Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 16, 1919, Image 1

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Weaier Re;:rt
Orcgoa: Tonight and Saturday
prohaMv showers west portion,
fsir east portion; gentle south
erly winds.
Only Circulate, ia Salem GuV ff1 f ,f 1 f ftl A A P
anteed by th Audit Bureat of ? I j j ! I I f H I ? ' V if P I f
i.sti She U otb I0id!
- " imua inu ULiXia ptanw 11 T CX-VT.
Bis Naval Craft Fail In At
tempt To Rise From Water
With Heavy Loadsr-Cargo
To Be Lessened.
NC-4 Reaches Trepassy And
Repairs Bern? Rushed So
" She Can "Hop Off With
Sister Ships.
Trepassey, May 16. NCI left the
water at 7:08 (local time),
Trepassey, N. F- May 16. At 6:43
p. in. (local time) the NC-4 Joined the
other toxiylng seaplanes and proceeded
toward the point selected for the "Jump
off. ' '
St. Johns, X. F., May 16. Hie diri
gible C 3 was flicked up dcflntod ami
taken shroud the British steamer Olau
Duvidsos at point 8 miles east of
In' to today. The "blimp" which broke
way f loin f moorings lute yesterday,
is nun being brought to tills port.
By A. E. Johnson
(L'nitfd Press Staff Correspondent.)
Trepassey, X. F., Muv 10. Another
attempt to atart the American trans
Atlantic flight was to be made as soon
k the NC-4 bad been overhauled and
weather conditions are improved, it was
Mated today at United States headquar
ters here.
The NC I and NC-2, which traveled
on the surface of the water from Tre
passey to Mutton harbor yesterday but
failed to start their flights, Were dis
charging excess pi:nphcrnalia today to
lighten their loads. One man probably
will be eliminated from each crew be
fine another atempt to stmt is made.
Planes Fall to Rise.
The pin lies failed to hop off yester
day because they were too heavy to rise
fi'i.u the harbor. While they were try
ing lo get up, the NC-4 came in sight,
finishing its trip from Halifax. There
upon Commander Towers decided to halt
hi- efforts to get nwav and nialtc an
other try with cargoes lightened, after
the NC-4 crew hart had a chance to
lo.i ke necessary repairs and join io
, Krioncoiis reports that the Atlantic
flight actually had started were ciicu
lntert in the United States yesterday.
This premature announcement of tlie
start, based merely oa the trip of the
planes on the surface of the water from
Tr. pussey Buy to Mutton Harbor, the
0,1 l"!U'e- ot circulated . nreaehed the first sermon for the little
by the i mted Press.) congregation, for an address. The white-
v lien the NC-1 and XC-3 taxied away, hnired man, who was in verv feeble
from their moorings in Trepassey Bay.hesUh, responded briefly but feelinglv
yesterday on the way to the starting; , to the welcome extended to him and ex
Plnce, tho crews were heartily cheered pressed the profound pleasure he felt
by the men on the supply ships and by j in witnessing the full development of
the fisher folk of the town of Tre- an organization he had helped to launch
pr.s.-ey. Ii g r(,llrv (icfnre, Tj remarks were
Extra Men to Be Left. suplemented by a written eommunlen-
lli.wever, there was not much sur- tion. caressing his bones and best
IMi.e when the two big planes taxied . wishes for the future of the church,
buck to their berths sometime after-i Mr Puifr.nn ti, ti..ii..
ward, as thoso familiar with aviation
knew the first attempt was largely in
tie nature of an experiment to see
wl.ether the "Nancies" could rise with
their capacity loads. The weathefre
ports had been discouraging all after
noun and Commander Tewers was not
gnutly disappointed with the failure to
get away.
Tlic next time an attempt to start is
made it is understood Machinist Chris
tiansen of the NC I and Lieut. B.
Rhodes, of the NX' -3, reserve pilot en
gineer, will be left behind.
(Br Inited Press.)
lestcrday s winners: han Francisco,
J.os Angeles, J ortluD'l, Seattle.
Home runs: Smith. Salt Lake; rfar
pf . Seattle; Chadlxuirne. Vernon.
Young mnn l'ertica stopped the An
gels' losin streak yesterday, keeping
tlie Oaks' bits well scattered, lis An
geles won 4 to 1.
Although (liadlinuree tame across
wi'h a home run, th Ti.'ers lost to the
ck'tilicrii!; Seals. S t.
