Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 21, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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MONDAY, MAY 19, 1919.
i I All Around To
' hi ;WAV lrl.-JJL J . J
"1T 1 'IUiBl''IBIB j coming events B1ft. .
uction Sale
Corner Jefferson and North Summer Streets. Just
at the end of North Summer Street car line, in south
half of block No. 76 in North Salem. Consisting of:
Lot No. 1, Block 76, with 4 roomed house, wood
shed, chicken house, well, raspberries, 4 cherry trees,
2 plumbs, 1 apple, best of garden soil, corner lot on
Jefferson and Summer streets, 60 feet 4 in. by 125
feet. This is a fine building lot and would make a fine
residence property. Also lot 4, block 76, size 50x125
feet, lot 5, block 76, size 50x125 feet,, lot 6, block 76
size 50x125 feet, lot 7, block 76, size 60 feet 4 inches
by 125 feet This lot corners on Jefferson and North
Capital. This is all fine residence property and good
garden soil. Close to schools and churches and paved
streets. Speculators and home seekers should take
advantage of this sale as the above will be sold to
the highest bidder. Abstract and title clear. Terms
1-2 cash, balance arranged. NOTE This sale will
be sold promptly on time and will be over in time for
the big I. O. 0. F. parade.
Mrs. Kate Stalkan F1W00DRY, the Auctioneer
OWNER Phone 510 or 511
MORALSalem is booming Get in the swim.
n i
coon sale
High Class Household Furniture
Friday, May 23d, 1:30p.m.
975 Center Street, Consisting of
1 waxed oak davenport upholstered in imitation
Spanish leather; 1 waxed oak lounge, genuine Span
ish leather; 1 waxed oak rocker; 1 waxed oak buffet;
1 waxed oak extension table, round; 4 waxed oak
diners; 1 waxed oak side board, extra large; 1 waxed
oak floor clock; 1 waxed oak rocker Spanish leather
seat and back; 2 oak comodes; waxed oak lib
rary table large; 2 oak dressers; 1 Singer
sewing machine, drop head new; 1 polished top
G-hole range, a dandy; 1 Satin finished brass bed;; 1
wish bone steel spring; 2 silk floss mattresses; 1
white enamel bed; 1 Yum Yum spring; 2 body Brus
sels rugs, 9x12, good designs; 1 magazine rack and
books; 1 mantle clock; 1 library lamp; 1 oak roll
seated rocker; 1 kitchen treasure; 1 sanitary couch;
1 patented ironing board; 1 4-huIe gas range; 1
mandolin; 1 silver cornet; 2 galvanized wash tubs;
15 dozen fruit jars and many other things. ,
NOTE This is all high class furniture and as good
as new. So if you are in need of furniture attend this
sale. Everything goes to the highest bidder. .Goods
on inspection day of sale only. House is for rent.
Mrs. IL Divtca F.N.W00DRY. the an clioneer.
OWNER phone 510 or 511
: There Are Dozens of Women
Struggling along straining their eyes over fine sew
Z ing and trying to read in the light that used to scorn
good enough, who do not realize that "rest glasses"
J would improve their spirit and their dispositions.
J Nothing makes one nervous nd irritable even
J depressed and blue like the need of help for the eyes
t Better Have Your Eyes Examined
DR. A JJcCULLOCH, Optometrist
20-1-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building
May 21. Wednesday. Cher
riaa Ktnd Concert, Wilison Park
Pw in.
May 22 Thursday, L 0. O. F.
(rand parade, 3:30 p. m.
May 26 Monday, Ladica'
Nifht at Kilts lodge.
Juae 3 Speeisi state elee
tica. Jan 6 Apollo Concert,
Opera Houae.
June 7 Saturday Historic
al pageant Willamette univer
sity campus.
June 16 School election, one
Visitor are always -welcome at
our baby ehiek store, 544 State
street opposite count r court house.
ca week.
- o
uranga a Mice datnrdajr night Ma-
eleay. irooi mw. OooJ lunch., 5-21
The city has petitioned the public
service commission, asking that the
j Southern Pacific railroad be compel!
ed to inxlall a signalling device at the
crossing on Union and Capitol streets
This hearing will be held Friday, May
23, at 10 o'clock in the morning at the
state house before the puidie service
commission. The railroad will put np
a hard fuht against installing any sig
nailing device whatever, it is under
stood. The city hag taken action on
Account of th nmny enmnlainta a(mrrt
3 I ing the dangers of the crossing, where
so many aeciUonts have occurred. City
Attorney Macy says that unless peo
ple who are interested appear Before
the commission and assist the citv in
making a strong case, the probabili
ties are the commission will refuse to
jfrant the relief asked for bv the city.
