrofula de note with unfailing certainty a de bil tatcd, weakened snI Impure ! of the tlood. Th trouble m.iy hv been in your Lkwd iiom L.i.Ii, Lu! HO matter lior joa were infcsttJ, you must it through the Hood, il it llood ditcaie. You mut use S. S. 5., the aiafinVd blood tnic for '1 yean, If you expect certain re lieL for putifjir.g the lyiiera, nothing ii r,HaI to tt. The action of S. S. S.( il to rVs"t the b'nod. ft aii throiigfi the iytcm direct to the of the trrmb'.cting as an antidote' to ncutruli't the llnod priiori. It revitalize the red Wood crpuicWs, !r. ereases (in flow o liiut tlie Uoiwl properly perrnrni its physical work. The dijil sluggitlt fctiitig kyc jot t!,e comp!c.Mun cltri up. Even lm ? lUnutt-i wci fra.ftjjf, S --f ynn niiit tat; S. S. S. Dmgiat;!; inlnmutcs won't do. Get S. S. i. fimit yo-ir dntggist. If yors ) a. speia! ease and you need expert ad vice, w-rita to Medical Advuer, i Sw,ft Laboratory, Atlanta, Ca, ? A8E DON'T rOEGET TO VISIT OUR ECONOMY BASEMENT rOE '1 BENEHT WE JUST RECEIVED AK ENORMOUS STOCK OF rrEWARE, CROCKERY, AND LOTS OF NOTIONS 60 CENT SANI rPAPER 8ACK- 80NTAIN3 BOX TABLE COVERS, NAPKINS AND 'W183, 10: 100 rAPEE WAPKIN9. 15c; MOP STICKS, 15c; ;ttT iA8KETS, 10c; BIO ROLLS TOILET PAPER. &c; HANDKER D VnXTS: A3a KHAKL 5e WE ARE 0XVIN9 AWAY TREE '3A0 WITH THE PTjrBCHASE OT $1.00. ABB GmxV. J"REE TRBMICM CoritiXH WITH THE ITR' HASK lJ,LL..R WHICH ARE VALf.WH.K IX SWTKIXi IiEAl'TI . 'k AXD WliVFRWARE, CR'X'KEKY AXD HKM'HKIW OF TKI.;S 1V org rBEMJlit do'ARTMEXT. i?iX' ATTE-NTIOX TO MAIL OMiEIW RWEIVEn. AI0 H'E W.SixjI-st as LAROE CAM1' ORDERS. -T "Y- A3" WE will TAKE B.XIW JfsT LIKE MONEY. If. f M m i eonle 7 ay m r a m VAUDEVILLE EXTRAORDINARY CLIFFORD WAYNE TRIO The Indians in full dress and the 20th Century Squaw HENRY CUNSON Versatile Singing Comedian new pirniRF; Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy Relief For Acid la digestioa. So called stomach trouMi-a, snch aa indigestion, gas, wiurn. ss, atomai h a he and liability to retain looa are in pr io ably ainn eas out of ten, simply avi a aa..4iasm.J swat Wi m, avaaaM VtuwT denre that ri"- rctiou of acid ia, taking place in the stemeeh, CHUsing thi formation of ''' Ii"!""'"- S (Jns distends the stomecn ana censes; Hint dull, opptewive, Uiin.iiig fctlingj known as henrtliurn, whtleH H, arid irritate, and inflames the deli rnfe lininf of tH H'.mvh. The troul.le! , lies entirely in the rices development Jl or accretion of acid. , ! t Ta atop ' prevent una auiii ( tu contents or e suiiaaca ana 10 i .iei,tr!ie the acid, an I make It bland! and harmless, a nytnta rt bisnraled f i niagnes a, a good 'l effective eorreet-J j or of and stonier", srnwm "e ' mi a quarter 1 n"' 'M '" j .in r a henever gas, aonriiesf . i,. aci'li'T U fel- This swe tens th ' ' .tomsrh and aentralie the aridity 111 ft 1 IrW IliO'Iir-u . ai' - .. .. ... -. ... I.,., mil inel'a-nsive r'no dy to Uac. Aa antia- td. sock as l.isorated mag j ,ltnji.t in eiilf, m.w.ler or tktibf form ' II 2-in-l Shoe Polish, per can 10c Shinola Shoe Polish 10c Elco ttluing, per bottle .7c American Lyc, per can 8c Uncle John's Maple Syrup, 1-2 gallon $1.15 Hon Ami, per cake tt- 10c Wessen Cooking Oil, quart cans fiOe Van Camp's Pork and Means, Is, each 11c Deviled Meat, per can 5c Sliced Dried Beef, per glass... 10c Golden Rod Rolled Oats, pkg ...12c Puffed Wheat, pkg 12 l-2c Puffed Rice, pkg 12 l-2c Large Citrus Powder, pkg 23c Wheat Hearts, large pkg ,30c P ii Oo 3 mm a Argo Corn Starch, pkg ........7 l-2c (reat American Coffee, per ' 1 lb. pkg ..32c Macaroni, per lb .....7 l-2c Cot ft Ilk i4, tl' fkg So Del Monte Catsup, per bottle.,.J2c Arm & Hammer Baking Sofia, pkg - 5c Van ('amps Soups, can 12c Royal Baking Powder, large can 38c Dutch Cleanser, can 8c Argo Glow Starch, can 7 l-2c Crystal White Laundry Soap 6 Lars Toilet Paper, large roll lc Tapioca, per pound 12 l-2c Mexican Red Beans, per lb fic Porter's Macaroni. ?er pkg. 8c 2)C naldes the stomach te do werk pro- icrl without l!ie a.d f artificial digs teirfs. Magnesia coT't in seveial forms i b eertsia te k fr aBd take nljrjl Hisarated kfajsesi. wkirh ia e(eru,l ly prepared f ir t?. alne (inlaws. a, iu v JT1 mSJ ' . . mm wmm w z:i mm iiitAint Mt a. Tee eipsct the 1al wir- i chaste ta take tone pre!-r. llolp tkoa A it 'h yotir Jit No-V a KEMPEL & WORKING THE QUALITY STORE 3S3 COURT STREET PHONE 40D r. I e t." ti a f; t i r i ' t i r f? If , it i i I It ; it it f ' reaaje B'l id p Mtnyt feaa- ar r. - a tfe. ' a rr mt 31 N. Com! Street