Editorial Page of The Capital J hurna CHARLES H. FliHEK Editor il PublUaer MOAY EVENING Mav 19. U!9 ' - Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Sakm, Oregon. Adirejj All Communicationa To A (tlx 3ttilnMl Ifounml 1IJCSI 136 8. Commercial St. sackcloth and ashes, as that other "chosen race" did at the time of the Babylonian captivity. But according to or dinary notion, it is somewhat late for such demonstra tions. Germany ought to have celebrated " that week of mourning five years ago, when her armies invaded Bel- 0BEG0N!gium and all Germany was singing and harrahing. She, STATE HOUSE NEWS vTATT nniTcr wrrcc SUBSCRIPTION BATES by Carrier, per year 3.0O Per Month Cl!y by Mail, per year 13.00 Per Month FULL LEASED W1KK TELtUliAPU KEPOKT FOBEIGK REPRESENTATIVES W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. E. StockwelL Chicago, People'! Oai Building In addition to the immense road 1'rogram of 1919 the drafting depart ment of the atate highway eonimissions : i. i j i-i r i .i t iwicr is now ai nor upon aesigna uuiit unv .tuui jioia ju, win.ii uic liuoi- tor number of steel, eoncreto and .rjtania was sunk, instead of applauding, and giving her fomi.ination riie, h.h m aggre- i? 1 li;j b 6 ! to' 1.'M0, Lids for which o,atiiuui iiiuuicu a mmuay. i ,tl won advertised. Engineer H I And even now her mourning lacks one important ele ; ment. There is grief but no repentance. TV, Arm.n;nn em n ,nvm, tV,o o m-tli?n r ulcD I . l Wr approximately f -.UHi.(ltm. ji iv in molilalia occiii iiivi c aiiAiuuo man an tiling cwt. , -j-jn. bert Nunn. summing up the projected work for the present year, shows tnet there are now more thitn 7 projects under way or let to contractors, which er in msiti. i- i It I, I l. i-u,r'i ; : : to get the lurks where they can maltreat and massacre program, through federal and . state ! Daily Capital Journal earner boy. are instructed to tkt ttt ; . , . t wf I WM'riations, gasoline tax and bond k. If the carrier aei ot ao wn, miasei you, or negiecra geiiing me paper . m m uiuci iu gci ccn. .cia a muuti ui iavi '"u" ' nig acts, a total of aixiut ''0,0iiUH0. ly nhone the circulation manager, aa thia la the only way norenne u-hn hnvo tr ivr.lt. I rhrmiorh th if hortirrhrorl nnrr nf 1 The nrnsraiu in-1 11 11, li!.". mi of n eaa determine whether or not tha earner, are following tnatrueuona. rnona I before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be aent yon by special auwenger If tha arrier haa missed you. ore W you o time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa thia ia the only way I yersons who have traveled through that beniffh ted Dart of the world have always expressed more regard for the Turks than for the Armenians. The latter are Christians only in name and are probably as cruel, treacherous and dishonest as any oriental race of the present time. Now that the war is over although they had made a separate treaty with Germany and Turkey by which they secured Iheir independence, the Armenians are now demanding of the peace conference a vast expanse of territory that in reality includes but few of their own people among the inhabitants. The peace conference is not likely to grant their demands. THE DAILY CAPITAL JCUUNAL la tha only newspaper in Salem whose circulation ia guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation. READY FOR THE BUDGET. Now that congress is in session once more, there is a little matter which wise tax-payers will develop a sincere interest in if they make the most of their opportunity. The psychological moment for the working out and put ting across cf budget system for government finances ieems to have arrived. Practically everybody is in favor of the plan. Tresi dent Wilson has declared for it. Former President Taft favors it. The last two chairmen of the appropriations committee favored it. Leaders of the new senate are said to be urging a national budget system, and the new speak er of the house is on that side of the argument. Students of finance and government have demanded something of the kind for years. It is a theorv which has been tested, practically. Even a poor budget system would work so much better than the present hit and miss method that one wonders why wfe have neglected it so long. The answer is found in the indifference of voters and tax-payers. These