So far, none of the people who com
plained of the dangers of the crossing
'mve volunteered by their testimony. to
assist the city in making a strong
is a corruption of the French name
''Rouge river"' supposed to have been
derived from the red color of the wa
ter in certain seasons of the year heu
the iron red s il whs washed ii to it
from the mountains. This letter was
written with a quill pen the only
typ of pea the poet would consent to
use. Consequently the chirogiaphy is
almost illegible. This letter was writ
ten at the tune the u"int old man was
aspiring to a seat in the Oregon sen
ate an ambition that is pnlally un
known' to the maWity of his admir
ers. What prompted him to this will
64: never be known, for he was not the
ty of man who is ordinarily im
mune against attacks of political fev
er. It may be news to some also, that
he considered himself an Oregooian,
though his name is invariably associ
ated with the mountains of California.
"The beat" Is all 70a can do when
death comes. Call Webb t Clough Ce.
Phone 120. tf
Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer
Co. for quick service. tf
Dr. Ik B. Bprlnger,
bldg. corner Court
l'hone 114.
dentist, Moor
and Liberty.
The Macleay school and the Macleay
Hed Cross auxiliary will unite in an
all day session Friday, May 23, at tho
grango hall. An interesting program
has been prepared by the school, be--ginning
at II o'clock in the morning.
The afternoon program will include,
music and addresses by Aug. Htioko
stein, Mrs. K. K. Fisher and Mrs.
Ruckle. Itr. .Morehouse, who has just
returned from Frnnce will also speak.
A basket dinner will foe served tit noon
At the close of the program several
articles will be sold at auction includ
ing two Hinger sewing machines used
by tho Red Cross auxiliary.
Dr. L. B. Springer, dentist, Moore
bldg. corner Court and Liberty,
l'hone 114. U
I buy Junk of all kinds, rags and
I bottles, metal, iron, broken down autos
and pnrts of autos. Give us a trial.
Stoimbook Junk Co. 320 N. Com. St.
Phone 303. tf
We buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
bldg. tf
For those who are interested In fig
ures, especially where three come along
at a time, attention has been called to
the dale of Miy 1!), 1!H), the first day
of the OHd Fellows grand encampment
In this date, it will be olwrved tlint
the figure "1" occurs three time and
also tho figure "9." It has been sug
gested that these three figures, the
date of the first day of the present
Udd Fellow anil Kcheknh sessions, mo
suggestive of the three links of Odd
Warner's corsets are really better.
tl.TiO up. Onlo Si Co. Commercial and
Court streets. tf
Try Northern Flour, It's a Bear,
'every sack guaranteed. At yum gro
I ceis. tf
I "The Funeral Beautiful." Webb
'Clough Co. tf
j J. M. Shelley of Eugene who Is at
tending tho grand encampment is one
i of the old timers when it comes to dnt
ing buck to the tune he nrrhed in Ore
gon nud to the time he .joined Olio
'Indue No. IS of Salem, lie arrived in
! Oregon by the w a Ton route In IMS and
ilius lived in the stale n-bout 70 years.
It was on Fib. 4. 171 that he joined
olive lode No. I if S-ilmi, the lodge
j which was Inter ni-rged into Chetneke-
ttt lodge Mo. 1. Mi'. Shelley has Immmi
(Wearing the 40 year jewel of Odd Fel
lowship n number of yenrs and in about
one mid one half veins will be entitled
to ihe "ut veiir jewel, lie will feleliratc
his Tiith hirtliduv to nonow, part in
Salem and part nt his home in Ku-g.ne.
Dr. Mott offices uiorcd to Bank of I
Commerce builJit'g, rooms JOTS. tf
Dr. Oarl E. Miller has opened his
dental office at 510 511 U. S. bank
bldg. Pkoae 341. tf
Fatton Plumbing company are now
able to take care of your plumbing
waats in tkeir new location. 220 M.
Oeaaiercial street. Phone IOCS, tf
-i-0 "
Loyal M. Qraham of Forest Grove,
representative in the Inst legislature
from Washington county, is in the city
attnedini the grand encamrment of
Odd Follows. He snvs crops never
looked better in his county and that
the wheat is as high as the average
man's head. Prunes will run about 50
per cent of a croo this year, but he
says everything else in the fruit and
berrv line will produce about a 100
per cent crop.
The public speaking department of
Willamette university will ibe well rep
resented nt the Jason Lee Memorial
church tonight 7:30. You tare invited
to be present.
Dance tonight at Querry's ball.
miles south on the river road.
Hunt's orchestra at Querry's hall;
good floor. u.
