Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 21, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mar 21,
Eiiior Bad Pubniker
ge or i, ne
I Pa
V 7
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
- Address All Commonicitioni To
(Ebc Soiln Altai Journal
Many people, good Americans,
Americanism is a vague thing, and
'Americanization" a
136 3. lommetpial St.
baffling guest because its objects are so intangible. Sec
retary of Interior Lane finds it's a rather simple and easy
'guest dowa to the floor. 1 crept nan i
Hay down the stairs to listeu. j
I "It's had business. Forbes. Scott!
too, complain that bl,iffs- He ii- i"' " p"1'
and won't promise not to, even if he
dws. He says he foils it his duty to;
other whom you may swindle as you'
e him. l'laiu words Forbes, you
'know how true they are. He threatens
to lirinj; in Mrs. Orton too it iooks
"There is nothina he ran say about
Rlsnchi as fur as 1 am concerned, (.'an
prove. I mean? '
"Who do vou suppose will believe
there is nothing between youf Gad, I,
-.l--.ll 1 - r 'l, It
A.J :- u n i nr sorl7 r . "". "
XiHU icu l LUUl Hie glew vl lllc lilallcr. JtIlUme 1UVC, isvott keeW his word. It 's tough on
ppnninp ndmirnfinn pprminp flnnrprintirm tipvpt VintVipra her." Keil did uot answer, but I
1 ..1 l 1 j-ir: :i- ? 1 . 1 ' 1 .1 thought I heard something very like a
n. DaiW Cplt.1 Journal earner boy. .r. instated to put th. paper, on the 1 aiiaiyblS HU ueimiUUIl. IXODOUy Can aaequaieiy I Kron. " Will she believe there is no,h-
wth. 1Mb carrier does BOt do this) misses you, or negleeti getting the paper tleiine 01 deSCI'lbe America, Ullt every gOOd American I ,nK bt business takin? you to spend
M you on time, kindly phone tha emulation manager, a. thU il the only way i kn0WS what it is And anVOne full of Warm enthusiasm T' "mC MrS- Or,on'8' tl thejorti
o eaa determine whether or not the eirriers aro following In.tructioni. Phone , W"at L '?'"U allJu"e luu 0i w arra, eilinUSldbin l(lf ,,, aildW()m(,u one w0!( ... j
1 h.fni 7:30 a 'Mark and a raner wiU b aent rou bT iDecial messenger if the IOr UlS COUntrV OUffht not tO IiaVe anV trouble in CettinP! know the men are r-sked beeause they
- KM - - v i r w J J U ,
Lasts twice as lorn
Iwi!T. by Tarrier. per rear lo.OO Per Month-
Daily by Mail, per year-
Per Month
W. D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. gtoekwcll, Chicago, People'a Ou Building
"It never seemed to me," he says, "that it was diffi
cult to define Americanization or Americanism. I appre-
35,uate something, I admire something; and I want you, my
! friends and neighbors, to appreciate and admire and love
i the thing too. That something is America
earrier fcai Biased you.
I new comers to share his enthusiasm.
la the only newspaper in Salem whoee circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
June, the month of weddings, finds France and Eng
land facing a serious problem in the shortage of men of
marriagable age.
The young women of England, at an age when they
would be most likely to be marrying outnumber the men
of similar ages two to one.
In France 58 per cent of the men between the ages of
21 and the flower of bridegroomhood, are dead. ,
This is no matter for light mirth, for time-honored.
jokes about old maids and like Involous comment. It is
truly a terrible situation as regards human happiness and
the continuance of the race in England and r ranee.
A national suggestion has been that these girls im
migrate in great numbers to the United States and Can
ada where the war has not taken such a heavy toll of the
men. This suggestion has met with some opposition on
both sides of the water, the girls of America apparently
dreading lest their chances for happy matrimony be less
with an influx of willing brides frob abroad.
