Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 14, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ATI A JLSs m a
! A
A letter makes a great difference in a
word A word makes a great difference
in baking powders.
If the little word "alum" appears on
the label it may mean bitter baking.
If the word ROYAL stands out bold
and strong, it surely means BETTER
one reason why it pays
This is
to use
Royal laid
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste
(Continued from Pago 1.)
The numerous friends of Major and
Mrs. Carltoa iMuuli will be pleased to
hear that they are on their war to ja
leia. The major has just received his
discharge at Camp Lewis and hp and
Mm. Smith have s.tnMvd is Portland
for a brief visit.
Friends and members of St. Paul's
pariah are invited to a social at th
home of F. (i. IVeke.,aih, WO D street
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mn. B. J. Miles were
hoots at a delightful dinner last iMght
in honor of feitain llovd D. Raueh,
lately returned from France. Loveiy
decorations of red, white and Mae
flowers vied with the daintv place
cards in their suggestion of patriotism
Covers were laid for ("aptain and Mrs.
lloyd D. Rauch and two children Mary
and (lovd D. Jr., Mrs. Mary Ashby
Lone, Miss Mav Rauth. Miss Laura
Grant, Robin Pay, Don Miles and rit
tle son Brootron and Mr. and Mrs.
Portland, Or. Mar 14. (Special)
Mrs. Alexander Thompson left Mow-
lav for a trip to Central Oreijon. She
will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Erkiue of Bend, and on .May
17 will act as judge in an oiatoricn
contest at Madras betweeu hih school
students of Crook. Deschutes and Jef
ferson counties. Before rettirtiinf she
will pay a brief visSt to her old home
at The Dalles, returning to Portland
about May 20.
In the eurrent Bulletin the publi
cation of the Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs, just issued in Hood
River by Mrs. Charles 11. Castner,
president f the organisation, Miss
Cornelia Marvin, state librarian, of
fers the women 's organization the full
est cooperation of the library in the
preparation of jirograras and the study
of special subjects.
(Continued from Fiije 1.)
Leuiiie and the o'ht-r bolsheviki lead
crs, but they think bo!h Wilson and
o: l:n have fallen victim to capital
with which the bolshevik i will make
no torn promis .
Makowsii who is better known by
his h- uaaie. t . P. Kasackotf. has
been in Kerliu several weeks. lie is one
of Lrniue's favorite pupils and work-
jed all thronjrh the Russian revolution
a one ef the premier's lieutenants.
Now he is entrusted with what the
Russians tousider their Bit iuiport
ant post, Berlin. Makowski says his
mission is not so secret as it would
appear. Hs says the German office is
looking at him from behind a hand
which it will pull down at the proper
"They will soon hunt me up and say
with surprise, 'oh, there you are,' he
" 4 How fortunate you are here. We
did not know you were so clost at
hand,' and then we will get down to
business and resume relations and the
red flag will again float over the Rus
sian embassy on I'nder deu Linden."
Aerordiug to Makowski the Germans
already have made some bungling at
tempts to establish relations with l.en
iue. The most notable on wus when
they sent a merchant to Moscow, he
said. Leniue agreed to make conces
sions and put this Herman up in a fine
house aud fed him verv well. The Ger
man finally became a bolsheviki him
self aud had to be called back becuuse
of the wild messages he sent to Berlin
by w ireless.
Keep Bourgoise Down.
Makowski says the bourgeois must i
he kept out of the government until ,
the new system is established and until
everyoue bemuues one of the proletariat
by reason of working. Hence the dis-j
crimination aguiust the bourgeoise byi
the soviet government. This discrimina
tion, according to Makowski, is umr
temiHirary. I
The communism which the bolsheviki i
are establishing iu Russia is working
out according to expectations, it tsi
muintaiued by Makowski. He claims,
the peasants are producing more and
Slipon Sweaters
Middy Sweaters
v $1.75 $3.SS $5.75
Just in Another shipment of Women's and Misses
Slipon and Middy Sweaters. A fine line of colors
afld sizes.
$1.75 $3.98 $5.75
Colors white, pink, or blue with colored trimmings.
Sizes 16, 18, 40, 41 Price $3.48
"Where Shopping Is a Pleasure'
11 & mwinj (to.