The Lucy Lucier Three at tbe Ore
gon .rri. fat. is tne Kimi or vauue
ville we liko to get. Clean, snappy,
wholesome. They don't leave you with
a bad taste. ' 5 22
Oscar Bteelhammer, director of the
Cherrian band, snvs that the concert
this evening will bvgin promptly nt 9
o'clock in Willson park. Continuing
the custom of last year, the final num
ber of each concert program will be
tho playing of the Star Spangled Hau
lier. The satisfaction of having your own
fresh eggs and tender poultry (at min
iinutn cost) will more than repay you
for keeping a flock of hens in your
back vsrfl.- For. further information'
cull at 541 State St. l'hone 4(H). 5-24
You are invited to tbe social hour at
.lasoii Lee .Memorial church tonight at
7:4"). A good time assured.
There Is no Joy for the housekeeper
who is looking for lower prices, one
of the leading grocers s:ud this morn
ing. Coffee Unit sold nt reins a
pound a few months ago is now retail
ing at 10 cents, and the 40 cent a
iviun.l col tee is worm u-i coins. ;m
fats and compounds are H'i"H "p. A
pail of lard that 'brought l.;b" not so
many weeks 110 is now retailing at
1. 11.1. Colteene nnd ( risen have n'l-
vnnced two cents a pound within the
oust ten davs. In fnct about the only;
thing in the world going down 111 pric
i. iiiitonioliile tires wiiliiu the past
few linys, nnd postage stamps on July
Kodt m Woodmen attention, all mem
hers of the degree team be present j
Thursdav night. ty order of the chief 1
Miss Cornelia Marvin, of the state
library, wishee to secure files of the '
Independent covering the past tws j
years, for use in the library. Any per
son having old copies of this publica- j
tion which they do not care to pre-'
serve will confer a favor by leaving :
them at the library or by notifying
Miss Marvin.
In the recent convention of Forest- J
er held in Portland, Charles Ramp of i
this city was elected to the office of ;
grand chief ranger. '
Two fire hundred dollar subscrip-,
tions have recently been added to the!
fund for the new dormitory of Wil- j
lamette university; one of them from
Salem and the other from friend in '
Perrydale. Tho subscriptions have now j
reached approximately $30,000. it is 1
probable that the fiO.OOO needed wonld i
have been largely subscribed by this I
time hail it not been for the drain lip-'
on pocket'books caused by the nation-1
al bond issues, the centenary campaign j
and various other demands. The do- 1
nations are said' to be coming much i
more freely now than in past months.
The Salem high school team will
cross bats aud veils with the Albany
team on the university diamond Sat
urday afternoon. It is reported that
the Albany men have defeated two
teams once defeated by the Salem team
90 tho visitors may prove foemen wor-
thv of their curves.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenks and Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Albert made up an auto
imrtv leaving this morning for Port
land, going by way of Carlton in or
der to take in the jersey Cattle Breed
ers picnic at that point. They are
among the fcalom pcoplo who are go
ing to hear MeCorinack sing.
Voters to the number of 14,578 have
registered in Marion county for the
suecial election to be held June 3. los
ing this registration on those of the
past years and tho vote thut followed,
it is estimated that Marion county will
nst not more than WOO votes at tho
omin aeleetion unless the special in
terest in good roads brings tho voters
out ill unusual numbers, uist tnu
there was a total registration of 17,-
:I15 for the election which was mostly
iMiliticnl and the vote in the county
wns onlv :S07. nnd tins was a geneiai
election when thero is a strong inter
est in politics. For tho primary elec
tion in May of 1918. the registration
was 17,12'k With this number regis
tered. onlv H4W took the trouble to
go to tho polls. At the special election
hold June 4, 1917, there was a registra
tion of 17.S35 and vet of this number
only 7117 took tho trouble to vote. At
no primary cleetion have the voters
come out in proportion to registration
as they have at general elections.
These figures on registration and vot
ing are furnished by I'. O. Dover,
Warner's Corsets
Its not mere chance that we sell so many Warner's
Corsets. There must be a reason. Women who de
mand the most for their money insist upon Warner
Rust Proof Corsets-and Rightly so. In buying
Warner Corsets you get 100 per cent value Plus.
Every corset is guaranteed not to rust, break or tear
or a new one free if they fail.
Prices $1.50, $2.00, $250. $3.00 and $3.50
FHONX 1071
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
Large Business Concerns
Pay by check because it's not only aesier, but safer.
You too, regardless of the size of your business, are
invited to have a checking account with this bank.
