TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21. 1919. PAuE seven 3 ALE GUARANTEED .WHITE JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS TiS ?t J011 IW TODAY W 9 CLAJMinXD. ADVXSTISING EAX5S Sat per word New Today: Each insertion le 5t Oae week (6 insertions) On month (26 insertion , 17e The Capital Journal will Dot be rs- ponaibla for more than one insertion, for errors tn Classified Advertisements Bea4 yonr advertisement the first day it appear and notify us immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. WOOD for aale. Phone 20931T. tf HOR fishing trip eall 2209J. 5 24 TOR SALE Loganberry tips. Phone J7S. tf Fl'RNlTl'RE for gale, practically new 1'hone 1619, 1710 Court St. 5 21 CALVES I want 3 or 4 day-old calves C. C. Russell, phone 3F3. tf WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf FOR plowing or orchard work with tractor, eall 17F14. 5-23 FOB SALK Universal range, nearlv new. 378 S. 21st St. 5 22 W. BEAVER well driller, phone 827 J, 1105 N. 19th St., Salem. Or. 6-6 FRAME your photographs, 50 cents up. Huron's, Cora. St. 6 10 FOR SALE By owner, a aubuiban home, all kinds of fruit. Phone 1056 M. 5 21 FOR SALE Day old Barred Hock chicks, 12c each" May 21. Phono 27 F21. . 5 20 MOTORCYCLE for rale cheap, good order. Call 16F3 between 12 and 1. 521 FOR SALE About 40 eon" of second growth fir wood, on ground; also a good light wagon. 1'hone 8GF3. 5 24 "LOST Strayed or stolen, lver Johnson bicycle, return to Journal office, re ward, tf FOR AALE Two young tows), just fresh. R. Andersen, Jeffeifcon Or. Bt. 1, box 72. ' 5 22 GOOSEBERRY pickers wanted. L. K. Simpson, Sak'm, Kt. 1. Phone 93F 13 evenings by 8. 5 21 LOST Saturday . evening package from Barnes store; Rt. 1, finder prSl phone 1 m . "WANTED A woman to cook for six or eight people. Phone 3F11. Ad dress box 45, Rt. 2, Oervais, Or. tf WANTED To rent modern furnished hoiwo, At least six rooms. Address Mrs. Clark, Hotol Marion. 5 22 -f- TtfAlLElfW for sale and niado to or der, Wocdry'a Auction Market, Fer ry and Liberty. 6 15 FOR SALE Cadillac truck $475 American roadster 1550 i Ho roadster $375 Franklin touring $650 - MARION GARAGE, Thone 3G2. tf. WANTED Hauling contracts, novo new Day Elder trucks. Phone 302. Marion Garage. tf FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow See Clias. Hel;l 355 Chemcketa. 522 WLL PAPER 15 ecnts'per double roll upward. Burcn's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WANTED Leaky radiators to repair, Salem Auto Radiator shop, 198 8. 12th. 66 FOR SALE Ford touring car, A 1 con dition. Inquire Reed or Klinger at Ed Blessing billiard parlors. tf DAVE your roof repaired, cleaned and tarred. For particulars phone 1446. WANTED Loan of $500 on real es tate, good security. Call at 247 X. Commercial. tf WAXTF.D To buy mohair. East 8 lom Tannery, 25th and Oak Bt. Phone 2 MOM. tf FREE BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chicks' 844 BUt Ht: Telephone 400 Headquarters for "baby thicks, tf FOR HALE Three qnsrter tot truck, la first elaa, inpe, (200. Highway farage. rfUQijl'm'tfyi'lil HI It'll IflTTl i"l"'j""lT" I"" tM WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AD ROBERTS S14 Masonic Bldg. FOR SALE Nearly new gas stove. 3 burner and oven.' Phone SKi9. 5 21 FOR SALE-Sxia fluff r nig, new. 525 X. 20th. Phone 2026W. 56 JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone TENT for sale. 12 by 14, practically new. Phone 521W. 5-;l FOR RENT This week, 2 nicely fam ished rooms. 1'hone 1534M. 5-21 FOR SALE Young a: a re, also Jeraev eow. 1595 X. Cotiage. 5 Si WANTED AH kinds of eattle. Phone 2135. WANTED-Strawberry pickers. Phone 44F3. 524 THE ITAZLEWOOD doe shoe repair ing, neatly done. 321 N. Com. St. 619 WANTED liy young lady position as stenographer. Address M V care Journal. 