Loose fietdii!s feature! the Sacra
reevtn -Portland game. liiih Hi" Bea
ver took, 5 to 1.
Grave Dangers Lurk Close
To Surtace of Settlement of
Peace; Spirit Is Warlike
Governor - General Of
Fippincs Weds 18-Year
o'alifornia Student
-Francis Burton
ir : to
narrisun. to,
vV'iieruI of tie
Philippines, and h.
bride, Mrs.
Elizabeth. Wrentmore., Harrison, 18,
Berkeley, Cal., were in Chicago today
preparatory to visiting the bride's
mother in Washington.
The marriage took place in a hotel
here late yesterday, a few hours ittcr
word eame of the divorce granted Mrs.
Mabel Judson Harrison in San Diego.
Cat., former wife of the governor.
Parental objection to the girl's mar
riage was said by friends to have been
withdrawn at the last moment.
Former Pastors And Early
Members Gather To Cele
brate Golden JubiIee-200
In Attendance.
The, rounding out of half a century
of community service and spiritual
iim-Ki-r m a iiifinoriiuie event, anu
one that is worthy of felicitation. As
such it was commemorated by the First
Presbyterian church last night a veri
table golden jubilee. There was gold
in the floral decorations, gold in the
V'1" O1'"n"lp,,t,1,ion in h' W
. iiiinni t.am-, a liu llll-li; HB1 tt roillllia-
oiis thread of gold in the fellowship and
reminiscence of the throng that filled
up the church parlors. If there were
any sad recollections In that hour they
were buried in the cheer of gieenun
obi friends.
There were more than 200 people seat
ed at the tables for the tastefully pre
pared supper, which was finished out
with ice cream and cake. I'ollowV-g
the repast, while still seated at the ta
bles, there was the informal program of
addresses and f.needotes, opeicd by a
brief address of welcome and congratu
lation by Pastor Anderson. The meet
ing was then turned over to Mr. Condit,
clerk of the session, v.ho has kept the
records nf the churcli for a period of 17
years, and who replied in a heppy vein
to the introduction of Mr. Anderson.
First Fastor Speaks.
In order to link up the pnsj with the
present, Mr. Cendit proceeded to read
the minutes of the first meeting of the
church, held in the. upper room of a sta
tionery store in the vear 1 80. This
recorded the organization of (lie church
and the election of three elders to rule
over a bodv of 20 members, the nie
survivors of which little band was In
the audience to endorse the reading.
Mr. Condit then called upon Iiev. Mr.
Wi'son, of Kugene, the pastor who
last of the band of charter member,,
was called to his feet, protesting that
he wns no speech mcker. and he con-
fined himself to reminiscences of the
first efforts of the little church and to
some of its prominent members.
Rev. Babcock Called.
The chairman then indulged in an
amusing recollection of the calling of a
certain "green youn....g pastor, fresh
from the seminary, with all his crudities
still thick upon liim; who arrived in Ha
lem with a fiddlo under one arm and a
big bunch of optimism under uis bat;
who hafl a fund of theological idea.
that made some of the, gray-beads gasp
'a they sat under him; but who blun
'dered his way into favor and iu the
(course of his pastorate brought over
600 members into the church. This was
Kev. Babcock, now of Merced, Cal., who
responded to an invitation to speak
with the same fervor and good will of
his boyhood. He provoked many a smile
by his reminders of bis curly ministry
and anecdotes concerning the older
members, scores of whom he recognized
in his audience. Closing, in protouuu
wriousnest, he reminded them that they
cculd not fully appreciate the full sig
nificance of tins event th3 ciowmi,g
of ha'f a century of influence hi the
eunimuiiiiy and be paid a strong tribute
to the church as a factor in the build
inz of St bin.
(' 'oitiaued on pa?e s'ne)
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, May 16. Grave dangers are
lurking beneath the surface of the peace
settlement, in the opinion of persons in
doao touch with the general situation
This rests ia the fact that everybody
is too ready to fight. Against the theo
ry that the European nations are too
exhausted to fight further, it ia pointed
out that history shows all coum..,. ,
the past have been more warlike t ttS
end of a loan etruggle than after an
era of peace. After the Civil war, for
iustance, the United States defied both
Fiance aud Great Britain.
Italians Flay Game.