But, after all, why not welcome these girls? Mar
riage is largely a matter of selection; and if American
Henry wants American Elizabeth, not all the Marys in
Britain or Maries in France can stop him.
Perhaps sharing the marriageable men of America
with the bereft women of Europe is only part of the burden-bearing
which has fallen to America's lot.
have nionev. Those beautiful if on
likes t hut sort women to help draa it
from their poekets, but will the world,
because Mica Axle Grease contains pow
dered mica practically wear- and heat-proof
which fills up all roughness in spindles and
bearings, makes the grease work better and
last twice as long. No hot boxes. Ask your
dealer. Buy by the pail.
After being told by certain newspapers during the " fM1',FJ'r,7 Mi,'v,;i,ht?,",. , .
, ,, , , . m i to . ''"P shout iiie 'I do believe! 1
past year that 1 resident Wilson favored government 'believe eii is tn.e to me. Knd nothing
wnership of railroads, it is somewhat surprising to have
aY, .mm
t'lsi Miuttt'ts. ' lusii'Hil 1 wont softly !
i j j i. a. a. ,atK ,nv room mm wne t'i fa hum
mill u-v.umiin.IIU llllillfuiaic ICLUIII IU UllvaiC CUIll 1 VI. , tin m it biter I was in bed.
This is the first time the president has spoken on the sub-! 1,1 ih'M wmilJ ocme,"(
ject and, therefore, the conclusion must be darwn that j 1 uCi hi-!
the newspapers referred tO Were Simply drawing On the;"'1-" ',li,'1 PmRmatie remaik was nil i UmaiHl.a whether lieiirinss would be Miiu yielded ten minutes to Littlo
l'rmrrinih'nn nf tVlPt'r Prlitnrc fnr thp nnrnnco nf mnmifor. S!lil1 ,0 ,np' ev,n r''l'lyi"a when, had before the suffrage committee at f Kansas, who formally opeuea de-
lmaginauon oi intir eaitors ior tne purpose oi manutac-it ask),(, ,lu,slin i i)llri,,(1 mv fa,0ii,ii i.uth t the .,m-st:i)u ;i,ute.
luring political Capital. in this COnneCtlOn It might be!" the pilow anil eriod mvself to sleep, would be eonvkreil. luere wtis a I
iioninrrow tuiii is ar i.nsr inn-M"fll"r " " wvm-ii. im,..!
vineed Tl'iit Soinetliins Is Wrong.)
cited that Mr. Wison's message was the most adroit pol-
meat mannesto ne nas yet issued, and that he stole much
of the opposition's thunder, going so far as even to recom
mend a revision of the tariff, even if that revision tended
to increase duties. Almost anything that congress might
do, or is likely to do, now could be pointed out as following
the suggestions made by the chief executive. The game
of diplomacy in which the president has been engaged so
strenuously for several months may have had the effect
of transforming him into a more adroit politician than
heretofore. ,
The great Red Cross centers in America are closing,
one by one, though the activities of the society will be ex
tended in peace no less actively than in war. The knitting
needles are being packed away in the attic along with the
winter underwear, and American women are turning to
other employments for the fingers once so busy with
needles and yarn.
But in the meantime the inhabitants of the devastated
villages of Belgium and France are taking up their knit
ting needles, as one by one they iind a doorway to sit
beside or a bit of roof to shelter them.
In order that every refugee woman who desires to
knit may have supplies, the Red Cross societies abroad
will distribute over $2,000,000 worth of knitting mater
ials including 1)00,000 pounds of yarns. It is pleasant
iiugury of better times to come, when the peasant women
of Europe once more turn to their knitting.
The Prussians are finding those Fourteen Poh's
sharper than they expected.
An Irishman who calls himself "Envoy of the Provis
ional Government of Ireland," says that the Irish Repub
lic will welcome the aid of "the freeman of th; Russian
Socialist Federal Soviet Republic." Untangling all these
words, we seem to find a bid for an alliance between
Sinn Fein and the Bolsheviki. Do the Sinn Feiners im
agine that that will help them to win recognition
What has become of the "parlor socialist?"