5-22 WANTED To rent a furnished house of 4 or 5 rooms by June 1st. Phone 1009. tf WANTED Elderly man willing to batch and do chores on small farm, just outside of city limits. K W-03 cara Journal. 5-22 GOOD, well improved farm for sale or trade; will take some good Sulein property. Address 950 S. 12th St. Salem, Or. 5-24 5 MEN WANTED For factory work, long jab, good wages. Apply imme diately at U. S. cmplovmcut Ser vice, 128 S. Liberty. " 5-24 FOR SALE Modern 5 room house at 1393 North 5th streot, large corner lot, barn, fruit trees, paved street; no incumbrance, for 1500. Inquire Gilbert Grocery. 5-22 FOR SALE Or trade for Salem prop erty, 60 acre farm 45 Acres in cul tivation. No- buildings. Address O care Journal. tf BUY your tomato plants from the groeuhouse, all standard varieties, large lot a specialty. Phone 71F5. tf GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquire 506 X. Coml St. or phone 1549M. ' tf WANTED Party to take seasons con tract for hauling 12,000 feet lumber por dny, 3 mile haul; 1 ton truck' with trailer will handle same, in quire Marion Garage. Phone 362. 5-21 BU YFROM OWNER 42 acres, all un der cultivation, good improvements, 6 room houee, good barn, car house, frost proof cellar, other buildings. If interested write R. A. Blivcns, Salem, Or. Rt. 5, box 30. Xo agents Phono 30P2. 5-21 NOTICE Wc have an experienced car washer, polisher and Bamonizer who has hud 18 years' experience at the business, and will ibo at your service, starting Monday morning. May 19. Rates reasonable. A trial is all wo ask, and you will be convinced. Open day and night. Marion Garage, opposite Marion Hotel. Phone 362. 6-21 GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS One 5 passenger Chevrolet, 1917 model One roadster, Chcvrolot, 1918 model Thc.io cars are in fine condition. Wo are in position to do your auto repairing by an experienced workman. All work guaranteed. Give us a trial. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE CO. 197 S. Com '1 "St. BARGAINS IN NEW CARS 1910 Overland $523 Studobaker $500 8TEINBOCK AUTO WRECKING AND JUNK CO. 326 X. COM. PHONE 305. MEN WANTED AT WEST L1XN PA PER MILLS, 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.H. A. 8W AFFORD AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS BIVER FROM OREGON CITY. QOOD HO TEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20c; BEST MEALS 35e. tf rT '" "" ! LOANS-6 Salem, Ore. SPEOAL DISCOUNT ON EVERY WHITE WASH DRESS SKIRT IN THE STORE, AS AN INTRODUCTORY SALE FOR THE SEASON, WITH AN EXTRA SPECIAL ON SOME WASH DRESS SKIRTS THAT ARE SLIGHTLY MUSSED. IS WILL BE THE GREATEST SALE OF THE SEASON JUST AT TIIE RIGHT TIME The joyous times that come with the Glorious Days of Spring and Summer, bring to Woman's mind the Smartness and Charm of the WASH SKIRT if they are dependable-and "NEVERSHRINK" and "SHRUNKRIGHT" are guaranteed. : .h a it -iJ ' ! T 1 .-HI EYERY SKIRT SPECIALLY PRICED CLEAN-UP SPECIAL Children's Summer Hats 15c 25c and 1-2 Price WANTED .Room in privata famify. 1 II T 1 ' FOR RENT Pasture for cattle; tx cellent grass and water. Davis Reee Jefferson road. 0-21 WANTED Strawberry picker, ood n m t n k (rround. Oeo. G. Adams, Rt. 4. Phone F6. 5 21 FOR SALB-riFord totir'rijr car, in good condition. Phona 2209J, 1331 Rural ave. 5 2 BAROATN 200 acres, well improved Howell Prairio farm for 10 days onlv; all in eultivaJn, 4 miles sast of tia'iem. Price $25,000. Terms. Thos. A. Roberts, 3U Minnie bldg. 5-24 FOR SALE All or part of 120 acre, 1 milu from Mariou, good buildings; would tako ood house in Salem as part. pav. Fine dairy farm. Wm. Hall, Marion, Or. 5 24 IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A CAR, DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE. SEE US FIRST. 