From Belgium, in fact, fioin every
where has come criticism of the peace
treaty. And one of the knottiest prob
lems of all disposition of Fiunie is
yet to be settled. The Italians are play
ing an entirely new game. Instead of
pushing their claims, they apparently
are co-operating to the utmost in other
work. They have net shown any incli
nation to baudoa their claims, but they
are not pushing the subjeet. Consider
ing the fact that the Italian army is
not demobilized and the Italians now
occupy all the territory they are claim
ing, tne question ansoa as to who would
put the Italians out, providing they
would go so far as to sign the peai
treaties and thea refuse to evacuate the
territories they claim are rightfully
theirs. Such a task eventually would
probably fall ta the already heavily
burdened league of actions, it is be
lieved. I
Poland orfers Problem.
Through American influence, It ! be
lieved, an arrangement will be made
whereby tie Ukrainians and Poles will
cease fighting. But this is only one of
the numerous minor wars that arc being
vaged in Europe. Establishment of
, I,..!-. .I.'.. I Li... ...
in-SYhnt VT',
recently transported from France to Po
land through (K'rmany, would be avail
able in helping tp keep back the bolshe
viki. So this would merely be Mopping
one war to assist in carrying on another,
anu siiiii a move could not be constru.-d
s a real step toward world peace.
Expert To Make Headquarters
At Valley Packing Plant
And Give Free Advice To
Stock Growers.
Of special intcrestt to the farmers of
this community is the announcement
by Valley Packing i'o. that at their
packing plant now in eoursn nf erec
tion just north of the city, there will
he stationed at nil times a" government
veterinary .surgeon.
His duties will not only bo to inspect
all live stock that come-s to the Valley
Packing company, 1ut ,to also aid the
furmers in every way possible in giv
ing advice and also vivinir them 'the
adyantx of all information as ae-
quirca py tuc government experts
along this line.
Hij office will be established at the
plant and every farmer in this district
can find at lberty to call on the a
speetor or to write him for advice
which will Ibo given without charge.
His services however to the farmer
Bill be only in the way of advice, as
ha does not leave the plant where the
government places him tor daily in
spectuou. Another advantage offeied the farm
er at the plant wilt tbe the tree use or
yards and eale. Any stockman or
iarmer has the privilege of sending
in stock to the Valley I'aci.iiig com
pany and of soiling cnuer to the com
pany or to any ouisidc kusuiess. t;0m
niiinu uieu will lso bw given the
t'roe uso of the yards. The suou yards
are to be as eanitaiy a can bn uiailc
Mini will be daily inspected by llic gov
ernment inspectors. The scans aio of
the latest automatic iputenu.
A well at a depth of 137',i and 10
imhi3 diameter tnere was found jes
tortky a flow of pure, clear, cold wti
ter that will average to flow lliu gal
lons a miimle. lai is. regarded as
most fortunate tby the unneis, on ac
count of the groat volume of ter
nsed in a packing inftitution. Just to
be on tho safo si ne and as a matter of
personal matisfaetion jtaniples t the
"ht in i eni to wasainjftoii, I).
C, for analysis.
rt'ork on the plant ig (piiijj forward
rapidly in order that it may be ready
for operation by October 1. The cxi-a-vations
have been all practically com
pleted and the conere.te and steel work
all pliiced in the footings.
Building a packing plant is entirely
a different proposition from putting
up any ordinary buainew "block. As
the qip'i'ion of food s involvel, H
designs and plans for the plant must
(Continued oa page niae)
SAIf ORFHON. FRIDAY MAY 1fi 1919 ddtpp fimm 0 OS trains no
Importance Of Revenue Levy
In 19ZU iuection Explaas
Progressive Opposition To
Old Guard. ,
Democrats Opposed To Clark
As Minority Leader .Will
Carry Fii&t Against Ex
Speaker To Floor.
By L. C, Martin
(United Preasi staff correspondent)
Washiagton, May IB. Taxes, iay
many conrgessmen in Washington, will
be the hitf issue of the 1920 campaign.
This La one reason for the great in
terest boin? displayed in congresional
eareJea in the efforts of senate pro
gressives to .prevent floruit or Penrose
and AVuTrcn from heading the finance
and appropriations committees, re
spectively. The finance committee stdp
tilntc.1 tbe taxes for the peopln, the ap
propriations, committee spends them.
