Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 16, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Our Entire Stock of Young Ladies' and Women's Stylish Apparel Now Offered at ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF Below Regular Value
and because of oar determination to make room for more new goods now in transitwe hare resolved to take radical price reducing easures for immediate unloading of all surplus stock. Forced to put
on a sale of sad magnitude at this early date and at a time when yoa need such garments, instead of waling for the usual July Gearance Sales we are offering yoa the advantage of a more complete stock
and at the most remarkable reductions thejjeople of Salem and vicinity have ever known. All thoughts of profit have been abadoned and prices cut to the quick
Store opens and SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, MAY 16th, at 9:30 a. in.
Salem's Greatest Sale of Misses', Young Ladies' and Women's Apparel
Carries with it convincing proof that this is the center of greatest values in fashionable models. Not another store in Oregon can offer garments of the cleverest style and equal quality at the
prices we name for our unloading sale. You'll find this a marvelous opportunity to secure stylish tailor-made and novelty suits at one-third to one-half below regular values Below we mention
a few only; many other garments that are equally good values. Exclusiveness is the keynote of our Suit and Dress showing; our styles are not merely copies of London and' New York models
but on the contrary, strongly individual. An inspection will convince you of the air of exclusiveness and beauty that pervades our stock. -
ka!&UkjiJr Trim aj, ? ma
$27.50 to $.2.50 Values $20.00 to $22.50 Values
$18.75 $12.75
$35.00 to $37.50 Values $25.00 Values now "
$22.50 $16.50
$40.00 Values $27.50 Values Now
$24.75 $18.75
$42.50 Values $30.00 to $32.50 Values
$27.50' $19.75
$ 17.50 Values $35.00 Values now
$29.50 $21.50
$47.50 Values $37.50 Values now
$32.50 $23.50
$50.00 to $52.50 Values $40.00 Values now
$35.75 $25.00
$55.00 to $GO.OO Values $42.50 to $45.00 Values
$37.50 $27.50
$62.50 to G5.00 Values $47.50 Values now
$39.75 $29.75
$70.00 to $75.00 Values $50.00 to $55.00 Values
$42.50 $32.75
$4.50 to $5.00 Values
$5.75 Values now
$3.75 -
$G.00 to $6.50 Values now
$7.00 Values now
$4.98 .
$7.50 to $8.00 Values now
$8.50 Values now
$9.00 to $9.50 Values now
$10.50 Values now
$12.50 to $15.00 Values now
$16.50 to $18.50 Values now
$22.50 Values
$25.00 Values
$27.50 Values
$30.00 to $3.2.50 Values
$35.00 to $37.50 Values
$40.00 to $12.50 Values
$45.00 Values
$17.50 Values
$49.00 Values
$50.00 to $55.00 Values
if v
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. ' fc t r.J
Regular values $16.50, sale price $11.50
Regular values $25.50, sale price $17.50
Regular values $32.50, sale price $24.75
Regular values $37.50, sale price $27.50
Regular values $40.00, sale price . $29.50
Regular values $42.50, sale price $32.73
Regular values $45.00, sale price $34. . 5
Regular values $27.50, sale price $18.75
Regular values $29 to $31.50, sale price $23.50
Regular values $35.00, sale price $21.73
Regular values $37.50, sale price $25.52
Regular values $39.50, sale price $27.50 S
Regular values $42.00, sale price $31.75 j
Regular values $50.00, sale price $33.00 $
P. B. Kearney, Mgr.
White Corner Building
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
It. H. Avann linn filed an amended
complaint against Hafty C. Durham.
He alleges that on July 11, 1916, the,
rt' defendant agreed to buy certain realj
et:ite in Cowlitz county, Washington,!
nil that he took possession anil retain-1
M lossession until Juno 15, 1918. On(
Hint dnto he abandoned the land ana
o'.ified the plaintiff that he did not
Intend to carry out the contract of pnr-
chaso price. Ho had paid down $840
and there was atill duo tSOSO. The
plaintiff allege that wit was brought
against the defendant in Cowlitz- coun
ty and judgment given lor the lull
amount. The land sold for 15200 and
a deficiency judgment entered for $3,
!..n 70 It far tha amount, nf this de
ficiency judgment that suit is brought
in this county.
A copy of the will of Charles Henry
Davis of Saginaw, Mich., was filed for
probate in the county clerk's office this
morning. The millionaire lumber man
hnppened to own some land in Minim
I'ou'trv tind it wns nocossnrv to file the
.will that the property might be legally.
acted on. He was interested with tha
Weyerhaeuser lumber people and had
l holdings throughout the west and in
Michigan and Wisconsin.
The estnto of James Neil has been
vr.luod at 4")0. The appraisers were F.
P. Lcinweber, G. W. fipicer and J. V.
Burns. The property consists-of two
lots in Astoria.
G)orit refuse tliat
invitation because
ofa .
finnr mmhuDCinn
V 'V
clears away pimples
The statement of the Associated Oil
company for April, 1019. shows the sale
in the state of Oregon of 366,945 gallons
f gnsoline nnrl 41,703 gallons of distil
late, on which the tax of 1 cent per gal
lon on ensoline and K cent tier mtTInn
on distillate amounts to $3877.98. The
Mnrrh statement of this company gbws
the sale of 193.988 gallons (J gasoline
and 37.698 gallons f distillate, upon
which it paid a tax of 2128.37.
rigulion equipment for the Oregon state
institutions, the board of control has
awarded a contract for a large quantity
of five-eighths hose to the Portland
Hubber company, at 15 cents a foot;
26-10 feet of three quarter hose to the
Portland Rubber Mill company, COO feet
of half inch hose to the U. S. Rubber
company, at the rate of $12.45 a hun
dred, and 100 feet of three-quarter
steam hose 100-lb. test ti Monscll &
Hhirrill, of Portland, at 47 cents a foot.