An Armenian friend, a good citizen and a good Ameri
can, too, objects to some of the off-hand comment of this
paper on the Armenian question. Well, maybe we are
wrong, since the eastern question is one that has puzzled
the sages and statesmen of all ages. The more we West
erners dabble in the muddle the more trouble we accumulate.
There is talk now of organizing a "Tenants Union",
numbering 5,000,000 Americans who rent their houses.
Pretty soon the poor landlord won't have anv chance at
nilunless he organizes a union also. By the way, what
...III 1 1 11 . 1 !
wm nappen wnen everybody becomes a member of some
union or other?
I Minlresset
By Walt Mason
will have in time."
"It isn't the money either Neil, l
am sure of that.''
and slipped on kin.,.,... ' , '' !' Vl!".,, T" "'."'! ,"",h
, ,. , , 1mk oi im.i iooi niea ti.HT it is Deintisn
i urn not internet to K t.i Led. Jt he stopped i.nd I could not (ret him
would be no use. I eo.ild not sleep. I to talk further.
wepl a little us 1 sut in the dink. Wept! T,,' '"" back to me as I sat
over mv folisln.ess in taking tl.ut letter, ' .u'.,,i'"t f,'r Mr- 'wdorirk to leave.
hi I. ow'ii vet would 1 Hdii.it was aneh W r""' M'stion Neil as to
u heinous sin r.s Neil seemed to think. lint ,IC hlu' ",,'ant ,vhon hp 8aUI Wr
I ulso eried a bit over the thought thut oit W,ls " nmn to n,nkp 4,1 ,",'r
in spite of my lovely home, and all our 1 '"0 Ihouyht of my plnns for my son.
money, I never could realize my soeiul think that hurt worst of all. To know
uspirntioiis. 1 had asked Air. and Mrs. ,,."lt '""'d lo what I wished for
I'owers to a sitiull dinner I liave aunts h'"1; wanted him to have the com
kikI received their olite renrels. Neil Pr-"'o" the children of people like the
had been really angry. I think he was rowers'. Educated, well brought np,
indie disappointed than J, although he rf''",' boys and girls, not those whose
showed it differently, .parents were merely vulcarlv rich, and
"(live me a few years more and I'll (,,,u'1' afford the same schools as the
show Powers and Hint old foirv hunch Others.
where they (ret off!" he hud declared
when w ithout a word of comment I laid
their regrets before him.
"They don't even plead a pievinus
ennment," I returned. "It wouldn't
l.n hurt iiuiie so much if thov had."
Then I recalled What fHther had snid
about "coins slowly." I wondered if
I had tried if 1 could have held Neil
back tried when we were first married.
1 hr.d spent money as he made it, In
creasing pur expenses those which I
be thnt." I added.
"What is it thenf I
so amen money as he has perhaps, but I
I used to be a chronic knocker; I wore the cynic's
gloomy frown; I was a most persistent mocker of all the
worthy schemes in town. If some one cried, "Let's pave
llm .-III
: r ' 7 . .:. "- -it doesn't hurt n.e- thev are snobs eomro t w-.th ench renr. Yet inou
lhatS bUt a loll)! Of lllllaue. a SCheme tO 1'aiSe the nOOr!".vwnv. I'nii.ih- doesn't count for ev '.v. save when I had planned a soeiefT
man's tax." I lbocked the plans of local boosters, and 'Vtlr . .
r 1 i l l .i lit- i i , Hut .Neil both vonr fiinulv and mine
found in blocking them much bliss, and crowed like fifty- "re as v.d as his." Then, "it can't
seven roosters, when schemes progressive went amiss. I
found myself so doggone lonely it broke my heart and
made me sad; I said, "I'd give my wad if only I had some
friends in this here grad." But no one visited my palace,
bave when some gents of sterling worth came round and
asked, in seeming malice, what 1 would take to jump the
earth. "This town can reach no high condition," my call
i rs said, upon a day, "until our skilled, urbane mortician
has come and carted you away." I yearned for friends,
find to obtain them I ceased to knock and learned to boost;
it was the proper way to gain them, and now thev flock
around my roost. I put away my little hammer, it hangs,
all dusty, on the wall; and when tho village boosters
clamor, my voice is loudest of them all.
