PACE SIX .THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1919. CHRUN& . WELCG13E REBEKAH i WELCOME LO.0.F. . I FARMERS SI SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO EARLY OR LATE - in- nJM,,ii ,LI)... i , ii i m m i gwiimntrdT mm n. Isir, .niiiwii i inimnwf rma ttm itBT1 vaiaarri' 'mm im l F flNflY CAMELS are as delightful to your taste as they are new. And, so satisfying that they meet every cigarette desire you ever have had. Camels are unusual; in fact they're un like any cigarette you ever smoked. That's because they're an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco, producing a quality that meets your taste as no other cigarette ever did. Camels' expert blend gives that mellow-mild-body and frees the cigarettes from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor. You can smoke Camels as liberally as you like without tiring your taste. You have only to get personally acquainted with the expert Camel blend to know that you prefer it to either kind of tobacco smoked straight I For your own satisfaction compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price I K J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wiu-Stl., N. t d ctif, o JO ianlMi mr wi pact. ' carfoa. Wm ImHlr rxa eaaa mtr t Aa Aam 00. aaaa 1 m torn IrmrtU 18 cents a package 10 lbs. Supar $1.00 9 8-10 lbs Fine Graham 6oc 9 8-10 Cherry City Pancake 65c 2 Grape Nuts 25c 2 Puffed Wheat 27c 2 Puffed Rice 27c 2 lbs. best head rice 25c 2 Toasties Corn Flakes 25c 2 pkgs Egg Noodles 25c 3 pkgs. Macaroni 25c 3 pkgs Spaghetti 25c 3 pkgs. Vermicelli 25c 3 lbs. bulk macaroni 25c Prunes at 10c lb. lbs. white beans 25c 50 lbs. dairy salt 75c 50 lbs. stock salt 60c. 100 lbs. stock salt $1.10 20 bars White Flyer soap $1.00 24 bars Elk Savon soap $1.00 2 pkgs. Ivory Soap Flakes 25c :i pkgs. Wash-0 5c Pkg. Light House Naptha Washing Powder 25c 1 can Lighthouse Cleaner ...10c 3 cans Cleaner for 25c 1 can Sunbrite Cleaner 5c 1 pound Cocoa -2&.' 5 pounds Cocoa $1-33 1-2 pound tree tea ?5c I pound tree tea 45c Instant Postum 2'c Large size Instant Postum.... 15c Libby Apple Butter 20c Pork and Beans, 3 23c Solid Pack, extra, can 20c IXL Chili Con Carne 11c 3 qt. Tomato Catsup 85c II oz. size Libby Hot sauce, 2, 25c Armour's Veribest milk, 12 cans $1.75 1 Holly Milk 14c 12 cans Holly Milk $1.65 Small can Carnation, 12 cans for l..$1.00 Cedar Polish, regular 50c bottle 33c Yellow Cling Peaches, can 30c Cedar Polish, bulk, gal $1.90 Bulk Compound, lb 25c 2 lbs. net Vegetole 65c 5 lbs. net Vegetole $1.50 10 lbs. net Vegetole $2.95 Alaska Salt Herring, 6c apiece, or, dozen 65c Salt Salmon, lb ..... 15c A-l Burbank potatoes, per 100 pounds $1.75 Larrowe's Chogoton N. Y. best eastern kiln dried. Buckwheat, 3 lbs for 25c Fresh Oregon Grown Strawberri ,s I OLCOTT HNB CHILD WFLFAR Two Women Ami Man Ap pointed To Persocel Of Newly Created Board. The new child welfare commission provided for in n act of the recent legialatura hu been (elected and the personnel of the new commission wm announced by governor Oleott today at follow: r. B. TV. DrMusk, member of the faculty of the I'niversitv of Oregon, rpert in pathology and sociology and sclented by the president of the uni versity, lit provided for in (he net. Dr. liubert i. Hull ot 1'ortls.nd, physician, sideeted by the president of th state medical assoeintion, us pro vided for in the act. Dr. Hall is specialist in the matter of children ' rases and taken a de-p interest in their handling. The following three are nnpoiuteil by the governor himself: Mm. Millie It. Trumbull, Tortliiud. Fred Ioc.kley, Portland. Mis. Fred Oi. Hehilke, l.a Grande. Mr. Trumbull Is widely known for her interest In matters, pertaining to child welfare. Fred Lockley also has a deep in matters of this hind Mm. Hchilks is nreaident rtf the Dm- jgou Congress of Mothers nnd an autfh is also head of the J'nrent Tcjuhers as sociation of the state. She Is deeply devoted to child welfare work. The ct allows the conimiseioi a trained social worker as secretory at a salary of $2000 