Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 15, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAi.JJ SIX
Naval Balloon, Ready For
Trans-Ocean Trip Breaks
Morriii And Drifts Away j
I 1 II,
St. Johns. X. F.. May !"
The. navy dirigible Co broke
looc from its mournings thin
afteruoa and was blown sea
ward. There was iioIhhIv
aboard, according to word from
Pleasanton field.
Two men who wore or the
dirigible when it broke loo-
jumped to the ground aa it was
ll SI (Sm
I V fit i i It . i If I t'
J sap i t a p - i . w f r 'J
, u iii - ' ' 11
Til'-V' ijjvwjj w-srt & il
111,1,11 III .,.1
k in
Will III 111 lillll 111
in in in in
How else can you
get so much long
lasting benefit, so
much real satisfac
tion for your sweet
tooth at so small a
Be SURE to get
in the seated pack
age: air-tight and
impurity - proof J
The reputation of
the largest chew-1
tag gum manufac
turers In the world !
is back of it.
Washington, Mac 13. The
navy department lias ordered
the destroyer Edwards, equipped
with anti-aircraft guns, to ruo
down the Co and bring her
down by puncturing her bag.
The message to the navy de
partment rend:
"Dirigible C-5 broke adrift
from mooring Pleasant ville. Rip
cord broke. Xo one on board.
Xo casualties. Edwards pro
ceeding in a northeasterly di
rection ten persons with iustrue
tinng to assist bringing down
with antiaircraft fire."
Pleasaniville is the oint at
ft. Johns where the C-3 wi.s
WhUL ill F I
(i fie
e Curly Brown's balk in the tenth
. ROUND COAST li,h "" 1,1 1",t ,hu f,,r
h LEAGUE BASES j ",9 AiiKols, 4 to 3. Tt whs an attempt-
ok :jc ed equeexe. play by the Oak that got
iln.wn off his bearing.
(By rnited Press) Salt Lake again defeated the Heat
lp.aterdu.va winner: Vernon, Halt . tie elub, I In, time .M to "
l.uke, 11.1 tin n.l, Oakland. 1 A tenth inning rnllv "netted the
... . i
Reaver three run and resulted ia the
Solon' defivat, 4 to J .
Arimckle'a aggregation collected
run a easilv a their new nwnnr ut.
IracU custard iies. and smeared trie
pmi i j ib to a.
Do You Enjoy Life. ,
A man in good physical condition is
almost certain to enjoy life, while the'
bilious and dyspeptic are despondent,!
do not enjoy their meals and feel mis-j
erablc a good share of the time. This
ill feeling is nearly always unneces- j
sarv. A few doses of Chamberlain 's j
Tablets to tone up the stomach, Im
prove the digestion and regulate the
bowels is all that is needed. Try it.
Mrs. Addie Daue Files
Suit For $5,720 Damages
Against Owner Of Auto
Mr. Addie R. Pane has brought suit
for $5720 against B. J. Miles and Don
ald W. Miles.
In her complaint she alleges that on
evening of Dec. 14, BUS, at 8 o'clock, 1
she wa tamling on the cast side of j
Ninth Commercial street tit Bush street,!
for the purpose of boarding a north
bound street car then npprouchin'g.
Hhc further alleges tan etanaM J.
Miles was operating an automobile and
that ho was following the street ear.
'that lie was operating the automobile
carelessly, negligently and at an unlaw
ful rate of speed without due regard for
the rights of others, and that lie did
not have the automobile under con
H is further alleged that lie changed
his course without warning and that the
plaintiff wtis struck by the auto he win
driving anil that she was carried 00
feet, almost killing her and rendering
her unconscious. .
Mrs, Dauo alleges that slip was severe
ly lacerated and bruised, necessitating
medical treatment, anil that he nee
and spine and back were bruised, jarred
and injured so much so that she is now
nervous and Buffers intensely, Tt I
ul so alleged that several ribs were brok
en and that she received internal injur
ies, causing her paiu and suffering.
Mrs. Dime states in the complaint
that her hospital expenses as the result
of being run down, were ilH.oO, and that
her wearing nppuicl was damaged in
the sum of U'-'. That sinco Dec. 14,
11)18, she has not been able to assist
her husband, Klincr A. Dane in the store
where she had been helping him and
that this loss amount to $100. Also thut
as a result of being struck by the auto
mobile she has not been able to work
and has suffered thereby a loss of $500,
In addition to these losses anil ex
pense, Mrs. Dane nskj for $.000 perma
ncnt damages.
Up Day
The people of Salem will unanimously unite in 1 iding the city and homes
of all junk and other articles of value in that line.
