Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 21, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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7 sz
V .lit ' "-vl. .
V fl :A ! 'it ;
try i his Ted:
Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in
the palm of your hand to brin
out its full aroma. Then smell It deep
its delicious, puro fragrance will convince
you. Try this test with any other tobacco
and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on
your judcment
"Vour Rose Knows"
Finest Burley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till Perfect
plus a Dash of Chocolate
mp bo::d iiin
Speakers Named To Carry
Message mto tYery Dis-
. I . if r
ma m itianoa toanty.
The goo roads earanaiea in now n
ia full swing with Representative Stew
art speaking tonight t Woodbnra,
Thursday e nine at Gervaia. Frid
evening t Mt. Angel and Saturday
evening at Silverton.
Jsext Monday evening Mr; Stewart
will speak at Tumor ami Tuesilav even
ing at St. Paul. Last night he spoke
st Hubbard ami toiler reiinrt vnrv.
body in that part of the county strong
for good roads. In Salem the final ral
ly will be held .on Monday evening,
June 5, the day before election.
The following local speakers hare en
liatcit in the food roads rmimuiuti i ml
have been aligned at follows
Supt. I'hurrhi'l h nwml ,-.,,.
el f turn Wao county and is now in
i ortismi ou busuiess connected, with
his office.
This has Wea nroved nrn a.t mUF
again durin tW r. Thcv iv..r..vi.
(mate their physical strength" and over
tax it- Thir i.hiiim I. 1. ki.
- - - 1 ' V 11 MO ' V.il III ,1 1 I' if
but does not compensate for the hours
S Tl ft A). .I.:..!. . V f f
- a v. writ nutVU I 111 J 8U1.L V
front symptoms caused by female ills
brought, or y overwork." Women who
x weak, aervoua, oVspondt-at, with
keadache., backache and dragging
down pains should remember there ia
one tried and true remedy, that . is
Lydia E. Piukhaui's Ycent&hL, r.im.
pound, now recognized everywhere as
ine siaauara remedy ior such ailments
tiet that !boy a Kemiugtoa
peater start him right.
2i re
Eoldiera who would lik ...j
- - w n-o.n.
aliout six months in France are given
iiu- opportunity or enlisting for that
period in the jnariuea ih th
anee thov will lie- retnmo.) t !;.
e l States this fall. This m-ial offer
j is for the marines onlv and for no oth-
Krnnk Oarer find William t. nil..l.rit " ieo. The marine reeruitinj of-
Jr.. to Shaw, Sublimitv and Autnsville. io1Cev'.on f T vor ot ,h V-
W. A. Taylor and F. G. DoekeWh toj' J,atl0ual bank building.
Enelewood. Fuirerouuds. Central How- t . T
ell tnd Macleay. ..."TT....0;? ,P"an... f0r
AuKtwt Huekestein and Chaa. H. r .,t 1 it t , i i T
Areherd to Prittgle, East Salem and L. V 1:'' ' 'L1"01 a,ld ias
Piedmont Peanut Oil
cold nressaA-(rom vnml
f - -" V ,
Kajj-pidcdi pcai;uj rown ia the
Work beean todar on thA r, BMi.r
in North alem, which will connect
mi t no alley i'ac kiiij; conipanv. Jt
It i rKoIesome. and ,eas3y
digested American food oil -ideal '4
for kotK tatle and cooUutf purpose.
tie- nu ?avo; Wff
u1 r 11
Louis T.achmnnd nntl Wnx CtAAnr in I
Brooks, Chcmawa and Quinaby.
pt-iinn r i mil's mm n. f. .-Aiit'Ti i nith ti.. nil...- n.,.. .: i i
Fairfield, Wacoiuk- and the Keier will extend' f !,.:.. I proposed lii.ill incrcaao in the lloveruor Oleott haa pardoned Wallet
school. streets across acreage to Brook a rwt t ' ?, L 'i, be VOted !'? ,'U Thu"lHi'' t"""' lcld in jail at
T. B. Kar and Harlev O. White to thenee north on Brook to the connTo. i 'iT "Thl T, wU1 U KW on eviction of curving Uquor
Liveslev and Salem Heitf.ts. ,i9 0f the new pucki, g ,"a,.t J1 'he I "'m,lii0 tCttchor 8allil'i: 1 tHrouSU the state illegally.