(Continued from page cue)
and his men were in great spirits and first leg of her flight from Chatham
siarieu the iiigttt confident of reaching jo irepassoy, r, alighted m the tal tr,.litmput of children. Under the
iTrepassey without further trouble. i harbor here ut 2:10 p. in. (1:10 Now ... ,,, ,,. win nnT f(1P a,tnl ...
offices and naming of the committee if
committees, steering committee to guide
U L'ilutiou and the committee on patron-
i age.
whether Senators Penrose and Warren! Progressives planned to picscnt the
chairman of the fiiicm-e ana T"1"" 1,1 rvenyon, oi iowh, ni...
..f V utility i,t.m . tlir.:
the crippled children's committee, urg- ,- noun or jaoor appropriation! committees-was not ;,,,,.. for ,,,,, v( lhe toim,liUee oa
es club women of the state to apply i " "lrv " ' - pected to come up, except indirectly, coiinnittees.
recent law, which provides tor aen- ! "?v -". '" That w ill be decided at a Inter caucus .
I . . - ..I...M I,..
Mrs. Susan Camiihc . clia rman 0f , ""r"mr i uu.put - -
on committees;
An old Cape Cod fisherman
who iork time.)
' Tl... Vj ' 1 lCt . r.i ...
iiiu leu me siavioiL ui i.iiuinaiit
Mass., at 9:03 a. in. (This time is
I . .i . , Tk ..-n., - k IT..i:tf-
no, far off the direct nir line between " . ' T LJ " . " Z
.mis nit ana nriiiiitii I tj I i i"imnv
main close to shore and iu haibors when ,rll' ," Trepassey. where the NC I and
plans to riy northeast and if the weath- watched the start of the plauo squinted
er continues favorable, to lay a cotirso at the sky, took a look about the har-
dircct for Trespsssev. As Halifax la t,l,r n,d remarked that the gulls wen.
here and Tresimssev, Read cun nv in
th ilirection of Halifax and still be
able to head for Trespasser w ithout los
iiv time or increasing mileage.
Onlv the men stationed at the nnvnl
aviation base r.nd a group of fisher folk
saw the NU-4 stnrt. A few minutes aft
er Commnndcr Head went aboard from
a navnl launch, the morring lines were
east off and in a moment tha deep
throated ror.r of the four powerful en
(lnei broko out.
The big aeaplnno turned, straightened
out and then gathered s;eed, rapidly
lifted from the sea and soared away to
the northeast.
Good Weather Prospect.
As tho NC 4 departed the crowd on
the fchnre cheered and the crew of the
plane waved 'itrewell. t'ominander Head
a storm or heavy winds are due,
NC 4 Gets Away.
Chatham, Mass., Slay 14. The sea
plane NC 4 slnrted the flight fur Tre
pussev Hay, N, F., at 9:(lj o'clock this
l.ncnl weather conditions were ideal
for flving, there was only a light rroi.
and the sen was culm. Reports from
points between here nnd New Foiinft
In ml and from ships in the north Allan
tic indicated that the big plane will en
counter good weather all tho way to
Trepassey Hny.
Halifax Reached
Halifax, X. S. May 14. The NC 4
arrived here this afternoon.
Tho big seaplane, completing (he
.t -3 are waiting to fly to the Azores
en route to hurupe.
iMiring the flight from Chatham to
Halifax a r rd fur wireless commu
nication was established when Com
mander Read talked by wireless tele
phono with the government receiving
station at Otter Cliffs, replying to a
iiHMsnge from .Secretary of the Navy
Roosevelt, his reply being flashed
broadcast by wirele-s telegraph to for
eign cimntric and ships at sea three
minutes after Roosevelt's orliuul mes
sage was sent to him.
During the flight the NC-4 was in
almost eiiustaiit wireless communica
tion with land slulions, patrol boats
and with the navy department at Wash
iiigton .
Dirigible Passes Chatham
t hnlham, Mas. May 14. The navy
dirigible C-5 which started from Mou
tuuk, X. V, for New founilland today,
passed over the aviation Imse hero at
10:10 o'clock today.
The airship was flying at a moder
ate height at a speed of between 3"
and 40 miles an hour. She held a
northeast course from here, which will
take the ship some distance out to sea.
tenuis used.
Week end guests at tho sorority
houses at the University of Orognn
..-l.:..w .:n l .