J. H. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cashier
The senior class of the Salem high; control, and Dr. IT. K. Lee Steiner ut
school will present June 4 the piny en-1 the Oregon state hospital, are in Or-'
titled "The Fortune Hunter." This j vallis today on official business.
is ine annual event ior me senior cniss
and will be given in the high school
Mrs. Flora Johnson left today for
eountv clerk and are tiihen from the : Tort land where sho will spend a week
official records on I no . in general, n
mny be said that not even one half
of the lieople who are registered end
are entitled to vote, take the trouble
to go to the polls on election day.
County Eoadmasler Culver says tnat ;
he has five crews working on the rond1
etween Jefferson nnd Jackson hill.'se
nrt of this road which is to be the'jt
Pacific hiiihwav is on the old roaimod.
while some of the mileage is through
new ground and the crows ure engaged $
grubbing nnd blasting out stumps. 1$
t of the high-
with friends nnd relatives
Mr. nnd Mrs. O..B. Gingrich are j f
visitors in i'ortinnd tonny.
Secretary Goodin of the bonrd of
Tho new roud on tins
wnv covers about x
. l
Stop at
"A Home Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 Per l)ny
100 Uooms of Solid Comfort
Onlv Hotel in Business District
care of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea Ca. T
Was medicine which will cure any J
known disense.
Open Sundays from 10 A. M. T
until 8 P. M. I
153 South High St. T
E8S 01i0lbl uoJtojQ 'uioiuy I
B?3c"tf wert'r.g of Balera
lmb;e No. A . !'. 4 A. M.
this evening. Work in the 1".
.'. d.'gree. Visiting brethren
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
man, with over fi yenrs experience,
at mv office, lr. 1). X. lieechler, den
t'.it, 3P2 C. 8. -Nat. hank bldg. tf
Ernmett ft Wlitta will ship cattle,
Inns and limibs f-aturdav Mav 21.
Phone ll.'.-.M. " 5 "J2
Three airplane government service tl, how to gather it and then how to
men pned through .Nib m yesterday ,., it,
looking for suitable lniidinis for the: . 0
fleet of airplanes that in time may be! At the annual meeting of the Wo
traveling over the valley. Just at men's auxiliary of the Ibocose of (
present the trail finders are attempt- j K1, h,.,l nt 4 ; rn-t Memorial church in
ing In locate suitable places for the I'ortinnd, Mrs. K. tftruplore, St.
lauding of p'anes for the fleet that I n lt ', auxiliary of this city, was elect-
will travel norte to me 1'ortlaml Kose 0 1 ,ecoi,d vice president . A nunilx-r
B."'!d concert tonight ar.d after the
concert take the free auto to Oueriy's
dance, riverside ro;nl, 4 miles out;
good floor, extra smI niusic.
- o-
2. E La Favre of Vancouver Wu. 1
writes the t'oninicrcial club to find out !
if there is anv plant ill fali-tu for the
ilistiiling of peppermint. He writes he
hit raised considerable this year and
noiud also like some infornuitiou 11
that because our prices
are low, the quality of
our vulcanizing is the
same. At least do us the
justice of examining
some of our work and
judge it on its merits
Then we feel confident you will appreciate that
our prices are actually low, not merely apparently so.
341 N. Commercial St. R. S. Spoor, Mgr.
Players a Specialty
With Oherrington Vinno House 421
Court St., Salem, Oregon'
Particular work for particu-
w lar people
Auto delivery Il'72 State St.
Phone 1684 5-29
2o2 Xorth High Street
f.tial June II, 1'.' and 1.1. Lieuten
ant l.ewis P. I'nmpbrll of the aero
chili of Oregon, is representing the as-1
o.-iatiorr m lncntit'i milling places.
See MJm L. E. Ooodhue at Crl S.
17th St. for lbscriptioni, to all mag
aiues. Phone 74IM. Sat tf
of delegate from Salem were present
Anioi'g the manuscript documents of
hi-toric value that have foine into the
state librnrv recently is a loiter writ
ten in K'07 bv the late Jompiin Miller
and nddressed to 4". H. Wa'son of
Ash'mnd. It is in the miture of m
test awinst certain names of rivers
fcniia! Journal Want Ads Will Get Yea What Yea Wan l"
M C.1 f:h lowers. Urg COd or nr,l m.-imtain of regon. and deals
cod sliced l.'c. Whole tth 1 earticulnrlv with the name ' " Hoguc
poind, litis Market. tf river"' which he undertakes to prove
Willamette Valley j
Transfer Co.
Express Service at Freight Rates
Long Distance Hauling Only
PHONE 1400
Phone 953
379 State St.
Radiators, Fenders and Get Tnnl s
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
All work guaranteed, li'S tt. 12th St.
Salem, Oregon. 6 ii
We will pay full value for
Liberty Bonds In trade.
186 194 North Commercial St.