a venr. The conirais- Cattrrh for Twcarf Yeiri Sirs. AL S. Davis, 1607 lOlh Are N. NashvUle, xcniL, writes: ,!lAf, jaln(r been a eonstnnt eurforrr from catarrh for mmn thmm tm,T yrmrn n ,fter tr,. In llmnat w . ... ... i . V ; '"""ur iiflvfr- ami h.rlnj Jo.t jl hup., I -. .m,ui iwo Tears tiro. w Ikaa I 4i4 1mm,tr rra mm. and 1 actually feej youa.r ,,( iHitTAr. ft till tataiu la raronuiitnUina- It to my ni.Kh Ws and all with whom I com la contact." U Everrwker I Tnl & W wm aWP I I ll 1 MADE ME WELL UmM r Taklet r,,m sion is to be provided uiuble rooms in one of tire 4tte buildings and an appropriation of (S000 is provided for to carry out the provisions of the act. The eoniminnion in to .inspect and su pervise all of the ehild caring agen cies, (Oi'iftitu or institutions of the state and to have general eontrol over Lhein . Many other tniiortant provisions giving the commission wide latitude in its supervision of delinquent, depend ent or deficient children are incorpo rates! in the new lssv. TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE Chicago-Brooklyn, postponed; rain. Cincinnati-New York, poatponedj i5a B H B St. Louis 0 0 0 Philadelphia 6 12 1 llorstmann, Ames and Snyder; Pack ard and Adams, Pittsburgh ... ,. 4 4 ) Boston 8 7 i t'oopnr and Sweeney; Rngnn, North rop and Wilson. American, " New York Chicago, postponed) wet erounrts. Cleveland .'. 7 10 2 Philadelphia - 2 8 2 Perry and Perkins; Morton and O'eill, Siebold. Hoston S Petroit 7 t'aldwell and Hchangi Kallio, Cun' abgham and Ainaworth, (SiitK to ning.) Washington 0 St. I.onis 0 'iu lunula. p WE DELIVER YOUR PHONE ORDERS AT 50c OR OVER pRE! WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR PRODUCE AT THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE A. W. SCHRUNK PHONE 721 :. 270 N. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon. STATE CHANGE WO XfiB The 40th annual session of the Oregon state grange will open in Hillsboro at 10 o'clock TucBday morning and con tinue for four days. Two hundred dele- gates are expected and others who win swell . the total number of visitors to 500. I As officers wcro elected at the As- toria session last year, selection of of ficers will not form a part of the busi ness of the coming meeting, which will be devoted Btriotly to business. Sessions of the grnngc are private, but outsiders will be admitted during the lecture hours. Despite the fact that junketing hns been frowned down, relaxation will be furnished by a motor trip to the Groner walnut orchards at Scholia 'Wednesday afternoon, with a return trip following a route which will show the i'Muous ag rieultural district. In the evening the delegates will be tendered a banquet i Hillsboro business men. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Rebekahs and the L O.O.F. ; ; The more you will see of Salem and its environs, the more you will want to live here SALEM IS THE FINEST CITY In the Pacific Northwest Why Not Make Your Home Here? I have the largest and most exclusive list of city and suburban property in Sa lem and would be happy to show you around CALL IN AND TALK IT OVER C. W. Niemeyer "Just Real Estate" 215-216 Masonic Building Telephone 1000 'Easy To Remember" c;s,:ii.:!.s t.miT.iM ,Mi,OoO.OO 8.-..ti:i2.1.'i CHARTER NO. 9021 L l BEPOBT OF CON DITION OF THE United States National Bank at Salem, in the State of Orvgon, at the elose of business on May ICtli, HMD Resources, Loans and discounts, imluding rediscounts, (except those shown in b and e) - - O7M.701.3S Total loans t78,79l.3.S Overdrafts, secured none; unseenred. IJUPTAS U.S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value 31,000.00 U. S. Vonda and certificates of In debt cdness owned and unpledsea 1 .",,000.00 Liberty loun bonds, 3Vs i and 'J per -cent, un pledged l7,.Vi:M3 Liberty lonn bonds, 3V.., 4, and 4 per cent, pledg ed to secure state or other deposits or bills pay able - fi7,."i00.o0 Bonds-(other than U. 8. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits .'. 