"It will. 'he newssai-v to raise prob
ably .'),000,(M)0,000 von'rly in taxes for
some time to come,'" said Senator Bo
rah, exponent of the progrewivc view.
"Tho American people will not stand
for having this moiny taken out of the
pockots of the .great mass of workers
whilo big business is let off easy."
Splits Beiug- Healed
Washington, May 1(1. On the eve
of organizing for Juines, "near
splits" and bickerings among both re
publicans and democrats in congress
appeared (o tie wearing them solve out
today. Kepu'blican leaders are deter
mined that thero shall ibo no party
breaeh a.s the result of the effort to in
crease the republican steering commit
tee from five to nine member by add
ing four supporters of Speaker Oillett
and so giving him tho majority of the
. representative Mailden of Illinois,
one of thn loaders of the Mann faction,
has called on (iillcl.t to deny the report-that
there would be an effort to
unseat (iillett as speaker if the steer
ing committee increase was insisted
Clark Strongly Fought
Iinocmts who are opposed to ex
Speaker Clark for minority floor lead
er, say they will rairy the fight on
Clark and reform in party organisa
tion to the fli or, but they are doing
little or no campaigning to increase
their strength.
Only a few of tho antilark men
have reached the cajsitol and the
friends of the former speaker predict
erl today that his election as floor
leader would take only a few minutes
in the democratic caucus tomorrow
Nationwide Referendum Is
Proposed. Rantzau To
Refuse Treaty.
Merlin. Mnv 14. The Vorwnerts and
the Lokal Anzeigcr urged today that witm, n(.rv0 to ask mo for two-thirds.",
nationwide referendum be held on sign-1 ..r lllnt i,nllr. .i1(ln ,x.,.,ain.
ing the peace treaty.
The Munich Post, the most important
majority socialist paper iu Bavaria,
"W. neither can accept r.or refuse.
We must sign under protest, hoping the
entente will come to its senses.
Rantzau Not to Sign,
London. Mav 16. An Exchange eie-
graph dispatch from Berlin today rc
ported that foreign Minister Uroci
dorff Rar.tzau. following a runfernece
with tho other German delegate, had
announced he would not sign tnc treaty
in its pre o lit form because the terms
could not be fulfilled.
Wlbon Is Attacked.
Lime, Mi.y IA. "Only an Idiot
would sign such a peace," dedaicd iferr
Oraf, iiiaiontv socialist, in
a session of the Prussian assembly, a
Berlin dispatch reported to.Iay. j
Assemblvman Hergt charged presi
dent Wilson with bad faith, ...( AS
semblyninn Merbobn said the treaty is
a traveisty on Wilson s principles.
Elimination of 'Reds' From
Ranks of Both Capital and
Labor Is Urged By Hanson
New York. May 16. Industrial
troubles ia America will bo ainimized
ri aaa euaunanng rae Keits oa
both sides, Mayor Ole Han so a of 8e
tll declared in a statement here to
day. The general attitude of employers'
toward the workers is changing, he
"There is but little difference be
tween the aimj of real thoughtful la
bor men and their employers," Hanson
declared. "1 have found, however,
that oa the fringe of labor there is a
small Red element that preaches an
archy and force; I have found a lew
reactionaries among the emplovers who
a-re still living in the dim past. 1 am
urmiy convinced that the great body
of lahor and the majority of employ
ers will get together and control the
Beds on both sides.
Says Employers Beady
"I find that the large employers of
labor are more readv to coopera'tc ith
their employes than ever botoie in my
lifetime, i have heard men calling la
bor their partner and iu open meeting
stating that labor should and moat
have good living conditions, good wag'
cs, jod housing and good educations
for the children. I have heard employ-,
era of labor unsiiariugly condemn other
employers for trying to expolit labor,'
anu nave aeara tlie golden rule eitca
as a rule of conduct. A few years ago
only a radic.ul labor man would have
expressed the views now prevalent.
"Xo trouble will eoino to our land
if the government goes ahead iu a pro
gressive way and solves the problems
before us.
"Tho Lane law or a similar law
should J6 passed in order to employ
labor first and, socondv to develop
homes on our waste land at cost.
Better Roads Needed
"The water power necessarily pro
duced by Irrigation enterprises will he
used for light and Kwer and if there
is a surplus it will be used for niann-
tarfeuilire nitrates tor .fertiillzatioii.
Under this "bill swamp lands will tie
drained, overflow land "diked and arid
binds watere.