All goods to be laid down at destina
Inlior council has endorsed all the meas
ures which -will be submit ted to the elec
torate of Oregon Juno 3 with the ex-
Portland, Or., May 16. The centrulception of the amendment providing for
the office of lieutenant governor.
The council made no recommendation
upon the lieutenant governor nieasiiio.
The Anrit .tntnmpTit ,f itn Rtflnaril
Oil company shows the sale of 1,809,211
! lions of ensnlinc and 537 7211 (raltm
nf tlifttillfitp nn -liiri th iav A? 1 Mint.
per gallon on gasoline and '4 cent pet
rnnnn on rimtiilnfe amounts to fL'O,
780.74.' The March statement of this
comanv shows the sale of 1.303.670 gal
lons of gasoline and 271.901 gallons of
distilato. n whieh the tax amonnted to
No one knows the humiliation of
being a"wall flower"betterthan the girl
with a red, rough, pimply complexion.
. your skin is not fresh and smooth,
or has suffered from an onwise use of
cosmetics, try Rcsinol Soap and Resi
nol Ointment for a week and see if they
don't begin to make a blessed & 3tr
ence. They also help to make bands
and arms soft and white, and to I eep
the hair live, glossy and free from
All drutrtti tell R Wftol Ofntmmt ard Rni.nl
Soap, t ori tree nmpirf each. vnu to Urt. ll-N.
ktuxl, Baltimore, Md. You'd better try them I
The weekly report of the Indnstrlaf
acident eommission shows that during
the week there were 622 accidents re
"rted lhronjrhont the state, of which
fnrr cv terminnted in death. These
wrr Tarl'k Knrtik. construction work-
R;rersi1e; Tom Vhittinirton, lojrger,
f'nrt-nllis: (;eoTt Pritchard, logeer, Cor
val'is: Mnrk Mercep loeeer. Peer Is
land. Of the total number reported 589
were snliWt to the provisions of the
comnensr.tion act.
Tn dee'ding nmorg the oi.Me, for ir-
Washington, May 16. The 109th
supply train has been assigned to ear
ly convoy from France not the llotli
supply train, the war department an
nounced late today, following receipt
Of a cable. The 12th company trnna
portation corpn, has teen assigned to
early convoy alo, it waa stateil.
(Capitul Journal Special Service.)
('lovcrdule, Or., May 16. The W. C.
T. IT. were entertained Wednesday oi
lnt week nt the home of Mrs. W. J.
Hadley. There were thirteen present
and quiltin-- wns the order of the day.
A delicious dinner was served nt noon
and a business session held in the aft
ernoon. Among those present were Mrs.
W. J. TTndlev, Mrs. Butskr, Mrs. Mc
Kinney, Mrs. Kliflet. Miss Fliflct, Mrs.
Blurt, Mrs. Kimke and Mrs. Fnriis.
F. A. Wood and family went to Ra
lem Tuesday.
Mis Uosa Prngcr came home fiundr.y
PI.e has been teaching near Quinaby
this winter and had a most successful
F. A. Wood's nnelc and family who
have been visiting here for the pnt
few davs. are intending to go to Rnlem
and nako their home for a while.
Everything looks favorable to thf
farmeig in this vicinity since the recent
Mr. Conn, who has spent the wlntei
in Palem, is back on his farm again. I
The Right Laxative
For The Little Ones
The natural condition of a child Is to be
happy and carefree. When the girl mopes
and is Indifferent to school and study, or the
boy is sullen and refuses to go out and play,
the child needs a laxative to empty the bowels
nd stir up the liver.
But something should be given that will
produce the result in as simple and nat
ural a way as possible, llarjh cathartic
and physics are neither necessary nor de
sirable. Many mothers have found that the com
bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin
old by druggists under the name of Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin produces a free move
ment of the bowels without griping. A very
little is required, and it is pleasant to take.
A few hours after its use the child will be it
happy self again.
' It is an excellent remerfy for the mother
herself, and for the other members of the
family, in obstinate or occasional consti
pation, for the relief of headaches, as an aid
in colds and fevers, minor skin eruptions and
all disorders where the basis of the trouble
Is constipation.
The druggist will refund the money yoa
poy for Syrup Pepsin if It fail to do at
Dr. CaUwcV'
The Perfect ii Laxative
. ' ff Stl Incranrrf l.borsrory crwts dttt
to the War, by iscrificirKi prohu n(j absorbing war
.1 T hn ""!n,'4 the price irt whrh this
family Uzative hat been auld by druiiuiiu tot U taut
years. I wo .LKa-SOt aod Hoi
If Vrat have never uaer! Dr. Caktwetl,l pvrnp
Pepsin aend fra- s free trial bottle to Dr W. B. Caldwell,
4WI Wnhfncraa St.. Mont K-ello, III. If there ST
fwhtes at home, nt for copy of Dr. CsUwtU's book.
"Ihe Can of baby."