I ' ' " , vv inns, niniii i II ut; iiiiir iiirm-
uoisiievisi nave not iriiugporiuiion nee- Wn,.n (he eoniniittee
essary to get rurnl to tne people, ims, llmltl,s ;t8 rcport.
he said, is because the bolsheviki fell; The business of today's republican Enlistment reported since February
he r to a rundown railway system anu ,.,..,. :a .i.. ...P(.tion of the ureident o , ,,pon(" sl"'1 'Ulnl"'
1 ... ii u i v i u"u"s 18 ,le st it mon oi rne prtsKieiH.-js when voluntarv reerinting was re
he rolling stock that could be used had ,,,, ho vr01ii(,, ov the senate ! stiuied, ftal 2:i.3S7. of whom IHH7 ask
to be employed to carry troops to the ; ,h BWc nf the viee nresident! I..i t... j l-
were .Mario Marsnail aim aiRryoeue ueieiiso ut me mrj. 'chnipe of esndidrtea for senate eterii-al
Keiuhurt at tho Kappa Kappa (.. is,
Mary June Albert at Alpha Phi, Doro
thy Jones, Mildred Carlton. Laura
Werner and Edith Herein at tho (lam
ma Phi Beta and Maxine liuren and
Margaret Uriffith at the Delta Delta
The North Salem Women's club met
this afternoon lit the home ot Mrs. F.
1.. Piirvine, tOlll) Hfth street, for their
regular business sessiou. Later they
proceeded to the Cherry City bakery
whero they witnessed a demonstration
of tho work then; und were the guests
of the management ut a delirious lunch
Among the Halcni folk registered at
Portland hotels are (J. H. Clnnrey at
the Seward anil Frank A. Turner at
the Imperial,
i s
Mr. mid Mir. Herbert Xunn arc vii
itin in Portland for a few days.
Appointment of llrigadier Ceneial
Douglas MacArtlinr, , formerly brigade
comma inier in the Rainbow division, to
be superintendent of Wert Point mili
tary acadoinv, was announced Hn'.ur
dnv. ' v
(Continued from page cne)
The monthly reixirt of lhe state fire
maishal for April shows thnt during
: Kool Kid Leathers
Men's Footwear ia Various Styles of Easy Tread
Lasts for Summer Wear, Very Reasonably Pricei
One social function after another will be the order in
Salem for several weeks to come. There will be con
ventions, commencements, home-comings, etc. All
during increasingly warm weather. Men, provide
footwear for the occasions. Heavy calf leathers arc
suggestive of frost and snow. Lighter leathers wear
just as well in dry weather and are a heap more comfortable.
Transport Orizaba, St. Xazaire to
New-port .News, no date due, with 54th
j field artillery liri'iade headiprnrtrs;
i 1 1 lit tl field Itrtillerv. 104th ammunition
that wet month there were blazes thru i train, less cunpiinv K; 110th field ar
out the state to the extent of l'Jrl,7SO tillerv; one ordnance casual company;
in damages, the figures excluding thti'on,, n,nVnles.ent detachment,
losses i:i Portland. The heaviest singlet (;,,. J.m.i,,a R. Holbrook,
loss was in the Klamath Falls hotel eommander .Vi4th field artillery br..
fire .which in it spread to d,Hiiiing gn)e is a passenger,
structures caused a less of about i!0,- Transport Mont m-l'.er, Bordeaux to
0U0. As usual there were a number of N0wDort News, due Mrtv 2.1. with :!l h
i fires of uiiknunii orivin, aggrevating i inf.utrv l,....t ...' ,..!,:.,,. ,,,.
ilamage to the extent of lll,000 or an1 ,'itarv detachments and head-
innre. me great maiontv ot losses
were in th
Mm m4&.
Bovo is a part of tho $ani9 -r
it makos tood sportsition end
moro onjoyablo sports $ood
tollowsliip Jioaith and iclrosii
mont-bost to train on and
gam on.
M J j
0 V Jt
1 -'-i
yfio aff-ij oar -round sot drink
Isluintiiier - I lot h.
