Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 23, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation ia Salem Guar
aateed by the Aodit Bums of
: ft
Orjjoa: T.n.ight asd Stur-
day fair; gentle westerly winds
:i ;i n i h n ii n j
fH n a (1
A. ft f ' K 4 i M
M .MP i
iiiifii Mil
SUB 118
Germans Jake Ad, .
Extension Of Time
Make Alterations In Conn
ter Proposals.
"Bis Four" Turn Attention To
Military And Prisoner Of
War Terms Of Austrian Set
By Carl D. Grout
(Cnited Truss staff eorrespoiident)
Berlin, May 22. Alteration of Ger
iiuiny's final counter proposals whs un
ricr taken- here today following receipt
n iiiiunnariiin mat tne nine uad grant
ed extension of time limit for discuss
ion of the .peace treat-.
Chancellor Hcheiilemnmi and Count
von Hernstorff, now a member of the
foreign office person uel, may go to
fcpa to consult with Count Broekdorff
.Hiuitzmi, it was loarned today.
I 'noon finned reports were in circu
lation that Foreign Minister Brock-iloiff-Kaiitjiu,
'head of the German del
edition, has expressed his disapproval
of the Gorman government's wiKtres
tifius regarding change of tho counter
WgestiouS, . - - . .
Tho Berlin workmen's and soldiers'"
council at a plenary meeting yesterday
liwd resolutions demanding that the
treaty bo sinned add appealing to the
entente prolutariat.
By Tred S. Ferguson
(United tl're.w staff correspondent)
Paris, Mny 2,1. The big four today
discussed tho military and prisoner of
'war itenim df tho Austrian treaty. The
repatriation e1ion of the pact was
completed at yesterday' medinfs.
a ..t a t - -
day to withhold action in the armed
n. iwtHun was aiw roanra vesier-
dispute "between the Poles and Ukrain
ians over (territorial matters until Pre
mier Paderewski'a arrival, expected to
murrow or Sunday.
Charles 'R, rane, after a consulta
tion with the American commission yes
lerday, was ordered to the near east
to investigate the entire mandatory
iproblem in Constantinople, Syria nnd
other territories.
German Plan Rejected
Foreign Minister Brockdorff -Rflut-Mii
and five other members of the
"erinaii delegation left for Spa ajjain
lust niht. io confer with members of
(the Herman government.
The committee appointed to consid
er the Germans' proposals regarding
the league of nations has replied that
it considers the present covenant more
practicable than the German plan, al
though adding that some of the Ger
mans' suggestions can 'be considered
wlien the league is finally organized.
Regarding the proposed intcrnntionnl
mediation) office the committee suid
that no such ibody would have the au
thority necessary to settle disputes.
The allied reply expressed sympathy
with theiidea of n system of impartial
conciliation 'commissions, tout pointed
out that the covenant does not prevent
this. Proposals regarding composition
(Oontinued on page two)
Yanks In Germany
Ready For Action
''oblenz. May 2". Redistribution of
American fnreva in the rnblens bridge
head fls 1irei'iiittnmii-i tntinaiirpn in tp
event the Germans refuse to sign the
treaty wr.s practicaly completed today.
Movement of between 2.1,000 and 33,
Ow trops in motor trucks from the west
io the east side of the Rhine was ex
pected to be finished He today or to
morror. These soldiers were being sta
tioned nt various vantage points and
everything within the American area
was being placed on strictly war basis.
All sales of non-military property to
the Germans were suspended nnd regu
lations agfiins t fraternization were
S'ricily enforced.