191(1 Fonl, new tires and good con dition, $100 mis Ford sedan, just like new $725 1914 Overland just thoroughly over hauled $480 ',4 ton Ford truck, thoroughly over hauled 475 5 passenger Studeilmker $180 1914 Ford with 1916 body, $273 IBM Chevrolet $475 1917 Ford $400 349 N. COMMERCIAL, PHONE 666 OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. SPICER, Mgr 229 State Street We buy your car or sell on commis sion. SPECIALS Overlnnd, moilel 90, i."0 New Hudson Super sii, roa 1500 miles, at a bargain Roo 4 evlindcr, first class condi tion, $W) 1917 Jlriseoe $."75 Fine Little roadster $200 1917 Uort $575 Maxwell, good as new, $.".'0 V'-ton new delivery ear, $275 TWENTY OTHERS TO PK'K FROM First class auto laundry and polish ing. Plumbing and Water Systems Installed by GRAB EE BROS, 141 South Liberty St, Phone 650. Also agent or ralr-banks-Mom Oat Engine. I f i af 1. .1 Vat J- .1 1 If HI 'SillGHI' An AND mm "Nevershrink" guar anteed wash shirts have won the full con fidence of women. Fully Charm ingly Styled. Made from beau tiful wash fabrics When you select a "Nevershrink" skirt be sure it is your ex act size. You don't have to allow any thing for shrinkage. Slightly Mussed, but the same lty as our (See lt ii " i 5r5j3f rSsisSS'i WANTED 3 or 4 furnished honsokeep ing rooms by young couple with mall child. Addrtp 84 M. (are Jour nal. - . 1 ) , 5-21 WANTED Experienced una for gro ceries and dry good. Uood wages but must have good references. Peoples Cash Store. 0 21 FOR RALE Or trade, 43 acres of riv er bottom, 114 utiles north and east of Independence; fina hop or berry land. Take part in Salem property. Thos. A. Roberts, 314 Musonio bldg .S 24 FOR SALE tO aero farm in crop, so mo of best lnnd in Oregon. For particulars write qwner, Rt. 1, box 42, Scio, Or. . 6 19 FOR SALE Seed potatoes, Early Ore gon variety. Cull Fred Dtirbin, ItiSfl Evenings. 5 22 FOR KENT 6 room modern house, growing garden. Vox 32. 1'bone MOOR. tf FOR SALE By owner at a sacrifice, 8 room house in A 1 condition 'milt only short time, large lot, improved streot, close to new packing plant now building. nlw school and car; will take good young team and out fit or late niod-'i our in good condi tion, on deal. Look this up if you want a fine home at a bargain; no agents. Address 9 care Journal. 5 26 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE BY H. E. iBOMNGER, 328 Hubbard bldg. Phone 1009. For Sale One of the finest 7 room bungalows in Salem, strktly modern and a beauty, on car line and paved street. Price $:iM)0. Good house of 6 rooms, good barn and chicken house, large lot, on pav ed street, all clear. Price $1200, easy terms. A anap 6 room modern honse, close to ear line; will take vacant lot or automobile for equity. Worth much more than the price offered. Several fine wheat farms in southern Alberta, some well improved; will take acreage near Hilm or city prop erty. A large list rf vacant lota, priced from almost nothing up. I write insurance on anything insur able in best eld line companies, tf FOR SALE 24 acres, l'j mllea out; 2 acres bearing prunes, 1 "4 logins, 1- strawber ries, 1 mixed fruit, balance in grain and hay with 4 acres of pasture; fair improvements. $')jw; the place is a good buy. 15 acres on Silverton road all un der cultivation, family orchard, fair improvements; a real snap. t.iW. 1 14 acres, all in fruit; a good little 4 room house, barn and chicken bouse; a working man's home, $1500. 10" acres in Liberty district, fair im provements; set out to lbgans and prunes; $.1,700. 5 room plastered louse with large bath room, $1000; $200 cash balance monthly. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard building Extra Special -$2.98 grade and qual other stock. Display Liberty Street Window) You Can Always Do Better At rM - LCOO WAITED Experienced aincnine oper ator. Call at 429 Court Ht. , ' 5-23 FOR SALE 1 ton good hay. Phone S505.U before 7p.m. 5-23 170 CORD of wood for nale on ground. J. E. FtazicT, Pratum. , u'-2J FOR SALE At sacrifice for 'short time, 7 room modern house large lot. 1740 Court St. 5-23 FOR SALE iNew Iowa cream separa tor, 500 lb. capacity. Phone i422. 5-23 WJLL trade very fine new piano for good Ford or other light auto. Phone 402 between 1 and (! p. m. 5 21 RIT(i9 cleaned .15 cts, after Juno 1st 50e per tag. Phone 10, liuckner. 5 31 FOR SALE Baled hay; seventy acres puoture for rent. Box 5, Turner, Or. 5-21 WANT to rent Ford auto trailer. Wculd consider buying second hand trailer if ehe:tp. Phono ,ri7. 5 21 WANTED A position in dentist of fiee, husino'w girl; reference, 66 A rare Journal. 5-27 FOR SALE tltay team and harness, weight 2800, 7 and 8 years old. Hpaulding's yard. 5-2" WILL sell a vory fine used piiino, jut like new at. a very low price, and easy terms. 4'nll at 519 Court street afternoons. 5 21 FOR SALE Team, weiglit 2800 lbs. ho menu and wa'un for $150 or will trade for utork, Address Rt. 3, box 5, Turm-r, Or. , 5-23 FOR PALE "hoice 4(V acre tract near ly all in crop, $0 per ni're, or will exchange tin residence. F. L. Wood Bnyne bldg. 5 23 LOKT strayed or stolen from the Gar den road cheese factory, 1 standard bri-d mare, bay color, wiul't lout (0; suitable reward. Notify lr. Morehouse. Phone 2199 or cheese factory. - 5 2.1 IF its a stock or dairy ranch you want a good on, Tivtit in the heart of the valley, good road, rilit price, I have it. J. A. lternardi, phone I4:!2 milem, Or". 5 21 FOR HALE fps of horses, Wright 3200, seven sad nine yers old; Are sound and true; wagon and harness goes with them. Itt. 3, box 2l'2. 5 23 FOTl SALE iood 7 room house, 5 lots, all in good condition, lots of fruit and berries, $I1.',0; $.')00 down and easy terms. 8ec Cherry City Feed Barn . 5 2.1 NOTICE School district No. 57 of Lyons, Or. will reeoive bid on the old srhonl house and brts until May 20, 1019. Director reserve right to reject any and all bids. TKid it good location for sarage. L. D. WATERMAN, Mrs. Ine Ring. Chairman. r. 5 24 DiCOODS l-" Ml Aim. All the Simple You Want For Out door Wear. if V mm i 4OT Hp If BOYS SPORT BLOUSES Made from high grade Percales, Sport Neck, Short Sleeves. Ages 4 to 11 years Clean up Special ' 50c ' Let us prove to you that we can sell you a piano less than you cna pos sibly buy elsewhere. All high jrado beautiful pianos at low prices and easy terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co. 511) Court St. Store open from 1 to 6 p. m. 5 21 IIOl'SE wanted wanted to buy 5 or 6 mom modern house close in, well located and good condition; give lo cation and cash price. Address Home care Journal. 5 22 FOR SALE 'Five passenger, light four Studebnker, in fine condition, de mountable rims, new tires, a suu at $:i.M). Will tako liberty bonds, or mntnrevclo us part pnyiaent, 147 S. Com '1 St. I'hono OS. tf 'BOUND COAST LEAOTJE BASES Yesterday's winners: Kim Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Vernon. Homo runs, Burton, Vernon; Kramer, Oakland; Dale, Johnson, Bait Luke, Casey Kmith all but lilunked the Heaver's run rloumii, giving them four hits. The rienls won, 3 to 1. Two runs in the ninth inning won for the Tigers over the Senators, 4 to 2. The Oaks knocked Muikle from the box in the seventh inning, and took two runs fnu Oould in tho succeeding stun 7.ns, winning over the Bees, 10 to 4. ....Bowman of the Rainier made his first appearance by being knocked off tho mound. The Angel won. 7 to 3. t Deals In Real Estate $ T. J. Rome to el'ter Biermier, lots 3 and 4, block 9, Palmers addition, Mt. Angel; $1,150. II. W. Waters to Louis Rollar, lot 23, Uasshiiw Fruit Farm. T. 1). Kay to J. J. Ileaddin, part of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 52, University addi tion; $150. 