worthies have remained stupidly un concerned while government expenditures have soared. Taxes are necessarily higher than ever, and still the old wasteful system runs its extravagant course through pub lic funds. There is no general opposition to the budget system only this large public indifference. Now is the time for people who really are the government to brace up and take an interest in their business. Just as soon as they do, they can and will have the budget system. . GERMAN SORROW. Germany has had a week of sorrow. "In deep distress and weighted down by care," an nounced the Imperial Ministry at Weimar., "the German people has waited through the months of the armistice for the peace conditions. Their publication has brought the bitterest disappointment and unspeakable grief to the entire people. A public expression ought to be given those feelings by all Germans. "The Imperial government requests that the free states have public amusements suspended for a week, and allow in the theaters only such productions as correspond to the seriousness of these grievous days." Accordingly the people stopped dancing and carous ing, even in Berlin, and staged the desired exhibition of national sorrow. It was appropriate to be sure. The Allies' terms were quite severe enough to warrant the Germans setting in Salem is a beautiful city and has a wide reputation for the neatness of its lawns and cleanliness of its broad streets. Just at this time, however, there are too many places where the grass should be cut in parkings and on vacant lots, giving many parts of the city a ragged, un kempt look. This condition should not be allowed to exist and officials should be vigilant in requiring property own ers to keep up their places, since nothing so enhances pro perty valut-s, or does more to attract home-seekers, than civic pridd that keeps the lawns smooth and green and the parkings free of unsightly weeds and grass. macadam. 2"4 miles of hnr.l surface, in addition to several hundreds of grad ing, the most important portions of which ire on thp Columbia highway atut in the lines siuth lUrouh the Silaii.ette valley. Kng.iaed upon the technical work of this program there is a force of from :!l to H"" nn-i and Homen employed, 47 IiKiijj' employed in the state house. hern .'.moved from Hie vaults of the NEW SHOW TODAY VAUDEVILLE WORTH WHILE BLION THEATRE ( -D Ai! rii!" Oregon National Guard Unit Lauds In New York New York, Slav 20. foiled Press.) -The tianspoit Niboney from Brest and luM'hnmrieflu from Havre arrived ilenM! i ;Venr hii.1 diiritei) llxr til all placf of absolute safety, it was tnkrir a jcke by a lot of people. As a matter of fact, the raiding of the treasurer's department by nervy and juvenilis men would be no more of a Muiit than has repeatedly ieen pulled I off in broad ikvlijjht bv professional ! !cl"v- The 8ll,0",T brottjtht home the robbers. Since this precaution was,;!l'"' 'f""T nd the Vl.Wl machine taken last week there have been dis- iHn battalion. covered evidences that point to just j Bochambea-u'a passengers included such a raid upon the vaults of the company H, ltiiud infantry, an Oregon state houst', the bolts of the basement i tionul (iunrd unit, three offirera and door having been tampered with bv!-41 men; the "81st motor truck com- , 'someone with designs upon the depart-; pnnv; 4Stith motor truck company; Scvcial days : a., when Mate Trea.- ; 11H,llt . Alll,(H, ,,,,,..;,. .,,.1V(, hl,en j ;..), lmor ,rUl.k comi,Bnv; lsth e0m. i'."L', no? '1 m" '''" I taken to ,feBunrd the state fund,, in-1 ', second regiment nir service me J.ihhUmmi of neKotinHo securities had ,..,;,. .1... ;.. Hilling fitll UIIU ,11 UV VUUU1V9. office. ' husband. VOGEL ESCAPES The largest .bridge contract inclml-! " ''Just the man I want to see 1'red i t'd in the program of the slate hiuhwuvi l-ei'in, Mnv 20. (I'niteil l'rosel crick! Excuse us ilense, we will (,'o into ''"""'HS'"" this year, is a reinforced ! Lieutenant Vojrel, imprisoned after the library." Neil had ignored me, aj. j ,"m r'te structure to cross Rogue river I conviction for complicity of the iiiur dressinir his remark to aunt 1 so wish-"10'"' ,'"'"t' ih Jitckson. This wrilljder of Karl l.iebknei -ht. radical leader, e.l thevhad remained in the'u.uMe room. ' l'avl' ." ''"'!' of ,rl-v :m fl 0t-1 ha" ' P'-d, it was learned today. I wanted to hear what they said. As 1 'he. r""or 115 l,M",t1' , , . ' . . bale aunt Rood night f few moments , W 1 ,P rw,MV0'1 at Tl" Hnrty-first annual eonvention of later I wondered what had happened-1',."":; of. J1". '''''; i;tlie National Livestock associotion eloa- hi-.d .Veil offended Mr. Scott, and would1 (0 ."' "f 'V''"1" "ther lesm-r!,.,! a three dttya' session ' at Pittsburg he be his enemvf "oulu . structures to tie built in the ,11am- s,,turdav bv selectina Chicago aa its (Tomorrow Frederick That Scott Is Dangerous.) Tells Neil ' ette valley. meeting place next veur. i BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS1 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS Somebody announces that the tobacco smoked in this, country produces 54,000,000 pounds of potash, which if utilized as fertilizer would be worth $50,000,000. Good argument for smoking while you work your Victory garden. The head of the Prussian delegation meant no dis courtesy by delivering his speech sitting instead of stand ing. He didn't dare let anybody see how shaky his knees were. " ' THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS AN UNEXPECTED VISITOR. I hud played but a short time before the bell range, and. Air. Frederick 'a ci.rd luouglitt o me. I was enliuer. often men come from a distance and have to make the most of their time. Thnt is especially sit in New Turk with big coin-cms, or with men of large inter ests. I guess it dors tnukc it sort of RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason THE BORROWER. I used to have a host of friends, but now I walk alone; a cheerless sky above me bends, my heart feels like a stone. I once had friends in hut and hall, in mansion and in shack; I borrowed coin from one and all, and failed to hand it back; and no pleasant smiles, I see, I've won such punk renown; no window has a light for me, in all the clammy town. I once was welcome in the homes of sages 'nd of seers, and there I borrowed treasured tomes, and kept them seven years. And now the sages view my face with sorrow and disdain, and seers remark I ought to chase myself into a drain. I borrowed Thomp son's loving cup, and Jackson's safety shears, and Hiram IJostwick's setter pup, and Watson's brindled steers. I borrowed Wilson's fountain pen, the best in all the grad; I liorrowed Simpson's setting hen, and Eckdall's liver pad. I borroweel this, I borrowed that, from every one I knew, a squirt gun and a stovepipe hat, and then an oyster stew. And now I go my way alone, devoid of joy and mirth, and neighbors say they'd give a bone if I'd fall off the earth. Light criticisms men will pass on those who boldly steal : but for the borrower, alas, no sympathy they feel. .music nlways sootlieit me, so 1 askeil .m,. f, t lie mn folks " lie nrtrl aunt to receive him, telling her I would1 ed in his kindly wav, "but most'of them lie down in It moment. 1 could not for- a.(. wjli,, rn ml. with it. if it menus get that this limn, kindly, clever, if a uiore mouoy." hit uncouth at times, cured for me. Wo-i "All women me not niercenuiv, Mr. man liked I wished to appear to lidvnn- Frederick," aunt returned ill her most lageto him even while 1 thought of him severe manner. only us mv very good friend. I "So indeed! many of thorn not 1 ''"''I '.v I'"'1'. .ist touched my enough so. Hut it costs a lot of money le cheeks with rogue Hint powdor.it., ;V(, in v.,... York to live well. It then joined him and mint. ! keens men liustliiu- nreltv lively. I often 1 heaid you plu.Miig; do not let me! think how Imkv I am not to have to interrupt you," he said after greeting iV(. 1,,.,,.. fs Kri.nt Utwn ,, relu me warmly. "I am very fond il music the greatest in the world. Fine to come although I know nothing nboiu t - 1 ! to and let off steam. Hut liftc r u few simply know when I like il." jdays of it 1 am readv for my little west ''ion probi.bly me u better judge j ,., tou, where a mnn enn wear k soft l""st I I'1'' 'ho claim to know, ' 1 j t um h,t nianner correspond I suid lightly. "I was playing in the, with his shirt. Here every one seems dink. Mr. Forbes is out, and so mint l0 be starched up, all glossy and shiny nnd I were amusing ourselves." j ,. outside nil v way. A bit iiucoui- "I had hoped to find him lit home," foHnblc for some of us who are used to 1 sensed an undertone of disappoint- being well just aort of natural human ment in his voice .and felt anxious at being without tho frills." once. What wr.s it had to say o iwn "Ht society calls for form nnd for I so wished he would loll me. 1'erhnps ; nmnneis. I should think those western he would if 1 tnctt'ull led up to it. ( mining towns would be, well, rather de- "Aunt has been trying to impress moralizing, " mint replied. I could see Neil with his duty to himself. Tlinl he ' she did not understand at all Mr. Fred reallv does wrong to attend to business lick 's simile, or his point of view. Phe in the evening. Hhe hasn't ver neon was most conventional in all her ideas successful, however, us his absence and actions. I shows." t. v ! ,,,,.- t,,n,lum,tt Riitnetiiuca "It is ton bad thnt we men have that 1 1 think thev bring out the very best habit." Me turned to mint. "Hut there is in a man a real man. The one sometimes it seems necessary. There is;),,, becomes demoralized in a mining competition now ndi.vs. and so; town would become equally so in .New ...... . I Yoi k or riiv other place. Witter seeks T T T p h v x n w k m m m , I i. I am a gret.t be liever in the theory that often hard knocks ia the beginning of a career biing out the best there is in a man, rasv places of the woild make men - REAL WONDER WORKER FOR WRINKLED TACES Those who have tried all sorts of s.v!"",,t', , , , ,, , , .... called "wrinkle removers" in a vain' I '"'d to hear lim talk, to watch the effort to lose thoH' unwelcome traces ! ,lav of expression on hia strong face, of age, illnesa or worrv, em. scarcely l"!,t 1 a mor interested in find words to eti.i-.. ti...,r .L.ticth. knowing what brought him. than ill with the wonderful snxohte formula, i "ri"K hil" discuss theories with aunt, once they have given it a trial. The;' 1 interrupted: success of this method is due not alone j "Have you seen Mr. Scott lately t" to its marvelous effectivenessupon I ' would find out if he had changed hia the deepest lines and crowsfeet, as mind and been w ith Neil the night be well a upon tlie very fine ones- but tore. ao to its surprisingly quick action! "No, not for a few daya. Scott ia a and its entire hsrmlessness. Its aim-1 good sort, common, perhaps, and a bit pluity is another commendable fea- Ivnlgnr sometimes," with a depreciating Hire, for one need only dissolve an j glance at aunt, "tut honest all the way ounce of h.w lered no!ile in a half ' through. " pint witch hsAcl. and bathe the face j "Yes, I have heard yon aav so. I in this solution. At once a remarkable think him a good influence for Neil," I transformation is beheld. (replied a bit timidly. It is not onlv the effect on wrinkles j .. ,), know ,n,lt t)l(. -j., j. and cr.sis, that is so m.licealilo, but fluenre in some wava. Hut he ia straight facial contour i. remarkably improved j,,, rr,ing j A man to slid the fare looks much vonn vr. ne'.,.i,. . .., ru.f m..,n should te sore to ak the druggist for the Hiwdered anxolite. The lotion, be ing so refreshing, is particula ly grate ful to tired faces. I hoiwd to see Mr. Follies tonight. ' i "There he comes now. He exported! to be late I am so glad. Neil, Mr ! Frederick is falling.'' T rose to But my' Elegant Summer Shoes Appealingly Smart Perfect ia Style-and Comfortable. Too IL Cross Red I Cross Shoe The Lucene Pump in lovely brown or black kid so smart yet so sim ple you can wear it any where $8.50 and $10.50 . Red Cross 41 The "Bonita" black kid. A pump of quiet ele gance, very light. Price $7.50 De Luxe Oxford, dark brown or black Kid, very stylish and proper for dress wear. Prices $9.50 and $11.00 R?dT I Cross n onoci . V - i The big girls favorite (some ladies' too). It's soft black kid and grace ful, comfortable lines appeal to many. The price is . $7.00 Red Cross Shoe M Red V Cross ' V-" ""-'4 1 ere sttjtiahwrij stylish Patent or Black Kid. Prices $7 and $7.50 The "Tailleur" a trifle more rugged, comfort able and neat, in black or brown kid. Prices $8.00 and $9.50 Red Cross Shoo The "Comfort" for eas ing those tired feet. In soft Kid, low heel and comfort lines. Prices $1.83 and $3.00 Also good for growing girls. WELCOME I.O.O.F. mBii with yof foot TnuklUrk Black Kid or Brown Calf, substantial service and vrey popular with the older "growing girls." Prices $6.50 and $6.75 I.0.0.F.