We pay the highest cash prices for any kind of junk and second hand
goods and will be glad to call for It.
We alho buy, sell and exchange used cars and parts of cars. Will either
buy your car outright or will handle sale on commission.
See us for used car bargains.
Steinbock Junk and Auto
Wrecking Co,
:?26 N. Commercial St.
Phone oOo
I' Citv News $
The Girl
that made
t vv W? 4 V WjJkfc.
By Tc Churwaia DirStd by CharW Ciblya
t A dive znd a dip and
she conqyereicm alL
Reduces Laundry
i e r f e p t 1
Do you wish to got your wash
ing prohleni on nil economical.
si.tisl'iiclorv bnsiaf
ll'ive you wish
ed von louid be
fie,', once and
for nil time, of
the c oust nut
la 'in
re volt
to the
SA 'V ef
t',:r.:rnA i'-cd of
1 ?Ji. "irl- i u g
tr-s" S Mi.-.
to have
clothes toui and unlit fur wearf
It so, c.ime in and see this won
rverftii washing muchiiie in oper
ation. You Take Absolutely
- In buying a One Minute. If It
diH'sn't come up to your expivta
fio". we will call for it and
chi'eifn Iv refund vour mnnev,
133 North liberty St.
A building permit has been taken
out hv lieu I'll de for a frame dwcll'mir
to be erected at 72(1 North 15th si reel, j
The cost is est minted at $0 and the
work will be done by day labor.
Another indication of the building
nlu.t knnin I.. C,lni, lB ,a'
O.T'll MWII IV U .11 VII,, 111 4. lllll
taking out this morning of a' building
permit for $S00O iby i A. Kurtz for
the erection of the first unit ot an
evnporntiiig plant to be located on the
south aide of South "street, between
Norwav ami South streets, at a point
where the street cur truck runs across
North Commercial along South street.
It i miderstod that the evaporator, to
be built especially for the evaporating
of lituncs( will include everything that
is modern and up to date in a plant ot
tho kind. The building is to he con
structed in units ii "il will be built by
dnv labor.
It seems that the hobo who entered
the home of '. tl. Hubert son on rural
route 5, had things all his own way.i
The fiiinily happened to lie away and
as he then had full run of the house,
he helped himself to the following: i
rings, 1 brooch, 1 neck chain and pemf
nut, 1 vuitch chuiiii, 1 pair of glase,
f rtixor, 1 coin purse with some fuuall
d, 1 suit on ,
.c . j. I"'
' Constipation 1
L'W'r' "lUl-r---' ,t ' "i.Lift"IWfl-,ywr . --.
THERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain's
A Tablets for constipation. When the proper
dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so
natural that you do not realize that it is the effect ,
of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper-'
ties that aid in establishing a natural and regular
action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets have
cured many cases of chronic constipation.
of nor reported.
4 iJ
change, a toO liberty bon
ADOttt BneumatlSm ini.n, elothe. 1 hut. 1 suit of under
Kheuiuatism causes more pain andlw,.ar, 3 pUir, half hose and 1 pair kid
suffering thnn any other disease, for I ,,i, .... ,iv ,uie ov.Tsi.'bt he failed to
I the reason that it is the most common I ,.,.n. 0ff' 11 gold watch anil a large
i of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying ! K, Pros, i,jh fnmilv heir looms.
jto sufferers to know that there is The hobo trnvelcd north ns fur as An
remedy that wiill afford r.lief, n j rora and then managed to g-t into an
make rest tin, I sleep possible. It is 1 unt raveled eoiintrv ns he has not been
'called Chamberlain 's l.itiiiiu at .
At the recent meeting of the North
west I'ackeni association in Portland,
Supt. W. C. Allen of Hunt Bros.
'acking ,('0., was elected l'reeiilent,
and Itolit. lanius, of the Salem Fruit
1'iiion, secretary.
Bandits Get Bin Haul In
I Robbery Of Illinois Bank
Chicago, May 14. I'ive masked auto
mobile brimlits todav cscam'il with tilrt,
Dili) in liberty bonds, :,o,i"" in certifi
cates of indebtedness and 10.000 in
cash from the First National bank of
Dolton, III., HI miles from here.
The men forced Assistant On-Mor
linker to open the vrult containing the
money ai:d securities. Tlicv the n h-ik
ed Kakei and girl employe in tie fur
unco loom. A ciislomer wi'mmI in be
fere the bandits left and they locked
him in ith the employes.
Tol'ie believe the lmi ,it timed their
nil.hiTv with the ejoei ted arrival of j,""
tl.iiioiHl for a pavnili. I he president
of the hank was at the i-ilio.nl station
re-'eix it'Lt the moni'v while the robber
Bs goin.i on.