Disturbed sleep usually
comas from some form of
indigestion. Strengthen
the stomach and stimulate
the liver with a course of
(1 jtn
lHl4tnfrkn, U Box. lOc, Z5.
cnuipmun, had never been a sine qua
lion with me. Neil, his love, our happi
ness together, had always been first.
Had iinvone asked me to choose I should"
haven't quite '",v" chosen poverty with line, rather
tnnn riches without it. Hut I hud had
no choice. Neil 's "insatiable ambition
had urged him on and on until money
hud seemed to come so easily that I
renllv gne no thought to my spending,
or to mv charge a-eeout.ts.
Hut nntv that very day T had received
a I'olile note from a large" firm, one wl(h
whom I had spent thousands, to p'ease'
remit. It had been the first apeat of
the kind from a firm of standing, and I
rather wondered at 'it. 1 hr.d not wen-,
tiooed il vet to Xeil, but must do so
in the ii.ori.iiiy. 1 thought it recurred
to me. Mv ow n account was not eonal :
to such o demand noon it al'hoiigh Neil.
wits nluav most generous. i
I'iuill when I almost despaired of I
their conference ending before morning j
t heaid the lihrarv door o.wn, and their.
(Continued from page, one)
While crowded "(tileries looked on.
friends and foes of suffrage engaged
in a preliminary lilt over the time for
donate, it resuT'ed in a limitation of
diseusson to one hour for each side.
Representative Moore, Pa., opponent
v. hen
have bee u held on this question tor
I more than fifty years. No hearings
.1 have been held on this resolution in
(this ciir;i'cs-i, but there is nothing jiw
! to demand hearings."
Kitchin Opens Debate
Moore asked Mann if he did not
think it would be fair "to let this mat
ter stand over for a few days to let
those who object be heard."
"it would not be fair to us." re
plied Mann.
Kitchen of Xoith Carolina, present
ed the mi. nes of the democrat ie. mem
bers of the woman suffrage committee
jus' elected. Kitchen then opened op
position to the measure (lecturing that
minority members of the suffrage, com
mittee had no part in flaming tha re
port io the house made yesterday.
Kitchen congratulated the republi
cans on their "quick response" appeal
rccon. ...ending the amend uei.t .
Elegant S
Appealingly Smart Perfect in Style and Comfortable. Too
C" Red1
N Cross
The Lucene Pump in
lovely brown or black
kid so smart yet so sim
ple you can wear it any
where S8.50 and $10.50
i tssl
Vv :
The "Bonita" black kid.
A pump of quiet ele
gance, very light. Price
De Luxe Oxford, dark
brown or black Kid,
very stylish and proper
for dress wear. Prices
$9.50 and $11.00
The big girls favorite
(some ladies' too). It's
soft black kid and grace
ful, comfortable lines
appeal to many. The
price is
hA Cross La
tore 5fyA vary stylish,
Patent or Black Kid.
Prices $7 and $7.50
The "Tailleur" a trifle
more rugged, "icomfort
able and neat, in black
or brown kid. Prices
$8.00 and $9.50 '
The "Comfort" for eas
ing those tired feet. In
soft Kid, low heel and
comfort lines. Prices
$1.85 and $5.00
Also good for growing
"BnJ, milk ornT
Black Kid or Brown
Calf, substantial service
and vrey popular with
the older "growing
girls." Prices
$6.50 and $6.73
voices in the hall as Neil followed his I