'I'lii, Vim i.tiimt., 1,1.11, A eiinnl : U ti n .a m IT . . n
,ui- i vim Minim,- mill in fn-.tn in .-it-j mi, bui in ij men ceineni . l ae Wi
lem at the theatres are John W. Todd, I will tie done under the direction of
W. A. Denton. R. K. l'age and Judge i eity- engineer with 1'. L. Frazier
as industrial i """gi s loremau.
The work
razier in
Lawrence T. llama.
snecliiir Wnltnr Ti,n7ft will cunntr of li..
Siiiiulding mill, Oregon l'ackiii" To., i A Tisit to the mechanical department
flier. Co.. Kings' Produce to., Woolen'0' xtie nl-'n 'hool today showed the
Mills ami tivnne Fruit To. boys at work on the complete overhaul
, j . ji,l)t 0f a decrepit auloinoliile. Tfcis ia
-tk. Hei"1" fll'st Umo tUc have uudertak
!k:Cii to pull n car to nieces- dimmose.
!aiiil reasaenwlo it. l'rof. Jten?inan. in
charge of the shop, state that they
now nave all they can do in tJiis line
The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette
n . Guaranteed fcy
In the pliable
In the
C convenient
pocket curved
I The regular meeting of the directors counts which were Ibe.ing checked tip
St the Y. M. O. A. was held at a for turning over to the new secretary,
luncheon in the rooms today with a ' Among other things revealed ia the
nil iflAnAnnn T5....1 AC..1I J T I . . n
i.u.inc. joui iiuiuM o jmu iiw aiuiitiug was ,tne tact mat tuero were
MoAilititer, recently returned from ser- several thousand dollars due from ac-
viilA in 3iVniwiu. mm .frim.. nf tlm nn.. ' j :....:....
forcace find each siike In-iet'ly of the
work of the Y. 5f . C. A. in the war
tive and inactive memberships
A telegram has teen receired
Back east, children of the Interme
diate school grades hae the huliit of
stuping geography iby writing Com
mercial clubs for information and all
printed matter that may tie handy.
This morning a letter was received at
the Oommereinl elnh frnm Vutlm. .tin..
by wn, 10 Montana street, North Adams, ! "r i,"'? n Um hT- Tk
hat.Mass, as follows: "Will you please! '" "". over inKht and
xr '.endmeae.atalo,, dccllnm, nJl I t0l"0rr"w ''on.nig for Alonmoul
f,nn li!n1i In a 1. 1. . I , l.r . . ... .
.u,io nu.it u. in uiu muni uiey neiu in ' .Mrs. Jttoy eer witn tne news xnai i " "in you pieoso
Ihe liifrhest annrecintion . Pur.irMnit a ' -.. cniM m,n,nnw f send me a catnlniv dorriliiniv ilm nn...
a -l r i.i.iiii ivivuwiUlli amT UL UHICIU UUiltX'UUJ 1U nlu .null
tllA WftVA nf eritictsni fhnt UnA I - ;u ln . trV for USA in Hchnnl TTutlin. :ll nnt
" - ------ ,ii i. ii. vinurinuy is iivw la xiaiicc, njil wu triitv ' . "mini nut
across from France, they etated that ! for home. I tue pamphlet tTie Commercial club
E. T. Barnes of the Barnes aum.aa tna was issued lave years
Store is now in the cast and is expect-. B0 a .. .4 . ,
cd to '1e jn Washington city the latter ' o
part of the week. Mrs. Barnes and Thursday Is the day of the big pa
daughter are- visiting her relatives. ra(' it is understood that about
near Pittsburg, Pa. i.-ry neoenan woirn w.ia icllow in
' mimm county will attend.
The "nixie' man at the nost nffir.
whoso duty it is to locate letters that
are mis-directed, or to finil neonln wlin
have moved away without leaving a
fol'nni'diliif Hildt-css. wnnid lika tr linntr
something about the people to whom
tno noiiowing letters are directed:
Hgt. C. W. Oorrter, o. M ll!2d in
fantry, 41st division, Sulem Oregon.
This letter is from Paris, France. Cor
poral Gilbert J'V Hodges, Brest, France
forwarded to .Salem, Oregon. Miss Lot
tie Cane, l'olk county, (Salem, Oregon.
This letter is from Paris, France, ltob
ort K. Burroughs, Saleiu, Oregon, Ser
geant litiyuioiid iiussctt, ilem, Ore
gon. Nellie B. .Stephens, Salem, Ore
gon. Frank Kauschor, 2115 13th street,
Salem, Oregon . And one from Finland
as follows: "Leiti Hil'iln Keniptiainen,
Seng Salem Antcri, Oregon."