"Country roads must bo motorized
and a gigantic road building program
adopted .
"Selective immigration laws should
bo passed. The 'bad man of Europe
should stay there; the bad man who Is
naturalized should be returned to his
habitat; if a citizen, he should hchave
himself or bo punished according to
"Last, hut not least, laws governing
business should be made definite and
certain. We ask the employers to go
full speed ahead and ninny of them do
not know where the roads would land
them or how many toll gates thero aro
ahead of them. Business mint know
where it is going; how it is going to
get there and how long it. can slay
after it arrives. "
j a, ... , ... . . 1 .
Half Of Fortune Given As
Opener To Methodist
Centenary Fund.
New York, May Hi Headed by a gift
of $750,000 from a western man, whose
name was withheld at his request, ro -
ports of many lurge subscriptions to the
Methodist $105,000,000 Centenary fund
poured into headiiiiarters hero todty, al-1
though the week of the intensive drive
I does not begin until Sunday. The au-
nonvmous giver is not a Methodist,
lieorge M. 'nnles. Centenary treasurer.
j said it was half the giver's entire for
1 went to him and told liim I want
ed a million dollars," said Mr. Fowles.
"How niu.-li do you think 1 have,"
he said.
"I answered r,' million and a half."
itight," he said. "And you have
"I took two hours then explaining
our whole world program.
"At the end he said the church for
the first time is attempting a really big
thing, in a businesslike way."
"we'll compromise on 750,00."
Other csmpaign gifts included 50,000
from Mrs. (iiisiave H. Swift, Chicago;
an cnonyinous gift of oO.OOO from New
England, snd tines anonymous gifts e
$2r,iHji) curb from Baltimore.
President Chi Shi Chang, of China,
has contributed HOuO; Premier Cbien,
$"imi, and oth"r Chinese officials lesser
The Centenary budget calls
fur the expenditure f 7i01,5S in Chi-
j whi-h tW.j.'iliO is to be raised
among the Chinese unci the balance in
tho United States.
Portland, May 10. With more than
ij cilies in the northwest already re
pirtir.g their centenary drive as eo,
d, almiwit .VhI.imi0 of the J,0o0,0u0
allotted to the northwest lias been eoi
licied, announced Dr. A. Howartb,
a.iociste executive secretary for the
( enteniirv movement for the northwest,
this morning.
i rffSt GT233 PniIlS DTVll
20 And 22 Cents On Open
Market In San Jose Today
San Jose, Cal., May 16. First
grade prunes are quoted at a roe-
erd price mark here today. The
two best grades are quoted at
20 and 22 cents. Prunes that
bro'.ight only 6V4 cents a year
a;o are today selling upwards to
13 cents. Even at these prices
it is next to impossible to secure
this variety of fruit on the local
Commeacement Week Pro
gram . To Include Obser
vance Of Birthday Of Uni
versity With Services .
Willamette University will be seven
ty five y. ars old August 10, tho oldest
institution for higher education webt of'
the Mississippi river. On August 18,
Itlil it. .1... 4 ... j u.!i
""" ufvuou .iiu vuej
have not closed since that time. What
it has meant to tho northwest is a story
V V " " ' compelling.
r-"1 "
origin, Its patient years of saemirv,
and its achievements form a page in viously growing and, accnnSng to f
history that has nowhere boon dupli-ilied officials, must soon find some ant-
catcd and now never can be. It is the!
epic, of the pioneer college.
me university and the citizens of Sa
lem propose to observo the seventy fifth
anniversary by a great historical pag
cant to bo staged upon the campus and
to be given for three days during the
commencement season. The first pre
sentation will be given Saturday night,
June 7, with reptition Monday sftes
noon, June 9, and Tuesday night, June
10. A stagi' and accessories is to be
erected in the campus grove whero seats
will be provided for two thousand per
sons. The pageant, written by Prof. Delia
Hrowder Miller of the dupaitiueiit of
public speaking, will present in drama
and pantomime the story of the uuivei
silv from tho aboriginal wilderness to
the present day. Among the scenes to
he depicted are: Primitive Indiuns;
their message about the white man's
book; Indiuns wuitiug upon (ieneral
Clink at St. Louis; the New England
in;1, 'ting couferiing about tlieJ" Indian!
and sending Jii.sou Lee to tlicm us a
missiniinry; Lee's arrive! at Fort Van-
I... ...i. n T i ....I. i ; .,
'u""' v 'm-in ft. ..iiMiiii,,,
l.cc anil lus settlers go to t hauipoeg;
establish a
colony; found an Indian j
school; the contest betwen England and,
the I'nited States for the northwest ter-
ritory; founding of Salem; opening thu
Oregon Institute on August 16, 1844;
Liu v Lee, the teacher; soldiers nf '61;
'dedication of Waller hall; growth of the
university; development of Salem; sol-!