29,202.50 Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for state, or other deposnts (postal excluded) or bills payable .. 133,938.48 Securities other than V. &. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged '.'01,084.92 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than V. S Stock of federal reserve bank (50 per cent of subscription) .. Value of banking house Furniture and fixtures. Real estnto owned other than banking hou.e Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank Cash in vault and net amounts due from nutio-inl banks Checks on other banks in the same city or town ns reporting bank (other than Item 17) Total of Items 14, 13, 16, 17 and 18,177.23 Checks on banks located cutsido of ci ty or town of reporting bonk and other cash items Bedemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer Interest earned but not eollected app roximatc on Notes nnd Kills ltcceiviibln not past due .... War savings certificates and Thrift IS tamps actually owned .". Other assets, if any - Willamette Freshman And Siphomore Girls Tied In Interclass Track Events TttA nii-lft InlAVluB trnplf niont ot Wtl- jlamette University is "hung up" with a tic score of 11 to 11 after two ovents, as deeided lust uiht. Miss Evelyn De Long, sophomore, won the discus throw with a record of 42 feet. K. Rush, freshman, was second, . Murrain, freslininn, third, and Ino Moore, sopho more, fourth. In the high jump, tno Jloore and Ethel Mocroft led with lenps of 4 feet 2 inches. Miss L. Ruby was second whilo M. Notson and E. Leopold tied for fourth place. l'reliminr.ries for the hundred nmi fif-ty-ynrd dashes were run last night. TliJI. finals will be decided next Monday evening. In the hundred vard dash the eoiitestunts will be Misses lanaoi, Donghton, Ruby, Deling, lVringer and. Goodwin. Thoso who will cnler the 50 vii id finals are Misses Mocroft. Austin, Ishani, DeLong, Goodwiu and Teringor, Total 241.12 91.71 91,792.23 425,183.90 0,000.00 49,1)00.00 12,000.00 I02,2V.39 249,219.39 ' 0,417.13 1,3.-0.00 I..V1O.OO 497.13; 1, 10.00 j l,904,K57.i t j 00,000.00 j 11.949.41 i 3I.000.00i 3.370.43 j I S 9:10.00 0H,7 11.4S j 7:.2,!.Ui.81 ; 30.95S.73 1 1 I 2lH,43S.4Sl" 2 11 1 1 Ji PR mil 1 v Manv reorfo uso ZzzzA becauss It ia cvlrtk tnl easy. Otheri ust it' bf causa they aro thrifty,' aill ess it becauss it !a good for tha Is&ther. - ' 50 ehi&es ia kty opesiag bozs ShskoiA Home Set Substantial brisUa dauber and lamb'a wool polisher. An added lerric for Sbinola users. BLACK -TAI -WHITE - REO - BHOWI .4--4-ff4 mnWm4t)MMtHHMttttMH LiabiUties. Capital slock paid ia - Surplus fund - Undivided profits . ... Lets t-urrent expenses, interett, and taxes paid .... Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to National banks Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust com panies (other than included in Hems 31 or 32) 'ashirr' cheeks on own bank outMnn ding Toisl nf Items 32 and 33 Individual deposits subieet to ikerk Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (oihcr than for money borrowed) State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve. Items 34,35,38,37,38,39,40,41 9S5.234.02 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) .. - rontnl savings deposits ... 7. Other time deposits . Total of time deposits fubject to reserve Items 42, J, 44 and 4j 51,055.20 Total .... 1,904,157.58 State of Oregon, Conuty of Slarioa. ss: ' I. E. W. Hazard, Cashier of the above-named bunk, do solemntr swear that th shove statement is rrua t tht best of my knowledge and be'licf. E. W. HAZARD. Cashier. CORRECT Attert: l. W. EVRK, 1 S. I.AMItlRT, IXEANOK RIKJERS IAMItKT. Directors. ' tuV-vriUf and swnrn to lieiore me. tins 20th tuv of Mr, 1919. W. E. KEY!?, Xetary Public. My term expires Ma;- 1, 1921. Wfc HAVE ITII , 5J) o 02,187.32, 93.215.39! ! 492,152 .V); Everything in Building Material Paints and Varnishes. KALSOMINE at our SPECIAL PRICE of only 11c per pound. Our motto is "Service to our Customers." FAILSCI lY-SALEHLUMDER CO. "Everything in Building Material" A. B. KELSAY, Mgr. "' .. . 349 South 12th Street "MM