Wanted 20 men to work on sever!
north Salem. iKeport to P. L. Irazmr
Steusloff new packing plant . 8-22
The Odd Fellows committee In
charge of findiue rnnms ifor visitors
during the present grand lodge encamp j
ment nnd Kehiilinh nftnenilblieA nniiit l
with pride to the fact that tho IDOO
visitors have been well cared for and
that everv dnv neoole nre teletiliouinT :
headnunrtet-a nffVi-ini? desirtilila rnAnia
(lt is thought that by tomorrow tho
. ..in!.! n t ...til 1 i- nnnn I
1 1 ini i ii i i,iii win lull VIII?.- IU i
The committee is especially proud ofj
this fact for Hie reason that when 8a-1
lem originally asked for the state en-j
cnmpiucnt, a l' rtlaiid delegate said j
the capital city could not care for the '
delegates and that ihos.' who did at-1
lend idioiild bring with them blankets
and conking utensils. (l 1
The Ortgon Jer?:y cattle clul), whose
liiemlM'rs are now celriiatii'.g u juliilee
over the fact thai the Willamette val
ley has the m os famous Jersey cows
in the w.irlil, will arrive in I he citv
tlii sovoiiing about 7 o'clock. Tliey
will be entertained at the Marion ho
tel ifor dinner anil then uiven iliicc
about the cill- and vicinitv T.ntn. tn
the eveuinir the iiieiiilmra .if ti,n i,,i.
.will be entertained at the Commercial
ciho and given a luncheon. Ther wilh
leave i
mug for Monmouth andi
Xext year they expect to put a course
of work and study on gas engine con
struction anil repair.
. ifiiiT.- - j luwu.rimvii
iir t .
1 tifcarmsij I Ammunition
''(tlih ,
"Listen!" say the Good Judge-
"And remember it, loo."
The better the quality of your
chew, the more you'll enjoy it.
i ou 11 get more out of your to
bacco money, too you'll save
part of it for something else.
A small chew of this quality
tobacco tastes good and it
lasts and lasts.
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a shorj-cut tobacco , . i-
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
'Skkl'' j
it V
oom on
cS DSoiog
miH'll fit t Wfl rnifirolv Hll urti smnr
- v... i.uuuuivui
Each speaker exproswKl his pleasure in
beirxj? back witliin the circle of oM
iriends in Orptfon.. In the line of bus
iness, the secretary reported upon the
. i. :
visits to the Miuth. The tour of the
valley will dose at falem Thursday
,. ; J
The official record for warm weath
er was Tuesday afternoon when the
government's thermometer, in a nice
cool secluded place registered 7K. This
is the highest fur tin. , ti..
, " - " 1UC II1IU-
nniim ihm evening was 411
g--j-mi3aaMa M
i ' Jumniu county will attend.
i A v i
1 4 I I i .
' t I :. V .... . v , !: : 1
: - ; ? - . -i . - j
' . ' ' ii.i... .... i f. W .; . . . I '
Our showing of bed room and dining room furniture is very complete
carry everything from the best down. WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS.
Dining Room Specials
Buffets Similar to tut, priced from $28.50 and up
Are only, to be found in our store.
Reg. $23.00 solid white oak, now.. ....... $19.73
Reg. $:5.00 solid quarter sawed oak, now $26.80
Reg. $-15.00 solid quarter sawed oak, now $33.20 ,
Other makes priced from $12.00 and up.
Bed Room Furniture
For the next few days we are going to offer some extra specials on bed room :
furniture. Bed as illustrated with one fine twin
link Simons Spring, regular $24.75. Special price
for a few days only $16.H5
Reg. $:i!),00 Brass Bed, now $28.10
Reg. $:;5.00 Wood Bed, now $21.90
Reg. $.-50.00 Wood Bed, now $21.80
lteg. iron beef, now $11.S5
Reg. $12.50 Iron Bed, now S9.80
Reg. $8.50 Iron Bed, now Sfi.t0
Reg. $17.50 Iron bed, now .'.$1I.S3 MtilV'l)ti ' 0? :
Bed, now .9.80 - M'.'J;" i j ii :V( . ;
n TTTTif S ? fil I iH 4 I 'I ia