POH l l.ANn. (JltE-
AVhnlrsale )itnbttt(ira
WiitrlMHifie Manager
lit - : '.
r -"s "iii
r ri ' ; o I 3
sdl t III ii1 ! A
T ""-V. J - C i II i i 1 1 1 r:i.l.r.,i.'C i.r- '
The shoe illustrated aWure is a
fine Kid stock of the Wmlier
type mcdti on a Ut of easy ami
eaaaervativa hmt. (mod oiik
soles, welted and made- by the
famous White House1 Pliable
Tieud Process -A restful shoo
u.-t that
For the man who likes a
comes to the point coh::. ti,i,,
(sited the Knglish last we h0
a spleinliil ll'urk Kid Hal. at
Then the other type, its blut.t ss
aa ca-y wulker, Black Kid Hal.
ou the Munsen V. 8. Armr last
The low instep font will like the
association of the "Hug me
close" feel of this Combination
last. A splendid light Kid Hal.
for summer
lllavk Kangaroo the peer of all
bathers for a man's fine Hhoe.
Takes a high polish, keeps smooth
outwears other light leathers,
Knglish Hal.
And the mnn that liks a little
color not e'li'spiciiotisly bright,
inst enough to get awsv from
b'ritk -will find the cooling ap
pial of a daik Havana Itrown
Kid in this stvlish Knglish Hal
morral at
line of dwelling houses. I
quarters, f rst and second battalions; j
poi n
one marine casual company.
Trnil'miii-t (lUi'irn .llf,r,l -un Vnir i
The state board of control has p-(Torli, due M iv w ith base hospital '
niiled 1. A. Mnmis of The Ihillea, aai4. nibulance cmnpnnv 833: evacua-i.
a int inlM.r of the Hoard of Horticulture . tion hospital 32; 311th infnntrv. head-
ho fill the vacancy caused by the resig- 1)11Brt,,r, BU,i m,.dieal detachments audi
nat on of Hr. . A. t'aeruin ot Mosier ;., .t,i;,,.
representing the fourth district. Air. Transport Zcekindia. Bordeaux to
'Sarins is recommended as n man who vwlnr, v,..v. . , .,,h lwo : ,
has not only made a close study of;,,,,, .nm pr n i, s ; flith 'aero squadron. 1
fruit culture but has seen active work ,:,mh inlnnUv brigade headquarters: !
in the business end of the truit in.lus-I ;(th rllRinP1,r, head.iuarters, fourth i
try, having served for a long period latul;(in thiir engineers a.-rviee com-!
as president and manager of the Mt. U,,,,.. lm,,li(.., detachment atid eighth,
Hood Orchard company. .ninth, eleventh, twelfth ami 23d com-!
panics; deta-lnnents 30!th. 31(th,!
The public service commission is in i111h n(1 3,0,,, infalltrVi field hospit-j
receipt of a number of petitions from 31J. ,; ,r,i(.ninl ....uvalescent tle-
ililterent parts 01 tne state wnere main tacl,mcnts. !
Sold vorytvlW- 4V
icmilios tuppliodby vvV
Srocor dru$s,isr ana
cordially invhfd to v
impoct our Iantu
mi? im
- it-if 1 1 in i if
hiithas cross railroad lilies, asking 1
; )M'rnii-(sit(n to make the crossing either:
jhlmve r below grade on account of 1
I 'he ttio'jinpliv of the surrounding tor- j
4 I ntory. n win 1 necessary lor e
rmmnisyioa to iiivestigate a.1 these
j (l.ivernor Olcott has given his ap-
irmal ti the plan ef a monthly meet
jilt of paroled eonxicts of the s'ate
j (icnitentiary for conference With Pa
role Officer Keller, and the first meet
jinn; of this rharnrtOT will be held to
jdny at the court house in Portland. It
lis expected that about loo paroled men
.w.ll be in attendance, the tiust of them
bei'ig emplovcd nt the present time in
the shipyards rf Portl-nl.
am is
You eipect the local nicr
ehauts to take y.uir protluic.
Help them do it with vcur ;(
ronae Jlu i I J up Marion coun
I've been
corn flakes,
and for mean'
mine, give me
The Dominant Idea Behind
The best wheat gives the greatest quantity of high
quality gluten. The best gluten produces the finest tex
ture. Fine texture gives payability, pure color and appe
tizing appearance.
HOLSUM BREAD means better bread and contains
more and better gluten.
It is also made in Salem.
Cherry City Baking Co.