1 N. Child to D. Mcllcnry, lots 1, 2, 11. 12, block 5, Pleasant Home addition. 0. W. Leeper to E. B. Dougherty, lot 5, block .1, Burlington addition. Eli Vatighan to A. B. Iling, 1.3.1 acres in sections I, 2, 11, 12, 10 3 W.; $.100. F. A. Biisenw tn F. A. Dukersmi, 1 acres in C. C. Cooley iliiiin,, 51 W.; $850. R. D. Black to W. K. Thomas, HE. nnar quarter NE, nun tor section 10 8 1 W. Joseph Barber to ii. L. Kinnaoiun, lol 1, block 3, N. Hnlcn. Orczon- Valiirtnn U. R. t Navlgn tion Co. to '. K. Spauhling company, hits 4, 5, 0. block :, Kulem; $10,000. Governor O'l'ott bus accepted thi resiidintioii of Arthur Berridgo of Port land as a member of tho state bosri! f accountancy and has appointed J W. Ferguson, also of Portland, to sue ceed him. Mr. Ferguson was formerli state insurance commissioner. In snt' mitting bis resignation to the gove.'b- JiMM IIS Clearance Sale 1 S:ts, Coats. Dresses, Dolmans This is the season's clean-up. All are re duced to make a clean sweep Suits and Dolmans selling to $73, now J45.00 Suits and Coats sell t t7 .c . ma a, ip-ai.uv. now 1' MCM Suits and Coats Sell ing at $43, now $14.95 All Other Suits And Coats Less 20 Per Cent ox Mr. Bci lidjjrj gave- no reason thera forV Governor Oleott en Juno 3d wiil also reappoint E. M. Wilson of Mcik ford as a member of the state boari of accountancy. Mr. Wilson ho been actively engaged in accounting in Cali fornia and Oregon since 1905, livig in California from 1871 to July 1910, when he removed to Medfurd where hn has resided ever since. WE WANT Your osed furniture, . stoves, carpets and tools, as. wo pay fair prices for everything. Call 917 Capital Hardware and Furniture Co. 285 N. Com, Ht. WANTED To hear from owner who has between 33 and 40 acres of land for ante. Must have from 5 to 10 acres bearing prunes on the place, a 8 or 8 room houss and barn; on good gravel or rock road and mail route. Phone 2374R or write to 738 North Front Kt. Salem, Or. 5-24 GOOD BUYS fi.1 aero fnrin, 00 acres under cult i vation and in crop, house and burn, 5 miles Mint of Kulem, Price $1"0 per acre. 40 acres first class fruit and berry land, all cultivated. Price $4000, $.jOl down, lalunco terms, 6 percent interest 44 acre tract, 30 acres under culti vation biilanc.o posture and timber, houso and barn, family orchard, sprint! j water to house and barn, 2 acres b gan berries, 8 acres prunes, 9 acres or wheat, 4 acres oats and vetch. Frio $1000, $1750 down, balance 8 percent interest. 4 room modern house, located in South Salem. Price $1250, $150 down, balance $15 per month, 8 percent int. 5 acres of good loganberry land all cultivated, 4 miles south. Price $S50. 10 acres of bearing Italian prnno orchard located 4 miles south. Prieo $5000. 25 acre tract of fine land, located east of Kalem, buildings; will consider house and lot as part payment. Priee $50(HI. 320 acre farm, 80 acres under culti vation, balance timber; houee bd1 barn. Price $10 per acre. Good 7 room modern houee located two blocks from stnte house. Price $3850. Six room modern houe and two fin lots, bearing fruit, paved street. Price $2500. Well improved 50 acra tract located east of rialem, good buildings. Price 10,200. 15 acre tract located dose to car 'ne, 7 acres cleared, balance timner 1 ml pasture, family orchard, 35 wal liits, 6 acres cherries; modern 5 room house, barn, chicken house. Price $!",- 5IMI. 30 acre tract, 11 acres 4 year old prunes, 4 acres cherries and prune, fme loganberries; good 5 room p'as- ircd bungalow, 2 horses and machin cry goes. Price $10,500. 0 room modern bungnlow, basement, irner lot. both streets paved, good lo- utiou. Priee $2li'.'0. v7. H. CRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street 5 20 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS T