Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 16, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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LIQUIDS anef PASTES : For Black.Wfcife.Taiw
Ox-Blood (dark brovyi) Shoes
..IV i I
The IT. S. employment bureau found
employment for 14 Wednesday and for
15 yesterday. Also for two women
yesterday for domestic service.
E. Cooke Patron will go to Brook
this evening to do aonie entertaining
in the way of slight of hand perform,
anew and la showing the folks there
how easy it is to have three eggs in
one hand and then by a slight turn
of the wrist, have them suddenly dis
appear. Albert Grilley, who as engaged in
Y. M. C. A. work in Portland, drove
down last night to attend the jubilee
celebration at the First Presbyterian
church, and to greet old friends.
vt iitiia
E. H. Kennedy is heck at The City
Cleaning works. 12il State St. Phone
702. ti
Fatton PIuniMng company axe bow
able to take care of yonr plumping
wants in their new location. E.U s
Commercial street. Phone IMS. U
Ton take no chance when yon Invest
in a One Minuie Electric washer. Wo,
Oahlsdorf. 133 N. Liberty. 8 13
EeT. Guy Fitch Phelps who baa been
with the army in Trance in IT. M. 0.
A. work returned yesterday. His wife
went to Portland to meet him. lie
will epeak next Sunday evening at 8
o'clock at tie United Brethren church
17th sod Nebraska streets, where he
was formerly pastor. He w)l preach
a tfor-el sermon scd relate his experi
ences v-t.ie w ,h the army.
Warren Hunts syncopated orchestra
will plav at Querry's hall, 4 miles out
on the river road, Sat. night.
Fine floor, Hunt's orchestra, Quer-
ryVt hall, 4 miles south, iat. night.
Good road to Qnerry's dance hall.
Mrs. D. E. Wood, formerly Laura
-- 4 4 -4
Case of San Piejo, is vislt'taj her jf"
ter, Mr. Will Kaspp. of tsji citv
tfhe will spend the summer here a he
husband is stationed at Vancouver Ittr-
rack. Mrs. Wood e!est her girlhood
days here, going to ian Diogo ju: a
few years ago. Recce :ly fh- e.niipieted
a course of training ts nurse.
pas 1 1
i V C . O '-.I
I J I ;'.! v d..
. iT.il U i:i i'-
Is i ww Oii If or I
White Shoes I
We wish to thank the kind friends
and neighbors for their assistance dur
ing the illness of our father and grand
father, and also for tleir beautiful
floral offerings. 4r. and Mrs. C. P.
Gardner and family.
Baby chicks for sala Saturday
White Leghorns.' Brown Leghorns,
Beds, Hocks, Black Miuoreas, White
Veterans of the late war are asked
ro meet this evening- at the armory.
-Vo individual inrittttions have been
sent as in many instances eorr.e;
name aa.t addresses could aot se
cured. However, all who served in any
branch of the service whatever, are
eligible for membership in the Ameri
can Legiun or World War Veterans.
The session tonight i in the way of a
business meeting, to e fviloned bv a
Visitors are alwava welcome at our
baby chick store t 544 itate t. oppo
site the court house.
Do not spend yourself saving the
price of a One Miiiu'o Klertric wash-.
or. Gahlsdorf, N. Libortv.
Cooked food salr, the woaien of tho
1st Christian ehur.h will conduct a
cioked food sale Saturday Mnv 17th in
the Pomerov building, 12) North Com
mercial street .
The Salvatioa army
have the supr- irr o-
ptite ii it- ' eif
We are showing the largest line of white shoes ever shown in Salem, both in
white Pumps, Oxfords and High Shoes.
of Saua will
the 1 ,." Klki
t.i i ni ' 1.M,
t l l .mnty
p. i ... t ii' l.-.
0 1 l;i i cv;nii"; l'
. " ih.' Marion
'." S:i 'i,n;.;s
in us 1'iir
i.f Kl.-.
it Every new style in Cloth, Newbuck and White Wash Kid, ranging in price from
S2o50 to
We have every width and length in all the new styles and can fit any foot per
fectly. At this time we M ould advise making ycur selections early as the stocks
will be broken before the season is really started.
We are receiving daily shipments of the newest Black and Brown Pumps and
Oxfords, all miderately priced.
Big new line of Men's Oxfords in all the new lasts just received, White, Brown
and Black at
If KANAN shoes
326 State St Next To Ladd & Bush Bank
4 t444 i
At the woV.-.'7 mosting of tne
liiilge last evciii'iu, the ''.l..wii,(; er.
only iniiiu:,'1 Li'o :!ie ipysr.ra! of
the hailing si.'ii n;id the sig.iifira.icc
of the 11 o -!' -k lioiir: ('has. A
Johns, Jr., A. K. Hiitt-liiiifoii, Mir
rio K. Knee. ( land McKiiiney, Kd A
Jorj. C. 8. Putloa, (iuv 0. S iiith, tt.
P. lluilaii, h. H. Hurdetie, K. V.
Oi.lilens, Murk S. Skiff. Jr., AlVrt
1!. Mvem. A. A. liraber, M. L.prunk,
H. H . Ifolib, Addisoir 1'Hge, T. C. Iv
win, Oleini L. Rico, R. 1). Mooies, P.
E. flrabor and C. V. Grav. It was
officinlly voted that Mon.lav evening
May 20 is to be liuiiies night at the!
lodge. Thero will be eiuertniiiincnt, I
music und dancing. .
The following Is a list of a few ar
rival at the Uligh hotel yesterday: I
Miss t!i ace and Mies Eva Mason, Hose- 1
burg; C. :orM'r, Haigler, ,Neb; ). E. j
Crossiwin, Siiohoiuish, Wn; i Jfonl, 1
VVolker, Or; fl. B. Mncnulev, Kusene,
Or; Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Kent, Port i
On-hard, W. S. Moore, Los Angeles; j
Georgo Larm'bec, oFjs Angeles and I.
1). Hears, Long Beach, Colif. ,
A telegram was received yesterday
from Private Dave A. Swagaertv with
tho news that he had landed in VNcw
Vork nnd that ho had been sent to
Camp Meredith. He expects to be home
in a few weeks with his disctmrge. He ,
icrt isaieni witn company Al while a
frcslinmn at tho .Snlem high school.
Later ho was transferred to a French
division. Ho was wounded twice, both
times dn the left leg, and nfter each
wound spent some tune in a hospital.
Pres. Doney, of Willamette, left this
inoriima for Ciiints lass, vhere he
1 deliver the commencement address
before the graduating class. The otic
tor has a warm siiot in his hcurt for
Ureiits I'liiw, as the mountain villngo
has furnished some of the brightest
material that has come to Willamette
The Willamette university Men's
Glee club gave a program last evniing
at Wood-burn, whore they were well re
ceived. They were accompanied on the
trip b.v .Mildred Garrett, Genevieve
Sovy. Mabel Stanford, U'ila Kuby,
Ruth Austin, Vivian Aiinin, J-'aye Ale
Kinnis nnd Mildred Stevens. The par
ty were entertained at Woodburn by
Mi Austin.
Walter A. Denton accepted an invi
tation to deliver an nddress t the
closing enercifcs cf the Hazel Ureen
school, held this afternoon. The pro
gram included a dinner at noon und a
varied program in the afternoon. I).
K Luthy is principal of he school, as- i
isted tiy Mis Martha Gehrmuii .'
Three soldiers took advantage yea-
tenlny of the right to have their (is- j
charge papers officially filed in the i
office of the county recorder. These '
were M. .1. Mnlinn'oy, It. H. Hefton
and C. 0. .Jefferson.
Found Jttit a few miles gortth of
Salem, the diwliarite papers of a sol- !
dier by the name of Claude Williams. I
They were sent to lied Cross henhiinr
tcrs at' the post, office. He was dis- j
charged from Camp I. -wis .Tune I'M,
lWIH, due to physical disability. He
was inducted into the service from i
Montana, 1
Ovtd Ptckard, of the firm of Pick-
nrd Bro. of .Marion, owners of the
famous milch cow, Vive la Prance, was
among the visitors at the state house
today, endeavoring to awaken interest
here in the coming picnic and exhibi
tion which is to be held at the stock
ranch neur Marion on idav. Mar 23.
The records of the Pickard cattle have
attracted wido attention throughout
the state, especially in Portland, and
he expects a large party of aittomobil
Ms from that city at the picnie on
t the 23d. Mr. Piekard would like to
I have a large number of interested peo
I pie from this section join with them
Inn that day, when there will be a pic-, j
me dinner tne visitors Bringing tbeir
baskets with them and in the after
noon the proprietors will show them
over the farm and give a detailed ac
count of their operations with fi'
bred rattle.
!" I ." '.. "!" '. " " 1 ,J 1 1 1 1 11 11 " " l - :
- - : . 1 , ...... rt T B t g -m m U T . h im t T . ft ft . . ,
There are many kinds of clothes. We
will tell you of just two kinds at tris
Germany when her supply of Wool
and Cotton gave signs of giving out, set
her chemists at work to find other
sources of supplying her population with
clothing. The Army getting the Wool
and the Cotton clothing, so their scien
tists made paper clothing.
They were destitute of needed Un
derclothes, Ladies' Dresses and Men's.
Suits, so they treated paper and manu
factured them of that. Sand Bags were
ecen made of them and stood the test
But why wear substitutes and inferior
clothes, that won't give the satisfaction
that, Bishop's Keadv Tailored Clothes
Come in and see this Paper Cloth and
compare it with Bishop's, and the Hart
Schaffner & Marx Suits. They are of
VIRGIN WOOL straight from the sheep
to you. So-called "ALL WOOL" may
have been worn five or six times by your
friends--but the life is gonenever to
VIRGIN WOOL as-sures you that you are the first one to wear
this wool and that the spring and life has not been worn out before it
finally reaches you.
Study this for a few minutes and you will see why the clothes that
Bishop sells for a moderate price give better satisfaction and service
to you, than you can buy elsewhere.
Priced from $35, J49, 45 and $50.00 .
Every family in Polk and Marion Counties a Patron.
i1 1 mm. . I
I 1 "-i
Salem loofe
S Store
The Pomona made Its last trip front
Hull-lit- to Portland this morning, at
least for the summer nnd spiing sea
son. The boat was well patronized by
ali'in merchants nnd was well loaded
on its up river trips, ibut there was
pruitii-ully no freight for down river.
It is thought that Hie bont will go into
service again this fall a 1iy that time
thero will bo heavy l-enl freight from j
way landings on tho d'jwu river trips.
The armory is now taking on a snap-;
py military nppeiirnneo undor the care,
of Harry Plant who is now official
care taker. Tho building has been
cleaned up, floors given an extra
scrubbing, wood work oiled, lawn mow
cd m:H everything .put. in ship shape '
for next week. On Tuesday, Wednes
day nnd Thursday owning of next
week the armory will be turned er
to tho Odd 'ellows niol on i'radav i ve
ning, May the Willamette" Glee
club will give a coticert.
II. Lytlo lift thiii morning fur
www urn ,-, L.J '.'''Hi 1 1 1.' Asm
Friday and Saturday Specials
Every article we are advertising for this week-end is a money saver and our
goods are strictly fresh.
S0AP wX C0RN Washi"
:i bars for 25c Powder STARCH Powder
Per '5 Packages p .
Package 23c 2 Packages
ARM& 25c . 25c
HAMMER ' Fountain "
Bakintr UNCLE Rrlnfl Campbells
Lf ng JOHN'S rand, Condensed
Soda Maple S0UPS
Per Syrup Clams
t , r, Quart Cans Per Can ferCan
Package 7c G5c lc1ran, llc
Fountain KVSP Van Camps 0ranes
Brand MARSH- P;rk Gduicy
nvctpre MALLOWS Erans -btock
Per Can 17c .'!5c 12c 25c
Our stock of fresh fruits and vegetables is complete and our prices are right.
No-Vary Grocers
"The Quality Store"
Phone 409
::8:5 Court Street
fiiysisjaaj V-fjf