Washington, May 23. General Per
shing, in withholding homeward move
mot of the Fourth nnd Fifth regular
armv divisions from the armv of occu
pation, is taking precautionary meas
ures and showing the Germans a firm
NO. 110,
Storey Weaker Once More
Prevents fuck Off On Last
Leg Of Trans-Ocean Trip
By W. E. Harfrares
(Uaited Press Stsff Correspond-
PouU Delgada, A tores. Mav
23. fctormy weather eondtions
lomy agaia prevented Ueuten-
aat Commander Bead from
starting for Portugal ia the
Americaa seaplane NC-4. Every
man ox the erew was ready for
the get away and the machine
was ia good eondition, but rough
eeas and the wind made a start
too dangerous to be atempted.
lae At 4, last of the three
American planes that started
for Kurope from Long Island.
was givea another overhauling
today to make aure that it is
kept in perfect mechanical
shape, ready for a flight the
first time weather permits.
Grand Encampment Comes To
Close With Parade And
With the ginnd parade of Thursday
afternoon, the annual encampment of
Odd Fellows tnd Eebekahs came to a
fitting climax. The weathor man wat,
again smiling, even lowering the tem
perature for the benefit of the march
Tim nsiaile. forming at 4 o clock, was
led by Major John M. Williams, Salem's
boosting organization, the tncrrinns to
the number of 60, followed, preceded oy
the Cherriim band with I)r. H. C. Eplcy
acting as drum major, xnen iouoweu
the Patriarchs Militant in tun unirorm.
Members of the grand lodge assembly
followed in cars. .
Of special note and interest was tne
showing fliadu by Pallas, Hilverton and
Hubbard lod'-rs, the Keoeaana cai
white and the famous centennial unu
team, adding color to the marching line.
After the procession led to vvuison
n-t, n,t undress wes delivered oy
Bishop Matt 8. Hughes which closed the
program of the afternoon.
At the annual ciecwun i mv-i
the grand lodge, the following were
chosen for the coming year.
Grand master Forrest u. riuuim,
of Baker. .
nenutv grand master vt. a. u.
.j0 !n80n. 01 r,ur"'"'
- . ., j
Grand warden Jl. K. brs, oi i
V1,Grand secretary E. E. Sharon, of
Portland. ,
Grand treasurer Dr. O. P. Uoane, or
The Dalles.
Trustee three years Thomas P. Ryan,
of Oregon City.
It was also voted that the next an
nual grand enciinipment should be held
at Baker.
Last night in the House of Repre
sentatives there was a general assembly
of all Odd Fellows and Rcbekuhs. The
evening was given to a general program
of music, followed by a program of
mirth and fuu under the direction ot
the Muscovites.
This morning the delegates were rap
idly leaving for -their homes ana oy to-
dav noon about all tiad lert wnn me ex
ception of officers of the grand lodge
who met in formal sesion nt 1:30
There is a general consensus of opin
ion not only among the visiting dele
gates, but among members of tho local
lodge that Sulem has established a rep
utation as a convention city and able
to accommodate any number of visitors.
The records ef registration on file at
the t'ommeiicnl club show that more
than S'.'OO visitors were bandied easily
by the Odd Fellows committees on en
tertainment and accommodations.
front in the face of their threats not to
sign the peace treaty, according to the
general belief here.
Marshal Foch, it is understood In
Washington, is still supreme commander
of the allied forces in Frauce end Is
ready to march into Germany should
events make such a step necessary.
Withdrawal of the Fourth and Fifth
divisions from the army of occupation,
in accordance with the announcement
several days t(to that they had been re
leased to prepare for their return home,
would have legt but three American
combat divisions in France or Ger
many not released for, or actually as
signed to early eonvoy.
The veteran First, Second and Third
army ulrit comprise only about 73.0OD
men. With them are other units re
quired for a complete occupational
(Continued on Page 2.)
Report of German Economic
Committee Filled With De
liberate Exaggeration.
Paris, May 23. (United Press.) In a scathing denuncia
tion of Germany's conduct of the
accept the contentions put forward by the German (delegates re
garding economic conditions in their country. t
The reply was made pufclie oday.
It charges that the report rf the Oer-1
man ecoaonue eouiinttee, headed ty
Brockdorff Kaitxau. was Jiased upoo
msconcciAinviw and 'full of eiageera-1
tiosis. ine of the statement mate in
me uerman committee's report was
that "tho- who will sinn this treatv
will sign the doath sentence of many
: 1 1 ' .
"unions m i.nrman men. women and
"The Gorman note oiiens with the
statement (that the industrial remureea
of tiormany are inadequate before the
war tor the .nourishment of a popula
tion of 67,1)00,1)00 and it argues as tho
this were the, total for which the di
minished resources she still has will
be called upon to provide," ithe reply
Ship Loss Her Own Fault
This is not the ease. Th" total Don-
iilatirtn of Germany will be reduced
about 0,000,1)00 ,iersoiis- in oon-tierman
territorial, which' it is proposed to
transfer. We are called upon to eon- i
erner tins smaller aggregation.
mention is made of the fact
that a eonjidaraible portion of the
smaller ship tonnage of Germany is
left ito hor unimpaired; and it seems
to have entirely escaped the notice of
her sjwkeHinea that the sacrifice of
her larger shipping is the inevitable
and necessary result of tho ruthless
campaign which, in defiance of U
laws vo l precedents, we waged during
the last two years of -the war upon the
mercantile ohinpiiur of the world. As
a partial offasti Against, tho 12,750,000
tons of shipping sunk, It is proposed
to transfer 4,000,000 ton of German
shipping. Tha un-iveM&l shortage of
shipping is the result mat of rhe terms
orf iieacc, lmt rif the action of Germany,
and no surprise cau lie folt if she as
called upon to give her shaie, and it
is a very moderate liare of a loss
for whioh her own criminal deeds have
been reonibU.
Foods Btfll Available
"Great stre is laid on the proposal
that on the eaulera side Germany shall
lbs deprived of regions specially de
voted to the production of wheat and
iwtatoes. But the note fails altogether
to observe that there is nothing in
the treaty to prevent nirhew the) o
itiniied prodsretion of these commodi
ties in the areas in que-ttion, or their
importation into Oormany. Moreover, it
is fortunaite for G-ermany that these re
gion, have lost none f their product
iveness swing to the ravages of war.
How The Cartoonist, Murray Wade, Saw Some of
JT-C' or the Muscovites'" j J(L, aV
captain V " ' 'i' 'I't sLJpy Jyf
Twe oaAMofe'p ;,-,: 4 I L.j.5imcRAL y
Vv I . ? "7 ,1 ,Dr, scrvicc ? jy fr)
war, the allies have refused to
.They have escaped th shocking date
which was dealt out fcv the German
armies to th corresponding territories
in- Belgium and France n th west nd
Poland, Russia, Knmaaia aud Serbia
on the east.
Destruction Hits Bade
"The German note makes spoei4
complaint of the deprivation of coal,
and asserts that ntarly one third of
the production of tho existing coal
mines will be lost. But it' omits to no
tice Ithat one fourth of German coal
was in territores now to be transfer
red. Tho eoal situation should be view
ed from a different standpoint. It can
not be forgotten that among the mo
wanton acts of devastation perpetrat
ed by th German armies during tho
war wtis the almost complete destruc
tion by her of .the eoal supplies of
northern France. An 'entire industry
was obliterated with a calculation and
savagery which will take nianv years
ito repair. The result has been a great
and prolonged shortage of coal in west
em iKtirope. There efln be no reason
m equity why the wfoct of this short
age should bo borne exclusively by the
allied nations or why .Germany, who
deliberately made herself responsible
tor the deficiency, should not pay to
the full limit of her capacity,
Hun Estimates) Worthless
"The allied and associated powers
cannot accept the speculative estimate
in the German note on the future- con
ditions of Gernian industry. This es
timate appears to be characterised by
palpable exaggerations. No note is tak
en of the fact that tho economic, disas
ter produced by the war is widespread
and, indeed, universal. There is no rea
son why Germany, which was respon
sible for the war. should not suffer
"Finally, the German note rashly
asserts that the peace conditions will "These troops should be brought
' logically bring aibout the destruction ' home from uorpe, bag and baggage,"
of millions of persons In Germany' in j Kahn asserted. "Their work is through
addition ito those who have perished in j and they have no business there, This
the war. Against the war losses of Ger-1 country is nt a collection agency, nor
many might very fairly be placed the; are its soldiers world policemen."