I roitl.md. May 1"i. Mounter McNnrT
at Washington. D. C. advised l'ortlaiul
shriners tndnr that the railroad admin
istrrtion, after having previously re
fused twice, had granted one and ft one
third fare from all Pacific coast cities
tn Indianapolis, where the Shriners will
hold their annual convention in June.
1 n wmji y i
1 iriss r gj'
' lllli Imp 6 fl
I ! VVI IE.fi I
The boyg In the carpentering depart
ment of the high school are extending!
the scope of tlmir operations. Today
they are at work on tho interior of
the Leslie M.' K. church parsonage,
making some alterations and improve
ments. Thev have had ffnod rtrennra-
f -- 1
' t lull for thitt line nf work on tho 111
room cottage
adjoining the school
T, n exp-ct the local mer-
-s-i to tnke vnr produce.
" t.. ij r vour pat-
' a i Ilii'bl up Msrion ciina-
Secretarv (in.idin, of the beard of
eont-ol, is in I'ortl uid today on a' bus
ine?.s irraml.
Am in'; recent arrivals at the Cnpi
' rik l u.tel weui led MlirUham and
family of Spokane, and Mr. and Mrs.
C. f. Hunt.-r ef Napa, t'alit.
Mis. D. K. t.ulliv left todav for
tliango in tho plan. J
This is a matter of large linporta
to till of the people of the state I
no action will be taken until a i
frank, free and a'bovebourd hearing
had. All parties will be given
chance to present fully and complet
any aspect of the situation. This
fice intend to secure all duta nv
able. Kveryone will be heard and
snap judgment taken.
Awistunt Attorney Van Winkle,
plying to an imiuiry from Mrs. ,""
bull of the board of inspectors ot
labor, as to whether the owner
dairy can be held remnsible for
act of a milk wagon driver in empto
ing boys under Hi year of ages, c'
section 100, Corpus Juris to show t
while a principal is civilly liable)
tho acts of his agent, he cannot'
held criminally liable, even though
I may ratify the acts of hi agent. II V
I ever, in case tho principal orders;
(directs his agent to employ such la
in violation of the child labor law,
' becomes guilty of uoh riulationi
I principal. 1
r,l win
will spend
15 PEOPLE 15
Special Scenery and
V A -1
"ill print " -,v
t1nnerT tn- ' :ght tad
ar yon real money.
.Bligh Theatre
! th
M- Replying to a recent cninmunication
, 110m the .Multnomah Anglers club,
, urging speedy action in hearing the
'multitude of mpltnTt against the
'fi'h and game commission, Governor
Oliott in a letter today says in part:
I iSome time sgo a hearing dote was
-t at. which it was the plan that all
1 details of the fUli and game situation
jhe gives a full and complete airing,
j You, and everyone in interest, were
1 notified of wh prospective hearing.
rummi.iiAn., Warrnn wa a . . .1 1 1
, , ..m... ,, n iiiiiiiriu
"called to the cast and the hearing was
(Postponed until such time as he could
return. You, ami everyone in interest
were then further advised that noth-
li'ig wonid be done until Mr. Warren '
3 return, at which time a tier hearing
date would be set. There las keen no
Stilt o Superintendent rhurchil!
spending the week uniting the 1
schools of Wasco county . While in I
section he will respond to an inv
tion to deliver an address before
graduating cla-i of the srr-oo! at
A class of 2.1 candidates for the
gon bur wiil be given the regular
animation before the state hoard
examiners in this city on Tuesday J
27. The list of aspirants is as folic
rternicc Abraham, E. 1,. Bilker, I
. Bennett, .1. ivd (irreuberg, Da
I. Kelliher, Albert H. Kreul, Not
Kuykeiorall, P. O. McWhimrev, I.
II. M. Peterson, David I'hilh'in, t
K. Fauch. Amy C. Rotluhild, (j
Klizabeth Westaeutt, all of I'orthj
William McKinle-" Briggs, Ashli
Frank X. Ford, La tirande; F. j
I'ineiiweler, Astoria: J. A. Opt?
Atorw:"Thoma Edgebert Parker
toria; M. F. Rice, Roseburg;
Leonard Toumala, A-toria: t'ht
Marion Johnson, Astoria: Marvin'
Holland, Eugene; .lesee 4 'rum, Kljj
For Sprained Ankle 1
As soon m possible after the il
i recei-ed get a bottle of Chail
Iain's Liniment and follow the
printed dirertins wbrt-h acconil
the bottle.