' il if in of 11M7; the university today.
I An orchestra, choruses and symbolic
' nnntnmiiuc by children will occupy thn
interludes. Superintendent Hall and
nearly a hundred Indians from the Che -
wewa liulian school, stmlents or the
university and citizens of Salem are to
participate in the great roniineinoratinn.
From three to five hundred characters
will be presented in a program IciHng
three hours. As a scene of dramatic
beauty and of historical interest it Is
thought that this will excel anything
ecr nttempteihin the west.
(Wlfa H!i MiKpfi (In
VllUta IlttU, V.tai CU Utl
Charge Of Murdering Lum
Huni Fears For Own Life
"rS 1
Martinez, Cal., May 10. Just what ts
to become of Oneita Hall, 22 year-old
slayer of Liim Hung, Chinese higAiiu
er, is puzzling the girl and lier attor
neys today, following her spi Mr ae
ipiitta! late yesterdry on charge nf mur
der. The nirl fears she is marked for
death by Chinese tongs.
There is a possibility that the girl,
who has practically recovered from the
drug habit she learned while living
among Orientals, may be secretly sent
to another port of the country, far from
San Francisco'stown and the alluring
exolicisui and sinister possibilities it
holds for her.
The jury gave full credence to her
story of killin" the Chinese on a Racr
mento river "ark" in a fight for Mfo
when she sought to ewntie after Lum
Hung announced bis plan of putting her
in the slavery life of Chinatown.
American And British OfE
In Berlin Ordered To Vear
Mufti Outside Of Own Quar
Undercurrent Off Dissatisfac
tion And Unrest Seta
Among People Thrcugbd
Country. ; -
By Cart D. firoat
(United Press staff correspondent)
Berlin, May 13. AmericB a4
British officers today were eidered ta
wear mufti outside their quarters, lest
the Germans be invited to acts of vio
lence. American couriers in uniform
are compelled lo remain Inside the fla
tel Adlon.
The feeling prevails in Amrrlriui
quarters that the dVnuinatraliaa
against the peace treaty before ho
Hotel Adlon in which 1,1.000 nersosa
lWrticinnterl Tnitailnv ni,ov Ka ,.lu ll.
... 1 - J, .-, v.., .
rorertmner or even graver occurrences.
Despite the fact the perfect of police
.nan warned the people there must be
no petition of the Adlon incident,
the spirit isf unrest 'n th eit ah.
In a food riot at Stettin, 80 mite
j northeast of Berlin, ten persons wer
, wounded yesterday, according to ad
vices received here.
Demonstration In Hamburg
Hasle, May 14. A great crowd (ag
ed a demonstration against the pear
terms in front of tho Atliiiit.ic, hotel ia
Hamburg, headquarters of the Ameri
can eommiNaion, according to dis
patch received fromythnt city toiksy.
Several orntors protested agtainst
"aisn.ssination of the (lerman people"
An intorpretor translated the speeches
for tho benefit of tho Americans.
There was no violence.
Jury In Ford Libel Suit
Finally Chosen Case Opens
Mount Clemens. Mich., May
Twelve men were in the jury box, ap
proved by both sides in the case, and
the trial of Henry Ford's libel suit for
one in il i Ion dollars against the Chicago
Tribune was on at the morning session
It was indicated thai both sides will
nssiflne similar tactics. Counsel for Fnrd
'said thev will attempt to prove to tho
I jury that the Tribune In Its edltortat
was working as a tool of Ceimnny's i
that it wns urging war with Mexico !
The Tribune attorneys previously
stated they will attempt to show that
the sense In which they used ths word
'anarchist" In referring to Ford wa
not in any way tipcious.
Abe Martin
Th' Home Circle Brewin Club 'll
bottle at th home o Mama Moon
fnight Doln' without things bas rain-
a mora iotas loan ruunin ia neox.
if! FEAR
iii.i;: RIO