far greater losses which her initiative! j Kahn said he found much dissatistac
and conduct of lite war have inflicted tion among these soldiers because they
upon the allied countries The German are being kept on duty. He said dif
estimate of future losses could be ac- ferenees have arisen betwen our soldiers
cepted only if the premises were ae- and the men of France and England,
cepted also, but they are entirely fa!- and that their relations ore "far from
lacious. Theroi is not the slightest rea-!
son to oeneve max a population is oes
tincd to be permanently disabled be-
( Continued on page two)
Headlights of the Grand Encampment Here This Week
u or the eAOf-J Jp
Washington, May 23-(Ucited Press)
Sanaton Sheppaid and Jones, repnb-
SllntofenV LohiWtioni"0BSe Approves Insurance
Washington, May 23. A high pro
tective tariff, approximately doubling
the presant customs rates, has been de
cided by the house republicans. It was
stated by members of the ways
means committee today.
Washington, May 23 Congress, so
fair as the rank: and file is concerned,
appears anxious to puma a "hands
off" policy toward President Wilson's
recommendation of repeal of amend
meat of the war time prohibition act,
The democrats seem unwilling to fol
low him, too. Republican leaders say
they see no reason for agitating the
question. ...
The belief ia that the recommends
tiou will never be carried out
100,000 STANDING
Military Affairs Committee
Head Also Urges Univer
sal Training.
Washington May 23. (United Press)
Creation of a standing army of 100,
000 men supported by a system of uni
versal military training, la the program
favored by Representative Kahn, Cali
fornia, chairman of the house military
affairs committeo,
Kahn, who returned here from a two
months' trip to Europe today, declared
he would propose the plan to congress
Kahn suid thi.t he will demand early
iwnnarawni or mo enure American
army from Europe.
friendly. "
R. A. OholmcleysTnne has succeeded
Colonel Hurry 1), Limlsley as director
of the war risk, insurance burca.
Two Changes Asnonxed In
ItaBan Peace Delegation
By Henry Wood
(United Press staff rorreapomteiit)
Paria, Hay 23, Count Itspertali,
Italian ambassador to Great Britain
and Bignor Crespi, Italian food com
missioner, have replaced Antonio
landra and Marquis Saivago-Ragg oa
the Italian peace delegation, it wa of
ficially announced this afternoon.
The announced ehangea ia the per
sonnel or me oeiegatwn were apparent
ly brought about by Orlando's desire
,to oUtaia men who posseta the entire
'confidence of the Italian pcajple, so th
(latter may fee persuaded to accept the
i'efH";,cf mlor"s oa Itabaa tern-
tarml . . ,
Allotments Without Debate
Washington, May 23-( United Press)
-Without ate, the senate today
passed! the deficiency bill, appropriat
ing WS.OOO.OOO to pay war risk insur
ance allotments. The bill had already
passed the house. It now gwa to the
WasSiingtcni May 23--(Uuited Tress)
A. Mitchell Palmer today was again
nominated y President Wilson for ap
pointment as attorney general. Palmer
now holds tho office under a recess ap
pointment, mado when the senate fail
ed to act last session.
Charles B. tAuica, Oklahoma City,
was recommended for appointment as
assistant to tha attorney general and
Frank Davis, Jr., Cleveland, as assist
ant attorney general.
Some folks don't only manage t' keep
before th' public, but also before th
camera. It seems like next t' a bull
terrier no thin' holds on like a feller
with a damp hand.
Wtbaiks asD "Si
Four Others Thought Deal
And 25 Missing As Result
Of Blast Which PcsaEskd
r Starch Factory.
Night Shift. Numherin? ICS
Men, Just Taking rlaces
When Building CrusMes
Around Them.
Cedar Rapids, Ta., May 23. Ten atea
are known to have been killed, fou
others ara thought to have lost their
lives and at least 23 persons are mint
ing 1icre today, the result of a terrifio
explosion which last night wrecked the
3,(100,000 plant of the Douglas Starch
company. Dust, accumulating in the
dry room of tho plant while a vacuum
motor remained idle, is thought to have
caused the explosion.
The centrai one of three buildings
blew skyward with a great roar as 109
workmen, who had just begun their
duties for the night were awnbled at
their various tasks.
tienres were injured by flying debrie
Fourteen of the injured are ia hospit
als while others, suffering minor cuts
and 'bruises were treated and sent to ,
their homes.
While bodies weie taken fro tha
Mazing ruins last night and two w
died in hospitals shortly after being
rescued from the wreckage. Nearly all
tho victims ar foreigners.
Loss Set at Million
Thn 4ninrrl tx-inir treated! at hospit
als were mostly cut by flying glass sad
crushed by falling timber 1 r
thought some may die.
The monetary loss was estimated
1,000,000 by company Mfcials toitay.
Accumulation of diut in the drying
room of tho three building starch plant
is thought to have caused the explosion
It was said today the vacuum sysir
was not worsing. ims
dust to settle in large quantities, cani
ng cnmuniKtion,
When firemen rewhed the sees
they were handicapped in i-ignuag im
flumes ibeenuse water mains in t.
neighborhood bad burst tnrougtt no
force of the explcsiou.
The fire fighters and tnonsann
stood about, unable to rcscuo una trap
,m.il in the burning debris. Tho erics wf
the men could be heard for Jwkks.
Blast Felt Tar
Two men, finally rewned from the
flames, were so terribly iburncd sd
crushed that they died almost immedi
ately after being sent to hospitals.
The force of the blast was felt with
in a radius of a mile. Windows wcre
broken nnd persons injured by Gym?
gtoss nnd timbers in parts of the city
far removed from the Dough plants.
Fred h. Burns, foreman in charge ef
the night shift at the p'.nt, sn'ul that
the day shift of more than 300 men
had departed from the plant Only
short time 'before the night force went
to work. Hud the explosion happened s
few moments firlicr, the list of dead
and injured probably would have been
The'potice, firemen and reserve offi
cers training corps
of Coe collcgo are
in charge of the situation . j.
Order have been ierfucd to keep out
relatives and friends of men not ac
counted for in the check Unlay.
Trial Of Former Kaiser
mUSt Aw
Treaty, Declare Allies
Paris, May 2.1. (I "'" i'rnt-'"
... . i . Tkfc
worl.t miwt V(,ral m,,'"n'
the trial ot witneun ' .
vitUng he is brought into court at ail,
. l,l flwtflV.
allies will not tase fcny
, trefltv is ratified, it was atet-
until the
i o,..t ven then
ed on
i good ainnipi"'. ----- -
will doubtless be ei.nsidcrable s-
. . .. j ..,.u..l,n,r T -
With tlOimilO. -
Dutch delegation here, ieaac
by Foreign
MiniMer van ni"-i
today coiainnivi n - " :,
SUe, from Holland that the , ,
1.e former kaiser s extradi
recent i inif "
r,f tlie former kaiser s "aa
1 . ..k.s.ii. oraWre4
tion has not. P'n o . . ... . - -,o
fur and will not in- nntil the aincs
a formal repin.
Ah explosion of the Smith P.rry ele
vator in Milwaukee, Wis.. Tuesday re
filled in the death of two ni, injur.
to fnsir others, and property loss of
1 40,000. . i